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No. 86-FZ dated July 10, 2002 “On the Central Bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia)" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 28, Art. 2790; 2003, N 2, Art. 157; N 52, Art. 5032; 2004, N 27, Art. 2711; N 31, Art. 3233; 2005, art. 3101; Art. 1151; Art. 2008, Art. 4699; Art. 4982; Art. 6231; ; N 29, art. 5731; Art. 6728, Art. 6954, Art. 7607, Art. 14, Art. Art. 3438, Art. 3477, Art. 4084, Art. 6336, Art. 6975) on the territory of the Russian Federation by legal entities (with the exception of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, credit organizations (hereinafter referred to as the bank), as well as a simplified procedure for conducting cash transactions by individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

For the purposes of this Directive, small businesses are understood to be legal entities classified in accordance with the conditions established by Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2007, N 31, art. 4084; 2010, art. 3616; ; 2011, No. 3880; 2013, No. 3436, No. 3071; including micro-enterprises.

When conducting cash transactions, recipients of budget funds are guided by this Directive, unless otherwise specified by a regulatory legal act regulating the procedure for conducting cash transactions by recipients of budget funds.

2. To conduct operations for accepting cash, including their recalculation, issuing cash (hereinafter - cash transactions), a legal entity, by an administrative document, establishes the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be stored in the place for conducting cash transactions, determined by the head of the legal entity (hereinafter - cash register), after displaying in the cash book the amount of cash balance at the end of the working day (hereinafter referred to as the cash balance limit).

A legal entity independently determines the cash balance limit in accordance with the appendix to this Directive, based on the nature of its activities, taking into account the volume of receipts or volumes of cash disbursements.

A payment agent operating in accordance with the Federal Law of June 3, 2009 N 103-FZ “On the activities of accepting payments from individuals carried out by payment agents” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 23, Art. 2758; N 48, Art. 5739; 2010, N 19, Art. 2291; 2011, N 27, Art. 3873) (hereinafter referred to as the payment agent), a bank paying agent (subagent) operating in accordance with Federal Law of June 27, 2011 N 161 -FZ "On the National Payment System" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 27, Art. 3872; 2012, N 53, Art. 7592; 2013, N 27, Art. 3477; N 30, Art. 4084) (hereinafter - bank payment agent (subagent), when determining the cash balance limit, cash accepted during the activities of the payment agent, bank payment agent (subagent) is not taken into account.

The division of the legal entity at the location of which a separate workplace(workplaces) (hereinafter referred to as a separate division) depositing cash into a bank account opened for a legal entity in a bank, the cash balance limit is established in the manner prescribed by this Directive for a legal entity.

A legal entity, which includes separate divisions that deposit cash at the cash desk of a legal entity, determines the cash balance limit taking into account the cash balance limits established for these separate divisions.

A copy of the administrative document establishing a cash balance limit for a separate division is sent by the legal entity to the separate division in the manner established by the legal entity.

A legal entity stores funds in bank accounts in banks in excess of the cash balance limit established in accordance with paragraphs two to five of this paragraph, which is free cash.

Accumulation by a legal entity of cash in the cash register in excess of the established cash balance limit is allowed on payment days wages, scholarships, payments included in accordance with the methodology adopted for filling out federal state statistical observation forms, into the wage fund and social payments (hereinafter referred to as other payments), including the day of receipt of cash from a bank account for these payments, as well as weekends, non-working holidays if a legal entity conducts cash transactions on these days.

In other cases, accumulation by a legal entity of cash in the cash register in excess of the established cash balance limit is not allowed.

Individual entrepreneurs and small businesses may not set a cash balance limit.

3. An authorized representative of a legal entity delivers cash to a bank or to an organization included in the Bank of Russia system that carries out transportation of cash, collection of cash, operations for receiving, recalculating, sorting, forming and packaging cash of bank clients (hereinafter referred to as the organization, included in the Bank of Russia system) for crediting their amounts to the bank account of a legal entity.

An authorized representative of a separate division may, in the manner established by a legal entity, deposit cash at the cash desk of a legal entity or to a bank, or to an organization included in the Bank of Russia system, for crediting their amounts to the bank account of the legal entity.

4. Cash transactions are carried out at the cash desk by a cashier or other employee, a certain head of a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or another authorized person (hereinafter referred to as the manager) from among his employees (hereinafter referred to as the cashier), with the establishment of the corresponding official rights and responsibilities with which the cashier must be read under signature. Cash transactions with individuals who are visually impaired, using a facsimile reproduction of their handwritten signature, affixed using a mechanical copying device, are carried out taking into account the requirements of Article 14.1 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ "On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation" Federation" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, N 48, Art. 4563; 1999, N 2, Art. 232; N 29, Art. 3693; 2001, N 24, Art. 2410; N 33, Art. 3426; N 53; 2002, art. 2; 2003, art. 4108; , N 10; 2007, N 49; 2008, N 817; Art. 6224; 2011, Art. 2152; Art. 6329, Art. 6608, Art. 29, Art. 3990, Art. , Art. 2331; No. 27, Art. 3460 3475, Art. 3477; N 48, art. 6160; N 52, Art. 6986; 2014, N 26, art. 3406; N 30, art. 4268) as a cashier in the presence of an employee specified in the administrative document of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur and not carrying out this cash transaction. In this case, the specified employee, before conducting a cash transaction, verbally informs individual who is visually impaired, information about the nature of the cash transaction being carried out and the amount of the transaction (amount of cash).

If a legal entity or individual entrepreneur has several cashiers, one of them performs the functions of a senior cashier (hereinafter referred to as the senior cashier).

Cash transactions can be carried out by the manager.

