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Where to go on a honeymoon in winter? Summer lovers, of course, will choose a trip to warm countries, which will be a pleasant contrast to the snow-covered streets and frost. Of course, every young couple after the wedding wants to be alone, to spend their honeymoon in such a way that it will be remembered for a lifetime. If you don’t know where to go on your honeymoon, especially in winter, we have chosen for you the five best places where your vacation will be truly fabulous.

  • Cuba

You can’t imagine a better time than winter to visit Cuba, because, for example, from May to October tropical rains could interfere with your visit. And so Cuba will greet you with excellent weather, unforgettable local flavor and a wonderful holiday atmosphere. If you are a temperamental couple and just love fun, then this wonderful country in the Caribbean is just for you.

  • Mauritius

An island that you will definitely be satisfied with visiting. Previously, this glorious and very exotic island was accessible only to people with good material income and was considered almost a luxury, but now many can afford to relax there. To make your trip memorable for a long time, you can keep yourself busy with fishing, excursions to the botanical garden and crocodile farm, go on a safari or to an extinct volcano. Well, of course, you will be delighted with the beauty that will surround you everywhere.

  • Maldives

This magical place is usually chosen by true romantics who dream of relaxing after the hectic pre-wedding days, escaping from the bustle of the city and winter frosts. In the Maldives, it’s as if nature itself has created ideal conditions for you for a secluded, relaxing holiday, which you will only remember with a smile.

  • Thailand

If you believe the reviews, this place is considered almost the best for a honeymoon in winter. Of course, stunning landscapes, a new and colorful culture for us, a huge range of entertainment and recreation cannot fail to amaze. Here you can walk alone along the deserted shore of the vast ocean or plunge into the world of bright colorful shows and the bustling rhythm of life in Bangkok. A honeymoon trip to Thailand is also an opportunity to visit Buddhist temples, see untouched tropical forests, ride an elephant, take part in a safari, or throw out a fishing rod and catch a sea creature.

  • Türkiye

You will definitely not regret if you choose this unique country as a destination for your honeymoon. It has everything you could want - excellent beaches, beautiful places, high quality service. In addition, you will not have to spend a lot of time on the flight, and holidays in Turkey will cost much less than in other places. Here you can also entertain yourself with excursions or active recreation, for example, a jeep safari or rafting.

Many couples are faced with a choice - where to go on their honeymoon. I want to go to a beautiful and romantic place, where it is warm, bright and there is a place to enjoy each other, because it is on the honeymoon that emotions run high and you want to enjoy each other. And if you are having a wedding in the fall or winter, then the question immediately becomes - where to go? We decided to make the search easier and selected the most popular options for a winter honeymoon.

Honeymoon trip to the islands of Mauritius, Bali, Canary Islands

This most beautiful places for a honeymoon, a trip you will never forget.

Canary Islands - 7 beautiful islands that belong to Spain and are accessible all year round. The temperature here is always not lower than +20 degrees Celsius, and to travel here you will need a Schengen visa and the cost of the tour is from 1300 euros for two. The flight takes about 2 hours.

Mauritius- a picturesque place located in southeast Africa, near the island of Madagascar. The seasonality of this place is from October to February. In February, the season of heavy winds that the cyclone brings begins, and this weather is hardly suitable for a honeymoon. Flight time is about 10 hours. And the cost of the tour is from 1500 euros for two.

Bali- azure ocean, beautiful landscapes, huge sandy beaches and paradise nature. What else do you need on your honeymoon? The high season on this island is from October to April, but you shouldn’t miss out on this pleasure in winter. The rains here are short and the temperature does not drop below +25 degrees Celsius. The flight takes about 15 hours, and for the trip you will need from 3,000 euros for two.

Honeymoon trip to Thailand

Thailand is famous for its landscapes, beautiful ocean, and unusual holidays. There are places here for a calm, secluded and romantic holiday, as well as for active nightlife and entertainment. A honeymoon trip to Thailand is ideal for winter, because the season here is from November to April. The flight takes about 15 hours, and the cost of the tour starts from 2000 euros.

Honeymoon trip to Goa

It is a small picturesque state in India that enchants its tourists every year. Prices in Goa are quite low, cozy restaurants with delicious local cuisine that will be remembered forever. The flight takes about 14 hours, and the cost of the tour is from 1,500 euros for two.

