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If you ask yourself what ceiling covering is considered the most popular and even fashionable today, it is easy to come to the conclusion that these are stretch ceilings. People loved them for the high speed of installation, the absence of messy installation processes, the huge variety and the ability to create a unique design in the apartment. Stretch ceilings can be matte or glossy, fabric or film, plain or with a pattern - there is huge scope for imagination. Let's try to figure out how to choose suspended ceiling right, so as not to spend a lot and not be disappointed in your choice.

No. 1. Stretch ceilings: advantages and disadvantages

The basis of a stretch ceiling is a thin and durable fabric, which can be made of fabric or polyvinyl chloride. A fragment of the required area and shape is cut out of the canvas and stretched onto a pre-installed frame. The finished surface is perfectly smooth and neat, and the entire installation process lasts a matter of hours. With a tension structure you can cover the entire ceiling or part of it, placing accents or implementing. There can be a stretch ceiling, and the variety of colors and textures cannot be listed at all. The design looks especially impressive in combination with spot and LED lighting.

Despite the wide variety, all suspended ceilings have such general advantages:

Now as for cons. First of all, this. This is not to say that such a design will be too expensive, but still more expensive, for example, or installation. One more nuance - the design will steal a little height, about 5 cm. You won’t be able to carry out the installation yourself - you will need the help of specialists.

Probably, a stretch ceiling can be called the most universal finishing method, both in terms of diversity and the ratio of pros and cons. Now let's move on to the most interesting part - analyzing existing offers on the market in order to finally decide which stretch ceiling is best to choose.

No. 2. Material for making suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and fabric. Both options are good in their own way, but we immediately note that the fabric construction will cost more. Fiberglass ceilings are much less common.

PVC stretch ceilings

PVC ceilings are also called film. They are more popular than fabric ones, and there are a number of reasons for this. The main advantages of film stretch ceilings include:


  • presence of seams when finishing a large area ceiling. Most manufacturers produce film 1.5-3 m wide. As a rule, this does not become a problem, but if you need to cover a large ceiling with one sheet, then you cannot do without seams. The film pieces are firmly welded to each other, and the joint will not be very noticeable. By the way, on matte and satin ceilings the seam is even less noticeable than on glossy ones. Recently, some European companies began to produce film 5 m wide, eliminating the main disadvantage of the design. Another way out is to use two-level structures, because in this case the total area will be divided into two sections;
  • Film is less durable than fabric, it can be easily damaged by any sharp object. It is clear that no one will throw knives at the ceiling, but when washing you should be extremely careful;
  • film ceiling afraid of negative temperatures, therefore it is used only in heated rooms.

A PVC stretch ceiling is installed using a heat gun. Maintenance of the structure is minimal and consists of periodic wiping with a sponge. Do not use abrasive or alcohol-containing detergents.

Fabric stretch ceiling

The fabric ceiling is installed in a cold way - there is no need to heat the material with a heat gun.

Basic advantages:


Fiberglass stretch ceiling

To be precise, this is not exactly a suspended ceiling. Quicker, it is something between a tension and a suspended structure. The material is obtained by bonding thin glass threads with resins.


  • decent moisture resistance of fiberglass;
  • resistance to fire and temperature changes;
  • high strength;
  • the ability to repaint the ceiling, thereby changing the interior of the room.


  • the ceiling needs painting;
  • short-term warranty for such a ceiling (5 years versus the standard 10 years for fabric and PVC ceilings).

Fiberglass stretch ceilings remain very rare. Not every company involved in the installation of suspended ceiling systems will be able to offer such a service.

No. 3. Stretch ceiling texture

According to their texture, stretch ceilings are divided into:

  • glossy;
  • matte;
  • satin.

Matte surface can be called a classic option. Such a ceiling will not be conspicuous and distract attention; it will fit well into any space. No reflections are visible in the matte surface, and externally such a ceiling can be mistaken for perfectly painted or smooth. Fabric and film ceilings can be matte.

Glossy ceiling like a mirror surface, it perfectly reflects everything, therefore it is capable of visual expression. However, you should be careful with the ability to reflect: firstly, not all family members may like it, secondly, it is not appropriate in every room, and thirdly, with a glossy ceiling it is more important than ever to avoid numerous glares. Typically, only part of the ceiling is covered with glossy film. A shiny varnish surface will be appropriate in interior styles such as hi-tech, minimalism and modern.

Satin ceiling- This is something between a glossy and matte surface. It gives unobtrusive and very blurry reflections, creating a cozy atmosphere in the room. This ceiling is appropriate in any interior.

No. 4. Color and design of stretch ceiling

Tensile structures provide perhaps the greatest scope for the flight of design ideas among all ceiling structures. finishing materials. How to choose a suspended ceiling with a huge abundance various options? First of all, you need to focus on the chosen interior style. It is also important to decide whether the ceiling should become the highlight of the room or just be neat and not attract unnecessary attention.

