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Compiled by Victoria Aleksandrovna Koshurnikova,
senior teacher of MBDOU combined type No. 54
“Spark”, Naberezhnye Chelny.

Objectives of work on familiarization with traffic rules in different age groups

1st junior group

In the 3rd year of life, children can only navigate their surroundings that are familiar to them. Within the group room, they learn the concepts of “close - far”, “low - high”, “big - small”.

Therefore, when working with children of the 1st junior group, the further formation of spatial orientation is important. It is advisable to start on a limited plane (sheet of paper, table).

Over the course of the year, children should learn to distinguish between cars and trucks, and be able to name the parts of the car: cabin, wheels, windows, doors. For this purpose, the teacher conducts observations with children of various types of transport (depending on environmental conditions).

To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about transport, the group should have books and illustrations depicting a variety of cars. The teacher teaches children to correctly answer the questions: “What cars are driving,” “Who is driving the car.”

To develop orientation in space and the ability to act on a signal, the games “Run to Me”, “Train”, “Visit the Dolls” are used.

In games, children’s ideas about the direction “forward - backward” are reinforced.

2nd junior group

With children 3-4 years old, the teacher continues to work on expanding ideas about the environment, developing orientation in space, teaching them to understand and use the concepts of “here”, “there”, “above”, “below”, “close”, “far”. He organizes and constantly directs children’s cognitive activity to objects, phenomena and events that not only contribute to the development of ideas about the environment, but also provide initial elementary knowledge of the rules traffic.

Children are introduced to the road, street, sidewalk, and some types of transport. They learn that people travel in cars, buses (trolleybuses, trams). Cargo is transported on trucks. The car is driven by a driver. He drives the car carefully.

Much attention is paid to the development of children's orientation in space during musical and physical education classes: when performing exercises, formations and changes, during outdoor games, when children learn to quickly find their place, act exactly at the teacher's signal, and obey the rules of the game.

In classes on the development of elementary mathematical concepts, children are taught to distinguish between the directions “forward”, “backwards”, “behind”, “left” (left)", "to the right (right)».

The ideas about transport and the street acquired by children on walks and classes are gradually consolidated and expanded at every opportunity by the teacher and parents.

The teacher selects books illustrated with bright drawings various types transport, explains their purpose, talks about different parts of the car, tries to activate children's perception of questions. Taking into account the monosyllabic responses of children of this age, the teacher supplements and repeats the child’s answer.

Walking plays an important role in familiarizing 4-year-old children with some traffic rules. Children watch the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, learn that pedestrians walk on the sidewalk, cars drive along the road, learn to recognize cars and their parts known to them from drawings, and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships in their surroundings.

Throughout the year, walks are repeated periodically in order to consolidate children’s understanding of traffic rules.

Middle group

With children 4-5 years old, the teacher continues to work on developing orientation in the environment. The program of targeted walks is becoming broader.

The teacher should introduce children to the work of drivers of certain types of transport; in cars and some types of transport; people travel in cars and buses, and they bring food and other goods to kindergartens in trucks; The driver sits in the cab behind the wheel; he drives the car quickly and carefully so that an accident does not occur.

In order to enrich the experience of children and consolidate their understanding of transport, observations are carried out on targeted walks. Children clarify the features of movement, determine the similarities and differences between a trolleybus, a tram, a bus, and a car.

Children are introduced to specific traffic rules, told about the purpose of a yellow traffic light, and explained the rules of behavior for pedestrians: walk down the street at a calm pace, keeping to the right side of the sidewalk; Cross the road only at the crossing, when the traffic light is green. The teacher introduces children to the words “roadway”, “one-way and two-way traffic”, “pedestrian”, “ground (underground) transition".

Senior group

In previous groups, children became familiar with some traffic rules. IN senior group Children’s ideas are clarified and supplemented.

On excursions and targeted walks, children’s understanding of the roadway and center line is reinforced. They are introduced to the crossroads, road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Crossroads”, “Food point”, “Telephone”, “Parking place”, “Point medical care») . Give more complete knowledge about the rules for pedestrians and passengers:

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on the sidewalk;

You should walk on the right side of the sidewalk;

Pedestrians cross the road at a walking pace in places where there is a pedestrian path and crossing signs;

When driving two-way traffic, they first look to the left, and when they reach the middle, to the right;

Passengers wait for transport at a special stop;

Passengers with children can enter the vehicle from the front area;

In transport, everyone should behave calmly so as not to disturb other passengers.