A legal entity or individual entrepreneur can conduct cash transactions using software and hardware.

Software and hardware designed to accept Bank of Russia banknotes must have the function of recognizing at least four machine-readable security features of Bank of Russia banknotes, the list of which is established by a regulatory act of the Bank of Russia.

Cash documents can be drawn up upon completion of cash transactions on the basis of fiscal documents provided for in paragraph twenty-seven of Article 1.1 of the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ "On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) settlements using electronic means of payment" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 21, Art. 1957; 2009, N 23, Art. 2776; N 29, Art. 3599; 2010, N 31, Art. 4161; 2011, N 27, Art. . 3873; 2013, Art. 2316, N 48; . 1421; 2016, N 27, art.

The paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent) draws up a separate cash receipt order for cash accepted during the activities of the payment agent, bank payment agent (subagent).

Individual entrepreneurs who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing a certain type entrepreneurial activity, cash documents may not be processed.

(see text in the previous edition)

4.2. Cash documents are prepared:

chief accountant;

an accountant or other official (including a cashier) specified in an administrative document, or an official of a legal entity, an individual with whom agreements have been concluded for the provision of management services accounting(hereinafter referred to as accountant);

manager (in the absence of a chief accountant and accountant).

4.3. Cash documents are signed by the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, by the manager), as well as by the cashier.

In the case of conducting cash transactions and drawing up cash documents by the manager, cash documents are signed by the manager.

4.4. The cashier is provided with a seal (stamp) containing the details confirming the conduct of a cash transaction (hereinafter referred to as the seal (stamp), as well as sample signatures of persons authorized to sign cash documents when registering cash documents on paper.

(see text in the previous edition)

In the case of conducting cash transactions and drawing up cash documents by the manager, sample signatures of persons authorized to sign cash documents are not drawn up.

4.5. If there is a senior cashier, transactions for the transfer of cash between the senior cashier and cashiers during the working day are reflected by the senior cashier in the book of funds accepted and issued by the cashier, indicating the amounts of cash transferred. Entries in the book of accounting of funds accepted and issued by the cashier are made at the time of transfer of cash and are confirmed by the signatures of the senior cashier, cashier.

4.6. The legal entity records cash received at the cash desk, with the exception of cash accepted during the activities of a paying agent, bank paying agent (subagent), and cash issued from the cash register in the cash book.

The paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent) maintains a separate cash book to account for cash accepted during the activities of the paying agent, bank payment agent (subagent).

Entries in the cash book are made for each incoming cash order, outgoing cash order, issued respectively for cash received and issued (full posting of cash to the cash desk).

(see text in the previous edition)

At the end of the working day, the cashier checks the actual amount of cash in the cash register with the data of cash documents, the amount of cash balance reflected in the cash book, and certifies the entries in the cash book with a signature.

(see text in the previous edition)

Entries in the cash book are verified with the data of cash documents by the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence - by the manager) and signed by the person who carried out the specified reconciliation.

If no cash transactions were carried out during the working day, no entries are made in the cash book.

Separate divisions provide the legal entity with a copy of the cash book sheet in the manner established by the legal entity, taking into account the deadline for the legal entity to prepare accounting (financial) statements.

Control over the maintenance of the cash book is exercised by the chief accountant (in his absence, by the manager).

If individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing a certain type of business activity, they may not maintain a cash book.

4.7. The documents provided for by this Directive can be drawn up on paper or electronically.

Documents on paper are drawn up by hand or using technical means designed for processing information, including personal computer and software (hereinafter referred to as hardware), and are signed with handwritten signatures. In documents drawn up on paper, with the exception of cash documents, corrections may be made containing the date of correction, surnames and initials, as well as the signatures of the persons who prepared the documents to which corrections were made.

Documents in electronic form are drawn up using technical means, taking into account their protection from unauthorized access, distortion and loss of information. Documents executed electronically are signed with electronic signatures in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036; N 27, Art. 3880; 2013, N 1668; 2014, N 1098; 1, Art. 65; No. 26, Art. 3889) (hereinafter referred to as electronic signature). It is not allowed to make corrections to documents executed electronically after the documents have been signed.

(see text in the previous edition)

The storage of documents drawn up on paper or electronically is organized by the manager.

5. Acceptance of cash by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, including from a person with whom an employment contract or a civil law agreement has been concluded (hereinafter referred to as the employee), is carried out using cash receipt orders.

5.1. When receiving a cash receipt order, the cashier checks for the signature of the chief accountant or accountant (if they are absent, the signature of the manager) and when issuing a cash receipt order on paper - its compliance with the sample, except for the case provided for in this Instruction, checks the compliance of the amount of cash , entered in numbers, the amount of cash entered in words, the presence of supporting documents listed in the cash receipt order.

(see text in the previous edition)

The cashier accepts cash by sheet, piece by piece.

Cash is accepted by the cashier in such a way that the cash depositor can observe the actions of the cashier.

After accepting cash, the cashier checks the amount indicated in the cash receipt order with the amount of cash actually received.

If the amount of cash deposited corresponds to the amount specified in the cash receipt order, the cashier signs the cash receipt order, puts a seal (stamp) on the receipt for the cash receipt order issued to the cash depositor and issues him the specified receipt for the cash receipt order. When registering a cash receipt order electronically, a receipt for the cash receipt order can be sent to the cash depositor at his request to the email address provided by him.

