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Installation of a purchased screen on an acrylic bath occurs in the same manner if it has a traditional form of a rectangle. However, the design of acrylic bowls has so much bizarre forms that it is often impossible to choose the finished device. Of course, some German brands have their own focus on decorative screens, but their cost is not for everyone to pocket.

To close the space under the figure acrylic bowl of a non-complimentary such product, you will need to make the wall alone:

  • For these purposes, PVC lining is best suited. It bends perfectly, which will make it easily repeat the outlines of the figure bowl. All work begins with marking and first on board the bath you need to drive a marker to the label, where the frame to the metal frame of the font will be recorded.
  • The frame itself is made of galvanized profile for drywall. It is easy for him to give the desired shape, having cut off the side shelves in the bend places.
  • Now these labels must be accurately designed on the screen frame. His upper edge is raised under the side of the bowl and endure all the tags.
  • Drilling through holes on all tags, check their exact coincidence. The frame is fixed with bolts or studs to a bath frame, after which we are lined with clapboard.

It is believed that the screen is easier for an acrylic bath, if you drift the side of the bowl and secure directly to it. Installation, of course, will be easier, but the appearance of the bath will deteriorate.

If you take and install an acrylic liner in the old cast-iron bath, the font will acquire a new look and will serve for many years to the owners. Work starts with training. The bowl is released from adjacent panels, tiles, remove the siphon. Before placing the acrylic liner in the bath, take sandpaper and carefully cleaned the enamel. This will provide better adhesion of the adhesive composition with the cast iron.

Now it's time to prepare the insert itself. It is placed inside the stripped cast iron bowl. It is important that the acrylic liner in the bath firmly lightened at all points. Exactly on the side of the old font marker outlines protruding excess side shelves of the liner. On the bottom there is a hole under the siphon, on the side - for overflow. All excess side shelves are cut off with an electric bison, and the holes are cut with a crown.

The recovery process begins with a sealant processing of the overflow and drain hole of the cast iron bowls, as well as its edges. The overall surface is covered with a smooth layer of foam. Now the important point is accurate to put the acrylic liner in the bath and the uniformly impress it for tight fit.

After the acrylic liner in the bath entered well and dealt, set the siphon with overflow. The elements will plunge the edges of the liner around the holes. Bowl of the bowl around the perimeter is compressed by clamps. By closing the drain plum, the water is gaining 30 mm water below the overflow, and leave the liner under water cargo for a day until the sealant with foam will be freezed. The next day, water can be merged, install a new bowl to its permanent location, and the sides close the decorative screen.

The installed insert will allow the old cup to still last about 15 years, and the side screen will hide its old cast-iron base.

To install under the bath of the modern design you will need:

  • directly the screen for the bathroom itself;
  • legs and components;
  • key of a certain size (depending on the model, the base diameter may differ);
  • level.

Buying a product, you get everything you need (except tool) included. You do not need to separately drink the legs for the screen on the bath, racks for frames, guides or handles. Responsible manufacturers and suppliers are offered and instructions. It is prescribed all the main stages of installation.

Consider the installation process on an example of a sliding plastic design with an aluminum frame.

  1. Insert the top of the screen for the bathroom under the edge (convex progress of the bowl).
  2. The lower part of the product to which metal legs are attached, put so that the product is placed perpendicular to the floor (at an angle of 90 degrees).
  3. Using the key, unscrew the legs as long as the top of the screen does not strengthen the edge of the bath.

Everything! Installing the screen when complying with all the recommendations does not take you more than 10-15 minutes.

Similar! The process will not differ!

If you received a sliding or other plastic design in a disassembled form, it will first need to be assembled and prepared for installation.

  1. Place guides on smooth surface grooves inside.
  2. Squeeze the rack across and align all the mounting holes.
  3. Tighten the screws to secure all the design elements.
  4. Insert the panels in the dumplings and adjust the design in height.
  5. Close the ends with plugs.
  6. Screw the handles (if any).

Now you know how to set the screen under the blank bath assembly or disassembled.

To properly organize space under the bathroom, get convenient access to communications and provide the necessary functionality, you need to properly select the design of the screen.

There are several types of baths on the bath.

Special attention It should be paid to the opening of sash, which have different reliability and require a certain number of space when opening it.


This option is a reliable design, usually made of durable materials (brick or steel sheets), which is mounted under the bath and serves until the initial repair.

It can provide full or partial access to the space under the bath.

Access doors come:

  • huddy type;
  • sliding type;
  • a folding type;
  • swing type.

The dignity of the stationary screen includes:

  • high strength material that allows you to easily perform their finish and even mount the tile on them;
  • security additional Bath Support;
  • long service life Due to the resistance to high humidity and mechanical impacts.

Disadvantages are as follows:

  • the impossibility of dismantling without the destruction of finishing and carrier frame;
  • eternal consumption of space under the bathroom due to wall thickness;
  • big weight design.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the installation of such a screen is impossible under an acrylic bath.


It is two or more sliding flaps mounted on special guides and usually made from lightweight materials, such as plastic panels or moisture-proof MDFs.

Also, as well as stationary, provide full or partial access to the space under the bath. However, at the same time, they occupy a minimum of space can be easily dismantled and replaced with others suitable in size.

Many manufacturers are additionally supplied with comfortable plastic shelves for storing the items for the bathroom.

The total cost of the design is minimal compared to others.

But with all the advantages, sliding screens are very unreliable and even with minor shocks or presses can easily shift. Therefore, they often have to put them on their own.


This model is designed for installation on an acrylic bath, its housing is made of plastic. Such material has elevated decorative properties, but its practicality and functionality leaves much to be desired.

This is due to the features of fasteners and the complexity of access to communications located under the bath.

Communication service also becomes difficult and in some cases, in the absence of problems, the owners do not conduct their timely inspection, which ultimately leads to deposits.

If you look at the cost of the removable screen, it is overestimated several times, compared to other designs.

Therefore, it is advisable to purchase them to create a unique design or if it is impossible to install the first two types of screens.

In terms of its structure and type, screens are:

  • ordinary, that is the simplest plastic panels special sizes having a frame;
  • universal, which are also plastic panels, characterized in that they have an aluminum frame that allows you to reduce the screen;
  • screens without frames installed under the bath and are the most affordable option;
  • torch screens that can have a frame or not to have, and which close the end of the bath.

