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Today we will again touch on the topic of polishing a car with liquid glass, namely, is it possible to make such a polish with your own hands at home and whether you can save money on it.

What is liquid glass?

Many people know that liquid glass is a type of polish that is used to polish a car.

But it is correct to call this type of polish “Glass coat” - glass coating, since it has nothing in common with industrial analogues: solutions of sodium, potassium, lithium silicates, which have received the common name “silicate glue”.

Recently, polishing with liquid glass using the “Glass coat” technology has become widespread, especially before pre-sale preparation of a car, such as:

  1. Easy to apply;
  2. Makes the car look beautiful appearance, it seems that the car has just come off the assembly line;
  3. Hides minor scratches and defects;
  4. Thanks to the hydrophobic effect, it protects the body well and for a long time, usually 1 year, from external influences (road reagents, sunlight, dust, dirt, water, as it repels the latter);
  5. Saves money by reducing the number of car washes.

But this type of polishing has a number of disadvantages and requirements:

  1. Labor intensive preparatory work before applying polish;
  2. A special washing mode in the future, different from the standard one;
  3. After approximately 3-6 months, the hydrophobic effect disappears due to the formation of an oxide film on the body (polluted air, etc.). To remove the oxide film and make the car shine again, you will have to purchase a special degreaser for servicing liquid glass, and this is an additional expense;
  4. The high cost of services in a car service center and in garage conditions (relatively).

It was the last point that made many car owners think about how to make liquid glass with their own hands.

What is included in liquid glass?

To understand what is included in liquid glass, you need to turn to the market and see what it offers, what ingredients manufacturers put into this product.

Let's take one of the Wilson Glass Guard polishes, which, as the manufacturer assures, is capable of protecting the car body for 1 year.

The basis of the product is silicon organic composition - silicon dioxide, as a rule, it is 10-20% of the total volume. When it is applied to the body, a passive film is created on the paintwork.

In other words, passivation occurs, as a result of which the surface of the machine is effectively protected from external influences.

As a result of passivation, polymerization occurs - the smallest glass crystals lie evenly on the body in several layers and penetrate the paintwork at the molecular level. The thickness of one layer is several microns.

In fact, silicon dioxide is quartz that can only be dissolved by hydrofluoric acid, which is absent in the environment.

Other, additional ingredients are a trade secret; they may differ for each manufacturer.

In fact, this type of polish should have been called “Silicon Dioxide”, but marketers came up with another, more sonorous name for it – “Liquid Glass” so that the product would be sold better.

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Yes, it is possible to make liquid glass, but only if you are a chemist and can use certain chemicals correctly.

It is impossible for a simple car owner, without in-depth knowledge of chemistry, to make liquid glass on his own. And the question arises, why is this necessary? And what guarantee will there be that everything will be done correctly and that the resulting substance will not damage the paintwork?

Now liquid glass for car polishing is produced at chemical plants on an industrial scale, so the cost of this type of polish has recently decreased and anyone can buy this product.

Depending on the manufacturer and volume of polish, its price will vary from 900 to 5000 rubles.

One pass for polishing with liquid glass, depending on the make of the car, will take from 50 to 100 ml of product.

The resulting effect, if done correctly, will be long-lasting, usually up to 1 year. The savings are noticeable, since the car owner will have to wash the car less.

But all this is provided that the work will be carried out independently, because in a car service this procedure is indeed expensive, one might say, its cost is too high, and therefore many cannot afford it.

The inflated price is justified by the use of supposedly exclusive products and special application technology, but, as a rule, the results of the work carried out at a service station and in a garage are not very distinguishable.

Preparation for polishing

Before polishing with liquid glass, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, you must:

  1. Place the car in a clean, windless room;
  2. Wash the car thoroughly, remove all road deposits, reagents, insect marks, bitumen stains;
  3. Inspect the body for chips, scratches and rust;
  4. Degrease everything with a special paste to remove any remaining silicone, wax protection, fat deposits, and also to add shine.


Choose liquid glass that can be applied by hand, such as the aforementioned Wilson Glass Guard.

  1. Mix the two components in certain proportions, as indicated in the instructions;
  2. Shake the mixture well for 2-3 minutes;
  3. After this, apply the product with the applicator to the selected area of ​​the body, leaving no gaps;
  4. After 10-15 minutes, when the composition begins to crystallize, forming a matte film, polish everything with the towel included with the product;
  5. Rub with a finishing napkin to remove all stains;
  6. Another body element is polished in the same way.

As a rule, the entire process takes from 2 to 3 hours if you use a sequential method of work.

If you polish in a parallel-sequential manner (while one area is crystallizing, cover another with the composition), then polishing with liquid glass will take from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

The car cannot be washed for 10 days. After this time, wash with a special non-aggressive shampoo, preferably from the same manufacturer, to strengthen the composition of this polish.

So is it worth the bother?

Making liquid glass with your own hands is not justified (purely our opinion). This requires serious knowledge, complex reagents and equipment. It is also important to know the correct composition of such a polish.

It’s easier to buy the product and do the work yourself, without going to a car service (it’s cheaper).

As you have seen, this is not difficult to do, the main thing is to adhere to the rules that we described above.


