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Every housewife strives to ensure that her refrigerator always has supplies of food that can help her out at the most unexpected moment. One of these products is chicken carcass. Chicken is an indispensable way to feed your family quickly, tasty and satisfying. However, chicken has one drawback - it takes a long time to defrost. Of course, there are methods that can defrost chicken in a few minutes, but the quality of the meat suffers as a result. So, let's try to understand all the ways to defrost chicken meat.

How to properly defrost chicken

In order for the chicken to be juicy, tasty and healthy, it needs to be defrosted for as long as possible. The sudden change in temperature kills the fibers of the fabric, and the meat becomes soft, like porridge. Therefore, the most correct way to defrost chicken is in the refrigerator. This usually takes about a day, depending on the size of the carcass. A large chicken can take 30 hours to defrost. If you're planning on making a chicken dinner tomorrow, be sure to move the chicken from the freezer to one of the refrigerator shelves this evening.

You need to take out the frozen carcass, remove it from the packaging film and put it in a cup. The container should be deep and wide enough so that melting water does not leak out. You can cover the cup with the chicken with film or a lid to prevent the smell of the chicken from spreading throughout the refrigerator. In addition, this protects the meat itself from foreign odors.

If you don't have that much time to defrost, you can speed up the process by leaving the chicken not in the refrigerator, but simply room temperature. To do this, remove the carcass from the freezer, remove the packaging, put it in a cup and leave it on the table. This way the chicken will defrost for about 4-5 hours. The chicken will defrost even faster if you make several cuts on the chicken. However, this will only be relevant if the chicken is subsequently butchered and not baked. Cuts on a whole carcass will spoil appearance dishes.

If guests arrive suddenly, there are several ways to quickly defrost chicken meat.

  1. Fill the chicken with water. This is the most the best way defrosting chicken meat, in the time-quality ratio. The fact is that water melts ice better than air. Place the frozen chicken carcass in a container with cold water, and the ice will thaw in just a couple of hours. To make the process go faster, you can immerse the meat in warm water, and then periodically change the liquid as it cools. There is a lot of debate about whether you should remove the bag when thawing chicken in water. There is still no need to remove the packaging, so the chicken will not lose its taste and after cooking it will be more juicy and tasty. Pour frozen meat hot water not recommended, otherwise the fibers will simply cook and lose their structure. In addition, the meat will become tasteless and useless.
  2. The most popular means for defrosting chicken carcasses is the microwave. All modern models of microwave ovens have a defrosting function. Simply place the chicken on a plate and microwave for 3-4 minutes. After the specified time, the carcass must be turned over and defrosted again for 3 minutes. Then you need to remove the carcass and check whether the meat is completely defrosted. To do this, place your hand in the belly of the chicken - where the tripe was. If you feel pieces of ice there, repeat the procedure. However, this method of defrosting should be resorted to as rarely as possible; in this case, the chicken loses the lion's share of its beneficial properties.
  3. You can also defrost chicken in a slow cooker. To do this, place the carcass on a special stand, which is designed for cooking manti and steam cutlets. Then pour water into the multicooker bowl and set the cooking mode to steam. To defrost a medium-sized chicken, 10 minutes is usually enough.
  4. You can also defrost the chicken in the oven. This method is usually used if you plan to bake the chicken in the future. Remove the frozen chicken from the freezer, remove it from the packaging and place it on a baking sheet. The heat should be minimal so that the carcass is defrosted and not baked. Usually, even the largest carcass defrosts no longer than 20 minutes. After this, you can get the chicken and do everything that was previously planned. Marinate the meat or stuff it with vegetables and fruits, and then put it back in the oven, setting it to the desired temperature.

Remember, the chicken turns out much more tasty and juicy if it is at room temperature before cooking. If the chicken was defrosted in the refrigerator, allow the meat to warm on the counter before cooking.

This question worries many housewives, especially when guests are on the doorstep. And you need to deal not only with the main course, but also with salads and even dessert. You can also bake the chicken frozen. However, some consistency needs to be observed. First, the temperature in the oven should be at a minimum, for at least 10-15 minutes. After this, take out the chicken, rinse it from ice and blood, brush it with spices, turn up the heat and put the carcass back in the oven. If you put the chicken straight into a hot oven, it will not cook evenly.