Preparatory group

Work with children 6-7 years old to familiarize themselves with the rules of the road must be organized so that the knowledge gained in classes, excursions and walks becomes durable and can be successfully applied by future schoolchildren. A first-grader sometimes has to cross the street on his own. He needs to be prepared for this.

First of all, in the preparatory group for school it is necessary to consolidate, expand and deepen the understanding of the rules of the road acquired in other groups.
For this purpose, children aged 6-7 years are monitored by monitoring the movement of transport, the work of the driver, and traffic light signaling. Expand children's knowledge about the work of GBDI employees who control traffic on the street.

Familiarity with the purpose of road signs and their design continues.
The correct use of spatial terminology is reinforced (left - right, top - bottom, front - back, opposite, along, next to, towards, on opposite side, in the middle, etc.). Children must be well oriented in the environment, its changes, and respond correctly to them.

Children in the pre-school group are introduced to the new rules for pedestrians and passengers:

Crossing the street at intersections (where there are no signs),

In places where there are pedestrian tunnels or bridges, pedestrians should only use them,

Before crossing the road, the pedestrian must ensure complete safety. It is prohibited to cross the path of approaching transport:

Where traffic is regulated, you can enter the roadway to cross the road only when the traffic light, light sign, or a permitting gesture from the traffic controller is green,

Pedestrians must be attentive to others, mutually polite,

Waiting for a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi is allowed only on landing platforms, and where there are none, on the sidewalk (side of the road)

Long-term planning to familiarize children with traffic rules (traffic rules)

BLOCK: “Working with children”


Topic: “Getting to know the street” (what is on the street, what is it like, sidewalk and roadway, underground and overpass)

  1. Introductory lesson on traffic rules.
  2. A targeted walk along a city street, a story from a teacher.
  3. Watch the video “For children about traffic rules.”
  4. Art activity class “Streets of our city” - group work (design from waste material, drawing, applique).



Topic: “Getting to know the street” (history of Nab. Chelnov streets, traffic organization, road markings, stopping, rules for pedestrians)

  1. The second target walk, the teacher’s story about the organization of movement.
  2. Children writing stories “What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten”
  3. Role-playing game "Drivers and pedestrians."
  4. Reading fiction on the topic “Child and the Street.”


Topic: “You need to obey traffic light instructions without arguing (crossroads)»

  1. Examination of the layout of the traffic light, the teacher's story about the purpose of the traffic light.
  2. Paper construction “Traffic light”
  3. Musical and sports entertainment “The traffic light is green.”
  4. Didactic games: “Assemble a traffic light”, “Cars and traffic lights”, “Decorate the street”, etc.

Music manager
Instr. in physics

Topic: “We are pedestrians.”

  1. Meeting with a traffic police inspector (story about the rules for crossing streets and roads).
  2. Guessing riddles according to traffic rules, playing out situations on the road.
  3. Role-playing game “We are walking down the street.”
  4. Puppet show "The Tale of Pinocchio, who did not know the rules of the road."

Art. teacher
Music manager

Topic: “We are passengers”

  1. Conversation “How to behave in public transport»
  2. Walking to the bus stop, observing transport and passengers.
  3. Examination of illustrations, discussion various situations passenger behavior
  4. KVN "Young pedestrians".


Topic: “Where you can play”

  1. The teacher's story about where you can and cannot play.
  2. Examination of illustrations, children composing stories based on the series of paintings “Streets of our city.”
  3. Drawing on the topic “Where you can play.”
  4. Musical entertainment “To the Land of Traffic Lights”.

Music manager

Topic: “Future drivers”

  1. Getting to know road signs
  2. Role-playing game "Chauffeurs".
  3. Exhibition of children's works "In the Land of Traffic Lights".
  4. Reading fiction.