How to make liquid glass for cars

Seeing your car clean, smooth and shiny is the true desire of any motorist. Of course, at the time of purchasing the car it is exactly like this, but after a couple of years of active use it looks vehicle doesn't seem so beautiful anymore.

Deterioration occurs due to unfavorable factors environment, negatively affecting the paintwork of the body. However, this process is not irreversible, so it is quite possible to save the situation.

In order to return the car body to a beautiful, shiny and desirable appearance, you can use “liquid glass” polish.

In today's material we will consider its properties, advantages, disadvantages and application process.

Liquid glass: advantages and disadvantages

Liquid glass for a car is a type of polish that is applied to the vehicle body, giving it an attractive appearance and protecting it from adverse environmental factors.

This kind of coating is used quite often for a car, as it allows you to return it to the appearance “as at the time of purchase” at low cost.

In addition to the mentioned visual effect, the substance has the following advantages:

  • protects the body from dirt, dust and ultraviolet radiation;
  • repels water masses;
  • not afraid of road reagents;
  • gives the body a uniform mirror shine;
  • easy to apply.

However, such a polish also has some disadvantages, namely:

  • requires careful preparation of the body for application;
  • is not cheap;
  • demanding when washing the car afterwards.

Liquid glass is based on a compound of sodium and silicon, which, after application to the body, forms a thin coating, the structure reminiscent and partly representing glass. This is where the name of the product comes from.

Important! Due to its unique structure, liquid glass polish requires careful handling after application to the car body. The fact is that using abrasive shampoos to wash a car coated with liquid glass, or contact washing with brushes at a car wash can reduce its service life by 2 or even 3 times.

Many car enthusiasts are wondering where they can get such a polish and how they can save money on it. Let us immediately note that preparing liquid glass for a car with your own hands is very difficult.

It is not at all realistic for a person who does not have knowledge of chemistry to prepare such a polish, which is due to the complex composition of this product.

But is it really worth trying to create liquid glass yourself? Is it that expensive? Let's figure it out.

In fact, “liquid glass” polish is not very expensive - about 2,000-3,000 rubles per bottle of 300-500 milliliters.

By the way, in order to cover one car, 50 milliliters of the product is enough, that is, one coating of a car with liquid glass will cost the motorist only 400-500 rubles, which is not so much if we take into account the result obtained from the application procedure. Many motorists mistakenly believe that covering a car with liquid glass is expensive.

Of course, this will be the case if you take the car to a service station, but if you carry out the procedure of applying the product yourself, then investing 1,000 rubles in the budget is more than realistic (if we talk about one coating, because the cost per bottle of the product exceeds the conventional 1,000 rubles).

It is worth noting that at specialized stations the cost of covering a car with liquid glass is greatly inflated. Some experts say that their product is more durable and the coating technologies are more innovative, but in fact the differences in coating at a service station and at home are not so significant.

To summarize, we state: it will not be possible to make liquid glass for a car with your own hands, except for the situation when you are a professional chemist and have a lot of reagents and substances in your arsenal; however, it is quite possible to buy the product and coat the car yourself, while saving on the services of specialists, without any loss of quality in all work.

Coating process

If you want to coat your vehicle with “liquid glass” polish yourself, you first need to prepare the following tools:

  • liquid glass directly;
  • car shampoo;
  • degreaser;
  • sponge;
  • microfiber cloth.

After preparing the necessary means, you can begin the procedure of applying polish to the body, which goes like this:

  1. First of all, choose a place to upgrade your car. It is important that the place where liquid glass will be applied to the car body is free of high humidity, cold, dusty and sunny. Otherwise, the application of polish may be overshadowed by an unpleasant consequence - deterioration in the appearance of the car.
  2. Then wash the car thoroughly, clearing all areas of the body of dust, dirt and stains.
  3. After washing, let the car dry and apply a degreaser to its surface (for example, the well-known white spirit diluted with water).
  4. Using the instructions for liquid glass, bring it into a form in which the product is ready for use. Some polishes require shaking and opening, while others must first be prepared by mixing liquids in certain proportions. Specifically in your case, act exclusively according to the instructions for liquid glass, and nothing else.
  5. Now that the previous steps have been completed, all that remains is to apply the polish. For this purpose not large number Apply polishes to the fiber and begin to rub the product over the body in a circular motion in a thin layer. The best effect can be achieved if you “polish” individual parts of the body step by step: first the bumper, then the hood, then the roof, and so on. Otherwise, the substance may harden earlier in some areas of the body, which will cause uneven application.

Important! If previously, before liquid glass, a different polish was applied to the car, it must be wiped off with special pastes, since applying one product to another will not give the desired effect.

It is worth noting that preliminary drying of liquid glass occurs within 3-6 hours after its application to the body, and final drying occurs after 14 days. After the first period, the car can be used, and at the end of the second, it can be washed, but in compliance with the previously stated rules. As a rule, liquid glass can withstand about 15-30 properly organized washes.

