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As part of the school curriculum, students study the continents. The most interesting is Eurasia. Why is this so? First of all, it is the largest continent on Earth. Considering its size, it is not at all surprising that this territory has areas with different topography and climate. It is also worth paying attention to the geological structure of the area.

This article will examine the features of the relief of Eurasia. So let's get started.

Mainland Eurasia: a brief description

Eurasia, as already mentioned, is the largest continent on the planet. Its area is measured on a huge scale, accounting for almost 40% of the entire landmass. If we express this in numbers, then the size of this territory was almost 55 million square meters. km. There are about 100 states on this continent. Its position on the map can be found at the following coordinates: between 1°16"N and 77°43"N. sh.; 9°31"W and 169°42"W d.

It is worth noting that the mainland is unique not only for its size. Eurasia is the only continent on the planet that is washed by all four oceans of the globe. Also interesting is the fact that its territory unites two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. And since they lie in different geographical zones, the relief and climate of Eurasia varies greatly throughout its entire length.

Formation highlights

I would like to highlight the fact that Eurasia differs significantly in geological structure from other continents. It is based on several plates and platforms. The time period of formation falls on the Cenozoic and Mesozoic eras. Geologically, the continent is considered the youngest.

Structure of Eurasia:

  • North: Siberian, East European platforms and West Siberian plate.
  • East: South China, Sino-Korean platforms and Alpine folding plates.
  • West: plates of Paleozoic platforms and
  • South: Arabian, Indian plates and Iranian plate.

Also on the continent there are large cracks and faults, which predominate to a greater extent in the Siberian region (for example, Tibet, Lake Baikal). Volcanoes can erupt and earthquakes occur, as evidenced by the relief features of Eurasia. Because of the unusual, these territories contain rich deposits of minerals such as tin, tungsten, natural gas, oil, various ores and others.

Diversity of mountainous terrain

The peculiarities of the mountainous terrain are that, unlike other continents, where the hills are mainly located on the outskirts, here they are located in the very depths, separated by two folded belts: the Pacific and Albian-Himalayan. The first of them stretches across almost the entire eastern part. Heavy traffic is still seen here earth's crust.

When composing a description of the relief of Eurasia, it is worth noting that the average heights vary within 830 m. This is where the highest point on the planet is located - Everest (8,848 m). Other mountain formations are no less significant:

  • The Himalayas are a mountain system located on the border of South and Central Asia. It is considered the highest massif. Occupies an area of ​​about 1.1 million square meters. km. It has a length of more than 2.3 thousand km, and a width of almost 1.4 thousand km.
  • Hindu Kush is a mountain system in Central Asia. Occupies an area of ​​about 155 thousand square meters. km. The width and length of the massif reach almost 600 km.
  • The Tien Shan is a mountain system located on the territory of five Central Asian states. Consists of numerous ridges. The highest mountain is Pobeda Peak (7,439 m).
  • The Altai Mountains are one of the most complex systems that represent the relief of Eurasia. They are located on the territory of four states, the total area is about 740 thousand square meters. km. The length of the mountain range is more than 1.8 thousand km, and its width is slightly more than 1.2 thousand km.
  • The Alps are a mountain range that does not go beyond the borders of Europe, with a total area of ​​190 thousand square meters. km. The highest peak is Mont Blanc (4,810 m).
  • consist of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. Geographically located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.
  • The Ural Mountains are a massif that runs between two plains: West Siberian and East European. Its length was 2 thousand km, and its width varied from 40 to 150 km.
  • The Deccan Plateau is located in the Hindustan Peninsula. It occupies a fairly large area - about 1 million square meters. km.
  • The Central Siberian Plateau is located in Eastern Siberia. Maximum height - 1701 m (peak Kamen). Almost the entire territory is dominated by a sharply continental climate.

Flat terrain of Eurasia

In addition to the mountain peaks, the mainland also has plains. Let's look at them.

