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You won’t surprise anyone with pink bouquets or flower beds, but a rose under a lid or a wine cork is something new! There are mainly two products made from rose petals: wine and jam. These are very valuable dietary products, rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids; in addition, any extracts from roses have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote healing of the mucous membrane of internal organs.

The antiseptic properties of roses were known back in Ancient Rome, but over time, the decorative function of the flower completely relegated its use in medicine to the background. Today, rose connoisseurs have revived the tradition of using the flower for gastronomic purposes, discovering the secrets of the recipe and cooking technology.

No special equipment is required to make homemade rosé wine. The most specialized tool, which, however, can be replaced, is a special nylon cover for removing air from the container. As a vessel for fermentation, you can use any container made of inert materials, such as glass, of suitable size and shape. These can be three-liter jars or bottles. For convenience, the neck should be narrow enough to organize the gas exchange necessary for fermentation. Important! For wines with rich aromas, such as rosé, you need to choose glasses with a wide neck: a large surface in contact with air will allow the aroma to develop more fully. Narrow glasses are more likely to rob the taster of some subtle notes. You can cover the container either with a special lid or with a regular lid with an attached nylon tube, the other end of which is lowered into water. This is necessary for the direction of gas exchange: air must leave the container, but not flow from the atmosphere back into the container.


You only need a few ingredients for aromatic rose wine: rose petals, sugar, citric acid and water. Their quantity depends on the volume of wine you plan to prepare. We will look at the proportions for preparing 2.3–2.5 liters of wine. This volume will fit in a three-liter jar.
So, to prepare the specified amount of wine we will need:

  • 400 g rose or rose petals;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of citric acid;
  • 2.5 liters of water.

Features of product selection

Let's not talk about the features of grocery products - choosing sugar and acid is not difficult, but knowledge of where and when it is better to take petals will come in handy.
Criteria for choosing rose petals:

  1. Do not use store-bought roses. In stores, flowers are treated with special chemicals to maintain their presentation, the most harmless of which is hairspray. Under the influence high temperatures And food acid chemical compounds break down into harmful components, which are very clearly felt, even despite the sugar and acid.
  2. Rose wine, like other products of the food and pharmaceutical industry based on roses, is made from the following varieties: “Festivalnaya”, “Krymskaya Krasnaya”, “Michurinka”, “Pionerka” and “Kazanlakskaya”. Rosehip petals are also suitable.
  3. Choose only fresh petals from elastic buds, even if the flower is a little sad. Remember: everything you do is for yourself.
  4. You need to pick off the buds in the morning, when the morning dew has not yet dried. This is due to the concentration of valuable unbound essential oils, which in the morning is 69.6–72.5%, and by the middle of the day drops to 44–55%.

It is necessary to use boiled or distilled water, as random microorganisms can spoil the drink: cause bitterness and bad smell. Here, perhaps, are all the recommendations for choosing petals for preparing a drink. Did you know? For the first time in the post-Soviet space, roses began to be grown for industrial purposes in Crimea in the 30s of the last century. Basically, flowers were used in pharmacology for the production of oils, extracts and tinctures.

“Kazanlak” rose, widespread in temperate latitudes.
Rose "Festival".
"Crimean" rose.
Rose "Pioneer".

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Homemade rose petal wine is prepared in different ways, and the recipe depends on the desired strength and sweetness of the final product. So, for example, for strength, 40-proof vodka or large number Sahara.

Homemade wine can be made not only from rose petals or grapes, but also from black currants, plums, raspberries, and apples. Unusual methods of preparation include wine made from compote and jam.

Any preparation requires preliminary preparation of products. And since the only unprepared product in this case is the petals, let’s consider what needs to be done with them before immersing them in the container.

Preparing the Petals

Bookmark in a jar

Infusion process

During the first week, under the influence of citric acid, the rose will release the water-soluble oils and vitamins it contains into the water. There is no point in covering with a lid, since at this stage the fermentation process has not yet begun. To ensure uniform access of liquid to all petals, which by the second day will begin to gather at the surface into a dense mass, the workpiece must be stirred at least once a day.

