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Preservation of heat and indoor microclimate is one of the priorities in the construction and renovation of residential premises. A set of insulation measures, in particular insulation, helps to achieve this. For effective work, you need to choose the right insulation. To decide which insulation is better, we need to decide on the criteria by which we will navigate the market.

Selection criteria

Firstly, this is the price. Some people need a budget option, while others can afford luxury insulation. Secondly, the features of the insulated room. The amount of material is influenced by the base of the walls, the number of windows, the degree of ventilation, etc.

Thirdly, most insulation materials perform additional functions. Along with retaining heat, they also prevent penetration extraneous sounds or have a vapor barrier layer, which allows you to save on materials without losing quality.

Today the most popular on the market thermal insulation materials are mineral (or basalt) wool, liquid insulation, extruded polystyrene, polystyrene foam and foil-based material. Today we will look at their qualities.

Mineral wool

Thermal conductivity and vapor permeability indicators make stone wool one of the most effective thermal insulation materials. At the same time, it is subject to strong influence of water. Long service is guaranteed only by reliable hydro- and vapor barrier.

Stone wool is a non-flammable thermal insulation made from basalt fibers, which are held together by binders during baking in a special oven. The material can withstand temperatures above 1000°C, which allows it to be used in hazardous facilities.

Mineral wool is produced in different forms and textures that are convenient to use in construction. Slabs are suitable for cladding walls and roofs, mats are placed on the floor, and cylinders are used for technical insulation. The textures imitate natural finishing materials: sand, stone, shells, etc.


The average service life is 30 years, but some manufacturers have managed to improve its components, extending the life of the cotton wool by one, or even a decade and a half. Main advantages:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • increased sound insulation characteristics;
  • withstands temperature range from -260 to +900°C;
  • chemical neutrality towards alkali, acids;
  • comfortable price for the consumer.


The main disadvantages of a heat insulator are the fear of moisture and increased cost. Under the influence of water, the material shrinks and loses functionality.

Take care of high-quality waterproofing to protect it from liquids!

The design features of buildings sometimes require the use of heavy mineral wool. However, in such cases it is better to use extruded polystyrene.

The material consumption will be approximately the same, but extrusion is cheaper, resulting in savings on the construction budget.

Polystyrene foam has earned the title of “people's insulation.” Affordable price, high performance characteristics and resistance to loads have made its use almost universal in housing and public construction.

High heat transfer is achieved due to the structure of the material: gas is contained between the layers of polystyrene foam. Thanks to this, the density of the feedstock increases significantly.


Polystyrene foam is used to insulate the interior walls of attics and other rooms sensitive to temperature changes. However, some owners want to insulate them interior walls houses that face outside. However, it should not be considered inappropriate to purchase more expensive insulation for one or two walls - this is fraught with serious consequences. As a result of such insulation, the wall is deprived of natural heating from the central heating.

The dew point moves into the interlayer space. Over time, moisture will not only change the properties of the wall, but also lead to its destruction. The house will gradually become uninhabitable. In some cases, for example, when insulating foundations, the use of foam plastic without additional protection is not allowed - brickwork or wooden formwork. This is due to seasonal changes in loads created by the soil.


The main advantages of polystyrene foam:

  • does not absorb moisture;
  • resistance to the formation of fungus and mold;
  • light weight;
  • maintaining its properties regardless of the weather: in hot weather it creates coolness, and in winter it gives additional warmth.

This insulation cannot be chosen if the room to be insulated will have large mechanical loads or will be finished with nitro paints. In addition, it practically does not allow air to pass through.

Its counterpart differs from the polystyrene foam described above in its manufacturing method. The foaming consistency here is much higher. In addition, the material is subjected to additional processing through a die. Thanks to this, the result is a waterproof, durable insulation that can withstand higher loads than its direct competitors.

The operating temperature range from –500°С to +750°С allows its use in industrial, high-tech and scientific buildings. It is also used in road construction, thermal insulation of wells and roofs. Extruded polystyrene foam is indispensable in low-heating and hyper-humid rooms. When restoring such objects, an optimal combination of heat and waterproofing is required, which extrupenol can do.

