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Not all of our contemporaries rushed to acquire standard plastic double-glazed windows; some prefer safe, natural structures made of wood. Modern wooden windows have a lot of advantages in addition to environmental friendliness: reliability, durability, high quality workmanship. At the same time, such frames require regular maintenance, in particular, painting of wooden windows is required. Of course, if you have chosen some of the best wooden windows, then this task will not appear before you anytime soon, but if your windows are already several years old, it’s time to think about maintaining their beauty and functionality.

  • Which paint is best for wooden windows?
    • Paint for interior and exterior painting
    • Selecting paint based on characteristics and composition
  • How to paint wooden windows?
    • Materials and tools
    • Important points before you start
    • Rules for removing old paint
    • Preparing fittings and glass
    • Putty on wooden windows
    • Primer of wooden windows
    • Multilayer painting of wooden windows

But before you paint wooden windows, and also with your own hands, you need to stock up on everything in advance necessary tools and materials.

Which paint is best for wooden windows?

The first question that arises is, which paint is best for wooden windows? Suitable paint for wooden windows must meet the following requirements:

  • be moisture resistant to protect the wood from fungus and rot;
  • be elastic so as not to crack when the frame shrinks and swells;
  • be “breathable”, because after treatment the wood must retain the ability to let air into the room, thereby creating a healthier microclimate there.

Paint for interior and exterior painting

Painting indoor windows:

Alkyd paints, to which oil is added, meet all the requirements regarding which paint is best to paint wooden windows. They are quite elastic and durable, and also give the surface a magnificent appearance.

But it is best to paint the frame with alkyd paints from the side of the room.

Painting windows from the street:

If the question is being decided, what is the best way to paint wooden windows from the street, then in this case it is better to choose nitro paints or acrylic paints. They dry quickly, without a strong odor, and provide a very durable coating. These are also suitable for window sills.

Universal paint:

For those who do not want to be confused about what is better to paint wooden windows on the outside and than on the inside, and prefer to use a universal composition, we should recommend atmospheric glossy enamel.

Some people can't decide what paint to paint their wooden windows. Our climate is characterized by significant temperature changes and variable weather with precipitation. In such conditions, alkyd enamels and acrylic paints performed well on water based Caparol, Remmers and Dulux, although they are quite expensive. You can also choose cheaper domestic analogues.

Selecting paint based on characteristics and composition

In addition, wooden surfaces can also be painted with traditional oil, enamel and glue dispersion paints. To finally decide which paint to choose, you need to think about the specific conditions in which the painted surface will be located, atmospheric humidity, and the properties of the surface being painted. The cost of a particular paint greatly depends on the composition of the composition and its operational properties.

Acrylic and polyurethane paints

Acrylic and polyurethane enamels and varnishes are considered the most modern and technologically advanced. All of them contain organic solvents, which make them more toxic, but also more stable. The most promising in terms of durability are polyurethane paints, which provide the most wear-resistant coating, so they are currently the best coating for wooden windows. But still, more often acrylic paints are used for doors and frames, which are more affordable. After drying, which happens very quickly, they are no longer afraid of water. Acrylic can be diluted with water and tinted to the desired shades. Of course, they should not be confused with acrylic paints for artists, which are available in small tubes.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd paint can be a good option when choosing the best way to paint wooden windows, since it is not only resistant to various forms of atmospheric adversity, but also to mineral oil or detergents. A surface that is pre-primed and coated with alkyd paint will retain its appearance for 4 years. It tolerates extreme heat (+60) and extreme cold (-50).

Nitrocellulose paints

The best option for painting wood window structures may be nitrocellulose paint. True, the solvent in it is acetone, which evaporates very quickly, so the room should be intensively ventilated. This paint is very flammable.

Recently, owners of wooden windows have increasingly begun to coat them with transparent varnishes, which allow them to preserve all the magnificent texture of the wood. At their core, such transparent varnishes are the same alkyd enamel, to which no coloring pigment is simply added.

How to paint wooden windows?

Before treating wooden windows before painting, you need to take into account that different types of wood require different treatments:

  • pine must be impregnated with compounds that protect it from grinders and getting wet;
  • oak windows are not afraid of moisture, but insects love to feast on them;
  • Larch does not require processing agents used for either pine or oak, since it does not rot and is avoided by grinders.

Materials and tools

A master who knows how to properly paint wooden windows will first prepare not only the paints and brushes themselves, but also some tools and consumables.

