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Screw pile foundation calculator - online calculation - an easy way to navigate prices for products/construction work.

Turnkey foundation calculator

The most important advantage of an online calculator is that it allows you to perform all the calculations yourself without the help of a specialist. The scheme itself is also quite simple.

On most of the pages of our website there is a “Foundation Calculator” button in the upper right corner. By clicking on it, you go to a separate page on which the required fields are located. You will be required to indicate the type of building (house, bathhouse, fence, pier), wall material (for a house it is wood, frame or brick, for a fence - corrugated sheets, chain-link mesh), number of floors, size of the building. This data is necessary to determine the loads from the structure.

For convenience, all fields are equipped with drop-down tabs, which indicate the most common options. This significantly reduces filling time.

The foundation calculator from the GlavFundament company also includes two additional fields - soil conditions and soil corrosion activity. When filling them out, you may probably have questions, since almost all organizations on the market do not request this information to calculate the price of piles/construction and installation work. Why did we make them mandatory?

The parameters of piles, their number, and placement in the foundation can be assigned only on the basis of information about the loads from the structure and the soil. If both of these factors are not taken into account, there will be a risk of subsidence (when the thickness of the layer of dense soil under the pile is less than 1 meter or seasonal wetting of some types of soil, reducing their bearing capacity) or buckling (under the action of tangential forces of frost heaving) of the foundation. You also cannot be sure that the service life of the structure will be as required by GOST 27751-2014 “Interstate standard. Reliability of building structures and foundations. Basic provisions".

Effective operation of two-bladed screw piles is possible only with a calculated distance between the blades based on soil data. The same applies to the pitch of the blades and their angle of inclination (more information in the article “Features of calculating two-blade screw piles”).

The thickness of the metal and the grade of steel are also variables that depend on the degree of corrosive activity of the soil. If the environment is highly aggressive, and the pile is made of St3 steel with a wall thickness of 4 mm or less, you should not expect it to last more than 15-20 years.

Online calculator, developed by our company, is suitable only for low-rise construction projects. The foundations of industrial and large civil facilities (pipelines, stands, masts, towers, power lines) are calculated using computer-aided design (CAD) systems after conducting full-fledged geotechnical surveys. To confirm the results obtained, control tests of soils under the action of pressing, pulling and horizontal loads are organized. This is due to increased requirements for the level of security of these facilities.

If you need to calculate an industrial or large civil building, follow the link and fill out an application to the design department of our company, indicating the necessary data. If additional information is required, we will call you back.

Quantity calculation, selection of structures and arrangement of piles

When determining the number and combinations of piles in the Foundation Calculator program, the requirements of regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation are taken into account, as well as design standards developed by our specialists based on the results of research and testing, both our own and those carried out by foreign specialists.

The foundation structure of almost any structure (house, bathhouse) is affected by several types of loads at once (under critical components of the structure, under load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls, under floor joists). Each type of load requires the use of a pile design with a certain load-bearing capacity. Therefore, the proposed solution will include not one, but several types at once.

But there are points that are difficult to take into account when calculating online. These are, for example, the characteristics of the grillage sagging (calculated value). There is an opinion that in order to avoid sagging of the grillage, it is enough to adhere to the generalized values ​​of permissible loads. This is incorrect. The span between piles is determined for each object, taking into account the loads on the strapping material from each wall.

In this regard, the calculation performed in the foundation calculator can only be considered preliminary. It helps you get a general idea of ​​the price, but it is not a solution that will guarantee the safety of the building.

Screw foundation calculator

When creating a calculator for calculating a screw foundation, we set ourselves the task of developing a program that would be convenient and at the same time useful.

Firstly, we can compare prices. Plus, you don’t need to open many tabs to do this; all the necessary information is on our website. The service calculates the price in three categories at once (“Economy”, “Standard”, “Premium”). The final figure will also include the cost of construction and installation work (to do this, just check the “Including work” box).