By design, stretch ceilings can be:

  • plain. The canvas can be painted in almost any shade, from snow-white to deep black. The choice depends on your own preferences, design features and the nature of the room. It is better to use pastel shades, and brightly colored ceilings will look great in the kitchen and living room;
  • photo printing today it is possible on the surface of any texture; any design, ornament, and even photo can be applied to the canvas;
  • suspended ceiling "starry sky" looks great in the dark. The effect is achieved through numerous small light sources. The most popular option is to use fiber optics;
  • illuminated ceiling also looks very impressive, creating the impression that the sun is shining directly above the ceiling. In this case, a translucent canvas is used, above which the backlight is mounted;
  • multi-level ceiling involves combining canvases with different textures or colors, and their location at different heights;
  • 3 D suspended ceiling can be considered a special case of a multi-level ceiling. Arches, arcs, waves, flowers and other three-dimensional objects are formed from the canvas.

It is worth noting the wealth of options lighting when using a stretch ceiling. In addition to the already mentioned “starry sky” and a regular chandelier, you can decorate the ceiling with spotlights located along the contour of the canvas or in the canvas itself. Another interesting option is achieved by installing the ceiling frame at a short distance from the walls, and the gap is used for installation LED strip. In the end it turns out floating ceiling effect.

No. 5. Stretch ceiling and type of room

The choice of material, texture and some other characteristics of suspended ceilings depend on the characteristics of the room:

No. 6. Stretch ceiling fastening system

Only professionals should install suspended ceilings – you can’t do it yourself. The customer does not need to know all the nuances of the technology, but it is still better to study the key points in order to monitor the work of the specialists.

Most important point– this is the type of fastening system used; the aesthetics, maintainability and price of the structure depend on it. The main options include:

Fabric ceilings are also sometimes installed using the Clipso system. In this case, the profile has spacer cams, which are clamped due to the force of the stretched fabric. Installation of such a system is more expensive, but it allows you to maintain the height of the room as much as possible - there is only 8 mm between the canvas and the main ceiling

No. 7. Manufacturers of suspended ceilings

It's no secret that the quality of the product and the eminence of the manufacturer are directly dependent, and stretch ceilings in this case are no exception. To get a durable finish, it is better to buy material from reputable companies, even if it costs a little more.

While European companies hold the palm (which is not surprising), French-made ceilings are especially popular. These are high-quality expensive materials. To save money, you can consider buying Chinese and domestic materials, but here you will have to be more careful, picky and attentive.

The most stretch ceilings include:

On the market there are several brands that are positioned as European, but in fact, production takes place in China. Such manufacturers do not have official websites or quality certificates, and if you dig deeper, their owners are our compatriots. The registration of the factories is indeed European, but they are located in residential areas. Yes, yes, these are ordinary houses. Here is a simple scheme to play on our confidence that a ceiling with a European name is already 100% quality. A striking example is the manufacturer Cerutti (aka CeruttiST), which positioned itself as Italian, and then Swiss. This also applies to Polyplast ceilings, which are passed off as Belgian. In general, before choosing a stretch ceiling and buying it, find out more about the manufacturer.

No. 8. What else should you pay attention to when choosing suspended ceilings?

The accumulated experience of users and expert advice allow us to give several more recommendations regarding which stretch ceiling is best to choose:

Don't get carried away with overly complex design solutions, as an intricate ceiling can quickly become boring. A universal option is a ceiling with a matte surface and a neutral color.

Tension fabric is the most promising material for decorating the ceiling space in an apartment or office. It provides perfect flat surface, has high performance characteristics and durability. Installation of a stretch ceiling is possible in renovated premises; it is carried out within 2-3 hours, does not involve wet processes and does not require a radical rearrangement of furniture. A variety of textures and colors, multi-level designs, prints and the use of special effects create unlimited possibilities for design solutions. Which canvas is better to choose? When purchasing, you should focus on the specifics of the premises, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Blade type

Which material is better: PVC, fabric or fiberglass?

For the manufacture of suspended ceilings the following is used:

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film with a thickness of 0.15-0.35 mm. This is the most affordable and popular material for finishing apartments.
  • Polyester fabric, 0.25 mm thick, impregnated with polyurethane. It is attractive due to its environmental friendliness and the possibility of seamless installation in large spaces.
  • Fiberglass. High strength waterproof fabric. Serves as a basis for painting. Rarely seen.

The technical characteristics of the materials are similar, but there are some differences that determine their scope of use.

  • Appearance. Film ceilings are glossy, satin or matte; the texture of fabric panels is always matte.
  • Strength. Fabric sheets are more resistant to mechanical damage from sharp objects than film sheets.
  • Frost resistance. At subzero temperatures, PVC becomes brittle and cracks. Fabric ceilings can withstand -35 C, which allows them to be used for finishing unheated rooms.
  • Water resistance. In terms of this parameter, the performance of film canvases is better. They are recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • Environmental friendliness. All types of suspended ceilings are safe for health. At the same time, the presence of micropores in the fabric structure promotes air ventilation and ensures a healthy microclimate in the room. This canvas can be chosen for decorating a children's room.