Topic: “We follow traffic rules”

  1. Watching the video “For children about traffic rules”
  2. Role-playing game "Street".
  3. Musical and sports festival “The ABC of Traffic”.
  4. Literary kaleidoscope “Red, yellow, green.”

Music supervisor,
Physical education instructor.

Party on the street (with the invitation of parents, traffic police inspector) "Dedication to young inspectors movement of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny".

Art. teacher
Music manager

BLOCK: “Working with parents”



General parent or group meetings in order to familiarize parents with the work plan to prevent child road traffic injuries (DDTT).


Questioning parents


  1. Consultation for parents- “Children’s safety is the concern of adults”
  2. Leaflet - an appeal about compliance with traffic rules in winter in polar night conditions.

Senior teacher, group teachers

Meeting with traffic police officers (Prevention of child injuries on city roads)

Head of preschool educational institution

Open Day:"The traffic light welcomes guests"

Manager DOW Senior teacher, group teachers

Consultation for parents « Common mistakes children when crossing streets and roads.”

Group teachers

Involving parents in exhibition design“Traffic rules are our best friends”

Senior teacher, group teachers

Participation of parents in the All-Russian Safety Week:

  • Drawing competitions
  • Participation in children's parties
  • Preparation of photographic materials “Streets of Naberezhnye Chelny”
  • Excursion “Pedestrian crossing”

Senior teacher, group teachers

Participation in the preparation and holding of a children's party"Pedestrian Initiation"

Group teachers, parents

  1. Workshop for parents children of the preparatory school group “Creating a first-grader route”
  2. Development of individual route maps for children “The road to school and home”

Senior teacher, group teachers

Consultation for parents:"Child in a Car"


  1. Sliding folder“Advice for parents in the autumn-winter period”
  2. Joint Safety Week"Careful, children!"

Fostering a culture of street behavior is an urgent task today. The formation of discipline, organization of stay on the streets and roads, in public transport must begin at an early age, therefore this issue should become an integral part of the educational process in preschool institutions. The rules learned in childhood later become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a necessity.

Our kindergarten "Ogonyok" strives to give its pupils a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of safe living should become a conscious necessity. Painstaking educational work with children is required. And, of course, with the parents.

Work on studying traffic rules is being carried out in close contact with parents. A stand “For parents about traffic rules” has been set up in the kindergarten. Relevant articles and brochures are placed in sliding folders. Traffic police officers are invited to parent meetings. Collaborative work of the teaching staff kindergarten, traffic police officers and parents, undoubtedly produces positive results in preventing child road traffic injuries.

Many parents have a driver's license and drive a car, but do not always introduce their children to the Rules of the Road. Therefore, a long-term plan for working with parents on traffic rules was created for the school year.

Long-term plan for work with parents to familiarize children with traffic rules for the school year


    Round table “Parents are an example to everything. Getting to know the plan for working on traffic rules with children for the school year.” Hearing a report from the traffic police inspector on the statistics of accidents involving children.

    Questioning of parents “Children and the Street”.

    Memo-booklets for parents “Raising a competent pedestrian.”

    Consultation “Children’s safety is the concern of adults.”

    Open day: screening open class with children “Traffic police inspector visiting the children.”

    Exhibition of children's drawings "Transport".

1. Folder – movement “Child in a car”.

2. Presentation “The road to kindergarten and home.”

3. Photo exhibition from family archives “We are for safe traffic.”

    Conversation with parents “Carefulness on the road in icy conditions will save you.”

    Joint game-competition “Forward, pedestrian!”

    Consultation for parents “Child on a sled.”

    Parent meeting “Psychophysiological characteristics of a preschooler’s behavior on the street.”

    Joint leisure “Traffic rules are worthy of respect.”

    Information sheet “Rules of conduct with a child on public transport.”

    Exhibition of children's drawings “The traffic light is my friend!”

    Thematic day on traffic rules (involving parents in organizing and conducting this day).

    Family master class “Traffic Light Science”.

    Consultation for parents “Car seat for a child.”

    Poetry competition for traffic rules.

    Questionnaire “How do you comply with traffic rules.”

    Parent meeting “These incidents can be avoided.”

    Information sheet “Child on a bicycle”.