It is quite obvious that before painting wooden windows with peeling paint, you need to remove all this paint from the surface, as well as various foreign objects sticking out in the frames. Therefore, when working, you may need a variety of tools:

  • screwdrivers and pliers are needed to remove various screws and nails from the frame;
  • It is convenient to remove old paint with a small spatula;
  • You will also need a small hammer to install the beads in place, because the latter will have to be temporarily dismantled in order to remove the glass from the frame;
  • You will have to clean the surfaces with sandpaper;
  • to prevent the slopes from getting dirty when painting, they need to be temporarily sealed with masking tape;
  • to apply paint you will need brushes, and if the frames are quite wide, then they can be painted faster with a roller;
  • jars or trays for paint;
  • a crowbar or a small nail puller will be needed when dismantling glazing beads, as well as sashes and vents;
  • It’s also worth preparing a rubber spatula, a fine mesh for straining the putty, and the wood putty itself. The fact is that chips, cracks or dents are often found on old frames, which can be successfully smoothed out with such putty;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood;
  • an effective solvent for the paint used in case you need to quickly remove a stain that has gotten into the wrong place.

If painting old wooden windows will be carried out acrylic paint, then you may also need a color scheme (if the paint itself is white and its tone needs to be corrected with dye). But if you have no experience in tinting, then it is better to immediately buy the desired shade.

Important points before you start

In order for wooden frames to last longer after painting, you need to choose the right time for work.

It is best to do this on a warm day, when there is no bright sun, but the humidity is low, then ultraviolet radiation will not destroy the dye. Wooden frames will dry already at a humidity of less than 80% and a temperature of only +5 degrees.

Paint should not be applied to wet wood, otherwise bubbles will appear and the frame will have to be repainted.

In addition to dampness, poor surface preparation also leads to paint peeling. If windows are painted indoors, then before starting work you need to clean it so that dust does not settle on the frames.

Rules for removing old paint

It was already mentioned above how to prepare wooden windows for painting - first of all, remove the old paint:

  1. You should arm yourself with an industrial hair dryer or a blowtorch and try to warm up the surface of the frame with it. If the paint begins to peel off when heated and can be easily removed with a spatula, this means that it has been found. good way its removal.
    If the paint does not give in, then you will have to work hard with a spatula and chisel or soak the old paint with a solvent. In this case, you will need a scraper and coarse sandpaper.
  2. If the frame is difficult to close, you should sand the “conflicting” surfaces using grinder. The latter must act delicately so as not to damage the frame material itself.

Video on how to remove old paint from wooden windows:

Nowadays, special liquids are being produced to remove old paint, which significantly speed up the preparatory process. These include the Ukrainian “Svema” or “Shostka” or the Finnish one from “Tikkurila”. It can be found in auto stores because it is used for cars. You need to apply the liquid and wait until the paint begins to wrinkle and turn into something cheesy, which can be easily removed with a spatula and then rubbed with coarse sandpaper.

Preparing fittings and glass

Preparation for painting involves dismantling window sashes and fittings, then after restoration the window will look neater. In addition, faulty elements can be replaced or repaired at the same time. If the locks and handles do not want to be easily removed, then they can be wrapped with masking tape, protecting them from paint.

Glass must be prepared no less carefully, especially if wooden windows with double-glazed windows are being painted. For beginners, it is better to cover the entire area of ​​the glass with newspapers, securing them with masking tape 2 mm from the edge of the frame, so that the paint fills these cracks and does not allow water to accumulate in them later. For experienced craftsmen, one piece of adhesive tape glued along the edge of the glass is enough.

It is better not to reuse old glazing beads that hold the glass in place. New glazing beads need to be sanded, primed and painted separately from the frames, and then nailed into place in this form.

Putty on wooden windows

Some people who know well how to paint and prime a wooden window use old recipes, mixing rosin or wax with turpentine. For the rest, it is better to rely on ready-made compositions, which, fortunately, are always available in specialized stores, where you can find a variety of base paints, primers, solvents, finishing varnishes and paints. Putty for wooden windows for painting should be specially designed for wood; it is usually acrylic and packaged in 200 g cans.

Our most popular brand is, perhaps, Tikkurila, at least it has received the most positive consumer reviews on the forums. But they also note its “biting” prices. Well-known brands also include “Tex”, “Pinotex”, “Zawosan” and a number of others.

