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Vodka tinctures have long been used in medicine to treat various ailments, and a plant such as fragrant bison is famous for its medicinal properties. This herb contains a huge amount of beneficial microelements that have a positive effect on human health. How to properly use and treat this natural remedy?

Fragrant bison

The fragrant bison grows in coniferous forests and glades. It can often be found near the roadway, in the forest. It is found throughout European Russia, America and some parts of Asia. This plant tolerates cold well, so it easily adapts to any soil.

In nature, the three most common types of this plant are::

  1. Fragrant bison has a distinct odor and is the most commonly used of all plant species.
  2. Southern bison - used to give culinary dishes an unusual aroma, is considered a spice and is widely used for preparing fish dishes.
  3. Creeping bison.

For medical purposes, only one species is used - fragrant bison. It is believed that only it has the necessary medicinal properties, so it is worth studying it in more detail.

Various traditional medicines are prepared from bison, for which only the above-ground part of the plant is used.

The panicles and leaves at the roots are cut off, and the stems and remaining leaves are dried in an open area, but in the shade. You can also hang them under the roof. The dried parts of the plant have medicinal properties for two years. Cooked bison should be stored in a dry place where the temperature does not rise above 20 degrees.

Useful properties: bison grass

The beneficial properties of fragrant bison largely depend on a substance such as coumarin. It is this that gives it its characteristic strong aroma of fresh grass. It is believed that this substance is poisonous, so pets should not be given a lot of bison with food. But if you take products based on this herb in moderation, the effect will only be positive.

Thanks to coumarin, bison has the following properties:

  • Stops bleeding;
  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Has a hormonal effect;
  • Relieves spasm;
  • Improves the condition of the blood, prevents its clotting;
  • Tones the body, saturates it with vitamins;
  • Soothes wounds and abscesses;
  • Capable of reducing and preventing the formation of tumors.

Another beneficial substance contained in this herb is ascorbic acid. It is believed to be a natural antioxidant. Regular consumption of vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and avoid ARVI.

Therefore, fragrant bison also has the properties:

  • Takes part in the synthesis of collagen inside cells;
  • Strengthens teeth and bones;
  • Positively affects the condition of blood vessels;
  • Helps improve metabolism;
  • Helps iron absorption;
  • Strengthens cells;
  • In combination with other vitamins, it improves their effect and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, slowing down its aging.

Also, medicines based on this herb have an antibacterial effect, calm the nervous system, and have a positive effect on the condition gastrointestinal tract, cause appetite.

Who is the bison grass recommended for: beneficial properties and contraindications

It would take a long time to list beneficial properties fragrant bison, because this herb really has a huge range of medicinal components.


  • Has a restorative effect on the skin and hair;
  • Quickly stops bleeding;
  • Reduces the likelihood of getting cancer;
  • Makes blood vessels and muscles stronger, tones them;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Is a natural antibacterial agent;
  • Improves appetite, has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Has antiseptic properties;
  • Helps increase milk production in nursing mothers;
  • Has an antispasmodic effect.

In many countries around the world, this plant is used to treat a variety of diseases due to its composition. Useful vitamins and the minerals that bison has help cure viral diseases, improve the condition of the intestines and stomach, and help with colds by increasing sweating. However, zubrovka, like any product, has certain contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before use.

  • During pregnancy;
  • For neuroses and other diseases of the central nervous system;
  • For sleep disorders, including insomnia;
  • If you are allergic to this plant;
  • In the presence of acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In other cases, there are no obvious contraindications for the use of bison.

Zubrovka tincture

Zubrovka looks rather inconspicuous, but stands out from other herbs due to its strong smell of fresh grass, so it is often used as a flavoring agent for tobacco. The grass is often used for pet food, because it increases appetite, but can poison the animal in an overdose. Therefore you need to use it with caution.

You need to use zubrovka with caution when preparing the famous tincture of the same name.

Coumarin, or rather its glycoside, which is part of the plant, is regarded by many doctors as a poison, but if you make the tincture correctly, it will be simply impossible to get poisoned. Coumarin and essential oils of bison help improve health, and the aroma of the herb will make the drink pleasant and tasty.

To prepare a useful product you will need to take:

  • Fragrant bison - about two teaspoons;
  • Vodka – 1 l.;
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.

Dissolve sugar in a small amount of water to make syrup. The grass is placed in a specially prepared container, preferably glass, filled with vodka and syrup is added. The closed container is left for 14-16 days in a dark place. The finished drink is filtered and placed in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon before meals 20 minutes to improve appetite. You can also use moonshine instead of vodka, but it is advisable to either dilute it to 40% or add more sugar. The use of strong tinctures is not advisable.

Application of bison grass (video)

Fragrant bison is a herbaceous plant of the grass family. among the people medicinal plant bison is called turovka, odorous bison, lyadnik, chapolot. The harvesting period for this plant is from May to June.

Description of the plant.

The genus Zubrovka belongs to perennial plants. Tall up to 70 cm, the plant has a long creeping rhizome and ascending erect stems. The leaves located on the stem have a flat, shortened shape. The leaves of sterile plants are bare green below and have scattered hairs above and are grey-green. Flowers of the fragrant bison collected in spikelets form an oblong-oval panicle. The flowers are collected in spikelets of three; during flowering, numerous spikelets resemble a spreading panicle. The fruit is a weevil of oblong shape and dark brown color, which ripens in August.