    Open demonstration of the final lesson “Journey to the Land of the Crossroads”.

    Purchase of reflective elements for outerwear.

    Watching the film “Three Colors of Life.”

    Situations for analysis by parents.

    Joint musical leisure activity “The Tale of the Rules of the Road.”

    Family competition creative works“The road and the children!”

An article about child seats is posted on the information board for parents. You can set up a photo stand: “Let’s save the lives of our children”; on the stand there is a photo of the group’s children in a chair with their parents in the car.

On January 1, 2007, a new rule was introduced for drivers, which states that it is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age in cars without a special child restraint device.

Consultations for parents of preschool educational institutions on traffic rules

Take care of the child's life

According to statistics, every fourth resident of Russia owns a car. Most drivers have small children. Approximately one in four accidents involves child passengers. And the mortality rate of child passengers due to the lack of these seats is growing year after year. And statistics from Western countries show that after child seats began to be used in cars, the likelihood of severe injuries and death of children decreased by 3.5 times. And studies by American scientists have shown that the use of these devices has reduced child mortality in accidents by 71 percent.

Traffic police statistics show that there are fewer child pedestrians involved in road accidents than child passengers.

Scientists cite this fact: hitting a car against an obstacle at a speed of 50 km/h is equivalent to falling from a ten-meter height. That is, transporting a child without a special chair is the same as leaving him to play unattended on a balcony without railings at the height of the fourth floor.

Why not mom's hands?

Many mothers believe that the baby will feel safe in the mother's arms or in a special basket. But they are greatly mistaken. Tests have proven that if a car collides with a standing car at a speed of 48 km/h, then at the moment of impact, under the influence of inertial force, the body weight of any object currently in the car increases by more than 30 times! That is, in such a collision, a child weighing 30 kg turns into a projectile weighing a ton, and an adult turns into a projectile weighing 2.5 tons. If an adult in such a situation is not fastened, he will crush the child with the force of his body. If an adult is fastened, he will not crush him, but still will not be able to hold the child in his arms. It is also impossible to fasten the body of an adult and a child with the same belt for the same reason, since the adult will crush him.

Which chair should you choose?

There are no cheap domestic child seats yet. On the market it is imported. The market option, which is cheaper, is sometimes imported as children's furniture, and not as a means of passive safety. Imports are not always certified. Certified child seats must be marked with the letter “E” in a circle.

The safety of child seats largely depends on the vector and force of impact during an accident. The most expensive devices protect the child not only from frontal impacts, but also from side impacts, which can also cause enormous harm. Great value Has the condition of the seat belt. If there is no fixation effect, then the chair will be of no use. Plastic frames are unreliable compared to metal ones. The chair should be comfortable so that the child can sit comfortably in it. It is necessary that the fastening of the chair is strong. A study conducted in Germany showed that the safest way to attach a child seat to a car seat is the ISOFIX system. True, chairs with such fastenings are produced only for the smallest. It is recommended to place the seat behind the driver for greater safety.

Depending on the weight and age of the child, chairs are divided into five categories:

— “0” (infants) — 0–10 kg (from 0 to 9 months);

— “0+” (“infants+”) — 0–13 kg (from 0 to 18 months);

— “1” (“babies”) — 9–18 kg (from 8 months to 4 years);

- “2” (“kids”) - 15-25 kg (from 3 to 7 years);

— “3” (“juniors”) — 22–36 kg (from 5 to 12 years).

Zero chairs also include cradles. If the child seat is not suitable for the child, then he can be placed on his booster - the lower part of the child seat, which is purchased separately from the seat, and fastened with an adult belt. The main thing is that the belt does not put pressure on the child’s neck.

Life is the most precious thing a person has. Therefore, do not skimp on the safety of your children!

Photo stand: “We are studying traffic rules”

We use a photo stand to advertise our traffic study activities. Photos on it are periodically updated. This is the most interesting visual material that is popular with children and their parents. The photo stand is traditional - has the shape of a rectangle (size 1.5 by 1 m) from different material, right down to the ceiling tiles. The photo stand can be made in the form of a planar

train and trailers with photos in the windows. Photos can be placed on circles different colors. Photos are signed. Best option signatures - poems. For example:

Photo 1. Child in the uniform of a traffic police inspector.

