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It’s becoming more and more obvious that they are completely incompatible with a healthy lifestyle... But once I’ve taken up the tug, I’ll have to continue!)

So, preservatives have index E 200 – E 299, and are designed to increase the shelf life of products. They protect them from damage caused by microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, mold). I have always been surprised by the question - how is it that the twists that our mothers and grandmothers constantly make are perfectly stored for several years without any chemical preservatives, but yogurt with a shelf life of several weeks cannot do without them?! Taken together with the full names of these same E, the idea of ​​some kind of cruel conspiracy against people is involuntarily strengthened... Well, okay, let's get started. In general, salt and vinegar are also preservatives.

Preservatives can be divided into two groups: those that directly fight microorganisms that cause food spoilage. As well as substances that inhibit the development of bacteria by influencing the characteristics of the product environment (for example, acid-base environment, water activity or oxygen concentration).

Harm of preservatives is as follows:

  • Among them there are often frankly toxic and carcinogenic substances.
  • Preservatives tend to accumulate in the body, gradually reaching toxic concentrations (after all, they are allowed in microdoses)... I remember stories about the non-decomposing corpses of modern people...
  • The purpose of preservatives is to kill bacteria and single-celled organisms. But man too living creature, consisting of cells, as well as beneficial microorganisms. We survive only because we are big!
  • Various additives interact with each other, and if a preservative itself may be relatively harmless, then their reaction with each other can result in very harmful and dangerous compounds. This issue is strangely avoided by the ministries of health, etc., compatibility studies food additives very little. As a result, for example, the permitted additive E 239, when placed in an acidic environment (for example, in combination with vitamin C “for our health”), forms formaldehyde (E 240) - a carcinogen, prohibited for use everywhere!
  • If possible, reduce the amount of preservatives to a minimum.
  • Don’t buy products that contain a whole bunch of E - at least they won’t interact with each other!..
  • Learn the most dangerous additives, and do not buy products with them at least. In particular, the most dangerous preservatives: E 240 (formaldehyde) - prohibited everywhere; E 239 (see above); E 216, E 217 – prohibited for use in food industry in the Russian Federation. In general, of course, it would be more correct to write relatively safe additives, because 90% of them, according to some researchers, cause cancer, stomach or intestinal disorders, are harmful to the skin, etc. etc.

In general, the table of preservatives:

Health effects
E-200 Sorbic acid May cause allergic dermatitis.
E-201 Sodium sorbate
E-202 Potassium sorbate
E-203 Calcium sorbate
E-209**Para-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester Not approved for use in Russia, is in the process of research.
E-210 Benzoic acid May provoke asthma attacks and may be carcinogenic.
E-211 Sodium benzoate
E-212 Potassium benzoate In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset and is possibly carcinogenic.
E-213** Calcium benzoate Possibly carcinogenic. In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset.
E-214*** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester Research incomplete, possibly carcinogenic. In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset. Banned in several countries.
E-215** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester sodium salt Possibly carcinogenic. In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset. Banned in a number of countries, does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-216* Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester

