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Marina Gelievna Shakhova, better known as Masha Shakhova was born in Moscow in 1956.

Her father is a journalist Geliy Alekseevich Shakhov, was one of the leaders of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting, worked as a correspondent in Kenya and editor-in-chief of the International for the USA and Great Britain. Mama Erna Yakovlevna Shakhova worked as a translator, and then as a leading editor of the editorial office of foreign literature in the publishing house "Khudozhestvennaya literatura".

Masha Shakhova in an interview for MK: “In fact, my name is Marina. But if someone calls me that, I won't even turn around, because I'm not used to this name. I want to be called Masha all my life. Marina Gelievna is very formal and about a serious lady. And I am completely frivolous and not even a lady, even though I am a grandmother. "

After leaving school, Masha entered the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. From 1993 to 2000, Shakhova headed the press service of the NTV channel.

The creative path of Masha Shakhova

When Masha's husband, Evgeny Kiselev, became the general director of NTV, Masha Shakhova secretly came up with a project dedicated to interior design. Together with Natalya Barbier, editor-in-chief of the Mezzanine magazine, they named the program “The Housing Question”. After Shakhova and Kiselev left the channel, Natalya Maltseva became the head of the program.

Masha Shakhova: “When we left, the program remained in the ownership of NTV. I was given a chief editor Natasha Maltseva, the pilot was filmed, and our general producer said to Zhenya: "I have an interesting program with a new presenter." "Who's the host?" - asked Zhenya. "Your wife". Zhenya was angry that I hadn't warned him. Then the well-known events began, and we switched to TV-6. Idea "Dachnikov" came up with Zhenya and Sasha Levin... There were a lot of people who did not want me to lead this program. "

When the TV-6 channel was closed, Masha Shakhova worked for some time on the radio « Echo of Moscow ”, where she wrote texts for programs.

From 2001 to 2004, she led the program "Summer residents" on TVS. In 2002 for "Dachnikov" Shakhova received the TEFI award.

By the way, few people know, but it was Masha Shakhova who was the author of the word itself, which is now called "TEFI" - the most prestigious television award in Russia: it was formed from the phrase "television broadcast".

Since May 21, 2006 Masha has been the author and producer of the "" project on Channel One, which is dedicated to country life and how to make it better. V different time Sergey Kolesnikov, Andrey Tumanov and Roman Budnikov conducted a program on the redevelopment of country houses and landscaping of plots.

In 2011, Masha Shakhova became the host of the Family House program on the Domashny channel, in which the characters discussed the eternal values: home, family, love. Guests "Family house"- Tatyana Tarasova, Natalya Varley, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Veniamin Smekhov, Zurab Tsereteli - told Masha about family legends and things that became involuntary witnesses of the events of past and very recent years.

Masha Shakhova: “I am very interested in the process of filming and editing, but whether I am in the frame or not, it is not very important for me. When I came to the producers with the idea of ​​the “Family House” program, I immediately asked whom they would suggest for the role of the presenter. They said they wanted to see me. "

Masha Shakhova, producer: “Eleven years is a long time. During this time, trends and human preferences have changed, our whole life has changed. People have also changed, but their desire for comfort has not changed. Comfort as a sensation has not changed - only the means by which it is created change: materials, colors, textures - there are much more of them ”.

“I spent all my childhood in the house of my great-grandmother and great-grandfather in Zagoryanka, near Moscow. They had a decorative lamp - a fairytale house made of marble. It is large, about half a meter high. The house stands among the snowdrifts, a path leads through them to the door, the windows are made of ice, the roof is covered with snow. A light bulb is inserted inside, which illuminates both the house and the snowdrifts. And then there is the pipe, which I constantly lose, find, insert and lose again. When I was little, I loved to look at the house and dream, and now for me it is a symbol of my happy childhood, a small reminder of the kindness, warmth and comfort that reigned in our house. For many years now I have been transferring him from apartment to apartment, from house to house. "

The TV presenter has been involved in interior design and photography for many years. Masha wrote several books on home and garden design, in which she took many photos for illustrations herself.
- Masha has exhibited her original projects of dacha life many times at the Week of Decor and the Week of Gardens of the magazine"Mezzanine", the editor-in-chief of which is the host of the program "Ideal Repair" on the First Channel Natalia Barbier.
- Exhibited as a designer in the New Manege; created her own collection of clothes.
- Likes to design and make jewelry and bracelets by herself. She planned to create a school of home crafts at Trekhgornaya Manufactory in Moscow.

Personal life of Masha Shakhova

Masha Shakhova met a Russian journalist and TV presenter Yevgeny Kiselev and began dating at school. The couple signed in November 1974, and in 1983 the couple had a son, Alexei.

Alexey Kiselev- Creative Director at the Sky Film Company Rezo Gigineishvili, Special Projects Director at L "Officiel magazine (whose editor-in-chief is Ksenia Sobchak) and restaurateur. Together with Gigineishvili, he opened two restaurants in the center of Moscow - PATARA and DIDI.

From first marriage with Mayey Tarkhan-Mouravi Alexey has a son George(born 2001) who lives and studies in London since childhood.

Maya Tarkhan-Mouravi works in the media agency for the promotion of content for TV and the Internet "AMSh", which she opened together with Masha Shakhova.

For several years, Alexey Kiselev has been married to socialite Ida Lolo, but in 2015 they divorced.


With his future wife, Kiselev studied at school. It was his classmate Marina Shakhova (her classmates called her Masha). They began to twist love in high school, and Kiselev behaved selflessly. Once, saving Marina on an algebra test, he decided her version, but he did not have time to his. And he got a "couple". Considering that this was the first two of Kiselev for the entire time of his studies, this act can be safely equated to a feat.