In general, applying liquid glass to your car is not so difficult. The main thing is to know the features of this procedure, which are discussed in detail above. We hope today's material was useful to you. Good luck on the roads!

on how to polish a body with liquid glass:


DIY liquid glass for cars: 3 stages of polishing and 10 tips

Liquid glass for cars is a product and technique developed by Japanese specialists about five years ago. Nowadays, the technique of coating a car with liquid glass is widely used as additional protection against various contaminants and mechanical damage.

Liquid glass polish effectively fills various microcracks and defects present on the surface of the car.

Due to this, the structure of the coating is completely restored and additionally gives the car an attractive mirror shine.

Another important advantageous factor is the ability of liquid glass to protect the car from the rather aggressive influence of salt and reagents used in the cold season.

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

Before purchasing and applying the described composition, it is worth studying its features, advantages and disadvantages in more detail. The main positive factors of using liquid glass include:

  1. Reliable protection of the body from external influences, chemical compositions, including.
  2. Guarantee of long-term preservation of high-quality and rich color of the vehicle and an attractive “mirror” effect.
  3. Acceptable cost and maximum duration of the effect obtained, in contrast to conventional polish.
  4. Quick and effective removal of small scratches and cracks that remain after washing.
  5. Durability. Even with constant use of the car, the glass remains on the body for one year.
  6. It is possible to quickly adjust the color if the surface becomes dull.
  7. The coating repels water and dirt from the surface.
  8. Optimal protection against ultraviolet radiation.
  9. Heat resistance. Even with fairly strong heating, the coating will not lose its quality and attractive appearance.
  10. Antistatic effect. A very useful option for winter time, since a static charge accumulates on the surface at this time.
  11. Coating hardness. During the production of liquid glass, special elements are added to the composition to ensure an optimal level of hardness. The coating is similar in many respects to ordinary glass.
  12. Perfect transparency. This is a unique quality that ensures maximum shine of the body coating and depth of its color.

Along with a large number of positive characteristics, liquid glass has some disadvantages. Please note that washing a car with conventional chemicals seriously reduces the strength of the applied coating.

Cars coated with liquid glass should be washed with plain water and even without rags and brushes.

It is also worth noting that glass is not highly ductile. If you accidentally collide with an obstacle, there is a risk of the coating breaking.

At the same time, one can note the reduced resistance of liquid glass to very low temperatures. These factors can be significantly enhanced if the application technology is violated.

If the coating process is carried out correctly, many problems can be avoided, and the coating will last for at least one year.

Before describing the specifics of solving the issue of how to coat a car with liquid glass, it is worth paying attention to the rules for choosing the composition. You need to start by considering the types and categories of composition present on the market that are used as the basis for the manufacture of liquid glass. Here are the three most important ones.

  • potassium, that is, made on the basis of potassium. It is characterized by some friability and increased hygroscopicity;
  • sodium – characterized by ideal fire retardant qualities;
  • lithium is a relatively uncommon coating option, which is produced in small quantities and is used as a coating thermostat.

All of these are mono-alkaline formulations, but there are also complex and combined options. Answering the question - which glass is best suited for a car, it can be noted that any coating can be used. Whatever liquid glass coating option is chosen, the benefits from its application will in any case be an order of magnitude greater.

The most important thing in the process of choosing the optimal composition is to take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the complexity of application.

Experts strongly do not recommend purchasing a composition for self-application that was originally intended for use in a professional environment. The reason is that applying such a composition and following all the technology will be quite difficult.

The process of coating a car body with liquid glass

In order for the process of applying liquid glass to a car body to be enjoyable and, most importantly, to ensure a long-lasting result, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Here are some basic stages of applying liquid glass to a vehicle.

Required materials and tools

Before you start work, you need to prepare necessary materials and tools. The following tools should be included with a standard polish.

  1. Basic composition.
  2. Hardener.
  3. Mixing pipette.
  4. Fiber for manual polishing.
  5. Towels.
  6. Sponges.
  7. Gloves.

If any of the above is missing from the composition, it must be purchased in addition.

Preparing the car body

It is imperative to prepare the surface of the car. This is one of the important stages in the polishing process and should not be skipped! Preparation consists of the sequence of the following actions.

  1. The vehicle is thoroughly washed and all dirt is removed.
  2. The surface is degreased using white spirit, previously diluted in water.
  3. The car is given time to dry.

Another important rule is to remove the previous polish. Neglecting this advice will result in the new layer of liquid glass remaining on the surface much less than the period guaranteed by the manufacturer.

It is equally important in the preparation process to select a site for work. Preference should be given to a dry, ideally ventilated place where the temperature ranges from 15 to 40 °C above zero. The best option Polishing will be carried out in the garage, it can also be done outside, but always under a special canopy.

When applying the composition, the body should not be exposed to sunlight, dirt and dust.

Once the preparatory work is completed, you can begin the process of polishing the car. If you don’t have experience, you don’t need to immediately apply the entire composition to the entire surface of the body; it is advisable to practice a little on a small area. If after testing the polish adheres well to the surface, if the desired result is achieved, then you can begin the work process.

Liquid glass is applied gradually; it is important to carefully treat area by area. Many professionals advise starting with the bumper or the right fender.

After finishing processing one part, you can move on to the next step, rubbing the surface soft cloth, which is usually included in the kit.

This approach will allow you to perform the work more efficiently, as well as avoid drying of the applied coating, which is convenient if it is necessary to correct certain defects.