For example, fences and piers are usually classified as lightweight structures, which is why single-bladed piles are often recommended for them. This seems correct, because small loads from objects do not require the construction of a structure with a large load-bearing capacity. But this approach does not take into account the impact of significant pulling and horizontal loads on the piles.

Fences made of wood or corrugated sheets are characterized by high windage. Piers and moorings are exposed to currents and ice melting. The resulting force will constantly try to pull the pile out of the ground. And this type of impact is least preferable for structures with one blade.

To avoid possible consequences, you will be forced to concrete the base of the column or tie it with a channel or corrugated pipe. The introduction of an additional blade will solve this problem even without additional reinforcement of the structure.

House foundation calculator. Price calculation

The foundation calculator is a convenient tool for pre-planning the foundation structure for a house, bathhouse or any other low-rise construction project. It is also indispensable when you need an approximate price estimate to understand possible costs.

But we do not recommend relying solely on these programs. Still, a service is only a set of algorithms that cannot fully take into account the characteristics of an object and site, and cannot replace the experience of a design engineer. And if you consider that the design department of the Glavfundament company performs calculations free of charge and within 24 hours, then the choice will become obvious.

Adhering to a professional approach to construction work, the necessary calculations should be made during the design.

They will allow reduce time and effort to complete the entire scope of tasks and significantly save materials.

What is this for?

Pile foundation made of metal supports with blades at the end - the most economical and popular type of base for difficult terrain.

Technological advantages allow its construction to be completed in 3 days, and the base will serve for at least 100 years.

For this to happen, you need to evenly distribute the load-bearing load of the structure being built, take into account the characteristics of the soil, the level of freezing and the occurrence of groundwater.

As a result of the calculations, you can get:

  • height of screw piles;
  • the depth of their placement;
  • optimal diameter of supports;
  • total quantity;
  • total cost of expenses.

Conclusion: calculation of the foundation saves time and money, guarantees the durability of the structure.

Sequence of calculations

A common method for calculating screw piles according to SNiP 2.02.03-85 relies on geodetic data for a specific development site, which includes information about:

  • terrain of the site;
  • soil composition and density;
  • groundwater level;
  • soil freezing level;
  • the volume of seasonal precipitation characteristic of a given climate zone.

Advice: If it is impossible to carry out geodetic research, the calculations are guided by the minimum design load.

To calculate a pile-screw foundation, we first calculate the number of screw piles ( TO). To do this you need to know:

  • total load on the foundation (R), which is calculated according to tables of the specific gravity of materials (in kg);
  • reliability factor (k) as a correction to the load value (it must be multiplied by R);
  • soil bearing capacity, determined from the table of average loads on screw piles;
  • pile heel area depending on the diameter (according to the table);
  • maximum permissible load (S) per pile (according to the table).

The obtained data is substituted into the formula according to which the foundation on screw piles is calculated: K = P*k/S

Reliability factor(k) consistent with the number of piles:

Each pile carries a load proportional to the total load of the structure.

Using the above formula, coefficient and screw piles for the foundation, load calculation and subsequent construction are performed quite simply.

For the final calculation, it is necessary to distribute the load under load-bearing walls and areas of high pressure on the foundation, considering:

  • type of piles (hanging or rack);
  • roll force indicator.

Reference! For accurate calculations and professional design of pile foundations, there are computer programs StatPile and GeoPile on the free Internet. They are accompanied by a manual and 10 specific calculation examples.

The calculation of a screw foundation and the load on it consists of determining the following parameters:

1. The mass of the structure itself(in kg) - constant value:

2. Extra weight- temporary loads:

  • the weight of snow that fell on the roof;
  • operational weight of the contents of the house: furniture, equipment, finishing materials, including people (on average - 350 kg/m²).

3. Correct calculation of the load on a pile-screw foundation is impossible if you do not take into account dynamic loads(short-term):

  • created by gusts of wind;
  • structures resulting from settlement;
  • arising from temperature changes.