Kiselev's dedication was rewarded a hundredfold several years later, when Marina agreed to marry him. It happened in 1975, when they had already finished school and studied at universities: Kiselev was in the second year of the history department of the Institute of Asian and African Countries at Moscow State University, and Marina was at the journalism department of Moscow State University.

Marina Shakhova-Kiseleva recalls: “Our parents treated our marriage with humility, they even helped us rent an apartment. At first, I constantly tried to go back to my parents - for a very long time I could not get used to living without dad and mom. But they always put their fugitive daughter out the door. I was offended, cried and, crying, returned to my husband ... "

Evgeny Kiselev recalls: “It is wonderful to remember all this now. I’m not even nineteen, I’m almost a child who was impatient to start an independent life. Someone else's apartment, someone else's furniture, and then my wife strives to run away to her parents ... However, my marriage was an absolutely deliberate, serious step. Our society has recently, as always belatedly, entered the era of the sexual revolution. Now patriarchal dogmas do not dominate over young people, so many allow themselves to go to the registry office, as is customary in civilized countries, having lived with each other for more than one year. In our time, most early marriages were nothing more than a legalized opportunity to have sex. So, our marriage is not one of them. I have always respected a creative, sovereign personality in my wife, never tried to turn her into a housewife, but, on the contrary, wanted her to remain a business woman ... "

For eight years, the young couple were completely passionate about their careers. And only at the end of 1982 did they think about offspring. On August 21 of the following year, Marina gave birth to a son, who was named Alexei.

Evgeny Kiselev says: “We were just at the dacha of friends, when my wife once again announced that she had something prickly, something pulled, and demanded an answer from me whether it was time for her to give birth. Well, I suggested, just in case, to go to a familiar obstetrician. At the same time, she did not concede the steering wheel to me. The funny thing is that on the way we were stopped by a traffic cop. And just imagine, a deeply pregnant lady crawls out of the driver's seat and says that she is late for the hospital. The policeman's eyes bulged out from surprise ... "

The famous Kiselev show "Itogi" debuted in January 1992. But few people know that the name for the program was invented by his wife Marina. They were returning by evening train from Tallinn to Moscow (the family of another famous television personality, Oleg Dobrodeev, was traveling with them in the same compartment) and before going to bed, indulging in brandy, discussed the future program aloud. It was then that Marina uttered the cherished word - "Results".

By the mid-90s, Kiselev had become a cult figure on Russian television. Naturally, he lived according to his status - with his wife, son and spaniel Shany in a five-room apartment in a house on Malaya Bronnaya. The newspapers wrote that there is no more friendly family in Telemir than the Kiselev family. And they themselves in each of their numerous interviews invariably emphasized this. Psychiatrist-sexopathologist Dilya Yenikeeva even drew a short sexual-psychological portrait of Evgeny in one of the newspapers, which I would like to cite. Here it is:

“Men like Kiselyov - he is an intellectual, solid, serious, thorough, never pierced, speaks carefully, does not flicker, does not spew fire from his mouth like Dorenko, does not use cheap tricks in the form of sharp labels and insults. Mature TV viewers are impressed by its solidity, reliability and constancy. His wife works side by side with him, and this suggests that: a) his character is non-conflicting (otherwise he would have quarreled to pieces long ago); b) not a fan of office romances; c) in family life, Evgeny Alekseevich is quite prosperous. According to young women, Kiselev is inferior to Dorenko in terms of sex appeal. Firstly, he acquired a certain monumentality both literally and figuratively - he was filled with consciousness of his own significance and was strongly distributed in breadth (apparently, that is why he is now shown on the screen only by a bust). And women love lean, fat is permissible only for a husband and a wallet. In the “wages” nomination, Kiselev is twice as sexy as Dorenko, since he receives $ 30,000 a month. Secondly, Evgeny Alekseevich sometimes suffers from tediousness. Women don't like it when a man speaks in a mentoring tone, even if it's smart things. "

And here is how Kiselev himself described his family life: “I can sometimes give vent to my feelings and find the most ridiculous reason for this. For example, my wallet has disappeared somewhere, and no one helps me to look for it - it means that they do not like me here, do not appreciate it, do not respect me. I can say "whatever I think" because there is no, for example, a fresh shirt or a button on the jacket that I was impatient to wear today (Kiselev's wife is passionate how she does not like to sew on buttons. - F.R.).

I am proud that my son respects me, that my opinion means a lot to him. Although, in principle, he is a completely independent guy. “I myself” - this phrase he learned, it seems, right after the words “mom” and “dad”. And he really did lace up his shoes for an hour, even if we were late for a visit, he did his homework, although he did not always succeed right away.

My fame gives my son more problems than happiness. Despite the fact that NTV has a fairly high rating, that our programs, as they say, are popular among the people, there are people who hate Itogi, myself, my life position. And this, of course, is reflected in the child. But he is not only an independent guy, but also with character, he knows how to stand up for us and for himself ...

Annoying, perhaps, is that which is connected with the work not directly, but indirectly. I mean my recognition. Sometimes you feel like a zoo inhabitant on the street. For some reason, many consider themselves entitled to come up and so in a simple way, to "you", to say: "I know you, you are Kiselev." Our public is not accustomed to respecting privacy - a person's right to privacy ... "

Meanwhile, for millions of Russians, the story that happened to Kiselev in the fall of 2001 sounded like a bolt from the blue. Then a number of newspapers published shocking photographs from the category of "porn", where a man much like Yevgeny Kiselev, had group sex with girls of easy virtue.

