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Herring oil classic recipe- This great option snacks that can be prepared at home in minutes. To do this, you only need two main ingredients - butter and herring fillet. Also, cheese, onions, eggs and other products are sometimes added to the classic snack. Let's look at a few classic recipes for making herring oil at home.



370 kcal

10.2 g

39.1 g

1.9 g

Step-by-step preparation

Little tricks

    To make herring butter even tastier, you can add chopped herbs, mustard or processed cheese.

    The ready-made snack is great for morning breakfasts or can be served at festive table. If desired, you can add chopped herring to the oil onions. To do this, the onions are first marinated in cold water with a little vinegar. This way you can remove the excess bitterness and smell of onions, keeping them crispy and tasty.

A few more recipes:

Ready-made herring oil can be used to make sandwiches and canapés. It perfectly complements holiday tables and is a delicious everyday breakfast. Try making classic herring butter using our recipes and you will forever be a fan of this tasty and simple snack.

There are many options for preparing herring oil. Some housewives prefer to add herbs, grated apple or processed cheese to it, or complement herring fillets with caviar or other types of fish. Thanks to the simplicity and availability of ingredients, herring oil is becoming increasingly popular among domestic gourmets every year. It is in many ways reminiscent of the famous Jewish dish forshmak, but is an even simpler cold appetizer.

Recipe for herring butter with egg and herbs

Our compatriots prepared herring butter with eggs several decades ago. This recipe has practically not reached our times, because its appearance in supermarkets huge selection ready-made snacks made many housewives forget such a tasty and simple recipe. But in vain...


  • Medium salinity herring – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 200 – 300 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • Spices, mustard - to taste.
  1. To prepare herring butter with egg and herbs at home, you also need to cut the herring and chop the fillet into small cubes.
  2. Boil the eggs, peel them and finely chop or grate.
  3. Place the butter in a deep bowl, add chopped herring, eggs, a little mustard and chopped herbs.
  4. Mix all ingredients well and leave in the refrigerator until set.

The finished herring butter with egg turns out to be very nutritious and satisfying. It is distinguished by excellent taste qualities and successfully competes with ready-made appetizers made from red fish or capelin caviar.

In general, herring oil is good for breakfast, going well with white bread. It is better to store it in a sealed container in a cool and dark place. Melted cheese complements herring butter well. It can be mixed with butter in a 1:2 ratio, add herring fillets and, if desired, greens.

Delicious appetizer made from butter, herring fillet and melted cheese

A very tasty and simple snack can be easily prepared from butter, processed cheese and herring fillet. Cheese perfectly complements the taste of herring oil, making it more tender and refined. The prepared snack can be used to make sandwiches. It can also be used as a filling for canapes, which can be prepared for the festive table.


  • Lightly salted herring – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 200 gr;
  • Processed cheese - 100 g;
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - to taste;
  • Spices, mustard - to taste.
  1. To prepare an appetizer with herring and melted cheese, you must first prepare the fish. To do this, you need to remove all the bones, fins, spine, head and tail from the herring. The finished fillet can be cut into cubes or chopped in a blender.
  2. Processed cheese can also be mixed with fish and butter using a blender. If this is not possible, you can simply grate it on a coarse grater. To prevent the cheese from smearing on the surface of the grater, it should first be placed in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  3. Add butter to fish and cheese and mix thoroughly. If desired, add chopped parsley or dill, as well as ground pepper.
  4. The finished butter with herring and melted cheese should be left in the refrigerator in a closed container to harden. After this, it can be applied to bread or filled with canapés, and then served. It will be very tasty!

When preparing herring oil, you can add a variety of ingredients. So, some housewives prefer to cook this wonderful appetizer from herring along with carrots.

The carrots give the herring butter an orange color, making it more like a caviar appetizer. It is better not to boil the carrots themselves, then they will remain more pleasant to the taste.


  • Lightly salted herring – 1 piece
  • Butter – 1.5 packs
  • Carrots – 1 pc.


  1. Takes the butter out of the refrigerator so that it melts and softens a little.
  2. We cut up the herring, remove all bones, skin and fins from it. Cut into small cubes, or better yet, chop using a blender.
  3. We grate the carrots on a fine grater or also chop them with a blender.
  4. Mix herring and carrots with butter. If desired, you can also add ground pepper or chopped herbs.

Place the finished herring oil in the refrigerator so that it hardens well. After this, it can be spread on bread and served. Bon appetit!