Did you know? It is best to serve seafood with rose wine: caviar, oysters, crayfish, but not fried fish. Neutral cheeses are suitable. It is not recommended to serve fruits and fatty meats, as the former will not be able to compete with the strong aroma, and the latter will spoil the delicate flavor. On the second day, the workpiece will acquire a beautiful pale pink color.
All subsequent days, until filtering, the color of the wine will become more and more intense, and by the sixth day the drink will acquire a red tint and lose transparency.


After six days, the flower petals will noticeably lose color and shape: they will become loose and decrease in size. They have already played their role in the preparation, and now we need to get rid of the flower mass. The denser the sieve, the lighter and better quality the wine will be, so it is recommended to place gauze on top of the colander; in addition, it will be convenient to squeeze out the liquid-rich mass in a gauze bag.
After straining, you need to add 250 g of sugar to the wine. It is introduced in already dissolved form. There is no need to try to dissolve all 250 grams in one portion at once; it is much more convenient to divide into several portions.
IN final stage a jar of strained and sweetened wine is topped up with boiled or distilled water and covered with a wine lid.


The fermentation process occurs without air access at room temperature, it is advisable to place the jar in a dark place. Minimum term fermentation - 1 month. You can tell that the wine has stopped playing by the absence of bubbles on its surface, and you can finally verify this by doing a test with a glove. A latex glove placed over the neck of a vessel with wine - the simplest way check whether gas is released or not. If after 24 hours the glove is not filled with gas, fermentation is over and the wine is ready to drink.
But don’t rush to enjoy the drink, because, like any wine, rosé only gets better with time, so try to hold out at least six months of aging, and you will be richly rewarded.
Wine cap. Another option for a wine cap.

Storage rules

The rules for storing rose wine are very simple and do not differ from the rules for storing other wines:

  • content temperature is about 10–12 °C;
  • air humidity about 70%;
  • if the bottle is sealed with a cork made of natural materials, it is given a horizontal position to avoid drying out of the wood;
  • wine does not like to be shaken, so it is advisable to choose a place for storage that is of little use in everyday affairs;
  • do not store in the bathroom or refrigerator, in the first case - due to high humidity, in the second - because the temperature is too low, which will not allow the wine to ripen;
  • cellar and basement - perfect place for wine. In an apartment, the drink will feel great in the minibar.

Important! Rose and white wines are not “long-lived”; it is better not to keep such wine in the cellar for more than two or three years. Tens of years of aging without loss taste qualities Only fortified red wines can boast.
Wine made from rose petals will definitely become the highlight of any table program, and the availability of ingredients and ease of preparation at home will not burden the owners with unnecessary worries. In addition, rose-based products are very beneficial for the heart and mucous membranes of the body, and also look chic both in a home bar and in gift wrapping.

A flowerbed in bloom is no longer a curiosity, just like a large bouquet of roses, but rose wine is an original innovation. The petals of this flower are ideal for winemaking and confitures. They are considered a dietary product that allows you to saturate the drink with vitamins and minerals. And, most importantly, the wine turns out to be very aromatic and pleasant to the taste.

Stopping fermentation and fixing and aging rose wine

For stopping the fermentation of fixing and aging rose wine Three methods are used:

  • For long-term storage of the drink, the alcohol fixation method is suitable. You need to add about 10-15% alcohol to the wine - it all depends on the volume. The main disadvantage of this method is the strength - the taste and aroma of the drink changes;
  • The most relevant way to preserve all the characteristics of wine is cold. The container with the drink should be placed in a room where the temperature does not rise above 10 degrees. This optimal mode, in which yeast fungi go dormant and after 5 days settle at the bottom of the wine. After removing the wine from the sediment, its storage temperature increases, 16 degrees is allowed;
  • high temperature (about 40 degrees) kills yeast. These extreme temperatures kill pathogens, not just yeast. After processing, the wine must be pasteurized and cooled - extremely difficult to implement at home. This method can negatively affect the taste and aroma of the drink.