In December of the same year, "Express Gazeta" published an interview with Kiselev, where he no longer tried to look like a good boy and an excellent family man. Then the journalist said the following: “If I began to assert that for 25 years, apart from my wife, whom I love very much, I had no other women, then I would look, I think, ridiculous both in the eyes of people close to me and my own own. But I hope you will not ask me for a list of women with whom fate brought me together at different times? .. Masha and I have gone through different periods during our life together. Still, we managed to preserve our feelings, family and respect for each other. This, in my opinion, is real happiness ... "

At the same time, the wife of the TV presenter Marina Shakhova gave an interview, but to another publication - the magazine "7 Days". I will give just a few of her answers to questions concerning her relationship with Kiselev.

« Correspondent:- Have you ever considered getting a divorce?

Shakhova:- And more than once. In 1988, the case even went to trial.

Correspondent:- And you didn't live together?

Shakhova:- Four months.

Correspondent:- Do you arrange scenes of jealousy with smashing dishes?

Shakhova:- No. Arrange not arrange - what's the point?

Masha admits that Zhenya is a womanizer, that she is able to run after any girl she likes. Once he even ran after Masha, not recognizing her in a new dress.

Correspondent:- Does your husband have a difficult character?

Shakhova:- Disgusting character. He is a terrible bore and pedant: he does everything slowly, thoroughly.

Correspondent:- How to live to see the silver wedding?

Shakhova:"Never go to bed without making up."

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KISELEV Afrikan Ivanovich Afrikan Ivanovich Kiselev was born in 1909 in the village of Murashova, Shatrovsky District, Kurgan Region, into a peasant family. Russian by nationality. Member of the CPSU since 1937. After graduating from elementary school, he worked in the commune named after Karl Marx. V

Evgeniya Albats

Russian liberal journalist, political scientist, public figure and writer. She became famous in Perestroika as the author of "Moscow News". Editor-in-chief of The New Times magazine. Until May 2016 - the host of the author's program at the radio station "Echo of Moscow".

Father - Mark Efremovich Albats. Soviet intelligence officer, radio operator. In 1941 he passed training at the General Staff of the Red Army, acted as an illegal scout in Nikolaev, living in a safe apartment according to documents for Grigory Basilia. After the war, he worked "in a terribly secret research institute 10, developing radio systems for ballistic missiles launched from submarines." For some (for obvious reasons, unconfirmed) data, Albats rose to the rank of colonel of intelligence.

Grandfather - Mark Mikhailovich Albats. Candidate member of the CPSU. After training at the Institute. Bauman was sent to "learn from the experience of building electric railways" in the United States, then - to buy equipment in Italy. Before his arrest and execution in 1937, he managed to achieve a high position for those times as the head of the Sverdlovsk railway junction.

Anton Antonov-Ovseenko

Journalist, writer, researcher, author of the collection of poetry "Classics of Russian Erotica", the revelatory book "The Bolsheviks: How a Handful of People Crushed the Empire", as well as the monograph "German Money in the Bolshevik Press." He worked in the offices of the Komsomol, Union ministries of the USSR. Now the head of the public reception office of the Yabloko party in Moscow, speaks on talk shows on federal channels.

The grandson of the revolutionary Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko (pseudonyms in the party - Shtyk and Nikita).

V. Antonov-Ovseenko - Russian and Ukrainian revolutionary, Menshevik until 1914, in 1917 he joined the Bolshevik Party, after the October Revolution he became a party-state and military leader. It was he who declared the Provisional Government deposed. In 1937, Antonov-Ovseenko was recalled from Spain, after which he was arrested by the NKVD. February 8, 1938 sentenced to death for belonging to a Trotskyist terrorist and spy organization. Before his death, he uttered the words: "I ask the one who will live to see freedom to convey to people that Antonov-Ovseenko was a Bolshevik and remained a Bolshevik until the last day."

Konstantin Borovoy

Deputy of the Duma of the II convocation, ex-chairman of the Party of Economic Freedom, chairman of the political party "Western Choice". First President of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange (1990). He attracted the staff of the exchange to the confrontation between Yeltsin and the State Emergency Committee, organized barricades and street actions. A close associate of Valeria Novodvorskaya. In 1991 - President of the ruined investment pyramid "Rinako". Author of numerous scandalous statements about Russia and its leadership, incl. "Vilnius ultimatum to Putin".

The son of a writer, secretary of the Association of Proletarian Writers Natan Efimovich Borovoy, and the chief special officer of the Railway District Party Committee, an employee of the KGB of the USSR, Elena Konstantinovna Borovoy.

Sergey Buntman

First deputy editor-in-chief of the radio station "Echo of Moscow", author of the slogan "Listen to the radio - the rest is visibility." I came to Echo from the French edition of the Soviet Inovation. He claimed that Russia committed aggression in Georgia.

Buntman's grandfather - Petros Artemyevich Bekzadyan.

From February 1921 - Secretary of the Plenipotentiary Mission of the Armenian SSR under the Government of the RSFSR. Since March 1923 - the Leningrad authorized representative of Armenia. He worked as a senior consultant of the representative office of the Georgian SSR in Moscow. Arrested in 1937 and convicted by the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court for participation in a counter-revolutionary nationalist organization. Shot and rehabilitated.

Alexey Venediktov

Journalist, permanent editor-in-chief, co-owner (18% of shares) and presenter of the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

On the father's side: grandson of Nikolai Andrianovich Venediktov.

