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Sturgeon is an exquisite delicacy, highly valued in many countries around the world. In Russia, this magnificent fish has been called “royal” since time immemorial and was served at the table at the imperial court. Today, many delicious dishes are prepared from sturgeon, suitable for both everyday and holiday menus. So, we offer you several delicious recipes How to cook this fish in the oven.

How to cook whole sturgeon in the oven: recipe for a dish in foil

Sturgeon baked in the oven in this way turns out tender, crumbly and unusually aromatic.

Required Ingredients

  • sturgeon - 1 piece large
  • boiled yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • butter - 20 g
  • balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp
  • mustard - 1 tsp
  • nutmeg
  • green
  • rosemary
  • spices
  • lemon
  • mayonnaise 75%
  • black grapes

Step by step instructions

  • Clean the fish from scales, gut it and wash it, sprinkle with dry spices and salt.
  • Combine boiled egg yolks, mustard, sour cream, vinegar, butter and nutmeg powder. Rub the resulting mixture onto the sturgeon inside and out. Place thin lemon slices, bay leaves, herbs and rosemary inside the carcass. Secure the belly with toothpicks or bamboo sticks.
  • Line a baking sheet with food foil and place the fish on it in a crescent shape. Sprinkle lemon juice on top and brush butter. Cover tightly with a second layer of foil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C.
  • After 20 minutes, remove, remove the top foil, generously pour the juice over the carcass and return to the oven for 5-7 minutes until the fish is browned.
  • Place the finished baked sturgeon on a serving plate lined with fresh herbs. Garnish with mayonnaise and large grapes.
  • How to deliciously cook sturgeon in the oven in pieces: step by step instructions and photos

    The uniqueness of this recipe is original combination delicate taste of baked sturgeon pieces and spicy citrus sweet and sour sauce.

    Required Ingredients

    • sturgeon fillet - 1.5 kg
    • olive oil - 6 tbsp
    • butter - 30 g
    • lemon - 2 pcs
    • lime - 2 pcs.
    • bell pepper - 1 piece
    • sugar - 1 tsp
    • vinegar
    • ground black pepper
    • fish seasoning
    • thyme

    Step by step instructions

    • Thaw the sturgeon and cut into portions.
    • Sprinkle the fillets with a mixture of salt, fish seasoning and pepper.
    • Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add vinegar and oil to it, mix everything very well.
    • Using a pastry brush, brush the pieces of fish with the lemon-vinegar mixture and place them in a refractory dish lined with food foil.
    • Place thyme sprigs around the sturgeon to enhance the aroma, cover with another layer of foil and place in the oven for 20 minutes, preheated to 175°C.
    • After the time has passed, remove the top foil and let the fish bake until golden brown.
    • Squeeze the juice from one lime and one lemon into a small container, add sugar, salt and pepper to taste, add butter and bring to a boil over low heat. Boil for 5-7 minutes until thickened.
    • Place the finished pieces of baked sturgeon on serving plates, garnish with finely chopped bell pepper, lemon and lime slices, pour over citrus sauce and serve.

    How to cook whole sturgeon in the oven: “Monastic” recipe with photos

    You can bake sturgeon in the oven for any celebration. This fish has an amazing taste and adds a special chic to the festive table. The entire recipe explains how to cook sturgeon in the oven in great detail and every cook can easily cope with the task.

    Required Ingredients

    • sturgeon - 1 piece
    • lemon - 2 pcs
    • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs
    • pitted olives - 1 jar
    • orange - 2 pcs
    • cucumber - 3 pcs
    • fresh salad - 2 bunches
    • dry white wine - 150 gr
    • pepper
    • spices

    Step by step instructions

  • Gut the fish, wash, lightly sprinkle with salt and set aside for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse under water and dry.
  • Season with salt and pepper again, grate with spices and sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Coat on top olive oil.
  • Line a baking dish with foil, lay out the sturgeon and pour in white wine. Seal the foil very tightly and place in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, remove, open the foil and cook the fish in this form until fully cooked.
  • Before serving, place the sturgeon on a plate lined with lettuce leaves. Decorate with cherry tomatoes, citrus slices, cucumbers and olives and offer to guests.
  • How to cook whole sterlet baked in the oven at home: photo recipe with instructions

    Stuffed sterlet is very profitable to cook, if only because it does not need a side dish. It is replaced by a hearty and tasty rice and mushroom filling.