  • The East European Plain is located in the eastern part of Europe. There are 10 states on its territory. The largest part of it belongs to Russia. The borders are the coasts of the Baltic, White, Caspian, Black, Azov and Barents seas, as well as the Ural Mountains. In terms of area, the plain occupies an area of ​​more than 4 million square meters. km. Average height - 170 m.
  • The West Siberian Plain is located on Stretches from the Central Siberian Plateau to the Ural Mountains. It is in this territory that the major rivers of Russia flow: the Ob, Irtysh, and Yenisei. The area of ​​this area is 2.6 million square meters. km. The climatic conditions here are quite harsh.
  • occupies the territory of Central Asia. In the north it borders on the Turgai plateau, in the south - on the foothills of Paropamiz. The climate in this region is sharply continental, and in the south it is subtropical.
  • The Great Chinese Plain is located in East Asia. It is considered one of the largest in this region. Its area is more than 320 thousand square meters. km. The climate in this area is moderate monsoonal, in the south it is subtropical.

Climate Features

The relief of Eurasia directly influences climate formation. Considering that the size of the continent is quite large, the climate diversity here is pronounced. Almost all climatic zones pass through the territory of Eurasia.

In the north there are polar and subpolar. Towards the south they are replaced by a temperate zone, which, in turn, turns into a subtropical zone. The tropical zone extends from the Mediterranean and Red Seas all the way to India. Subequatorial dominates the territory of India and Indochina, capturing the southern part of China. And the last climate zone is equatorial. It covers the territory of the islands of Southeast Asia.

In the center of the continent there is a sharp climate change in different times year. It's cold in winter and warm in summer. The difference between the upper and lower temperature limits is 50-70 °C.

When studying climate, it is important to take into account the topography of Eurasia. Mountain formations act as clear boundaries of weather conditions. For example, in the direction from north to south, the territory is entirely occupied by the huge Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt. In winter, the ridges do not allow cold winds to pass through, and in summer - warm ones. In the north of the Himalayas, the minimum amount of precipitation is up to 100 mm per year, but at the foot of the Himalayas in the east this figure reaches a record 1,000 mm. Near the city of Cherrapunji is the wettest point on the planet. The amount of precipitation here reaches about 12,000 mm per year.

Winter in areas limited by mountain ranges is warm. The temperature here rarely drops below -5 °C. But the flat terrain from November to March-April is under the influence of cold cyclones. This season is characterized by precipitation in the form of snow, accompanied by low temperatures, sometimes reaching minus 45-50 °C.

Eurasia is the greatest continent globe. It occupies 1/3 of the entire landmass of the planet. The enormous size and complex structure of the earth's crust create uniquely diverse natural conditions.

Geographical records of the mainland

In Eurasia there is the highest mountain on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest), the largest mountain system in area - Tibet, the largest peninsula - the Arabian, the largest geographical area - Siberia, the lowest point of land - the Dead Sea depression.

Eurasia is the highest continent on Earth, its average height is about 830 meters. Elevation fluctuations are particularly large in Eurasia. The difference between the Dead Sea depression and the highest peaks of the Himalayas exceeds 9 kilometers.

The relief of Eurasia is extremely diverse; it contains some of the largest plains and mountain systems in the world: the East European Plain, the West Siberian Plain, and the Tibetan Plateau.

Eurasia contains the highest mountains on Earth - the Himalayas, with the highest peak in the world - Mount Chomolungma.

Rice. 4. Chomolungma

The Eurasian mountain systems of the Himalayas, Tibet, Hindu Kush, Pamir, Tien Shan, etc. form the largest mountain region on Earth. This part of Eurasia is characterized by great activity of the earth's crust.

Rice. 5. Relief of Eurasia ()

How can we explain the diversity of the relief of Eurasia? This is the result of the mutual action of internal and external relief-forming processes.

The territory of Eurasia, like a mosaic, is made up of platform blocks connected by folded belts of different ages. The most ancient are the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean and South China platforms.

Plains and mountains, created by internal forces, constantly change their relief under the influence of external forces.

Landforms created by rivers are ubiquitous on the mainland: mountain slopes are dissected by gorges and canyons, plateau surfaces are divided by terraces.

The largest plains of Eurasia - the Great Chinese, Indo-Gangetic, Mesopotamian, and West Siberian - are composed of river sediments - alluvium.

Rice. 6. Mesopotamian lowland

In the southeast and southwest of Eurasia - the Indochina Peninsula, in the Mediterranean, and in the Caucasus, karst forms are widespread. The limestones that make up the surface are dissolved by water seeping into the rock mass. And bottomless abysses appear on the surface, and deep underground - caves, blocked by palisades of stalagmites and stalactites.