(see text in the previous edition)

If the deposited amount of cash does not correspond to the amount specified in the cash receipt order, the cashier invites the cash depositor to add the missing amount of cash or returns the excess deposited amount of cash. If the cash depositor refuses to add the missing amount of cash, the cashier returns the deposited amount of cash to him. The cashier crosses out the cash receipt order (if the cash receipt order 0310001 is issued in electronic form, he puts a note on the need to re-register the cash receipt order 0310001) and transfers (sends) it to the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence - to the manager) for re-registration of the cash receipt order 0310001 to actual amount of cash deposited.

(see text in the previous edition)

(see text in the previous edition)

5.3. Reception of cash deposited by a separate division into the cash desk of a legal entity is carried out in the manner established by the legal entity, according to a cash receipt order.

6.1. Upon receipt of an expense cash order (payroll slip, payroll slip), the cashier checks for the signature of the chief accountant or accountant (in their absence, the presence of the manager’s signature) and when drawing up the specified documents on paper - its compliance with the sample, except for the case provided for in in paragraph two of subclause 4.4 of clause 4 of this Directive, the correspondence of cash amounts entered in numbers with amounts entered in words. When issuing cash according to an expense cash order, the cashier also checks the presence of supporting documents listed in the expense cash order.

(see text in the previous edition)

The cashier issues cash after identifying the recipient of the cash according to the passport or other identification document presented by him in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the identity document), or according to the power of attorney and identification document presented by the recipient of the cash. Cash issuance is carried out by the cashier directly to the recipient of the cash indicated in the cash order (payroll, payroll) or in the power of attorney.

When issuing cash by power of attorney, the cashier checks the correspondence of the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the recipient of the cash indicated in the cash order with the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the principal specified in the power of attorney; correspondence of the surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the authorized person indicated in the power of attorney and cash receipt order, the data of the identity document, the data of the identity document presented by the authorized person. In the payroll sheet (payroll), before the signature of the person entrusted with receiving cash, the cashier makes an entry “by proxy”. The power of attorney is attached to the cash order (settlement and payroll, payroll).

In the case of issuing cash under a power of attorney issued for several payments or for receiving cash from different legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, its copies are made, which are certified in the manner established by the legal entity, individual entrepreneur. A certified copy of the power of attorney is attached to the cash receipt order

In the process of regulating cash circulation, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation performs such a function as determining the procedure for conducting cash transactions.

To cash transactions include operations of legal entities in the process of their activities of receiving, storing and issuing cash in the Russian Federation.

In order to limit cash circulation, all legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form:

Important! Please keep in mind that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to choose any of the options offered:

  • are required to keep their funds in banking institutions;
  • must make payments for their obligations with other organizations in a non-cash manner through banking institutions;
  • may have cash in their cash desk within the limits established by banking institutions in agreement with the heads of the organizations;
  • are obliged to hand over to the bank all cash in excess of the established limits of the cash balance in the cash desk in the manner and within the time limits agreed upon with the banking institutions;
  • have to keep cash in their cash registers in excess of established limits only for wages, payment of social security benefits, scholarships, pensions and only for a period of no more than three working days, including the day of receipt of money from the bank.

In accordance with the restrictions on making payments in cash, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has established a procedure for conducting cash transactions by enterprises, organizations, as well as credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation.

All cash received by enterprises, organizations and institutions, as well as cash issued by legal entities, must be documented. The main monetary documents in this case are incoming and outgoing cash orders, which are drawn up on the basis primary documents(agreements, etc.).

The cash book reflects all transactions involving the receipt and expenditure of money for each operating day. Incoming and outgoing orders, as well as checks for receiving money from credit institutions, are signed by the recipient of the funds, who is the head of the enterprise, institution, organization or a person specially authorized by him.

Legal entities can keep cash only within the limit set by the bank servicing the legal entity. At the end of the working day, excess amounts of cash must be deposited at the bank. In the cash register of an enterprise, institution or organization, only the amount of money that is necessary to make urgent small payments the next day can remain within the limit. Exceptions to this rule are specifically stipulated in the relevant regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation or the Bank of Russia.

In order to ensure the safety of funds, the cash register premises must be appropriately equipped.

Responsibility for compliance with the rules for conducting cash transactions rests with the heads of enterprises, chief (senior) accountants, heads of financial services and cashiers.

Banks are obliged to systematically check compliance by enterprises with the current procedure for conducting cash transactions and, if violations are detected, take the necessary measures to eliminate them.

A special procedure for conducting cash transactions is provided for legal entities that accept cash from the public for goods sold, services provided and work performed, which allows for financial control over the legality of transactions, as well as the completeness and timeliness of tax payments.

Federal law dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards” established that cash settlements with the population for trade transactions or the provision of services are carried out by all enterprises (in including individuals carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, if they carry out trade operations or provide services), organizations, institutions, their branches and other separate divisions with the mandatory use of cash register equipment.

The listed legal entities, including individual entrepreneurs, are required to have registered cash register equipment in good condition, issue the buyer (client), along with the purchase (after the service has been provided), a check printed by the equipment confirming the fulfillment of the obligation to do so, and ensure unhindered access to these employee cars tax authorities.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs, in accordance with the procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, can carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment in the case of providing services to the population, provided that they issue the appropriate forms strict reporting.

The procedure for conducting cash transactions is a set of requirements that every accounting department faces, because only a very small circle of enterprises can work outside of cash payments. That is why it is so important for an accountant to keep track of all changes regarding the procedure for working with cash documents. We will talk about them in this article.

Organization of work on accounting for cash transactions in 2018

Cash transactions reflect the movement of cash from a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. They are regulated by the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia, which define:

  • rules for registering cash receipts and expenditures;
  • circle of persons responsible for processing these transactions;
  • the procedure for issuing and processing accountable amounts;
  • maintaining a cash book;
  • rules for determining the cash limit at the end of the day.