Some housewives prefer to marinate the chicken in advance. If you bought fresh chicken, rinse and marinate it before freezing - brush with salt and spices before putting the carcass in the freezer. Then, when an emergency arises and you need ready-made and tasty food within an hour, you can wrap the chicken carcass in foil and put it in the oven. First, keep the meat on low heat until the chicken is defrosted, then simply open the foil and add heat. Delicious and ready dish will be ready in 40 minutes.

How to defrost minced chicken

Minced chicken is a universal remedy against hungry households. Add a little boiled oatmeal to the minced meat, raw egg, a little beef or pork fat for juiciness and fry the cutlets in a frying pan. You will get a lot of tasty, juicy and low-cost cutlets. For greater benefits, you can not fry the cutlets, but bake them in the oven or steam them.

If you have minced chicken in the refrigerator, you don’t have to worry about an unexpected dinner. However, so that it is always at hand, it must also be quickly defrosted. When preparing minced chicken, it is better to divide it into small portions before freezing, so as not to defrost excess if necessary. It is better to defrost minced chicken in the refrigerator or at room temperature. If you don’t have time for this, put a piece of minced meat in a waterproof bag and fill it with warm water. Or put the minced meat in the microwave for 5 minutes.

Chicken is an excellent product, not only tasty and easily digestible, but also easy to prepare. But in order to preserve its taste and benefits, the carcass must be defrosted correctly. Shock defrosting in the form of using a microwave oven and warm water is extremely undesirable and can only be used in emergency cases. The rest of the time, try to defrost the chicken for a long time, preserving the flavor and useful qualities white meat.

Video: how to cut up a chicken

Chicken is the most popular meat product on our table. Every housewife has a carcass of this bird in her freezer as a reserve. It happens that guests suddenly arrive and you need to cook something tasty, spicy, original, but a quick fix. The chicken will be a lifesaver. And you will find out how to quickly defrost chicken right now.

Let's discuss all options

Almost every woman faces the question of how to quickly defrost chicken at home. If a bird carcass lies in the freezer for at least a couple of days, then it can be beaten on the road, but not cooked in any way.

It turns out that defrosting chicken is a whole science. One wrong action, and all the fibers and muscles of the meat are destroyed, and the original taste is lost. To prevent this from happening, experienced housewives and cooks have invented several ways to rid chicken of ice crust:

  • classical;
  • in water;
  • in the air;
  • using kitchen gadgets.

In order to properly defrost a chicken carcass and not spoil its taste in advance, let's look at each method in detail. For the sake of experiment, you can try out all the practical methods, and then choose the best one for yourself.

Classic in detail

How to quickly defrost chicken without a microwave? This question constantly flashes on the global network. Previously, our ancestors somehow managed without kitchen gadgets. Let's try too. In addition, the classic method of defrosting meat, according to housewives, is recognized as the best.

What attracts us to a broiler is the tender meat and muscle tissue. When fresh, a chicken carcass contains a certain amount of moisture. Under the influence of low temperature, this moisture is converted into ice. Simple laws of nature. If you use intensive defrosting and temperature contrast, ice can damage the fibers and structure of the meat. As a result, we will get porridge that cannot be presented to the table.

To prevent damage to the chicken carcass, you need to defrost it a day in advance. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Remove the chicken carcass from the freezer.
  2. We release it from the packaging.
  3. If necessary, remove by-products.
  4. Now we put the chicken carcass on a dish and put it on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator.
  5. In 24 hours the bird will melt naturally. And most importantly, it will retain its appearance and original taste.

A woman’s head does not always contain information about timely defrosting of meat. Sometimes it needs to be done spontaneously. In this case, you can perform all the same steps, only make random cuts on the surface of the chicken carcass. The deeper and longer they are, the sooner the poultry meat will defrost. The only negative is that the presentable appearance of the chicken will be hopelessly ruined, and it will no longer be possible to bake it in its entirety. There is a solution - cut the carcass into portions and cook according to your favorite recipe.

All around is water

Many housewives use water to speed up the process of defrosting chicken meat. Indeed, using such a simple method, you can turn a block of ice into meat in literally one hour.

To do this, place the bird carcass under running water and leave until completely defrosted. If you have 2-3 hours at your disposal, then the chicken can be placed in a deep basin and filled with water at room temperature. Important condition- The water needs to be changed every half hour.

But using hot water is strictly prohibited. A sharp temperature contrast can play a cruel joke on a chicken carcass. Hot water will steal the natural flavor and aroma of poultry. This method of defrosting cannot be considered suitable and harmless.