The procedure for puttingtying wooden windows is as follows:

  1. Before you putty on wooden windows for painting, you need to carefully inspect the frame. All elements made of iron (steel hinges, nail heads, etc.), which over time can rust and ruin the appearance of the window, should be pre-treated with a special primer for iron.
  2. An important stage of the preparatory work is treating the wood with an antiseptic, thanks to which the structure will be protected from rotting and the spread of fungus, will not allow insects to settle in the frames, and will generally extend the life of the frame.
  3. After treating the frame with an antiseptic, you need to inspect its surface again. There will probably be potholes, uneven spots, and cracks that need to be filled. This needs to be done gradually, in several approaches, because if you apply a thick layer of putty at once, it will then easily fall off along with the paint layer and the entire repair will go down the drain.

  1. Putty is applied in a regular layer to the surface of wooden frames intended for painting. If the frame is treated with stain, then the putty areas will be visible through it, so the putty must be tinted exactly to match the color of the wood. You can even make your own putty using wood flour and epoxy resin or glue.
  2. After applying the first layer and the putty has hardened, its surface must be treated with sandpaper.
  3. Then a second layer of putty is applied and a few hours after it has dried, the surface must be treated in the same way with sandpaper.
  4. These operations must be repeated until it is perfectly formed. flat surface frames.

Useful video about preparing a wooden window for painting:

Primer of wooden windows

This procedure is necessary to ensure high-quality and reliable adhesion of the paint to the surface. Modern primer forms a transparent protective film, which allows you to preserve the appearance of the natural pattern of the material. In addition, modern primers have antiseptic properties, so they protect the entire frame (especially the outside) from rotting, mold and swelling, even in rainy weather. The primer composition includes oil, glue, resin and coloring pigments.

The recipe for the primer mixture may differ significantly, however, all mixtures for wood must certainly preserve its natural structure. This is why metal primers are not used for wood.

It’s quite easy to determine which primer is needed in a particular case:

  • For water-based paints, you should choose an acrylic-based primer, the composition of which is similar to the composition of the paint.
  • Under the enamel you need to apply alkyd drying oil.
  • It is useful to treat windows with a stain with wood-protective properties, the solvent in which is white spirit.
  • Then the wood will absorb less moisture, and grinders will not start in it.
  • You can also look for putty that has the same shade as the wood itself.

The surface must be degreased with white spirit before priming, if it has not been previously puttied. It is better to prime with a brush rather than a roller.

If the putty has not dried completely or some area was missed during priming, then dark spots often form in these areas after painting.

Multilayer painting of wooden windows

After the procedures described above, the window becomes even and smooth. Next comes the painting process:

  1. Before painting, the room must be thoroughly removed, especially from dust, so that it does not settle on the fresh paint.
  2. After opening a can of paint, the contents must be thoroughly mixed and strained into the bath through a special sieve.

Many people neglect this and smear paint taken straight from the can. But the paint is usually sold too thick and requires preliminary dilution. If you paint with undiluted paint, you apply too thick a layer of paint, so it is distributed unevenly, with sagging and traces of brush bristles. After drying, this paint will begin to crack faster.

  1. The degree of paint dilution is determined only empirically, but one should strive to ensure that the applied paint layer is uniform, but does not flow like water.

You should not dilute all the existing paint at once, but pour some of it into a separate container and then bring it with a solvent to the required consistency.

  1. You can ask the seller about which solvent for paint or primer is best to use or carefully study the text on the packaging.
  2. The first layer of paint applied should be the most liquid, since it should penetrate as deeply as possible into all the irregularities of the wood structure.

  1. After applying the first coat of paint, it should be allowed to dry completely before applying the second coat.

Typically, painting the outside of wooden windows is done in three layers, with a precaution, although with good paint and surface preparation, two layers may be enough.

  1. The paint for the second and third layers should be thicker so that it does not form streaks. If streaks do appear, they must be removed immediately using a rag moistened with a solvent. If you delay, the paint will dry out and the entire surface of the frame will have to be cleaned and painted again.

During work, the brush should not be dipped entirely into the paint, but only halfway, and excess paint should be removed by carefully brushing the brush along the edge of the container.

Painting should begin from the outside of the window.

  1. You need to make sure that you have different brushes on hand: larger ones for smooth, wide surfaces, and smaller ones for hard-to-reach areas. The width of the brush can be within 3-5 cm. Frames should be painted with flat rather than round brushes; they will ideally distribute the paint along the wood fibers. And it is better to paint the corners with light, laconic strokes of the tool.