N. Venediktov - military prosecutor's office worker, member of the Military Tribunal. From the official presentation to the Order of the Red Star:

"Comrade Venediktov [...] directs his punitive policy to a merciless struggle against traitors, spies and traitors to the Motherland. Dozens of traitors were condemned by him and received well-deserved punishment. punitive policy contributes to the strengthening of iron military discipline. "

Maria Gaidar

Russian and Ukrainian politician. Former member of the federal political council of the Union of Right Forces. Replaced government positions as deputy chairman of the government of the Kirov region (2009-2011) and deputy governor Saakashvili in the Odessa region.

There is a popular version that this branch of the Gaidar clan is not the blood heirs of the legendary red commander and children's writer. It is known that Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (Golikov) was light on paternity issues, and adopted at least one child (girl Eugenia, in her third marriage). In turn, Gaidar's second wife, Timur's mother and Yegor Gaidar's grandmother, Rakhil Lazarevna Solomyanskaya, broke up with the writer around 1931 in order to marry the secretary of the Shepetovsky Ukom of the RCP (b) Israel Mikhailovich Razin (later repressed). Officially in the USSR, it was the descendants of Solomyanskaya who were considered "the heirs of the Gaidar name."

In any case, Maria Gaidar's grandfather is Timur Arkadyevich Gaidar, head of the military department of the Pravda newspaper, her own correspondent in a number of countries. During his service in the newspaper, he was repeatedly promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral.

Maria Gaidar's father, Yegor Timurovich Gaidar, managed to make a communist career before the collapse of the USSR - he held the post of editor and head of the department of economic policy in the journal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union "Communist". In addition, following the example of his father, he headed the department of the Pravda newspaper.

Vasily Gatov

In the 90s - producer of TV programs for the BBC, ABC News, ZDF television companies, press secretary of the Soros Foundation. Since 1996 - Deputy Director General of the REN-TV channel. The author of the statement is "the heads of Service" A "of the PGU KGB of the USSR are crying in their special hell, watching the stories of the TV channel" Russia-1 ". In his own words," in the early 90s he was investigating the life of his grandfather. " Mironyuk, after being fired, moved to the United States of America for permanent residence.

Gatov's grandfather - Ivan Samsonovich Sheredega, Soviet statesman and military leader, lieutenant general, 4th commander of the internal troops of the NKVD of the USSR. He held the post of head of the Higher Officers' School of the NKVD, then head of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate for the Sakhalin Region. He led the operation to resettle the Crimean Tatars, participated in the repressions in Ukraine and the arrest of Beria.

The second grandfather is Shapsel Girshevich Gatov, a Soviet military adviser in China. According to the grandson, “my mother’s father spent the whole war, as they say now,“ on a special assignment ”in China - first as an employee of the Comintern, then as a military and political adviser to the communist leaders. Japanese in China, the work of this commission formed the basis for the decisions of the Tokyo Tribunal. "

Maria (Masha) Hesse

Russian and American journalist, former director of the Russian service of Radio Liberty, author of books about Stalin, Putin and Pussy Riot, activist of the LGBT movement. Lives in the United States legally married to Svetlana Generalova (better known to the general public as the photographer Svenya Generalova).

Masha's paternal grandmother, Esther Yakovlevna Goldberg (married Hesse) - translator and memoirist, worked in the magazine "Soviet Literature". Her maternal grandmother, Rozaliya Moiseevna Solodovnik (born 1920), is a staff member of the MGB, worked as a telegram censor at the Central Telegraph in Moscow.

Dmitry Gudkov

Russian opposition politician, deputy State Duma sixth convocation on the list of "Fair Russia" (later expelled from the faction for anti-Russian position and participation in the preparation of sanctions lists). Member of the Coordination Council of the opposition, co-owner of family businesses - a security holding and collection agency.

Father - former deputy Gennady Gudkov. He was the deputy secretary of the Komsomol committee of the university. At the age of seventeen, he wrote a letter to Andropov to find out how to start serving in the KGB. Since 1982 he worked in the state security agencies of the USSR. Graduated from the school of counterintelligence, the Andropov KGB Institute. In 1993 he was dismissed without the right to wear a military uniform. Reserve colonel.

D. Gudkov's great-grandfather (Gennady Gudkov's grandfather) - Peter Yakovlevich Gudkov, one of Nikolai Bukharin's assistants. Great-grandmother along the same line in years Civil War worked at the headquarters of the commander Mikhail Frunze.

Tikhon Dzyadko

Russian TV and radio journalist, former deputy editor-in-chief of the Dozhd TV channel. In August 2015 he left the Dozhd TV channel to start working on the Ukrainian Inter TV channel in Washington. Has two brothers - Timofey and Philip, who headed the magazines Forbes and "Big City", respectively.

The Dzyadko brothers are the children of Zoya Feliksovna Svetova, a journalist (Radio France, Liberation newspaper, The New Times magazine) and a well-known human rights activist.

Dzyadko's great-grandfather - Grigory (Tsvi) Fridlyand, revolutionary, member of the Central Committee of the Jewish Social Democratic Party "Poalei Zion". In 1917 he actively worked in the Petrograd Soviet, then was a member of the Central Executive Committee of the Lithuanian-Belarusian Republic. After the revolution - Soviet Marxist historian, studied at the Institute of Red Professors, became the first dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University (shot in 1937).

Victor Erofeev

Contemporary Russian writer, literary critic, radio and TV presenter (Echo of Moscow, Radio Liberty). In January 2014, he took part in the scandalous broadcast of the Amateurs program on the Dozhd TV channel, where he said that Leningrad should have been surrendered to German troops.

