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Furgal Vyacheslav Ivanovich Khabarovsk - nationality, family, children, what party and generally where he came from in politics.

Russian politics has been ruled by clans for quite some time now, which, on the one hand, evokes respect for the family, in which everyone helps each other, and on the other, makes Russia no better than Georgia or Moldova, where nepotism in politics and business is a national tradition.

Vyacheslav Furgal is the elder brother of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergei Furgal. Two other brothers, as well as the governor’s son, are also politicians from the LDPR party, and the family is clearly drawn to parliamentary positions. The brothers are already, and the son was elected, but has not yet passed.

This article will examine the biography of Vyacheslav Furgal, who is currently an ex-officio deputy of the Legislative Duma in the Khabarovsk Territory.


Born on 05/24/1953 in the village of Poyarkova in the Amur Region. Nationality - Russian. He graduated from the Higher Tank School in Blagoveshchensk in 1974, after which he was appointed platoon commander. He served in the army until 2004. He was primarily involved in economic functions, food supply, and then headed a certain military base. He rose to the rank of colonel.

After being transferred to the reserve in 2004, he replaced his brother Sergei Furgal as director of Alkuma LLC. The company is engaged in wood processing. You can immediately foresee a skeptical attitude from readers, since after 30 years of military service it is almost impossible to become an entrepreneur.

In 2006, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Furgal went with his brother to the Far Eastern branch of the state examination of EMERCOM projects. And since 2008, he has already entered politics, first as an assistant to a deputy, and then directly becoming himself.

Family and children

It was not possible to obtain information about the family and children. However, it is known that Governor Sergei Furgal has nephews. Perhaps these are the children of Vyacheslav Furgal.

As a politician

Perhaps Vyacheslav Furgal was a good commander in his time, maybe he was even a very good family man. But listening to him as a deputy becomes infinitely embarrassing. Vyacheslav Ivanovich does not know how to speak, he has obvious problems with diction, he is barely able to string together a few words. He always lowers his eyes, either looking at the piece of paper, or simply being shy. He is clearly uptight, does not know how to behave in front of a camera, it becomes unclear - was he even elected or appointed?

And so it is all over Russia, everywhere. Instead of business executives and managers, deputies are either military men or athletes, whose intellect works according to completely different principles. It’s even scary to imagine how this Vyacheslav Ivanovich leads people.

There is no information about the achievements of Vyacheslav Furgal in his deputy post. But there is information about income. He officially declared an annual income of 3,300,000 rubles. Therefore, the monthly salary of a servant of the people is about 275 thousand rubles.

V.I. Furgal’s living conditions at his deputy post also improved. He is the owner of two apartments with a total area of ​​194 m2 (shared with his wife), a garage of 19 m2, a Toyota Land Cruiser car and an Amur boat.

Deputy Furgal Vyacheslav Ivanovich from Khabarovsk should definitely become closer to the people, talk about himself and his children. But for some reason he is in no hurry to disclose personal information.

Sergei Furgal, who won the gubernatorial elections in the Khabarovsk Territory with a convincing result of 69.62%, is a man with a difficult biography. It includes medical education and work as a doctor, engaging in the “shuttle” business, trading in timber and a sharp breakthrough into politics.

For him, the 2018 elections are almost a mirror image of the situation in 2013, when he competed for the governor’s seat with the same candidate from “ United Russia» Vyacheslav Shport, only most This time he got the votes.

Sergei Ivanovich Furgal, Russian by nationality, was born in the village of Poyarkovo in the Amur region on January 12, 1970 in large family– He is his parents’ 10th child. His three brothers - Alexey, Yuri and Vyacheslav - later also made successful political careers. As a child, Sergei wanted to become a doctor, so after graduating from school he entered the medical institute in Blagoveshchensk.

Career and politics

In 1992, Furgal returned to his native village and got a job at the local regional hospital. For the next 7 years he worked there as a neurologist and therapist. Afterwards, Sergei Ivanovich decided to go into business. He started with shuttle trade in Chinese goods, then began selling timber and ferrous metals. In 2000, the businessman headed the Alkuma enterprise, and 5 years later - Mif-Khabarovsk LLC. He joined the ranks of the LDPR and invested money in the development of the local branch of the party.