Types of screw piles

By type of piles there are:

  • wide blade with cast tip(at the cone ᴓ6…14mm) - for low-rise buildings on simple soils;
  • multi-bladed with several blades at different levels- for increased loads in difficult soils;
  • variable perimeter piles- for specific tasks;
  • narrow blade with cast toothed tip- for rocky soils and permafrost.

Reference: Barrels made from seamed pipes with welded blades are less reliable.


TO technical specifications screw piles include:

  • barrel length and material;
  • trunk diameter;
  • type of blades, method of connecting them to the body of the pile.

Diameter of pile shafts selected from the standard range, correlating with the design load:

  • ᴓ89mm (blade ᴓ250mm) - for a load-bearing load not exceeding 5 tons (frame-panel buildings of 1 floor);
  • ᴓ108mm (blade ᴓ300mm) - for a load-bearing load of up to 7 tons (houses made of timber, foam blocks, two-story frame houses);
  • ᴓ133mm (blade ᴓ350mm) - for bearing loads of up to 10 tons (buildings made of brick, aerated concrete, channel).

Pile length selected based on soil density indicators (according to the table) and elevation differences on the building site:

  • when loams occur up to 1 m from the surface, the length of the pile is 2.5 m;
  • loose soil or quicksand - the length of the pile is determined by the length of the drill that has reached the dense layers;
  • when there are differences in relief heights, the length of the piles may differ by 0.5 m for different areas.

Number of supports and distance between them

Optimal distance between supports:

  • 2-2.5 m - for wooden frames and block buildings;
  • 3 m - for houses made of timber and logs.

Important: to ensure reliability, the base of the building should not rise above the ground higher than 60 cm, and the length of the pile should have a margin of 20-30 cm.

Having made calculations using the formula K = P*k/S, necessary distribute the position of the piles in the perimeter to balance the load they accept:

  • under each corner of the structure;
  • at the intersection of load-bearing walls and internal partitions;
  • at the entrance group;
  • inside the perimeter, guided by a step of 2 meters;
  • under the stove or fireplace (at least two piles);
  • under load-bearing walls on the side of the balcony or mezzanine.

For your information! Objective conditions may require an increase in the number of piles compared to the calculated one - such a margin of safety will allow you not to be afraid of changes that arise during operation.

The grillage serves to evenly distribute the load on the base structure. Regardless of the type of grillage (prefabricated or monolithic, high or low), for its reliability it is necessary to calculate the following parameters:

  • foundation pushing force;
  • pushing force at each corner;
  • bending force.
They are subject to vertical loads from below and deforming loads from the sides (in the ground and on the surface). All this is quite difficult to calculate for a non-professional.

As with a pile foundation, this intelligent work can be done using computer programs StatPile and GeoPile. There is an easier option - to use the individual construction standard, which establishes:

  • connection of supports with grillage - rigid or loose;
  • the depth of insertion of the pile head into the grillage is at least 10 cm;
  • the position of the grillage is not lower than 20 cm above the ground;
  • the width is equal to the thickness of the walls (at least 40 cm);
  • grillage height - 30 cm or more;
  • reinforcement (longitudinal and transverse) with rod ᴓ10-12 mm.

Important! In unstable soils, the strength of the pile foundation will be strengthened by metal strapping at the level of the base (with an angle or channel).

Example of calculation of a pile-screw foundation

The following example describes in detail how to calculate a foundation on screw piles for the construction frame house.

Initial data - 6x6 pile-screw foundation:

  • a typical frame house with a porch under a slate roof;
  • dimensions - 6 by 6 foundation on screw piles with a height (h) of 3 m;
  • two mutually intersecting internal partitions dividing the space into 3 rooms;
  • roof with a slope of 60⁰;
  • frame material - timber 150x150;
  • wall material - sandwich panels;
  • grillage material - timber 200x200.