E-217* Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ether sodium salt

Banned in Russia. Causes the development of malignant tumors.
E-218** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester Does not have permission for use in Russia. Skin allergic reactions are possible. In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset.
E-219** Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester sodium salt Banned in several countries. Does not have permission for use in Russia. In large doses, it can cause intestinal upset.
E-220 Sulfur dioxide Negatively affects kidney function. Irritant to the respiratory tract, may cause an asthma attack.
E-221 Sodium sulfite
E-222 Sodium hydrosulfite Gastrointestinal tract diseases are possible. Irritant to the respiratory tract, may cause an asthma attack.
E-223 Sodium pyrosulfite Gastrointestinal tract diseases are possible. Irritant to the respiratory tract, may cause an asthma attack.
E-224 Potassium pyrosulfite Gastrointestinal tract diseases are possible. Irritant to the respiratory tract, may cause an asthma attack.
E-225** Potassium sulfite
E-226** Calcium sulfite Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries. Irritant to the respiratory tract, can cause an asthma attack, intestinal upset.
E-227** Calcium hydrosulfite
E-228** Potassium hydrosulfite (potassium bisulfite) Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries. Irritant to the respiratory tract, may cause an asthma attack.
E-230** Biphenyl, biphenyl Allergic reactions are possible.
E-231** Orthophenylphenol
E-232** Sodium orthophenylphenol May cause an allergic reaction, allergic dermatitis.
E-233** Thiabendazole Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries.
E-234 Nizin
E-235 Natamycin (pimaricin) May cause allergic reactions and negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.
E-236*** Formic acid Banned in several countries.
E-237** Sodium formate Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries.
E-238** Calcium formate Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries.
E-239 Hexamethylenetetramine Does not have permission for use in Russia. Banned in several countries. Strong allergen.
E-240* Formaldehyde Strictly prohibited in Russia. Carcinogenic.
E-241** Guaiac resin Currently there is no data on the effect on the human body, but it does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-242 Dimethyl dicarbonate
E-249 Potassium nitrite Possibly carcinogenic. Prohibited for use in baby food.
E-250 Sodium nitrite
E-251 Sodium nitrate (saltpeter) They cause a variety of allergic and inflammatory reactions, headaches, hepatic colic, irritability and fatigue. Increases blood pressure. Possibly carcinogenic.
E-252** Potassium nitrate In many countries, restrictions are imposed on its use; it is not approved for use in Russia.
E-260 Acetic acid
E-261 Potassium acetate Negative effect on kidney function.
E-262 Sodium acetates: sodium acetate, sodium hydroacetate (sodium diacetate)
E-263** Calcium acetate Does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-264** Ammonium acetate May cause nausea, problems with gastrointestinal tract. Does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-265 Dehydroacetic acid
E-266 Sodium Dehydroacetate
E-270 Lactic acid There is currently no data on the effect on the human body.
E-280 Propionic acid
E-281** Sodium propionate
E-282** Calcium propionate They provoke spasm of cerebral vessels. May cause migraines.
Does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-283** Potassium propionate They provoke spasm of cerebral vessels. May cause migraines.
Does not have permission for use in Russia.
E-284 Boric acid
E-285 Sodium tetraborate (borax)
E-290 Carbon dioxide
E-296 Malic (malonic) acid Not recommended for use in baby food.
E-297 Fumaric acid

Eroshina Irina

Nowadays, store shelves are “crowded” with a huge number of goods that smell nice and look beautiful. However, it should be understood that such abundance is provided by a huge amount of preservatives.

Preservatives are food additives that increase the shelf life of foods by protecting them from spoilage caused by microorganisms (bacteria, yeast or mold). The routes of action on bacteria and the structures of these food additives are very different from each other. Perhaps the only thing they have in common is the function of extending the shelf life.

At the moment, there are several classifications of preservatives. The simplest divides them into natural (created by nature) and synthetic (synthesized by man). Many people think that natural preservatives are the safest for human health, and synthetic ones preserve food better and longer. This is partly true, but this judgment is not always true. Based on the method of action, preservatives are divided into 2 groups. Those that directly affect bacteria, inhibiting their vital activity, and those that modify the environment (affect acidity, regulate oxygen concentration), as a result of which microorganisms are also destroyed.

Many people don’t believe it, but natural preservatives really exist. We use them in food almost every day. The most ancient and popular preservative is salt; it can be used to extend the shelf life of meat, fish, mushrooms and vegetables, preventing fermentation processes and the development of microorganisms. In addition, in some fermentations (cabbage, cucumbers, apples, lingonberries), salt does not act as a flavor enhancer, but rather as a preservative. The main taste remains sour, not salty, but the food is stored much longer.

Another well-known natural preservative is sugar. It would seem that sugar is one of the participants in the fermentation process, but at a certain concentration it stops this process. There is no need to skimp on sugar, then nothing will ferment, but when consuming it you will have to remember the amount. The next preservative is vinegar, which stops all fermentation and other processes. As a rule, vinegar is added to various preparations not for its pleasant sourness, but precisely for reliability, so that nothing gets spoiled.

