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Every person at least once in his life is faced with the problem of organizing the heating of his home. This may be due to the construction of a house, renovation of a purchased apartment, or the need to correct an existing heating system.

The technology of soldering PVC pipes made it possible to abandon communications made using steel structures. This technology also made it possible to avoid labor-intensive gas welding processes and made it possible to carry out many works on water supply, heating and drainage on our own.

If there is a need to do space heating work with your own hands, the question arises of how to calculate heating radiators. This will require solving a complex set of problems, including choosing a heating scheme, determining a suitable radiator material, assessing the room and many other factors that influence the final result of the calculation.

Loyalty decisions made will be clear when the system starts operating during the heating season. It is recommended to find out in advance how to avoid unnecessary costs and ensure indoor comfort during the cold season, as well as what factors need to be taken into account when designing a heating system.

How to calculate the number of radiators

Calculating the number of heating radiators can be done in three ways:

  1. Determining the required heating system based on the area of ​​the heated room.
  2. Calculation of the required radiator sections based on the volume of the room.
  3. The most complex, but at the same time the most accurate calculation method, which takes into account the maximum number of factors influencing the creation of a comfortable temperature in the room.

Before dwelling on the above calculation methods, we cannot ignore the radiators themselves. Their ability to transfer the thermal energy of the carrier to the environment, as well as power, depends on the material from which they are made. In addition, radiators differ in durability (ability to resist corrosion), have different maximum permissible operating pressure and weight.

Since the battery consists of a set of sections, it is necessary to take into account the types of materials from which radiators are made and to know their positive and negative qualities. The material chosen will determine how many battery sections will need to be installed. Now we can distinguish 4 types of heating radiators on the market. These are cast iron, aluminum, steel and bimetallic structures.

Cast iron radiators perfectly accumulate heat, withstand high pressure and have no restrictions on the type of coolant. However, they are heavy and require special attention to the fastener. Steel radiators have less weight compared to cast iron, operate at any pressure and are the most budget option, but their heat transfer coefficient is lower than that of all other batteries.

Aluminum radiators give off heat well, they are lightweight, have a reasonable price, but do not withstand high pressure in the heating network. Bimetallic radiators take the best from steel and aluminum radiators, but have the highest price among the options presented.

It is believed that the power of one section of a cast iron battery is 145 W, aluminum - 190 W, bimetallic - 185 W and steel - 85 W.

The way in which the structure is connected to the heating network is of great importance. The calculation of the power of heating radiators directly depends on the methods of supply and removal of coolant, and this factor also affects the number of heating radiator sections required for normal heating of a given room.

Area calculation

This method can be called the simplest, average way to calculate the required number of batteries in a room. It allows you to quickly determine the required number of heating radiator sections.

Calculation by area implies that in a standard residential building located in an average climate zone, 100 W of thermal power is required per 1 m² of area. By multiplying the area of ​​the room by the required heat transfer, we obtain the total power of the battery that needs to be installed in this room.

Having decided on the material from which the structure will be made, and knowing the power of one section, you can easily calculate the required quantity. For example, to heat a room of 24 m² we will need: 24 m² x 100 W/190 W (power of one aluminum section) = 2400/190 = 12.63 aluminum radiator sections. We always round up and get 13 sections in the battery.

The manufacturer indicates the weight of one section, the volume of coolant in it and linear parameters. From these data, the overall dimensions of the battery itself and its weight are determined, but in this case it is necessary to add the weight of the working coolant.

It must be taken into account that the power calculation for square meter premises is not highly accurate. Different ceiling heights also mean different volumes of air that need to be heated. To take this value into account, it is better to use the following calculation method.

Calculation by room volume

This method takes into account a larger number of parameters, but as a result also gives average indicators. It is based on the SNiP standard, according to which 41 W of the thermal power of a heating battery is required to heat 1 m³ of space.

By multiplying the height of the room's ceilings by its area and multiplying the resulting value by 41 W, you can obtain the required battery power. After performing the calculations according to the above formula and selecting the material from which the radiator section is made, the desired value is determined.