However, it is banned in the European Union and the USA. The reason for this step was the main disadvantage of this material - high flammability. This factor has led to the death of newly renovated buildings in several EU countries. To protect their product, manufacturers began to add substances that prevent fire to the composition. This turned into even greater criticism - the smoldering began to release life-threatening toxins. Therefore, it is hardly appropriate to consider him the best.

Liquid insulation

It appeared not so long ago, but has already conquered the market with its practicality, along with those familiar to us liquid nails and cold welding. Unlike other insulation materials, liquid heat insulation does not take up valuable room space.

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation is a paste-like substance, usually white, which consists of sclospheres. It is prepared depending on the temperature on a water-acrylic basis. The thermal insulation effect is achieved due to the porous structure of the product. The discharged internal space provides a decent heat transfer coefficient. And the staggered arrangement of the spheres blocks heat from escaping outward, reflecting it inward.


Apply the mixture to the walls, previously cleaned of dirt, in 5-6 layers. The insulation should be of moderate consistency - not thick, but not liquid. For the procedure, a paint brush with thin soft bristles is used. Each layer should dry for up to 12 hours.

After completion of the work, the material will take on an elastic appearance. The service life of the gastrointestinal tract is at least 25 years. It serves as the basis for further wall finishing with any material.


The main advantage of the material is its adhesion to the wall. It is so strong that no draft or moisture will damage it. Ceramics will also prevent the formation of corrosion and rust. And the environmental friendliness of the components increases combustion resistance and allows the use of liquid ceramics in poorly ventilated areas.

Equally important is the flexibility of liquid ceramics to the addition of dyes. The finished coating is bright and eye-catching. Therefore, in some cases, insulation can become a finishing touch.

Experts advise using spray guns with an outlet opening of at least 2 mm for quick application of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, there is a risk of reduced productivity and even knocking down the coating from the walls by the generated air flow.

The peculiarity of this insulation is that it not only insulates heat, but also reflects it back. One of the sides of the insulator is highly polished foil. The reverse side is foamed polyethylene. Thanks to the properties of the components, the reflection quality reaches 60%.

A bonus will be their excellent water-repellent properties. In addition, the cellular structure ensures air circulation and at the same time prevents the walls from freezing during the cold period. Additionally, the insulation dampens sounds.


Most often, foil is glued behind batteries. Proper installation of insulation helps extend its service life. It should be level and not snag on nails or other obstacles on the wall.

Also one of important conditions– a mandatory air gap between the wall and the foil covering. This will ensure internal ventilation and condensate removal.

Additional varieties

In addition to the above-mentioned insulation with a polyethylene backing, there are the following types of heat insulator:

  • environmentally friendly combination with mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene for underfloor heating systems;
  • basalt foil heat insulator.


We looked at the advantages and disadvantages of the five most common types of insulation. It is impossible to choose the best among them; each of them is good in its own way. That's why last word we will leave it up to the readers.

Or clapboard, laying a layer of mineral or glass wool. Of course, this will have a certain positive effect.

But in order to experience it fully, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of insulation work, starting from the foundation and floor and ending with the roof.

It is best to take all these measures into account during construction; however, it is not too late to take them up during the operation of the building.

You should start first of all with the external insulation of the walls. Experience shows that this measure gives the most significant result, because heat loss through the walls makes up the largest portion of all heat loss in a building.

In addition to a noticeable reduction in heating costs in winter and air conditioning in summer, external insulation can significantly increase the durability of the walls of the house itself by transferring the temperature zero point outward from them, into the insulation layer, which prevents them from freezing.

What properties should a good construction insulation for the walls of a house have?

For external wall insulation, three main methods of thermal protection of buildings are used:

  1. Interwall, or well - used in the construction of frame-panel and brick houses. Thermal insulation material is laid or filled into the space between the walls.
  2. Wet facade - this name is most likely due to the fact that sheets of insulation, tightly fixed or glued to the walls of the house, are covered with reinforcing mesh and then plastered or covered with decorative facade slabs. Mainly used for stone walls, less often for wooden ones.
  3. A ventilated façade is one of the most common methods, suitable for all types of wall structures. Thermal insulating material is laid under the decorative cladding of wall cladding materials: block house, siding, facade panels.

For each of these methods, various insulation materials are used, many of which are available on the construction market today.

The use of one or another of them is determined by the building material of the walls.