Also a well-known preservative - vegetable oil. It creates a thin but airtight film, which is why the fermentation processes stop. However, you need to remember that oil is pure fat, so you can use it only when necessary. We can also highlight preservatives that are less familiar to us - garlic or hot pepper. Most products with a pronounced pungent taste or aroma contain phytoncides - these are substances that inhibit or completely stop the development of bacteria, spores and other microorganisms. A huge amount of phytoncides is also found in onions, horseradish, mustard seeds and juniper berries. Lemon, lime, grapefruit, pomegranate, red currant, cranberry and viburnum are quite difficult to ferment; accordingly, they become preservatives.

It is worth noting that in modern production, derivatives of acids of organic compounds, that is, synthetic preservatives, are most often used. Unfortunately, every day a person consumes a huge amount of preservatives, both natural and synthetic. Of course, all this affected people’s health, since these substances accumulate in the human body. Proof of this is the testimony of European scientists that the bodies of modern people decompose extremely slowly. You should know that all preservatives and food additives are usually designated by the E index.

Harm of preservatives

Every person needs to know what consequences products containing preservatives can have on the body, how to identify these products and minimize their harm.

Artificial preservatives kill normal intestinal microflora, which can result in intestinal disorders and impaired absorption of water in the large intestine. As a rule, this process is irreversible, since pathogenic microorganisms develop resistance. People may not notice anything for years, and then suddenly realize it, but it will be quite difficult to restore normal bowel function. In addition, preservatives can cause an allergic reaction, which is especially important for allergy sufferers to know. For them, in general, many products that are sold on store shelves can be dangerous not only to health, but also to life. A particularly dangerous group of preservatives are nitrates and nitrites. Once in the body, they immediately prevent the absorption of oxygen by the cells of the body, which will certainly lead to oxygen starvation of the tissues. In addition, these substances form new compounds called nitrosamines, which reduce resistance to infections. And, perhaps, the most unpleasant thing is that these substances can cause cancer, and not only in the intestines. The fact is that preservatives are absorbed into the blood, so they can provoke such diseases anywhere in the human body.

It should also be noted that some preservatives have a detrimental effect on vitamins. For example, sorbic acid destroys vitamin B12, sulfur dioxide destroys vitamin B1. The negative effect of additives is further enhanced by the fact that various substances with different effectiveness fight against one or another type of bacteria. Accordingly, in order to extend the shelf life of products, manufacturers add complexes of preservatives, each of which has its own negative effect on the body. As a result, it turns out that one single product can contain a wide range of harmful substances.

Products with preservatives are fairly easy to identify. They must be indicated on the label of the product. As a rule, they are marked from E200 to E297. If you have not noticed such signs in the composition, but are absolutely sure that the product you are choosing has a shorter shelf life than the one indicated on the packaging, then in this case you can suspect the presence of these substances. After all, it is not profitable for unscrupulous manufacturers to say that they use preservatives and simply do not indicate their presence on the label.

To reduce the harm of artificial food preservatives, you should follow some recommendations. First of all, it is imperative to pay attention to the label and composition of the product, as well as the expiration date. That should say a lot. You should also wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming them, as they may be treated with such substances for longer shelf life and good appearance.

This is exactly what the picture of products with preservatives looks like today, therefore, in order not to fall for the bait of unscrupulous manufacturers, you need to be very careful and vigilant, because you will definitely not be able to determine the harm of such products after a single use.

Preservatives, dyes, taste and smell enhancers, these words are heard by every person. Today it is almost impossible to find products that do not have these substances added.

They are called harmful and hazardous to health, but for some reason they continue to be used. Let's try to answer the question: what are preservatives and what are their harms?

Preservatives are substances that inhibit the development of microorganisms in food. Their action prevents the appearance of mold, unpleasant taste and smell, the proliferation of microbes and the formation of toxins. Products that have used preservatives in their production or processing are stored for a long time. This explains why it is beneficial for manufacturers to use these substances in industry. Even in ancient times, people were familiar with the properties of preservatives. They were used not only to preserve food for a long time, but also to mummify leaders and kings.