Zubrovka is a plant that prefers to grow on sandy, dry and fresh soils in loess, especially pine, along roads and clearings, in glades and forest clearings. Also, the fragrant bison can be found among the bushes. Popularly it has a simple name - bison. The southern bison, which received its second name, glacier, due to the fact that it prefers wetter places to grow, is also commonly known as the fragrant bison. Both of these plants differ not only in their place of growth, but also in the structure of the panicle. Also, both of these bison are the favorite food of bison living on the prairies of North America and the bison of Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Time of collection and preparation.

The healing raw material of fragrant bison is grass. During flowering, when the bison is most great content coumarin is prepared. But even after the flowering period, after re-growth, the grass can be cut again, but only in this case the concentration of coumarin decreases. Dry the bison indoors with good air circulation or in the open air, but protecting it from sunlight. Saves his healing properties bison for two years.

Substances that have a healing effect.

The roots and stems contain large amounts of coumarin and the alkaloid dynaxin. It also contains hydroxycinnamic acid anhydride as a glycoside, which gives the plant its aroma.

Medicinal properties and use in medicine.

The bison plant stimulates appetite and also improves digestive functions.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fever, stimulation of appetite and digestion - these are the cases when fragrant bison is used in the form of an aqueous infusion or vodka tincture. It is also used in the form of lotions for fungal skin diseases and slow-healing wounds.

Forms and methods medicinal use, as well as dosage.

To improve lactation in nursing mothers and stimulate appetite, a water infusion is used. Recipe: take 1 tablespoon of dried herb for 200 ml of boiling water. The herb is poured with boiling water and infused under a closed lid for 30 minutes. After which the broth is filtered and squeezed. Take 10-15 minutes before meals, 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Use in other areas.

In the alcoholic beverage industry, this medicinal plant is widely used to prepare the aromatic tincture “Zubrovka”. For food essences it is used in the confectionery industry. It is also used as a spicy seasoning for fish products. The taste of fragrant bison is slightly astringent, but it has a pronounced smell.

May-June is the period of abundant flowering of bison, it is during this period that the coumarin content in it reaches its maximum, it is dried in shaded places. This herb is a popular plant that is used in the preparation of flavored alcoholic drinks - vodka, as well as liqueurs.

Since the 17th century, such a drink as Bialowieza “Zubrowka” has been known in Poland, which later became the favorite drink of the Polish gentry in the 18th century. And already in 1926, in Brest-Litovsk (now Brest in Belarus), the method of industrial production of this drink was applied. Around the world, other manufacturers later began to use this method. Czech “Zubrovka”, Russian “Zubrovka”, German “Grasovka” and in America there is also “Bison Vodka”. Registered in Poland by Polmos Bialystok, the Zubrowka brand with a leaf of grass in a bottle is a national treasure. Honey liqueur “Krupnik” or “Krupnikas”, has been known in Poland and Lithuania since the 16th century, in which with a number of spices such as cloves, coriander, cinnamon, vanilla, juniper, nutmeg, star anise, cardamom fruits, nuts, aromatic bison was also added . Zubrovka is fragrant, in addition to being used in all kinds of drinks, it is itself a spice that is used extremely rarely. But the chef of one Warsaw hotel still found a use for this seasoning in preparing a variety of sauces for Polish dishes.

Stewed in France pork shoulder with bison sauce won a silver medal at a regional cuisine competition. For perfumery and cosmetic products, bison oils are used as an aromatic composition reminiscent of the smell of mown hay.

Side effects.

No side effects were identified. But due to the presence of a large amount of the alkaloid dynaxin, such a concentration is toxic to farm animals.


Hierochloe translated from Latin means “holy grass”, therefore in some European regions the name bison is associated with the image of the Mother of God. In England, the plant is called "sweet grass", which means "sweet grass" and this name refers to the sweet smell of bison. Bison hunters from Indian tribes such as the Menomien, Pawnee, Lakota, Omaha, Caddo and others considered the smoke from the sacred grass to be a sacrifice to their ancestors. This smoke also protected them from evil spirits.

The Peace Pipe also contained dried and powdered bison, which was mixed with tobacco. Believing that the smoke of this plant helps to achieve a peak of unity and meditation, Indian shamans used this fragrant smoke of the sacred plant braided or twisted into small bouquets, in rituals of purification and initiation. In the form of a decoction or smoking, the Indians used this sacred plant in healing against coughs, colds and simply pain. The grass drove away insects well with its pleasant aroma, and Indian women wove mats and baskets from it, stuffed pillows and mattresses. And on religious holidays, Europeans decorated porches and churches with these fresh clouds of grass, so that the smell of the mint incense grass would rise upward.

Syn.: glacier, odorous spikelet, bitter grass, sacred grass, sweet grass, flat grass, tomkovitsa, turovka, chapolot, flat grass, variegated wheatgrass, bitter flat grass, bitterling, chapula, fragrant chapol, chapolot, splashing grass.

A perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Poaceae family. Widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry, it has brought worldwide fame to the Polish alcoholic drink with the same name - “Zubrowka”, made on the basis of this herb.

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Flower formula

Formula of the fragrant bison flower: O(2)+2 T3 P1.

In medicine

Bison grass is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation and is not used in official medicine, but it has been successfully used in folk medicine due to its high content useful minerals and vitamins as an appetite enhancer, as well as an antiseptic and anti-tuberculosis agent of plant origin. Actively used for viral diseases, increasing sweating. The plant enhances digestive functions, stimulates appetite and helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Zubrovka also restores pigmentation of the skin and hair, is an excellent hemostatic agent, strengthens muscles and the walls of blood vessels, improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, and stabilizes the functioning of the heart.

Contraindications and side effects

A contraindication to taking zubrovka is individual intolerance due to the possible development of allergic reactions.