Which texture is better to choose: matte or glossy?

All fabric stretch ceilings have a matte texture. The reflective characteristics of PVC sheets vary widely: from 5 to 70%. Which material to choose depends on the specifics of the room and the personal preferences of its owner.

Matte stretch ceilings

In appearance, matte ceilings are similar to flawlessly executed plaster. This kind of discreet elegance is preferred by people of conservative views with refined taste. Matte ceilings are suitable for spacious, well-lit rooms. They harmoniously combine with the interior in a classic style, columns, stucco, and antiques. The most popular are white canvases and discreet pastel colors.

Glossy stretch ceilings

Glossy ceilings are appropriate when creating modern interiors. They are chosen by active people striving for innovation. The material allows you to visually increase the size of the room and is suitable for small spaces. Glossy canvases are characterized by a large selection of colors. The richer the shade, the better its reflective qualities are manifested, so even an unconventional black ceiling will not look gloomy and depressing.

Manufacturing company

Which manufacturer of suspended ceilings is better to choose?

The quality and price of suspended ceilings are largely determined by the manufacturer. On the market you can find products made in Europe, Russia and China. Which one is better?

European stretch ceilings

Canvases from Europe occupy the largest segment of the market. Manufacturers offer a wide range of glossy and matte ceilings of the highest quality, and French companies are trendsetters. The cost of European products is significantly higher than their Russian and Chinese counterparts.

Well-known companies: Barrisol, Alkor Draka, Extenzo, Newmat, Clipso (France), Poliplast (Belgium), Renolit, Pongs, Descor, Lackfolie (Germany), Cerutti (Italy).

Russian stretch ceilings

In Russia, the production of suspended ceilings is still poorly developed. The industry leader is Saros Design, which founded production in Moscow in 1996. Today, the company has production facilities in a number of Russian cities, Kyiv, Narva, and Stuttgart. The company offers canvases in a wide range of sizes and colors, applies drawings, and makes computer calculations using its own program.

Budget buyers can choose stretch ceilings produced by the Kazan Artificial Leather Plant and Ivanovo NIIPIK. Enterprises produce canvases up to 1.4 m wide in a limited range of colors.

Chinese stretch ceilings

The range of Chinese goods is traditionally heterogeneous. Here you can find both materials that are not inferior in quality to their European counterparts, as well as outright fakes. Industry leaders include the following companies: MSD, HALEAD, Gline. Stretch ceilings from these manufacturers compete with world leaders and are much cheaper.


How to choose the color of a stretch ceiling

A wide color range of suspended ceilings allows you to implement a wide variety of design ideas. The appearance of the material has a serious psychological impact on household members.

White color is traditional for ceiling cladding. It visually increases the height of the room, does not put pressure on the psyche, and is suitable for interiors made in various styles. White, as well as discreet pastel colors, are appropriate in living rooms, corridors, bedrooms, kitchens and other rooms. If you want to diversify appearance You can apply elegant photo printing to a light matte ceiling.

Bright orange, blue, purple, green canvases are well suited for children's rooms, filling them with an atmosphere of joy and energy. Rich tones Can be chosen for kitchen and bathroom.

It is better to decorate the bedroom in calm, romantic colors: beige, blue, pink.

The business style of the office will be emphasized by a brown ceiling, but it should not be very dark and not cause a depressing mood.

Psychologists attribute many qualities to the color red. On the one hand, it is the color of love and energy, on the other, it imparts aggression. In the interior of apartments it is used in the form of small inserts.

Glossy dark purple, steel, black ceilings will add originality to rooms with great height. Dark canvases are often used to create a “starry sky” effect.

Multi-level designs often combine textures and colors, creating a stylistic effect in contrast.


How to choose a suspended ceiling for the kitchen, living room, bathroom and children's room

Each room in the apartment performs certain functions. The choice of stretch ceiling for the living room, children's room, kitchen and bathroom should be made taking into account their operational characteristics.

Living room

The living room is the most large room apartments. All family members spend significant time here, so great attention is paid to the design of the hall. Any materials are suitable for decorating the ceiling, the main thing is that their color and texture fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. It is better to give preference to universal, calm tones that do not cause discomfort to any member of the household.


To decorate a children's room, it is advisable to choose bright fabrics. The matte surface is more durable and will eliminate the risk of damage to the ceiling by active children during games. A big advantage is the presence of micropores in the tissue structure, providing natural ventilation air.


Cooking is accompanied by steam rising to the ceiling and grease stains settling on it. Here the best choice would be glossy PVC canvas. It has high water-repellent properties and is easy to clean.


The use of a bathroom is associated with temperature changes and high humidity. A glossy film ceiling is better suited for it. The canvas easily tolerates difficult conditions and can withstand a significant volume of water when flooded from above. After the accident has been eliminated, it can be installed in its original place. A glossy ceiling looks impressive in small rooms, visually enlarging the space.