In 2005, the politician was elected to the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory, and his name topped the list of LDPR candidates. He eventually received a mandate, but worked as a deputy on a non-permanent basis. A year later, Furgal was appointed head of the branch of the State Expertise of Projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - a structure that is in charge of eliminating issues potentially dangerous to the population or environment situations.

In 2007, Sergei Ivanovich was elected to the State Duma of the fifth convocation on the LDPR list, where he was involved in the affairs of the federation and regional politics. For his work, he received a Certificate of Honor with the wording “for his contribution to the development of parliamentarism in Russia.”

At the same time, Furgal received the appropriate professional education: he graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service and received a master's degree in economics. In 2011, he again became a State Duma deputy. 4 years later, the health protection committee was transferred to the LDPR, and it was headed by Sergei Ivanovich.

In 2018, the next gubernatorial elections were announced in the Khabarovsk Territory. It was necessary to hold 2 rounds, since in the first none of the candidates received the required 50+1% of the votes. As a result, two candidates remained in the finals of the race - Sergei Furgal from the Liberal Democratic Party and Vyacheslav Shport from United Russia.

This time, residents of the region expressed their preferences more clearly: United Russia received less than 20% of the votes. According to the chairman of the local election commission, the elections were held fairly and their result can be considered final, the only problem was the “unprecedented level of information garbage.”

Shport and Furgal were never considered irreconcilable opponents. In 2013, they already turned out to be rivals in the elections, and the advantage in favor of the United Russia candidate turned out to be significant (almost 70%). Vyacheslav Shport spent 9 years as governor and, according to political scientists (in particular, Alexey Chadayev), kept Sergei Ivanovich with him as an informal adviser.

According to rumors, in 2018 Furgal was supposed to become a “technical” candidate: Shport was so confident of victory that he almost did not lead election campaign and offered his rival from the LDPR the post of first deputy. He accepted the offer, but did not withdraw from the elections, and their results, especially the distribution of votes, surprised many. Already in the 1st round, Furgal beat the incumbent governor, albeit by a fraction of a percent, and in the 2nd round the gap widened significantly. The elected governor himself considers the results logical:

“People are tired, they want change and a different life,” he said.

The politician does not refuse the idea of ​​​​cooperating with a defeated rival: according to his statement, if Shport offers something effective to improve the life of the Khabarovsk Territory, then he is ready to discuss it with him.

Personal life

The politician is married. His wife Larisa Starodubova is a businesswoman, one of the founders of Stalcom, Torex-Khabarovsk, and the manager of the Amurstal company. The governor does not appear in public with his wife, and photos with his family are not published anywhere.

The couple has three children. The eldest son Anton is a member of the LDPR, and in 2004 he ran for the regional Duma.

Sergei’s brother Vyacheslav Furgal is a deputy of the regional Legislative Duma from the LDPR, Alexey is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly in the Amur region, Yuri is a deputy of the city of Zeya.

The total income of the elected governor for 2017, reflected in the declaration, is 4.65 million rubles. In addition, he owns 3 plots of land, 2 houses, 2 apartments and a Lexus LX570 car.

Sergey Furgal now

When asked by journalists about what changes residents of the region should expect after he comes to power, Sergei Ivanovich promised to primarily deal with benefits and healthcare, as well as renovation of the housing stock (in an interview he called this “getting rid of the long-term shame of wooden barracks”).

Furgal said that the administration does not have time for reforms, and must act quickly: the status of the capital Far East goes to Vladivostok, and every effort must be made to return it to Khabarovsk.

The elected governor is not going to increase the number of positions in the government to create a team, but he considers optimization of personnel necessary:

“The staff is now unreasonably bloated, but I’m not a supporter of immediately cutting off arms and legs,” Furgal said. “I want systematic and careful development.”

Sergei Ivanovich Furgal(born January 12, 1970; Poyarkovo, Mikhailovsky district, Amur region) - Russian politician. MP State Duma VII convocation from the LDPR, elected from Komsomolsk district No. 70 (Khabarovsk Territory). Previously also a State Duma deputy of the V-VI convocations on the LDPR list (since 2007). In the Duma of the sixth convocation, he served as chairman of the health protection committee from October 16, 2015 to October 2016. From 2005 to 2007, he was a deputy of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory on a non-permanent basis. Master of Economics.