1. Determining the area each wall:

2. Determining the load of the walls using the table:

  • for load-bearing walls - 50 kg*74 = 3700 kg;
  • for partitions - 30kg*30 = 900 kg;
  • total 3700 + 900 = 4600 kg.

3. Adding weight for 36 m² area:

  • basement floor - 150 kg*36 (house area) = 5400 kg;
  • attic floor - 100 kg*36 = 3600 kg;
  • roofs 50 kg*36 = 1800 kg;
  • in the end - 4600+5400+3600+1800 = 15400 kg.

4. Adding additional weight and dynamic loads(snow crust weight = 0):

5. Choosing a reliability coefficient 1,4.

6. Take from the table maximum permissible heel load(ᴓ300) of one pile element: it is equal (according to the table) 2600 kg, with a calculated soil resistance of 3 kg/cm² (soil of medium density, with deep groundwater and freezing of no more than 1 m).

7. Substitute the values ​​into the formula K = P*k/S- 28000*1.4*2600 = 15 (pieces).

In this case, we will install 12 piles at corners and intersections, and use 3 to strengthen areas with increased load.

Installation procedure

It happens that the soil under the foundation is not complicated by quicksand or rocks.

  1. The most time-consuming and responsible part is making the calculations.
  2. Cooking required material and tools.
  3. According to the construction site marking scheme, screw piles are installed using a manual gate (it is advisable to do this together).
  4. The ends of the trunks are leveled above the ground, and the excess is cut off.
  5. In unstable soils, the strength of the pile foundation is strengthened by metal strapping at the level of the base (angle or channel).
  6. Install the grillage.

General construction skills, an inquisitive mind and determination are the conditions for successful installation of this type of foundation.

Instead of conclusions

Advantages screw piles are obvious:

  • Possibility to use for spot development;
  • exclusion of large-scale excavation works;
  • addition of extensions to the main volume;
  • durability;
  • cost-effectiveness of the material.

Looking at them main problem Usually they try not to notice. And it lies in vulnerability of the trunk to the rusting process. Therefore, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the protection of the metal surface during selection, purchase, storage, and also to follow the installation technology.

Calculation of a pile-screw foundation: number and length of piles, load, example for a 6 by 6 house

To save time and money on the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to correctly calculate the pile-screw foundation. The load on each support depends on many parameters, including the number of piles. Read our article on how to calculate all the variables using the example of a 6x6 frame house.

House Bathhouse Extension Veranda Pier Hangar Household Barn

The final cost may differ slightly from the base price, as it depends on more parameters and conditions for installing a pile-screw foundation on your site.

Find out how much the future pile-screw foundation costs, calculate the exact price, taking into account the parameters of your project.
If you have any difficulties using the calculator with installation, call us, tell the employee the necessary parameters and instantly find out the cost. Find out about current discounts, promotions and make your purchase as profitable as possible.

Price turnkey, calculator calculates based on the following main critical parameters:

  • type of structure
  • geometric dimensions of the house, bathhouse...
  • construction material
  • the need to install piles

The calculator automatically selects the optimal set of piles (their number, diameter, length, spacing), depending on the characteristics of the building being built.
If there are specific features of a particular project that are not included in the parameters of the calculator, order a calculation from a specialist; it will take a minimum of your time, but will give the most correct cost.

To name the exact amount, we use a number of important indicators that allow us to carry out all work in compliance with SNiP standards. The BalSvai store catalog is rich in a wide range of screw piles of different parameters and load-bearing capacity. Calculation of a pile foundation for a house will help determine the configuration of the pile, quantity, screw-in depth, location steps.

What is taken into account when designing

If design calculations are carried out incorrectly, the pile is often unable to withstand the pressure of the structure of the structure; this will lead to subsequent replacement/strengthening and entail unnecessary costs.

During the project development process, the following points are required:

  • actual weight of the building;
  • weight taking into account operational loads;
  • load from snow mass and wind influences;
  • the material from which the building will be built;
  • location of internal walls/partitions;
  • purpose of the building;
  • soil properties for building construction;
  • relief of the construction site.