Calculation example

The listed methods do not take into account the individual characteristics of each home, climate zone, method of battery installation and other important factors that can significantly affect the final result. If it is necessary to accurately determine the power of a heating radiator, it is necessary to take into account the correction factors that contain these factors. To perform the calculation, it is recommended to use the following correction factors:

  1. A1 - takes into account heat loss through the windows of the room. The value of coefficient A1 ranges from 1.27 to 0.85, where the first value corresponds to a standard double-glazed window, and 0.85 to a triple-glazed plastic window.
  2. A2 - takes into account heat loss through the walls of the room and depends on the materials of the walls. A2 is taken equal to 1.27 with low thermal insulation and 0.85 with good. The unit will correspond to the average degree of heat loss through the walls.
  3. A3 - takes into account the climate zone and low temperature environment. This coefficient ranges from 1.5 (winters with temperatures of -40 °C and below) and 0.7 (winter temperatures do not fall below -10 °C).
  4. A4 - takes into account the percentage of glazing relative to the total area of ​​​​all external walls of the room. The values ​​of this coefficient range from 1.2 (50% of windows) to 0.8 (windows occupy 10% of the area of ​​external walls).
  5. A5 - this value takes into account the number of external walls in one room. 1.1 - one wall and 1.4 - four walls of the room that are in contact with open space.
  6. A6 - allows you to take into account the temperature of the room located above. If the value is 1.0, this is an unheated room, and 0.8 is a well-heated residential apartment.
  7. A7 - since the general formula will be based on the calculation of the required radiator sections per unit area, this coefficient takes into account the height of the heated room. For a ceiling height of 2.5 m, we accept a correction factor equal to 1.0. At a height of 3.2 m it is 1.1, and at a height of over 4 m it is 1.2 or more.

The final formula for accurately calculating the thermal power required to heat a room will look like this: P= S*100*A1*A2*A3*A4*A5*A6*A7, where

  • P is the heat in W required to heat the room;
  • 100 - number of W per unit area (W/m²),
  • A1-A7 - correction factors.

Calculation of battery power in a panel room multi-storey building V middle lane RF with an area of ​​20 m² and one standard plastic window will look like this: P=20 *100*1*1.15*1*1*1.1*0.8*1=2024 W.

If you plan to install cast iron radiators in this room, then 2024 W / 145 W = 13.9 pcs., rounded up to 14 pcs.

Is it possible to save money?

Organizing heating in a house is a costly affair, but it is possible to save money when calculating sections. The above methods use averaged power data for one section. Large range of heating radiators from different manufacturers and differences in standard sizes can greatly affect the number of batteries required. To do this, you need to check the nameplate power of the desired sample in the store and use the specified data in the calculation.

Significant savings are possible when choosing a rational connection of the battery to the heating system. The specified rated values ​​imply efficiency assembled battery 100%, but in reality different types connections can significantly reduce this figure.

By taking into account the most accurate data on the heated room and the characteristics from the manufacturer for the specified type of battery, you can rationally use financial investments, avoiding the purchase of extra radiator sections.

In order to always keep your home warm and cozy during the cold season, it is very important to be able to correctly calculate the required number of heating radiator sections. Shops offer many various models, which have a variety of shapes and characteristics. When purchasing a radiator for a house or apartment, you must take into account all the pros and cons of the model.

Any owner of a house or apartment wanted the room to always be warm and comfortable.

Radiators: types

On the modern market you can find not only the familiar cast iron radiators, but also completely new models that are made of steel or aluminum. There are also bimetallic radiators.

  • Tubular batteries are considered expensive models. They heat up longer than panel ones. Naturally, they also retain heat longer.
  • Panel batteries are fast-heating heating radiators. Their price is lower than the cost of tubular models. However, these batteries cool down very quickly and are therefore considered uneconomical.

To design a good heating system in a house, it is important to take into account the characteristics of radiators, their placement in rooms, their quantity and other factors that affect the retention of heat in the room.