Often roses are grown solely for aesthetic purposes. In some cases, their petals are used in cooking. However, today tea rose is used to prepare an aromatic, spicy drink. Both dry and fresh petals are suitable for this. The hue of the flowers directly affects the color of the wine. It is better to use roses that were grown in environmentally friendly regions.

Tea rose petal wine prepared according to the following recipe:

  • you will need pink petals in the amount of 1 liter jar;
  • clean water – 1500 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 0.75 kg;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • a handful of raisins.


  1. Place the petals in a colander and rinse.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Mix sugar and rose petals in a fermentation container.
  4. After an hour, add lemon juice, zest, raisins and water.
  5. Mix the composition thoroughly.
  6. Wearing a medical glove, pierce one finger with a needle and hang it on the neck of the container with wine.
  7. Place the container in a room at a temperature of 18-25 degrees.
  8. After a few days, foam will begin to form on the surface, the glove will inflate - the fermentation process has begun.
  9. After some time, the color of the petals will change and the glove will begin to deflate. This is a sign that the sediment needs to be drained.
  10. The new wine is ready. To obtain a more mature product, a tightly closed container of wine should be placed in a dark place for 4 months, periodically changing the container.

Which roses to choose for making wine

You should not go to flower shops for raw materials. Suppliers generously treat roses with reagents to give them a marketable appearance. Certain types are used in the winemaking process:

  • Festival;
  • Crimean red;
  • Michurinka;
  • Poinerka;
  • Kazanlakskaya;
  • Rose hip.

Wine from red climbing roses - detailed recipe

  • 1.5 liters of boiled water;
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • juice from half a lemon;
  • 200 g rose petals.

Homemade rose petal wine It's quite simple to prepare. You need to mix sugar with water and put it on the fire - cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool and place in a container along with the petals. Add lemon juice, thoroughly mixing the composition. Close the container tightly and set aside for fermentation. After a month, young wine with a rich taste and aroma will be ready.

Step-by-step cooking instructions

Step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make wine from rose petals at home. The amount of ingredients varies in each case. You need to focus on individual taste preferences.

Preparing the Petals

First you need to wash the buds to remove insects and germs. Then the petals are dried on a clean napkin. During hygiene procedures, it is important not to damage the raw materials, otherwise the fermentation process will be disrupted.

Preparation for bookmarking

Place the dried raw materials in a glass bottle, suitable size. Add citric acid solution. Fill the jar with clean water to the brim and let it sit for one week.


Fermentation is a key process rose petal wine recipe. It should take at least a month. The end of fermentation is indicated by a deflated glove - which means that carbon dioxide has ceased to be released in the drink.


After the first six days, the petals need to be filtered out - they are no longer suitable for further use. For this process, you can use a regular sieve. After this, sugar syrup is added to the wine and the container is sealed.

The process of infusing rose wine

In the first week of wine infusion, citric acid is activated. She helps pull everything out essential oils. Therefore, the first days should be accompanied by stirring the drink. Further, the composition acquires a characteristic pinkish color, and every day it will only become more saturated.

Making your own rose dessert drink

If you decide to prepare a wonderful drink yourself, you should prepare high-quality raw materials. The petals are carefully sorted and the best are selected. They should be washed, drained in a colander, and wait until the excess water drains away. It is necessary to compact the container with a capacity of 1 liter to the top.

  1. Remove the zest from 2 thoroughly washed lemons and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Take a clean container of the appropriate size, pour rose petals into it, add sugar (based on personal preference), and compact everything thoroughly.
  3. Leave the raw materials for 1 hour.
  4. Add fresh lemon juice and zest.
  5. Add the same amount of water.
  6. Add 50 g of raisins, but do not wash them first.
  7. Cover the container with a rubber glove, making a small puncture in one finger with a needle.
  8. Leave for 3-4 days. During this time, the fermentation process will start and bubbles will appear.
  9. Active fermentation lasts from 40 to 60 days. The glove will fall off, the petals will lighten, and there will be sediment at the bottom of the container.
  10. Using a pipe, pour the drink into a clean container. Cork.