In 1992 he graduated from the Blagoveshchensk State Medical Institute with a degree in general medicine. From 1992 to 1999 he worked at the Poyarkovo Central District Hospital as a general practitioner and neurologist.

Then he went into business. At first, in the 1990s, it was the import of Chinese consumer goods. Then - timber trade.

He financed the work and development of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR.

In 2000 - General Director of Alkuma LLC (timber trade), then General Director of Mif-Khabarovsk LLC.

By mid-2005, Sergei Furgal was general director MIF-Khabarovsk LLC (collection of scrap ferrous metals), member of the LDPR and coordinator of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR.

Member of the Khabarovsk Territory Duma

In October 2005, the LDPR party put forward a regional list of candidates for deputies of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory of the fourth convocation, where Sergei Furgal was number one.

At the elections held on December 11, 2005, which were held according to a mixed system (13+13), the LDPR list received 11.56% of the votes, the party received two mandates, one of which was received by Furgal (Nikolai Mistryukov became the second deputy from the LDPR). He was a deputy on a non-permanent basis.

Appointed head of the Far Eastern branch of the federal government institution State Expertise of Projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Worked until 2007.

State Duma Deputy

In the fall of 2007, Sergei Furgal entered the LDPR list in the elections to the State Duma of the fifth convocation (No. 1 in regional group No. 79 Khabarovsk Territory). In the elections held on December 2, 2007, which were held according to the proportional system, in the Khabarovsk Territory the LDPR received 13.39% compared to 8.14% in Russia. As a result, Furgal was elected as a deputy on the LDPR list. In the State Duma of the fifth convocation, he served as deputy chairman of the Committee on Federation Affairs and regional policy.

After being elected as a State Duma deputy, Furgal retained the post of head of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR, but the activities of the regional branch of the LDPR became less noticeable.

In 2010 he graduated from the Russian Academy civil service, defended his master’s degree in economics in the direction of “Public and Regional Management”.

In the fall of 2011, Sergei Furgal entered the LDPR list in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation (No. 1 in regional group No. 33 Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin Region, Jewish Autonomous Region). In the elections held on December 4, 2011, which were again held according to the proportional system, the LDPR in the Khabarovsk Territory received 19.82% compared to 11.68% in Russia. Furgal was again elected as a deputy on the LDPR list.

In 2013, Sergei Furgal was nominated by the LDPR party as a candidate for governor of the Khabarovsk Territory. In the elections held on September 8, 2013, he gained 19.14%, losing to United Russia's Vyacheslav Shport (63.92%).

On September 14, 2014, in the elections to the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory of the sixth convocation, he ran on the regional LDPR list (No. 2 in the Central regional group No. 10).

On October 16, 2015, he took up the position of Chairman of the Health Protection Committee. LDPR deputy Sergei Kalashnikov, who previously held this position, was appointed senator from the Bryansk region. In the sixth convocation, this committee, as a result of an agreement between the parties, was given to the LDPR for the first time.

In March 2016, he proposed obliging graduates of medical universities to work as assigned in a specific hospital or clinic for three to five years.

Analytics: what Sergei Furgal did during 2 months of governorship in the Khabarovsk Territory

The portal about the activities of the new head of the Khabarovsk Territory Sergei Furgal. We present its main provisions.

“In general, so far in the region the activities of the new governor are perceived rather positively: he introduced a ban on luxury, saving, as follows from the messages of his press service, 800 million rubles for the period until January 1, 2019. These funds are promised to be used for urgent social needs. And this, of course, is correct.

But this is a continuation of the election campaign. That campaign when Furgal opposed himself to his opponent, the ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory Vyacheslav Shport. Shport was showing off - Furgal was saving.

However, the elections are long over. And the new governor simply does not have time for a long build-up: this is not the situation. But, at least we have the impression that Sergei Furgal has not yet realized that the elections are long over, and continues to oppose himself to Vyacheslav Shport. And this is his main mistake. Because Shport is the past.

But people need the future and the present. For now, many residents of the Khabarovsk Territory are reveling in the joy of victory over the rather boring Shport and United Russia. But soon it will pass. And the same troubles and adversities for which voters blamed the outgoing governor will come to the fore: declining incomes, unemployment, poor medicine, high prices for food, services, expensive air tickets, etc.