Herring oil according to the recipes of Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya gave a similar recipe for making bruschetta in her programs. This recipe is also quite simple, but contains a number of additional ingredients. Try making herring oil according to this recipe, you will definitely like it.


  • Salted herring – 1 piece
  • Butter – 2 packs
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Mustard – 1 teaspoon
  • Dill - bunch


  1. Leave the oil at room temperature so that it softens.
  2. We fillet the herring and cut it into small cubes using a knife. It is better not to use a blender or meat grinder, as whole pieces of fish will make the oil more tasty, reminiscent of caviar.
  3. Boil the eggs hard and also chop them with a knife or fork.
  4. Mix oil, herring and eggs in a bowl. Add mustard and lemon juice. Mix all ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  5. Spread the foil and sprinkle it with chopped herbs. Spread about a quarter of the herring oil and roll it into a small roll. We do the same with the remaining oil. One herring usually produces 3 – 4 rolls of small diameter.
  6. Place the butter in the refrigerator and let it harden well.
  7. When serving, cut into rings and serve with croutons or Borodino bread. It turns out to be a very beautiful and tasty snack.

A very tender and tasty snack is obtained by adding a ripe apple and processed cheese to herring butter. It is better to chop an apple for a snack using a blender. If desired, you can also add herbs or even a little garlic.


  • Lightly salted herring – 1 piece
  • Butter – 2 packs
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese – 2 packs


  1. Transfer the butter to a deep bowl and leave at room temperature until it melts a little.
  2. We cut the herring, remove the bones, fins and remove the skin. Cut into small pieces or grind using a blender.
  3. Three cheese on a grater. To make the processed cheese easier to grate, you can first place it in the freezer for 20 minutes.
  4. Peel the apple and remove seeds. Three on a grater.
  5. Mix all ingredients and taste. If necessary, add salt and pepper.
  6. Place the snack in the refrigerator to let it harden.
  7. Serve herring butter with apple along with toast or black bread. Bon appetit!

Are you wondering what to put on sandwiches for a holiday or picnic?
Prepare homemade herring oil - one of delicious snacks in the world!

It can be used as a filling for profiteroles and tartlets or simply spread on bread.

Guests gobble up sandwiches with herring butter and think it’s so delicious, like red caviar! And then they ask for the recipe. I know, I wrote it down myself when I tried this wonderful appetizer at a party. 🙂 Now this is one of my favorite recipes, along with cheese-garlic paste, and I will be happy to tell you how to prepare herring butter with melted cheese and carrots. Having tried it once, you will cook it again and again!

Cooking time: 1 hour


  • 2 herring fillets or 1 whole herring;
  • Processed cheese – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Boiled carrots – 1 pc.;
  • A slice of white bread;
  • Butter – 150-200g;
  • Green onions or parsley.

How to make herring oil at home:

I’ll say right away: it’s healthier to take whole herring, since it’s more natural product than preserves, and fillet is faster and easier because there are no bones in it. If you bought barrel herring, carefully clean it of all seeds, even small ones, so that they do not get caught in the oil later.

Wash the carrots with a brush and boil with the skin until soft, rinse with cold water, cool and peel.

Then we pass the herring fillet, carrots, processed cheese and a piece of bread through a meat grinder. We scroll through the bread last - a slice of it will help remove the cheese stuck to its parts from the meat grinder.

Add softened butter and knead the mass thoroughly with a fork.

Delicious herring butter with processed cheese and carrots is ready! You can store it in a food container in the refrigerator for a week, but it is usually eaten much earlier. 🙂

Sometimes herring oil is confused with another famous herring snack - mincemeat. But these are different recipes. An apple is usually added to mincemeat, sometimes an egg, and some even potatoes. How many housewives - so many recipes. How do you cook?

Snacks, sandwiches, canapés - oh, how we love all this on the holiday table! One of the most favorite snacks among the Russian people is undoubtedly sandwiches with herring butter.

The recipe is quite simple, especially if you have all the necessary ingredients on hand. However, there are still some subtleties. So how to make herring oil correctly? How to make everyone's favorite snack at home? Here are some simple and useful tips for preparing it at home.

Herring oil with carrots

The recipe is extremely simple. For this dish we will need: 3 small herrings of medium saltiness, 2-3 medium carrots, 200 g of butter.