In specialized stores you can buy ready-made screens, despite the fact that it is difficult to choose the necessary design and size. But if there is patience and manual skills, this screen can be installed with your own hands in accordance with your preferences.

Also, the screens under the bath are stationary and non-separable, as well as removable and with a revealing door.

Stationary screens often install wizards for laying tiles when installing a bath and tiles around it. Removable screens are applied relatively less and, as a rule, if the bathroom area is small. The advantages of the second option are that under the bathroom space can be applied to store various items that are not as often used (for example, tools, paints and brushes for repair), as well as various buckets, basins, washing powders, rags and sponges.

Another advantage is that in the event of a siphon leakage, pipes or cuffs, it will not be necessary to disassemble the entire screen to provide access to the place of leakage.

So, why do you need a bath screens, and what functions do they perform? The main functions of these two screens, and they are as follows:

  1. Decorative function. The outer cast iron side of the bath and many engineering communications on it looks not so favorably and can spoil the overall impression from the renovated new bathroom
  2. Mechanical protection of the above communications. In addition to the screen, the pipes and cuffs can be hidden, through which it is connected, for example, a washing machine.

Plastic screen under the bath

Deciding for yourself what the screen design will be, the material from which it is made should be selected. The modern market offers various materials or combinations thereof. Each of them has its strengths and weaknesses, but they all have to meet the requirements of hygienicness and moisture resistance.

Consider some types of screens in more detail:

  1. Aluminum screens have an affordable price, long service life, and also differ in wear resistance. The material is perfectly combined with glass and various accessories. You can pick up the screen in the color of the interior of the bathroom.
  2. Plastic screens patterns may have non-standard forms and sizes. They are easy to assemble, they do not require much care. During operation, a plastic bath screen does not change its qualities and external data. It can be installed with his own hands without resorting to the help of specialists. The only negative is the high cost of products.
  3. The most capricious, but very beautiful option is mirror screens. Even with high cost and problematic cleaning, mirror screens are very popular with consumers.
  4. Constructions from MDF are a budget option. They can be both sliding and ineffective. A huge selection of colors. The main enemy of MDF - moisture, due to which the material is deformed.

In the construction and facing materials market for bathrooms, you can select screens from a variety of materials. When choosing it is worth considering quite complex conditions in the bathroom: increased humidity and temperature difference. Mostly in the production of screens use:

  • plastic;
  • MDF panels;
  • polystyrene;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • acrylic material

Whatever the screen in the bathroom lasts longer, when it is selected, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

The screen in the bath, due to the special operating conditions, must meet the following criteria and requirements:

  1. Increased moisture protection. Availability protective coating Either the moisture resistance of the material itself allows you to extend the operation of the screen without deteriorating the mechanical properties or fading of the decorative finish.
  2. Sufficient material strength. The rigidity of the sash and the carcass itself will provide increased safety and durability.
  3. Resistance to increased temperatures which can destructively affect the condition of the finishing layer. This is especially true for fans of hot baths for a long time.

As the main material, usually choose:

  • plastic;
  • waterproof hyposkarboard;
  • OSB or MDF;
  • acrylic;
  • brick;
  • a thin-sheet galvanized or polymer coated metal.

In stationary brick or plasterboard screens, tile laying usually perform.

Currently, the building materials market offers a huge variety of materials for a wet environment of bathrooms. We highlight the somewhat most common materials, from which you can make the screen under the bath:

  1. Plastic;
  2. Moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  3. Brick;
  4. Resistant to MDF moisture;

And the easiest option is to buy a screen in the form of ready-made sliding doors.

Such material is reliable and resistant to moisture, it also does not need additional staining or varnishing; Hygienic and for a long time retains its properties. A variety of colors and shades of the material will allow you to choose the material for the screen in accordance with your individual taste.

As a material, as a rule, plastic lining is used. In this case, it is possible to achieve completion without additional surface treatment, it does not need to be primed, nor in painting. In the event of a malfunction of communications under the bath, you can always access this place, disassembled the screen.

To mount the lining, you will need to fix the starting profile throughout the perimeter of the future screen. To do this, at the top of the bath, you must fix the bar to which the starting profile is then attached.

To avoid deformation, fix the profiles in the middle of the screen, especially carefully. The bottom profile using the sealant is attached to the floor.


How to install the screen under the plasterboard bath? This process is not a special difficulty, the most important requirement in this case is the presence of waterproof drywall ( green color). According to the instructions, start making the screen from the frame assembly. For these purposes, both a wooden bar and a metal profile can be used.

At the top of the bath, the perimeter profile (UD) is installed, while the lower part of the profile, in order to avoid moisture, should be combined with a sealant.

After that, we install the CD guide profiles by vertical, fixing them to the UD profile reference.

Wooden bar. Mandatory need to be treated with an antiseptic means in order to avoid the formation of mold on the design.

Its pieces of necessary sizes are attached with the help of self-samples around the profile perimeter. In this case, it should be remembered about the fragility of acrylic that when the screen is installed on the acrylic bath, it is necessary to act very carefully, selecting the screws with the required length in such a way as not to damage it.

Screen under the bathtop of video instruction

As soon as the plasterboard is fastened, you can proceed to its primer and the upholstery of any of the selected materials. On the front side of the sheets of plasterboard can be seized in moisture-resistant wallpaper, ceramic tiles, mirrors or even decorative plaster. It all depends on the imagination and budget of the host of the housing.

From brick

Brickwork - The most durable version of the screens. Often, to simplify work, this wall is built on the wall to the wall. The desired masonry thickness is half a brick.

Despite visible strength brick wall, it is undesirable to make it close to the bath. It is better to leave a small gap, which is closed by the usual mounting foam.

From above, the brick laying is often rummaged under the tile, with an advantageous combination of which can be visually increasing the volume of the room. In addition, you can make a mirror screen, which will give a highlight of the bathroom. Also a profitable and spectacular solution for bathrooms with brick masonry is a mosaic. It allows you to hide the irregularity of the masonry, and the process itself will make it disclose all your creative potential.

From MDF material

The process of screening the screen from the MDF is almost similar to the plasterboard, however, it is necessary to upload sheets from two sides before starting the installation, as well as manufacture holes for ventilation on the screen from the reverse side of the processing hatch.