The rules for conducting cash transactions in 2018 are determined by the directive of the Central Bank of Russia “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions” dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U. It applies to both legal entities and entrepreneurs.

The edition dated June 19, 2017 introduced many amendments to the procedure for conducting cash transactions, which are worth special mention.

PLEASE NOTE! Central Bank instructionsallows entrepreneurs who keep records of objects and physical indicators necessary for calculating taxes in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation not to maintain a cash book and not to draw up receipts and consumables.

Enterprises recognized as small under the Law “On the Development of Small Business” dated July 27, 2007 No. 209-FZ, and individual entrepreneurs are allowed to conduct cash transactions in a simplified manner.

Cash documents and accounting procedures for cash transactions

Cash documents can be drawn up immediately after the transaction or at the end of the working day on the basis of fiscal documents drawn up in accordance with Art. 1.1 of the law “On the use of cash register equipment” dated May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ (clause 4.1 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U).

Cash transactions are carried out by responsible persons appointed by order of the director of the company or entrepreneur, who may be:

  • accountant;
  • chief accountant;
  • other official;
  • person conducting accounting;
  • the head of a company or individual entrepreneur in the absence of accounting employees.

Documents drawn up on paper are signed by the cashier, accountant, chief accountant, and if there is no accountant or cashier on staff, by the director.

The cashier who has received a paper cash document must check that it is filled out correctly and that the signatures of the responsible persons comply with the pre-issued samples (except in the case of the document being drawn up by the director himself).

Cash documents are systematized and stored in the accounting department for 5 years after registration of cash transactions (clause 362, clause 1.4 of the order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia “On approval of the list of standard management archival documents” dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

The procedure for organizing work on conducting cash transactions, storing cash documents and conducting a cash inventory is determined by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur (clause 7 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U).

PLEASE NOTE! The current procedure for conducting cash transactions allows for the execution of cash documents manually on paper or electronically using special programs(clause 4.7 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U).

Registration of cash receipts

Each receipt of cash at the cash desk is confirmed by cash receipt order 0310001 (unified form KO-1).

Having received a cash receipt order from the accounting department, the cashier checks that it is filled out correctly and that the necessary records and attachments are available.

Having received cash, the cashier counts it and checks the amount he received with the one for which the order was drawn up.

If all entries are made correctly and the amount deposited corresponds to that indicated in the receipt, then the cashier takes the money, signs it and, having put the seal (stamp) of the organization on the receipt, transfers it to the person who deposited the money.

If irreparable discrepancies are identified, he crosses out the paper receipt and sends it to the accounting department for re-registration.

PLEASE NOTE! The rules for conducting cash transactions in 2018 allow, at the request of the payer, to send a receipt of a cash receipt order drawn up in electronic form to the email address specified by him (paragraph 5, clause 5.1 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Directive No. 3210-U).

How to arrange cash withdrawal?

The issuance of cash is issued by cash receipt orders (RKO) OKUD 0310002 (unified form KO-2).

Before issuing money, the cashier checks that the order is filled out correctly, that the amounts indicated in numbers and words correspond, and that the attached documents are available and correct.

The cashier establishes the identity of the recipient by checking his passport details with those indicated in the debit order.

When issuing money by proxy, the cashier additionally verifies the identity and passport details of the recipient.

In the case of submitting a power of attorney issued to receive several payments, a copy certified by the organization is attached to the consumable. The original document remains at the cash desk. At the last disbursement of money under this power of attorney, it is attached to the consumables.

Having checked that the order has been filled out correctly, the cashier manually recalculates the transferred amount in front of the recipient in front of the recipient, transfers it to the recipient and signs the cash register.

PLEASE NOTE! New rules for conducting cash transactions allow the recipient to sign with an electronic signature a cash register drawn up in electronic form(clause 6.2 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U).

Formatting a sub-report: innovations or everything as before?

In the event that cash is issued for expenses related to the activities of the enterprise, the consumable is drawn up either on the basis of an administrative document drawn up on behalf of a legal entity when receiving money on a systematic basis, or on the basis of a written application from an accountant receiving money on a one-time basis.

The application shall indicate:

  • required amount;
  • the period for which it is issued.

The application is signed by the head of the company or entrepreneur.

At the end of the period for which the money was issued, the accountant draws up an advance report on the amounts spent by him, to which all documents confirming the expenses must be attached.

It must be drawn up no later than 3 working days from the end of the period for which the money was issued.

Don't know your rights?

The employee submits the prepared expense report to the accounting department for verification and approval by the director of the company or individual entrepreneur.

PLEASE NOTE! The procedure for conducting cash transactions in 2018 abolished the requirement to write an application for each issue of accountable funds (clause 6.3 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U).

He also allows the accountant to be given a new amount without waiting for a full report for the previous one.

In many ways, this procedure for conducting cash transactions in organizations and individual entrepreneurs repeats that in force before 06/01/2014.

Can businesses or individual entrepreneurs pay in cash?

To make cash payments, an enterprise can either use the money received for goods, work or services, or withdraw it from the current account.

The list of purposes for which cash received by the cash desk can be spent is regulated by clause 2 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On making cash payments” dated October 7, 2013 No. 3073-U.

These are salaries, stipends, insurance payments, accountable amounts, fees for returned goods and personal needs of the entrepreneur.

The maximum amount of cash payments for settlements between persons registered as business entities cannot exceed 100 thousand rubles. under one contract both during the validity period of the contract and after its expiration.

The same limit applies to settlements within the framework of civil obligations and when a credit institution issues cash upon request for the return of the balance of funds transferred to a special account in a bank of the Russian Federation.