When we grow up, let's go serve in the traffic police -

We will restore order on the roads everywhere.

Photo 2. Children are sitting behind the wheel of large children's cars, and next to them is a child in the uniform of a traffic police inspector. He talks with the “driver”.

We strictly follow the rules on the roads,

We follow all traffic police instructions.

Photo 3. Traffic police post.

Here on duty at any time

A smart guard is on duty.

He controls everyone at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement?

Photo 4. Children cross a zebra crossing.

Pedestrian rules are strictly observed

And we walk happily along our zebra crossing.

Photo 5. Children play with cars. There are traffic signs near them.

We will grow up and become drivers,

Do you want to become our passengers?

We follow the rules on the roads,

We strictly follow all traffic police instructions.

Photo 6. A girl pushes a stroller with a doll along a zebra crossing.

This mom knows the traffic rules -

She is in front, and the stroller is already behind her.

Photo 7. Kids riding on a train (small form on the site)

All types of transport work in the garden,

We have a steam locomotive, I’m on my way to the kids now.

We will sit with them on a cheerful locomotive,

Who quickly brought us to Rostov.

Photo 8. Large postcard to congratulate traffic police officers on their anniversary (collective work of preschool children).

We are carrying congratulations on it for the traffic police,

To congratulate you, we carry flowers in our hands.

The daisies on our postcard look into your eyes,

The traffic police are a thunderstorm for violators!

Newspaper for parents

Every newspaper has a name. This newspaper should also have a title for parents: “News from Traffic Lights”, “Safety on the roads of our city”, “The ABC of Safety”, “Let’s Talk about Traffic Rules”, “Road ABC”, etc.


Let's all learn the rules of the road together,

And everyone will have life without grief!


Traffic rules are as important for everyone as the multiplication table!

It is posted in the reception area and is updated periodically. What sections or headings could such a newspaper have? Various:

— on the roads of our city (state traffic police reports);

— study traffic signs;

— games for children to learn traffic rules;

— riddles about signs and transport;

— about children’s success in learning traffic rules;

— photographic material on the prevention of children's road injuries;

Pay attention to the aesthetics, brightness and readability of the proposed material.

It is best to organize a competition among teachers for the best wall newspaper for parents. The organization of this event can be entrusted to the methodological council. The methodological council develops criteria for the competition and displays them for teachers to see. The criteria could be:

1. The originality of the name of the newspaper and the relevance of the motto.

2. Aesthetic design.

3. “Readability” of the newspaper (font, color in design, accessibility of the newspaper).

4. Quantity and quality of headings.

5. Practicality (use of material in life)

6. Demonstration of creativity of teachers.

The Methodological Council holds a review competition at the appointed time. Group newspapers are assessed according to criteria, and points are added to the wall newspaper analysis sheet. Then the results of the competition are summed up and the winners are determined, whom the administration then rewards at its discretion.

Leaf analysis of a wall newspaper for parents



Points (three-point system)

Much has been written about how important it is to be able to let go and complete the old and outdated. Otherwise, they say, the new one will not come (the place is occupied), and there will be no energy. Why do we nod when reading such articles that motivate us to clean, but everything still remains in its place? We find thousands of reasons to put aside what we have put aside and throw it away. Or don’t start clearing out rubble and storage rooms at all. And we already habitually scold ourselves: “I’m completely cluttered, I need to pull myself together.”
Being able to easily and confidently throw away unnecessary things becomes a mandatory program for a “good housewife”. And often - a source of another neurosis for those who for some reason cannot do this. After all, the less we do “right” - and the better we can hear ourselves, the happier we live. And the more correct it is for us. So, let’s figure out whether it’s really necessary for you personally to declutter.

The art of communicating with parents

Parents often love to teach their children, even when they are old enough. They interfere in their personal lives, advise, condemn... It gets to the point that children do not want to see their parents because they are tired of their moral teachings.

What to do?

Accepting flaws. Children must understand that parents cannot be re-educated; they will not change, no matter how much you want them to. Once you accept their shortcomings, it will be easier for you to communicate with them. You will simply stop expecting a different relationship than you had before.