Honeymoon trip to Italy and France

These two countries are so saturated with romance and love, and no matter what time of year you go there, Paris and Venice are beautiful even in winter! Delicious cuisine and local wine will warm you up on cold days. Flight from 2 hours. A Schengen visa will be required, and the cost of the tour is from 1000 euros for two.

Honeymoon trip to Lapland

The birthplace of Santa Claus, or Father Frost. A magical trip, because you can see beautiful houses, gorgeous snowdrifts, and delicious hot chocolate near the fireplace with your loved one. What could be better? The tour costs from 1,500 euros for two, and the flight time is about 3 hours.

The wedding ceremony is over, which means the main question becomes – where to go for your honeymoon. Often, young people ask this question even before marriage, planning their wedding adventure in advance. This is an exciting, wonderful period when lovers can relax together, give themselves completely to each other, forgetting about all everyday worries, indulging in love. To ensure a wonderful honeymoon, there are several things to consider: important points: budget and preferences of young people.

Determining the budget for your honeymoon

A wedding celebration is a very costly and expensive event. Outfits for the newlyweds, payment for the banquet, accessories and other little things that seem inexpensive, but can cause a significant blow to the newlyweds’ family budget. Such cases force you to save on your honeymoon, looking for a cheaper price. But no matter how much money you're willing to spend on your trip, you shouldn't postpone or cancel your honeymoon.

  • To save a little money, as an option, you can go on a honeymoon on a last-minute package. This is now practiced in all travel agencies. The cost of such tours is usually lower, but you will have to sacrifice some comfort conditions (for example, you need to get ready for such a trip as quickly as possible, because you will have to go where there are vouchers). Choose a hotel with at least 4 stars.
  • Organize your honeymoon to a place where vacation is budget and economical. For example, choose the Philippines or Tunisia instead of Cyprus or Greece. Such a trip will be more economical, but you will get a lot of pleasure from your time and a lot of unforgettable experiences.
  • If your family budget has seriously “suffered” after a wedding banquet, it would be a good idea to visit one of the cities of vast Russia. Sometimes, traveling to another city in your homeland can give positive impressions and emotions. Contact your local travel agency and they will find the best tour for you. You will understand that not only a foreign resort can be exciting for a honeymoon.

Where to go on your honeymoon in August

Having had a wedding in the summer and planning a honeymoon for August, it is important to choose the right country. Where to go, which country currently has a favorable climate conducive to quality recreation? When choosing a trip in the summer, you should take into account the time to avoid the rainy season, or vice versa, during the period when the thermometer can rise above 40 degrees. The choice of where to go in August depends on the preferences of the young - will it be a vacation on the ocean coast, a sea cruise or a mountain trip.

European countries with access to the sea are perfect for a honeymoon in August. For example, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, France, Greece. Among the more exotic options, it is worth considering the Maldives, Canary Islands, Dominican Republic, and Mexico.

Visa-free countries

An important factor for a honeymoon abroad is the paperwork, which takes a lot of time and sometimes nerves. You can entrust the preparation of documents to a travel agency, but you should be careful and carefully choose an agency so as not to stumble upon scammers.

To ease the hassle with documents, you should choose to travel to places where a visa is not required. It will be faster and much easier. Such states, for example, include: Brazil, Vietnam, Türkiye, Philippines, Georgia, Thailand. Or choose a country where a visa is issued at the border (Egypt, Cyprus, Sri Lanka).

For more information about visas, see the photo below.


When choosing a wedding date, newlyweds rarely think about where they will go on their honeymoon, but everyone dreams of a honeymoon spent in comfort. Therefore, a number of questions often arise about where to go, which country to give preference to, so that your vacation is as comfortable as possible.

If the special event does not fall in the summer, there will be no problems with choosing a place to travel. Here all the “doors” are open, the question remains with the preferences of the young. Alternatively, young people can choose a tour of Europe or a vacation on the coast European countries. It will be pleasant to travel around Thailand, Malaysia, the USA or visit the beaches of the Atlantic.

Italy, France, and Greece are perfect for an autumn honeymoon. November is the time to visit Egypt and Japan.

Where to go in winter? It is better to organize a winter holiday in the Maldives and Seychelles. For lovers of ski resorts, Switzerland and Andorra are perfect.


Sightseeing lovers will be interested in a honeymoon trip to European countries. There is a lot to see there: castles, palaces, various museums, as well as colorful nature - all this will give you true moments of pleasure and enjoyment.