We produce exclusively reliable products; the company pays special attention to the quality of products. We are trying to make prices for pile-screw foundations in Moscow and the region competitively attractive, this effort gives successful results.

The BalSvai LLC company is ready for all types of cooperation on special terms, provides 15 year old guarantee for materials and installation + individual discounts for clients.

The popularity of pile-screw foundations for private housing construction is gaining momentum. This type of foundation is very economical, 2-2.5 times cheaper than a strip foundation. In addition, the pile foundation can be installed at any time of the year, it is durable and easy to install (installation takes no more than 1 day), and no special equipment or knowledge is required for its construction. Screw foundations can be erected on peat and waterlogged soils, slopes, and areas with difficult terrain. Another undeniable advantage is that the piles can be reused, which is important for temporary structures.

The pile-screw foundation becomes very popular foundation for home. It is 2.5 times cheaper than tape, it can be installed all year round, and installation does not take more than one day.

In order for a pile-screw foundation to be of high quality, it is necessary to correctly calculate it.

  • type of underlying soil;
  • number of screw supports;
  • pile depth level;
  • location of each support.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the pile, like any other building material, there are parameters that must be taken into account if you need to calculate their number:

  • diameter;
  • length;
  • bearing capacity.

Screw piles for various types of houses.

The first parameter is important when constructing a screw foundation for heavy structures. The remaining parameters are important in order to correctly distribute the load on the soil. The length of the pile must be sufficient so that it rests on solid underlying rocks and does not fall through. Bearing capacity is responsible for the same parameter, namely the resistance of the entire foundation to loads.

To determine how many supports are needed for the foundation private house, it is necessary to determine the type of underlying soil. If it is stable, with flat surface, then the calculation will be very simple and will not take much time. If there are on the site various types soil or complex terrain, then some problems are possible during the calculation.

It should be taken into account that when constructing a pile foundation for a private house, several types of piles can be used, which will create a strong foundation for the future house. An important factor for this will be the material from which the piles are made.

Calculation of the number of piles

How to determine how many supports are needed for a quality foundation? Calculation of their quantity required to build a high-quality foundation consists of three stages.

The first step is to determine the total load. It includes several factors:

  1. The weight of the future structure, including internal walls, interfloor ceilings, furniture and interior items, roof and facade finishing.
  2. The calculated payload that is created when the house is used by people. It is calculated based on clause 3.11 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* “LOADS AND IMPACTS”. According to SNiP, the payload for a private house is 150 kg/m2, and for office buildings - 200 kg/m2.
  3. Snow load on a house, which is the pressure of a mass of snow on the roof and foundation during seasonal accumulation. The calculation of the snow load is described in clause 5.2 of SNiP 2.01.07-85* “LOADS AND IMPACTS”. For example, for the third snow region of Russia, the calculated snow pressure is 180 kg for every m 2 of roof surface;
  4. The total load from the listed factors is summed up and multiplied by a factor of 1.1-1.2 to obtain the load value for calculating the number of supports for a private house.

Schemes of pile foundations made of various materials.

The second stage of the calculation is located on the construction site. This characteristic determines the maximum load on each foundation pile. It depends not only on the soil itself, but also on the climate. When cold temperatures prevail, the depth of soil freezing is much greater than in regions with a warm climate.

Can be determined in two ways:

  1. Based on geological surveys. The rules for conducting geological research and calculating the load-bearing capacity of the soil are given in clause 4.10 of SNiP 2.02.03-85 “Pile foundations”.
  2. If it is impossible to carry out geological surveys, the calculations must use the minimum design load on each pile. It is determined for most types of soil and also depends on the size of the supports used.

The averages are presented in the table:

Taking into account all of the above factors, last stage calculate how many supports are needed to build a high-quality foundation.

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Features of calculating the number of piles

Scheme of a pile foundation made of prefabricated screw piles.