Read § 43. Do practical work:

In a contour map, using the atlas map and the lecture text, plot the objects of the continental coastline.



Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: textbook for general education. uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Savelyeva, V.P. Dronov. Series "Spheres". - M.: Education, 2011. Geography. Land and people. 7th grade: atlas. Series "Spheres". - M.: Education, 2011.


1. Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of a geography textbook. - M.: Enlightenment.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Educational and methodological manual / A. A. Letyagin. - M.: LLC "Agency "KRPA "Olympus": Astrel, AST, 2001. - 284 p.

2. Tutorial in geography. Tests and practical assignments in geography / I. A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

3. Geography. Answers to questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

4. Thematic tests to prepare for the final certification and the Unified State Exam. Geography. - M.: Balass, Publishing house. House of RAO, 2005. - 160 p.

1.Russian Geographical Society ().

2. Russian education ().

3. Magazine "Geography"().

4. Gazetteer ().

Size of territory and geographical location. Eurasia is the largest continent on Earth. It is almost 7 times larger than Australia, 2 times larger than Africa and larger than Antarctica, North and South America combined. Eurasia is 1/3 of the planet's land area - about 53.4 million km 2. The continent is located in the Northern Hemisphere and stretches from north to south for 8 thousand km across all zones - from the Arctic to the equatorial. Its length along the parallel is 16 thousand km. This is more than a hemisphere (almost 200°): the continent occupies the entire Eastern Hemisphere, and its extreme western and eastern points are located in the Western.

The enormous size of Eurasia determines the diversity and uniqueness of its nature. No other continent has such a number of natural complexes, changing from north to south and with distance from the coasts.

Coastal outline. The continental mass is so large that it separates all the oceans of the Earth. Its shores are washed by the waters of all four oceans of the planet. Coastline Atlantic The ocean washing the western coast is heavily indented by peninsulas and bays. There are many islands and seas near the mainland (Fig. 1, 2). Seas protruding deeply into the land separate parts of the world (Europe and Asia) and continents (Eurasia and Africa).

A wide shelf adjoins the northern edge of Eurasia Arctic ocean. Its coastline is smoother. It is divided into peninsulas by narrow bays and the White Sea. . Outlying seas Norwegian, Barents (Fig. 3), Kara, Laptev, East Siberian large islands and archipelagos are separated from the mainland.

Rice. 3. Barents Sea

Coastline Quiet The ocean is poorly dissected. The marginal seas (Fig. 4) are cut into the eastern coast of the continent with wide contours. They are separated from the ocean by arcs and chains of volcanic islands and peninsulas. The southern coast of Eurasia, washed by Indian ocean, stretches in a broken line: large peninsulas protrude into the ocean - Arabian (the largest on the planet), Hindustan and Malacca. There are only two seas at the southern edge of the continent - the Red and the Arabian (Fig. 5).

The configuration of the coastline determines the possibilities and degree of participation of oceanic air in the formation of the continent's climate.

The nature of Eurasia is influenced by the continents surrounding it. Eurasia has two close neighbors. In the southwest is Africa, separated by the Suez Canal, and in the east is North America separated by the Bering Strait. The “bridge” with a length of more than 3 thousand km is the largest island region on the planet - Large And Lesser Sunda islands (Malay archipelago), Filipino islands - connects Eurasia with Australia. Farthest away, separated from Eurasia by oceans, are South America and Antarctica.

Composition of the territory. The continent of Eurasia includes two parts of the world - Europe and Asia. The border between them is conditional. It is carried out along the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, down the Ural River to the Caspian Sea, along the northern foot of the Caucasus, the Black Sea, the Bosphorus Strait, the Sea of ​​Marmara, and the Dardanelles Strait. The division of Eurasia into two parts of the world developed historically - as a consequence of the settlement and development of its territory (by different peoples from different sides). But it also has a natural scientific basis. The continent was formed as a result of the combination of lithospheric blocks that had previously developed under different conditions. After unification over millions of years, it develops as one natural-territorial complex. That's why the continent of Eurasia is a unique geographical system: large, complex, but at the same time holistic.