How to prevent cheating

When people start a family, no one, with rare exceptions, even thinks about starting relationships on the side. And yet, according to statistics, families most often break up precisely because of infidelity. Approximately half of men and women cheat on their partners within a legal relationship. In short, the number of faithful and unfaithful people is distributed 50 to 50.

Before we talk about how to protect a marriage from cheating, it is important to understand

Breathing: theory and practice


It is important to understand that natural human breathing is calm, measured and deep breathing from the stomach. However, under the pressure of the modern high-speed rhythm of life, a person accelerates so much that he literally cannot breathe. In other words, a person begins to breathe quickly and shallowly, as if suffocating, and at the same time use the chest. This type of chest breathing is a sign of anxiety and often leads to hyperventilation syndrome, when the blood is oversaturated with oxygen, which is expressed in the opposite sensation: it seems to you that there is not enough oxygen, from which you begin to breathe even more intensely, thereby falling into a vicious circle of anxious breathing .

Relaxation: theory and practice


Frequent, prolonged, intense emotional experiences cannot but affect our physical well-being. The same anxiety always manifests itself in the form of muscle tension, which, in turn, sends a signal to the brain that it is time to worry. This vicious circle arises because the mind and body are inextricably linked. Being “educated” and “cultured” people, we suppress, and do not show (do not express, do not express) emotions, due to which the resulting muscle tension is not consumed, but accumulates, which leads to muscle tension, spasms and symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Paradoxically, it is possible to relax tense muscles through short but quite intense tension, which promotes better muscle relaxation, which is the essence of neuromuscular relaxation.

Fostering a culture of street behavior is an urgent task today. The formation of discipline, organization of stay on the streets and roads, in public transport must begin at an early age, therefore this issue should become an integral part of the educational process in preschool institutions. The rules learned in childhood later become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a necessity.

Our kindergarten "Kapitoshka" strives to give its pupils a high-quality, universal education, to ensure a high level of general culture, including culture on the road. Compliance with the rules of safe living should become a conscious necessity.Painstaking educational work with children is required. And, of course, in this regard, kindergarten plays a primary role.

“Where to start? How to teach children the rules of the road? - this question is usually asked by every teacher when taking the leadership of educational work with 3-year-old children. And it is difficult to work with such children: they are still too young!

First of all, the teacher must create a positive emotional mood when learning traffic rules with children.An emotional positive attitude towards learning traffic rules is formed games: didactic and constructive, artistic works on relevant topics. The teacher must select examples in accordance with the children’s capabilities, in other words, so that the children are really carried away, so that during classes their creative ingenuity, intelligence, and independence in overcoming difficulties are revealed.

All work carried out to teach children the rules of the road is an integral part of classes to familiarize themselves with the environment, visual activities, walks, and games. Preparing children for independent communication with the street in the near future begins with the younger group. During walks, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the movement of pedestrians and vehicles, introduces them to the words “road”, “sidewalk”, “driver”, “car”.

IN middle group The program of targeted observations is being expanded. Children are introduced to the simplest rules of the road: they must walk on the right side of the sidewalk without interfering with each other, the concepts of “pedestrian”, “traffic light”, “roadway”, etc. are explained.

In senior and preparatory groups children receive more complete knowledge about the rules of conduct for pedestrians and passengers, for example, the road should be crossed only in specified places; when crossing the street, you must first look to the left, and when you reach the middle, to the right; You should wait for transport at a special stop. In addition, children are introduced to road signs and traffic control signals. The knowledge gained in classes and walks is consolidated in games.

Each age group has a safety corner with information for parents and an exhibition of children's work. Didactic, board games, attributes for role-playing games, which are used by children in joint activities with the teacher and independent activities, as well as in a specially organized form of education. Under the guidance of teachers, children and parents make attributes for role-playing games, make gifts for children from paper, natural, waste materials junior groups, their sisters and brothers.

Each group contains street layouts. Using the layout, teachers introduce children to the following topics:“Our street”, “Pedestrians on the street”, “Transport”, “Traffic light”, etc.