Finished species

Screens under the bath with sliding doors - a great discovery that allows you to transform a sad bathroom. They are sold in assembly, having roller structures, similar to those used in the wardrobe, with neat plastic doors. To your liking and discretion, picking up under the overall interior of the bathroom, the buyer may choose the wonderful screen of the desired size, without applying special efforts. Following the instructions, it can be easily done without resorting to the help of qualified experienced masters.

Behind the doors of such sliding models of screens, you can additionally make a shelf for storing household chemicals, and the handles on the doors make from removable suckers, which will be cling only if necessary. During the rest of the time this design will be smooth, without pens, in order to avoid curious children's hands.

In addition, the folk craftsmen learned how to make such screens under the bath on their own. With similarity with drywall profiles, the entire complexity of the product with sliding doors is the mechanism - rollers that can be purchased at any construction store. Everything else depends on your imagination. To stimulate your creative inspiration, we recommend watching a video video about creating a sliding option with your own hands.

Corner bath - Which screen install?

The most optimal options for the manufacture of the screen bath under the corner are plastic and brick. Plastic - due to its flexibility, is very easy in work, and the advantages of the brick version is that the whole design will have maximum strengthAnd on top of it can be fed by ceramic tiles or mosaic. In the case of the manufacture of a brick screen for an acrylic bath, the plumbing device should be installed only after installing the screen.

Thus, screen designs are the following:

  • deaf;
  • with a swollen door (with two swollen doors);
  • with a sliding door;
  • with retractable block;
  • with shelves;
  • removable.

Choosing a screen design model, you should focus on the features of the bathroom. In the spacious bathroom, you can mount the screen with the presence of shelves on its front surface. Such a design with shelves should be removable to provide access to communications placed under the bath.

The most functional screen for small bathroom room is a device with the presence of a sliding door. The least practical is a deaf screen, because it will have to be dismantled completely in the case of the repair of communications.

The easiest way to hide communications and objects under the bathroom is the curtains. To do this, an ordinary pipe is mounted under the side, but which is suspended by the canvas of the desired dimensions. However, this screen is short-lived and has a not very presentable view.

In small bathrooms, you can install mirror screens under the bath, visually expanding space. For decoration of structures with the presence of curvilinear surfaces, a mosaic is excellent. At the same time, it is possible to use good quality tile glue to simplify the creative process.

  1. marking of fastening places with a level;
  2. the necessary measurements are made;
  3. made a frame for the screen from metal profile;
  4. frame details are fixed in accordance with the markup;
  5. the panels are cut out of the suitable material;
  6. panels are fixed on the frame;
  7. produced facing work.

It should be paid to the fact that when installing the screen for an acrylic bath, the fasteners can be mounted directly on the side of the bath. However, at home, it is impossible to drill a board of a cast-iron bath, as this may lead to the fact that the enamel will deteriorate, and after and the whole bath. When installing the screen from drywall, the frame is made of metal profiles. The more difficult the planned design, the more efforts have to be attached to its installation.

Restoration of the old bath acrylic liner

The easiest way to mount the device of factory manufacture on the bath. The manufacturer suggests huge selection models. Before you give preference to one of the products, it is necessary to remember that the frame is needed for the wall. It can be made independently of wooden bars, but this design will not last long because of the high humidity inside the room. The optimal choice will be the finished aluminum frame.

The screen itself is optimally choosing with PVC plates, preferably with doors. The best are universal designs with the possibility of adjusting length. Plus it is equipped with removable legs, which is conveniently allowed to adjust, not port the room design.

Independent installation of the purchase screen of this design is very simple:

  • The product is located on the side of the bath, a crying into a deepening under its edge. It is important to set the wall strictly vertically.
  • The first is fixed by the top of the PVC panel with spacer bolts. Next set legs. In a universal screen, it is possible to fix them from the inner or outdoor side of the panel.
  • Aligning again the product vertically in terms of level, proceed to adjust the height of the legs. After each of them persists in the floor, it will be firmly installed under the bathroom.

Now it remains to fasten the nickel-plated handles to the doors and on this work can be considered over.

Before starting the screen installation, it is necessary to carry out measurements and calculations. The height from the side of the bath to the floor is measured, the width of the niche and the height of the screen. After measuring, the number of necessary material and tools is determined. You should draw a scheme of a future design to determine the location of the screen, communications, holes for quick access to engineering networks.

To begin with a markup of the installation site of the frame (wooden or metal). Panels are cut from plastic sheets: front and side. After the frame will be fixed, panels are mounted in profile grooves.

Many manufacturers have a line of screens lined with tiles, foam or plastic on a whole frame. You can make a frame yourself from drywall. The frame from the profile is mounted on the vertical racks. This gives structures strength and stability. The finished P-shaped frame in the future is chosen by GVL. It is desirable that the joints coincide with the guides.

How to set the screen under the bath? The first thing to produce is to strengthen the bath itself. This is especially true of acrylic containers having a strong deflection when Nazhima.

Now we start collecting the frame. We will need materials:

  1. Metal profile UD (guide) 60x27 mm. Choose qualitative material With a large stiffness coefficient. Cut the profile to the desired parts. We need: 4 stiffeners - the distance from the floor to the side of the bathroom; 1 PC. - lower horizontal guide; 1 PC. - Top horizontal guide. The upper profile for hardening is better to dwink and bore with self-draws. Such reinsurance does not hurt, since the upper part of the frame will be on the weight.
  2. Moisture-proof GLK.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Self-tapping screws.
  5. Dowel-nails.


  • level;
  • roulette and other measuring instruments;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors for metal.

Mounting the screen from the metal profile and GLC is easy to produce if approaching this case with full responsibility. Installed design does not tolerate a rush:

  1. Make marking. Outline the vertical level of the frame on the walls. To do this, step from the edge of the bathroom by 1 cm and set the label. From this label, you must take into account the thickness of the finishing tile thickness of the drywall thickness of the guide profile thickness of the tile glue (approximately 3 mm). Put the second label. It is this label that will be the rear wall of the guide profile.
  2. Set the extreme ribs of stiffness along the vertical level and attach a dowel-nail to the wall.
  3. Between two verticals attached to the wall, on the floor, place a horizontal guide. Secure it with a dowel-nail.
  4. At the top, transfer the horizontal profile (dual).
  5. Between horizontals, fasten 2 more vertical racks. Use self-tapping screws.