This restriction does not apply:

  • to pay employees wages;
  • consumer needs of an individual entrepreneur;
  • issuance of funds on account.

How is the cash book prepared?

All incoming and outgoing orders issued by an organization or individual entrepreneur are entered into the cash book at the end of the day (form KO-4).

The cash book can be maintained either in paper form by hand or using computer technology, or in electronic form. All pages of a paper book are laced and numbered.

At the end of the working day, turnover and the actual amount of cash are compared with cash documents and entries in the cash book. The accuracy of the records is confirmed by the signature of the chief accountant or director.

If there are no cash transactions throughout the day, no entries are made in the book for that day.

Separate divisions that carry out cash transactions maintain a separate cash book, copies of which are transferred to the parent organization .

What is the end of day balance limit?

The cash balance limit is the amount of money that the company has the right to keep at the end of the working day without depositing it with the bank.

An enterprise has the right to independently determine the required amount of the limit depending on the nature of its activities, volumes of revenue and costs. The amount of the limit is fixed in an administrative document.

The cash limit for separate divisions is set by the parent company.

All funds exceeding the established cash balance limit must be deposited by the company into a current account.

The current procedure for conducting cash transactions allows the accumulation of proceeds at the enterprise's cash desk only on days (including weekends and holidays, provided the cash register is open at this time) established for the issuance of wages, benefits, financial assistance and similar payments.

According to clause 6.5 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U, this period is limited to 5 working days, including the day of withdrawal from the current account.

PLEASE NOTE! The current procedure for maintaining and recording cash transactions allows small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs to operate without an established cash limit (clause 2 of the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210).

Rules for calculating the cash limit

The cash balance limit is determined by enterprises independently based on the volume of cash received for goods, works, services sold, or based on the volume of money paid during the billing period, using the formula:

Lim = (V / P) × N,

V - the amount of cash received for goods, works or services sold (the amount of cash issued from the cash register, excluding amounts intended for payments to employees). All amounts are taken into account, including those received (spent) by separate divisions of a legal entity that do not deposit money into the company’s current account.

P - the period for which the revenue received is determined (the amount of cash that was paid without taking into account payments to employees). It cannot exceed 92 days.

N is the interval between the days of depositing cash proceeds to the bank (receiving cash from the bank). It is determined by the company’s internal documents and cannot exceed:

  • 7 working days;
  • 14 working days - for remote locations;
  • period of force majeure circumstances.

Example 1

The monthly cash revenue of Bread and Bun LLC is 180,000 rubles. The company operates daily and delivers revenue once every 4 working days. Billing period, according to the order of the manager, is recognized as equal to 30 working days.

The cash limit in this case is equal to:

(180,000 rub. / 30) × 4 = 24,000 rub.

Example 2

The Courier company paid 230,000 rubles from the cash register to its employees. within 90 working days, excluding scholarships, benefits and wages. The billing period is 92 working days. Money is withdrawn from the account every 10 business days.

The cash balance limit will be as follows:

(230,000 rub. / 92) × 10 = 25,000 rub.


Innovations introduced into the procedure for conducting cash transactions in 2018 were associated with the introduction of online cash registers and the development of electronic money circulation, which made this area of ​​accounting work more modern.

  • individual entrepreneurs.

The simplified procedure is as follows. Organizations that are classified as small businesses and entrepreneurs have the right not to set a cash balance limit. Everything else entrepreneurs may not know:

  • receipt orders;
  • expenditure orders;
  • cash book.

Such rules are established in paragraph 10 of paragraph 2, paragraph 2 of paragraph 4.1, paragraph 9 of paragraph 4.6 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014.

Advice: It is better for individual entrepreneurs not to give up maintaining a cash book and cash documents. After all, ensuring the safety and controlling cash flow is in the interests of the entrepreneur himself. For example, in a controversial situation, it will be possible to confirm the issuance of money against a report or salary using cash documents.

Cash transactions

Conducting cash transactions and working with cash includes:

  • acceptance and issuance of cash (with registration of incoming and outgoing cash orders);
  • storing cash in the cash register;
  • compliance with the cash payment limit;
  • maintaining a cash book;
  • depositing cash into the bank.

Organizations must keep available funds in bank accounts (paragraph 7, clause 2 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014). Directly at the cash desk you can store a limited amount of cash - within the limit established by the head of the organization (paragraph 1-9, paragraph 2 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014). There is an exception to this rule. Entrepreneurs and organizations classified as small businesses have the right not to set a limit on the balance of cash in the cash register (paragraph 10, clause 2 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014).

Spending cash proceeds

Cash proceeds received from sales can be spent on the following:

  • issuance of salaries;
  • social benefits;
  • payment for goods (except for securities), works, services;
  • issuance to employees for reporting (including travel allowances);
  • payment of money upon return of goods, refusal to perform work or provide services (provided that they were previously paid in cash);
  • payment of insurance compensation under insurance contracts for citizens (provided that the insurance premium was paid in cash);
  • issuing money as a bank payment agent (subagent);
  • the use of money for personal needs by an entrepreneur, provided that the payment is not related to his business activities.

Only proceeds from the sale of your own goods (performance of work, provision of services) can be spent for these purposes. Cash accepted from citizens as payments in favor of other persons (for example, during intermediary agreements, payment for the services of mobile operators, commission trading) must be handed over in full to the bank.

Attention: Liability for misuse of cash is not established by law. At the same time, penalties may be provided for in the agreement for cash settlement services (clause 4 of Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, in order to avoid sanctions from the bank, adhere to targeted spending of money in areas agreed with it.