It is also contraindicated to use the herb for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers (plant substances remain in breast milk when using bison to enhance lactation). Depression, insomnia, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions are also contraindications.

You should not take zubrovka if a person suffers from any acute diseases of the digestive system.

Taking zubrovka preparations, even in a completely healthy person, can cause headaches (due to an overdose of coumarin, up to the appearance of migraines).

In cooking

In France, bison is added as a flavoring to soft drinks, candies, cigarettes, confectionery, sauces, fish marinades and canned food. This herb is a spice, but is used infrequently.

Already in the 17th century, tinctures and vodka with bison grass were known in Poland, and in 1926 the production of tincture with bison grass in a bottle was mastered. Now this Polish drink Zubrowka with a leaf of grass inside the bottle has become a national brand. And in Lithuania, an ancient honey drink known since the 16th century (Krupnik, or Krupnikas) is popular. It contains, along with many other spices, fragrant bison. Russian “Zubrovka”, Czech “Zubrovka”, German “Grasovka”, as well as American “Bison Vodka” - all these drinks also use zubrovka.

In 2005, a sauce composition for traditional Polish dishes containing this plant was patented.

In cosmetology

Essential oil Zubrovka is used as a raw material for perfumery and cosmetic products, due to its specific smell of freshly cut hay.

In other areas

Essential oil of bison is used as a flavoring agent for smoking and snuff.

IN agriculture bison is added in small quantities to livestock feed to increase milk yield in cows. However, due to the presence of a special alkaloid in the plant, in large quantities the additive can be poisonous to farm animals.

The fragrant bison has a very strong and developed root system. Therefore, it is often used as a fixative for sandy railway embankments and ravine slopes.


Fragrant bison (lat. Hierochloë odorata) is a species of perennial plants of the genus Hierochloë of the Poaceae family of the Poales order.

Botanical description

Sweet bison (Hierochloë odorata) is a perennial plant from the Poaceae family. The bison has a long vertical root in the form of a cord with thin, lateral roots starting from the nodules. The stems are erect, smooth, up to 80-100 cm high. The basal leaves are pointed, the stem leaves are shortened, linear-lanceolate in shape. Bison flowers are collected in spikelets, which are then formed into panicles. The spikelets are golden yellow, egg-shaped. The fruit is a grain.


The European bison is common in North America, Asia, and Europe in temperate climate zones.

The fragrant bison is also found in the Caucasus, Siberia, Far East and in Central Asia (in the northern and mountainous regions). Most often, bison grows in meadows, forest clearings, bushes, along river banks and in the mountains.

In Ukraine, bison can only be found in forested areas.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The medicinal raw material for collection is considered to be the grass of the plant: stems, leaves and panicles, but the underground part and other parts of the bison are not collected. The period of grass harvesting is the time of flowering of the plant (from April to June), it is at this time that the content of a special substance in the plant - coumarin - is especially high. When re-harvesting raw materials after the grass has grown back, the coumarin content will be much lower. When harvesting, the stems with leaves should be no more than 50 cm long. Dry the raw materials by laying them out in the open air, in the shade, under a canopy.

Dried bison has one distinctive feature - the raw material is rolled into a tube when dried in the sun. All other herbs remain flat when treated similarly.

The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. Industrially, bison can be harvested in the east of Ukraine, throughout Belarus and in middle lane Russia.

Chemical composition

Zubrovka is rich in its chemical composition. It contains vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9, B 12, C, H, PP), potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, iron, ascorbic acid, ferulic acid, alkaloids, bitterness.

Zubrovka contains a special substance called coumarin in quite large quantities. It is he who gives specific aroma grass. Zubrovka contains hydroxycinnamic acid anhydride in the form of a glycoside.

Pharmacological properties

Fragrant bison is used only by folk healers and has no use in official medicine.

The grass of bison is mainly used in the treatment of enterocolitis and colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum (the bitterness of bison has a positive effect on appetite and the secretion of digestive juice in the stomach and intestines). Zubrovka tincture is useful for anorexia nervosa (refusal to eat) and gastrointestinal disorders.

Fragrant bison has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. An infusion of the leaves is useful in relieving fever and symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Zubrovka also helps with dry and cracked skin and brittle hair.

Externally aquatic and alcohol solutions Zubrovki are used to speed up the healing of wounds and for fungal skin infections.

Use in folk medicine

Most often in folk medicine, water infusion and alcohol tincture of bison are used. Zubrovka is used by healers to improve appetite and digestion in chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for the treatment of enterocolitis and colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers). Zubrovka grass has a special property - it is useful for anorexia nervosa. Zubrovka infusion is also used for fever and symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. An infusion of bison grass helps with cracked skin and brittle hair.

Historical background

The fragrant bison has been known for a very long time. Even Indian buffalo hunters used bison smoke as a sacrifice to guarantee success in the upcoming hunt and for protection from evil spirits. Dried powder of bison grass was an additive to tobacco for the ritual peace pipe. Native American shamans set fire to the sacred bison grass, braided or twisted into bundles in various purification and initiation rituals.

Insects do not like the specific smell of bison grass, so Indian women made mattresses and pillows from this grass, and also wove baskets and mats from bison grass.

In some areas of Europe, bison grass was called “holy grass”, translated from the Latin Hierochloe. On religious holidays, fresh fragrant grass Zubrovka decorated churches for the sake of their sweet smell.

In England, the name bison is “sweet grass” - “sweet grass” is also associated with the sweet, pleasant smell of the plant.

There is evidence that bison grass has been used to flavor alcoholic beverages since the beginning of the 18th century.

