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In Church Slavonic:
O our father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors;
and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one ().

If you truly call God your Father, then trust in Him as the only Father, all-good, all-powerful, wise, unchangeable in His love and in all perfections.
St. righteous

Read “Our Father”, but do not lie: Forgive us our debts, as we forgive….

...One should pray about this:
First, with pure intention - Thy will be done, for I, sincerely desiring to follow it unselfishly, not for the sake of reward or acquisition of anything, and not because You, Lord, enriched me with Your bounties and protected me from my opponents, as Satan reproached the righteous Job for this before God () , and not out of fear of the eternal torment of Gehenna, but in the simplicity of my heart I follow Your will, I desire what You desire, only because You want it, because such is Your will, my God!
Secondly, you must pray with love: Thy will be done! - I am looking for one thing here and I think one thing, that Thy will be done in everything, Lord! May the majesty of Your name, my God, spread and be glorified through me, the indecent one. I consider this alone to be the greatest honor and reward for myself, so that I am worthy to please You, my Creator, Who gave me reason and free will as a guarantee of closest communication with You, my Creator and Savior.

Hallowed be your name... For this purpose we pray that the name of God may be sanctified in us: not because it begins to be holy without being holy, but because in us it becomes holy when we ourselves are sanctified and do what is worthy of shrines.

Say: Our Father, - the only ones who have the right are those who, by a miraculous birth in Divine Baptism, according to the new and extraordinary law of pregnancy, show in themselves that they are true sons. And say: Hallowed be thy name, - those who do nothing worthy of condemnation. And this: Thy kingdom come, - those who avoid everything that gives pleasure to the tormentor. And this: Thy will be done, - those who show it by their actions. And this: give us this day our daily bread, - those who refuse luxury and extravagance. And this: forgive us our debts - those that forgive those who sin against them. And this: do not lead us into temptation, - those who do not plunge either themselves or others into it. And this: deliver us from evil, - those who wage an irreconcilable war with Satan. And this: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory., - those who tremble at the words of God and show them in their very deeds. For the knowledge of prayer is successful to the same extent as the character and life of the one who prays is successful.

Interpretation of the Lord's Prayer

  • sschmch.
  • Metropolitan
  • Metropolitan
  • A.G. Dolzhenko
  • St.
  • St.
  • St.
  • priest Ioann Anuriev
  • St.
  • St.

This prayer is familiar to everyone, and even children can recite the sacred words by heart. You can download it absolutely free on the Internet. But not everyone knows the meaning of every phrase mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, and yet the understanding of prayer for an Orthodox believer is of great importance.

When things are difficult for us or we are in danger, we turn to God by reading a prayer. “Our Father” is the main Orthodox prayer that Jesus Christ gave to his own disciples; it is with it that acquaintance with God begins. It is necessary not only to listen carefully, but also to understand the hidden meaning of each word.

You can download the prayer just below in Russian, as well as in Church Slavonic. In order to correctly read all the words of Orthodox scripture, it is worth downloading the text with accents, and it is best to watch a video online when the prayer sounds like a song.

Human prayer is a sacrament through which communication with the Almighty occurs. It is worth distinguishing prayers from one another. So when can you read this or that? scripture? There are three types of prayers: public (they are offered for the people), family (read in a narrow family circle), and personal (pronounced alone).

The “Our Father” prayer is universal, but before you read it by heart, you should download the text and delve into every written word.

"Our Father who art in heaven"- this is how the first words of the prayer sound in Russian. It will be quite difficult for a person who is just becoming acquainted with the Orthodox faith to understand the meaning of the words “like you are” (Church Slavonic version) and “existent.” The general meaning of the phrase “Our Father who art in heaven” or “who art in heaven” is an appeal to our Father, the Lord God, who resides in heaven.

By calling God Heavenly Father, saying “who art” or “existent,” we are saying that, along with the physical world, there is an invisible world, spiritual world, in which grace-filled power reigns. “Our Father who art in heaven” is for us the embodiment of the omnipotent and invisible Father to our eyes. In order to feel the power hidden in the phrase “Our Father who art in heaven,” you should download the entire text and listen carefully to these words from a video recording or online.