  1. By the way, newspapers and tape must be removed from the glass before the paint is completely dry, because if you delay this, the paint layer can be damaged later.
  2. Then replace the previously removed fittings, but after the paint has completely dried.

Having found out everything the most important nuances painting wooden frames, the reader can decide for himself whether to do it himself or still turn to the services of professionals.

What paint do you choose for painting windows, and why? Tell us about your choice in the comments and explain it - the truth is born in communication with other builders!

October 14, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

With the advent of PVC, wood began to lose its position, but if you are a true connoisseur of natural materials, you will never give up wooden windows. With proper care, they will faithfully serve you for decades, bringing a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort to your home.

Be ready!

Painting wooden frames requires preliminary preparation of the base. For what?

  1. First, you won't be able to apply a new coat of paint evenly.
  2. Secondly, over time, the bottom layer will begin to peel off, undermining the top one.

Well, was I convincing enough? Don't want to waste your time? Let's move on to removing the old paint.

If the old coating is already fairly worn out, it can be removed mechanically using a regular spatula or dish net. The last handicraft tool is useful for cleaning small “flakes” of coating.

If the windows were factory painted using polyurethane or catalytic paint, wipe the frames with soapy water and sand before cleaning. This will allow you to complete the procedure quickly and efficiently.

If the last painting of the frame was carried out quite a long time ago, it is recommended to remove the layer using a thermal method. Propane cylinders for hiking are used for firing.

Before removing the old paint, the container is turned over with the nozzle down, holding it strictly vertically. A lit match is brought to the open valve and, determining the intensity of the flame with the valve, the frames are burned. After heating, the paint is cleaned mechanically using a spatula.

The next stage of preparation is processing with coarse sandpaper. If cracks and chips are visible on the frame, putty is applied and sanded again.

If you have to remove old paint from several frames, rent a heat gun with a special attachment that allows you to work on double-glazed windows.

If the frames were painted with oil paint, preliminary cleaning of peeled and cracked areas is carried out with a scraper or brush.

Windows that have been painted a long time ago are often damaged by fungus, so before painting the frame, treat them with a special anti-mold agent. The same procedure is carried out on frames previously painted with alkyd varnish.

The right to choose

Selection criteria

The next question that requires attention is what paint is best to paint wooden frames. Before you paint the frame, answer yourself a few questions:

  1. What type of wood was used to create the frames?
  2. Under what conditions will the frames be used (high humidity, temperature)?
  3. Is it possible to re-process?
  4. Is the new paint compatible with the old coating?

  • Enamel, oil and dispersion adhesive coatings are used to color wood. From personal experience I recommend looking towards acrylic and polyurethane paints, which are the most modern paint and varnish compositions.
  • Polyurethane coatings Tikkurila, Sirca, Akzo Nobel and Sayerlack have proven themselves excellent in painting the external parts of frames. You can safely use them in the country house, balcony and apartment.
  • If your goal is to update the appearance of window frames or window sills, look for odorless paint, such as alkyd and nitrocellulose enamels. As an alternative, you can consider paints used for finishing walls and ceilings: zinc white, oil paints MA-15 and MA-11, enamels PF-560 and PF-115.

No matter how tempting the idea of ​​painting the frames and window sills in a dark shade may look, refuse it. The thing is that the dark pigment fades, as a result, all your efforts will be invisible in 1-2 years.

  • Before painting a frame that has a coating layer, grout it with putty and primer tinted to match the paint. After drying, the surface is sanded and painting begins.
  • Oil-enamel compositions are applied to the frame, previously painted with two layers of oil paint.

Warm up the enamel a little; this improves its coating characteristics.

Paint rating

If the windows are no longer the same

Your fight against peeling paint may not be successful. Besides, wooden structures They often lose their appearance, revealing their age.

Don’t despair, I have instructions for you that will allow you to turn an ordinary wooden frame into a designer element with your own hands. Next we will talk about decorative painting with an aging effect. So you can easily get vintage, shabby chic, country, etc.

Old frames can be made even older, giving them the effect of honorable age. For this, the techniques of craquelure, brushing, staining, gilding with patina, liming and aging are often used.

Who's the oldest here?

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase “old windows”? Scuffs of paint, signs of age, slightly sagging doors. And if the last point is a little non-functional, then the first two can easily be implemented to achieve a vintage style.