When choosing where to go, include the following countries in your honeymoon trip to Europe:

  • France. Paris is the city of lovers. Here the air is saturated with romance, walks along romantic streets and contemplation of historical sights of indescribable beauty will definitely not leave anyone indifferent and will give you the opportunity to plunge headlong into love.

  • Italy is a classic that never goes out of style. Small streets, gondola rides through fabulous Venice, historical Rome with its charms - what could be more romantic and fabulous?
  • Switzerland is an excellent resort for lovers of ski adventures. But besides skiing, you will be pleasantly surprised by chic parks, fountains and cozy cafes with a romantic atmosphere.
  • Greece is a country for those who want to soak up the white sand under the scorching rays of the sun, plunge into the warm sea or take a boat ride. The picturesque nature will leave an indelible impression on anyone.

There are many countries and cities in Europe that are filled with romance. They will make your honeymoon unique and unforgettable. By hiring a guide to conduct excursions, you will not only have an exciting adventure, but also learn a lot of new things.

The travel agency will provide you with a route that you will follow. Such a trip, as a rule, does not require a flight, but takes place in a comfortable bus, but it is still tiring.


Asian countries are also rich in luxury holiday destinations:

  • India. Where to go in India? For example, the state of Kerala will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy its gorgeous beaches, lakes and bays. Unusual landscape, floating houses are just a small part of what you will see. But you definitely won’t be disappointed with this vacation.
  • Japan. Newlyweds who prefer the bustling rhythm of big cities to a calm, measured holiday on the beach are advised to visit Tokyo and Osaka. Excellent architecture, new technology and electronics - if this is your taste, a holiday here will be a godsend for you.
  • Japan. Tibet is an excellent place for a honeymoon if you want to remember history, enjoy the contemplation of Buddhist temples, and the unusual beauty of nature.


A honeymoon trip to America will also bring a lot of emotions and impressions. What is it worth just visiting Las Vegas, New York or San Francisco? If you want to spend your holiday on the beach, Miami is the best place. Huge beaches where it is quite possible to meet celebrities. Ideal place for true romantics – the Hawaiian islands.

The most popular destinations - TOP 10

Popular countries that are in demand for a honeymoon are:

Well, the most important event of your life has happened, you have finally testified your love before heaven and the state - you got married! How much trouble, nerves and worries this action cost you... And you didn’t even have time to enjoy each other. You can arrange a real holiday for yourself when you go on a honeymoon, where it will be just the two of you - and no relatives!

But where is the best place to go if your celebration took place in winter? It doesn’t matter, there are thousands of places in the world for which January frosts are not a hindrance. So, first you need to decide whether you want to go in the summer or winter. After all, a wonderful honeymoon can take place even with snow. If the choice fell on winter, you can focus your attention on your ski holiday. Here you can enjoy the Alps (French, Austrian, German), Ukrainian Bukovel in the Carpathian Mountains, or resorts in the mountains of fiery Georgia. Your romantic holiday in Lapland can be very exciting. It is the land of Santa Claus that can make your trip especially romantic. Just imagine that you will live in a cozy wooden house with small windows, with a large red fireplace, from where in the evening the crackling of fragrant firewood will be heard from the fire, and outside it will all glow like christmas tree. During the day you can walk around the reindeer farm, then ride a huge sleigh, and in the evening you will dance at a local festival with hot mulled wine in your hands.

For those who are very “summery” by nature, and who want to escape away from the frosts at home - the islands are waiting for you! For example, go to India, to the island of Goa. On the pristine beaches of Mobor and Benaulim you will spend an incredibly romantic honeymoon, because you will be strewn with flower petals, and you, in turn, will not deny yourself anything, especially fruit, which is abundant here. You can also go to the island of Mauritius, which only a couple of years ago could only be visited by members of royal families. Now, fishing holidays, trips to a crocodile farm, exciting safari and trips to the volcano - that's what this luxurious island has to offer you. Being located close to Madagascar, you will be treated to incredible views of southern Africa.

If you are drawn closer to Europe, then you need to go to the Canaries. The seven islands belong to Spain, so it will be easy to get a visa and get there without any problems. The Canaries will give you a very warm and gentle holiday, because the temperature here never drops below 20 degrees Celsius. Also pay attention to the island of Bali, which will delight you with azure water, snow-white beaches and incredibly exotic nature. By renting a bungalow house, your honeymoon will turn into the most memorable vacation, romantic and fabulous!