Once the entire body of the vehicle has been processed, you need to leave the car alone for 4 - 6 hours.

Only after this can you begin to move the car, but without visiting car washes, since the final setting of the composition occurs after about 14 days.

Only after two weeks the vehicle body is completely protected from ultraviolet radiation, mechanical influences and other unpleasant factors.

Options for accelerating polishing

On average, covering a car with liquid glass takes about 5 - 6 hours, and if this is the first time, then even longer. This is a rather labor-intensive process that not everyone can handle.

As you gain experience, the task can be simplified by using a special grinding machine.

You will need to purchase this equipment, select a special soft pad for polishing and set the device to a medium speed mode.

Professional opinion! During the processing process, you do not need to press hard on the grinding device. This will avoid completely unnecessary overheating of the surface.

If there is no opportunity or desire to obtain professional grinder, the best alternative is a simple electric drill, which is at the disposal of every man. The main thing is just to choose an attachment for it to firmly fix the polishing wheels.

If everything is done correctly, you can enjoy the body of your car throughout the year. It will need to be updated approximately once a year. Once the coating has completely set, you can visit a car wash or clean the vehicle with a bottle of water and a clean rag.

How much will it cost to cover a car with liquid glass?

Many drivers wonder how much it can cost to polish a car with liquid glass? The cost of the composition, which is able to protect the vehicle body from damage and scratches, depends on what class of cars it is intended for. The price is quite affordable and will not require major investments if you carry out the coating yourself.

Cost prices in thousands are relevant only when contacting salons. The price in this case looks like this. For class 1 cars the price starts from 5,000 rubles, for the second class from 6,000 rubles, and for class 3 - 4 the cost ranges from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles.

As can be seen from everything said above, the cost of coating is an order of magnitude more expensive than polish, but the service life of liquid glass is much longer. Car owners who have already applied a similar coating to their car note that the resulting effect is completely worth the money spent. The car will be for a long time delight the driver and others with its mirror-like clean shine.


Liquid glass is the ideal protective agent for the car body at the moment. After proper coating, the car will look perfect and very impressive.

The body becomes resistant to dirt; at first, one bottle of water will be enough to wash the vehicle after a long trip.

If you update the polished coating in a timely manner, your car will always look like new.

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DIY liquid glass | ServiceYard - the comfort of your home is in your hands

Liquid glass is aqueous solution sodium or potassium silicate. The areas of application of this material are very wide - from the pulp and paper industry to construction work.

Very often this type of glass is used as an antiseptic in construction.

Most of those who are puzzled by repairs have a question: how to make liquid glass with your own hands? In order to understand this, you first need to familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics and methods of manufacturing such material. This is what this article will discuss.

Types of liquid glass

Since this type of glass dissolves well in water, experts distinguish two types:

  • Potassium glass. Potassium liquid glass is included in many different building dyes, so it does not glare after it dries. In addition, it is resistant to negative atmospheric influences.

Important! It is often used for the production of fire-resistant solutions and impregnations.

  • Soda glass. Sodium liquid glass has a more viscous and sticky texture. The material interacts well with various mineral compounds.

Important! Often this type of material is used as a strengthening and waterproofing substance for building foundations.

How profitable is it to use liquid glass?

Silicate glue is used in various fields of activity, most often in construction and chemical industries. It is used as an additive to various building materials: soil mixtures, plasters and impregnating solutions.

Important! This glass is a very good hardening accelerator for various building materials.

The following substances and compositions are made from silicate substances:

  • Dyes.
  • Antiseptic building mixtures.
  • Fireproof and waterproofing compounds.
  • Glue.

If you start using hand-made liquid glass in repair and construction work, you will soon discover several positive aspects:

  1. The material is durable and resistant to acid and atmospheric negative factors.
  2. The glass does not absorb moisture, that is, it can prevent damage to the structure being processed.
  3. The material serves as a “protective shield” for decorative elements. It covers the surface of decorating structures, creating an antiseptic protective film.

Important! Using liquid glass in construction work is the right decision if you want to extend the service life of walls, ceilings or floors.

Methods for preparing silicate mixture

Despite the fact that the construction industry is developing very actively, the use of liquid glass is still popular to this day.

Making liquid glass yourself is quite difficult, but quite possible.

Since the material is practically not used as an independent substance, it is used in tandem with others (primer, cement). Let's look at several ways to prepare silicate material.

Soil mixture

It is impossible to work with a primer only with liquid glass, so they make a mixture. To make the mixture, only three components are required - water, cement and liquid glass:

  1. You should mix cement and an aqueous solution of silicate in a ratio of 1 to 1 (that is, 10 kg of cement + 10 kg of glass).
  2. Before mixing these two substances, it is necessary to dilute the cement with water.

Important! The main thing is to remember to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not thicken too much. If the primer still thickens, you can add a little water.

Fireproof coating

This composition is used for stoves and fireplaces in bathhouses. The silicate solution is added to last stage preparing a refractory mixture. Make the mixture in small portions so that it does not have time to dry out and thicken too much.