However, all of them must have properties common to any thermal insulation materials:

  1. Thermal conductivity coefficient, λ, is the main parameter for thermal insulators, showing the amount of thermal energy passing through 1 m³ of dry material at a temperature difference of 10 °C. Measured in W/(m×K).
  2. The heat capacity coefficient characterizes the heat-accumulating properties of the material. KJ/(kg×K).
  3. The porosity value is the percentage of air contained in the material to the total volume of the material.
  4. The total density of the material ρ, measured in kg/m³, shows the weight characteristics of the material, on which the load on the building structure depends.
  5. The vapor permeability indicator determines the mass of water vapor passed through 1 m³ of material at equal surface temperatures and a pressure difference of 1 Pa.
  6. Water absorption capacity shows the relative mass of water absorbed by a material when it is completely immersed.
  7. The property of flammability, characterized in increasing order by values ​​from G1 to G4. Completely non-flammable - NG.
  8. Flammability and smoke production are also important indicators.
  9. Strength limits determined by the coefficients of resistance to bending, compression and tension.
  10. Acidity pH, indicating the chemical activity of the material in relation to the metal structures of the building.

In addition to these basic characteristics of the material, considerable importance for its use in construction is determined by such parameters as:

  • Environmental safety.
  • Sound and .
  • Resistance to external influences: heat, frost, ultraviolet solar radiation.
  • Resistance to biological damage: fungus, rot, insects, rodents.
  • Durability.
  • Price.

Organically types of insulation

It is made from wood waste and recycled paper. It has very low thermal conductivity, good vapor permeability, and sound insulation. Environmentally friendly.

It is applied to surfaces by dry or wet spraying or by simply pouring material into ceilings or between walls.

To eliminate the high flammability of the material, pyrine retardants are added to it during production, as well.


Jute tape or rope, designed to replace traditional tow, is used mainly as inter-crown insulation in the construction of wooden log houses from round timber or construction timber.

At the same time, they speed up the construction process and eliminate the need to re-fill cracks with insulation after shrinkage of the log house after several years. They eliminate heat loss in inter-crown cracks very well.


A traditional, centuries-tested, cushioning and caulking material in wooden architecture, which is also used for inter-crown insulation in construction from logs and timber.

Cork insulation

One of the best insulation for walls from inside the house. It is made in the form of mats or rolled material from cork oak bark.

It is used as a basis for wallpapering, and also as an independent finishing material due to its high decorative qualities.

It is also used for insulating floors as a base for laminate and other finishing coatings. The main disadvantage is the high price of the material.

Arbolite insulation

Arbolite, or wood chip concrete, has been known since the 60s of the 20th century. Available in the form of panels or blocks, which can be used as an independent building material, and additional heat insulator. They are especially often used in the construction of frame-panel houses and other buildings.

Inorganic insulation materials

Foamed foam. One of the best insulation materials used outside the house. Effectively applied for external thermal protection of facades, foundations, basements, as well as for internal laying in brickwork and production of permanent formwork.

The main disadvantages are high flammability and the release of toxic gases during combustion, therefore it is highly not recommended for internal thermal insulation of residential premises.

Extruded polystyrene foam

A special type of construction foam polystyrene, polymerized at high pressure, as a result of which the strength of the material significantly increases, but at the same time vapor permeability also deteriorates, therefore, without organizing internal ventilation between the wall and the insulation, it is not suitable for wooden houses.


Liquid urea-formaldehyde foaming polymer. It is used by pouring into the space between walls or applied by spraying.

An excellent heat insulator, but it also has disadvantages: one of the main ones is very low mechanical strength, the other releases toxic phenols when heated above 80 °C.

In recent developments, for example, Ecoisol, the last drawback has been largely eliminated.

Polyurethane foam

Contrary to popular belief, it is not a new heat-insulating material. It was used back in the 40s of the 20th century. in the German aviation industry, and already in the 50s - in construction.

And as long-term operating experience shows, it is very durable - it continues to perfectly perform its functions in structures built more than 50 years ago. One of the best organic heat insulators. Disadvantages: It is fragile and decomposes when exposed to direct sunlight.

Due to its high adhesiveness, it is very widely used by spraying, which allows you to create a seamless monolithic layer, completely devoid of “cold bridges” in thermal protection. There are two types: hard with closed cells and light open-cell. Can be used for any type of wall, both indoors and outdoors.