To realize the plan we will need two shades of paint. The first bottom layer should be as contrasting and rich as possible. If you purchased light paint, do not rush to go to the chocolate store; take a closer look at colors that not only allow you to get a shade, but also vary its saturation.

The second color should be light; shades of coffee latte, baked milk and ivory are optimal. The main color is applied with a brush after the base has completely dried.

Now you can arm yourself with sandpaper and work until the dark shade appears through the light shade. And now your frames acquire the patina of time and become the protagonist of the interior.

How everything was cracked!

Another way to quickly age is to use craquelure compositions. Here you cannot get by with ordinary acrylic or alkyd paints; you will need a special craquelure varnish, which “breaks” the top layer, forming cracks.

You can use several shades for the base, this will make your cracks multi-colored.

Execution sequence:

  1. Paint for wooden window frames of the base color (the color of the cracks) is applied to the prepared surface and left until completely dry.
  2. Craquelure varnish is applied over the paint.
  3. After it dries, you can apply the main color and admire the scattering of cracks.

Brushing technology

Brushing is a mechanical method, so feel free to arm yourself with chisels, sandpapers, metal brushes and drills.

The main goal of the method is to remove the soft top layer of wood, this allows it to be successfully combined with other aging methods. If you are taking on the procedure for the first time, try your hand at hardwood, it could be oak, walnut, ash, larch. The main thing is not to overdo it and not turn the window frame into a sieve.

The brushing technique is not suitable for beech, maple, pear, teak, and cherry.

What is the best way to consolidate the result? Of course, stain and varnish, for example, Syntilor Vernis BSC Brilliant or Tikkurila Unica Super.

You killed me

Staining is an additional method that is more often used with craquelure and brushing. Some of the stain is washed off the surface with a damp sponge, while the edges, bends and cracks take on a darker shade, which is secured with antique wax and varnish.

If you were unable to get the desired result from the first treatment, work on the cracks with a thin brush with aqueous solution stains.

Old, very old

Olding is notable for the fact that it allows you to achieve various effects, here you have sunburn, swamp moss, fading, and even salinity. Almost all chemicals are designed for hard wood. The result is fixed with varnish.

Summing up

Now you know how to clean wooden windows from old paint, why to prepare and how to paint the frames correctly, all I have to do is offer you a video in this article and invite you to a discussion on the topic “Wooden windows: to be or not to be.”

Painting window frames– surface restoration, which allows you to improve the appearance of windows and protect the wood from destruction. Gradually the layers of paint wear off and you have to repaint. To make restorations less often, you need to choose the right material and paint the windows correctly.

Professional craftsmen know which paint is best to paint wooden windows, but amateurs don’t always choose the right material and encounter problems during or after completion. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to choose a product that has the following properties:

  • moisture resistance so that precipitation does not spoil the finish coating or affect its technical characteristics;
  • the ability to protect wood from fungus and mold;
  • elasticity for easy application;
  • vapor permeable so that air can circulate freely.

Such characteristics increase the operational period of the restoration and eliminate the need to paint the windows annually.

Classification of material, depending on purpose

Depending on the purpose, several types of material are distinguished.

For indoor use

Such paints are used only indoors, so the materials are not used for painting window frames. The products are suitable for painting window sills.

For outdoor use

Paints for external use form a durable film on the surface after drying, which protects the building base from precipitation, temperature changes and the harmful effects of sunlight. The materials are used for painting window frames. Products are not used for window sills.

Universal remedy

Types of material

There are several types of wood paint that are recommended for painting windows.

Nitrocellulose compounds

These paints are made from nitrocellulose. The material is easy to apply, has an attractive appearance and protects the wood from negative impact environment. The main shade is white. Since this is the traditional color of window frames, this material is used for painting more often than others. The disadvantage of the product is that it contains acetone, which is why the paint has a pungent odor and causes intoxication of the body. For this reason, the material cannot be used without personal protective equipment.

Alkyd products

The compositions are recommended for use indoors and outdoors. The materials do not change characteristics under the influence of precipitation and sunlight. Protect the surface from temperature changes. The paints can withstand air temperatures from -50 to +60 0 C. The product must be washed after hardening. The material can withstand treatment with detergent without losing its visual appeal. The disadvantage is the high price.