The text of the Lord's Prayer in Russian is completely different from the Church Slavonic version, although the meaning can be grasped immediately, without any interpretation. The phrase “like you” may be jarring to the ears at first. If you read or download and listen to the text of the prayer several times, then the words “like you” become quite familiar.

You can download text or video in two versions and conduct a detailed analysis of it. Thinking about the meaning of each word of the phrase in Russian and Church Slavonic “Our Father who art in heaven” or “those who art in heaven”, one can come to the conclusion that heaven is mentioned here for a reason. It becomes the embodiment of something mysterious and limitless “like you,” the Lord himself.

The text of the second line “Hallowed be Thy Name...” speaks of deep faith and glorification of the Name of God, because without this it is impossible to imagine Orthodoxy as a whole. In the lines “Thy kingdom come” one can sense the firm confidence in the coming of the day when the kingdom of God will be established in the real world for us. Although these words can be interpreted a little differently - the reign of the Lord in the soul of every Orthodox believer. Only with true faith does God come into our souls and His gracious power is felt.

"Thy will be done"- a petition that fosters Christian perception of life itself. It is worth taking for granted the fact that everything is the will of the Lord and much does not depend on human capabilities. The events that happen in our lives are a kind of gift or test for us. The power of faith in God's plan and the need to experience certain events in life makes it clear that everything is the will of the Lord and cannot be any other way.

The line “about our daily bread” conveys to our perception information in a language understandable to everyone that there is no need to worry about needs that only seem irreplaceable and necessary. It is worth paying attention only to the needs necessary for life, setting aside some worldly desires that may be unimportant and temporary.

The following text of the petition “Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.” is a request for absolution. We should not accumulate grievances against our offenders, no matter what they may be, because only after the offenders are forgiven will the will of the Lord come, and we ourselves will be cleansed, since our sins will be forgiven. You must be able to listen and forgive. Remember that repentance will always be followed by forgiveness from above, the main thing is that it comes with awareness of what you have done, because this is the power of the word.

The text of the last petition reads as follows: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”, it speaks of the eternal struggle between good and evil. In true Christian faith, a grace-filled power is generated that helps one not to give in to worldly temptations. Every person is susceptible to negative influence, which not everyone can avoid. The power and will of the Lord helps us overcome worldly temptations and experience God's grace.

It is worth reading the text of the prayer slowly to understand the meaning. Sometimes understanding the word of the Lord does not come immediately, even if you download a video, listen to it many times, or read a prayer. There is no need to rush yourself, your time will come soon.

The text of the Lord’s Prayer is presented in full on our website; it can be downloaded absolutely free of charge in Russian and Church Slavonic. It is not at all necessary to immediately memorize the text; first, its full awareness must come, because the power of prayer lies precisely in this.

Our Father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name,
May your kingdom come
Thy will be done
Like in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our debts,
just as we also leave our debtors;
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

“Our Father” can initially only be read or downloaded and listened to while watching a video. You can also involve children in this process by explaining the meaning of each word in Russian and Church Slavonic. Remember that everything is the will of the Lord, believe, know how to listen to your neighbor, pray and the power of grace will surely come to you, it will be rewarded for everything from above.

Prayers in Christianity are divided into thanksgiving, prayers of petition, festive and universal. There are also prayers that every self-respecting Christian should know. One such prayer text is the “Our Father.”

The meaning of the Lord's Prayer

Jesus Christ passed this prayer on to the apostles so that they, in turn, would pass it on to the world. This is a petition for seven blessings - spiritual shrines, which are ideals for any believer. With the words of this prayer we express respect for God, love for Him, as well as faith in the future.

This prayer is suitable for any life situations. It is universal - it is read at every church liturgy. It is customary to offer it in honor of thanking God for the happiness sent, to ask for healing, for the salvation of the soul, in the morning and evening, before going to bed. Read “Our Father” with all your heart; it should not be like ordinary reading. As church leaders say, it is better not to say this prayer at all than to read it simply because it is necessary.

Text of the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever, throughout the age of centuries. Amen.

"Hallowed be Thy name"- this is how we show respect for God, for his uniqueness and unchanging greatness.