Waterproofing mixture:

  1. Diluted silicate material is added to dry cement in a ratio of 1 to 10 (that is, 1 kg of silicate glue to 10 kg of dry cement).
  2. The resulting mixture begins to thicken and harden in the first five minutes, so it is recommended to use it immediately.

Important! If the solution you have made has hardened, you can add a little water to it, but it is worth remembering that the waterproofing properties will deteriorate. However, one advantage remains unchanged - preventive effects against fungus and mold.

How to make liquid glass with your own hands?

In order to make liquid glass at home, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. The recipe for making silicate substance is quite simple:

  1. In a large fireproof pot you need to pour one part of clean sand (without impurities) and four parts of soda.
  2. Gently mix and grind everything.
  3. Then the refractory container must be heated to such a temperature that the contents melt.
  4. The resulting mixture should be washed out of the pot with hot water.
  5. The resulting composition, that is, sodium silicate, is an aqueous solution of silicate.
  1. An aqueous silicate solution has become an excellent solution for protecting against dampness in basements and wells. For 1 kg of hydrous silicate, take 10 kg of concrete; the walls of basements and wells are treated with this composition.
  2. It is recommended to thoroughly stir the aqueous silicate composition with a brush or roller.

    The proportions of the components should be determined only after you have determined the purpose of using such a solution.

  3. If silicate is used as an additive in cement, be sure to stir the mixture constantly. After using the composition, wash your hands thoroughly in soapy water.
  4. If hydrous silicate gets on your skin, it is recommended to immediately treat the contaminated area with running water.
  5. If you decide to treat the walls with the composition, you will first have to level them and degrease them. To apply the substance, use a regular brush and spray gun.

    If you decide to make a more thorough and thick coating, apply several layers of the solution.

Important! Regardless of how you use hydrous silicate - in combination with other substances or on its own, always take precautions.

Wear protective gloves, a mask and, if possible, special glasses.


In this article we told you what liquid glass is, where it is used and how to make it yourself. We hope you can put this information into practice to make truly durable, high-quality repairs in your home.

Liquid glass is widely used in construction. This is understandable, since it is moisture-resistant, wind-resistant, has excellent adhesion (adhesion to most surfaces) and chemical inertness, can serve as an antiseptic, is characterized by fire resistance, abrasion resistance, non-toxic, has low thermal conductivity, and is resistant to corrosion.

Liquid glass is rarely used in its pure form; most often it is used as an important component of many building materials.

Technology for producing liquid glass: a calcined mixture of quartz sand and soda is crushed and mixed with water.

Types of liquid glass

Based on the type of source materials, liquid glass can be:

  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium-potassium;
  • potassium - sodium;
  • lithium

Potassium glass is indispensable in the production of enamel, and it is also an excellent binding component. In construction work, the sodium type of liquid glass is most widely used.

Methods of using liquid glass

Due to its water-repellent properties, liquid glass can be used as a waterproofing material.

Using liquid glass for waterproofing foundations

To create a reliable waterproof barrier, two layers of liquid glass must be applied to the foundation.

Each layer must dry completely. This kind of waterproofing is called coating; it requires the subsequent use of rolled waterproofing materials.

A mixture of cement mortar and sodium liquid glass can be used to qualitatively seal cracks formed in the foundation.

It can also be used in brick or concrete block masonry. For such a mixture, for 1 kg of cement you need to take 50 g of liquid glass and 750 g of water.

Another method of waterproofing is to mix liquid glass with a concrete mixture, which is used to make a monolithic foundation.

The order of work is as follows: first, the formwork must be prepared and the reinforcement laid. Next, you need to prepare a mixture of sand and cement, then add liquid glass and crushed stone dissolved in water to it and immediately begin pouring the foundation.

The use of liquid glass for waterproofing pools and wells

Using liquid glass, you can carry out internal and external waterproofing work in the pool.

For internal waterproofing, first you need to treat all joints and recesses with glass, then you need to cover the floor and walls with it in 2 - 3 layers. For external waterproofing, liquid glass is added to the concrete mixture.

Waterproofing of wells is carried out using a mixture cement-sand mortar with liquid glass, which first covers the surfaces of seams and joints, and then the whole thing.

You can first apply a layer of liquid glass to the entire surface of the well.

Protecting basements from moisture using liquid glass

If moisture gets into the basement from leaky seams, proceed as follows:

We start by cleaning the seams, removing dust and various debris from them;

Mix Portland cement with liquid glass (in a ratio of 20 to 1), add the required amount of water - the repair mixture is ready;

Use the resulting mixture to fill every seam and every large crack;

Apply water with a brush to the coated surfaces;

Every other day we apply a layer of liquid glass.

Wet concrete walls are treated similarly.

Liquid glass for fire protection

Liquid glass has fire-resistant properties, so it is often used in cases where stoves, fireplaces, chimneys are made, heat-resistant concrete, fire-resistant enamels and paints are produced.

Liquid glass is used to process metal elements and building structures. It can also protect wooden parts from fire.

To prepare a fireproof mortar, make a mixture of cement, sand and liquid glass in a ratio of 1 to 3 to 1. Use it immediately after preparation.