On a contour map, draw the boundary between the parts of the world that make up Eurasia.

Regions of Europe and Asia. The territory of Eurasia is very vast. In this vast territory, not only the nature, but also the population, as well as its economic activities, have significant differences. In order to better study this diversity, understand its causes and patterns, regionalization is carried out: smaller territories are distinguished as part of a large continent - regions. Countries that have common features of geographical location, as well as similarities in historical and modern socio-economic development are united into one region. As part of the European part of the continent there are North, South, East And Western Europe . Countries Eastern Europe, occupying a neighboring position in relation to our Motherland - Belarus - are united into an independent region, the Belarusian Borderlands. This region also includes Russia, the largest state on the continent, located in both Eurasian parts of the world. The Asian part of the mainland is divided into Central, Eastern, South-Eastern, Southern And Southwest Asia. The boundaries between regions are drawn along the state borders of their member countries.(Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Regions of Eurasia


1. Geography grade 9 / Textbook for grade 9 institutions of general secondary education with Russian language of instruction / Edited N.V. Naumenko/ Minsk "People's Asveta" 2011

Eurasia is the largest continent, occupying 1/3 of the entire landmass. The area of ​​Eurasia is 53.4 million km2. Extreme points of Eurasia:

Northern: Cape Chelyuskin (78° N, 104° E);

South: Cape Piai (1°N, 103°E);

Western: Cape Roca (39°N, 9°W);

Eastern: Cape Dezhnev (67°N, 169°W).

The coast of Eurasia is quite indented, there are many large and small islands and bays, and there are internal and marginal seas. In the west, a large one juts out into the land with a number of smaller ones: the Black, Aegean, Adriatic, etc. There are a number of large peninsulas: the Iberian, Balkan, Apennine, as well as islands: Sicily,. In the north-west of the mainland, the North and Norwegian seas wash. There are also large bays: Biscay, Bothnia, and Finland.

There are also many seas from the east: , Okhotsk, Japanese, Yellow, East China and South China. , Korea, Indochina are the largest peninsulas. The largest islands: , Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, also many archipelagos: Japanese, Kuril, .

South Coast Eurasia is less indented; large geographical objects predominate here: the huge Arabian Peninsula and Hindustan, and the Bay of Bengal, which is almost as big as it.

The border between Europe and Asia is drawn quite conventionally: it is considered to be a line running from the Arctic Ocean through the Ural Mountains, then along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea, the Kuma-Manych depression. Further, Europe and Asia are separated by seas: the Black and Mediterranean.

On the Mediterranean coast there are large reserves of non-ferrous metal ores and bauxite; in northern Asia (Russian territory) there are large reserves of gold and copper-nickel ores. The “tin belt” runs along the coast - a number of tin ore deposits. In the north and on there are diamond deposits, others are mined in gems emeralds, rubies, turquoise.

Eurasia is rich in rivers and lakes, rivers flow into all four oceans, and there are also large areas. Pechora, Yenisei, and others carry their waters into the Arctic Ocean. The largest of them - Ob, Yenisei, Lena - originate in the mountains and plateaus, they are quite deep, as they are fed by melting glaciers and precipitation, in addition, all rivers of the Arctic Ocean have a spring flood, since in these The regions have fairly snowy winters - the melting snow feeds the rivers. These rivers have a huge number of large and small tributaries, the West Siberian Plain, which is located between the Ob and, is very swampy

Rivers of the Pacific Ocean basin. They originate in mountainous areas, but their main course flows along the plain, which is why the rivers are quite deep. The Yellow River and Yangtze overflow heavily, forming sediment. It is not for nothing that the Yellow River is called the “yellow river” - its waters carry a huge amount of sand and small particles of soil. This is especially noticeable at the place where it flows into the sea - the water of the Yellow River is noticeably different in color from the sea.

The largest rivers of the Indian Ocean are the Indus, Ganges, and Tigris. These rivers flow through a fairly hot area, and if the Ganges valleys are highly humidified thanks to the Himalayas, the Tigris and Euphrates flow through arid areas. Due to the fact that the sources of these rivers are located on hills, they are main reason soil fertility, a lot of water is used for irrigation.