In Russia, the plant was called “bison” because it is a favorite delicacy of bison. Sometimes bison grass is also called Turovka for a similar reason - Turs will also not refuse to feast on this grass.


  1. Gubanov, I. A. et al. 160. Hierochloë odorata (L.) Beauv. - Fragrant bison // Illustrated plant guide Central Russia. In 3 volumes - M.: Scientific T. ed. KMK, Institute of Technology. research, 2002. - T. 1. Ferns, horsetails, club mosses, gymnosperms, angiosperms (monocots). - P. 254. - ISBN 8-87317-091-6.
  2. Dudchenko L. G., Kozyakov A. S., Krivenko V. V. Spicy-aromatic and spicy-flavoring plants: Directory / Responsible. ed. K. M. Sytnik. - K.: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 304 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-12-000483-0.

Bison grass belongs to perennial plants that belong to the Poaceae family. The plant has a long taproot and an erect, smooth stem. The grass reaches half a meter in height. Flowering occurs in late May - early June. Due to the coumarin content in the plant, it has a special aroma, for which bison is often called fragrant. The flowers are small, have a light brown tint, and are collected in panicle inflorescences. The foliage is flat, pointed towards the edge. The top has a rich green color, and the back of the leaves has a characteristic gray tint.

In central Russia you can find up to 8 species of this plant. It is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, therefore it grows on the edge of the forest, in thickets, along the road, near the river and high in the mountains. Due to its beneficial properties, it is widely used in the preparation of traditional medicine for the treatment of many diseases.

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    Useful properties

    The bison grass is distinguished by its rich chemical composition. Thanks to this, this inconspicuous-looking plant has found application not only in medicine, but also in cooking. It is used to enhance the taste and aroma of cooked dishes.

    It includes:

    • vitamins of group B, C, H, PP;
    • coumarin;
    • trace elements (selenium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese);
    • ascorbic acid;
    • alkaloids;
    • ferulic acid;
    • bitterness.

    The beneficial properties of the plant help stop bleeding, improve metabolic processes in the body, strengthen tissues and bones, slow down the aging process, improve appetite and restore muscle tone. The coumarin contained in bison has a softening, antispasmodic, and hormonal effect. Its properties help restore the natural color of skin and hair, promote rapid maturation and resorption of boils. Coumarin has been proven effective against the development of cancer cells.

    Ascorbic acid helps the formation of proteins and fats in the body, and also improves the absorption of iron in the blood and helps normalize cellular respiration. Ferulic acid helps protect the skin from negative impact ultraviolet radiation and collagen production, which prevents the intensive development of aging processes.

    Indications for use

    The use of zubrovka as a remedy should be carried out in consultation with the attending physician in order to avoid possible complications.

    The chemical composition of the plant makes it possible to use bison in the treatment of many diseases. The use of bison to improve lactation of nursing mothers is very effective, and preparations based on this plant have diaphoretic, anti-tuberculosis and antiseptic effects.

    • to improve appetite and as a general tonic;
    • for diseases digestive system and from tuberculosis;
    • for colitis and anorexia;
    • for chronic fatigue;
    • to normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
    • to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and muscles;
    • to suppress cancer tumors;
    • to eliminate dry and cracked skin, brittle hair;
    • for colds and viral diseases.

    An infusion of this plant is recommended for use as a mouth rinse for stomatitis and to get rid of unpleasant odor. To speed up the healing of purulent wounds, it is necessary to use lotions from bison. To get rid of the putrid odor from an abscess, you should moisten the released liquid with a solution from this plant.

    Collection and procurement of raw materials

    Only bison foliage has healing properties. Its preparation should be carried out when the plant is blooming, since at this time it contains greatest number useful substances. In the future, after the foliage grows, its harvesting is also carried out in a new way, but the coumarin content in the leaves will be much less.

    Drying of raw materials should be carried out on fresh air, avoiding direct sunlight. For long-term storage, use linen bags.

    Zubrovka retains its beneficial properties for 24 months if stored correctly.

    Application of the plant

    Zubrovka has a wide range of applications. It is used for the preparation of traditional medicine, in cooking and cosmetology.

    For this, infusions, tinctures, and decoctions from the plant are used. But when using it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of the product and all stages of preparation.

    To improve appetite and boost immunity

    To prepare the infusion, you can use several preparation options. All recipes are effective and will help solve health problems:

    1. 1. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over the dried bison extract (10 g), leave for 1 hour. Take the prepared drink half an hour before meals, drinking 1 tablespoon of the product at a time.
    2. 2. Grind dried bison leaves (70 g) and pour boiling water (250 ml). Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Leave for 2 hours and peel. Take 50 ml three times a day before the main meal.

    For tuberculosis and stomach pathologies

    1. 1. Pour dry collection of bison (100 g) with vodka (500 ml) and keep in a closed, opaque container for 3 weeks, stirring the mixture periodically. After the time has passed, strain the tincture and take 30 drops half an hour before meals with a small amount of water.
    2. 2. Pour the crushed leaves of the plant (70 g) with vodka (100 ml), leave in a dark place for 15 days, stirring several times. Take by dissolving 5 drops of the product in 1 tablespoon of water half an hour before the main meal.


    Before taking medicinal products based on zubrovka, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the existing contraindications so as not to provoke the development of complications. Zubrovka is not capable of causing harm to the body, but can cause side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of headaches and migraines. You cannot use bison on your own to enhance lactation. This should be carried out strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

    Main contraindications for use:

    • pregnancy period;
    • people suffering from depression or regular neuroses;
    • treatment of insomnia;
    • acute digestive disorders;
    • individual intolerance to the components of the plant, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction.