Frame ready. Screw plasterboard screws for metal. Wellproved the resulting design. Now you can upload the tile material. Do not forget about the seam waterproofing between the floor and the screen.

The plastic screen under the bath offered by shops has a standard set of details and is installed in a matter of minutes. Even a schoolboy can cope with this work. Factory screens can be deaf or sliding (swing) doors.

Ready set for assembling screen:

  • aluminum or plastic profile (vertical racks and horizontal guides);
  • 2 panels with appropriate holes (sliding doors);
  • threaded legs for adjusting the height of the frame;
  • knobs with fasteners;
  • plugs on the ends of horizontal guides;
  • saws.


  1. Free enough space on the floor. Place long profiles in parallel to each other.
  2. Vertical racks are installed in accordance with the holes on the horizontal guides. Fix the design by self-drawing, but do not tighten them to the end.
  3. Insert the sliding doors in different grooves and check their move. Panels must slide freely.
  4. Adjust the vertical profiles in height and tighten the screws.
  5. The ends of the guides close the plugs. Screw knobs with screws. Screen is ready to install.
  6. Calculated the frame to start the bathing bath and adjust its height with a thread leg.

If you want to make the screen with a design element of the room, then it is worth thinking over its design, for example, paste a film with photo printing. Sea landscapes, flowers, animals - all that your heart.

You can try to design the panel model yourself. For example, the screen from the window PVC profile is characterized by special strength and waterproofing. The main thing is to find a firm for the manufacture of windows, which is engaged in non-standard solutions. This design is simply created for acrylic bath. She may be of different types: Deaf or sliding (swing). Plastic with photo printing, plexiglas or mirror are inserted into the openings. Fantasy can be infinite.

Installing the screen under the bath with your own hands is an easy, but requiring certain skills.

Previously, an inconspicuous view under the bathture was hidden using a variety of curtains or at all climbed this space tiles. Today, many different ways have appeared to achieve aesthetic effect, setting the screen under the bath. This procedure can be performed with your own hands.

Despite the fact that the screen under the bath is a fairly simple design, it can perform a number of functions. First, it closes an unsightly species under the bathroom itself, all communications, pipes, siphons. Also under such a kind of shirma can be hidden by household chemicals, floor washing rags, others small subjects From children or pets. In this case, the screen performs not only aesthetic function, but also quite practiced with a small quadrature of the bathroom.


The most popular structural variants of screens are considered:

In order to choose some one of the options, you first need to provide all the factors and functional features of the bath and bathroom itself. If the bathroom is quite spacious, you can purchase a screen with shelves, which is mounted on the front surface with your own hands. In this case, the design itself must be removable for normal access to all communications.

So, the screen is selected, all the necessary tools and materials for its installation are assembled - you can safely begin the installation process. In order to get a qualitative result, it is necessary to accurately follow a simple algorithm recommended by experts:

If you chose a plasterboard screen, then the frame is made in this case from a metal profile. It is worth remembering that the harder the design of the screen is, the more strength and time requires its installation. To install the screen with the doors, you need to mow on the frame of the W-shaped profile. After that, two panels are cut out so that they will overlap each other. This will be sliding doors. The last step is to insert them into the profile and fasten the doors.

How to make MDF screen

From the sheets of MDF, you can build a practical screen. Simple instruction will help in implementing the conceived, if you follow the sequence of installation work. As in the previous case, you need to install a wooden frame with a cross-section of bars up to 4 cm. On the wall under the edge of the bath with a dowel, a timber is installed.

All wooden elements are connected by special corners. MDF plates are cut into the desired height and length. Also in front of the screen, a hole is made, which is equipped with the doors for quick access to communications. The finished frame is trimmed with MDF panels. No need to forget about the processing of joints with the help of sealant.

Required tools

Before entering the installation of the screen under the bath, you need to decide on the list of necessary tools. If you wish to do everything with your own hands, you will need:

  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • adjustable key;
  • uD profile;
  • perforator.

You may also need:

  • liquid Nails;
  • dowel;
  • knife for plasterboard;
  • screw nails;
  • acrylic panels;
  • construction stapler;
  • metal profile or tree bars.

If in your arsenal something is missing to install the screen with your own hands, everything you need can be found in building stores.

For facilities and securing the design of the screen, the following tools will be required under the bath:

  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level.

Laying a brick screen

This option is quite simple. Along the border of the bath or from the wall to the wall, near which the bath is located, the brick wall is erected, the thickness of which is half a clicha. Brick, as well as for the construction of an ordinary wall, be changed, that is, every subsequent glad is shifted to the Polkirpich. In that place, which is convenient for accessing the plum, form a window. For its cover, the door is purchased or made and attached to the canopies.

Despite the fact that the wall of bricks is rather durable, one way or another, it is not recommended to lay a bath on it, as it is necessary to leave a gap between the edge of the bath and the last brick next to 1-2 centimeters, which is placed by mounting foam. Brick masonry is trimmed with ceramic tiles or other finishing materialcombined with the design of the bathroom.

MDF screen casing

The process of installing the screen from MDF is identical to the bathing of the bath with drywall. The only difference is that on the screen it is necessary to additionally perform gaps for ventilation as opposite from the technological opening. For this, a slot of a long 5-10 centimeters and a 2-3 centimeter width, which is covered with a plastic lattice is performed. MDF sheets are required to be rebounded from all sides before they are fixed on the frame.


As can be seen from the above, install yourself the screen under the bath is very possible, without spending a lot of time and effort. Installing the screen with your own hands will help a lot of savings on the services of plumbers, and it is also pleasant to raise the self-esteem of the wizard of the work done with your own hands.

Based on the above material, it can be concluded that from the listed options only the use of plastic will make it possible to make a screen under the bath, which can be quickly dismantled if necessary, and after gather back. At the same time, the remaining methods make it possible to use a significantly larger amount of facing materials to combine the appearance of the bath with a common bathroom design.

Despite the fact that the independent installation of the bath for the bath takes a relatively longer than if you install a purchased screen already, however, the result will be more acceptable and reliable, moreover, this option saves a lot at the cost of plumbing services.