Calculation taking into account the area of ​​the room

Based on the size of the room, you can make a preliminary calculation. The calculations are simple, they are suitable for rooms with low ceilings (2.4 - 2.6 m). To heat every meter of room you need 100 W. power.

When calculating, it is always necessary to take into account possible heat losses according to specific situations. So, in a corner room or in a room with a balcony, heat is lost faster. For these rooms, the thermal power value must be increased by 20%. It is also worth increasing this value for rooms in which the radiators are planned to be built into a niche or covered with a screen.

Calculation taking into account the volume of the room

To get more accurate calculations in computing It is worth considering the height of the room vault. The principle of calculations is similar to that stated above: we calculate the total amount of heat required, and then find the number of radiator sections.

Based on building codes for heating 1 kb. m of premise of a panel house requires a thermal power of 41 W. Let's find the volume of the room by multiplying its area by its height. We multiply the result obtained by the norm indicated above and obtain the total amount of heat required for heating. If the apartment is modern and has double-glazed windows, then the normalized value can be taken less - 34 W per 1 cubic meter. m.

As an example, let’s make a calculation for a room with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. and height 3 m.

  1. Find the volume of the room by multiplying the area by the height: 20 sq.m x 3 m = 60 cubic meters. m.
  2. To heat the room you will need the following power: 60 cu. m x 41 W = 2460 W.
  3. To calculate the number of radiator sections, let’s take the heat transfer value of one section from the first case - 170 W. Thus, 2460 W / 170 W = 14.47, rounded to 15 sections.

It is worth noting that many manufacturers of heating radiators provide inflated values ​​in the technical documentation. And that means the values ​​indicated in the data sheet should be treated as maximum values. Knowing and taking this into account, when making calculations, you can make the calculations more realistic.

Accurate calculation using coefficients

Not every room can boast a standard layout. And the layout of a private house is purely individual. In this case, it is good to use even more accurate calculations. The method is based on finding a very precise value of the required amount of heat to heat the room. After finding this value, the already familiar operation of calculating the number of sections of heating radiators is carried out.

Kt = 100 W/sq.m x Pl x Kf1 x Kf 2 x Kf 3 x Kf4 x Kf5 x Kf6 x Kf7.

  • Pl - area of ​​the room;
  • Kt - the amount of heat required to heat it;
  • Kf1 - window glazing coefficient.

Accepts the following values:

  • 1.27 - for ordinary windows with double glazing;
  • 1.0 - for double glazing;
  • 0.85 - for triple glazing.

Kf2 - coefficient taking into account the thermal insulation of walls.

Takes values:

  • 1.27 - for a low degree of thermal insulation;
  • 1.0 - for average thermal insulation (if there is double masonry or the walls are lined with insulation);
  • 0.85 - for a high degree of thermal insulation.

Kf3 is a coefficient that takes into account the ratio of the area of ​​the floor and windows and the floor in the room.

Has the following meanings:

  • 1.2 - at 50%;
  • 1.1 - at 40%;
  • 1.0 - at 30%;
  • 0.9 - at 20%;
  • 0.8 - at 10%.

Kf4 is a coefficient that takes into account the average air temperature in the coldest week of the year.

Possible values:

  • 1.5 - at -35 degrees;
  • 1.3 - at -25 degrees;
  • 1.1. - at -20 degrees;
  • 0.9 - at -15 degrees;
  • 0.7 - at -10 degrees.

Kf5 is a coefficient that adjusts the need for heat based on the number of external walls.

Takes values:

  • 1.1 - if there is 1 wall;
  • 1.2 - if there are 2 walls;
  • 1.3 - if there are 3 walls;
  • 1.4 - if there are 4 walls.

Kf6 - coefficient that takes into account the type of room located above the room.

Takes values:

  • 1.0 - in the presence of a cold attic;
  • 0.9 - if there is a heated attic;
  • 0.8 - if there is a heated living space.

Kf7 is a coefficient that takes into account the height of the ceiling in the room.