    When using bison oil for aromatherapy, you should not mix it with other components that also contain coumarin, as this will cause migraines. The combination with cinnamon oil is also contraindicated.

    Zubrovka is a medicinal herb, but this does not mean that it can be used at your discretion for medicinal purposes. For the therapy to be effective, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of treatment and dosage of medications based on this plant.

Fragrant bison is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the cereal family. It is popularly called odorous bison, turovka, chapolot, lyadnik. The plant collection period is from late May to early June.


Zubrovka is a grass that is a perennial plant. Reaching a height of 70 cm, it has a long creeping rhizome and erect ascending stems. The leaves located on the stem have a short, flat shape. They are green below, naked, and gray-green above with scattered hairs. Bison flowers, collected in spikelets, form an oblong-oval panicle. Flowers in spikelets are collected in groups of 3; during flowering they look like a spreading panicle. The fruit of the plant is a grain of deep brown color and oblong shape, ripening in August.

Fragrant bison is a grass that prefers to grow on sandy, fresh and dry soils in pine forests, along clearings and roads, in forest clearings and glades. In addition, it can be found among bushes. Southern bison grass is common along the banks of rivers and lakes, where it grows throughout the summer. These plants differ both in their place of growth and in the structure of the panicle. In addition, they are the most favorite food of bison that live in North America, as well as bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Collection and procurement period

The grass bison has various beneficial properties, but its healing raw material is foliage. During the flowering period, when it contains the most coumarin, it is harvested. Although even after flowering and after secondary regrowth it can be cut off again, only in this case the concentration of coumarin will be significantly less. The bison is dried in a room with normal ventilation or directly in the open air, while hiding it from direct sunlight. Zubrovka is a grass that retains its properties for 2 years.


In our country, this herb is found in the Caucasus, in the European region, in the Far East, as well as in Eastern and Western Siberia; in Ukraine - mainly in the forest-steppe and Polesie. Grows in mixed and pine forests, in forest plantations, on sand, in clearings and clearings, in flooded meadows, along the banks of reservoirs.


The stems and roots contain huge amounts of the alkaloid dynaxin and coumarin. In addition, bison is a herb that includes hydroxycinnamic acid anhydride in the form of a glycoside - it gives the plant a subtle aroma.

Bison grass: beneficial properties

The plant stimulates appetite and also improves human digestion. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulation of digestion and appetite, fever - these are the cases when the herb is used in the form of vodka tincture or water infusion. In addition, it is used in the form of lotions for slowly healing wounds and various fungal skin diseases.

Methods of application

To stimulate appetite and improve lactation in young mothers, a water infusion is used. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry herb into a glass of boiling water (bison herb is sold in pharmacies, markets, and specialty stores), and then leave for half an hour under a closed lid. Next, the broth is filtered and taken before meals, a tablespoon at a time.

Application in other areas

Zubrovka is a herb (photo can be seen in this article), which is widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry for the production of the aromatic tincture “Zubrovka”. In the confectionery industry it is used for food essences. It is also used in the form of a spicy seasoning for fish. The herb has a slightly astringent taste, but it has a bright, unique aroma.

Zubrovka is a grass that blooms profusely between May and June. At this time, the coumarin content in it reaches its maximum. This plant is very actively used in the production of flavored alcoholic drinks - vodka and liqueurs.

In Poland, Belovezhskaya Zubrovka vodka has been known since the 17th century, which became the favorite drink of the Polish gentry in the 18th century. Industrial production began in Brest-Litovsk in 1926 of this drink. Later, other manufacturers began to use this method around the world.

Russian “Zubrovka”, Czech “Zubrovka”, German “Grasovka”, as well as American “Bison Vodka” - all these drinks use the herb zubrovka, the properties of which were described in the article above. The Zubrowka brand, registered by Polmos Bialystok in Poland, is a national treasure of the country.

Honey liqueur “Krupnikas” or “Krupnik” has been known in Lithuania and Poland since the 16th century. Along with such spices as coriander, cloves, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, juniper, cardamom fruits, star anise, nuts, aromatic bison was also added to it. This herb, in addition to its use in various drinks, is a spice in itself that is not often used.

In France, braised pork shoulder with bison sauce won a silver medal in a regional cuisine competition. For cosmetic and perfumery products, the oils of this plant are used as a stunning aromatic composition that resembles the smell of freshly cut grass.

Side effects

Any theories of “alcohol treatment” usually do not lead to anything other than alcohol addiction. Scientists have been able to prove that mixtures of alcohols are not necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body.

Should I drink or should I not? The answer to this question depends on your social position and personal values, although no herbal tinctures should be taken seriously as medicine. The negative effect of alcohol on the central nervous system and human liver is much higher than the “antimicrobial” positive effect of a plant called bison grass, the properties of which are described above. And also, realizing that you are “being treated”, it is easy to start drinking every day, which will already become a sign of addiction.

For medicinal purposes, alcoholic tincture is only suitable for rubbing the chest in case of elevated temperature. You need to understand that alcohol evaporates quite quickly, and a person feels relief due to this process. In case of overdose, any source of coumarin causes headaches.

Zubrovka, a grass whose photo is presented in this article, is not suitable for self-treatment. Often a person cannot independently diagnose a disease, and mistakes the symptoms of one disease for another. It turns out that the treatment is not working. It must be remembered that any recipes for herbal treatment refer to the controversial heritage of traditional medicine, but not to scientifically proven facts from the field of scientific medicine. As part of aromatherapy, it is advisable not to mix bison with other sources of coumarin, in addition to cinnamon essential oil.