Given the fact that the screw piles are located at a distance of 2-3 m from each other, there is a possibility that the house may settle unevenly over time. In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to take into account possible additional loads on the foundation from the side of the building.

If strong winds of one direction prevail in the construction area, then at least 20% must be added to the load. As practice shows, in most cases, not 20% is added, but 30-35%, in order to cover all possible inaccuracies when. Many loads do not manifest themselves after construction is completed, so it is better to play it safe.

When calculating the loads from a building on a pile-screw foundation, it is necessary to take into account the internal load-bearing walls. The best option There will be more frequent placement of supports in such areas. If the wall is not load-bearing, then the piles can be placed at a greater distance from each other.

If there are weak underlying soils at the construction site, it is best to use wooden floors that have less weight. The walls and roof of the house in such conditions should also be as light as possible.

It is worth taking into account the fact that while overall saving money on the construction of a screw foundation for a house, you should not skimp on the quantity and quality of screw supports, since the reliability and durability of not only the foundation, but also the entire structure depends on them.

Pile foundations are one of the most economical types of building supports. They allow construction to be carried out in areas with high soil mobility and high soil moisture. It is most rational to use screw piles for a private house, since working with them does not require special skills, complex equipment and large quantities time.

  1. study of the foundation for the building (geological survey);
  2. load collection;
  3. calculations;
  4. drawings;
  5. drawing up estimates.

Compliance with all these points is mandatory. Skipping any of them may result in insufficient load-bearing capacity or waste of materials.

Study of soil characteristics

When constructing capital facilities, geotechnical surveys and laboratory soil tests must be carried out. To do this, boreholes are drilled and soil samples are taken. The depth of the wells for each building is determined individually. These works are performed by specialists and their cost is quite high.

When building an individual house, you don’t have to resort to the services of geologists, but carry out a soil study yourself. To do this, dig a hole 50 cm deep below the depth of the pile and evaluate the found soil layers. If possible, soil study is carried out at several points; one of them must be located in the lowest part of the territory. Work can also be carried out using a drill, assessing the soil on its blades.

It is important to find out the type of soil and the presence of water-saturated layers in it. Water significantly reduces load-bearing capacity. If a small lens of bad soil is found, you can try to position the piles in such a way as to bypass it. One of the advantages of pile foundations is that the load-bearing capacity is ensured not only by support on the bottom layer, but also by friction over the entire surface of the pile.

Load collection

To make a competent calculation, it is necessary to calculate the load that the building box puts on the supports. The value is found by adding the following values:

  • weight of walls and partitions;
  • floor weight;
  • roof weight;
  • own weight of the foundation;
  • weight of snow cover.

For a frame house, you can use the table when calculating.

Load type Magnitude
Walls with insulation 150 mm thick 30-50 kg per square meter walls
Partitions made of plasterboard 80 mm thick without insulation 27.2 kg/m2
Partitions made of plasterboard 80 mm thick with insulation* 33.4 kg/m2
Wooden flooring on beams with insulation with a density of up to 200 kg/m 3 100-150 kg/m2
Roofing cake, kg/m2
Covered with metal tiles 40-60
Covered with ceramic tiles 80-120
Coated with bituminous (flexible) tiles 50-70
Self-weight of the foundation
ø133 mm length 1.65m 27 kg
ø133 mm length 9 m 124 kg
ø108 mm length 1.65 m 22 kg
ø108 mm length 9 m 95 kg
ø89 mm long 1.65 m 14 kg
ø89 mm long 9 m 60 kg
Live loads
Useful (furniture and equipment) 150 kg/m2
Snow according to table 10.1 SP “Loads and impacts” depending on the climatic region

*insulation is installed to improve sound insulation.

The foundation weight values ​​are given only for extreme lengths; on average, the weight of one linear meter of a pile with a diameter of 108 mm is in the range of 10-13 kg, with a diameter of 133 mm - 14-16 kg, with a diameter of 89 mm - 9-7 kg. The exact weight of a pile of a certain length can be obtained from the manufacturer.