Tax inspectorates may try to bring an organization to administrative liability under Article 15.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for violating the procedure for working with cash. However, this article provides for liability for the following violations:

  • cash payments with other organizations in excess of established limits;
  • non-receipt (incomplete receipt) of cash to the cash desk;
  • failure to comply with the procedure for storing available funds;
  • accumulation of money in the cash register in excess of established limits.

When applying administrative penalties, the grounds and procedure for bringing to justice must be observed (Part 1, Article 1.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Thus, the misuse of funds under Article 15.1 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses is not a violation. There are examples of court decisions confirming this position (see, for example, decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated September 5, 2007 No. A56-4636/2007, dated July 4, 2007 No. A56-36244/2006, dated May 14, 2007 No. A56-51773/2006 and the Central District dated October 3, 2008 No. A64-1887/08-24).

Situation: can cash proceeds be used to provide loans?

No, you can't.

The list of operations for which an organization can spend cash proceeds is closed (clause 2 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013). Issuing loans is not included in this list. Consequently, organizations and entrepreneurs have no right to provide loans from the proceeds received.

If an organization or entrepreneur needs to issue or return a loan and interest on it in cash, then you must proceed as follows. First, hand over the proceeds to the bank, and then withdraw it from the account and use it for the specified purposes. This procedure follows from paragraph 4 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013.

Situation: is it possible to spend cash received from the founder in the form of an interest-free loan to pay salaries without depositing it into a current account?

No, you can't.

The organization can spend the cash received at the cash desk to pay salaries. However, this provision provides restrictions regarding the source of funds. Namely, money for targeted spending should go to the organization’s cash desk from the sale of its own goods (performance of work, provision of services). There are no other sources of cash that are allowed to be spent from the cash register, bypassing a bank account. This procedure follows from the provisions of paragraph 2 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013.

Thus, if an organization received a loan from the founder in cash, then it cannot be used to pay salaries immediately. First, the organization is obliged to hand over this money to the bank.

However, any liability for this violation is not established by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Situation: is it possible to give the buyer cash proceeds from the cash register if the goods are returned? A citizen buyer paid for the goods with a bank card.

No, you can't.

The list of operations for which an organization can spend cash proceeds is closed (clause 2 of Bank of Russia Directive No. 3073-U dated October 7, 2013). Payment of money for returned goods previously paid for by credit card is not included in this list. Therefore, it is impossible to give the buyer money for the returned goods from the cash register.

If the goods were paid for by credit card, then when returning the goods, the money must also be returned to the buyer’s bank account. Refunds from the cash register are not permitted. This position is also held by tax service(see, for example, letter of the Department of Tax Administration of Russia for Moscow dated August 13, 2003 No. 29-12/44313).

This rule also applies if the purchase was partially paid in cash and partially using a bank card. Money is returned from the cash register in the same proportion in which it was deposited during the purchase. This conclusion, in particular, is contained in the letter of the Department of Tax Administration of Russia for Moscow dated April 2, 2003 No. 29-12/17931.

Moreover, if the buyer returned the goods on the day of purchase, the cashier cancels the transaction to purchase the goods (clauses 3.6, 4.8 of Appendix 5 to the minutes of the GMEC meeting dated December 19, 2002 No. 7/72-2002). If the buyer returns the goods not on the day of purchase, the money is transferred in accordance with the acquiring agreement (see, for example, letter of the Ministry of Taxation of Russia for Moscow dated August 13, 2003 No. 29-12/44313).

However, liability for paying cash in the event of returning goods paid for by credit card has not been established.

Security of cash

Organizations and entrepreneurs develop measures to ensure the safety of cash when conducting cash transactions, their storage, transportation, the procedure and timing for conducting an inventory of cash registers independently (clause 7 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014).

The cashier or an employee performing his duties is responsible for the safety of money in the cash register. Therefore, when hiring a cashier, in addition to completing the usual documents, you need to:

  • conclude an agreement on full financial liability;
  • take a receipt from the cashier stating that he is familiar with his official rights and responsibilities.

The same should be done if the duties of a cashier are performed by another part-time employee (for example, an accountant).

Additional requirements for paperwork are explained by the fact that the cashier is a financially responsible person (list approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 31, 2002 No. 85). In particular, he is obliged to fully compensate the employer for damage caused through his fault (Articles 242 and 244 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Separate units

Situation: is it possible for separate divisions to transfer cash to each other without going through the cash desk of the parent organization?

No, you can't.

The instructions on the procedure for conducting cash transactions do not directly state that an authorized representative of one separate division has the right to deposit cash into the cash desk of another. It only says that the organization independently determines the procedure for conducting cash transactions with its separate divisions. And at the same time, authorized representatives of a separate unit can only:

  • deposit cash into the organization's head office or bank for crediting to the organization's current account;
  • receive cash from the head office for cash transactions.

It turns out that separate divisions cannot transfer cash to each other without going through the cash desk of the parent organization.

Advice: it is possible to develop an internal procedure for the movement of money between departments without the participation of the head office. But in this case, be prepared for disputes with inspectors.

The following argument can be made in your defense. Directive of the Bank of Russia dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U does not prohibit separate divisions of an organization from transferring cash directly to each other. Therefore, provide for such an opportunity in the internal procedure for cash transactions between structural divisions, which the organization develops independently (clause 7 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014).

You can transfer cash between departments in the following order. Having issued money from the cash desk of one separate division to the cash desk of another, issue a cash receipt order.

This follows from paragraph 4.1 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 and the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

The procedure for filling out an expense cash order is established by instructions approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88. Thus, in accordance with this procedure, in the line of the expense cash order “Base”, indicate the content of the business transaction. For example, “Transfer of money to an authorized representative of a separate division No. 2 according to application No. 321 dated April 2, 2014.”