Hierochloe is translated from Latin as “holy grass,” therefore, in some European countries the name bison is directly associated with the image of the Mother of God. The plant in England is called “sweet grass”, translated as “sweet grass”, and this name directly refers to the sweetish aroma of bison grass. In the Indian tribes (Pawnee, Menomin, Omaha, Lakota, Caddo), buffalo hunters and others considered the smoke from burning sacred grass to be a sacrifice to their ancestors. In addition, this smoke protected them from unclean spirits. In addition, the Peace pipe contained bison, ground and dried into powder, which was then mixed with tobacco.

It was believed that the smoke of this herb helps to achieve meditation and the peak of unity; the shamans of India used this fragrant smoke of the plant, twisted into small bouquets or braided in braids, in rituals of initiation and purification. In the form of smoking or decoction, the Indians used this sacred plant against colds, coughs and other pains. The grass perfectly repelled insects with its soft aroma, and the women of India wove baskets and mats from it, stuffed mattresses and pillows. And the inhabitants of Europe, on the days of various religious holidays, decorated churches and porches with these fresh bunches of grass, so that the aroma of fragrant greenery would rise rapidly.

Legendary zubrovka tincture - recipe with vodka and moonshine

Fragrant grass, or sacred grass, chapolot, sweet, flat grass, etc. - this plant from the grass family can be found everywhere, in the city, in the countryside, in swamps, along river banks, and forest edges. Many people are familiar with the name of the plant, thanks to the bitters of the same name. But the plant became famous not only as a raw material for flavoring alcoholic beverages, but also for its very healing properties.

What beneficial properties and contraindications the bison grass has, how to use it and prepare a medicinal drink - you can find out from our article.

Useful and healing properties

The plant is used in the production of canned food and confectionery, as a tobacco flavoring. Previously, the herb served as a raw material for aromatic incense instead of incense, which is why it was called “sacred.” And the root system is useful for strengthening railway embankments and ravines.

Often, fragrant grass serves as feed for livestock, since it has the properties of increasing milk production, but it should not be given to animals in too large quantities.

The rich composition of vitamins and acids and other valuable elements make this plant a very useful remedy. Thanks to coumarins, bleeding stops, ascorbic acid helps strengthen bone and muscle tissue, and bitterness improves appetite.

Although the plant has not been used in traditional medicine, among the people it is famous for a number of medicinal qualities:

  • increases appetite;
  • increases lactation;
  • relieves intestinal spasms;
  • normalizes the functions of the digestive system;
  • relieves inflammation in the pelvic organs and respiratory tract;
  • has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair;
  • helps in the treatment of dental gingivitis and trophic ulcers.

For a long time, herbalists have used the plant for rubbing against pain in the muscles, as part of therapeutic restorative preparations. The benefits of fragrant herbs are also known in the treatment of such serious diseases as tuberculosis and pneumonia. Tincture for water based used as a diaphoretic, which is very necessary for viral and colds.

There is an opinion that the plant promotes weight loss. Unfortunately, it doesn't burn at all. excess fats and does not speed up the metabolic process. Accordingly, it does not affect a person’s lifestyle or the food he eats.

Alcohol essence is used to prepare an alcoholic drink, from which various cocktails and liqueur mixtures are made. Often the use of bison grass in vodka is characterized as something very useful. What contributes to prevention colds, inflammatory and healing from a wide variety of ailments. But this is not always the case.


First of all, the beneficial effect of alcohol on the human body, or more precisely on its central nervous system and liver, is much higher than the antimicrobial effect of the plant. That is, an alcoholic drink should not be taken seriously as a medicine. This remedy is great for rubbing when the body temperature rises, because the alcohol evaporates very quickly, and the patient feels relief.

Since the plant contains coumarins, an overdose of medicinal drugs, be it a decoction or infusion, can cause migraines. Since the composition also contains alkaloids that can pass into breast milk, independent use of the plant to increase lactation is not recommended.

With all this, products based on fragrant herbs should not be used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • neuroses and depression;
  • insomnia;
  • during periods of exacerbation of digestive diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

It follows from this that before starting to use the herb for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to consult a specialist, herbalist, or attending physician.

Reading information: Wormwood. Properties, contraindications, recipes

Homemade bison recipe

In fact, traditional medicine has a lot of options for preparing decoctions and tinctures of the plant in water or alcohol. Only grass leaves are taken as raw material; rhizomes and inflorescences are not used. Here are some good proven folk recipes:

A decoction to increase appetite and generally strengthen the body

  • Pour 10 g of dry plant with hot boiled water in a volume of 300 ml;
  • wrap the container with the infusion, leave for an hour, and then strain;
  • take orally 3-4 times a day before meals, one tablespoon.
  • Pour 10 g of chopped young shoots and grass leaves into a glass of boiling water;
  • cover with a lid, leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes;
  • squeeze with gauze and drink half a glass hot three times a day before meals.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials into 200 ml of hot water;
  • put on fire, hold for 10 minutes;
  • Remove from heat, leave for a little while, and take a couple of tablespoons 3-4 times.

Zubrovka tincture recipe for anorexia and colitis

  • Pour 5 tablespoons of dry grass into half a liter of vodka;
  • leave in a dark place for 8-10 days;
  • strain and take 30-40 drops orally before meals, 2-3 times a day, with clean water.

Infusion for tuberculosis

  • Grind 10 g of fresh herbs, pour a glass of boiling water;
  • cover with a lid and let steep for 30-40 minutes;
  • after that, strain the infusion and drink 3 or 4 times a day, two large spoons, a quarter of an hour before meals.