It is also considered the best insulation for the walls of a house. Combined type insulation, which is foamed polyethylene, one surface of which is covered with reflective foil, which prevents the penetration of thermal radiation. In addition to good thermal protection, it has excellent sound and vapor barrier properties.


It is a slab made from specially treated wood fiber bonded with cement. Can be used both for insulation and as a structural material. Disadvantage: low water resistance.

Liquid ceramic insulation

A completely new word in the production of thermal insulation materials. This product is produced in the form of a white liquid emulsion diluted with water, which is applied in two layers to the protected surface, like a regular paint and varnish material: with a brush, roller or spray.

Creates an ultra-thin waterproof, heat-protective and heat-reflective layer. Does not support combustion, even prevents the spread of fire.

Can be applied to any type of surface, including metal and glass. The effectiveness of a layer of 1 mm corresponds to brickwork of one and a half bricks.

It is considered one of the best insulation materials for the external walls of a house. Produced from slag from the blast furnace metallurgical process.

One of the most popular thermal insulation materials in construction, which is used both for internal and external wall insulation.

It has many advantages over other heat insulators, among which one of the main ones is non-flammability.

The only disadvantage we can note is the high ability to absorb water, which significantly worsens the heat-shielding properties, so for outdoor use it is necessary to ensure good waterproofing.

Basalt insulation

Stone wool is the best for the walls of the house. It is one of the most environmentally friendly materials used for wall decoration. Unlike slag wool, it is less brittle and has higher thermal insulation properties.

Glass wool

It is also a very popular thermal insulator, often used in plasterboard wall decoration. Just like mineral wool, it does not burn and does not emit harmful gases and smoke when heated. Non-hygroscopic. When working, it requires protection of exposed areas of the body and respiratory organs from the smallest flying particles of fiberglass.

Warm plaster

Cement-adhesive mortar with a porous filler-thermal insulator, both organic (expanded polystyrene) and inorganic (perlite, vermiculite). It is applied to wall surfaces using puttying, manual and machine plastering.

It easily takes and holds any shape, which allows you to create various decorative effects and surface textures. Unlike ordinary plaster due to its good adhesive properties it can be applied to any type of surface.

Foam glass

It is produced from recycled glass by sintering a foamed glass mass in a high-temperature furnace, resulting in a porous material with unique properties: absolute moisture resistance, chemical and biological resistance, non-flammability, high environmental friendliness and durability.

Foam glass blocks, having one of the highest strength indicators among other materials, are nevertheless quite easy to cut, process, glue and plaster.

Prices for insulation materials

Insulation ρ,
Γ Popular
price, r/m³
50~150 0,045~0,060 NG rockwool,
Glass wool 75~175 0,035~0,040 NG Ursa,
Cork insulation 220~240 0,050~0,060 G2 1350~2500
20~40 0,037~0,043 G2 Knauf 2469
Extruded polystyrene foam 25~45 0,025~0,030 G3 Penoplex,
Sprayed polyurethane rigid foam 40~160 0,020~0,035 G3 5500
(material + work)
28~65 0,035~0,045 G2 "Unisol"
(material + work)
Penoizol 0,039~0,040 G3 Mipor,
Foam glass 100~600 0,045~0,140 NG Saitax 16000
Warm plaster 400~500 0,045~0,065 NG Will win 275

How to choose insulation depending on the wall material

When choosing insulation for walls, you should first of all focus on what material the walls of your house are made of.

Insulation for wooden walls

material from moisture. A related material, cellulose insulation, is also well suited for wood.

Sprayed polyurethane foam is also widely used. For houses made of timber or logs, inter-crown heat insulators - tow and jute - are traditionally used.

For frame-panel houses, you can use arbolite or fiberboard slabs as wall structures with cellulose insulation filled between them or foam insulation poured in between them.

Insulation for brick walls

Creating a layer of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam inside the brickwork is a long-established and well-proven method of thermal protection. These materials, along with sprayed polyurethane foam, can also be used for external insulation with their subsequent plastering - the “wet” facade method.

The modern market of thermal insulation building materials offers a wide variety of insulation means and methods for all types of buildings.

Thanks to this, it is quite simple to choose the most suitable material in terms of technical characteristics and cost. And not only for newly constructed buildings, but also for those that have been in operation for a long time. Energy saving in modern world- this is not only a method of saving money and reducing the costs of maintaining buildings, but also the most effective way protecting the environment and ensuring a decent existence for future generations.