The screen for the bath is a very popular element, allowing without much difficulty to bring the feeling of comfort and beauty to any bathroom. How to install a bath screen - we will tell about it in detail below. First, we want to provide you with information beneficial for right choice This useful, and often inexpensive decor.

Such models that are easily set are dismantled, and, if necessary, are repaired. Most often, users pay attention to the structures consisting of a rigid frame equipped with adjustable legs and mobile plastic doors.

Typical Screen Design for Bath

The principle of installing such a product is that the top of the frame rests in the board of the bath, while the design of the structure is ensured by lifting it into its spacecraft using extended bolts-legs. The number of supporting legs may vary from 2 to 4. Selecting the sliding screen for the bath from MDF, plastic or other material, it should be borne in mind that, as a rule, the following type sizes are used in their manufacture:

  • height - 500 ÷ 560 mm;
  • length 1.7 m and 1.5 m.

What material to give preference

Of course, it is quite possible to make a sliding screen for the bath with your own hands. But it is much easier to buy a finished product and just gently install it. Picking up the screen in the bathroom, it is necessary to consider the choice of material from which its sash is made. Practice shows that the most practical are:

  • plastic;

You may have a desire to make a bathroom unusual by installing a mirror screen. But hardly it should be done, because the mirror has never been different with the necessary strength and reliability.

The beauty of the mirror screen under the bath does not justify the risk that he carries

Screens from chipboard also do not purchase, even if this material is moisture-resistant. The service life of products from this material in conditions of high humidity never exceeds five years.

Advantages of plastic and MDF

So, the best for the bathroom are screens from NMDF-slabs and PVC (plastic).

Mentioning MDF should be clarified that only its moisture-resistant variety is used in the bathrooms - NMDF. The large advantage of this material is its ability to look at volume, while plastic models with visual volume practically do not possess.

Sliding screen for baths from the NMDF is notable for the presence of some volume

Choosing between the NMDF and plastic, the first is worth to give preference when the bathroom is spacious enough. If it does not differ in large sizes, then the sliding screen for the bath buy is best of all of the plastic, since it practically does not occupy space.

Plastic screen practically does not take place in the bathroom

The most popular models of bath screens and prices

It is available for sale as completely inexpensive products from plastic and models made by well-known firms that have a solid reputation. Going to the store for purchase, you should thoroughly measure the length of the bath and the height of its side.

Available for all plastic screens cost 500-700 rubles. The cost of more "steep" models is much higher.


The screens of this brand are able to significantly improve any bathroom. The set includes liners that allow you to equip plastic niches, significantly expanding the functionality of the products. The facade of the edelform brand screens is made from the NMDF. The price of such screens is about 5800 rubles.

EDELFORM screen appearance


This good-quality model with a facade of the NMDF is notable for its elegance. However, it would seem that beautiful furniture handles are her rather large drawback: they can easily be clinging for them. The price of the product is about 4,400 rubles.

So the Rocaelegance screen looks like


Beautiful and high-quality luxury screens, produced by Santek, also have furniture handles, but their panels are produced by their PVC. This causes a significantly more affordable price, which makes up about 3000 rubles. A small disadvantage of this product is the absence of a third support leg, usually installed in the middle.

Appearance of the screen "Lux"

How to install a blank bath screen

Installation of screens is performed very simply and runs in the following sequence:

  • the distance between the side of the bath and the floor is measured;
  • the adjusting legs are screwed up so that the overall height of the structure is slightly smaller than the measured distance;
  • screen frame starts under the side of the bath;
  • preliminary fixation is performed by adding the references of the supporting legs;
  • the vertical structure is verified using a construction level;
  • on the surface of the adjacent wall over the frame frame, a line is applied, which will be required a little later;
  • the on-screen frame is removed from the bath;
  • silicone sealant is applied to the top side of the frame;
  • the frame starts under the side of the bath, is set on the previously applied line and securely fixed by unscrewing the support legs using the key;
  • the line applied to the wall marker is removed and checked freedom of movement of sash.

As you can see, set the bath screen is pretty easy. A more vivid installation process can be seen on the video attached below.

The screen under the bath is a popular element in the interior of the bathroom. It solves the problem of using space under the bathroom, turning it into a useful area for storing and accommodating various items.


The screen is a design that closes the sides of the bathtub, as well as adjacent parts of the walls and are located near the floor Plumbing communications and tap pipes. In addition to the decorative function, the screen can be used for storing household chemicals and household accessories, as well as restrict access to the bath bath. Made screens from modern and environmentally friendly materials that can withstand wet conditions of bathrooms and constant temperature differences. The frame usually serves a steel or aluminum profile, distinguished by stability to the appearance of rust and durability.

Aluminum frame is more easy compared to the steel analogueBut from excessive mechanical impacts may be prone to deformation. On this profile you can safely mount the lungs plastic doors, as well as elements from MDF and acrylic. Steel frames are designed to form screens from a natural tree, as well as for the manufacture of lattice models.

In this case, a chrome-plated profile is used, which will be harmoniously combined with mirrors, cranes and other bathroom accessories covered with chrome.

The form of the models depends on the configuration of the bath and the preferences of the owner of the apartment. To ensure a larger convenience of staying near the bath, some facial panels are provided for filings for legs, and inclined structures are used to prevent water from entering the floor. The canvas of the models can have a solid and lattice execution. The first looks more attractive and allows you to close the pipes and communications, and the second prevents the appearance of mold and contributes to the normal air exchange under the bath.

Standard factory screens for steel and cast-iron baths have a length of 1.5 to 1.7 meters and a height of up to 60 cm.The legs are often adjustable, which allows you to independently install the model to the desired height and provides the convenience of the person's location close to the bath. In the modern market is represented a large number of Screens for angular acrylic baths, as well as under non-standard curvilinear models. This allows you to choose a product of any size and shape, to enlarge the appearance of the room.


The modern market offers a large number of diverse models made of different materials, and differing in the cost, operational characteristics and appearance.