Antiseptic properties of liquid glass

Treating wooden objects and structures with liquid glass will prevent mold and mildew from appearing on them. Concrete and plastered walls of premises can also be treated with it for disinfection purposes.

At least two layers of liquid glass must be applied to the surface. Each layer must dry completely. This treatment will make it difficult to subsequently paint the walls and apply plaster to them.

Therefore, decide for yourself how much you need it.

Other uses

Liquid glass can be used

  • when creating self-leveling floors;
  • as a reliable adhesive for wood, fabric, porcelain, glass, cardboard;
  • as a covering for floors and walls of bathrooms;
  • to protect building facades from weathering of materials.

Rules for working with liquid glass. Features of its storage

When working with liquid glass you should:

  • protect exposed skin and mucous membranes of the eyes from contact with it;
  • use protective equipment and special clothing when preparing the mixture and solution;
  • tightly seal containers containing liquid glass. It is important to keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

Liquid glass can be stored for one year and is not afraid of freezing. Some sediment may exist.

Experience with the use of liquid glass shows that it is affordable, practical and can be used in a wide variety of areas.

In the construction and renovation of premises, mixtures based on liquid glass are widely used. Despite some difficulties in preparation and work, the antiseptic, hydrophobic, acid-resistant and partly fire-retardant qualities of the surface prevail over the disadvantages. What is liquid glass and what are the principles of working with it?

The basis of the material is sodium silicate or the more expensive potassium silicate. Liquid glass is produced in factories by fusing soda or potash with silicon dioxide. In its pure form, liquid glass is colorless or white crystals.

In construction, an aqueous solution of silicates is used, which is a thick and viscous mixture. Under the influence of carbon dioxide contained in the air, liquid glass hardens, accompanied by the release of amorphous hydrated silicon oxides.

The material is used in the production of acid- and mechanically resistant cements, the production of hydrophobic coatings and paints, as well as the treatment of concrete and wooden surfaces. Methods for preparing mixtures based on liquid glass are characterized by different ratios of added components.

Preparation of silicate solution - tools and consumables

When working with liquid glass, it is best to use ready-made mixtures designed to perform a specific task.

The disadvantage of such mixtures is the high cost and the need to completely use up the entire purchased container. The latter is due to the increased rate of hardening of the mixture after air enters it.

It is much cheaper to use individual components, so manual preparation of solutions is more common, especially since there are a large number of ways to use it.

For a small scope of work in home construction, you will need a set of tools and materials:

  • Bucket used only for construction work. The toxicity of silicates is low, but should be stored together with them. food products won't be the best solution.
  • A drill with an auger attachment designed for mixing thick solutions.
  • Brush or spray (if necessary).
  • Cement (ordinary Portland cement is sufficient).
  • Fine (sifted) sand.
  • Running water or well.
  • Spatula.
  • Overalls.

It is necessary to mix liquid glass with water and other components in the proportions recommended for a specific type of work. If surface characteristics lead to reduced adhesion of the mortar, the water content can be reduced or the cement content can be increased.

When diluting liquid glass, use cold water. To control its quantity and not accidentally add more than required, you should stock up on measuring containers of sufficient volume.

Proportions of components when using liquid glass

Commercially available silicate composition contains a small amount of water, sufficient to maintain a saturated liquid solution. When independently preparing building mixtures, the commercial product and other components are mixed, adjusting the consistency by adding water. For construction and repair purposes, a number of compositions containing cement, sand and other additives are prepared.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing solution preparation technology

When creating a waterproof layer, use a mixture of liquid glass and cement or concrete mortar in a volume ratio of 1:10. Working with liquid glass is quite simple.

  1. liquid glass – 1.5 kg/l;
  2. cement-sand mortar (1: 4) – 2.6-2.7 kg/l;
  3. concrete solution – 2.2-2.5 kg/l (for the most common heavy concrete);
  4. quartz sand - 1.5-1.7 kg/l (1.7 for compacted sand, 1.5 for loose sand).

When pouring the floor and increasing the waterproofing properties of the walls. To increase the waterproofness of floors and increase their strength properties, you can fill the outer surface with an additional layer of liquid glass. The thickness of the silicate layer should be about 3 mm and applied in one go - this will ensure maximum strength.

When waterproofing the walls of wells, a solution of liquid glass with cement and fine sand, taken in equal proportions, is used. The resulting mixture is applied to the walls of the well, previously coated with diluted silicate.

If the surface was impregnated with a pure silicate mixture before applying the coating, do not wait for it to completely harden. A monolithic glass-like surface may prevent normal adhesion to the primer or plaster.

Painting works

The color range of silicate paints is low. This is due to their high alkalinity, which leads to the destruction of many pigments. In the production of paints, potassium silicate is usually used - the resulting mixture forms a more stable and uniform structure with coloring pigments.

Silicate paints are sold ready-made or come as separate components that must be mixed before use (liquid glass and pigment). To increase hydrophobicity, small additions of organic polymers (up to 5%) can be added to the composition.

If the surface has previously been painted with an alkyd or acrylic composition, it must be thoroughly cleaned. The best adhesion of silicate paint is obtained with a surface previously treated with lime whitewash or cement composition.