First, we will need to chop the carrots, after washing and peeling them. You can do this on a fine grater, but everything will be better if you do it in a blender. Then the mass will be more homogeneous. Next, we will need to clean the herring, gut it, remove all the intestines, cut off the tail and head. The bones also need to be removed. First you need to cut out the ridge, and then carefully, preferably with tweezers, remove all the small bones. It is better to do this under a lamp or in front of an open window, because the bones of the herring are very small, you can miss them, and then an unexpected “surprise” may appear in our delicacy.

Now we need to cut this herring into pieces and put it in a blender, where we have chopped carrots. And grind it all together. Now you can add softened butter, it should be soft, but not flow from the knife! To do this, it should lie in the kitchen for 3 hours at room temperature. Mix everything well and you can spread it on bread! And if you put such a snack in the refrigerator, you can cut it into small slices like regular butter and also put it on the loaf.

Recipe for butter with mustard and milk

The ingredients for cooking are as follows: butter - 200 g, salted herring fillet - 60 g, mustard to taste, a little milk.

At home, the herring must first be soaked in milk. It should lie in it for an hour to two, then take it out, blot it with a napkin and grind the fillet in a blender. You can also grind the fillet in a meat grinder. Now you should add ready-made mustard (you can buy your favorite mustard in the store), softened butter and beat it all again in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass. Ready! You can put it in the refrigerator and then cut it into sandwiches as usual. This recipe is the simplest, but it's not for everyone.

Herring oil with eggs

The recipe for this oil is rooted in the Soviet past. It was prepared for Brezhnev, and he was very proud that such a recipe would be passed on to our descendants.

What do we need to prepare such a snack at home? And for this you need: 200 g butter, 1 fatty herring, 2 regular chicken eggs, one medium clove of garlic, a small red onion, some chopped herbs (parsley and dill), 1 teaspoon of mild mustard.

The butter should be placed in the kitchen at room temperature in order for it to soften sufficiently. Meanwhile, boil 2 hard-boiled eggs. We remove the backbone and intestines from the herring, cut off the head and tail, remove everything that we do not need, remove small bones with tweezers and rinse it thoroughly under running water. Again, take a miracle device - a blender, put peeled eggs and softened butter into it, beat it all.

Add finely chopped garlic. You can grate it on a fine grater. Chop the red onion very finely, pour boiling water over it to remove all the bitterness, and also add to the mixture. We put the herring there, which we previously passed through a meat grinder. Sprinkle chopped herbs and a spoonful of mustard. For added spice, you can add a pinch of ground black pepper. Now mix it all until smooth and put this mass in cling film. You can wrap it in a sausage, then it will be easier to cut it off. We put the sausage in the refrigerator for 2 hours, and after two hours you can enjoy a wonderful dish!

Undoubtedly, herring oil is a very high-calorie food, so it should be consumed either only on holidays, or in the morning, when our body needs to stock up on the necessary protein and energy for the whole day. But if you do not use this recipe every day, but only occasionally treat yourself to this delicious snack, then you will be fine with your figure! Moreover, small weaknesses are so good and tasty, they lift our spirits and charge us with positivity!

It still remains unknown who actually came up with this savory and easy-to-make snack. Among the analogues abroad, for example, there is anchovy paste, which was first produced in France, and it was quoted, rather, as a way of preserving and salting this fish (the recipe uses crushed carcasses, high-quality vegetable oil and spices with vinegar). But Russian herring oil is something completely different both in its composition and aroma. Moreover, it is not a method of preservation or addition to sauces, but a fairly common original independent snack, widely used in the post-Soviet space.

Classic recipe

It certainly exists. And everything else is just variations on a given theme. And let picky critics argue that in the Soviet years, herring oil was made from fish that was not the first freshness and the same butter, which was abundant in the food industry (that is, actually from production waste). Still, it can be argued that this appetizer has made more than one holiday table more diverse and provided more than one friendly party with a high-quality and simple appetizer. But let’s ignore factory-made herring oil today and concentrate on making homemade one. Here the products will clearly be fresh, just selected and purchased by you personally. So, here is a classic recipe for this snack. But first, about the composition of the paste.


Everything you need to make homemade herring oil is always available at the market or supermarket. We buy two thick herrings (under no circumstances take preserves, even in own juice, namely two barrel-salted fish) and a pack of good cow butter (at least 72% fat, preferably Vologda). We'll talk about other additives a little later.

Cooking is easy!