"Thy Kingdom come"- this is how we ask that the Lord deign to rule us and not turn away from us.

"Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven"- this is how a believer asks God to take an invariable part in everything that happens to us.

"Give us this day our daily bread"- give us the body and blood of Christ for this life.

“Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors,”- our willingness to forgive insults from our enemies, which will return to us in God's forgiveness of sins.

"Lead us not into temptation"- a request that God does not betray us, does not leave us to be torn to pieces by sins.

"Deliver us from evil"- this is how it is customary to ask God to help us resist temptations and the human desire for sin.

This prayer works wonders; she is able to save us in the most difficult moments of our lives. That is why most people read the Lord’s Prayer when danger approaches or in hopeless situations. Pray to God for salvation and happiness, but not earthly, but heavenly. Keep the faith and don't forget to push the buttons and

02.02.2016 00:20

There is a continuous struggle between good and evil, light and dark forces in the world. Christian prayers from...

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The Lord's Prayer is also called the Lord's Prayer, because Christ Himself gave it to the apostles in response to their request: “teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Today, Christians say this prayer every day in the morning and evening rules; in churches during the Liturgy, all parishioners sing it out loud. But, unfortunately, when we often repeat a prayer, we do not always understand what exactly is behind its words?

"Our Father, who art in Heaven"

1 We call God Father because He created us all?

No, for this reason we can call Him - Creator, or - Creator. The appeal Father presupposes a very definite personal relationship between children and the Father, which must be expressed primarily in likeness to the Father. God is Love, therefore our whole life should also become an expression of love for God and for the people around us. If this does not happen, then we risk becoming like those about whom Jesus Christ said: Your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father(In 8 :44). The Old Testament Jews lost the right to call God Father. The prophet Jeremiah speaks about this bitterly: And I said: will call Me your father and will not depart from Me. But truly, just as a woman betrays her friend treacherously, so you, O house of Israel, have dealt treacherously with Me, says the Lord. ...Come back, rebellious children: I will heal your rebellion(Jer. 3 :20-22). However, the return of the rebellious children took place only with the coming of Christ. Through Him, God has again adopted all who are ready to live according to the commandments of the Gospel.

Saint Cyril of Alexandria: “Only God himself can allow people to call God Father. He granted this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they withdrew from Him and were in extreme anger against Him, He granted oblivion of insults and the sacrament of grace.”

2 Why “Our Father” and not “mine”? After all, it would seem, what could be a more personal matter for a person than turning to God?

The most important and most personal thing for a Christian is love for other people. Therefore, we are called to ask God for mercy not only for ourselves, but for all people living on Earth.

Saint John Chrysostom: “...He does not say: My Father, who art in Heaven,” but - Our Father, and thereby commands us to offer prayers for the entire human race and never have in mind our own benefits, but always try for the benefits of our neighbor. And in this way it destroys enmity, and overthrows pride, and destroys envy, and introduces love - the mother of all good things; destroys the inequality of human affairs and shows complete equality between the king and the poor, since we all have equal participation in the highest and most necessary matters.”

3 Why “in Heaven” if the Church teaches that God is omnipresent?

God is truly omnipresent. But a person is always in a certain place, and not only with his body. Our thoughts also always have a certain direction. Mentioning Heaven in prayer helps to distract our mind from earthly things and direct it to Heavenly things.

Saint John Chrysostom: “When he speaks in Heaven,” then with this word he does not imprison God in heaven, but distracts the one praying from the earth.”

"Hallowed be thy name"

4 Why specifically ask for this if God is always holy anyway?

Yes, God is always holy, but we ourselves are not always holy, although we call Him Father. But can children not be like the Father? “Hallowed be your name” is a request that God help us live righteously, that is, so that His name is hallowed through our lives.

Saint John Chrysostom: « Hallowed be it that means let him be glorified. God has his own glory, full of all majesty and never changing. But the Savior commands the one who prays to ask that God may be glorified by our life. He said this before: So let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven(Mt. 5 :16). ... Grant us, as the Savior teaches us to pray, to live so purely that through us everyone will glorify You.”