Palette of silicate paints

Exterior works

Waterproof plaster is used to protect wall material from the damaging effects of moisture. The use of hydrophobic plaster in northern regions is of particular importance, since frequent freezing and thawing of water inside the material leads to the appearance of cracks.

For self-cooking for plaster, the optimal proportion of liquid glass, cement and sand is 1: 2: 5. Before work, as with waterproofing wells, the walls can be pre-coated with diluted silicate.


In home construction, it is sometimes necessary to prime a concrete screed. The solution used consists of liquid glass and cement in a ratio of 1 to 1. If a layer of tiles is planned to be applied on top of the screed, it is enough to prime with a diluted solution of liquid glass.

The resulting layer impregnates the surface by several millimeters and increases its strength. For laying tiles, you should buy special waterproof cements or use silicate solutions to waterproof the joints.

Surface impregnation

Apply to concrete or wooden structures Can be done with a brush or spray. In the latter case, the silicate mixture is dissolved with water in a ratio of 1 to 5, and its consumption is significantly reduced. Wood is treated with liquid glass to protect against mold and fungi, as well as to increase fire resistance.

The applied silicate layer must be located outside - in this case its protective properties will be maximum. If the wooden elements are small, they can be completely immersed in a solution of liquid glass - this way maximum strength and uniformity of the coating is achieved.

Concrete surfaces and block walls can be coated with an intermediate silicate layer before applying plaster or a layer of tiles. The outer layer of liquid glass protects the surface from mechanical damage, exposure to acids and mold formation in places where moisture accumulates.

Impregnation (coating) of concrete with liquid glass

How to use liquid glass for repair work - filling cracks, crevices and voids

The repair mixture consists of liquid glass, cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. The resulting solution is quite thick and does not have time to flow out of wall defects, and great content silicate leads to rapid setting.

Brief instructions for use and working with liquid glass:

  • do not neglect the use of protective equipment - glasses and gloves are necessary. Due to the high alkalinity of silicates, ordinary clothing can quickly become unusable, so it is better to use workwear made of rough tarpaulin or rubberized fabric;
  • If necessary, splashes or spills of material can be removed mechanically. Frozen drops of glass are cleaned off with a knife or blade. To facilitate mechanical cleaning, the area can be covered with a wet cloth for several hours.
  • Cleaning up large spills of silicate is not an easy task. It is better to work carefully and clean up promptly, not allowing the spilled solution to harden;
  • Liquid glass coatings must be renewed every 3-5 years. This will ensure their high strength properties and appearance. Re-coating is easier - similar materials easily “grab” each other.

How does hydrophobic coating using liquid glass work:

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Sergey, here are several ways:

After turning off the water, prepare a small amount of cement mortar of such a consistency that its viscosity resembles thick sour cream.

Having cut a piece about 20 cm long from a medical bandage (the length of the bandage should allow it to be wound around the pipe in an amount of at least 2 turns), soak the bandage in cement mortar, and then tightly bandage the pipe with it at the leak site.

To be sure, repeat the procedure for bandaging the pipe with one or two more pieces of bandage.

Coat the treated area with cement mortar on top and refrain from using water for 24 hours until the mortar has completely set. If the repaired section of the pipe is coated with paint, it will not only become more aesthetically pleasing, but also stronger.

As paradoxical as it sounds, salt is quite effective in helping to eliminate leaks in heating pipes. If the leak is minor, just rub a small amount of salt into the leak area with your hand and the leak will soon heal.

In case of a more serious leak, bandage the pipe with a medical bandage, accompanying each turn with a sprinkle of salt.

Do not forget that this method of eliminating a leak is temporary; “salt patches” will hold back the water pressure only until the water in the heating pipes cools down.

To make it, you will need an elastic rubber bandage, which is used by athletes or an ordinary bicycle inner tube. It will have to be cut, making a kind of rubber bandage about 10 cm wide.

Wrap a rubber bandage or inner tube tightly, very tightly, around the pipe at the leak site, securing it with 2-3 clamps or wrapping it with wire.

The use of a rubber band is a temporary measure to eliminate pipe leaks, although such a bandage can last for more than one season.

In addition to the harness, to eliminate leaks, you can use a factory bandage consisting of sealing rubber and clamps.

There are also bandages consisting of two halves connected to each other with bolts, a device resembling a clamp, with the help of which you can temporarily neutralize leaks in pipes of different diameters.

Cold welding:

To ensure that cold welding adheres well, clean the surface of the pipe with a knife or coarse sandpaper from paint to bare metal.

An emery block will also work for sharpening knives, the main thing is speed and accuracy. Try to clean the pipe so that the size of the leak does not increase.

Apply one-component cold welding immediately to the damaged area of ​​a pipe or heating radiator; for two-component cold welding, knead thoroughly beforehand.

Press the adhesive mass forcefully into the place where the water is flowing, holding it with your hand for a while until the glue sets.

Each of the described methods for eliminating leaks in water and heating pipes is good in its own way. However, all of them are temporary; eliminating a leaking pipe must necessarily be followed by a major repair.

Today we will again touch on the topic of polishing a car with liquid glass, namely, is it possible to make such a polish with your own hands at home and whether you can save money on it.

What is liquid glass?