Acrylic materials

The products are made on the basis of acrylic resins. Suitable for all types of surfaces, including wood. Paints have moisture resistance, vapor permeability and protective properties. The shelf life of the coating is five years. These paints are preferred by most professionals and amateurs who carry out restoration with their own hands.

Polyurethane paints

Such compositions have increased strength. Materials increase the service life of wood. The coating does not need frequent updating. Restoration is carried out every seven years.


Such materials form a transparent coating on the surface. Thanks to this, the wood texture is not masked by shades. At the same time, the varnish protects the building base from an aggressive biological environment, that is, mold and mildew, moisture and sunlight. This coating has a long service life, which allows restoration to be carried out every few years.

Paints for different types of wood

  • larch - the material itself is able to withstand the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature changes, therefore, to restore a frame made of this wood, paints with simple characteristics are used;
  • pine - a frame made from this material quickly absorbs moisture, which creates favorable environment for the occurrence of mold and mildew, therefore for painting it is recommended to use only moisture-resistant products with protective properties against the formation of an unfavorable bacterial environment;
  • oak - this material is not afraid of moisture, but is susceptible to pests, so for painting it is recommended to use a material with protective properties, and before applying the product, treat the base with a special agent that prevents the action of pests.

Required Tools

Materials and tools for painting:

  • dye;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • glazing beads;
  • solvent;
  • a tool or means for dismantling the old coating;
  • masking tape;
  • primer application tool;
  • sandpaper with fine and coarse grains - P 60 or P 80, P 100 or P 120;
  • rags for removing dust from the construction base;
  • spatula;
  • scraper;
  • containers for dispensing primer and paint;
  • iron mesh with small cells;
  • White spirit;
  • nails, screwdriver, hammer, chisel.

Methods for dismantling old coating

Paint cannot be applied to the old coating, so it is recommended to dismantle it. You can do this in several ways:

  • Heat treatment. The essence of the method is to expose the building foundation to a stream of hot air from an industrial hair dryer or blowtorch. After this manipulation, the coating will swell and can be easily removed with a spatula. Disadvantage: you need to remove the glass from the frame, because high temperature it will burst.
  • Grinding. To remove paint, use any surface cleaning tool. The frame is processed with this device, and the coating is dismantled.
  • Special substance. Construction stores sell paint stripper. The product is applied to the surface and left for the time indicated on the packaging. Under the influence of the substance, the paint swells and is removed with a spatula.

Preparing the surface for finishing

Preparing a frame for painting involves more than just removing the old coating. To ensure high-quality painting, remove all the fittings and cover the glass located next to the frame with masking tape. If some parts could not be removed, cover them with tape as well. This will protect the surfaces from paint.

Remove old glazing beads. Prime the new materials, paint them and secure them to the frame with nails.

Window painting

Instructions for painting windows:

  • Sand the surface with coarse sandpaper P 60 or P 80;
  • treat the frame with an antiseptic to protect the wood from insects, mold and mildew;
  • Apply a layer of primer and wait until the composition dries;
  • if you use colored paints for painting, then apply a layer of putty, and if varnish, then treat the base with a wood-like color;
  • sand the surface with fine-grain sandpaper P 100 or P 120;
  • apply primer and wait until dry;
  • stir the paint and pass it through a metal mesh;
  • mix the material with solvent to obtain a medium-thick consistency;
  • apply a thin layer of paint and take a break to dry;
  • treat the surface with the product again in a thin layer and also pause work;
  • the third layer is the finishing coat, so make a thicker consistency of paint for it;
  • If smudges appear on the surface, remove them with a cloth soaked in solvent.

The video in this article clearly demonstrates how to properly paint wooden windows.

Windows with wooden frames are a wonderful choice for those who appreciate classics and care about maintaining a cozy climate in their home. Over time, the tree loses its presentable appearance, so it needs to be restored in time.

There are no problems with new high-quality windows - painting them is not a problem. But restoring old wood frames with shabby appearance sometimes causes difficulties. So how do you paint an old wooden window?

Preparation before painting

So, there is an old wooden window, slightly damaged by time. Under no circumstances should you start painting it with raw paint from a can, as many do. This can only be done in one case - if the frame has just been purchased and is of excellent quality. But even here you can’t do without a primer.

An old window needs to be thoroughly prepared before painting, and to do this you need to assess its condition:

  • carry out detailed diagnostics of all sides of the window frame;
  • assess the tightness of the glass to the glazing beads;
  • check the presence and condition of the old paint layer.