    Required Ingredients

    • sterlet – 4 pcs
    • fresh mushrooms - 1 kg
    • white onion - 3 pcs
    • rice - 1 tbsp
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp
    • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp
    • greens - 1 bunch
    • pepper
    • lemon

    Step by step instructions

  • Gut the sterlet, wash and remove the fins. Brush the top with olive oil and then rub with pepper and salt.
  • Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and fry in a frying pan until tender. Mix with pre-cooked rice, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Stuff the fish with the rice and mushroom mixture and place the carcasses on a baking sheet lined with foil, belly down. Using a pastry brush, generously coat the sterlet with mayonnaise and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40 minutes.
  • Ready dish sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, garnish with lemon rings and serve.
  • Step 1: Prepare the filling for the fish.

    Rinse the lemon under running warm water, cut off the excess thick sections of the peel from the top and bottom of the lemon so that the pulp of the fruit becomes visible. Cut it in half and cut each half into thin slices, as in the photo.
    Salt the lemon slices in a clean bowl to taste, sprinkle with dried herbs and carefully mix with a spoon so as not to break the pieces of fruit.

    Step 2: Prepare the fish.

    When cleaning a sturgeon, the growths are first removed; using a knife, cut them off from the head to the tail. Then carefully gut the fish and remove the vizier. In order for the dish to look appetizing, the tail, skin and head of the sturgeon are not removed.

    Step 3: Bake the sturgeon in the oven.

    Stuff the gutted sturgeon with lemon slices and herbs. Carefully wrap the fish in special baking foil and place on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 180 degrees, place the fish in foil there on 20 minutes. After this time, cut the foil on top and bake again 10 minutes. That's it! The sturgeon baked in the oven is ready, let it cool a little and you can serve.

    Step 4: Serve the sturgeon baked in the oven.

    Place the sturgeon on a large dish, decorate it with lemon, sour cream or herbs. If you wish, you can also remove the skin from already prepared fish. Sturgeon decorated with caviar and olives looks very elegant.
    Bon appetit!

    Do not throw away the viziga, after boiling and crushing it, use it in preparing pie fillings.

    So that the fish acquires more delicate taste, add a little sour cream to the filling, and for a more piquant taste, stuff it with garlic or onions.

    Sturgeon is truly a royal fish. Unfortunately, for some reason we see it less and less on our tables. Although not everything is so bad and in some hypermarkets you can buy sturgeon relatively inexpensively, which is what we did. We were planning a small one and really wanted to please our loved ones with a delicious fish dish. After some thought, I decided to cook sturgeon baked in the oven pieces in foil.

    Sturgeon has an excellent taste, and is valued by chefs for its waste-free nature. Everything goes into action, the meat, the head, the squeak, and the cartilage. Various dishes are prepared from them. Meat, and steamed, cooked from it and, as well. And what a beautiful thing it turns out to be. Mmmmmm...

    However, in my opinion, sturgeon is best baked in the oven in foil. It is in this way that its taste will be revealed most fully, and everything will be preserved as much as possible. Try it different options preparations and I'm sure you will agree with me.

    I must say a few words about the dietary value of sturgeon. It contains only 163 kcal per 100 g of meat. Proteins and fats from sturgeon meat are easily absorbed by the body. In it great content including iron, fluorine, and iodine. Contained microelements help reduce cholesterol levels. This sturgeon is so useful.


    For baking, it is best to take approximately 1.5-2 kg in weight. First, wash the fish under running, cool water, then put it in salted water for 10-15 minutes to remove the unpleasant taste of mud. Then we gut the fish, not forgetting to remove the gills. Rinse with water again.

    Now we need to clean it of scales, but since this is very difficult to do, the fish is covered with prickly plates, we will do this with boiling water. Place the sturgeon in a dish and pour boiling water over it for a few seconds. In principle, you can simply put it in boiling water for 3-4 seconds if you have a basin of the appropriate size. Armed with a knife, we carefully remove the large spiny plates from the ridge and sides, then we clean off the small spines and at the end of all the preliminary steps, we rinse the sturgeon with water.

    I will be making a delicious dish, Sturgeon baked in the oven in pieces, so I will immediately separate the head and tail and take out the vizier. By the way, it is more convenient to pull it out from the tail side. Having cut a little, but not completely, we expose the vizig, lift the fish by the tail and slowly pull it out. Separate the fins and remove the skin. It comes off easily after we scald it. The head, tail, vizig, fins and skin, all this will go to the ear, so do not throw it away under any circumstances.