  • Plastic screens. The models are characterized by hygienicness and the possibility of applying to the surface of any drawing, relief or photo printing. The frame of plastic screens is made of aluminum, which gives the structures of ease, strength, corrosion resistance and durability. The life life of the models is up to 30 years, during which the material perfectly retains its operational properties and the initial appearance. The pluses of plastic screens also include low cost, ease of care and light of installation.
  • Screens from plexiglas.The material is characterized by hygienic and aesthetics. A wide range of glass screens is due to a large variety of colors and relief. Designs are made of thick organic glass with a transparent, matte or mirror surface. Models harmoniously look in combination with a sink made of glass, and chrome-plated elements of plumbing, and visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and do not twist the space. The minus glass screens is the high cost of products, the weight, complexity of installation and the need for regular care.

  • Models from MDF.Inexpensive, beautiful and easy to maintain material is often used to make screens. It is produced in the form of laminated panels with a large variety of colors and textures. Very popular models with imitation pattern of wood fibers, natural stone and tile. The design may have sliding doors, technological hatch or swinging flaps. The minuses include low moisture resistance of models, due to which the elements absorb moisture, swell and deform. So that this does not happen, the bathroom should be equipped with a working exhaust ventilation system. The service life of the MDF screens does not exceed three years.
  • Acrylic screens.Light, hygienic and practical acrylic is harmoniously combined with a bath and sink, has a high resistance to the effects of household chemicals and differ in high indicators of moisture resistance and heat resistance.

  • Aluminum models. Products are distinguished low cost, durability and resistance to corrosion. The small weight of the screens contributes to fast transportation and easy design, and the wide color range allows you to choose products for any color and style of the room.
  • Plasterboard.Popular material for making screens that allows you to independently form a curvilinear design under a non-standard bath. The facial part can be lined with ceramic tiles or mosaic.
  • Wood. Practical, environmentally friendly and durable material. Wooden screens are made in monolithic, sliding or swing design. They are distinguished by exquisite appearance and practicality. By cons of these models, a lot of weight and high cost of certain products can be attributed.

Criterias of choice

The screens under the bath are produced in a large assortment and differ among themselves the door opening system, the presence of a technological hatch, shelves and a form of execution. For spacious bathrooms, advanced models on the rollers are provided, which roll out forward and allow you to get unobstructed access to pipes and plumbing if you need to replace them. Stationary screens are a fixed construction. They are used in small areas. In the event of a breakdown of plumbing, access to communications is quite problematic.

The door opening system determines the convenience of operating the screen and the rationality of using space under the bath. The doors are sliding, swing, with a deaf sash, with a retractable block and removable. Deaf models are often used when independent manufacture And they perform exclusively decorative function, closing pipes and plumbing communications from the eye of the visitor.

If you need to repair communications, such models must be completely dismantled.


Swing doors are quite practical and allow you to easily find the necessary object stored on the shelves of the screen. Close the doors can be closed using a lock with a magnet, hooks or junk. The disadvantage of this species is the need for free space in front of the bathroom, providing unhindered opening of the door to access the shelves. Sliding door-coupe are the ideal option For bathrooms of a small area and do not require an additional place to open. The disadvantage is the presence of a zone that is not viewed, to gain access to which you can use the alternate shift of the door to one, then to another to the side.

You can either manufacture the screen under the bath yourself or purchase a ready-made model.Among the most famous domestic producers, you can note the company "Basin", "Techno", "Metakas", "Domino", "Triton", "Professional", "drops" and "breeze", producing high-quality universal models of the average price category. Russian specialists offer a large selection of models that have the function of adjustment and suitable for sizes and forms of baths of well-known brands. There is also a wide range of materials used, including glass and nonwoven material. Among foreign trademarks, Jacob Delafon, Jacuzzi and Kaldewei products are most popular.

Installation methods

Independent installation of the finished screen is performed using a roulette, construction level and screwdriver. Factory models are already equipped with fasteners and fittings, so the additional purchase of screws and self-tapping screws is required. Before starting the installation, the bath should be filled with water. This refers to the baths installed earlier. If the screen mounting simultaneously and the bath is performed, then it is optional.

Initially, it is necessary to perform measurements of space under the bathroom and mark the places of fixing the frame.Then, accurately following the sequence of fixing the parts specified in the instructions, the framework should be installed. After that it is necessary to adjust the legs. To do this, they need to be filtered so that the fixation of the frame between the bath tub and the surface of the floor was maximum. In order for the frame to be dangling, under the legs, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of sealant and tightly press them to the floor. Making sure that the frame is reliably attached to the floor, the gap between the frame and the side of the bath should be used. Thanks to this procedure, the design will acquire additional rigidity and stability.

The next stage includes installation decorative panels, hanging out the doors when the system is switched, and the installation of them in the guide guide with sliding. Then you need to fasten the handles and process the seams using the sealant. If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made model, you can collect and put the protective screen with your own hands. Most. simple way It is the manufacture of the screen from sheets of plasterboard and aluminum galvanized profile by cross section 75x40 and 60x27 mm. The design is a door-compartment, which are moving along the chutes of the W-shaped profile.

Installation and installation are manufactured using a construction level, a ruler, screws for metal, dowels, drills and scissors for metal. Initially, it is necessary to clean the space under the bathroom from the construction garbage and make sure that communications are good. Next, you need to install a frame from the profile and fastening the W-shaped guides. The distance between the top plank of the frame and the bathroom should be used.

Plasterboard-door panels are cut in such a way that they overlap each other along each other. Then the carved sheets are inserted into the frame frame made by the size of the doors, and are inserted into the horror. Surplus foam need to trim with a chancellor knife. Last stage Installation is the decorative trim of plasterboard with a tile screwing the handles.

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Greetings, corrades. This review is devoted to sliding screens under the bath. We will find out how practical by us is the option of the arrangement and what to pay attention to when buying such a product.

What kind of design is preferred

It is clear that the most interesting option is fast-limited models of screens. Do not require the use of power tools, solutions and rates at the end of the installation.

Often this is the movable plastic elements with a rigid frame and height-adjustable legs, fixing the entire design on the floor of the bathroom.

Installation of such a product is built on the fact that the upper part of the frame rests on the side of the bathroom, and the design itself is fixed in space between the bathroom and the floor. Fixation is carried out using adjustable legs. Often it is just a bolt equipped with a plastic focus, so as not to scratch the surface of the floor, and screwed into the robe itself.