  1. We clean the herring from skin and large bones. You can, of course, take ready-made fillets, but this way you will not be 100% sure of the freshness of the product, since this kind of fillet is prepared by soaking in vinegar for more long term storage We take salted fish, so to speak, in the first stage of freshness (it is also the last, as the classic said).
  2. We take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance: it should be soft, but not melted.
  3. The fillet, which we personally prepared, is passed through a meat grinder twice (for more advanced cooks, there is such a device in the kitchen as a blender).
  4. Mix the ground fillet thoroughly with softened butter and beat with a spatula until a fluffy mass is formed.
  5. No need to add salt, pepper to taste. Barrel herring is a rather spicy product in itself. Therefore, to prepare herring oil according to the classic recipe, no further additives are required. You just need to cool it very much (but not freeze it) in the refrigerator so that it can be spread on a piece of bread, like ordinary butter, and can be served as a snack.

With carrots

Variations on the theme “How to prepare herring oil” can be continued with the help of two small carrots. They need to be boiled and peeled (by the way, there is a similar recipe that uses raw carrots as an ingredient). Place the prepared root vegetable in a blender and grind. We prepare the herring as in the first recipe and also chop it in this device. But the cow's butter must be mixed in by hand. Cool the paste and spread on bread.

Mustard plus milk

The secret of this recipe is to pre-soak the herring in milk. Place the prepared and cleaned fish in a bowl of milk and leave to sit for a couple of hours. Then take it out and blot it paper napkin. Grind the fillet in a blender or meat grinder. Add a little hot mustard (not French and especially not American for French fries: it has a lot of vinegar and is not spicy enough). Beat in a blender along with butter. You can add a little fresh dill: it will highlight the fishy taste. But you can do without greens. Place the mixture in the refrigerator and let it harden a little. The dish can be served on its own on a small plate, or used as a filling for dough baskets, canapés or other buffet products.

Brezhnev style

They say that this type of herring butter with eggs was prepared for dear Leonid Ilyich, and he was very proud that this recipe will last for many years. To the main set (herring and butter) add a couple of boiled eggs and one small clove of garlic, a red onion and chopped herbs (parsley with dill). For piquancy - a little mild mustard. We grind everything thoroughly (in a modern way, you can use a blender, but previously everything was grated and ground in a meat grinder), knead until smooth, cool and serve.


As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making tasty and aromatic herring oil with your own hands. Tip: you can roll it into a sausage and wrap it, for example, in food foil. In this form, it is stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and you can delight your family with delicious sandwiches for a whole week.

Herring oil is a tasty, tender and appetizing paste that can be used for making sandwiches, lavash rolls, greasing snack cake crusts, filling tartlets, and egg halves.

Herring oil is still in Soviet times was incredibly popular. But not only herring. I remember how my dad and I went to the fish store and bought shrimp oil in paper packets. This was the most delicious oil for me at that time. Since then, I have never tried this product in such a wonderful performance.

But somehow I came across a wonderful recipe for herring butter with melted cheese and carrots. I decided to try it, adjusted the proportions a little, and everything turned out great. And I recognized that taste from childhood. Reminds me of shrimp oil very much. This recipe is profitable, simple and at the same time universal. Profitable because it contains the most affordable ingredients. Simple because it is easy and quick to prepare. Well, the versatility of the recipe is obvious. Delicious herring oil is suitable for making sandwiches, rolls, and layering snack pancake cakes; This paste can be used to fill shortcrust pastry baskets or waffle tartlets. I am sure you will like the recipe and perhaps you will invent your own unique recipe for a snack based on herring oil.

Recipe information

Cooking method: in a blender.

Total cooking time: 10 min.

Number of servings: about 500 g.


  • salted herring (fillet) – 200 g
  • processed cheese – 100 g (1 pack)
  • butter – 200 g
  • boiled carrots – 1 pc.

Cooking method


  • Place the mixture in a pastry bag and pipe it into small pieces of bread, crackers or tartlets. In the morning, spread on bread and offer a delicious breakfast to your family.
  • This oil goes ideally with black bread and fresh cucumber.
  • It is better to store herring oil at home for a short time, since it contains natural ingredients. Store in the refrigerator in a glass container with a lid for up to five days.
  • If you need to store the butter longer, divide it and freeze some of it.
  • For lovers of spicy snacks, we suggest adding a pinch of ground black pepper and 1 tablespoon of ready-made creamy horseradish sauce to the herring oil.


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