Natural preservatives:

  • Wine;
  • Vinegar;
  • Alcohol;
  • Wax;
  • Oil;
  • Spices;
  • Seasonings;
  • Essential oils;
  • Table salt.

But the main danger is posed by synthetic analogues of preservatives. In the food industry, preservatives are called food additives and are labeled E200-E299, E1125. Preservatives are used in the production of cosmetics, medicines, wood, animal feed, and car engines.

Food preservatives are divided into:

  • Substances that affect the cells of the product. They are introduced into the product.
  • Substances that kill microbes. They process the surface.

Food preservatives and health

In production it is very difficult to achieve the optimal dose of a preservative. This dose must be safe for human health, but at the same time ensure the safety of the product. Many preservatives themselves are not dangerous to humans, but when interacting with each other they can become toxic and accumulate in the body.

Harm of preservatives

All preservatives are divided into permitted and prohibited. In limited quantities, most of them are safe; the effect of many on human health has not yet been studied. If you abuse products that contain preservatives, then health consequences cannot be avoided.

Preservatives are capable of:

  • Suppress protein synthesis;
  • Cause allergies;
  • Provoke intestinal disorders;
  • Lead to the formation of kidney stones;
  • Destabilize the nervous system;
  • Cause headache, nausea;
  • Increase blood acidity, lead to oxygen starvation;
  • Reduce vision;
  • Cause pancreatic diseases;
  • Destroy the liver.

Commonly used unnatural preservatives:

  • Sorbic acid or E 200 is used in bakery and other industries. Fights mold and yeast, used for food preservation. In general, this preservative is low-toxic, the body absorbs it without difficulty, but in some cases it can cause skin rashes.
  • Nisin or E 234. This preservative is natural, obtained as a result of the activity of lactic bacteria with a wide range of applications. Suppresses the development of bacteria and prevents the formation of toxins in products. According to some information, it has no dietary restrictions.
  • Sodium benzoate or E 211 is used in the formulation of many sauces, canned food and carbonated drinks. Research has shown that this preservative and its derivatives can cause DNA damage, which can cause Parkinson's disease, liver disease and a number of other diseases.
  • Sulfur dioxide or E 200 - 228. Used in the production of semi-finished products and decontamination of containers. The harm of these substances on the human body has not been fully studied.
  • Sodium nitrite or E 250 preserves the pink color of meat products. Use in large quantities dangerous for humans, since E 250 is a toxic substance that leads to the formation of a carcinogen during heat treatment of the product. Possible cancerous changes in the intestines and lung diseases with frequent use products with sodium nitrite.
  • Carbon dioxide or E 290 is included in baked goods; in solid form it is used as a food cooler.
  • Propionic acid and derivatives or E 280 - 283 is used in the production of cheese, bread, fermented milk products. In an unconcentrated state it does not harm the human body; if the limit is exceeded, it can lead to cancer.
  • Lactic acid is practically harmless to the body.

Research that could provide full description The influence of preservatives on the human body has not been sufficiently studied. Several decades of use of these substances do not provide an objective picture. The harm and safety of food additives have not been fully studied. It is impossible to say with certainty that preservatives contribute to the development of cancer in the human body, but this fact cannot be denied. As a precaution, choose fresh vegetables and fruits grown in garden beds without the use of pesticides. Wash store-bought vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Try to exclude foods containing harmful substances from your diet in order to preserve your health and the health of your loved ones.

Food additives: Preservatives (list and table). Harm and benefit

You can go to any supermarket and see that half of the products contain supplements. Additives are a mandatory element of many popular food products. English letter E with accompanying in numbers V European countries stands for safe food additives: E260, E302, E415, etc. So what are these supplements, and should we be afraid of them? Or maybe, after all, these mysterious encrypted E shki, bring us more benefits, how do they harm? Let's figure it out.I also advise you to read other articles from this section, to understand the overall picture: "" And " ", because in this article we will talk specifically about preservatives.