It is imperative to prepare the window for painting. If you ignore this point, you can only ruin the product and waste your time. After a thorough diagnosis, the frame should be removed from all defects that were found. If there are rotten places, they need to be scraped off with a sharp metal object, for example, a knife. Old paint, if it doesn't adhere well or bubbles, also needs to be removed. To upgrade your window with your own hands, it is better to completely clean the frame of old paint using a special solvent and a knife.

After removing damaged areas of wood, irregularities and pits often appear on the window frame. Sanding with coarse sandpaper followed by applying putty will help correct the problem. At the same time, in this way you can fill the cracks that appear as a result of the wood drying out. Preparing the window for painting does not end there. Once the putty layer has dried, it can be polished with fine sandpaper. All that remains is to cover the frame with a layer of primer enamel. You can’t do without it, since paint applied directly to wood does not adhere well, swells and peels off ahead of time.

If preparatory work completed and the window frame has a smooth, smooth surface, you can move on to painting the old wooden window.

Applying paint to the frame

To make applying the paint easier, it should be diluted with a solvent. The choice of liquid for dilution depends on the composition protective coating. This can easily be clarified with the seller from whom the paint was purchased. But if you can’t get any recommendations on this matter, you can use the universal thinner “White Spirit”. It is suitable for almost all types of alkyd paints. How to calculate the optimal amount of solvent? Here everything is chosen by eye. The main thing is that the finished mixture does not have a thick or watery consistency.

To paint the frame without staining the glass, you need to use masking tape. It will help refresh the window without losing its transparency. The adhesive tape is glued around the perimeter of the glass close to the glazing beads. When working with a brush, minimal splashes are created, so narrow strips of masking adhesive tape will be enough. To paint a window frame easily, quickly and efficiently, you should adhere to several rules:

  • During work, you must be careful, make sure that the paint goes on evenly and does not get into unnecessary places;
  • It is not recommended to immerse the entire brush in a container with dye. It is enough to dip the brush halfway and walk it along the edge of the can to get rid of excess paint;
  • Coloring must be done from top to bottom. This will prevent the appearance of sagging and leaks;
  • there is no need to try to apply as thick a layer of paint as possible in one go. This can lead to uneven surfaces.

One simple rule will help you paint wooden windows correctly: it is better to apply 2-3 layers, the first of which should be thin. Moreover, the next round of painting is carried out only after the previous layer has completely dried. Thus, the entire process can take several days, depending on the drying speed of the coating. This technology helps to get rid of unpainted areas and provides reliable protection of the wooden frame from natural precipitation and sunlight.

Painting a wooden window is not difficult. Armed with patience and tools, an old piece with an unsightly appearance can be turned into a beautiful thing, as proven by the example of a window frame. With the above tips, you won't have to rack your brains, thinking about how to paint wooden windows. old paint. The main thing to remember is: “It’s not so much difficult to achieve professional quality painting of old windows, but to maintain this quality for a long time.” Video can't be loaded: Tips for painting old wooden windows (


Has your old wooden window become unusable: the wood has dried out, the paint has peeled off? Don't rush to change it to a new one. Repairs, as well as painting and repainting wooden windows will be much more economical if you do them yourself.

Determining the degree of window destruction

Open the window and inspect the wood where the paint has peeled off. If its density already resembles foam plastic or is even softer, it’s not worth the candle, and it’s better to replace the window. If there are cracks or fungus, but the frame is quite solid , then after restoration the wooden window will last for a long time. Check the geometry of the window and sashes. Aren't they squinting too much?

If the sashes are skewed and when opening they touch the window sill , for repairs you will need wooden wedges and steel corners. Close the window sash tightly. Adjust its position with wedges. Install metal corners in the loose corners of the frame. Secure them with screws. The sashes should now sit firmly in the frame.

The glass itself also requires careful inspection. Old and cracked out! Prepare money for something new. We clean and lubricate the fittings, and replace any rusty ones.

Dismantling the old coating

The glass is pulled out and cleaned of old putty.

To restore old windows yourself, you need to carefully remove the frame from the window frame. Then remove the flaps. Just don’t pull them out with the meat, but gently tap them on the loops with a chisel. The glass also needs to be removed. And remove the old putty from them with a chisel or an aggressive solvent if you plan to put them back in.

Preparing and painting the window frame

This is a rather tedious and dusty process. But such repairs of old wooden windows will bear fruit. After it, the window will be little different from the new one.