Wine from tea rose petals at home according to this recipe completely ready for use. Many people prefer to age the drink until it clarifies. It is better to send the sealed container to a room with a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees and leave it there for 3-4 months.

The prepared intoxicating drink from rose petals will become a real decoration of the table and a reason for the pride of the owners. His original taste conquers from the first sip. Preparing the product is quite simple, so you shouldn’t give up on such an idea in order to later present delicious wine to the table.

What could be better: on a frosty winter day, uncork a bottle of wine made from rose petals and fill your home with the atmosphere of a blooming garden. This light, aromatic drink has many fans. They have tested many recipes for making unusual wine.

Most of the ingredients and technological nuances are repeated from recipe to recipe, however, two main methods can be distinguished:

  • making rose wine without fortification;
  • fastening with vodka or alcohol to forcefully stop fermentation.

Choosing roses for home winemaking

A significant amount of petals is required to make wine. It should be noted right away that it is strictly forbidden to use flowers purchased in a store for culinary purposes. They can be treated with a variety of chemicals, including toxic insecticides.

The most suitable varieties for wine are rose varieties that have a strong, pleasant aroma. Flower color is important:

  • white roses give the drink a straw, light yellow color;
  • pink? delicate golden pink hue;
  • dark burgundy? color the wine in light red tones.

Many varieties representing various types roses:

  • hybrid tea;
  • polyanthaceae;
  • curly;
  • floribunda;
  • park;
  • rose hips.

A drink made from rosehip flowers collected at the edge of a forest or a fragrant park rose that lives in a village front garden is no worse than wine from tea rose petals.

Preparing petals for fermentation

Flowers intended for wine are picked in the morning. Half-opened buds and inflorescences in full bloom are also suitable. The recipe allows you to use even slightly wilting, but not yet dried flowers. If the required number of petals cannot be collected in one harvest, the first batches are dried in a shaded, ventilated place for preservation.

Roses should not be collected during heavy dew or immediately after rain. Flowers are not washed, only debris, rot, and damage from insects are removed. Cut off the white part with which the petal is attached to the receptacle.

Fermentation of rose wort

Measure two liter jars of prepared petals and pour them into a 5 liter bottle. Boil 1.5 kg of sugar in 3.5 liters of water and cool until warm. Pour the syrup into a bottle with the petals, add 1 tbsp. l.
citric acid and 1 tbsp. l. unwashed raisins. It is best to use yellow raisins in this recipe because the black ones may affect the color of the finished wine. Wild yeast living on the surface of grapes and rose petals is enough to start active fermentation. The liquid must be thoroughly mixed and a water seal must be installed to limit the contact of the wort with oxygen and not provoke the development of acetic acid bacteria. There should be free space up to the edges of the bottle so that the fermenting wine does not splash out.

Now an assortment of water seals are on sale, but it’s easy to make one yourself from a dropper tube. One end is passed through the stopper of the bottle, and the other is immersed in a container of water. The hole in the plug around the tube is carefully sealed with any silicone sealant. Instead of a water seal, you can use a rubber or latex glove. To release carbon dioxide, make a hole in one finger with a needle.

The wine should ferment along with the petals for about a month. During this time, it is divided into two fractions: the plant material floats to the surface and forms a dense layer, and below, under its protection, a transparent fraction of the young wine remains. When fermentation enters a quiet phase, the layer of petals is carefully pierced, a silicone tube is inserted under it and decanted, that is, the liquid is drained, being careful not to touch the sediment. The drained wine is additionally filtered through cotton pads and again sent under a water seal for further fermentation. After 1-1.5 months it will be ready for use.