When you buy products in a store, you count on the fact that everything you bought is tasty and healthy food for your family, without mold and bacteria. But, unfortunately, this happens not always, especially if some of the food products purchased have already been on the shelves for a month, or even several years. In fact, preparing frozen, dried or canned foods is quite difficult. fight with bacteria they help us 38 relevant E preservatives, a list of which I will provide at the end of the article. These days preservatives can be found in many products, especially in semi-finished and ready-to-eat products, which can for weeks lie quietly in the refrigerator. So what are they and how do they work? Is our food really better with it than without it?

is a group of additives that represent various salt. Unlike regular salt(cooking), potassium nitrate E252 is a potent substance, it is even a component of gunpowder and it is considered potential carcinogen. And this immediately begs the question: “Why use it in food?” To answer this we need to remember history because before additives were created, the most popular preservative was regular table salt. Previously, table salt or sodium chloride was the simplest and most affordable preservative. Even then it was not difficult to obtain it from sea water or from underground. How does ordinary table salt, which is used in the kitchen, stop the spread of bacteria in meat?

Microbes - these are microorganisms that have a semi-permeable shell as their outer walls, through which they can penetrate water and linger inside them. Like all living organisms, bacteria need water to live. But since as preservative cookware is used salt, which draws water and microbes out of them die. This process is known as osmosis and occurs in both salty and sweet solutions. According to this principle, salt retains water in the body and people develop swelling. You can read about this mechanism in detail in the article:« Swelling instead of fat. Why do we need salt and minerals? Consumption rate drinking water for humans» .

If regular table salt is so good preservative, then why do they now use additives to preserve food? E? The fact is that with table salt it’s not so simple either. Firstly, if you want to use salt for storing pork, it is very necessary many and this can ruin the taste of the meat. But the biggest drawback of table salt is that it does not kill all species. bacteria. It leaves alive the most dangerous bacteria that cause botulism. To get rid of all types of bacteria, you need to use various types salts, in particular nitrates. Majority E additives contain just nitrates, For example E252(potassium nitrate). But the potassium nitrate label says it is I. So, fearing botulism, we eat such a terrible poison!?

Botulism stick
is a bacterium that produces the most powerful and dangerous toxin in the world. It causes vision loss, paralysis and death within 24 hours. Botulism was first recorded in Germany in 1735 as a result of eating spoiled sausages. Word botulus means sausage in Latin. But only after 150 years this bacteria managed to identify. This toxin is so powerful that during the Second World War there was even an idea to use it as biological weapon. After adding to meat E252, nitrates as a result of the reaction are converted into nitrites, i.e. it turns out new a chemical compound that prevents the bacteria from multiplying botulism and production of a deadly toxin. Nitrates play, in essence, the role of its switch. Preservatives have other advantages.

So, preliminary conclusion, first of all, about nitrates. These salts not only protect meat from rotting and protect us from infection botulism. They provide pleasant taste and keep the meat looking fresh. Having such qualities, nitrates became #1 preservatives. In some countries of the world natural nitrates extracted from the bowels of the earth in the form saltpeter. In ancient times, potassium nitrate was valued as a source of energy conservation and as a basis for the manufacture of gunpowder. So nitrates kill not only bacteria. In their pure form, they are a necessary component of explosives. Of course, take nitrates Not good well, even for protection against botulism. Everything depends on them quantities. Even strong chemicals are safe in very small doses. This is the only way to protect yourself from dangerous increases in chemical levels. additives in our body.

But nitrates and nitrites are just some of the components preservatives, protecting products from spoilage. If you think that everything is your fault bacteria, then this is not true. Believe it or not, the biggest enemy of fresh food is in the air - it oxygen. If you take an apple and cut it in half, then very soon it will will darken is a process of oxidation. Oxygen from the air interacts with substances in the apple and the process begins oxidation And rotting, which take place differently in different types products. How do food companies protect, for example, chips and salad from exposure to oxygen?