For the amount of money received, draw up a cash receipt order in form No. KO-1, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88 (clause 4.1 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014).

In the receipt order and the receipt for it, in the line “Base”, indicate the content of the business transaction. For example, “Receipt of money from the cash desk of separate division No. 1 according to application No. 321 dated April 2, 2014.”

This follows from the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

Receive or issue cash in a separate cash book of a separate division. This procedure follows from the provisions of paragraph 7 of clause 4.6 of the Bank of Russia Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. This rule must be followed by all separate divisions that conduct cash payments. It does not matter whether such a unit has its own bank account or not.

Maintain analytical accounting for account 50 for each separate division separately. To the sub-account “Cash of the organization” of account 50 “Cash”, open sub-accounts of the second order, for example:

  • “The main cash desk of the organization”;
  • “Cash desk of separate division No. 1”;
  • "Cash desk of separate unit No. 2."

When transferring money between cash desks of separate departments, make the following entries:

Debit 57 “Transfers in transit” Credit 50 second-order subaccount “Cash desk of separate division No. 1”
- money was issued by the cash desk of separate subdivision No. 1 to the representative of separate subdivision No. 2;

Debit 50 subaccount of the second order “Cash desk of separate division No. 2” Credit 57 “Transfers in transit”
- money arrived at the cash desk of separate division No. 2.

This procedure is established in the Instructions for the chart of accounts (accounts 50 and 57).

Cash transactions are operations related to the receipt, issuance, storage of cash and the preparation of cash documents. Cash transactions are conducted according to the rules established by the Central Bank: Directive dated March 11, 2014 N 3210-U and Directive dated October 7, 2013 N 3073-U. These rules are called cash discipline, and this concept includes:

  • maintaining cash documents documenting cash flows;
  • compliance with the cash balance limit;
  • limitation of cash payments between business entities within the framework of one agreement in an amount of no more than 100 thousand rubles.

Only those taxpayers who do not have to observe cash discipline that operate exclusively through non-cash payments. The need to complete cash transactions is not affected by the presence of a cash register or the selected tax regime. There is only one rule here - if there are any cash movements, then cash discipline must be observed.

Cash documents

Cash transactions are documented with the following documents:

  1. Receipt of cash to the cash desk - cash receipt order by. Such an order is filled out for each receipt of money at the cash desk, but if it is cash issued by a cash register check or a strict reporting form, then the order is issued for the total amount of cash received per day.
  2. Issuance of cash from the cash register - cash receipt order according to. Upon receipt of such an order, before issuing money, the cashier must check for the signature of the accountant (or manager, in the absence of an accountant), the presence of supporting documents and verify the identity of the recipient of the money.
  3. The data of incoming and outgoing orders is entered into the cash book using . At the end of the day, the remaining cash in the cash register is withdrawn. If no cash transactions were carried out during the working day, then no entries are made in the cash book.
  4. A book of accounting of funds issued and received by the cashier is kept only in the case when there are several cashiers in the organization. She arranges the transfer of cash between the senior cashier and the cashiers during the workday.
  5. The issuance of cash for the payment of wages, scholarships and other payments to employees is documented not only with a cash receipt order, but also with statements: settlement and payment statements and payment statements.

Cash limit

The cash limit is the maximum allowable amount of cash that can be kept in the organization's cash register at the end of the working day. Each enterprise sets the specific amount of this limit by internal order, based on its revenue amount using special calculation formulas given in the appendix to Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. Cash in excess of the established limit should not be in the cash register; it must be deposited at the bank. An exception to this rule is allowed on paydays, as well as on weekends and non-working holidays, if the organization carried out cash transactions on these days.

Individual entrepreneurs and (enterprises with no more than 100 employees and no more than 400 million rubles of annual revenue from the sale of goods and services) from June 1, 2014 A cash balance limit may not be set. A special order must be issued to ensure that a cash limit is not established. If such a decision is made, then all cash proceeds can be stored in the cash register without any restrictions.

We draw the attention of those individual entrepreneurs and LLCs that were already working with cash before June 1, 2014, which means they should have had an order to set a limit. This order needs to be reissued, because until June 1, 2014, Bank of Russia Regulation No. 373-P dated October 12, 2011 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation” was in force, which has already been cancelled. The previous order based on this Regulation is invalid. You can set the same limit, you just need to change the basis of the order to Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014.

If you want to refuse to establish a cash limit, then you cannot simply cancel the previous order in the order about this. According to the tax authorities, the cancellation of the old order does not mean the cancellation of the limit as such, but only the cancellation of the previous calculated limit amount, which means a new limit equal to zero. In this case, any amount of cash in the cash register at the end of the day will be above the limit. Strange logic, which, nevertheless, can deprive the organization of 50,000 rubles (the amount of the fine for violation of cash transactions for an LLC). Based on this, the new order must contain wording like “Keep cash in the cash register without setting a limit on the balance in the cash register.” This phrase is also suitable for those who are issuing a cash limit order for the first time.

Limitation of cash payments

The limit for cash payments is 100 thousand rubles. within the framework of one agreement, it applies to payments between business entities, that is, individual entrepreneurs and organizations among themselves. With individuals who are not entrepreneurs, the limit on cash payments does not apply, as well as when issuing accountable amounts, salaries and other social payments to employees from the cash register.

If you pay for goods or services in cash, you can give the accountable person any amount for payment, provided that the limit of 100 thousand rubles within the framework of one agreement remains the same. For example, you sent your manager to different addresses: buy materials for production, pay for any services, order work. If for each of these transactions the amount does not exceed 100 thousand rubles, then you can give him up to 300 thousand rubles.