Accepts the following values:

  • 1.0 - height 2.5 m;
  • 1.05 - height 3.0 m;
  • 1.1 - height 3.5 m;
  • 1.15 - height 4.0 m;
  • 1.2 - height 4.5 m.

This calculation, taking into account all the nuances, gives a very exact result the amount of heat required to heat a room.

Having carried out the calculation and received exact value Kt, divide it by the value of the thermal output of one section (we take the value from the model data sheet) and we get exact number required sections heating radiators.

You can use any of the three calculation methods; they differ only in the accuracy of calculating the thermal power. Don't be afraid to spend time on calculations, if you want to spend long winter evenings in warmth and comfort.

The calculation of heating radiators is usually called the determination of the optimal power of a heating device necessary to create thermal comfort within a living room or an entire apartment and the selection of an appropriate sectional radiator as the main functional element of current heating systems.

Calculation of radiator power using a calculator

For approximate calculations, it is enough to use simple algorithms called a calculator for calculating radiators or heating batteries. With their help, even non-specialists can select the required number of radiator sections to ensure a comfortable microclimate in their home.

Purpose of calculations

Regulatory documentation on heating (SNiP 2.04.05-91, SNiP 3.05-01-85), construction climatology (SP 131.13330.2012) and thermal protection of buildings (SNiP 23-02-2003) requires the heating equipment of a residential building to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Ensuring full compensation of heat losses of the home in cold weather;
  • Maintaining nominal temperatures in the premises of a private home or public building, regulated by sanitary and construction standards. In particular, a bathroom requires a temperature within 25 degrees C, while a living room requires a temperature significantly lower, only 18 degrees C.

The concept of warm comfort should be interpreted not only as a positive temperature of an arbitrary value, but also as a maximum permissible value. There is no point in installing radiators with two dozen sections to heat a small-sized children's bedroom, if for the sake of fresh air(overheated radiators “burn” the oxygen around them) you have to open the window.

Heating battery assembled with an excessive number of sections

Using the calculation calculator heating system The thermal power of the radiator is determined for efficient heating of the living space or utility room in the established temperature range, after which the radiator format is adjusted.

Area calculation method

The algorithm for calculating heating radiators by area consists of comparing the thermal power of the device (indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport) and the area of ​​the room in which heating installation is planned. When setting the problem of how to calculate the number of heating radiators, the amount of heat that needs to be obtained from heating devices to heat a home is first determined in accordance with sanitary standards. For this purpose, heating engineers have introduced the so-called heating power indicator per square or cubic meter in the volume of the room. Its average values ​​are determined for several climatic regions, in particular:

  • regions with a temperate climate (Moscow and Moscow region) - from 50 to 100 W/sq. m;
  • regions of the Urals and Siberia - up to 150 W/sq. m;
  • for regions of the North - from 150 to 200 W/sq.m. is required. m.

Calculating the power of heating radiators using the area indicator is recommended only for standard rooms with a ceiling height of no more than 2.7-3.0 meters. If the standard height parameters are exceeded, it is necessary to switch to the calculator method for calculating batteries by volume, in which, to determine the number of radiator sections, the concept of the amount of thermal energy to heat one cubic meter of a residential building is introduced. For a panel house, the average figure is taken to be 40-41 W/cubic meter. meter.

The sequence of thermotechnical calculations for heating a private home through the area of ​​the heated room is as follows:

  1. The estimated area of ​​the room S, expressed in square meters, is determined. meters;
  2. The resulting area value S is multiplied by the heating power indicator adopted for a given climatic region. To simplify calculations, it is often taken to be 100 W per square meter. As a result of multiplying S by 100 W/sq. meter, the amount of heat Q pom required to heat the room is obtained;
  3. The resulting value of Q pom must be divided by the radiator power indicator (heat transfer) Q rad.

For each type of battery, the manufacturer declares a passport value of Q rad, depending on the material of manufacture and the size of the sections.

  1. The required number of radiator sections is determined by the formula:

N= Q pom / Q rad. The result obtained is rounded upward.