Stopping fermentation, fixing and aging rose wine

As a rule, young petal wine prepared at home has a slight sparkling quality. To eliminate carbon dioxide bubbles, it is heated with intensive stirring to 65? C. Already at this stage, the drink tastes good and can be served. Aging for one or two years significantly improves the taste of rose wine.

To make long-term storage reliable, to avoid spoilage of the noble drink from souring, in
alcohol or vodka is added to it. For 3 liters of young wine, 200 grams is enough. vodka or 100 gr. alcohol This technique stops fermentation by killing the yeast; as winemakers say, it “fixes” it. drink. Unfermented sugar remains in the drink. Therefore, by regularly taking a sample, they select the right moment for fixing with the necessary sweetness. Fortified wine is bottled, sealed and stored under normal conditions.

Supporters of the natural completion of the fermentation process, without the use of alcohol, can do otherwise. The spent wine must be filtered, bottled and placed in the refrigerator for aging at t? 2C. The bottles are positioned with their necks down. They are uncorked several times, the sediment accumulated near the cork is removed, closed again and returned to the cold.

Some rose petal wine recipes contain additional flavoring and aromatic additives:

  • oranges;
  • lemons;
  • currant leaves;
  • grape leaves;
  • rose hips and so on.

Exotic notes will be added by spices: ginger, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, cardamom.

If you make wine from the petals without fortifying with alcohol, it will contain a small percentage of alcohol and will require careful cold storage. A gentle, light drink prepared according to this recipe will bring pleasure and joy and will not disappoint with the results of the effort expended. This wine is usually served with cheeses, desserts, and fruits.

In most cases, roses are grown only for beauty; the petals are used extremely rarely in cooking. I propose to break the stereotype by making homemade wine from tea roses simple recipe. The persistent aroma and delicate pleasant taste of this nectar will be remembered forever.

The most fragrant wine is made from fresh roses, but dried petals will also work. The darker the color, the richer the color of the finished drink. Use only roses grown in gardens and summer cottages, because greenhouses are treated with chemicals, and those growing near the road absorb harmful gasoline fumes.


  • tea rose petals - 1 liter jar;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • sugar – 750 grams;
  • medium-sized lemon – 2 pieces;
  • raisins – 50 grams (or wine starter).

Lemons are needed to increase the acidity of the wort, otherwise the wine will ferment poorly, turn out tasteless and quickly spoil. As a last resort, citrus fruits can be replaced with store-bought citric acid and dispensed with zest, but you will lose a little taste. Raisins are a leaven; on the surface of the berries there is wine yeast, thanks to which fermentation will begin.

Rose wine recipe

1. Rinse the petals in running water and drain in a colander.

2. Wash lemons with warm water and dry. Carefully remove the zest (the yellow peel without the bitter white pulp). Squeeze juice from peeled fruits.

3. Place the petals along with sugar into a fermentation container and compact with a rolling pin.

4. After an hour, add squeezed lemon juice (acid), zest, raisins and water. Mix. There should be at least 10-15% free space left.

5. Place a water seal or a medical glove with a small hole in one of the fingers on the neck of the container (pierce it with a needle). Transfer the wort to a dark room with a temperature of 18-25°C.

6. After 3-4 days, foam and hissing will appear on the surface, the water seal will begin to release carbon dioxide (the glove will inflate). This means that fermentation has begun. If this does not happen, add raisins purchased from another store and wait a couple more days.

7. Gradually, the rose petals will lose color and become transparent, this is normal. After 30-45 days, the water seal will stop producing bubbles (the glove will deflate), the wine will become light, and sediment will appear at the bottom. It's time to drain the drink from the sediment into another clean container through a thin tube from a dropper and close it tightly with a stopper.

The wine has fermented

8. Young homemade rose wine is ready. Now it needs to be aged to improve its taste. To do this, a bottle filled up to the neck (preferably without contact with air) should be moved to a dark place with a temperature of 5-16°C and left to infuse for 3-4 months.

9. If sediment appears, it is advisable to pour the wine into another container at least once every 30 days until it becomes clean and transparent.