What lamps for suspended ceilings are best to buy?

Stretch ceilings are ideal for built-in lighting. When choosing them, you should take into account the operational characteristics of the material and temperature restrictions: if the standard values ​​are exceeded, the fabric will warp.

Incandescent lamps

The use of classic lamps with a tungsten spiral in tension structures has the greatest limitations associated with their high heating:

  • power up to 40 W for film ceilings, 60 W for fabric ceilings;
  • the ventilation gap between the canvas and the ceiling is at least 12 cm.

Incandescent lamps are attractive due to their low price, but have a short service life: about 1000 hours.

Halogen lamps

When installing halogen lamps The following standards must be observed:

  • power up to 20 W for film ceilings, 35 W for fabric ceilings;
  • ventilation gap – 6 cm.

Compared to incandescent lamps, they emit brighter light in the yellow spectrum and have a resource of 2-4 thousand hours. Halogen lamps are best used for directional illumination of work areas.

LED lamps

LED lamps practically do not heat up and have no restrictions for installation. This best option for suspended ceilings. LED lamps can be chosen both as the main light source and to create visual effects on matte, satin or glossy canvases. Lamps of this type are the most economical, and their service life is about 5 years.


Which cornice to choose. Installation Rules

When installing a suspended ceiling in a house, one should not forget about other interior details. An invariable design element is curtain rods. They are made from various materials. Structurally, cornices are divided into wall and ceiling. The latter look more presentable. The difficulty is that the thin fabric is not designed for hanging heavy structures. However, there are 2 ways to solve this problem. The cornice can be fixed in an open or hidden way

Outdoor installation

Before installing the canvas on the ceiling, it is mounted wooden beam on the same level as the guide profiles. It is better to choose hardwood. Before installation, the timber must be treated with an antiseptic. After stretching the ceiling, the cornice is attached to the beam through the film. Holes for self-tapping screws should be burned so that the molten edges prevent further tearing of the fabric.

Hidden installation

With hidden installation, the cornice is attached to the ceiling above the level of the suspended ceiling. A beam or corner is installed next to it for mounting the guide molding. The operation should be performed before taking measurements. The design with curtains falling from the ceiling looks impressive, harmoniously combined with both matte and glossy canvases.

Ceiling "starry sky"

How to make a “home planetarium” from the ceiling

Suspended ceilings allow you to create a stunningly beautiful “starry sky” effect in your apartment. Despite the high cost, this method of finishing has many supporters among lovers of progressive exclusive interiors.


To set up a home planetarium you will need:

  • glossy or satin dark fabric;
  • fiber optic;
  • light generator (projector).

The fiber optic threads on which the “star” function is assigned have a diameter of 0.25 mm. By collecting them in bunches you can create “luminaries” of varying brightness. The threads can be brought out through the fabric pierced in the right places and cut flush with it, but it is better to fasten it from the back side. In the second case, you should choose a thin translucent material. The light intensity will be less, but the overall picture will become more realistic.

The optical fiber is connected to the light generator. The equipment operates autonomously and is not connected to the room lighting system. The most advanced projector models provide effects such as fading and flashing of “stars”, flickering and movement of “celestial bodies”.

Additional effects

Additionally, the ceiling can be decorated with photo printing, glowing Starpins pins, LED backlight separate zones. Swarovski crystals installed on the “stars” will create a unique light scattering.

The “starry sky” effect is performed either over the entire area of ​​the ceiling, or in a separate area, combining it with light matte canvases.

"Floating" ceilings

How to create the effect of "floating ceilings"

“Floating” stretch ceilings will help to radically transform the appearance of the room and give it exclusivity. At the same time, creating the effect does not entail significant complication and increase in cost of work.

The design idea is to create a light barrier, thanks to which the ceiling is visually separated from the walls. It's like he's floating in the air. This effect is achieved through the use of a special profile, which has a groove for placing an LED strip. Otherwise, the installation is no different from installing a conventional stretch ceiling.

The effect is also used in multi-level designs with a combination of matte and glossy canvases of various colors. Here you can create a “floating” of the upper or lower layers, depending on the direction luminous flux. In this case, various profiles are used to provide the required lighting angle. To create curved surfaces, baguettes made of flexible polymer materials are used.

The LED strip works autonomously. It can be turned on and off independently of the lighting system, and replaced without affecting the ceiling structure. When purchasing, it is better to choose low-power LEDs, unless you plan to use the strip as the main light source in the room. Their light spectrum may vary. Fade and fade effects are also available.

Stretch ceilings in a country house

Useful tips for installing suspended ceilings in country house

In urban environments, suspended ceilings are installed everywhere: in apartments, offices, hotels, bathhouses, and entertainment venues. But how appropriate are they in a country house? Indeed, operating conditions are different, which requires certain adjustments.

Installation restrictions

In a new house, a suspended ceiling can be installed only after it has completely settled.