Particular attention in this context should be paid to chicken fillet. This dietary, low-calorie and delicious product we often use it for preparing salads or snacks. If you plan to simply boil the fillet, then you do not need to defrost it.

It is enough to slightly heat the water, salt it, and then lower the breast. In this mode, the product must be cooked until fully cooked.

To fry or stew, chicken fillet must be thawed. The best option- a classic way to get rid of ice. You can also resort to water procedures. Better yet, take a freshly frozen product.

Exposure to air

The classic method of defrosting a chicken carcass involves exposure to a minimum positive temperature in the refrigerator. If you need to double the speed of this process, you can leave the poultry in the fresh air.

Place the chicken on a platter and leave on the table. The temperature difference will be about 20°, therefore, the carcass will defrost two to three times faster. In this case, you can also make cuts on the skin, but remember that the appearance will be spoiled. If you want to bake the whole carcass, then still give preference to the classic defrosting method.

Let's use a kitchen gadget

Of course, we are talking about a microwave oven. Basically, these devices are equipped with special functionality. You can select the weight of the product, and the smart gadget will calculate the duration of the heat treatment independently.

When choosing this method of defrosting poultry meat, consider a few points:

  • the chicken must be removed from the packaging;
  • To prevent the skin from drying out, you can cover it on top with cling paper or film;
  • the average time for defrosting a carcass weighing 1.5 kg varies from 9 to 13 minutes;
  • study the instructions for the microwave oven, especially pay attention to the power of the device;
  • After 4-5 minutes, the bird carcass needs to be turned over.

If you notice that certain parts of the chicken have already begun to cook, simply cover them with parchment. Another little trick: give the chicken time to “rest”. For example, defrost it for 5-7 minutes at moderate power. Then leave the bird carcass alone for 15 minutes. During this time, the defrosted ice crust will begin to thaw. Now you can make one more pass and cook the meat. This alternation of actions will allow you to defrost the chicken quickly and without loss of taste.

How can you tell if a chicken is defrosted? There are several signs:

  • the color of the bird's skin became uniform;
  • the skin is soft to the touch, and you can easily press on the meat and muscles;
  • legs and wings rotate easily;
  • the carcass is at room temperature;
  • Without much effort, you can cut the chicken into portions.

Chicken meat is very tasty and useful product. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from it, fried, boiled, baked. Tender chicken cutlets, flavorful pieces of fillet under cream sauce, spicy chicken legs with pepper...

Where does the preparation of any dish based on this bird begin?

Many housewives start it with the question: do I need to defrost the chicken before cooking? Answer: yes, it is necessary. Then the taste of the meat will be preserved better, and there will be no problems with cutting. Of course, fresh meat is much tastier and juicier, but it is not always possible to do without a freezer. There is no need to despair when, on the eve of a festive dinner, there is only an ice-cold bird carcass in the refrigerator.

How to defrost chicken quickly: three ways

Chicken can be defrosted in several ways, each of which has its pros and cons.

Defrosting in the refrigerator

This method takes the most time, but it saves almost everything taste qualities, which are available in a dish prepared from fresh meat.

  • First, you need to remove the carcass from the freezer and place it in a bowl, deep and large, so that the chicken can fit in it, and the water that forms during defrosting does not leak out;
  • The bowl should be placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • The temperature difference between the freezer and refrigerator is enough to allow the meat to undergo the following processing within a few hours. As a rule, this takes up to five hours;
  • Despite such a disadvantage as the duration of the process, harmful bacteria will not have time to appear in the meat. Thawed chicken can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Advice: It is best to leave the carcass to defrost in the refrigerator overnight. The next day you can start preparing your intended dishes from it. If you plan to cook the bird for dinner, you can transfer the product from the freezer to the refrigerator in the morning, for example, before leaving for work.

Defrosting chicken at room temperature

This option is suitable for those who want to learn how to defrost chicken fillet quickly.

  • For this method, you also need to take care of a capacious container in which the meat would fit completely, for example, in a pan. Place the carcass in it and fill it with water;
  • The water temperature should not be high! Otherwise, the chicken will become a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria and will lose some of its taste. It is advisable to change the water every half hour;
  • The disadvantage of defrosting in water is that the process must always be controlled. In addition, the bird should be cooked immediately, otherwise it will spoil very quickly;
  • Plus - the time spent on defrosting is half as much as with a similar process in the refrigerator.