For standard bathrooms, the screen has only 2 legs, in other models, their number may vary in the range of 3-4. Sizes of sliding screens for the bathroom:

  1. Length 1.5 m and 1.7 m;
  2. The height of the screens from 500 mm to 560 mm.

As for the material of the frame, the manufacturers most often use:

  1. Plastic (PVC);
  2. Metal;
  3. Aluminum.

The captain is an obvious informs: it is better to abandon the metal frame, because during operation, damage to the protective coating is inevitable, which will lead to the emergence of corrosion foci.

What materials choose moving elements

The choice is large enough: PVC, acrylic, chipboard and MDF, glass, including mirrors, wood, plexiglas, etc.The most practical solution from my point of view is the movable elements manufactured from:

  1. Plastic;

The captain is an obvious informs: models are quite widely found, but I would not recommend them in the bathroom. First, the glass is not the best option in terms of safety, and secondly, the glass will not hide the design, which means that the meaning of the screen is lost.

If ordinary plastic seems to be banal, you can get acquainted with plexiglass. As for me, it is quite an interesting material, it is represented by a huge number of all sorts of colors and textures, but has one significant drawback - very fragile. Sufficiently stupid strike, and everything ...

Separately, I want to mention the products from the chipboard, including the moisture-resistant species - when operating in the bathroom room, the service life of such products is no more than five years. It applies equally to the screens, and to the furniture for kitchens and.

In addition, this material cannot be called environmentally friendly, accordingly, I can not recommend it.

Material features

So, the choice in favor of plastic and MDF. And if there is no question with the first material, then the use of MDF in a wet room still causes concerns.

By itself, the material inherited from ancestor (wood) hygroscopicity, i.e. The ability to accumulate water, which inevitably leads to swelling and loss of mechanical strength.

That's right, but ...

The modern screen for the bath from the MDF is made from the waterproof species of this material called the NMDF. It differs from the classic furniture plate with the type of binder used: instead of the modified melamine, the carbamide resin is used carbamide formaldehyde.

What does this give the consumer?

  1. It opposes high humidity well, but at the same time it is not intended for the street or other conditions providing for constant contact with water;
  2. Separate splashes do not cause it and products from it. For better protection, manufacturers laminate sheets of vinyl film or plastic;

Selection of designers

Both materials are good, but the MDF has one indisputable advantage - screens are obtained volumetric, while the plastic due to the low thickness is not endowed with such a visual effect.

Accordingly, if the size of the room allow you to fill it with furniture, then preference is better to give screens from MDF. And if we are talking about the Khrushchev - boldly choose a plastic screen. It takes the minimum possible space.

Separately, it is worth mentioning screens from acrylic - in plumbing stores they are presented quite wide, including volumetric 3Dizations, as in the photo below.

But often they come in a set to the bathroom, respectively, their dimensions are initially fitted, and it is unlikely that such screens are suitable for a separate installation.

Also, a number of models of plastic screens have two types of latches - magnetic and spring, designed taking into account the characteristics of the bath itself and its legs. This information can be provided by the Buyer to provide the factory instruction - do not be lazy to ask her from sellers, we will save time and money.

What is offered on sale

Having understood with the design and materials, you can begin familiarity with the products presented in retail chains. And it is best to consider them by manufacturers.

In the Crimean stores available to me, screens from:

  2. Jika;
  3. RUNO;
  4. Roca;
  5. Santek;
  6. Noname.

The last "brand" in the list of manufacturers is the name of faceless products. Such quite often meets in small plumbing stores hosting goods for sale.


If we consider products of famous manufacturers, I recommend paying attention to the adjustment range. To do this, before going to the store, you must measure in the bathroom Distance from Borchka to.

A good model that will enjoy most bathrooms. The manufacturer also offers organizer liners, which are niches with plastic shelves, inserted behind the screen, which significantly expands the functionality of the entire product.


This model has furniture handles that somewhat limits the space - in contrast to the above-presented model, they can be cluttered. However, this is a good model, easy to install, and capable of transforming a room in a couple of minutes.

In Plus, I will put the high quality and the presence of at once 3-legs that increase stability. The minuses will take the mentioned handles.


Another model with the familiar furniture handles protruding beyond the screen plane. It raises the question of the lack of a middle support, because its presence allows you to stand pushes with a close approach to the bathroom. With declared dimensions in 1.7 m, its absence causes fluctuations in the entire structure under mechanical exposure.

A controversial point is called a two-color solution, as well as the presence of only two legs, although it is not critical for light plastic. Of the advantages - low weight and affordable price.

Independent installation

Let's focus on how to install a sliding screen under the bath with your own hands. . Suppose you have chosen in the store and delivered home the screen, but not confident in your abilities.

In fact, everything is very simple:

  1. Prepare a building level, roulette, silicone sealant, horn key, pencil or marker;
  2. Determine the quality of the surface of the bathroom side - it should not be protrusions and irregularities. The side itself must be monolithic;

There are no special problems with the cast-iron bathroom and steel bath. But acrylic with such quality to boast on can. As a rule, they laid a bar in their sides. It is on it that the screen frame should be installed.

  1. Measure the distance from the side to the floor;
  2. Screw the adjusting legs, measuring tape measure (so that there is a pair of millimeters less measured height);
  3. Create a screen frame under the armor;
  4. Pre-fix it, unscrewing legs;
  5. With the help of the construction level, put it vertically;
  6. On the adjacent wall, mark a pencil or a marker line - you will be navigated by a little later;
  7. Remove the frame again;
  8. Apply silicone sealant on the top of the frame;

  1. Retribute the frame under the edge of the bath again;
  2. Lock its position using a horn key, focusing on the line conducted by the marker;
  3. Check correctly using the level, if necessary - adjust the position relative to the vertical;
  4. Remove the marker from the tile and speaking sealant;
  5. Check the work of the sash - nothing should be twisted or cause difficulties.

Here, in fact, all the wisdom of installation.


I hope that after studying this material, readers will have enough knowledge to make a deliberate purchase. And also will not cause any difficulty installing the screen in its own apartment.

As always, additional information reader will be able to find in the video in this article.

Waiting for your comments, questions and additions to the material. Successes!

Free niche under the bathroom by many tenants is either not used at all, or, on the contrary, turns into a place for storing various economic utensils. However, regardless of the purpose of this, it is not a busy space, as a rule, it is closed using special panels called the screen.