The son of Soviet diplomat Vladimir Ivanovich Erofeev (personal translator of Joseph Stalin at French, Assistant to the 1st Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR V. Molotov, Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Deputy Head of the 1st European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR to Senegal and Gambia, from 1970 to 1975 - Deputy Director General of UNESCO).

Evgeny Kiselev

Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian TV presenter. The author of the proposal "to kidnap citizens of the Russian Federation" in exchange for Nadezhda Savchenko. In 1981-1984 he taught [Persian] at the Dzerzhinsky Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. From 1993 to 2001 he worked for NTV, while the channel remained under the control of the media tycoon Gusinsky.

Father - Alexei Aleksandrovich Kiselev (1911-1988) - Soviet scientist, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1946).

Father-in-law - Geliy Alekseevich Shakhov, was one of the leaders of the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting (editor-in-chief of the Investigation to the USA and Great Britain; among other things, he supervised Vladimir Pozner and interviewed Kerensky in 1966).

In the biography of Kiselev, the great-grandfather of the Dzyadko brothers appears, Grigory Fridlyand, a revolutionary and the first dean of the History Department of Moscow State University. It is his granddaughter who is Masha Shakhova, the wife of Yevgeny Kiselev.

Irena Lesnevskaya

Journalist and one of the leading Russian TV producers of the 90s. Founder of REN-TV, publisher of The New Times magazine. In 1991, she was an assistant director in the "Kinopanorama" program, but "left television under Swan Lake in order not to work under the State Emergency Committee." In March 2016, she addressed a letter to Vladimir Putin, with an appeal to amnesty Nadezhda Savchenko. In his own words, "considers Putin his ideological enemy."

Grandfather - Yan Lesnevsky. Political prisoner, Bolshevik, friend and associate of Dzerzhinsky, organizer of workers' strikes, member of the strike committee (1903). Shot during the years of repression.

Alexander Nevzorov

Reporter, TV presenter, producer, director, publicist. Author and presenter of the "600 seconds" perestroika program. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of four convocations. A zealous atheist and a regular participant in the "Echo of Moscow" programs.

Nevzorov's maternal grandfather, an employee of the MGB Georgy Vladimirovich Nevzorov, headed the department for combating banditry in the territory of the Lithuanian SSR in 1946-1955. Mother - Galina Georgievna Nevzorova, journalist of the newspaper "Smena", the organ of the Petrograd provincial committee of the Komsomol, then the Leningrad regional committee and the city committee of the Komsomol.

Andrey Piontkovsky

Russian opposition journalist. Former member of the Bureau of the Political Council of the Solidarity movement. Member of the Coordination Council of the opposition. The author of the book "Unloved Country", the article "The Kremlin Gopnik Beat the West Again" and appeals to NATO with a call to introduce into the military doctrine of the alliance "a limited nuclear strike to ensure the destruction of the highest Russian political and military leadership."

Son of Andrei Andreevich Piontkovsky - Soviet jurist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (specialist in the criminal law views of Kant, Hegel, Feuerbach). A. Piontkovsky - Vice-President of the International Association of Criminal Law, Honorary Doctor of Warsaw University, Judge of the Supreme Court of the USSR during the reign of I. Stalin (from 1946 to 1951). Buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Ilya Ponomarev

Entrepreneur, deputy of the State Duma of the 5th and 6th convocations, member of the Fair Russia faction, member of the Council of the Left Front. He is currently wanted in the case of fake lectures for Skolkovo. He is hiding abroad, where in various institutions he is seeking to strengthen international sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Consolidated nephew of the Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, hero of socialist labor. Academician Boris Nikolaevich Ponomarev. In 1934-37. Ponomarev was director of the Institute of Party History under the Moscow Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), then assistant to the head of the Executive Committee of the Comintern Georgy Dimitrov, from 1955 to Perestroika - the permanent head of the Department for Relations with Foreign Communist Parties - the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Also noteworthy is Ilya Ponomarev's grandfather - Nikolai Pavlovich Ponomarev, a Komsomol and party worker, honorary railway worker, diplomat, in the late 70s - the first secretary of the USSR embassy in Poland, an honorary citizen of this country, who mediated negotiations with the Solidarity trade union.

Vyacheslav (Slava) Rabinovich

Executive Director of the management company Diamond Age Capital Advisors, former employee of Bill Browder's Hermitage Capitel, liberal facebook blogger, expert of Ukrainian media on the collapse of the Russian economy, its domestic politics and the overthrow of Putin.

Grandfather - musicologist David Abramovich Rabinovich. In 1919 in Kharkov he was among the first Komsomol members. He served in the Cheka. He moved to Moscow and by 1930 graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, at the same time teaching political economy there. Was an editor, then head. book editorial office and deputy. manager of the state publishing house "Muzgiz". From 1933 - a consultant, later - the head of the music sector of the All-Union Radio. In 1937 - head. performing department of the newspaper "Muzyka", in 1938 - the music department of the newspaper "Soviet Art". In 1945-1947 he was an art consultant at the Sovinformburo.

Excerpts from the speeches of Comrade David Rabinovich in the 30s have been preserved:

"Comrade Blum in his letter accuses the Association of Proletarian Musicians of the fact that the Association allegedly preaches the growth of bourgeois music into socialism. This is nonsense. But what does Comrade Blum propose? He preaches the growth of socialist proletarian music from the depths of capitalism. in “shameless Menshevism.” And what is this, if not the most shameless Menshevism, if not the most open Macdonaldism? I ask whether Comrade Blum's thesis differs from MacDocaldism? fascism on the musical front ... "

In 1948, in the course of processes that logically followed from similar "ideological disputes" of the late 1930s, Rabinovich was arrested. Upon his return from the camp in 1955, he did not continue to hold official positions, but quickly restored his reputation as one of the leading music critics. In 1958 he received an apartment in the famous "Composer's House", and actively received students there - inviting them "to get acquainted with some disc received from abroad." At the end of his life, Rabinovich became one of the largest phylophonists in Moscow, heading the corresponding section at the Union of Composers; he promoted collecting and studying records.