Express method using a microwave oven or quick defrosting

  • The meat must be placed in a microwave-safe container and set to “defrost”;
  • Ten minutes is enough for it to become soft.

Anyone who has this household assistant at home knows how to defrost chicken in the microwave. However, they also understand perfectly well that it is better to wait a few hours and defrost it in water or in the refrigerator.

The fact is that the resulting meat cannot be compared with fresh meat. The carcass defrosts unevenly; in one place it may still be covered with ice, while in another it simply begins to cook.

Therefore, it would be correct to cook the meat immediately after such a procedure. This method is perfect if you need to quickly prepare lunch and don’t have time to wait for the meat to defrost on its own. Therefore, to the question “is it possible to defrost chicken in a microwave oven”, the answer is: it is possible, but not advisable.

If you still have at least one hour left, then the options can be combined. Experienced housewives know very well how to defrost chicken meat quickly without changing the taste.

To do this, just keep it in the microwave for a few minutes on the “defrost” mode. The main thing is not to miss the moment when the chicken starts to warm up. Next, you should lower the bird into the water and complete the defrosting process.

After these tips, the housewife will no longer think for long about how to properly defrost chicken meat. It is important to remember that the meat must be thoroughly rinsed in warm water before cooking. As for secondary freezing, it is only permissible in the first option, but it is necessary to ensure that the time interval between defrosting and freezing does not exceed three hours.

In all other cases, chicken meat must be cooked all at once.

by the materials

2015-10-31T11:54:09+00:00 admin useful tips useful tips

Chicken meat is a very tasty and healthy product. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from it, fried, boiled, baked. Tender chicken cutlets, aromatic pieces of fillet in a creamy sauce, spicy chicken legs with pepper... Where does the preparation of any dish based on this bird begin? Many housewives start it with the question: is it necessary...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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Hello dear readers. Many delicious culinary dishes are prepared from chicken, but if the chicken is not taken out of the freezer in time, the preparation will take an indefinite period of time or even be postponed until the next day. How to quickly defrost chicken so that the meat does not lose its beneficial properties and taste?

How to properly defrost chicken

Defrosting chicken meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator is considered the most correct, since with this method of defrosting all the beneficial and taste qualities of the product are preserved 100%. Typically, this type of defrosting takes up to 30 hours, the time depends on the weight of the product.

A chicken weighing 1.8-1.9 kilograms takes about 24 hours to defrost. The meat is usually placed in a deep plate, removing the bag in which it was wrapped. Some housewives advise wrapping the chicken in parchment paper or foil.

It will turn out tasty and juicy only if you use chicken meat warmed to room temperature for cooking, so after you take the chicken out of the refrigerator, put it on the kitchen table for a while so that it warms up a little.

A proven method will help you understand whether the chicken has defrosted enough. Place your hand into the cavity where the tripe was located. If there are still pieces of ice inside, it means that the chicken carcass will take more time to defrost. To defrost the chicken faster, you can put it in warm water for 10 minutes.

How to quickly defrost chicken

  1. One of the effective types of quick defrosting is soaking the chicken in cold water. The chicken wrapped in a bag is placed in a bowl of water and literally after 2-3 hours the ice, as a rule, it thaws and the meat is ready for use. The water should cover the meat completely, so it is recommended to choose a bowl larger than the chicken. To speed up the defrosting process, rub the chicken with salt; besides, the spice will have a good effect on the taste of the meat. You can defrost chicken faster if you change the water in which the chicken lies every 30 minutes. The bag in which the meat is located must be water-permeable, otherwise, with constant contact with water, the chicken will lose some of its beneficial and taste properties.
  2. The microwave oven also serves as a means of quickly defrosting food; for this purpose it has a special mode. Some microwave ovens are equipped with a function for selecting the type of meat to be defrosted. The advantage of defrosting in a microwave oven is that the process takes no longer than 10 minutes. The disadvantage of this type of defrosting is that the chicken is defrosted unevenly, so most likely there will be parts left that need to be defrosted again. To speed up the process, into four parts. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor how defrosting occurs.
    The meat needs to be turned periodically, every two to three minutes, so that it does not cook in the microwave. You cannot increase the power of the microwave oven, as the chicken will be baked ahead of schedule. To reduce water splashing in the microwave, cover the chicken with a special non-metallic lid.
    Before choosing this defrosting method, it is worth considering that the influence of microwaves used when heating the product in a microwave oven changes the taste of the product and the chicken will no longer be as tasty and juicy as with natural defrosting.
  3. You can also defrost chicken in warm water. To defrost, you will need a bowl (sink) and warm water, which will have to be replaced as soon as it gets cold. This will significantly speed up the defrosting of the bird. The bag must be carefully closed to prevent water and bacteria from the sink from getting into the meat. If there is a layer of ice on the chicken, it is advisable to remove it. hot water cannot be used, it will spoil the quality of the product.
  4. You can defrost chicken by simply placing the carcass on a plate and leaving it at room temperature. The process will take a long time, but defrosting the product will happen faster than in the refrigerator, since the meat melts under the influence of elevated temperatures. Chicken cannot be defrosted in the air for more than two hours, as the product risks deteriorating under the influence of harmful microorganisms, so for further defrosting, place the chicken meat in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf.
  5. You can quickly defrost chicken by placing the bird in the oven; this process takes 15-20 minutes. In this case, the temperature in the oven is set to 30 degrees, otherwise a golden brown crust will form on top of the chicken, and as you understand, the inside will remain raw.
  6. To quickly defrost chicken, you can also use a slow cooker. The meat is placed on the grill, the mode is turned on and the chicken is exposed to steam for several minutes. Then turn the chicken over to the other side and turn on the multicooker again.