Insulation for a home must be reliable and of high quality, so that you do not have to rebuild it quickly, spending double money.
Thermal insulation should not cause damage to health or cause an emergency with the structure.
What to use as a warm shell for house structures?

Often, ordinary insulation materials are given new names to increase sales. The same mineral wool, polyethylene foam, extruded polystyrene, polystyrene foam and more are offered under various brands.

Let's consider common materials that are used to insulate private houses.

Characteristics of foam plastic

Polystyrene foam is the cheapest and most popular insulation material. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.037 W/m?C, which characterizes it as a very effective heat insulator. Low vapor permeability for steam – 0.05 mg/(m*hour*Pa). The material is lightweight, mainly used with a density of 15 - 35 kg/m3.

Toxic when heated above 60 degrees, burns when exposed to flame and is extremely dangerous due to toxicity in a fire.
Rodents destroy the material and settle in it.

Where to use polystyrene foam

The main application is external insulation of walls made of heavy materials that have high resistance to steam movement.
Not allowed for use inside residential premises without fire-resistant fencing. Must be protected by a fire-resistant lintel that resists flame for at least 30 minutes.

Not used for external insulation of walls made of vapor-transparent materials - wood, aerated concrete.

It may become slightly moisturized and is destroyed by water, and this is enough not to use it in damp places.

But in practice, due to its low cost, polystyrene foam can be found almost everywhere - between the roof rafters and in the basement...

The durability of this material is short, sometimes without any statements from the manufacturer in this regard. The workmanship is often poor. The density is not maintained.
It is recommended to use polystyrene foam only famous manufacturers, usually with a density of at least 25 kg/m3.

Extruded polystyrene foam - under screed, for soil and wet places

The thermal insulation qualities of this not cheap insulation are higher than those of polystyrene foam - 0.029 - 0.032 W/m?C. It practically does not allow steam to pass through itself and does not absorb water. Lightweight 0.35-0.5 kg/m3.
Material of increased strength, especially in compression. But it is toxic when heated and burned, just like polystyrene foam.

The main area of ​​application is the creation of a layer of thermal insulation under concrete floor screeds.
Insulation of flat concrete roofs.

Thermal insulation and waterproofing of foundations and pipelines in direct contact with the ground.

It is used for thermal insulation from the inside of buildings, if it is impossible to create external insulation.

The mandatory conditions for creating fireproof protection are the same as for foam plastic.

It is rarely used for insulating walls and ceilings, due to the increased cost, as well as the complete vapor barrier of the structure. When in contact with wood, it can cause it to rot. Another important aspect, like polystyrene foam, is the possibility of destruction by rodents...

Polyurethane foam is sprayed onto any structures and holds them together

Sprayed insulation with the best thermal insulation qualities - 0.024 - 0.03 W/m?C, depending on the density. Acts as a vapor barrier. Water accumulation is low. It is used instead of extruded polystyrene foam under screeds, for insulation of foundations, flat concrete roofs under a layer of waterproofing.
More profitable than extruded polystyrene foam for large volumes of work.

Can be used for external insulation of walls made of heavy materials under curtain panels. And also for intra-wall insulation, for filling voids during well masonry.

For thermal insulation of various curved structures, including machines and mechanisms, filling any other voids.

It fastens and seals the structure in frame construction, therefore, according to the project, other materials can be saved. What makes the use of this insulation beneficial?

Restrictions on use are the same for fire safety as for foam plastic. May cause disruption of air exchange in wooden structures or water accumulation in vapor-permeable materials if used incorrectly.

Mineral wool - vapor-permeable insulation for all structures

Mineral wool in slabs or rolls of varying hardness with a thermal insulation coefficient of 0.04 - 0.05 W/m?C.

Doesn't interfere with steam movement too much.
Easily saturated with water. Non-flammable, flame resistant.

Mineral wool poses a greater environmental hazard than other popular insulation materials. It releases formaldehyde (used in fiber glue) and dangerous microfibers.

It is used only according to a certain scheme - complete vapor barrier from the living space and ventilation of the insulating layer from the outside with a stream of air.