Preliminary work

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to perform a number of measures before installing ceilings:

  • check the condition of the roof and repair if necessary;
  • treat the wooden floor with an antiseptic;
  • carry out deratization and seal all the cracks, otherwise the space between the ceiling and the cladding will become a convenient place for rodents to breed.

About the benefits of suspended ceilings in a private home

Thanks to stretch ceilings in a private home you can:

  • cover uneven floors;
  • hide communications;
  • improve thermal insulation;
  • visually increase the space.

A large selection of matte and glossy canvases of various colors allows you to choose a canvas for any wall material.

Are there any universal tips on how to choose a suspended ceiling and in what cases are they relevant? Much depends on the capabilities of the buyer, the design and purpose of the premises, and requirements for the duration of the service life. Let's consider the main criteria for choosing canvases and analyze the reviews of forum users who have tested the products in real life.

Canvas material - step one

There are two material options for making ceilings - PVC film and fabric base. The first option is more affordable. Buyers also talk about this, considering cost the main advantage of polyvinyl chloride sheets. Film ones, as many people call them, are less environmentally friendly and safe than fabric ones, they last a little less, but they look no less stylish, fashionable and elegant, and most importantly, they are waterproof.

For all their availability, these are the best suspended ceilings in case of an emergency - a flood. The products can withstand hundreds of liters of water without risk to the contents of the room and with the possibility full recovery several hours after draining the liquid and drying. This fabric does not collect dust, is easy to care for, and allows you to carry out minor repairs yourself in case of cuts or punctures.

The downside of the ceilings is the unpleasant smell. The cheaper the canvas, the stronger, more often and longer it is felt. Forum members in reviews and discussions more than once mention that choosing a material in favor of Chinese will not live up to expectations in 8 cases out of 10. The products will not be able to come into contact with even a minimum number of lamps, and will fill the room with an unpleasant odor with the onset of the spring-summer period.

Fabric canvases will emphasize the status, delight you with practicality and safety for health. Such ceilings are several times more expensive, but unlike artificial film they can “breathe”, have no odor, and are durable.

The width of the products is slightly larger than that of film ceilings. But, again, when thinking about which material is better to choose, you need to understand that European manufacturers produce canvases with a width of no more than 3.25 m, while Chinese ones offer a width of up to 5 meters. By this factor alone you can easily distinguish the original from the fake.

Fabric sheets are impregnated with polymer, as a result of which they become antistatic and more resistant to mechanical damage. In case of a puncture or cut, the ceilings can be quite easily repaired using a patch or matching nylon threads. It is easy to care for them using a regular vacuum cleaner and occasionally wet cleaning without detergents.

Texture matters too

Regarding the factors which suspended ceilings are better, consumers have divided opinions. As it turned out, it all depends on the purpose of the room and, oddly enough, the original state of the ceiling. The following texture options are available:

  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss;
  • matte;
  • under the skin;
  • perforated;
  • velvet.

The most popular are glossy and matte. Forum users are inclined to believe that glossy ones are more elegant, in addition they can visually expand the space and simply ideal option For small rooms like a kitchen or hallway. But in a nursery, such ceilings do not always look harmonious, although making the right choice colors can quite successfully complement the interior.

Semi-gloss canvases are not used as often. You can also see the reflection of objects in them; they fit well into modern designs interiors, go especially well with metal elements such as handles on furniture and chrome pipes.

Matte canvases are highly valued for their ability to disguise a not-so-even ceiling, hiding all imperfections. Light colors of matte canvas are perfect for decorating a children's room, bedroom, and public spaces.

Perforated, leather-look and velvet fabrics are used extremely rarely and are more likely to create exclusive designs. Their cost is higher than the cost of ordinary, even high-quality fabric ceilings; maintenance has its own characteristics.

By clearly understanding which ceiling to choose and what to pay attention to first, you will be able to avoid mistakes using the experience of others. Here's some advice from forum users:

  1. It is worth taking a closer look at European-made products, or at least Russian ones, since their quality is higher than that of Chinese-made products.
  2. If you want to gain access to a wider palette of colors, you should choose among PVC canvases. Fabric ones are more restrained in this regard.
  3. When choosing products from a domestic manufacturer, you need to understand that we are talking about a warranty period that is three times shorter than in the case of Europeans (5 and 15 years).
  4. If the choice falls on a white canvas, then it should be “warm” white, and not with a blue cold tint. Quality products are just like that.
  5. A really good ceiling does not rustle upon tactile contact and resembles fabric.
  6. Good quality glossy ceilings have a high level of reflectivity and resemble a mirror in properties.
  7. The smell from high-quality canvas disappears in a few days, while cheap ceilings still smell for several weeks.
  8. The “correct” canvas is equipped with the same “correct” baguette.

As for fabric manufacturers, the forums advise the following: if you need a budget option for white fabric, products from SAROS DESIGN are suitable.

It is better to order high-quality European products from German and French companies. The French are in the lead - ZAK DU PLATEAU, followed by the Germans - LAGFOLIE.

It is also worth paying attention to manufacturers with a long-standing reputation - the French companies Barrisol and Alkor Draka, the German RENOLIT.