Removing old paint

There are two ways to remove old paint from wooden frames: using a hair dryer or liquid remover.

Method No. 1

A hair dryer softens the old paint and makes it easy to remove with a spatula.

Take construction hair dryer in one hand, in the other - a spatula. Blow hot air over the paint. As soon as it starts to bubble and peel off, start scraping it off with a spatula. To avoid overheating and damage to the tool, work intermittently. The advantage of this method is that the paint is removed in one go.

Method No. 2

You will need aggressive wash . It is quite dangerous and not only for old paint. Therefore, wear rubber gloves and safety glasses when working with it. Apply the wash with a brush without skipping. It's better to use too much; an even layer is not required. Your task is to ensure that the solution gets generously onto all painted areas.

Paint thinner is very dangerous, so wear gloves

After a few minutes, you will see that the paint begins to swell and soften to a cheesy state. Now is the time to remove it before it hardens. Repeat this process as necessary until the frame is completely clean. The undoubted advantage is that buying a liquid remover is much cheaper than a hair dryer.

Degrease the surface

This is a simple but very important step in window repair. Grease on the wood will prevent paint and primer from sticking. And all this will be reflected in the quality of painting. Therefore, we clean the surface with a solvent, such as White Spirit. As a last resort, gasoline, but not acetone or alcohol - they are mixed with water.

Level the frame with putty

Rotten areas in the frame must be removed with a plane. And cover the resulting potholes and cracks with acrylic wood putty and a rubber spatula.

Putty for smoothing out holes in the frame/window sill is made from fine sawdust and PVA glue. Just mix them until the consistency of thick sour cream. It will turn out no worse than store-bought.

Attention! If the pieces of rotten wood are quite large and putty alone is not enough, you will need patches made of dry material. Cut wood wedges to size and place them on glue.

Sanding the surface

Before painting window frames, they must be sanded. To do this, you need to go over them with sandpaper.

The frame is rubbed with sandpaper so that the paint adheres better later.

It is very convenient to sand with a wooden block wrapped in sandpaper. The surface should become uniformly rough. This way the paint will adhere better to it. Remember that sanding produces a lot of fine dust. Pros wear a respirator and safety glasses.

Prime the frame

By removing the old paint, you will open up the pores of the wood. They need to be covered with a primer. It will penetrate deep into the wood, creating a film on it that will prevent the wood from rotting. In addition, a primer is needed for better adhesion of the paint to the surface.

For priming you will needoil (linseed oil) or acrylic primer for wood . You don't have to buy an expensive one at all. A cheap primer will also work, but it will need to be applied in several layers. You can prime with a small brush or a spray bottle. Wait until the primer is completely dry before painting.

We paint

For painting windows yourself It is better to use acrylic, oil or alkyd enamel paint . Alkyd is more expensive, but dries faster and has almost no odor. Acrylic comes in second place. The brush should be flat. It is also called flutz.

The window frame is painted in 2-3 layers

In hardware stores you can find special paint for frames and window sills. The consistency is similar to jelly and does not leave streaks. It also has self-leveling properties. This means there will be no brush marks on this paint. Start painting from the top of the frame. Apply paint in a thin layer to avoid smudges. At the same time, do not allow omissions. Effective coloring requires 2-3 layers. When applying each subsequent layer, wait until the previous one dries.

Paint smudges can be avoided using a foam swab instead of a brush. It's a tampon, not a roller. The foam rubber for it should not be too old, but not new either. A bath sponge that has already been used is just the thing! Such a swab will absorb excess paint, do not let it drip off in sloppy drops.

Inserting glass

To prevent the glass from falling out, it is secured with this glazing bead

We apply construction silicone to the edges of the glass. After this we insert the glass into the frame. Use a spatula to remove excess silicone. To ensure that the glass stands securely in the frame and does not rattle, we will need wooden window beads. These are such triangular thin strips.

We apply glazing bead to the junction of the frame and glass. We secure it with small nails, driving them vertically into the frame. The optimal distance between them is 25-30 cm. All that remains is to screw on the fittings.

Read about the legal approval of new glazing on the balcony (what if it comes to this?), fines and other nuances.

Returning the frame to the window box

We install the frame into the window frame. If there are gaps, you can seal them with a special rubber self-adhesive seal. Cut the strip of sealant to the required size, peel off the protective film and apply tightly around the perimeter of the frame.


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