To reinforce the program material, children are given homework assignments, which they complete under the guidance of adults. For example, remember the route home from kindergarten, draw the street where you live. Parents can comment on the child’s drawing, clarify which houses he drew, where the crossing is, what signs are on the street, etc.

It is necessary to explain to parents the need to educate their children to be independent when moving on the street. For this purpose, it is good to give older preschoolers instructions in a playful way, but with a certain understandable to a child purpose. For example, “Come on, you take me to the store today, and we will buy with you,” the mother says to the child, “but first you tell me which side of the sidewalk we should walk on, where we will cross the road,” etc.

The child acts under the control and accompaniment of an adult. Completing such tasks sets a specific goal for the child, consolidates knowledge of the rules of movement on the street, develops observation, the need to think, imagine, mentally divide the path into small segments, determine the location of landmarks and designate them with words.

In the teaching room of the kindergarten “Kapitoshka”, to help teachers, material has been collected on teaching children the rules of the road: books, paintings, posters, lectures for parents, lesson plans, attributes, etc.

On the kindergarten site, special car playgrounds and play spaces have been created, including intersections of several types, formed by roads adjacent to each other or branching. Here with the help of gaming vehicles(pedal cars, bicycles) in classes and games, children become familiar with the meanings of some road signs and traffic rules.

Work on studying traffic rules is being carried out in close contact with parents. A stand “For parents about traffic rules” has been set up in the kindergarten. Relevant articles and brochures are placed in sliding folders.

Traffic police officers are invited to parent meetings. The joint work of the kindergarten teaching staff, traffic police officers and parents undoubtedly produces positive results in preventing children's road traffic injuries.

Many parents have a driver's license and drive a car, but do not always introduce their children to the Rules traffic. Parents and anyone interested can remember these Rules, as well as get acquainted with the new Rules of 2015, try to pass online exam 2015 on the website and immediately know your results.

Statistics show that children are a very common cause of road accidents. The reasons are different. And one of them falls on adults.

Let's look at this situation: unexpectedly old acquaintances meet on the street. Mom hasn’t seen her friend for a long time and is now so engrossed in conversation that she has completely forgotten about the child. And him? He is looking for a way to satisfy his forced inaction, fortunately his mother grabbed a ball for fun. One or two movements - and the restless ball is already on the roadway. And after a while - the screeching of brakes, the sound of broken glass... The boy was saved, but what efforts it cost the truck driver!

Therefore, one of the important forms of promoting compliance with traffic rules is conversations with parents. Educators should make parents their assistants in eliminating road illiteracy in children.

From time to time, educators should hold conversations and meetings with parents, and remind them more often that hundreds of children die as a result of road accidents. Accidents occur because adults do not teach children strict discipline on the street and compliance with traffic rules. Parents often irresponsibly leave their children unattended on the street.

Sometimes adults themselves do not serve as an example for children and adolescents, violating traffic rules. Very often, seeing the pranks and indiscipline of children on the street, they do not stop them to explain the danger they are exposing themselves to, and do not demand that children learn a culture of behavior on the street and strict adherence to traffic rules.

The teacher’s task is to convince parents of the need not to miss a single case of violation of traffic rules by their children - their own or others. You can give the following example in a conversation: One kid who lives in your yard has a bicycle, and you saw that he was riding along the roadway. If you, parents, do not stop him, then trouble may happen.

Parents must bring their children to the group to the teacher themselves and take them home. Preschoolers should not be allowed to go without their parents. It is very dangerous to trust a student to take a child out of kindergarten junior classes. He himself does not yet firmly know the rules of the road, he may play too much along the road or get confused in a difficult situation.

Educators should also tell parents about the procedure for transporting children in cars, buses, bicycles, sleds, and strollers in different times years, in different weather. For example, in the rain, parents should be especially careful. Take your time, don’t run across the street, don’t cover yourself with an umbrella when crossing the street.

It is necessary to acquaint parents with the location of the kindergarten in relation to city highways, streets and alleys, and point out the most dangerous places. It is important that parents, when taking their child to kindergarten, teach him the alphabet of streets and roads.

Parents, we repeat, must become the teacher’s first assistants in this important matter, on which the life and health of their children depends. It should be emphasized that only through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family can children be taught to comply with the traffic rules that are so necessary in their future lives.