And they will compare the new governor Sergei Furgal not with Shport at all, but ... with his colleagues - the heads of neighboring regions. For example, with the Kolyma governor Sergei Nosov, a very tough leader who instantly, in the very first days of work, showed the bureaucracy that it would no longer be possible to sit idle as before. And everyone immediately understood who was the boss in the region.

Did people in the Khabarovsk Territory understand that Sergei Furgal is the boss? Not a fact.

Where has Sergei Furgal been in two months? In Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

The conversation was predominantly and very “dotted” about healthcare – both in Komsomolsk and Nikolaevsk.

This topic is close and understandable to Furgal - he is a doctor by training. In Komsomolsk, the governor inspected the children's hospital complex under construction; in Nikolaevsk, he promised that a new hospital would be commissioned here by 2020. People in Nikolaevsk complained about the shortage of doctors, especially specialized specialists, in Komsomolsk - about the same thing, and about the low salaries of doctors.

An incident arose regarding the salaries of doctors: answering a question from journalists, the Minister of Health of the Khabarovsk Territory, Alexander Vitko, said that only “lazy doctors” receive less than 47 thousand rubles a month. Journalists were outraged by this. Governor Furgal requested data on the real earnings of doctors, the highest and the lowest.

Everything would be fine. But the question arises: what, being a deputy of the State Duma of Russia from the Khabarovsk Territory, and, moreover, the deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Committee on Health, Sergei Furgal had no information about the real salaries of doctors in his region? I didn’t know because I wasn’t interested? What did he do then? Furgal is not a Varangian, he is a native of Khabarovsk, he started his career as a politician from here.

In the second largest city of the Khabarovsk Territory, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the situation with the mayor is in limbo.

Current mayor Andrey Klimov, leaves his post on December 13. He was also asked to resign by ex-governor Shport. Sergei Furgal, having taken office, invited Klimov to stay, but somehow incomprehensibly. As a result, somehow without the participation of the governor, in the second largest city in the region, it was “decided on its own” that Klimkin would leave after all.

The acting mayor, the City Duma decided, will be deputy Dmitry Glushkov. In his interviews, he already says that he will run for the post of mayor and go to the polls. He says - a lot and very convincingly - that the city of his youth is in a critical state, there is a crisis in key industries in the city. The future acting mayor says: “ Crisis managers will have to work.”

It turns out that there is a crisis in the city of presidential attention, which is Komsomolsk. But the governor doesn’t say anything like that. Elections for the head of the city will most likely be held in April 2019: this is the recommendation given by the regional Election Commission.

Sergei Furgal has not yet appeared in other municipalities. And this is definitely a mistake. The offended and abandoned province is one of the main reasons why Shport lost the elections.

Sergei Furgal did not travel to the province during the election campaign. He doesn’t favor her with attention even today.

Another news came from the federal center: five regions of the Far East will receive a total of 3 billion rubles, which they can spend at their discretion. These are Kamchatka, Primorye, Amur region, Sakhalin and Kolyma. This list does not include Chukotka, the Jewish Autonomous Region, Yakutia and the main, capital region of the Far Eastern Federal District - Khabarovsk Territory. There are also no “newcomers” - Buryatia and Transbaikalia. And the residents, of course, ask themselves – for now – the question: why? Why won't the capital region receive multimillion-dollar grants?

Grants, as stated in the government's statement, will be received by those regions of the Far Eastern Federal District that demonstrated the highest efficiency in collecting taxes and realizing tax potential in 2017. It turns out that the Khabarovsk Territory did not demonstrate? Then why did the same officials who were in the Shport team remain in all the key positions? People are already asking this question too. For now on social networks.

Scandal of the month - the United Russia faction in the Regional Duma initiated a law obliging the governor to coordinate the appointments of individual members of his government with the regional parliament. Judging by the reaction of Sergei Furgal and his press service, this event came as a complete surprise to them.

Furgal reacted to the media very late: he said that he had sent a negative review of the bill, recommending that the deputies “not engage in PR.” But the bill has already passed its first hearing. This means that the disagreement of the new head of the region with the law imposed on him, which significantly limits his power, was simply ignored.