    I cut the sturgeon carcass 2-3 cm thick, sprinkled it with salt and my favorite seasonings and set it aside to marinate. While the fish is marinating, let's prepare a sauce for it.

    We peel the shells and separate the yolks from the whites. We only need the yolks, grind them and add sour cream. Stir a little more, adding grated nutmeg, balsamic or rosemary vinegar. This is exactly the sauce we will be pouring over our fish.

    Grease a baking sheet and place the fish in it. Pour sauce over the top of the sturgeon, it will give the fish juiciness and prevent it from turning into crackers, and then lightly sprinkle with lemon. Do not overdo it with lemon; the taste of sturgeon should not be sour. Cover the baking sheet with foil and place in a preheated oven for twenty minutes. So, time has passed, remove the foil and put the baking sheet back in the oven for another twenty minutes so that the sturgeon browns.

    I decorated the finished dish with vegetables and lemon. Then she served the sturgeon baked in the oven with the same dish. It turned out beautiful, tasty, unusual. Both my family and guests were delighted. Be sure to try it, this is truly a royal dish. Bon appetit!


    • 1.5-2 kg – fresh sturgeon;
    • 5 pcs – hard-boiled eggs;
    • 3 tablespoons - sour cream;
    • 1 teaspoon – grated nutmeg;
    • 1 teaspoon – balsamic or rosemary vinegar;
    • 1 piece – lemon;
    • Salt, spices - to taste.

    Sturgeon baked in the oven, incredible delicious dish, which is ideal for the holiday table. Recipes for its preparation are usually passed down from generation to generation, so each housewife can boast of her own unique version. Despite this, there are some general rules, which cannot be neglected, otherwise fish of such a noble breed will turn out dry and tasteless.

    1. First of all, it should be remembered that it is not advisable to overload the fish with spices and seasonings, since in this case the taste and aroma of the sturgeon itself are lost. However, even without them the dish will be a little bland, so everything should be in moderation.
    2. To prevent sturgeon baked in the oven from turning out dry, it is better to cook it in foil or a baking sleeve.
    3. An adult sturgeon has tender but fatty meat, so it does not require the addition of oil, but if you bake a young sturgeon, you cannot do without it, as the fish may turn out to be a bit dry.
    4. To prepare a delicious dish, you should also know about the temperature conditions. The duration of cooking fish depends on the oven and the size of the fish. A large carcass can be baked in portions.

    Recipes for preparing sturgeon involve decorating the finished dish, which allows you to make it truly royal. As a rule, thin slices of lemon, herbs, olives or black olives, creamy or mustard sauce are used for this purpose.

    This cooking option involves baking fish in foil. You will get a magnificent sturgeon baked in the oven.

    The whole fish can be cooked in the oven.


    • sturgeon - 1 pc.;
    • mustard - 1 tsp;
    • mayonnaise - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
    • butter - 10-15 g;
    • fresh herbs - 1 small bunch;
    • pepper, salt, rosemary, oregano - to taste.

    Whole, uneviscerated fish are washed, then placed in a strong cold salt solution for 15-20 minutes and rinsed with clean water, which will get rid of the specific smell of mud. Next, the carcass is placed in a colander and scalded several times with boiling water, this way the scales will come off easier and will not fly apart. Cleaned and gutted fish are washed again with clean cold water.

    The selected spices are mixed with salt and rubbed on the fish. Mayonnaise and mustard are mixed in a separate container and the resulting sauce is smeared on the sturgeon inside and out. Place several lemon rings, sprigs of herbs, and a bay leaf inside the carcass and fasten the belly using toothpicks.

    The baking dish is covered with foil, greased with oil, the prepared sturgeon is placed on top, sprinkled with lemon juice and covered with another piece of foil. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 15-20 minutes.

    After the allotted time, remove the container from the oven and remove the top layer of foil. The almost finished fish is poured with the released juice and greased with a piece of butter. After this, the sturgeon is placed in the oven for another 5-7 minutes so that the top is browned; there is no need to cover it with foil. The finished dish is decorated with vegetables and herbs. Boiled potatoes are perfect as a side dish.

    You can bake sturgeon not only whole in foil, but also in pieces, add mushrooms and vegetables. You can use steaks.


    • sturgeon - 1 pc.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • onions - 2 heads;
    • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
    • cherry tomatoes - 200 g;
    • champignons - 200 g;
    • dry white wine - 100 ml;
    • lemon - 1 pc.;
    • salt, spices.