The quality is also tolerable from the Chinese manufacturer Gline, which does not try to disguise itself as European competitors and produces products under its own brand, being responsible for quality.

What do you need to know about the accompanying documentation?

To choose the right stretch ceiling, you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of bases and textures, and navigate the products of European and domestic manufacturers. Products should be ordered from trusted sales outlets, where it is possible to review the documentation confirming the quality of the products. Suppliers who are confident in their products will not hide quality certificates from buyers. Typically these are certificates:

  • on compliance with SES standards;
  • about the absence of phenol-containing components hazardous to health;
  • about the absence of harmful volatile compounds;
  • on compliance with fire safety standards, etc.

In addition, the manufacturer or supplier who assumes responsibility for installing the canvas must provide a license confirming the ability to carry out this type of work.

Fastening systems - how to choose?

If everything is more than clear on how to choose high-quality suspended ceilings, then the question of choosing a fastening system (no less important) still remains open. There are three mounting options:

  • harpoon;
  • wedge;
  • harpoonless

The first option - harpoon - will require accurate measurements. Installation work quite labor-intensive, time-consuming and expensive. This system also has advantages - if necessary, the ceiling can be reinstalled.

The harpoonless fastening option, also known as glazing bead, is the most affordable and frequently used. It allows the use of plastic and foam skirting boards, takes little time, allows you to dismantle damaged areas of the canvas without complete replacement and, importantly, can be used in round rooms.

The wedge system eliminates the possibility of using multi-level ceilings, but allows you to mount the canvas as high as possible without gaps, preserving the area of ​​the room.

Which mounting option should I choose?

The most correct solution is a harpoon. It is practical and durable. On the other hand, the chosen fastening method is not always relevant for a particular room.

Therefore, you can always consult with the specialists of the suspended ceiling installation company.

In the same way, the consultant will help you decide on the choice of canvases, analyzing the purpose of the room, the buyer’s personal preferences, and design features. How much should you trust consultants? Everyone decides this for themselves, having previously studied the company’s history and documentation.

If you have decided on the type and color, shape and design, material and texture of the tension fabric, the question remains: how to choose a manufacturer and installation organization. Remember, when choosing suspended ceilings, quality is the main criterion.

This product has been produced in European countries for quite a long time. Large quantity serious companies competing with each other, quality problems were successfully resolved. Therefore, if you did not receive a fake, then you will not have any claims against the manufacturer.

  • Relatively recently, canvases began to be produced in Russia, Ukraine, and China (see). Their advantage (perhaps the only one) is their lower price.
  • Russian-made products have a warranty of up to 5 years (foreign ones - up to 15), they are thicker and therefore heavier (more deflection over a significant length).
  • Colored coatings produced in Russia are made mainly in light (pastel) colors with a small selection of textures, and the seams on PVC sheets are quite noticeable.


Advice! If you need an inexpensive white ceiling for a small space, you can choose a fairly high-quality Russian product.

The leaders in the production of this product are the French (ZAK DU PLATEAU), followed by the Germans (LAGFOLIE). These are not the only foreign manufacturers.

What you need to know when choosing coverage

So, how to determine quality:

  • (including compliance with SES standards).

Fire safety certificate for tension fabric. What documents are needed

  • The material should not contain phenol or compounds containing it (they are used in low-quality ceiling plasticizers). If they are, then there is a threat to your health (phenol will be released during operation).
  • If the structure is white, it should be a “warm” white, not a bluish, “cool” shade. High-quality films only come in “warm” white color.

What are the best paintings?

  • To the touch, the “correct” ceiling looks like fabric, and not like a plastic bag - it does not rustle.
  • The glossy texture should resemble a mirror; poor quality material has low reflectivity.

  • Glossy films from European manufacturers are “stitched” from panels 1.8 m wide, matte films (satin) – 2.7 m. “Chinese analogue” – 3.3 m.
  • A high-quality coating material does not have an unpleasant odor (it smells, of course, but the smell will soon disappear after installation).

  • A good ceiling should be complete (preferably aluminum, reinforced, with a harpoon system for mounting the canvas).

Video instructions for choosing a ceiling:

There is a way to check the quality of suspended ceilings ordered according to your dimensions from a foreign manufacturer (especially if you are going to install them yourself).

Please note:

  • All components will be packed in boxes with branded stickers.

In the photo - the packaging is covered with tape with the manufacturer’s logo

  • You will receive a printed contract, and not an inkjet printer on “tissue” paper.
  • The company logo must be on the warranty card– the manufacturer and all its details (many companies use holographic images to protect against counterfeiting).

  • Quality certificates for the supplied products will be attached to the contract.
  • On the official website of the manufacturer, you can view samples of documents attached to the order.

Selecting specialists for installation

Poor installation can render all your efforts in selecting excellent material useless.