"Thy kingdom come"

5 What kingdom are we talking about? Are we asking God to become a world king?

The Kingdom of God are words that simultaneously mean two concepts here:

1. The state of a renewed world after the end of the world and the Last Judgment, in which people transformed by grace and inheriting this Kingdom will live.

2. The state of a person who, by fulfilling the commandments of the Gospel, has overcome the action of the passions, and through this has allowed the grace of the Holy Spirit to act in himself, which every Christian receives in the sacrament of Baptism.

Saint Theophan the Recluse: “This kingdom is the future kingdom of heaven, which will open after the end of the world and the terrible judgment of God. But in order to sincerely desire the coming of this kingdom, we must be sure that we will be awarded it along with those to whom it will be said: Come, blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world(Mf 25 :34). Worthy of this is the one in whom, during this still life, the reign of sin, passions and the devil has been stopped. The suppression of this kingdom is accomplished by the action of grace through faith in the Lord Savior. The believer surrenders himself to the Lord, promising Him to live holy and blameless. For this, in the Sacrament of Baptism, the grace of the Holy Spirit is given, reviving him to new life; from that moment it is no longer sin that reigns in him, but grace, teaching him every good thing and strengthening him to do it. This is the kingdom of grace, about which the Lord said: the kingdom of God is within you. The future kingdom is the kingdom of glory, and this is the spiritual kingdom, the kingdom of grace. The Lord's Prayer embraces both kingdoms together. Otherwise, he who wishes for the speedy coming of the future kingdom, but has not become a son of the kingdom of grace, will wish for the end of the world to come sooner, and Last Judgment, where he will inevitably end up on the side of those who hear: depart from Me, the curse into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angel».

“Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth”

6 Doesn’t God carry out His will on earth even without our request?

The will of God is carried out on earth not only by His direct action, but also through us, Christians. If we live according to the commandments of the Gospel, it means we are fulfilling the will of God. If not, then this will will remain unfulfilled in the place where we did not fulfill it. And then - through us - evil enters the world. Therefore, in words thy will be done we ask God to protect us from such trouble and direct our lives to fulfill His good will.

St. Augustine: « Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Angels serve You in heaven, so may we also serve You on earth. The angels in heaven do not insult You, and let us not insult You on earth. How they do Your will; let us do the same. - And what are we praying for here, if not to be kind to us? For the will of God then happens in us when we do it; and this means being kind.”

“Give us this day our daily bread”

7 What do the words “daily bread” and “today” mean?

“Essential” means necessary for our existence; “today” means today. So this is a petition for what we most need at this moment, for today. The word “bread” was understood by the holy fathers here in two meanings: bread as food; and bread as the Eucharist.

Saint Simeon of Thessalonica: “Although we ask for heavenly things, we are mortal and, like people, we also ask for bread to support our being, knowing that this too comes from You. By asking only for bread, we do not ask for what is superfluous, but only for what is necessary for us for the present day, since we have been taught not to worry about tomorrow, because You care for us today, and you will care for us tomorrow and always.

But give us this day our other daily bread - living, heavenly bread, the all-holy body of the living Word. This is our daily bread: because it strengthens and sanctifies the soul and body, and the one who is not poisoned will not have life in himself, but the one who is poisoned will live forever(In 6 :51-54)".

“And forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors.”

8 Does God forgive sins only to those who have forgiven their offenders? Why shouldn't he forgive everyone?

Resentment and revenge are not inherent in God. At any moment, He is ready to accept and forgive everyone who turns to Him. But remission of sins is possible only where a person has renounced sin, seen all its destructive abomination and hated it for the troubles that sin has brought into his life and into the lives of other people. And forgiveness of offenders is a direct commandment of Christ! And if we, knowing this commandment, still do not fulfill it, then we are sinning, and this sin is so pleasant and important for us that we do not want to give it up even for the sake of Christ’s commandment. With such a burden on the soul it is impossible to enter the Kingdom of God. Only it is not God who is to blame, but ourselves.