The air permeability of mineral wool strongly depends on the density of the material; slabs with a density of over 80 kg/m3 can be used without a windproof superdiffusion membrane.

It is unacceptable to use mineral wool for insulation from the inside, in contact with water, in places with high humidity...

Expanded clay is an inexpensive bulk material for thermal insulation

The thermal conductivity coefficient of expanded clay is at the level of 0.15 - 0.2 W/m?C. The material is water-saturated, vapor-transparent, absolutely fire-resistant, and environmentally friendly. With high specific gravity.

It is used for backfilling in a thick layer in the underground, on attic floors, if they are of suitable strength. It is used in conjunction with a vapor barrier from the ground and living space, with wind protection, which prevents the occurrence of convection air flows inside the insulation layer, since the air transparency of the layer is high.

Cellulose wool - environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable thermal insulation

Its characteristics are similar to glass wool, but it is not a significant environmentally hazardous composition. Organic large fibers are not carcinogenic like mineral wool dust.

But cellulose wool is flammable and has low biostability. Apply by blowing with a wind turbine or fluff with a mixer from dense bales.

Main application: insulation wooden floors and attic floors, subject to vapor barrier from the living space, and ventilation from cold air. Unlike mineral wool, it requires protection from rodents.

Other materials with a thermal conductivity coefficient of less than 0.2 W/m?C can be used to insulate a house. For example, felt is often used as an environmentally friendly, vapor-transparent material that is well suited for external insulation wooden structures baths

In addition, sawdust, straw, wood, vermiculite, air gaps are used...

How are insulation materials used?

When insulating a house, you need to remember that heat conservation largely depends on ventilation and other factors, for example, configuration. First of all, you need to ensure normal ventilation, and also choose an energy-saving house design...

When choosing insulation for each structure, it is important to follow the rules of insulation - there is a vapor-transparent layer on the outside, as well as to ensure ventilation and steam and water protection of the insulation in accordance with the conditions of their use.

A properly insulated house will not only make living in it comfortable and cozy, but will also save money on heating the house. It is necessary to insulate floors, external walls, interfloor ceilings and the roof. More than a third of all heat loss occurs through the roof, because warm air, according to the laws of physics, rises and tends to leak through the ceiling and roof to the outside. Therefore, special attention should be paid to roof insulation.

There are several types of roof insulation. They differ in composition, density, shape, thermal conductivity and environmental friendliness. Let's consider these types.

1. Foam-based insulation - polystyrene foam, penoizol, polyurethane foam. It is produced from various polymers by expansion and molding. The heat-shielding properties of polystyrene foams are due to the air bubbles they contain. Air is a poor conductor of heat, so the materials containing it inside also have low thermal conductivity.

Advantages of foam insulation:

  • High degree of thermal protection, the thickness of polystyrene foam is 12 cm in terms of thermal conductivity. brick wall meter thick or 45 cm wooden.
  • Water resistance. Expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture, but steam can penetrate between the particles of the material, both penetrating inside and leaving it.
  • Polystyrene foam is not susceptible to fungi, mold, or rot. Bacteria do not multiply on it.
  • Expanded polystyrene does not support combustion and self-extinguishes in the absence of a flame.
  • Polystyrene foam has high noise-insulating properties due to the presence of air bubbles in its structure.
  • Its low weight allows it to be used where high loads on structures are not allowed.
  • This material is not damaged by rodents, which plays an important role in insulating country houses.

Disadvantages of polystyrene foam:

  • its biggest disadvantage is that over time it can release harmful substances, especially when high temperature. At temperatures above 80°C its use is unacceptable. Therefore, it cannot be used for thermal insulation of roofs that heat up in the sun.
  • the second negative feature of this material is the possibility of its deformation during use. This chemical compound can change its properties even after manufacturing, especially if the production technology is not followed. Therefore, polystyrene foam slabs can gradually dry out and gaps form between them. Manufacturers claim that this will not happen if the polystyrene foam is protected from external factors, for example, by clapboard, wood boards, or other material.

2. Insulation made of mineral wool and glass wool. They can be in the form of mats or slabs. This material is produced by melting minerals, slag or glass.