  • It is better to contact a company that has already proven itself in the market for these services, has specialists with experience, and is able to demonstrate to you the finished result of their activities.
  • You can ask the opinion of friends and relatives who have already installed suspended ceilings.
  • A professional measurer, taking the dimensions of the room, will advise you not only on the optimal ceiling material for your case, but also the direction and location of the seams, the type of lamps, baguettes and other components. If you are offered everything at the “highest level” without seeing the premises and interior, you should look for another company.
  • Professional installation organizations provide a guarantee not only for materials, but also for work performed.

High-quality suspended ceilings, when installed correctly, require minimal maintenance, can be easily repaired if necessary, and will delight you for many years.

Which stretch ceiling to choose? The answer seems to be simple. Either film or fabric.

Which suspended ceilings are good and which are not so good? The properties of both types have already been reviewed inside and out by the experts of our portal (see article). Fabric ones are stronger, but film ones are better to wash. The first ones are seamless, but the second ones can be glossy or “satin”, and not just matte. Fabric-based ceilings deteriorate from contact with water, PVC - from contact with heating devices. Etc.

Therefore, the question: “Which stretch ceilings are the best?” — is hardly legal. Logic dictates that a combined solution is optimal. Let’s say there are PVC stretch ceilings in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

For children's rooms, fabric ones are a must - on their matte surface the effects of slingshot fire, ball hits, etc. will be less noticeable. In addition, it is believed that they are more environmentally friendly and make it easier to breathe.

For an unheated loggia, fabric ones are also used: they tolerate low temperatures better. Both in the sauna and in the bathhouse - again, fabric ones: they tolerate high temperatures better.

In an “adult” bedroom, in a living room, in an office – it doesn’t matter. Many of the experts from the forums believe that executive premises need gloss: a greater impression on guests. So, PVC.

But in the bedroom the gloss will be annoying. There you need a matte or “satin” ceiling, reminiscent of cowhide leather in its texture. The same goes to the office. But even here personal preferences decide!

Matte stretch ceiling in the living room

So, having surveyed and sorted our possessions, we come to the question: is the choice really so narrow? What material should you choose for stretch ceilings for the hall, and what material for the bathroom? Which manufacturer? What invoice, at what price?

Fabric ceilings

There are only 3 brands of woven-based stretch ceilings in the world. This is Germanic Descor, Italian Cerutti and Swiss Clipso. Moreover, ceilings under the Descor brand are produced both in China and, there are suspicions, in Russia. How closely they correspond to the original is unknown.

About quality. It is believed that Cerutti, thanks to its multilayer structure, retains water no worse than film ceilings. Italian products can be used in bathrooms. But it is more expensive than Descor.

Tensioner fabric ceiling Descor

Clipso is even more expensive. It makes sense to buy Swiss ceilings if there are special requirements for sound insulation, antiseptics, etc. The Swiss company makes something exclusive.

But if you just need a high-quality ceiling for a bedroom or living room, then Descor is quite suitable. By the way, a call to retailers on May 27, 2014 showed us that German woven fabric can be purchased at retail for only 255 rubles/m2.

Film stretch ceilings

The French are considered pioneers and trendsetters in the development and use of suspended ceilings.

Stretch ceilings CTN

The company CTN (Creation et Technique Nouvelles - “New Design and Technology”) is a pioneer in the business of producing and selling suspended ceilings. The products of this company are a recognized standard, and everything good about stretch ceilings can be safely attributed to products under this brand. The only problem is that the French produce film in relatively narrow rolls - 1.5-2.2 m wide. So in a wide room, the high quality of the film can be slightly compromised by a barely noticeable seam in the middle of the ceiling...

Stretch film ceiling CTN

Approximate prices for CTN film (within a stretch, but excluding additional work and materials, in rubles per sq. m according to the website price /)

Prices are indicated for matte, satin and opal panels with a width of 2.2 m, glossy - 1.7 m

Stretch ceilings CEF

Another well-deserved “Frenchman” in the stretch ceilings market is the CEF company. Experience: more than 35 years. All production is concentrated in France, in the town of Laval. The trick is the development of a “suede-like” texture. The minus is the narrowness of the canvas: 1.5 m.

Stretch film ceiling CEF

CEF products are quite expensive: prices (see price list on the website ) start from 590 rub. per sq. m of film, branded “suede” panels cost 830 rubles/m², including installation - both white and color.

Stretch ceilings Alkor Draka

Products under this brand are manufactured in the Netherlands, France and Brazil. Therefore, they are more often called “Dutch”, less often “French”, but for some reason they are not called “Brazilian”.

A distinctive feature is the increased film thickness - 0.18-0.40 mm. In this connection - the ability to withstand pressure up to 150 liters of water per square meter. m of ceiling.

Stretch film ceiling Alkor Draka

The problem is the same as that of CTN: a relatively narrow roll: 1.65 m. The canvas is not intended for extreme Russian winters: it loses its quality at subzero temperatures. But the company’s specialists have developed textures for suede, marble, leather and a number of others.