Other large lakes: and, are connected by natural and artificial channels to each other, as well as from one side to the other. So they are important element transport route from Europe to the Arctic Ocean.

The huge size of the continent affects its climatic conditions. Due to its large extent from north to south, Eurasia is located in all regions; the difference in climate in the northern and southern regions of the continent is very great. Due to the enormous extent from west to east, the influence of the ocean is weakened, a sharply continental type of climate is formed, therefore Eurasia is characterized by not only sublatitudinal, but also submeridional climate change.

Another specific feature of the climate of Eurasia is that the mountains in the south and east of the country block the path from the Pacific and, especially, from the warm Indian Ocean. On the contrary, air masses that form over the Atlantic and have a significant impact on the climate of the continent. Warm winds blow from the Atlantic Ocean, making it quite mild. But cold winds penetrate almost unhindered from the Arctic Ocean to the north and center of the continent.

All this leads to uneven temperature distribution on the mainland during the winter months. January isotherms are not sublatitudinal, but practically follow the contours of the coastline, especially in the west, gradually smoothing out to the east. In the north of the Asian part of the continent there is the pole of cold of the northern hemisphere: Oymyakon, -71 °C.

Precipitation is also very unevenly distributed. The central part of the continent, remote from all oceans, is quite arid; deserts form here, including the largest desert in Eurasia - the Gobi. Little precipitation falls in the north of the Asian part. The coasts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and with rare exceptions () are quite well moistened. As we move deeper into the continent, the average annual precipitation decreases sharply in the south (path humid air blocked by mountains) and gradually in the east and west.

The northern coast of Eurasia is located within the Arctic climate zone. These territories are located beyond the Arctic Circle; in winter, the polar night reigns here - the sun does not rise above the horizon. Accordingly, the territories receive very little solar energy. In the summer, the days become quite long, but most of the energy is reflected from the surface of the earth covered with snow. Therefore, the average temperatures in the summer months are also low. There is little precipitation here, since cold air cannot be moist, and moist sea masses do not form over the Arctic Ocean.

To the south stretches a strip of the subarctic climate zone, quite narrow in the west of the continent and expanding to the east. This area is characterized by large temperature differences in summer and winter, and sudden changes in weather are also possible under the influence of cold air from the ocean. In the western part, the climate is moderated by the influence of the warmer Atlantic Ocean.

The temperate climate zone runs through a wide strip. It starts north of 40°, in the western part of the continent it reaches the Arctic Circle.

The coast of Europe is located in the maritime zone, there are mild winters, temperatures rarely drop below zero, and warm summers. There is a lot of precipitation on the coast (up to 1000 mm), and the weather is very changeable.

The European part of Eurasia is located in the temperate continental climate zone. Humid air masses from the Atlantic Ocean come from the west, which soften the climate, thanks to which the average amount of precipitation falls here (500-600 mm). Still, the temperature difference between winter and summer is quite high.

The central part of Eurasia has a sharply continental temperate climate. It is characterized by sharp temperature changes, not only seasonally, but also throughout the day. Winters are very cold and dry, and summers also receive little precipitation (200 mm).

The east coast is under temperate influence. In winter it is cold and clear, without thaws, and there is little precipitation. In summer, on the contrary, it is very humid and quite cool, the sky is often overcast.

Southern Europe, the Pamirs and southern China are located in the subtropical climate zone. In the west, the climate is moderated by the proximity of the seas; a Mediterranean type of climate is formed here: summers are hot and dry, winters are quite warm and humid. As you move east, deeper into the continent, a zone of continental subtropical climate begins with hot summers, warm winters and very little precipitation (100-150 mm). The Pacific coast has a subtropical monsoon climate: winters are warm and dry, summers are hot and humid.

The tropical climate is characteristic of the Arabian Peninsula and the coast of the Persian Gulf. It is dry, very hot in summer and quite cool (up to 0°C) in winter. Deserts form in this zone.

The subequatorial climate is characteristic of the Hindustan Peninsula and the south: it is warm here in both summer and winter. Winter and spring are dry; summer is dominated by a humid monsoon, bringing heavy, long rainfall from the Indian Ocean.

The equatorial climate type is observed mainly on islands located along the equator. There are no serious temperature changes here, it is always warm and there is a lot of rainfall.