Radiator heat transfer parameters

On the market of sectional batteries for heating residential buildings, products made of cast iron, steel, aluminum and bimetallic models are widely represented. The table shows the heat transfer rates of the most popular sectional heaters.

Values ​​of heat transfer parameters of modern sectional radiators

Radiator model, material of manufactureHeat dissipation, W
Cast iron M-140 (an accordion proven over decades)155
Viadrus KALOR 500/70?110
Viadrus KALOR 500/130?191
Kermi steel radiatorsup to 13173
Arbonia steel radiatorsup to 2805
Bimetallic RIFAR Base204
RIFAR Alp171
Aluminum Royal Termo Optimal195
Royal Termo Evolution205
Bimetallic RoyalTermo BiLiner171

Comparing the tabular indicators of cast iron and bimetallic batteries, which are most adapted to the parameters of central heating, it is easy to note their identity, which facilitates calculations when choosing a method of heating a residential building.

Identity of cast iron and bimetallic batteries when calculating power

The rating values ​​of heating devices are indicated for a temperature of 70-90 degrees C. In central heating systems, the coolant rarely heats up above 60-80 degrees C, so the heat transfer of, for example, a cast-iron “accordion” in a room 2.7 meters high does not exceed 60 W.

Clarifying coefficients

To clarify the calculator for determining the number of sections for heating a room, correction factors are introduced into the simplified formula N = Q pom / Q rad, taking into account various factors affecting heat exchange inside a private home. Then the valueQpomdetermined by the refined formula:

Q pom = S*100*K 1 * K 2 *K 3 *K 4 * K 5 *K 6 .

In this formula, correction factors take into account the following factors:

  • K 1 - to take into account the method of glazing windows. For conventional glazing K 1 = 1.27, for double glazing K 1 = 1.0, for triple glazing K 1 = 0.85;
  • K 2 takes into account the deviation of the ceiling height from standard size 2.7 meters. K 2 is determined by dividing the height size by 2.7 m. For example, for a room 3 meters high, the coefficient K 2 = 3.0/2.7 = 1.11;
  • K 3 adjusts heat transfer depending on the installation location of the radiator sections.

Values ​​of the correction factor K3 depending on the battery installation scheme

  • K 4 correlates the location of external walls with the intensity of heat transfer. If outer wall only one, then K=1.1. For the corner room there are already two external walls, respectively, K = 1.2. For a separate room with four external walls K=1.4.
  • K 5 is necessary for adjustment if there is a room above the calculation room: if there is a cold attic above, then K = 1, for a heated attic K = 0.9 and for a heated room above K = 0.8;
  • K 6 makes adjustments to the ratio of window and floor areas. If the window area is only 10% of the floor area, then K = 0.8. For stained glass windows with an area of ​​up to 40% of the floor area K=1.2.

Radiator heating system. Video

The video below explains how a radiator heating system works.

Exists . To heat 1 m2 of room to a comfortable temperature (+20 °C), the heater must produce 100 W of heat. This figure should be used.

You need to do the following:

  1. Determine the thermal power of one edge of the battery. Often it is equal to 180 W.
  2. Calculate or measure the temperature of the coolant in the heating system. If the temperature of the water entering the heater is tin. = 100 °C and leaving it is tout. = 80 °C, then the number 100 is divided by 180. The result is 0.55. Exactly 0.55 sections should be used for 1 square. m.
  3. If the measured values ​​are lower, then the ΔT indicator is calculated (in the above case it is 70 °C). To do this, use the formula ΔT = (tin. + tout.)/2 – tk, where tk is the desired temperature. The standard temperature is 20 °C. Let tin. = 60 °C, and tout. = 40 °C, then ΔT = (60 + 40)/2 – 20 = 30 °C.
  4. Find a special plate in which a correction factor corresponds to a certain value of ΔT. For some radiators at ΔT = 30 °C it is 0.4. These plates must be asked from the manufacturers.
  5. Multiply the thermal power of one fin by 0.4. 180 * 0.4 = 72 W. This is exactly how much heat one section can transfer from a coolant heated to 60 °C.
  6. Divide the norm by 72. Total 100/72 = 1.389 sections needed to heat 1 m2.