10. After aging, try the drink. Add sugar to taste if desired. You can also strengthen the wine with vodka or 40% alcohol, adding no more than 15% of the volume.

It's no secret that the tea rose has many beneficial properties. It would take a long time to list them. Many people love wine from this flower. Herbal tea is also made from this flower, which is quite popular. Its aroma is quite tart, but the drink is remarkably refreshing and has a great taste. It should be noted that this plant has a unique composition that has healing effect on the human body.
For example, the flower remarkably strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the digestive tract. In addition, tea rose perfectly cleanses the urinary tract and kidneys. It can be used to cook very delicious drinks. For example, tea rose wine, the recipe of which is of interest to many lovers of good alcohol.

Beneficial properties of tea rose

This flower healing properties which provides a large amount of vitamins, performs the following functions:

2. Elimination of runny nose and discomfort in the throat.

3. Getting rid of all kinds of infections.

4. Normalization of kidney function, as well as help with urinary retention.

5. Providing the intestines with beneficial bacteria and getting rid of infections in the gastrointestinal tract.

6. An effective remedy to combat diarrhea, illnesses gastrointestinal tract and dysentery.

7. Cleansing the gallbladder and liver.

8. An effective remedy for all ailments directly or indirectly related to the latter. Getting rid of apathy. Considering all this, it can be argued that every lover of fine drinks should know about tea rose.

9. Restoring normal menstrual cycle and elimination of pain during menstruation.

10. Fight against insomnia, loss of strength, fatigue and depression.

Antibacterial effect of flowers

When the time comes for this plant to bloom wildly, you need to stock up. By the way, tea rose is famous for its antibacterial effect and is great for fighting colds. First of all, it quickly eliminates pain and relieves soreness. And tea rose wine, in addition to benefits, also brings pleasure.

How to pick roses correctly

And they smell stronger. Usually the flowers are dried and later used as needed.

Tea rose wine: recipe

You will need: 2 kilograms of sugar, 20 glasses of water, 400 grams of flower petals, a small spoon of citric acid.

To make good wine, roses must be picked at dawn. Preference should be given to fresh flowers that have recently opened. It is not recommended to pick a plant that has stood in the sun for at least one day in bloom, because it is no longer so juicy. This should be understood by anyone who wants to know how to make wine from tea roses.

Add one and a half kilograms of sugar to a glass of water and bring to a boil. After this, let it cool down. Grind the flower petals with a small spoon of citric acid and 500 grams of sugar.

Fill the bottle with the finished mixture, and then pour in one and a half liters of syrup. Use five glasses of water to wash off the mixture from the plate in which it was made. Next, add it all to the bottle. It must be complete. Now the bottle needs to be shaken thoroughly, wrapped in gauze and taken for 10 days to some place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. This is a must. Only if this is followed can tea rose wine turn out to be of truly high quality.

You need to shake the bottle every day. After 10 days, you should drain the contents through the tube, and then set it under And let the liquid stand like that for 8 - 10 weeks. After this time, the wine will be ready.

Final stage

Fill the bottles with the resulting drink, then seal them and refrigerate.
When pouring wine into containers, it is recommended to filter it. Although not necessary. This way you can prepare it with a great aroma and taste, its strength does not exceed 10°. It turns out quite sweet. It is painted in a rich orange color, with a slight crimson tint. The wine should be clear. If you keep the drink for 12 months, it turns out so much tastier than fresh that the pleasure justifies the long wait. Now you know how tea rose wine is made. You can cook it both for your household and for guests, who will certainly be satisfied with its amazing taste. In addition, you will appear in their eyes as a skilled winemaker, they will be delighted with your talents. It is possible that they will ask you for the recipe. And whether to share it or not, you will decide for yourself. Perhaps friends and guests will visit you more often, knowing that such a delicious treat awaits them. In addition, your self-esteem will rise when you realize that you can make a real miracle from simple rose petals. And this is worth a lot.


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