Decoction for fatigue and digestive diseases

  • Steam 10 g of the plant in a glass of boiling water in a water bath;
  • then leave for another half hour, strain and squeeze well;
  • take 1 large spoon orally three times a day before meals.

Decoction for low secretion of gastric juice and fever

  • Grind 20 g of herbs and pour half a liter of clean water;
  • put on fire, boil, cover with a lid;
  • boil over low heat for 10 minutes, and then leave for another 20 minutes;
  • Strain the broth and drink 50-60 ml three times a day before meals.

Before using any medicine Based on the plant, a preliminary consultation with a herbalist is recommended.

Be healthy!

Zubrovka grass beneficial properties, contraindications, photos, recipes

Zubrovka (popularly called lyadnik) is a perennial plant belonging to the Poaceae family. The grass is known for its wonderful fragrant aroma; it is not for nothing that the British call it “sweet grass”. In our area, the plant acquired its name from the bison, who prefer to eat it. She is also known as a Turovka for similar reasons regarding tours.

Description of the plant

You can see the bison in the photo below.
Root system grows very widely and deep into the ground. The upper part has a smooth trunk with nodular thickenings. Grows up to 60–70 centimeters. The foliage is flat, with elongated points at the ends. The lower leaves are much larger than the upper ones. On the front side the leaf is green in color, on the back it is slightly grayish. The flowers are brown-gold, collected in many long spikes, forming spreading panicles.

Did you know? Some peoples position bison as a sacred plant. And in our time, some peoples believe that it is effective in the fight against evil forces. Fruits with dark brown seeds towards the end of summer. Their size is very tiny, so planting them in the ground is not the easiest task.
The bison is mainly found in forests. This grass can also be found where pine or spruce grows, in the wilds, near roads, on river banks and in mountainous areas no higher than three kilometers. It is most popular in Europe and Asia in temperate latitudes, near mountains in the tropics and on the North American continent.

Zubrovka is a cold-resistant plant, which is why it is widespread in the European part of Russia, western Siberian territories, the Far East and the Caucasus. Sometimes it comes across like a weed. It can grow in any soil, but sandy soils are more suitable for it.


The composition of the upper parts of bison contains hydroxycinnamic acid anhydride, alkaloids and coumarin, which explains its tart, bitter taste and viscous odor.

Useful properties

Zubrovka has a large number of useful properties:

  • has a restorative effect on hair and skin color;
  • has an excellent effect on blood clotting;
  • effective in preventing cancer;
  • strengthens muscle tissue and vascular membranes;
  • has a positive effect on digestion;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • useful for anorexia;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  • acts as an antiseptic;
  • increases milk production in lactating women.
In addition to the grass bison, a positive effect on the condition cardiovascular system Hellebore, oregano (oregano), chervil, caraway, rocambole, melon, lox, hops, sorrel, calendula and buttercups also provide benefits.


Zubrovka does not cause any particular harm to the body, but has several side effects:

  • your head may hurt;
  • with an increase in milk secretion in women, the content of residual substances in it also increases;
  • livestock may feel unwell.
The head can hurt from an oversaturation of coumarin, up to a migraine attack. When you use decoctions on your own to increase milk production, you can harm the baby with particles of the active substances of the herb. Increased content bison in feed are like poison for livestock. It is not recommended to mix this herb for aromatic purposes with other plants containing coumarin.

Important! Considering that at the official level, zubrovka is not used in the manufacture of medicines, then using it for medicinal purposes on its own is also not recommended for safety reasons. Zubrovka is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • neurotics and people with mental illnesses;
  • those suffering from insomnia;
  • for personal allergic reactions;
  • for ulcers and other serious intestinal problems.


Zubrovka has a very wide range of uses: in cooking, for preparing medicines and as a dietary remedy.

In cooking

The plant has found quite extensive use in cooking:

  • in the production of alcoholic products;
  • in the confectionery industry;
  • in pickling;
  • in the production of seasonings.
The Zubrovka tincture, which has been produced for many centuries, is very popular among the people. The name comes from the addition of the plant of the same name to it, which imbues the drink with a bright herbal aroma. This plant was also used in honey liqueur as a spice. The Poles made it back in the 16th century. In the confectionery industry, bison is regularly used to prepare essences that enhance the taste and aroma of products. It is also used as a spice for fish and is sometimes added to canned fish.

Did you know? Even today Europeans use zubrovka as church decoration on holidays.

Zubrovka itself is practically not used as a spice due to its very unique taste. Everyone decides for themselves whether to add it to a dish or not. There is a well-known story of how one culinary specialist from France, using a seasoning from this herb, which he added to sauces for stewed pork, took second place in a very prestigious competition.

Bison tincture

A very popular recipe for homemade bison tincture. This drink smells like fresh hay with the aromas of various herbs. It is very simple to prepare, as well as to use, because any autumn canned food goes well with it. They also prefer to take this tincture with them on various picnics and nature trips.

To prepare, you need to take half a liter of vodka or moonshine, two or three stems of grass, a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of water and two tablespoons of lemon juice.

The herb can be bought at the market from herbalists. It should have a light green color and the smell of a fresh meadow. It is recommended to use only one or two blades of grass the first time. The plant is finely chopped and filled with alcohol in a jar. Sugar and lemon juice should soften the vodka or moonshine a little. The drink is infused for ten to fifteen days with periodic shaking. If in the end the taste still turns out to be harsh, then add more honey or sugar. The tincture turns out to be light yellow in color.