Nikolay Svanidze

Russian historian, TV presenter, head of the journalism department of the Institute of Mass Media of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Former member of the Public Chamber Russian Federation.

Named in honor of his grandfather - the party leader Nikolai Samsonovich Svanidze, who was shot in 1937, the head of the Abkhaz City Party Committee, the brother of Joseph Stalin's first wife, Kato Svanidze.

Father - Karl Nikolaevich Svanidze, despite the repressed father, made a career, becoming the deputy director of Politizdat under the Central Committee of the CPSU. He was one of the compilers of the collection "Aims and Methods of Militant Zionism".

Mark Feigin

The lawyer of the spotter Nadezhda Savchenko and the "punk band Pussy Riot". A politician of the perestroika wave: in 1989 he joined the Democratic Union, since 1992 - co-chairman of the Samara regional organization Democratic Russia, in 1993 he headed the regional branch of the Russia's Choice bloc in support of Yeltsin's reforms.

Great-nephew of the organizer of the Komsomol Gerasim Grigorievich Feigin. In November 1917, Feigin joined the ranks of the RSDLP (b), from December 1917 he was a member of the Union of Working Youth. In June 1918, he was elected a member and then chairman of the Vladimir province committee of the Youth Union. He was an assistant to the military commissar, the military commissar of a rifle regiment on the southern and western fronts. He died during the brutal suppression of the uprising in Kronstadt in 1921. In Vladimir and Ivanovo there are Feigin streets and memorial plaques in his honor.

Poet Eduard Bagritsky dedicated the lines to Mark Feigin's grandfather: "Youth took us on a saber campaign, youth threw us on the ice of Kronstadt." A popular version is that the song "Eaglet" ("Eaglet, eaglet, fly above the sun"), written by the poets Shvedov and Bely, is also dedicated to the Bolshevik Gerasim Feigin.

Grigory Chkhartishvili (Boris Akunin)

Detective writer, Japanese scientist, translator, public figure. The choice of the pseudonym "Akunin" is based on the consonance of the Japanese word "akunin" (villain) with the name of the famous anarchist Mikhail Bakunin.

During the "swamp" events of early 2012, Grigory Chkhartishvili became one of the founders of the public and political organization "League of Voters" and a political activist.

Born into the family of an artillery officer Shalva Chkhartishvili and a teacher of Russian language and literature Berta Isaakovna Brazinskaya. This is what Grigory Shalvovich himself recalls about the life and crafts of his ancestors in a fresh scandalous interview with "Lenta", and in a number of old publications.

About grandmother:

"My grandmother was an old Bolshevik, and a real one. A participant in the Civil War, in her hand, she let me feel, there was a splinter from a White Cossack shell. And she was absolutely like that -" our locomotive is flying forward "and all that. grew up under these terrible stories about the hostages taken prisoner and shot, which I perceived as something normal.The civil war, apparently, should be waged.And its subsequent troubles were associated with the fact that its boss, patron, head of the Academy (there was such a general, but then he was not yet a general), he was her commander during the Civil War and then dragged her to the academy. not arrested. "

About grandfather:

"My grandfather was also from the Bolsheviks. He was a soldier of the First World War, the chairman of the regimental committee, then a Chekist. As my mother says, the kindest person in the family. I did not find him, my grandmother divorced him, in my opinion on the basis of Trotskyism, and in the 1920s ".

Viktor Shenderovich

Satirist writer, TV and radio host, liberal publicist, human rights activist. In a discussion of the infamous "Dozhd" poll about the surrender of Leningrad to the Germans, he said:

"They would ask my grandfather, who died near Leningrad. But he will not answer - he died in 1941. And on his behalf now, on behalf of the veterans, they say - these are. [...] And responsibility for the blockade is a smaller part, of course , but, of course, Stalin shares with Hitler, of course, - for the number of victims and so on, and for the fattening party bosses. "

Shenderovich's grandfather, Yevsey Samuilovich Dozortsev, was the head of the air defense department (air defense, part of the NKVD system) of the People's Commissariat of the Coal Industry.

Another grandfather, Semyon Markovich (Shlomo Mordukhovich) Shenderovich - twice repressed "old Bolshevik" who was in the Trotskyist opposition. Despite the repression, he lived safely until the 80s.

Vladimir Yakovlev

Founder, first editor-in-chief and owner of Kommersant Publishing House. In 2008 he founded Snob. According to media reports, after spending the funds allocated by Mikhail Prokhorov for the development of the ZhV! Media group, he hastily repatriated to Israel, from where he is currently conducting the Mulbabar crowdfunding project aimed "against the atmosphere of hatred."

Yakovlev's father - Yegor Vladimirovich Yakovlev (1930-2005), a well-known Soviet journalist and writer, deputy chairman of the board of the "Soviet Information Bureau" - the Novosti Press Agency, author of the book of essays "Portrait and Time: V. I. Lenin - strokes to the biography, stories in documents, reportage from the eighteenth year. " During the years of Perestroika, he was one of its ideologists, editor-in-chief of Moscow News.