To begin with, they put them in bags, having first poured them in additives, For example E941. They are invisible to the human eye because they are ordinary nitrogen. When the product does not oxygen, all processes stop. Limiting the interaction of food with oxygen is one of the biggest problems modern manufacturer. Even vacuum packaging does not always allow you to get out of the situation. Luckily there are others supplements that can help. They are called . For example, one of them E220 or sulfur dioxide. It is used to preserve wine. Sulfur dioxide acts as preservative because it is an antioxidant and stops the process oxidation juice and wine when interacting with air. But these preservatives (like potassium nitrate) also have one property. They are effective in destroying the enzyme tyrosinase. This is the substance that causes fruit to turn dark. If you store food for a long time, then you have to deal with the results of its interaction with oxygen.

Fortunately, nature itself has as much as you want. One of them, which protects beer, as well as canned fruits and vegetables, from spoilage is E300- This is ordinary ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid stops not only the process of rotting the apple, but also inflammatory processes in our body. If it weren't for her, humanity would have long ago extinct. And I'm not exaggerating. Without ascorbic acid life would fade away. In the past, sailors on long voyages often experienced flaw ascorbic acid and knew how dangerous it was. Lack of a substance that we know as a supplement E300 is the cause of a terrible disease - scurvy. The body rots alive and without treatment, quick death is inevitable. Citrus helped save the lives of a huge number of sailors who had no idea that this happened thanks to ascorbic acid, contained in oranges and lemons, and which is known to us as a supplement E300. By the way, I advise you to read a separate article about antioxidants: , after which you will learn how to get your dailynormantioxidants to age more slowly (not oxidize) and not get sick.

If you want to know how it works, then just take orange and cut it in half. It will never darken like an apple, for example. This happens because it many ascorbic acid. Even if you are driving healthy image life, stick to proper nutrition and eat only natural products, then your body still contains about 90 substances, which are included in food additives. For example, cysteine which is known as additive E920. It is contained in our hair and is a component of . In essence, our body is manufacturer food additives. But not as food additives, but as natural components of our body. For example, a human tear contains E1105- preservative lysosome, used in wine and cheese. Secondly, an additive that enhances extraction is E280- propionic acid, it can be found in sweat. It prevents the formation of mold on baked goods. Found in hair E920- L-cysteine, which improves the quality of flour. For example, E507- hydrochloric acid (gastric juice), used in the production of light molasses, and E422- glycerin, preserves glaze for baking. It is found in human fat.


Just because a supplement was obtained in a laboratory does not mean it is unnatural. As I traced the history of nutritional supplements, discovering what they are and how they are obtained, I was surprised to discover that they are everywhere. So everywhere that even the thought appears that if preservatives if it weren’t, then we would continue to live as in ancient times and be poisoned by rotten meat. Without ascorbic acid humanity would have died long ago. It is not simply a question of natural or artificial, bad or good. It's all about their application. Even explosives need the right amount. It also ensures the preservation of the taste and benefits of food and drinks. Without food additives, our supermarkets, and the world as a whole, would be completely others. Personally, I don't think we would be healthier without them. Without them everything would have been much worse.

Below I will give a list E preservatives With detailed description which may cause side effects in the body. I would like to note the fact that negative consequences can appear in the human body only when he consumes too many preservatives during the day. In small doses they pose no harm.

Table of Preservatives (E-200 - E-299)





Sorbic acid

May cause skin reactions


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid heptyl ester


Benzoic acid

May trigger asthma attacks


Calcium benzoate


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid ethyl ester sodium salt

Banned in several countries


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester

Banned in Russia


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester sodium salt

Banned in several countries


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester

Possible skin allergies


Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester sodium salt

Banned in several countries


Sulfur dioxide

Use with caution in people with kidney problems


Sodium sulfite


Potassium sulfite


Calcium sulfite

Banned in several countries


Calcium hydrosulfite

Banned in several countries


Potassium hydrosulfite (potassium bisulfite)


Biphenyl, biphenyl

Banned in several countries



Banned in several countries


Orthophenylphenol sodium



Banned in several countries




Natamycin (pimaricin)