Prices for Alkor Draka stretch ceilings (see price list on the website ) are not scary. The table below shows the cost of the material along with installation in residential premises, including the design of corners, pipes and lighting fixtures (RUB/sq. meter)

Stretch ceilings Pongs

German suspended ceilings are in no way inferior to French ones, but are quoted slightly lower on the market. Apparently they lack the elegance that the Manufacturee de France label gives to the product.

One of the German industry leaders, the Pongs company, turned 100 years old in 2013. The main advantage of Pongs ceilings over French ones is their greater width. Size range of rolls in width – 150; 200; 220; 300 cm. But the wider the roll, the more expensive the sq. meter of material. There is information that the production of Extrawidth rolls with a width of 380 cm has begun.

Stretch film ceiling Pongs

Prices (in rubles) per sq. meter of Pongs film (see price list on the website ) together with installation, but without additional work and materials, depending on texture, color and width

Texture and color Width, cm
150 200 220 300
Matte white 470 550
Matte color460 520 600
Satin white 420 550
Colored satin 520 640
Gloss white 470 490
Gloss colored510 600 630

An additional benefit is better cold resistance. The fabrics can withstand temperatures down to -5°C. Due to its decent thickness - 0.18 mm - good strength.

Stretch ceilings Renolit (Germany)

There is a suspicion that the efforts of the specialists of this company focused on creating canvases with increased elasticity and various mirror effects. Film from Renolit AG is probably the best choice for connoisseurs of visual effects. But... the high quality of finishing of the material affects its price (see price list on the website ). The table below shows the cost of the material along with the stretch in rubles/sq. m. It is 15-20 percent higher than that of Pongs.

Renolit stretch film ceiling

Stretch ceilings Malpensa

The Italian enterprise for the production of suspended ceilings was established in 2008. It produces canvases of one standard width - 220 cm. Film thickness - 0.18 mm. The main advantage compared to French and German manufacturers is prices. This can be easily seen from the table below (prices are indicated according to the price list in rubles/m² at a stretch, but without costs for additional services and materials).

Stretch film ceiling Malpensa

How are savings achieved, if not through quality, is the question!

Polyplast stretch ceilings

The Belgian company Polyplast is the record holder among European manufacturers for the width of the fabric produced - up to 5.2 m (in the stretched state - all 5.5 m). The main drawback is that the panels are only white.

All production is carried out in China, which explains the relatively low price of the product (prices are indicated according to the website price list ) - only 260 rub./m² without installation. However, in connection with this move, there are rumors about a reduction in film thickness to 0.13 mm compared to the generally accepted 0.18 mm in Europe. However, advertising brochures claim that Polyplast stretch ceilings can withstand a pressure of 100 liters of water per square meter. m and temperature changes from -40°C to +80°C.

Gline stretch ceilings

Gline stretch ceilings are the best ones produced in China. Their quality is not inferior to European ones, but their width reaches 5.6 m. These are truly seamless film ceilings.

Alas, the prices for Gline products are not lower than European ones. Or maybe even higher (the table shows prices in rubles/sq. m for film with stretch, but without additional work and services).

The only problem with Gline ceilings is that Asian film often has a thickness of 0.13 mm - 0.05 mm less than what is customary in Europe. This may affect the strength characteristics of the ceilings.

Russian stretch ceilings

Produced in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. The main thing is that their base price is 160 rubles. per sq. m. film.

Why? One can only guess.

Experts say that thanks to the large thickness of domestic film, Russian ceilings are incredibly durable - up to 30 years! Supposedly they have good environmental friendliness and can withstand frosts down to 25° (although most advertising brochures indicate a more modest range from -5°C to +40°C).

Stretch film ceiling made in Kazan

The main disadvantage is the narrow stripe: only 140 cm. And the low quality of the color: stains are possible, etc.

In general, it is an ideal material for finishing mediocre departmental premises: all sorts of “Housing Construction Norm Controls”, etc.

Which suspended ceilings are best to choose?

Now that you know the main manufacturers of suspended ceilings, the characteristics and prices of their products, you can competently judge how to choose suspended ceilings. At the same time, one should hardly ask the question: “Which stretch ceiling is better?” Some have better quality, others have better price.

What are they and in what cases are they used? Read the information sheet on our portal

They say that only French manufacturers provide a truly luxurious mirror surface, but the German company Renolit also has its own twist. It is believed that fabric ceilings are inferior to film ceilings in that they cannot be removed and hung again, but there are craftsmen who do this repeatedly.

Stretch film ceiling produced in Nizhny Novgorod

It is difficult to rely even on expert reviews on which stretch ceilings are better. For some people, for example, the smell of freshly laid ceilings is unbearable, and they smell it for years, while others, on the contrary, like this smell.

Although most experts believe that a sharp and long-lasting smell is just a sign of a “left-handed” ceiling produced with deviations from technology.

Maybe, best choice suspended ceilings will help you make reviews on the forum, but it may be advisable to watch the video (at: ), how to choose suspended ceilings. Or just look at the video (see. ), what stretch ceilings look like.


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