The list of "post-Soviet anti-Sovietists", fighters against Victory, the Bolsheviks, Stalin, imperial ambitions, Crimea, Putin and most of their fellow citizens, is endless. It is easy to see that most of the ancestors of liberals and fighters against the "scoop and its consequences" in the years of the USSR either directly entered the nomenklatura, or otherwise served the "wild totalitarian country".

Evgeny Kiselev is a well-known journalist and TV presenter. Viewers know him as the host of the programs "Morning", "90 minutes", "Results". He was one of the founders of the NTV television company, the general director of the TV-6 Moscow channel and the TVS channel, the chief editor of the Moskovskie Novosti newspaper. Kiselyov also works on some Ukrainian channels.

Childhood and family of Evgeny Kiselev

The hometown of Evgeny Kiselev is Moscow. His parents are engineers. Eugene studied at a school with in-depth study of the English language. His favorite subjects were geography, economics, history, literature. He could not decide in any way what profession to choose, but he understood that he should choose a humanitarian university.

Father suggested that Eugene, when he was in the ninth grade, enroll in the "School of a young orientalist" operating at Moscow State University. Kiselyov started going there and realized that this was exactly what he needed. There you could study your favorite subjects - geography, history, and literature. In addition, several foreign languages ​​were offered for study. Eugene literally fell in love with his future profession. He was attracted by the romance of Eastern countries, the exoticism of future travels.

Kiselev entered the Institute of Asian and African Countries, where he studied to be an orientalist historian. He graduated from the university with honors, becoming a specialist in the Persian language. Many graduates of his institute later worked in various journalistic organizations. Evgeny was sent to Iran for internship. He stayed there from 1977 to 1978. This was followed by military service in Afghanistan, namely, in the group of military advisers. Kiselev was an officer-translator.

Evgeny Kiselev: teacher and journalist

After serving for some time, Evgeny taught Persian at the Institute of the Higher School of the KGB. His journalistic career began in the editorial office of broadcasting to the eastern countries - Afghanistan and Iran. He worked in programs such as "Time", "International Panorama", "Before and After Midnight", "Look". In those years, they wrote about him in the press, as about a journalist who showed Israel to viewers from a completely new side. Kiselev tried himself as the host of the programs "Morning", "90 minutes" and "Vesti" on Russian television.

At the beginning of 1992, Evgeny Alekseevich became one of the founders of the NTV television company, which for the first time began broadcasting on the Petersburg channel, offering viewers the Itogi program. In 2000, he took over as CEO of the channel. A year later, Kiselyov, together with some of the NTV employees, continued to work at TV-6 Moscow, where some time later he became the general director. However, this channel also ceased to exist. In January 2002, the journalist took over as editor-in-chief of the formed TVS channel.

In the summer of 2003, Evgeny Alekseevich was offered to become the editor-in-chief of the Moscow News newspaper. Two years later, he was already the general director of this publication, but he did not hold this position for long. The reason was that all the shares of the Moscow News company were sold, and Vadim Rabinovich became the new owner.

Evgeny Kiselev's work on Ukrainian television

In the summer of 2008, Yevgeny Kiselyov began working on the Ukrainian TV channel, taking the position of chief editor-consultant. On the channel, Evgeny Alekseevich conducted an author's program, which was called "Upstairs". A little later, he also began to host the program "Big Politics with Yevgeny Kiselyov" on another Ukrainian channel - on the "Inter" channel.

The journalist left the TV channel and the post of editor-in-chief in 2009, which came as a complete surprise to the leadership of this channel. His author's program also ceased to exist.

In 2013, Evgeny Alekseevich became the head of information broadcasting on the Inter channel. National Information Systems is a company headed by Kiselev in the same year 2013. This company produces a number of programs for Inter: "Details", "News", "Details of the week". The host of "Details of the Week" is Yevgeny Kiselyov himself.

Evgeny Kiselev's awards

Evgeny Kiselev was named one of the most famous and richest people in Russia in 1998 by the Kommersant publication. Evgeny Alekseevich published the book "Without Putin" in 2009. Its co-author is Mikhail Kasyanov.

Kiselyov is also known as a TV documentary filmmaker. He is the author of such documentaries as "The President of All Russia", "Tehran-99", "The Mysterious General Secretary", "Spartacus", "Modern History", "Pope" and others.

Personal life of Evgeny Kiselev

Evgeny Kiselev is married to his former classmate. His wife is Maria Shakhova. She is the producer of the "Fazenda" program, which was previously called "Summer Residents". For the program "Summer Residents" Shakhova received the prestigious Teffi-2002 award. The Kiselevs have an adult son, Alexei. He is married and has a son, George. Alexey is a businessman who, together with his wife, created his own clothing brand.

According to Evgeny Kiselyov, he rarely rests, while he just loves to walk, read or watch TV. Kiselev prefers memoir literature. His favorite sport is tennis... He considers himself a connoisseur of good cuisine.

Our today's hero is a very famous Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian television presenter and journalist. He is one of the people who created the NTV television company. His opinion often went and goes contrary to the well-established concepts, which Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev did not hesitate to talk about.

In 2008, the popular TV presenter leaves his country, believing that it is impossible to live and create freely here. He moves to Kiev, where he works in a large number a wide variety of projects. At this time, he openly speaks out against his native country.

After Poroshenko came to power, Kiselyov leaves Ukraine, believing that a situation unfavorable for free expression of will begins to develop in the country.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Kiselev

The popular TV presenter became famous in the early 90s of the last century. A large audience was interested in everything that concerned Evgeny Kiselev, but it was not possible to find information.