In medicine

Traditional medicine has a good reputation for bison. It is used to treat:

  • problems with the stomach, intestines;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fevers;
  • tuberculosis;
  • colds;
  • neuroses.
As well as the herb bison, watercress, calendula, oregano (oregano), chervil, meadow sage, kale, Lyubka bifolia, yucca, dodder and anise have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Important! How remedy Only the trunks and upper foliage of the plant are used. For storage, the collected grass is dried under natural conditions.

Zubrovka is used in the treatment of bleeding due to its effect on blood clotting. The herb is also effective against fungal diseases.

When losing weight

The use of grass such as bison for dietary purposes is very popular. Drinking it in the form of tea increases sweat production and, accordingly, weight loss. But at the same time, metabolism does not accelerate, and fat accumulations are not consumed, so doctors are officially against this method and advise not to take it seriously.

Zubrovka, for all its simplicity, is very useful plant, which is very popular and widely used to improve the lives of many people.

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Fragrant bison (lat. Hieróchloë odoráta) is a perennial fragrant plant, known by many names: bitter grass, flat grass, tomkovitsa, turovka, chapolot, odorous bison, glacier, flat grass, variegated wheatgrass, bitter flat grass, bitterling, chapula, odorous chapol, splashing. The herb is popularly known as mustard for its bitter taste, which is imparted by the bitterness it contains.

The plant has a long creeping rhizome, a straight stem with nodes. Grows up to 30-70 cm. The leaves have an oval shape, pointed at the end, they are flat and slightly elongated. The leaves have different colors: they are green-gray above and green below.

Fragrant bison flowers form multiple elongated oval spikes, which are collected into a spreading panicle. The fruits are a dark brown grain. The flowering period of the plant begins in April, ends in June, and the grains ripen by August. Habitat: forest clearings, edges, coniferous forests, near roads and in bushes. The favorite place is sandy soils, but it is not particularly fussy and grows on almost any soil. The plant is cold-resistant. Geography of the plant - Europe, Asia and North America, as well as mountainous regions of the tropics.

Preparation and storage of fragrant bison

The stems and leaves are used, but not the basal ones. Dry them in the open air, in the shade, spread out on paper or dry wood, and protect them from precipitation. You can also hang the stems in bunches under a canopy. Store finished raw materials for no more than two years, in a well-ventilated room, observing temperature conditions (no more than 20 degrees) and humidity.

Harvested stems with leaves should be up to half a meter long. The leaves are light green, the stems are dark green. The plant has a strong odor and tart taste. The finished raw materials of sweet tooth are packed into bales weighing 50 kg. Industrial procurement is possible in the east of Ukraine, throughout Belarus and in central Russia.

Use in everyday life

  1. Used in cooking and confectionery production.
  2. Used for pickling herring.
  3. For many decades, zubrovka has been used to make vodka in Poland and Belarus. Thanks to the unique aroma of grass, Zubrovka vodka is very famous.
  4. The herb is included in spice recipes, is used as a flavoring agent, and enhances the smell of the total mass of spices. Used in limited quantities due to highly individual perception.
  5. Essential oil of bison is used as a raw material for perfumes and cosmetics and resembles the smell of freshly cut hay.
  6. Bison is also used in agriculture. It is known that the consumption of hay containing small amounts of this grass leads to an increase in milk yield in cows. It should be noted that animals do not particularly like this grass because of its strong specific smell. It should be noted that the alkaloid dynaxin contained in the grass can lead to poisoning of domestic cattle.
  7. Thanks to its well-developed root system, the grass is able to strengthen sandy railway embankments and the slopes of ravines.

Composition and medicinal properties of bison

  1. Fragrant bison contains coumarin, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), ferulic acid, alkaloids, and bitterness.
  2. Properties of coumarin: hemostatic, hypotensive, antispasmodic, emollient, hormonal, anti-leukodermic. Thanks to coumarin, the plant has a specific fragrant aroma. Coumarin does not clot blood, has a P-vitamin, tonic effect, and also promotes the rapid opening and resorption of ulcers, restores skin and hair color. Very important property coumarin - anticancer activity.
  3. Properties of ascorbic acid: natural antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is necessary for the formation of intracellular collagen, a substance necessary to strengthen the walls of small vessels, teeth and bones. In addition, vitamin C is involved in redox reactions, carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of proteins and fats, ensures the absorption of iron in the body, and is also necessary for cellular respiration.
  4. Properties of ferulic acid: a strong antioxidant that enhances the effect of vitamins C and E, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, because this combination protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and slows down aging. The antibacterial effect of ferulic acid is also known.
  5. Properties of alkaloids: participate in the regulation of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system, balance blood pressure, stabilize breathing and cardiac activity, have bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, increase muscle tone.
  6. Properties of bitterness: increase appetite, increase the secretion of digestive juice in the stomach and intestines.
  7. Zubrovka, due to the content of a lot of useful substances in it, has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin. In this regard, infusions and decoctions of the plant are widely used in the treatment of dry and cracked skin, and also as a hair tonic.
  8. Infusions and decoctions medicinal herb can be used to increase education breast milk during the period breastfeeding.
  9. It is known that fragrant bison preparations have a diaphoretic, antiseptic and anti-tuberculosis effect.
  10. In addition, infusion and decoction of the herb is used for rinsing the mouth for dental gingivitis, bad breath, for lotions and dressings of trophic, long-term non-healing ulcers that emit a fetid odor. In order to get rid of the specific, putrid smell of a lung abscess, the released sputum is treated with a solution of bison.

The use of fragrant bison in folk medicine

The underground part of the plant and inflorescences are not used. Zubrovka grass is mainly used in the treatment of enterocolitis and colitis, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, to reduce high temperature, tuberculosis, refusal to eat, dry and cracked skin, brittle hair.


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