May cause nausea, diarrhea and allergic reactions


Formic acid

Banned in several countries


Sodium formate

Banned in several countries


Capcia formate

Banned in several countries



Banned in several countries



Banned in Russia

Banned in several countries


Guaiac resin


Potassium nitrite

Possible carcinogen. Prohibited for use in baby food


Potassium nitrate

There are restrictions on its use in many countries


Potassium acetate

Best avoided by people with kidney problems


Sodium acetates sodium acetate, sodium hydroacetate (sodium diacetate)


Calcium acetate


Ammonium acetate

Nausea may occur


Sodium propionate

Possible migraine


Calcium propionate

Possible migraine


Potassium propionate

Possible migraine


Boric acid


Sodium tetraborate (borax)


Malic (malonic) acid


Fumaric acid

* - a substance included in the list of food additives that are prohibited for use in food. industry in Russia;

** - a substance included in the list of food additives that are not approved for use in food. industry in Russia.

Food preservatives can significantly increase the shelf life of products by suppressing unwanted microorganisms. With their help, it is possible to avoid the formation of mold, the production of toxins and the appearance of unpleasant tastes and odors.

Today, preservatives are included in most industrially produced food products. Several weeks often pass between a product coming off the assembly line and the consumer purchasing it in a store. It is necessary that during the entire period of delivery, storage and sale the product does not lose its taste and remains safe for health.

The food industry uses a variety of preservatives, including such familiar substances as salt, sugar, citric acid, vinegar, honey and others. At the same time, the development of science has made it possible to isolate and produce in the required quantities various synthetic and natural preservatives that cope with their tasks more effectively.

According to the generally accepted classification of food additives used in the European Union and Russia, preservatives belong to the second group and have a serial number in the range from E200 to E299. There are several subcategories of preservatives:

  • E200-E209 - sorbates;
  • E210–E219 - benzoates;
  • E220–E229 - sulfites;
  • E230–E239 - phenols and formates (methanoates);
  • E240–E259 - nitrates;
  • E260–E269 - acetates (ethanoates);
  • E270–E279 - lactates;
  • E280–E289 - propinoates (propanoates);
  • E290–E299 - others.

Not all food preservatives are equally safe for health. Some substances are prohibited for use in Russia and other countries due to possible negative impact on the human body, increased toxicity, carcinogenicity and possible allergic reactions.

The most common artificial preservatives are sorbates (sorbic acid and its salts), benzoates (benzoic acid derivatives), sulfites (sulfurous acid derivatives) and others. At the same time in recent years Food manufacturers are increasingly abandoning the use of controversial synthetic preservatives in favor of natural substances and additives.

Unlike laboratory-synthesized chemical preservatives, natural preservatives are produced through natural processes such as fermentation.

The use of natural preservatives allows not only to preserve the fresh appearance of the product for a long time, but also to protect consumers from potentially harmful additives. In addition, the use of natural preservatives can be beneficially used in the marketing strategy when launching a product into the market.

For example, a simple “No Artificial Preservatives” message or logo will help differentiate your product from your competitor’s.

Nisin and natamycin are effective natural preservatives

The natural preservatives nisin and natamycin have serial numbers E234 and E235, respectively, and are approved for use in food products in Russia. Formally, they belong to the group of phenols and formates, but in fact they are natural antibiotics that are also used in the pharmaceutical industry. Nisin is a peptide antibiotic in its structure, and natamycin has a pronounced antifungal effect.

Nisin is produced by the microorganisms Lactococcus lactis and is widely used as an antibacterial drug in the food industry and medicine. The most popular applications of E234 are dairy products, desserts and puddings, processed cheeses, canned vegetables, semi-finished products, sauces and other products.

Nisin effectively suppresses staphylococcus, streptococcus and other spore-forming and acid-resistant bacteria, which allows you to significantly reduce the heat treatment of the product and preserve more vitamins and other useful substances in it. The use of E234 does not affect the taste, smell and appearance substances.

Natamycin (also called pimaricin) is an antifungal drug produced by the bacteria Streptomyces natalensis and is especially effective against yeast and yeast-like fungi. Preservative E235 is used primarily for external treatment hard cheeses, smoked sausages and some other products by dipping or spraying. Natamycin practically does not penetrate into the product and does not affect its taste qualities and nutritional value.


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