Saint John Chrysostom: “This absolution initially depends on us, and the judgment pronounced on us lies in our power. So that none of the unreasonable, being convicted of a great or small crime, has any reason to complain about the court, the Savior makes you, the guilty one, a judge over yourself and, as it were, says: what kind of judgment do you pronounce on yourself, I am the same judgment I will say about you; If you forgive your brother, then you will receive the same benefit from Me.”

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

9 Does God tempt anyone or lead anyone into temptation?

God, of course, does not tempt anyone. But we are not able to overcome temptations without His help. If we, receiving this gracious help, suddenly decide that we can live virtuously without Him, then God takes His grace away from us. But He does this not for the sake of revenge, but so that we can be convinced from bitter experience of our own powerlessness before sin, and again turn to Him for help.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk: “With this word: “Lead us not into temptation,” we pray to God that He may preserve us with His grace from the temptation of the world, the flesh and the devil. And although we fall into temptations, we ask that he does not allow us to be overcome by them, but helps us to overcome and conquer them. From this it is clear that without God's help we are powerless and weak. If we ourselves could resist temptation, we would not be commanded to ask for help in this. By this we learn, as soon as we feel a temptation coming upon us, to immediately pray to God and ask Him for help. From this we learn not to rely on ourselves and our own strength, but on God.”

10 Who is this evil one? Or is it evil? How to correctly understand this word in the context of prayer?

Word sly - opposite in meaning to the word direct . Onion (like a weapon), from beam other rivers, the famous Pushkinskoe onion omorye - all these are words related to the word onion avy in the sense that they denote a certain curvature, something indirect, twisted. In the Lord's Prayer, the devil is called the evil one, who was originally created as a bright angel, but by his falling away from God he distorted his own nature and distorted its natural movements. Any of his actions also became distorted, that is, crafty, indirect, incorrect.

Saint John Chrysostom: “Here Christ calls the devil evil, commanding us to wage irreconcilable warfare against him, and showing that he is not such by nature. Evil does not depend on nature, but on freedom. And the fact that the devil is primarily called evil is due to the extraordinary amount of evil that is found in him, and because he, without being offended by anything from us, wages an irreconcilable war against us. That is why the Savior did not say: deliver us from the evil ones, but from the evil one, and thereby teaches us never to be angry with our neighbors for the insults that we sometimes suffer from them, but to turn all our enmity against the devil, as the culprit of all angry."

One of the main prayers Orthodox man is the Lord's Prayer. It is contained in all prayer books and canons. Its text is unique: it contains thanksgiving to Christ, intercession before Him, petition and repentance.

Icon of Jesus Christ

It is with this prayer, filled with deep meaning, that we turn to the Almighty directly without the participation of saints and heavenly angels.

Reading rules

  1. The Lord's Prayer is included in the obligatory prayers of the morning and evening rules, and its reading is also recommended before meals, before starting any business.
  2. It protects from demonic attacks, strengthens the spirit, and delivers from sinful thoughts.
  3. If a slip occurs during prayer, you need to impose on yourself Sign of the Cross, say “Lord, have mercy” and start reading again.
  4. You should not treat reading a prayer as a routine job, say it mechanically. The request and praise of the Creator must be expressed sincerely.

About Orthodox prayer:

Important! The text in Russian is in no way inferior to the Church Slavonic version of the prayer. The Lord appreciates the spiritual impulse and attitude of the prayer book.

Orthodox prayer "Our Father"

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

The main idea of ​​the Lord's Prayer - from Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov)

The Lord's Prayer, Our Father, is integral prayer and unity, because life in the Church requires from a person complete concentration of his thoughts and feelings, spiritual aspiration. God is Freedom, Simplicity and Unity.

God is everything for a person and he must give absolutely everything to Him. Rejection from the Creator is detrimental to faith. Christ could not teach people to pray any other way. God is the only good, he is “existent”, everything is to Him and from Him.

God is the One Giver: Thy Kingdom, Thy Will, leave, give, deliver... Here everything distracts a person from earthly life, from attachment to earthly things, from worries and draws him to the One from Whom everything is. And petitions only indicate the statement that little space is given to earthly things. And this is correct, because renunciation of the worldly is a measure of love for God, the other side of Orthodox Christianity. God Himself came down from heaven to call us from earth to heaven.


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