There are all natural zones in Eurasia, the boundaries between them are very clear.

The Arctic zone occupies the islands of the Arctic Ocean. Most The territory is covered with ice, the soil freezes many meters deep. Marine animals live here - seals, fur seals and numerous seabirds.

To the south there is a zone of tundra and forest-tundra. Mosses and lichens and dwarf trees grow here. Birch and alder trees appear in the southern part of the forest-tundra. The fauna is very limited: there are lemmings, reindeer, and arctic foxes.

In the temperate climate zone, a large forest belt is formed, consisting of two natural zones: mixed and deciduous forests. Taiga occupies almost the entire Scandinavian and northern parts of the East European and West Siberian Plains, as well as the Central Siberian Plateau. Taiga is a dense, sometimes swampy coniferous forest, mainly fir and cedar grow, and podzolic soils are formed. Animals include martens, chipmunks, hares, moose, and brown bears. There are many birds, both insectivores and predators. The zone of mixed and deciduous forests is formed mainly in the European part of the continent. Pines, spruces, oaks grow here, the soils are chestnut and brown forest. This natural area is very densely populated by humans; there is little natural fauna left, mostly small ones - squirrels, chipmunks, hares.

Forests in the south gradually turn into forest-steppes, and then into steppes. These areas are inhabited by many rodents: marmots, gophers, mice, and a variety of grasses grow. The most fertile soil, chernozem, is formed in the steppe zone, so cereals are grown here in abundance.

Deserts and semi-deserts are located in the center of the continent. This area receives very little rainfall and winters are quite cold. The fauna is practically absent; the predominant plants are wormwood and saxaul.

On the Mediterranean coast a zone of hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs has been formed. Palm trees, heat-loving conifers, oil trees, and citrus fruits grow.

On the opposite, eastern, side of the continent there is a zone of variable-humid (monsoon) forests. Beech, oak, magnolias, and bamboo grow here - plants that tolerate dry, cool winters well and begin to grow actively in the warm season. There are many fairly large animals: monkeys, leopards, the Himalayan bear, and in the forests of India - antelopes, crocodiles, tigers, jackals. There are a lot of snakes - about 200 species.

A savannah zone has formed on the Hindustan Peninsula. Many herbs grow here, as well as drought-resistant trees: bamboo, acacia. There are also many large animals here: elephants, buffalos.

The zone of moist equatorial forests is formed on the southern islands of Eurasia. A variety of palm trees, ficuses, and vines grow here. The fauna is diverse: there are many large and small monkeys, there are wild boars, buffaloes, rhinoceroses, crocodiles, lizards and snakes.

In Eurasia there are many areas of altitudinal zones, where natural zones change with altitude.

This article will consider the largest continent - Eurasia. It received this name due to the combination of two words - Europe and Asia, which personify two parts of the world: Europe and Asia, which are united as part of this continent; the islands also belong to Eurasia.

The area of ​​Eurasia is 54.759 million km2, which is 36% of the total land area. The area of ​​the Eurasian islands is 3.45 million km2. The population of Eurasia is also impressive, as it accounts for 70% of the total population on the entire planet. As of 2010, the population of the Eurasian continent was already more than 5 billion people.

Continent Eurasia is the only continent on planet Earth that is washed by 4 oceans at once. The Pacific Ocean borders the continent in the east, the Arctic Ocean borders the north, the Atlantic Ocean borders the continent in the west, and the Indian Ocean borders the south.

The size of Eurasia is quite impressive. The length of Eurasia when viewed from west to east is 18,000 kilometers and 8,000 kilometers when viewed from north to south.

Eurasia has all the climatic zones, natural zones and climatic zones that exist on the planet.

The extreme points of Eurasia, which are located on the mainland:

We can distinguish four extreme continental points that Eurasia has:

1) In the north of the continent, the extreme point is considered to be Cape Chelyuskin (77°43′ N), which is located on the territory of the country of Russia.

2) In the south of the mainland, the extreme point is considered to be Cape Piai (1 ° 16′ N), which is located in the country of Malaysia.

3) In the west of the mainland, the extreme point is Cape Roca (9º31′ W), which is located in the country of Portugal.