    Sturgeon baked in the oven can be made from ready-made sturgeon steaks, then the preparation time for the fish will be significantly reduced. If you bought a whole carcass, before cooking it should be soaked in a strong salty solution in the same way as in the previous recipe, and only then gutted and cut into portions about 3-4 cm thick.

    Lightly grease the dish in which the fish will be baked. vegetable oil, prepared steaks are placed on top. The onion heads are peeled, cut into thin rings and placed on top of the fish. Then sprinkle with pepper, add 2 bay leaves, pour over wine and sprinkle with lemon juice.

    The washed and dried champignons are cut into large slices; if the mushrooms are not very large, you can simply cut them into halves. The pepper is peeled from seeds and cut into large pieces. Peppers and mushrooms are randomly placed on the onion layer, and cherry tomatoes cut into halves are placed on top in a chaotic manner.

    Preheat the oven to 180°C and place a container with sturgeon in it. Bake for 10 minutes, then take out, sprinkle with wine and leave for another 5-10 minutes. Check the readiness of the dish with a fork. If it easily fits into the largest piece, then the dish is ready.

    The main thing is not to overcook the sturgeon in the oven, otherwise the fish will become dry and lose most of its amazing taste. It is recommended to serve fish prepared according to this recipe with dry white wine and the vegetables with which it was baked.

    Sturgeon is truly a royal fish. White, tender meat, complete absence of bones, indescribable taste and aroma make it a delicacy. This fish can be boiled, stewed, fried. But if you want to save as much as possible beneficial properties sturgeon, it is best to bake it.

    Its meat is dense, quite fatty and does not dry out in the oven. You can cook the fish by cutting it into portions. On festive table The whole carcass, decorated with jellied vegetables and cranberries, will look very impressive. Here we will look at how and how much to bake sturgeon, and also reveal some secrets of cutting this delicious fish.

    At first glance, this inhabitant of the Caspian Sea looks threatening and unapproachable. Huge sharp spikes can cut any mittens. Let's not panic. Rub the carcass with salt, and after five minutes scald it with boiling water. Now let's touch the thorns. If they do not crawl from the back, then the scalding operation should be repeated. So what's on our agenda? Whole baked involves first gutting the carcass. After we have removed the insides, rub the fish outside and inside with spices and salt, three tablespoons of sour cream and juice squeezed from half a lemon.

    Cut the other half of the citrus into slices. Place the fish on foil and decorate with lemon slices on top. We wrap the aluminum sheets in an envelope so that the juice released during heat treatment does not escape anywhere. Bake the sturgeon in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. After that, take out the baking sheet and unfold the foil on top. Grease the fish with butter and bake for another 10-15 minutes. This beauty is served with mustard sauce, sprinkled with chopped dill and parsley.

    Here's another recipe. Here we cut the sturgeon carcass into portioned pieces and remove the cartilage. Salt them, sprinkle them and place them in a frying pan, which you can later put in the oven. For 600 g of sturgeon we only need two spoons of sour cream. We lubricate the sides of our fish with it. We also put 50 g of butter among the pieces and pour in half a glass of water. We bake the sturgeon in the oven for about half an hour, as in the previous recipe, at 180 C. We must not forget to water the fish with the released juice from time to time.

    Main dish and side dish in one package! This valuable fish can be baked with vegetables and potatoes. But first we fillet the sturgeon carcass. Salt and pepper the meat, cleared of skin and cartilage. If the fillet turns out to be 500-600 g, a kilogram of potatoes will be enough. We clean it and cut it into slices. Grease the bottom and walls of the mold with butter. Place half of the potatoes. We also season with spices and salt. We put sturgeon on it. Cut five tomatoes into circles. Place them on top of the fish. Cover with the remaining potatoes. Pour plenty of mayonnaise over everything and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake the sturgeon in the oven for thirty-five minutes at 180 C.

    For originality, you can stuff fish. Rub it with mayonnaise, and inside put a few slices of lemon, chopped dill and parsley, a peppercorn, and spices to taste. We fasten the edges of the abdomen with toothpicks. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil and sprinkle with onion rings (about half a kilo). We place the fish on this “bed”. We also grease the top with oil so that it does not dry out. Bake the sturgeon in the oven for 20 minutes. After this, salt the onion and grease the fish with butter. We send it to bake for another quarter of an hour.


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