In addition to the islands, you can celebrate your most wonderful holiday in exotic Thailand. This will be an ideal trip in winter, because the most hot season here from November to April. In the morning you can have breakfast with unique Asian cuisine and a sea of ​​fruits, you will receive a signature Thai massage, you will enjoy each other’s company near the warm ocean, and at night you will arrange a trip to the best nightclubs.

Of course, in any season of the year, your honeymoon can be incredible if you want to spend it in one of the European cities. The atmosphere of Paris, Rome, Venice will always be festive and love will be in the air. You can also arrange a whole tour for yourself, for example, around the Baltic countries. It will be a very quiet, cozy, gentle and homely special holiday, during which you will enjoy each other all day long. The Czech capital Prague is very romantic, and for some reason it is often forgotten. Charles Bridge, numerous medieval streets filled with legends and cute little restaurants where you will dine to the sound of bells and the sound of clocks - and all this is just for the two of you, because you are the most important part of the honeymoon, no matter where in the world you are were not.

10.01.2016 | 384

A winter honeymoon can be no less hot than a summer one. It is important to choose the right place. We offer 3 countries where you can go on a honeymoon in winter.

Of course, in the summer the geography of “honey” travel is wide. You can go almost anywhere in the world, enjoy the sun and bask in the rays of the love of another “sun” - your spouse.

What should a new family do in winter? Postponing your honeymoon indefinitely is not an option. After all, all the romance and sweetness of the moment will be lost. We hasten to reassure the newlyweds who tied the knot during the period of frosty winds and icy roads: not all is lost! In winter, you can also have a romantic and hot honeymoon, without the presence of a sea or ocean. Pack your bags, and we will tell you interesting places.

Honeymoon in Hungary

Hungary is an example of a country that is famous for its special national flavor, majestic architecture and hearty, inexpensive cuisine.

We advise you to go straight to the capital of the state - Budapest. The city is famous for its thermal springs. In local baths you can not only warm your bones, but also improve your health, which may have been slightly shaken during the preparation for the wedding celebration. In total, the city has 13 healing baths, inviting with warm mineral water.

The cultural program may include visits to the following attractions:

  • Buda Castle;
  • Fisherman's Bastion;
  • Andrássy Avenue, where the Opera House is located;
  • oceanarium (located in the Kampona shopping center);
  • Royal Palace;
  • Vajdahunyad Castle.

You can’t ignore the gastronomic side of the trip. You and your husband can enjoy national Hungarian dishes for little money. We recommend that you try Hungarian goulash, chicken paprikash and cherry retesh (strudel) during your honeymoon in Budapest. And, of course, be sure to raise a glass of spicy Hungarian wine for the wonderful occasion that helped you find yourself in this wonderful place.

Honeymoon in Switzerland

If you and your husband are fans of active ski holiday, then it’s time to “sharpen your skis” to Switzerland.

The most popular ski resorts:

  • Jungfrau;
  • St. Moritz;
  • Engelberg;
  • Verbier;
  • Zermatt.

You can not only go skiing, but also visit swimming pools with mineral water, take part in greyhound racing and play polo on the ice.

After such an active holiday, you will probably want to eat hearty and tasty. A local dish will help satisfy your hunger - fried potatoes with Munich sausage - bratwurst, which you can wash down aromatic wine. Oh yes, on your honeymoon you can indulge in maximum sweet kisses and chocolate.

Honeymoon in Denmark

If you are tired of the hustle and bustle and want to spend your honeymoon in a quiet place, then your road lies precisely in the fabulous Denmark.

It is best to temporarily “drop anchor” in Copenhagen. Although the capital of the state is considered the quietest in Europe, there will definitely not be a boring holiday here!

Attractions to visit in Copenhagen:

  • National Museum;
  • Viking Ship Museum;
  • Tivoli amusement park;
  • Amalienborg Palace Ensemble.

We think you will want to see the famous Little Mermaid with your own eyes. This sculpture was created by Edward Eriksen. It’s easy to find: the sculpture adorns the entrance to Copenhagen harbor.

During your honeymoon you can see the famous Danish Little Mermaid.

While walking along the Danish streets, smørrebrød will perfectly satisfy your hunger. This invention of local chefs is a large multi-layered sandwich with different fillings.

Wherever you go, do not forget what brought you to this or that city. Don't quarrel over trifles, enjoy every minute of your honeymoon and your new statuses - husband and wife.

Have a sweet honeymoon!


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