To this we can add that the overwhelming majority of city mayors, heads of municipalities, and chairmen of municipal assemblies of deputies are United Russia members. How the new governor will build his relations with them is completely unclear. Furgal’s relationship with the business circles of the region is also unclear - there are no reports about this. Therefore, for now, there is no relationship. Of course, the new governor is communicating with someone, talking about something. But the region does not know about this. And there are many large ones in the region industrial enterprises- factories, ports.

Sergei Furgal still does not have his own team - many columns in the staffing table on the government website are still either empty or with the prefix “acting.”

The situation is more than alarming - after all, one of the components here is the population of the region. Will it turn out to be a “bargaining chip” in a big political game? And won't he soon regret his choice? At the last elections, Sergei Furgal received a huge credit of trust from the people. But, like any loan, it is finite.

Statistics from Khabarovskstat for January - September 2018 mercilessly show that the outflow of population from the region has increased compared to the same period in 2017: minus 5,360 people against last year’s 4,420.

Sergei Furgal was born on January 12, 1970 in the village of Poyarkovo, Mikhailovsky district, Amur region. In 1992 he graduated from the Blagoveshchensk State Medical Institute with a degree in general medicine. From 1992 to 1999 he worked at the Poyarkovo Central District Hospital as a general practitioner and neurologist.

Then he went into business. In the 1990s, he imported Chinese consumer goods. He financed the work and development of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR. In 2000, he became the general director of Alkuma LLC. By mid-2005, Sergei Furgal was the general director of MIF-Khabarovsk LLC. He joined the LDPR, becoming the coordinator of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR.

In October 2005, the LDPR party nominated him as a candidate for deputy of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory of the fourth convocation, where Sergei Furgal was number one. In the elections held on December 11, 2005, which were held according to a mixed system, he received a mandate. He was a deputy on a non-permanent basis. Afterwards, he was appointed head of the Far Eastern branch of the federal government institution State Expertise of Projects of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

In the fall of 2007, Sergei Furgal entered the LDPR list in the elections to the State Duma of the fifth convocation. As a result, Furgal was elected as a deputy on the LDPR list. In the State Duma of the fifth convocation, he served as deputy chairman of the committee on federal affairs and regional policy. After being elected as a State Duma deputy, Furgal retained the post of head of the Khabarovsk regional branch of the LDPR, but his activities in the region became less noticeable.

In 2008, Sergei Furgal was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Chairman of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov for his significant contribution to the development of parliamentarism in the Russian Federation.

In 2010, he graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration and defended his master’s degree in economics in the direction of “Public and Regional Management.” In the fall of 2011, Sergei Furgal entered the LDPR list in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation and was again elected as a deputy.

On October 16, 2015, Sergey Furgal took the position of Chairman of the Health Protection Committee. LDPR deputy Sergei Kalashnikov, who previously held this position, was appointed senator from the Bryansk region. In the sixth convocation, this committee, as a result of an agreement between the parties, was given to the LDPR for the first time.

In the elections on September 18, 2016, Furgal Sergei Ivanovich was elected as a Deputy of the State Duma of the VII convocation from electoral district 0070, Komsomolsky - Khabarovsk Territory. Faction member Political party LDPR. First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. The start date of the term is October 5, 2016.

In the Khabarovsk Territory, on September 23, 2018, the second round of gubernatorial elections took place. It was attended by the current head of the region, United Russia candidate Vyacheslav Shport and LDPR candidate Sergei Furgal. Based on the results of processing the ballots, Sergei Ivanovich received 70% of the votes and becomes Governor of the Khabarovsk Territory.

Family of Sergei Furgal

The mother of the Furgal brothers is an honorary resident of the village of Poyarkovo.

The elder brother is Vyacheslav Furgal, also a politician, deputy of the Legislative Duma of the Khabarovsk Territory from the Liberal Democratic Party. Two other brothers - Yuri and Alexey, also in politics, but in the Amur region. Alexey Furgal is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Amur Region, Yuri Furgal is a deputy of the city of Zeya. All brothers are members of the Liberal Democratic Party.

Son - Anton Furgal, born on August 2, 1991. Also a member of the Liberal Democratic Party. In 2014, as a student, he ran for the Khabarovsk City Duma in district No. 33 and for the regional Duma in the Transport District. Was not elected.


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