Advantages of this type of insulation:

  • Good thermal insulation. Thermal conductivity, depending on the type, is from 0.03 to 0.05 W/(m K).
  • High degree of sound insulation. Some types of these materials have the highest sound insulation rates and are recommended by the manufacturer specifically for protecting rooms from noise.
  • The material is not subject to rotting, mold and bacteria do not settle on it.
  • This non-flammable material, withstands temperatures up to 700°C.

Disadvantages of mineral insulation and glass wool materials:

  • Although the material itself from which these insulation materials are made is harmless to humans, the binders that glue mineral fibers together are no longer so harmless. In addition, the very structure of these materials allows particles of mineral dust or fiberglass to enter the air, which, if inhaled, can harm human health. And you need to wear gloves and a respirator when working with such material.
  • These insulation materials can absorb moisture, thereby partially losing their thermal insulation properties. Some types are supplied special additives, which give the material water resistance. To insulate the roof, it is advisable to use these types of insulation.

3. Materials made from natural fibers. These are ecowool (cellulose wool), fibreboards, mats made of coconut, cotton, hemp or flax fiber. Most of These materials are produced from recycled materials (waste paper, sawdust, etc.), which improves the environment.

Positive qualities of these materials:

  • In terms of heat-protective and noise-protective properties, these materials are not inferior to the first two groups. Due to their fibrous structure, they retain room temperature well and do not allow noise to pass through.
  • These are breathable materials; they do not need to be protected with special membranes from steam penetration. Steam penetrating into them from the room is easily removed outside, while the heat-shielding properties of the material do not change.
  • This environmentally friendly materials, not harmful to health and creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Ecowool is applied to insulated structures using special equipment through pipes and fills all cavities, leaving no cracks or gaps through which heat could escape. This makes a house protected in this way even warmer.


  • These materials are flammable, but many of them contain fire retardants that prevent combustion.
  • To insulate ecowool, you need appropriate equipment. Now there are enough companies ready to insulate your home using this method or to rent out the necessary equipment and material.

4. Vermiculite, ceramic foam, foam glass, perlite and other natural expanded materials. They are obtained as a result of swelling of natural minerals such as volcanic glass, perlite, clay and others.

The advantages of this group of materials:

  • Fire safety. These materials do not burn, do not spontaneously ignite, and can withstand high temperatures.
  • Safety for humans and animals. Such insulation does not emit harmful substances at any temperature.
  • Light weight allows it to be used for insulation of any surfaces.
  • Good heat and noise protection, the ability to tightly fill insulated structures without gaps or cracks.
  • Fungus does not appear on these materials and bacteria do not multiply. They do not rot or mold, and rodents do not grow in them.
  • long, almost unlimited service life. These materials will last as long as the house lasts.

Disadvantages of natural expanded insulation:

  • Perhaps the disadvantage is the form of release of these materials; not everyone is comfortable using loose insulation.

Based on this information, you can decide which insulation to choose for your roof.

The choice of insulation also depends on the roof design. This may be an unheated attic or attic for permanent residence, or maybe a flat roof, used or not. Which roof insulation is best for each of these options?

  • When insulating an unheated attic, it is not the roof that is insulated, but the attic floor. I usually lay several layers of material, each layer should overlap the joints of the previous layer. It is better to use two layers of thicker insulation than three layers of thin material, with the same total thickness of insulation.
  • If the attic is being insulated, then the insulation is laid under the roof, making sure to leave ventilation gaps between the insulation and the roof itself. It is also necessary to protect the insulation from the inside with a vapor barrier membrane, and from the outside with a moisture-proof film.
  • Insulation flat roof places high demands on the strength of the insulation material. Great value It also has insulation density. A flat roof experiences high snow loads and stress during its operation. Therefore, the density of roof insulation should be at least 40 kg/m3.

It is very important to follow the technology when insulating the roof. If you do not make the right “roofing pie,” then various problems may arise during the operation of the roof. This includes the appearance of icicles and icing of the roof, which can lead to the destruction of the roof covering. An improperly insulated attic will be hot in summer and cold in winter, and flat roofs can leak if roof insulation is not installed correctly.

It is advisable to entrust the work of roof insulation to specialists, and if you do it yourself, carefully study the technology of this process and strictly follow the instructions. Then the roof will not cause you trouble in the future.

The traditional solution to the problem of heat loss in the house and maintaining a comfortable temperature regime is solved by modernizing and insulating door and window openings, as well as installing additional heating equipment. Along with these methods, the technology of insulating wall surfaces is increasingly being used.