Many people know that liquid glass is a type of polish that is used to polish a car.

But it is correct to call this type of polish “Glass coat” - glass coating, since it has nothing in common with industrial analogues: solutions of sodium, potassium, lithium silicates, which have received the common name - “silicate glue”.

Recently, polishing with liquid glass using the “Glass coat” technology has become widespread, especially before pre-sale preparation of a car, such as:

  • Easy to apply;
  • Gives the car a beautiful appearance, it gives the impression that the car has just come off the assembly line;
  • Hides minor scratches and defects;
  • Thanks to the hydrophobic effect, it protects the body well and for a long time, usually 1 year, from external influences (road reagents, sunlight, dust, dirt, water, as it repels the latter);
  • Saves money by reducing the number of car washes.
  • But this type of polishing has a number of disadvantages and requirements:

  • Labor-intensive preparatory work before applying polish;
  • A special washing mode in the future, different from the standard one;
  • After approximately 3-6 months, the hydrophobic effect disappears due to the formation of an oxide film on the body (polluted air, etc.). To remove the oxide film and make the car shine again, you will have to purchase a special degreaser for servicing liquid glass, and this is an additional expense;
  • The high cost of services in a car service center and in garage conditions (relatively).
  • It was the last point that made many car owners think about how to make liquid glass with their own hands.

    What is included in liquid glass?

    To understand what is included in liquid glass, you need to turn to the market and see what it offers, what ingredients manufacturers put into this product.

    Let's take one of the Wilson Glass Guard polishes, which, as the manufacturer assures, is capable of protecting the car body for 1 year.

    The basis of the product is silicon organic composition - silicon dioxide, as a rule, it is 10-20% of the total volume. When it is applied to the body, a passive film is created on the paintwork.

    In other words, passivation occurs, as a result of which the surface of the machine is effectively protected from external influences.

    As a result of passivation, polymerization occurs - the smallest glass crystals lie evenly on the body in several layers and penetrate the paintwork at the molecular level. The thickness of one layer is several microns.

    In fact, silicon dioxide is quartz that can only be dissolved by hydrofluoric acid, which is absent in the environment.

    Other, additional ingredients are a trade secret; they may differ for each manufacturer.

    In fact, this type of polish should have been called “Silicon Dioxide”, but marketers came up with another, more sonorous name for it – “Liquid Glass” so that the product would be sold better.

    Is it possible to do it yourself?

    Yes, it is possible to make liquid glass, but only if you are a chemist and can use certain chemicals correctly.

    It is impossible for a simple car owner, without in-depth knowledge of chemistry, to make liquid glass on his own. And the question arises, why is this necessary? And what guarantee will there be that everything will be done correctly and that the resulting substance will not damage the paintwork?

    Now liquid glass for car polishing is produced at chemical plants on an industrial scale, so the cost of this type of polish has recently decreased and anyone can buy this product.

    Depending on the manufacturer and volume of polish, its price will vary from 900 to 5000 rubles.

    One pass for polishing with liquid glass, depending on the make of the car, will take from 50 to 100 ml of product.

    The resulting effect, if done correctly, will be long-lasting, usually up to 1 year. The savings are noticeable, since the car owner will have to wash the car less.

    But all this is provided that the work will be carried out independently, because in a car service this procedure is indeed expensive, one might say, its cost is too high, and therefore many cannot afford it.

    The inflated price is justified by the use of supposedly exclusive products and special application technology, but, as a rule, the results of the work carried out at a service station and in a garage are not very distinguishable.

    Preparation for polishing

    Before polishing with liquid glass, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, you must:

  • Place the car in a clean, windless room;
  • Wash the car thoroughly, remove all road deposits, reagents, insect marks, bitumen stains;
  • Inspect the body for chips, scratches and rust;
  • Degrease everything with a special paste to remove any remaining silicone, wax protection, fat deposits, and also to add shine.
  • Application

    Choose liquid glass that can be applied by hand, such as the aforementioned Wilson Glass Guard.

  • Mix the two components in certain proportions, as indicated in the instructions;
  • Shake the mixture well for 2-3 minutes;
  • After this, apply the product with the applicator to the selected area of ​​the body, leaving no gaps;
  • After 10-15 minutes, when the composition begins to crystallize, forming a matte film, polish everything with the towel included with the product;
  • Rub with a finishing napkin to remove all stains;
  • Another body element is polished in the same way.
  • As a rule, the entire process takes from 2 to 3 hours if you use a sequential method of work.

    If you polish in a parallel-sequential manner (while one area is crystallizing, cover another with the composition), then polishing with liquid glass will take from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

    The car cannot be washed for 10 days. After this time, wash with a special non-aggressive shampoo, preferably from the same manufacturer, to strengthen the composition of this polish.

    So is it worth the bother?

    Making liquid glass with your own hands is not justified (purely our opinion). This requires serious knowledge, complex reagents and equipment. It is also important to know the correct composition of such a polish.

    It’s easier to buy the product and do the work yourself, without going to a car service (it’s cheaper).

    As you have seen, this is not difficult to do, the main thing is to adhere to the rules that we described above.

    If you managed to make liquid glass, write about it in the comments, everyone will be interested in how you managed to do it.


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