Another thing is how safe it is to transport and pay with large sums of cash? Non-cash payments are both more profitable (no bank commission when cashing out) and more secure.

Simplified cash discipline procedure

This concept means the opportunity for entrepreneurs and small businesses to refuse to set a cash limit, as well as the opportunity that only individual entrepreneurs have received since June 2014 - not to document cash transactions.

But although such a right exists, in reality it will not always be possible to use it. Clearly, this opportunity is available only to individual entrepreneurs without employees (or paying salaries to employees by bank transfer), who, moreover, do not accept cash from anyone. Why? The fact is that Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014 contains contradictory norms:

  • Clause 4.1. Cash transactions are formalized by incoming cash orders 0310001, outgoing cash orders 0310002 (hereinafter referred to as cash documents). Individual entrepreneurs who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing a certain type of business activity, may not prepare cash documents.
  • Clause 5. Acceptance of cash by a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, including from a person with whom an employment contract or a civil law contract has been concluded (hereinafter referred to as the employee), is carried out according to .
  • Clause 6. Cash issuance for wages, scholarships and other payments to employees is carried out according to, .

In paragraphs 5 and 6 there is no usual clause (except...) and it turns out that the requirements apply to individual entrepreneurs as well. Considering how often the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Tax Service can change their point of view on the same issue, it can be assumed that these provisions carry the risk of tax disputes. Therefore, while there are no official comments on these issues, it is safer to keep cash documents.

The second reason why individual entrepreneurs must continue to maintain cash documents is that filling out the book of income and expenses in all modes (except in which KUDiR is not maintained) is carried out on the basis of primary documents. Such documents confirming the receipt and expenditure of cash are orders in the form and. Based on this, individual entrepreneurs conducting KUDiR cannot completely refuse to maintain cash documents, because they will have no reason to make entries in the ledger.

It turns out that in reality, only individual entrepreneurs who do not pay salaries in cash, do not receive cash from anyone, and do not enter data into KUDiR (that is, only on UTII) can not keep cash documents. As you can see, the “simplified procedure for cash discipline” turned out to be very tricky. In fact, the only real simplification in conducting cash transactions so far is the ability not to set a cash limit.

If an individual entrepreneur decides to refuse to maintain cash documents (we have already pointed out the risks) and not to set a cash limit, then an order must be issued about this. While there is no such order, the individual entrepreneur must obey cash discipline.

How to get money from business? Registration of cash transactions

Business is going well, income is growing, free funds appear that the businessman can spend on himself. How to do this? For some LLC founders, it is a surprise that they cannot at any time receive money from the cash register for their needs or withdraw it from a cash account. But individual entrepreneurs can. But first things first.

First - oh legal status property of a legal entity. The authorized capital in the form of cash or other property does not belong to the founder of the LLC. Everything that was contributed during the registration of the company and everything that was earned in the process of its business activities is the property of the legal entity. A founder working in his own company can receive a salary in it as an ordinary employee if an employment contract has been concluded with him. Even if this is the only founder (participant) who himself manages the organization, he cannot dispose of the money of his LLC at his own discretion. By the way, the possibility of concluding an employment contract with the sole founder-manager still remains controversial, and you can find out about the latest opinion of the Ministry of Finance on this topic

Another opportunity (and the only one, if the founder does not work in his organization) to receive money from the business is to use the profits received as dividends. We examined the issues of taxation of wages and dividends of the founder of an LLC in the example of the article. But in this case, we are not interested in the issue of taxes, but in whether the founder can take cash from the cash register for his needs or withdraw it from the current account? No, it can't therefore, the question of registering such cash transactions is not even worth it.

Now - about IP. On the one hand, an individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with all his property, except for that which cannot be recovered. But on the other hand, all property and money of an individual entrepreneur, including those received from business activities, are his property, which he can dispose of as he pleases (unless there are debts on taxes and contributions).

The individual entrepreneur does not receive his salary from himself, but he can take cash from the cash register or from the current account at any time. The right to do this is given by Directive No. 3073-U. If money is transferred to an individual’s payment card, then such a transfer is not a cash transaction and is not documented in cash documents. The amounts that an individual entrepreneur can spend from the cash register or from a current account for his personal needs are not limited, but arrears in taxes and insurance contributions must not be allowed. If an individual entrepreneur refuses to maintain cash documents and issues an order to this effect (see the section Simplified procedure for cash discipline), then the receipt of cash is not formalized in any way. If cash documents continue to be maintained, then on the basis of payments of money in the cash receipt order it is necessary to indicate: “Issuance of funds to the entrepreneur for his own needs” or “Transfer of income from current activities to the entrepreneur.”

Control over cash transactions

Until 2012, control of cash discipline was assigned to banks, but now this function is only of the tax authorities. This function is regulated by the Administrative Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of October 17, 2011 N 133n. What do tax authorities have the right to when checking cash discipline?

  1. Accounting for cash in the cash register.
  2. Printing reports from the fiscal memory of cash register equipment and used fiscal memory drives.
  3. Checking all documents documenting cash transactions: the cashier-operator’s journal, incoming and outgoing cash orders and their registration journal, cash book, etc.
  4. Actions to verify the issuance of a cash receipt, which, although not called a test purchase (since they relate to investigative control measures), can constitute visual observation, with or without the use of video and audio recording methods of the facts of purchase and payment for goods.

Violation of the procedure for working with cash and the procedure for conducting cash transactions, as well as violation of the requirements for the use of special bank accounts, entails the imposition of an administrative fine under Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • for officials (heads of an organization or individual entrepreneur) - from 4,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for legal entities - from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles.


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