4) And finally, in the east of Eurasia, the extreme point is Cape Dezhnev (169°42′ W), which also belongs to the country of Russia.

Structure of the continent Eurasia

The structure of the Eurasian continent is different from all other continents. First of all, because the continent consists of several plates and platforms, and also because the continent, in its formation, is considered the youngest of all the others.

The northern part of Eurasia consists of the Siberian Platform, the East European Platform, and the West Siberian Plate. In the east, Eurasia consists of two plates: it includes the South China Plate and also includes the Sino-Korean Plate. In the west, the continent includes plates of Paleozoic platforms and Hercynian folding. The southern part of the continent consists of the Arabian and Indian platforms, the Iranian plate and part of the Alpine and Mesozoic folds. The central part of Eurasia consists of Aleozoic folding and the Paleozoic platform plate.

Platforms of Eurasia, which are located on the territory of Russia

The Eurasian continent has many large cracks and faults, which are located in Lake Baikal, Siberia, Tibet and other regions.

Relief of Eurasia

Due to its size, Eurasia as a continent has the most diverse topography on the planet. The continent itself is considered the highest continent on the planet. Above the highest point of the continent of Eurasia is only the continent of Antarctica, but it is higher only due to the thickness of the ice covering the land. The landmass of Antarctica itself does not exceed Eurasia in height. It is in Eurasia that the largest plains in area and the highest and most extensive mountain systems are located. Also in Eurasia there are the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains on planet Earth. Accordingly, the highest mountain in the world is located on the territory of Eurasia - this is Chomolungma (Everest - height 8,848 m).

Today, the relief of Eurasia is determined by intense tectonic movements. Many regions on the Eurasian continent are characterized by high seismic activity. There are also active volcanoes in Eurasia, which include volcanoes in Iceland, Kamchatka, the Mediterranean and others.

Climate of Eurasia

Continent Eurasia is the only continent on which all climatic zones and climatic zones are present. In the north of the continent there are Arctic and subarctic zones. The climate here is very cold and harsh. To the south begins a wide strip of the temperate zone. Due to the fact that the length of the continent from west to east is very enormous, the following zones are distinguished in the temperate zone: maritime climate in the west, then temperate continental, continental and monsoon climates.

To the south of the temperate zone lies the subtropical zone, which is also divided into three zones from the west: Mediterranean climate, continental and monsoon climate. The very south of the continent is occupied by the tropical and subequatorial zones. The equatorial belt is located on the islands of Eurasia.

Inland waters on the Eurasian continent

The continent of Eurasia differs not only in the amount of water that washes it on all sides, but also in the size of its internal water resources. This continent is the richest in terms of groundwater and surface water. It is on the continent of Eurasia that the largest rivers on the planet are located, which flow into all the oceans washing the continent. Such rivers include the Yangtze, Ob, Yellow River, Mekong, and Amur. It is on the territory of Eurasia that the largest and deepest bodies of water are located. These include the largest lake in the world - the Caspian Sea, the deepest lake in the world - Baikal. Groundwater resources are distributed quite unevenly on the mainland.

As of 2018, on the territory of Eurasia there are 92 independent states that are fully functioning. The largest country in the world, Russia, is also located in Eurasia. By following the link you can see full list countries with area and population. Accordingly, Eurasia is most rich in the nationalities of the people living on it.

Fauna and flora on the Eurasian continent

Since all natural zones are present on the Eurasian continent, the diversity of flora and fauna is simply enormous. The continent is inhabited by a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and other representatives of the animal world. The most well-known representatives The fauna of Eurasia are brown bear, fox, wolf, hares, deer, elk, squirrels. The list goes on and on as a wide variety of animals can be found on the mainland. Also birds, fish, which have adapted to both low temperatures and arid climates.

Mainland Eurasia video:

Due to the size and location of the continent, the flora is also very diverse. On the mainland there are deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. There are tundra, taiga, semi-deserts and deserts. The most famous representatives of trees are birch, oak, ash, poplar, chestnut, linden and many others. Also a variety of species of grasses and shrubs. The poorest region on the mainland in terms of flora and fauna is the far north, where only mosses and lichens can be found. But the further you go to the south, the more diverse and rich the flora and fauna on the mainland.

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