And of course, it is impossible to carry out such a procedure without high-quality and effective materials. What do residents of apartments and houses, as well as contractors and repair crews most often choose?

Modern best insulation for walls

In the process of choosing the most suitable one, one has to consider a fairly extensive line of trade presented by trading establishments.

The classification of this type of material is multifaceted and differs according to the following criteria:

Production format

In the practice of wall insulation, the following are used:

  • Rolled types of insulators
  • Materials in the form of plates

Origin of raw materials for insulation

Organic insulation materials. This category includes those insulation materials whose components are of natural origin. For example - wood, felt, jute, rubber, basalt, tow, cellulose.

Insulation materials of inorganic origin. This type includes materials created on the basis of artificial components and synthesized chemically. Most often, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, and their other analogues are used for insulation.

Insulation structure

Another indicator is structural content. There are three categories in this classification:

Functional purpose

Insulation materials differ and are also classified by type of application:

  • For insulation inner surface walls
  • For external insulation of wall structures

Characteristics and properties of modern insulation materials

The practicality of each of the listed categories of wall insulation can be characterized by several parameters. In general, all of their advantages have identical characteristics, boiling down to the following advantages:

  • Modern insulation materials for wall surfaces have improved thermal insulation properties. This is their main purpose and different types these materials have to varying degrees these parameters

In this case, the thermal conductivity coefficient is taken into account - this is another important argument in choosing a thermal insulator for the walls of a building. The lower this indicator, the more effective the insulation. This parameter ranges from 0.03 units of measurement for polyurethane foam (the most effective indicator) to 0.047 for mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

  • Ability to accumulate moisture. The less the material accumulates moisture, the more effective and durable it is. At the same time, the ability to repel excess moisture serves as a guarantee of the safety of the walls from fungal formations
  • Fire resistance. A very important argument. Some types of insulation can withstand temperatures up to +1000 degrees without damaging structural components
  • Excellent sound insulation properties
  • Environmental requirements
  • Long period of use of the material
  • Resistance to deformation
  • Vapor barrier
  • Resistance to biological factors

And, of course, in addition to all the advantages of wall insulation, their cost appears in a favorable light. In addition, one cannot fail to mention such details as the speed of installation of insulation with these materials and the low labor intensity of the work.

Characteristics of wall insulation

The best insulation for walls

When laying and installing a heat insulator, it is necessary to take into account the configuration of the wall, its heat resistance, moisture permeability and thickness. Guided by these criteria, you should choose the insulation material. But the characteristics of each insulation do not always allow its use in certain situations.

Expanded polystyrene is the best insulation for walls from the inside

The optimal choice for internal insulation is the choice of polystyrene foam. Due to its small thickness, it will not affect changes in the dimensions of the interior.

Specifications expanded polystyrene

Polyurethane foam is the best insulation for external walls

But for insulating walls outside, polyurethane foam is more suitable. It belongs to the category of sprayed materials, and therefore is simple and accessible in the insulation process, it does not require much labor.

To spray polyurethane foam you will need to have special spraying equipment.

It retains heat perfectly and does not conduct it in the opposite direction. In addition, when sprayed, this material is laid as a continuous sheet, which leads to the absence of joints and potential places for heat leakage.

Polyurethane foam has a high degree of adhesion, which allows it to be used on wall surfaces of any material.

Technical characteristics of polyurethane foam If you prefer organic insulation materials, then it is best to use mineral wool insulation. It is well-known and proven, making it one of the best thermal insulation materials.

A cheaper option is insulation with foil, the application of which is very diverse, and the installation discussed above is easy and simple.

Which is the best insulation for walls?

Based on the characteristics, properties and functional purpose, it is necessary to choose insulation for walls, guided by practical considerations. One or another insulator may be more suitable for each case.

You should not make a purchase based on budgetary considerations, since such an approach will neutralize the effectiveness of insulation. But it is more important to choose an effective material that meets the necessary criteria, thereby making the home more comfortable and heating costs lower.

Video about the best insulation for walls

Of all the available thermal insulation materials for walls, two have been singled out - polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam. The attached videos indicate their characteristics, properties, as well as pros and cons.

Advantages and disadvantages of expanded polystyrene.

Pros and cons of polyurethane foam.


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