This method has the following disadvantages:

  1. Norm 100 W is designed for rooms whose height is less than 3 m. If the height is greater, then a correction factor must be used.
  2. Not taken into account heat loss through windows, doors and walls if the room is corner.
  3. Heat loss caused by a certain way of installing the heater is not taken into account.

Read also: Power and number of sections of aluminum radiators

Correct calculation

It provides multiplying the area of ​​the room by the norm of 100, adjusting the result depending on the characteristics of the room and dividing the final figure by the power of one rib (it is advisable to use the adjusted power).

The product of area and norm equal to 100 W is adjusted in this way:

  1. For each window, 0.2 kW is added to it.
  2. For each door, 0.1 kW is added to it.
  3. For a corner room, the final figure is multiplied by 1.3. If the corner room is located in a private house, then the coefficient is 1.5.
  4. For a room with a height greater than 3 m, coefficients of 1.05 (height 3 m), 1.1 (height 3.5 m), 1.15 (4 m), 1.2 (4.5 m) are used.

It is also necessary to take into account the method of placing the heater, which also leads to heat loss. These losses are:

  • 3-4% – in case of installation of a heating device under a wide window sill or shelf;
  • 7% if the radiator is installed in a niche;
  • 5-7% , if it is located near an open wall, but is partially covered by a screen;
  • 20-25% – in case of complete covering by the screen.

Example of calculating the number of sections

It is planned to install the battery in a room of 20 square meters. m. The room is corner, has two windows and one door. The height is 2.7 m. The radiator will be placed under the window sill (correction factor - 1.04). The boiler supplies coolant at a temperature of 60 °C. At the outlet of the heater, the water will have a temperature of 40 °C.

Used to replace old cast iron batteries. For efficient operation of new heating devices, the required number of sections must be accurately calculated. In this case, the area of ​​the room, the number of windows, and the thermal power of the section itself are taken into account.

Data preparation

To get an accurate result, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • climatic features of the region in which the building is located (humidity level, temperature fluctuations);
  • building parameters (material used for construction, thickness and height of walls, number of external walls);
  • size and types of windows to premises (residential, non-residential).

When calculating bimetallic heating radiators, 2 main values ​​are taken as a basis: the thermal power of the battery section and the heat loss of the room. It must be remembered that most often the thermal power indicated by manufacturers in the technical data sheet of the product is the maximum value obtained under ideal conditions. The actual power of the battery installed indoors will be lower, so recalculation is done to obtain accurate data.

The simplest method

In this case, you will need to recalculate the number of installed batteries and rely on this data when replacing elements of the heating system.
The difference between the heat transfer of bimetallic and cast iron batteries is not too big. In addition, over time, the heat transfer of the new radiator will decrease due to natural reasons (pollution internal surfaces batteries), so if the old elements of the heating system coped with their task, the room was warm, you can use this data.

However, in order to reduce the cost of materials and eliminate the risk of the room freezing, it is worth using formulas that will allow you to calculate the sections quite accurately.

Calculation by area

For each region of the country, there are SNiP standards, which stipulate the minimum power value of the heating device for each square meter of room area. To calculate the exact value according to this standard, you must determine the area of ​​the existing room (a). To do this, the width of the room is multiplied by its length.

The power per square meter is taken into account. Most often it is 100 W.

Having determined the area of ​​the room, the data must be multiplied by 100. The result is divided by the power of one section of the bimetallic radiator (b). This value needs to be looked at technical specifications device - depending on the model, the numbers may differ.

Ready formula to substitute eigenvalues: (a*100): b= required quantity.

Let's look at an example. Calculation for a room with an area of ​​20 m², while the power of one section of the selected radiator is 180 W.

We substitute the required values ​​into the formula: (20*100)/180 = 11.1.

However, this formula for calculating heating by area can only be used when calculating values ​​for a room where the ceiling height is less than 3 m. In addition, this method does not take into account heat loss through windows, and the thickness and quality of wall insulation are also not considered. To make the calculation more accurate, for the second and subsequent windows in the room you need to add 2 to 3 additional radiator sections to the final figure.