Remember that defrosted chicken can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days, but this does not apply to meat defrosted in water; such a product cannot be stored in the refrigerator, you just need to cook it.

The chicken should be placed in the coldest place possible to prevent the rapid growth of bacteria. It is not recommended to refreeze meat; by refreezing chicken, you will lose the nutrients that were in it before freezing.

For many housewives, chicken is a real lifesaver. She saves the day if unexpected guests appear on the doorstep or there is simply not enough time to prepare dinner for the family. Chicken cooks quickly, and its dishes always turn out tasty, satisfying and healthy. The only problem that you may encounter in the process of emergency cooking of chicken dishes is deciding how to quickly defrost chicken. Almost every housewife has her own “proprietary” way of defrosting chickens. And we must admit that not all of them are harmless.

How to quickly defrost chicken
The fastest way to defrost chicken is to use the microwave. Most modern microwave ovens are equipped with defrosting functions. To do this, simply place the chicken in the oven and set the timer for 1-2 minutes (depending on the size of the chicken). After the time has passed, remove the carcass, turn it over, and place it in the oven again for the same period. All! The chicken is ready and you can start preparing the intended dish.

The opinion that chicken defrosted in the microwave loses its taste is nothing more than a myth. Only the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to distinguish the taste of meat defrosted in it from meat defrosted in the usual way. Such gourmets are extremely rare!

But, nevertheless, one should not assume that this method of defrosting is harmless. The microwave “kills” any food, makes it “dead”. This happens at any stage - defrosting, cooking or heating. So when it comes to using this kitchen appliance, which is unsafe in many respects, you need to look at the root of the problem: whether to use it at all or not.

This method of defrosting is categorically unacceptable in families where they care about the health of the household and do not eat food prepared in microwave ovens. The task of quickly defrosting chicken in this case becomes somewhat more complicated. It will not be possible to defrost a bird in a few minutes; at best, in one to two hours. And you can’t do without improvised means.

The easiest way to quickly defrost chicken is to remove it from the bag and place it in a deep, wide pan filled with water at room temperature. It is desirable that the water not only be around the chicken, but also penetrate inside it. Change the water every 10-15 minutes. At most, after 1-1.5 hours the chicken can be cut up and cooked.

Often, to quickly defrost chicken, place it under running cold or warm water directly in the bag. In this case, it will defrost for at least 2-2.5 hours.

Well, the last, not the most useful, but nevertheless used method is to place the chicken in a pan filled with warm, almost hot water, which needs to be changed as it cools. This method allows you to defrost the chicken within an hour or a little less, but some of the nutrients are irretrievably lost.

The most in a simple way is natural defrosting. If you are going to cook the chicken in the morning, then the evening of the previous day, move it from the freezer to one of the refrigerator shelves. If you are going to cook during the day, just take the chicken out in the morning and leave it at room temperature. In 4-5 hours it will completely defrost.

The longer it takes to defrost, the more nutrients are retained. chicken meat. And on the contrary, the sooner the bird carcass is defrosted, the less of them remains in the chicken.


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