Installing the screen under the bath allows you to securely hide not intended for the overall ferris part of the structure and at the same time improve the appearance of the entire room as a whole. Most of the corporate products may contain the finished panels on their set, but some users are preferred to make and collect them independently.

Varieties of screens

Finally deal with how to properly install the screens under the bath, will help preliminarily familiarize with the assortment of these products presented in the market. Any screen is made in the form of a rigid design, in the framework of which mounted or sliding panels are fixed in the frame. They are usually installed on the outside of the bath.

Constructive differences

By the method of location of frame panels, most often drawn in the form of small doors, screens are divided into the following types:

  • with sliding doors;
  • with removable or hinged panels;
  • products with deaf stationary plates;
  • screens with separate swing doors or with an observation hatch.

As a special variety, the corner screen can be considered under the bath, in the design of which there are two sides adjacent to the walls of the room.

Each of the above performances is optimally suitable for installation in the bathroom, so their choice is determined by the purpose of free space. The main thing is what attention is drawn is that the selected screen type fits well in the design of the bathroom without disturbing its common style.

When evaluating the dimensions of the protective design before it is installed, it should be borne in mind that for most standard baths, its dimensions are in length of about 1.5-1.7 meters. In this case, the standard height of the screen under the bath is average equal to 50-60 centimeters.

Differences for used materials

For the manufacture of on-screen panels, it is desirable to choose the materials from the following row resistant to wet evaporation:

  • organic glass;
  • plastic or polymers similar to it;
  • MDF or moisture resistant plasterboard.

Organic glass looks original in the interiors of the bathroom, especially if its surface is previously processed in one way or another.

Plastic panels are distinguished by an affordable price and can have many different colors, which attracts attention to their domestic craftsmen. Products from MDF materials are also not very expensive and have a wide selection of color hammes.

However, the most preferred material for the front finish is moisture-resistant plasterboard, which should be attributed to the ease and simplicity of fitting under any design. When choosing a frame material, usually proceed from financial capabilities and choose or cheap aluminum or more expensive and high-quality solid polymer. The option of using wooden bars of suitable sections for these purposes is not excluded.

Another non-standard approach to the decoration of space under the bath can, in which it is simply laid by bricks, followed by a mosaic finish. But in this case, the masonry array necessarily leaving a small hole that provides access to water communications.

Installation of purchasing screen

When choosing a purchased sliding screen model, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • functionality of the acquired product;
  • its cost and deadlines;
  • mounting complexity and design.

In cases where the screen is intended only to hide the communications laid under the bathroom, you can do the installation of stationary attachments or removable panels equipped with a hidden hatch. The most versatile and easy-to-use option is a screen product with sliding doors, mounting which will be considered further.

Required tools and spare parts

Before mounting the screen, the bath should worry about the preparation of the instrument, which must be included in the kit:

  • hacksaws on wood, plastic or metal used for fitting ready-made screen blanks;
  • drill with a shock function or a perforator required for punching into the walls of mounting holes;
  • hammer and screwdriver set, as well as a marking set (chalk, twine, level).

In addition, a special fastener will be required to fix the framework of the frame (sometimes it is supplied with the product acquired). After that, it is necessary to check the entire set, in which, in addition to the panels, should include finished racks and aluminum guides. In addition, plastic plugs are usually attached to it, a set of hardware, knobs with fastener and installation instructions. It should be guided in the process of installing the purchase screen.

Assembly (fixation of parts)

According to the attached instruction, the installation of the screen structure is carried out in stages.

First, both guides are stacked on a flat plane so that their grooves are drawn inward. After that, on top and across, they are placed racks with the simultaneous combination of both mounting holes. Then in these holes, the screws applied to the kit are slightly fused so that the racks are fixed in the desired position.

Upon completion of the frame fixation in the profiles, sliding doors are carefully inserted carefully, after which the entire design is adjusted in height, and then the hardware tightens on the racks and insert the caps into the ends.

At the next stage of the assembly to the doors, the handles are screwed, and the legs are inserted into the support racks and are slightly screwed. After that, it is necessary to raise the entire assembled design and start the upper cut under the side of the bath, aligning its edges vertically.

Upon completion of this operation, it remains only to unscrew the legs until it stops, after which the assembled fence must be securely in its place.

Note! To finally verify the screen performance, you must check the sliding doors on the subject of ease of their stroke.

When assembling a design with end walls, all these operations are repeated for each of the sidewalls of the bath, after which all three elements are attached to the support racks by means of suitable hardware.

Installing a self-made screen

In the case of independent arrangement of the screen, we will stop at its most common version, in which drywall is used as fencing, and the racks are made from a metal profile.

The order of its assembly and installation will consider on the example when the screen is being fastened to acrylic bathwhich requires special accuracy in circulation during installation.

For the arrangement of such a design, you need to prepare two types of profiles (75 x 40 and 60 x 27 millimeters), as well as the harvesting of moisture resistant drywall, screws for metal and dowel. From the tool, you may need an electric door, hacksaw, screwdrivers and scissors for metal.

Since the homemade screen is supposed to be done stationary, it will be necessary to think over the issue of the opening (hatch) in it, which provides free access to communications.

Order self-mount Acrylic bath boom can be presented as:

  • first, the depth of installing side racks is scheduled for which the distance equal to the thickness of the plasterboard sheet and the profile is measured from the outer edge of the future screen;
  • then the distance from the flooring of the floor to the side of the bath is measured and the workpiece of the racking profile is cut into the obtained measurement in the amount of 4 pieces;
  • following this, extreme rack profiles can be fixed in the marked points on the walls adjacent to the edges of the bath (in the future, two more racks will be installed in the central part at the location of the hatch);
  • after that, the guide profile takes and is applied between two extreme supports so that it can be made of the length of the barrier;
  • i cut off two blanks, it will be possible through the screws to consolidate them between the rack profiles under the side of the bath and on the floor, without forgetting to put two more intermediate racks.

At the final stage of work, it will remain only inserted into the finished frame sliced \u200b\u200bto the size of the plasterboard sheets.

In conclusion, we note that almost any owner can be able to collect the screens for the baths, who can handle a locksmith tool. The main thing is attentiveness and following the recommendations given in this review.

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