Today the situation has changed, so it's easy to find out about the popular TV presenter. Many people have an idea about its parametric data, including how tall, weight, and age a television star is. How old is Evgeny Kiselyov known for certain, which can be read on the official website of the radio "Echo of Moscow".

Last year, Evgeny Kiselev, a photo in his youth and now of interest, celebrated his 61st birthday. His height is 185 cm with a weight of 82 kg is considered one of the tallest among the stars of television. The popular presenter maintains his form by working out in the gym every day.

Biography and personal life of Evgeny Kiselev

The creative biography and personal life of Yevgeny Kiselev are considered very successful. This opinion is shared by both the TV presenter himself and many critics and fans of various television programs.

The boy was born in the capital of the Soviet Union in mid-June in 1956. His father, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kiselev, was a famous engineer engaged in the production of metal, for which he received the Stalin Prize. The mother, about whom there is no official information, was engaged in raising her only son and provided family comfort.

The parents sent their son to school, where he studied in depth English... He was interested in historical events and geography, literature, political and economic spheres. At the suggestion of his father, our today's hero began to attend the "School of the Young Orientalist", which worked at Moscow State University. After school, Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev entered Moscow State University, graduating with excellent marks.

During the training period, the young man traveled the territory of many Asian countries. We will receive a red diploma, the young man did military service in Afghanistan, where he translated conversations between Soviet advisers and Afghan leaders.
After military service, he taught Persian until the mid-80s of the last century at the Higher School of Collective State Security.

Since 1985, the next stage in the life of a young man begins - he becomes a journalist. Initially, he was responsible for editing texts, which were then broadcast to a Middle Eastern audience. Then the man began to work as a TV presenter in the "90 minutes" program. Since 1991 he began to host the news programs "Time" and "Vesti". Our today's hero became widely known after the release of the information and analytical TV show "Itogi", the first release of which viewers could see at the end of 1992.

In parallel, the journalist was filming docfilms. His works told about the most diverse political figures of both our country and other states. Of greatest interest were his paintings, telling about the "iron" lady of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher, dictators, among whom Stalin and Pinochet stand out, as well as about the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

At the beginning of the new millennium, Kiselyov, along with several protesting employees against the change of leadership on the NTV channel, goes to work at TNT and TV-6. At the same time, he became the chief editor of the popular newspaper publishing house "Moscow News".

In 2005 he began to work at the radio station "Echo of Moscow". But in 2008 he gives up everything and decides to move to Ukraine, where he began to work on one of the TV channels. During this period, statements are received from Evgeny Kiselev that he is ashamed of being a citizen of the Russian Federation. The reason for this, he says, is the country's activities against other states. In particular, in this regard, it goes to the President - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, whom the journalist accuses of wanting to subjugate other countries to his power.

In 2016 he returns to Moscow again. Now he is engaged in various journalistic projects, which he shares with readers on the pages of the Internet edition "Gazeta.Ru" and listeners of the radio "Echo of Moscow".
Recently, Yevgeny Kiselyov wrote a book about Vladimir Putin, in which he admits that the strength and power of the country became possible precisely thanks to his activities.

Family and children of Evgeny Kiselev

The family and children of Yevgeny Kiselev were not known for a long time. The popular TV presenter preferred not to talk about his family. He hid who his wife is, whether there are children in the marriage.

In recent years, Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev does not hide that he is happy. He is loved and loves. His chosen one completely shares the opinion of her husband, supporting him in everything. At all celebrations, the spouses are invariably present together, holding hands, as in their youth.

The couple have a son who is involved in fashion. He got married and gave his parents a grandson, whom they love very much.
Evgeny Kiselev says that over time he fell in love with family celebrations, which allow you to communicate with loved ones and enjoy the warmth and peace.

Son of Evgeny Kiselev - Alexey

The popular television presenter and journalist has an only son, who was named after his grandfather, Alexei. The boy was studying languages. He knows English, French, Italian, Spanish and German, in addition to Russian and Ukrainian. In high school, the young man became interested in designing clothes.

After the institute, the son of Yevgeny Kiselev, Alexei, got married. Together with his wife, he developed his own clothing brand, which is popular both in the Russian Federation and outside its territory.

The couple love to travel, posting photos taken from all over the world on their Instagram and Twitter pages.

Recently, a boy appeared in the family, who was named Kostik. He loves to visit his grandparents.

Evgeny Kiselyov's wife - Marina Shakhova

Evgeny Kiselev and his future wife began dating when they were in high school. Officially, they became spouses at the age of 19 against the will of their parents, who believed that their children needed to get an education, get a job in life, and only then deal with the organization of their personal life.

For some time, quarrels arose between young people after the wedding. Several times the wife of Yevgeny Kiselyov, Marina Shakhova, left the family, slamming the door and with the intention of never returning. But after a while they moved together again, not imagining life without each other.

10 years after the wedding, a son, Alyosha, was born in the family, who made a strong and friendly family truly happy.

The wife of Yevgeny Kiselyov also works as a journalist. She has developed several programs that have become popular in Russia. Among the most famous are the programs "Housing Question", "Dachny Answer", "Summer Residents". For the latter, Marina Shakhova was awarded the prestigious TEFFI prize at the beginning of the new millennium.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Kiseleva

For a long time, due to the fact that the popular television presenter was incredibly in demand and could not lead pages in social networks... Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Kiselev were led by his wife Marina Shakhova, who covered in detail all the issues of her husband's life and work.

In recent years, Evgeny Kiselyov began to maintain the pages himself. But that doesn't mean he doesn't trust his wife. Simply, as the journalist says, this is another opportunity to share your understanding of the current situation in the world with people who are interested in it.


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