Calculation by volume

Calculation of the number of sections of bimetallic radiators using this method is carried out, taking into account not only the area, but also the height of the room.

Having received the exact volume, calculations are made. Power is calculated in m³. SNiP standards for this value are 41 W.

For example, we take the same values, but add the height of the walls - it will be 2.7 cm.

Let's find out the volume of the room (we multiply the already calculated area by the height of the walls): 20 * 2.7 = 54 m³.

The next step is to calculate the exact number of sections based on this value (we divide the total power by the power of one section): 2214/180 = 12.3.

The final result differs from that obtained when calculating by area, so the method taking into account the volume of the room allows you to get a more accurate result.

Heat transfer analysis of radiator sections

Despite the external similarity, the technical characteristics of radiators of the same type can differ significantly. The power of the section is affected by the type of material used to make the battery, the size of the section, the design of the device, and the thickness of the walls.

To simplify preliminary calculations, you can use the average number of radiator sections per 1 m², derived by SNiP:
cast iron can heat approximately 1.5 m²;
aluminum battery – 1.9 m²;
bimetallic – 1.8 m².

How can you use this data? From them you can calculate the approximate number of sections, knowing only the area of ​​the room. To do this, the area of ​​the room is divided by the specified indicator.

For a room of 20 m² you will need 11 sections (20/1.8 = 11.1). The result approximately coincides with that obtained by calculating the area of ​​the room.

Calculation using this method can be carried out at the stage of drawing up an approximate estimate - this will help to roughly determine the costs of organizing the heating system. And more accurate formulas can be used when a specific radiator model is selected.

Calculation of the number of sections taking into account climatic conditions

The manufacturer indicates the thermal power value of one radiator section at optimal conditions. Climatic conditions, system pressure, boiler power and other parameters can significantly reduce its efficiency.

Therefore, when calculating, these parameters should be taken into account:

  1. If the room is corner, then the value calculated using any of the formulas should be multiplied by 1.3.
  2. For every second and subsequent windows you need to add 100 W, and for a door - 200 W.
  3. Each region has its own additional coefficient.
  4. When calculating the number of sections for installation in a private house, the resulting value is multiplied by 1.5. This is due to the presence of an unheated attic and the external walls of the building.

Battery power recalculation

In order to obtain the real, and not indicated in the technical specifications for the heating device, power of the heating radiator section, it is necessary to make a recalculation, taking into account the existing external conditions.

To do this, first determine the temperature pressure of the heating system. If the supply turns out to be +70°C, and the output is 60°C, while the desired temperature maintained in the room should be about 23°C, it is necessary to calculate the system delta.

To do this, use the formula: the outlet temperature (60) is added to the inlet temperature (70), divide the resulting value by 2, and subtract the room temperature (23). The result will be a temperature difference (42°C).

The desired value - delta - will be equal to 42°C. Using the table, they find out the coefficient (0.51), which is multiplied by the power specified by the manufacturer. They obtain the real power that the section will produce under given conditions.

40 0,48 47 0,60 54 0,71 61 0,84 68 0,96
41 0,50 48 0,61 55 0,73 62 0,85 69 0,98
42 0,51 49 0,65 56 0,75 63 0,87 70 1
43 0,53 50 0,66 57 0,77 64 0,89 71 1,02
44 0,55 51 0,68 58 0,78 65 0,91 72 1,04
45 0,53 52 0,70 59 0,80 66 0,93 73 1,06
46 0,58 53 0,71 60 0,82 67 0,94 74/75 1,07/1,09

To give batteries an aesthetic appearance, they are often masked with special screens or curtains. In this case, the heating device reduces heat transfer, and when calculating the required number of sections, another 10% is added to the final result.
Since most modern radiator models have a certain number of sections, it is not always possible to select batteries taking into account the calculations performed. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a product whose number of sections is as close as possible to the desired one or slightly more than the calculated value.


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