To determine the snowy construction area, maps from the joint venture “Construction Climatology” are used. If the roof slope is 60 degrees or more, the snow load is not included in the calculations.

The values ​​​​given in the table are normative; to obtain the calculated values, they must be multiplied by the reliability coefficient indicated below.

Diameter of screw piles

To make a competent calculation of the pile field, it is necessary to select their diameter. Most often, products with a diameter of 108 mm are used for individual construction. They are suitable for a two-story frame house. One product can withstand a load of 5-7 tons.

For utility structures, sheds, and small fences, it will be sufficient to use piles with a diameter of 76 mm. Load-bearing capacity up to three tons.

Screw pile length

For a pile foundation in areas with stable soils, it will be sufficient to use products 2.5 m long. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account differences in the heights of the area and provide additional reserve. The support of the pile field along the entire perimeter should occur at the same level.

To build a pile-screw foundation on soils with poor characteristics, the soil is studied using a drill. They need to reach the clay layer. The length of the pile is set so that it fits into this layer.

You can use the so-called “control screwing method” - a crowbar is inserted into the holes inside the body of the pile, tubular levers are put on it, two workers move them in a circle, creating a torque, the third controls the vertical of the shaft with a bubble level, with a sharp increase in the tightening force (necessarily below frost marks) work stops. In this way, the depth of the bearing layer is determined and the required length of the piles is determined.

Important! The calculation of a pile-screw foundation must include a margin in length. If the length of the product is longer, after installation it can be easily cut to the desired length using a metal cutting tool. It is recommended to provide a margin of 0.2-0.5 m, depending on the complexity of the terrain.

Number of products for a pile field

Knowing the diameter and load-bearing capacity of one field pile and the load from the entire house, you can calculate their number. In this case, the final figure from the load collection, multiplied by the reliability factors, must be divided by the load-bearing capacity of one product. The calculation is quite simple and, if all the initial data is available, will not cause difficulties.

After the number of screw products for the pile foundation has been determined, it is necessary to distribute them evenly around the perimeter of the walls. It is mandatory that supports are installed at the corners of the house. After determining the quantity and pitch, if possible, you need to make a drawing or sketch of the future foundation on piles, this will avoid errors during installation.

Calculation example for a frame house

To consider in more detail how to calculate a foundation on screw piles, we will give an example for a one-story frame house with an attic. The roof of the building is metal hip, so all the external walls are the same height (there are no gables). Internal partitions made of plasterboard 80 mm thick without insulation, walls with insulation 150 mm thick. Wooden floors with beams. The height of the floor is 3 m, the height of the room is 2.7 m. The dimensions of the house in plan are 6 by 6 meters. Height of external walls attic floor— 1.5 m. Interior wall one is 6 m long, the total length of the partitions on both floors is 25 m.

Clay soils are located at a distance of 3 m from the ground surface; there are no significant elevation changes on the site. Snow standard load is 180 kg per square meter.

We accept pile-screw products with a diameter of 108 mm and a length of 3.5 m (additional reserve must be provided, so it is better to buy piles 4 m long). To calculate the loads, we take an approximate amount of 9 pieces (in all corners + the middle of the walls).

The calculation begins with the collection of loads. Let's do it in tabular form.

The sum of all loads on the pile-screw foundation is 48,776 kg. We take into account the rounded value of 48.8 tons. Next, the number of supports is calculated. The bearing capacity of one product of the accepted diameter is 5-7 tons. We take the value 6 tons.

Number of required supports = 48.8t/6t = 8.13 pcs. Round up to the nearest whole number. The value corresponds to the preliminary one - 9 pieces, we finally accept it. Supports are installed at the corners and middles of external and internal walls.

The above calculations will allow you not to make mistakes during construction and rationally use resources. They will not take much time, but will solve many problems that may arise in the future.


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