You need to talk to parents about safety, both individually and at meetings. Traffic police officers should be invited to such meetings, who will introduce parents to the causes of child road traffic injuries in the district, city, region, and region.

Joint work between the school and the family will help strengthen children’s knowledge of traffic rules. The uniform requirements of educators and parents ensure that children develop strong street behavior skills.

Another effective form of working with parents is group and general meetings. At group and general meetings, educators introduce parents to the program requirements for teaching children traffic rules, talk about the importance of the example of adults, and the need to comply with the rules of behavior on the street. Any minor violation committed by adults is a bad example for a child.

Parents should pay great attention to children's compliance with the rules of behavior on the street. When crossing the street with a child, adults must hold his hand. Otherwise, the child may become frightened by the approaching car and suddenly run across the road, putting himself in danger. It is necessary to explain to children that they cannot go out alone, without adults, onto the roadway, but when crossing the street with a child, teach him the correct reaction to traffic lights, to walk calmly, without rushing.

At the request of teachers, parents can clarify with their children the names of the streets along which they go to the kindergarten, the purpose of the road signs they encounter, and remember the rules for driving on the sidewalk and crossing the road. Parents can tell their children about the work of a driver, a policeman-traffic controller, and watch with him the work of a traffic light.

It is advisable to invite employees of the traffic police and children's police room to group and general meetings of parents, who will introduce them to the rules of the road and talk about the causes of child injuries. The subject of discussion at the meeting may be the behavior on the street not only of children, but also of adults themselves.

Parents can be given recommendations on how to behave in this or that case, how to cross the road with children, get on and off vehicles. Introduce the location of the kindergarten, indicate the most dangerous places where you should be especially careful when crossing the street with children. It is necessary to explain to adults that they are obliged to bring children to kindergarten and hand them over to teachers. On the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who go out for a walk unaccompanied by adults.

It is good to combine meetings with showing parents activities and games for children to learn the rules of the road. It is advisable to involve parents in the production of equipment for games: they can mark out the playground, make electric switching of traffic lights...

Approximate topics of parent meetings:

  1. What are traffic rules for and what are they?
  2. Discipline on the street is the key to pedestrian safety.
  3. Statistics and typical cases of childhood injuries, measures to prevent them.

After the meeting, parents can be shown presentations on this topic.

Issues raised at meetings can be the subject of discussion at consultations, in individual conversations, which allow the teacher to establish close contact with the family and take a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account his typological characteristics, interests, and physical condition.

There are times when children are afraid to cross the road, break free and run away from their parents, especially when they see approaching traffic. The teacher suggests how an adult should behave in this situation, how to calm the child, how to explain the need to follow the rules. The teacher regularly talks with parents about the children’s progress in mastering traffic rules.

During conversations and consultations, the teacher must find out how well the parents themselves understand such issues as the rights and responsibilities of passengers, traffic controller and traffic light signals, only the sidewalk is a road for pedestrians, crossing the road. In this case, as visual material, the teacher can use the corresponding posters published by the traffic police; for example, illustrate the position of the traffic controller, his gestures corresponding to traffic lights.

It is widely used in promoting traffic rules in our garden. visual propaganda. A stand has been made for parents. It contains excerpts from the traffic rules that children must learn, a list of literature for adults and preschoolers about the rules of behavior on the street.

It also contains children's drawings, samples of books, pictures, texts of poems and riddles, photographs of streets, tasks to reinforce children's rules of behavior on the street. Corresponding fiction, posters.

Thus, the unity of the family and family requirements will ensure the successful preparation of children for school, practical application and compliance with traffic rules.

The kindergarten team plans not only to continue, but to expand and deepen its work with children preschool age according to road safety rules.

Due to the increase in the number of cars and the increase in traffic intensity, it is necessary in every preschool institution provide a set of a wide variety of activities to develop children's skills of correct behavior on the streets.

Introducing these rules, the observance of which is the law for everyone, must begin from an early age, since knowledge acquired in childhood is most durable, and the rules learned during these years subsequently become the norm of behavior, and their observance is a human need.


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