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interpretation of sleep dead wife

According to Miller's dream book, the deceased wife comes in a dream to warn and remind about some unfinished business. An ex-wife in a dream, no matter whether it’s just an ex (living) or a deceased one, speaks of attachment to the past. Whether to break this connection and how to do it must be decided in real life, but the dream only reminds of the urgency of the problem.
But if your dead wife passes by you in a dream without looking back, this means that the past is leaving you irrevocably. This indicates your readiness for a new life with another person whom you have already found or will find in the near future.

dreamed of a dead wife

Your dead wife worries you because you still have debts to her. Think about whether you kept all the promises you made to her during your life together, or before your death?

interpretation of sleep dead wife

If in your dream you continue family relationships with the deceased, this also indicates unfinished business and an unbroken connection with her. This may also mean that soon a new woman will appear in your life to whom you can open up. Moreover, this woman may turn out to be from your close circle, one whom you previously did not perceive as a woman, but rather as a friend.

deceased wife according to the dream book

The main goal of the ghost of a deceased soulmate is to make you think about the future, about your future life. It is worth reflecting on your former relationships, taking note of everything that was good, discarding everything that was bad, and moving on. The arrival of a dead person in a dream is a symbol of your hopes regarding this person, which are not destined to come true.
To get started new life, to meet another person, you need to make room in your heart, in your soul. Remnants of the past leave no room for a happy future.

It is believed that the dead foretell a change in weather. But visions involving the dead are not always interpreted so unambiguously. Widows, for example, need to carefully analyze what their husband is up to. It is likely that the soul of a loved one is trying to warn about something or protect from future troubles. Let's ask the dream book: what is the purpose of a deceased husband?

Direct prediction

We live in a rather complex world. The deceased husband often dreams because his soul is looking after the once beloved woman and children. She knows everything that has been and will be. Probably, the soul sees the error of the widow’s behavior or thoughts and tries to warn about impending troubles.

It also happens the other way around, says the Ancient Russian Dream Book. The deceased husband pushes the woman towards new happiness, tries to persuade her to forget grief and open up to joy. Everything the deceased says should be remembered or written down. These words are worth their weight in gold. They contain information that is very important for the dreamer. And it should be taken literally. The departed spouse draws attention to some things or circumstances that will soon prove important.

Just reflect on what you heard. And try to record the meaning of the vision, write it down on paper or in some other way, so as not to forget in the bustle of the world. In the subtle worlds where the souls of the dead live, there is no concept of time. It is likely that the spouse is communicating information not about tomorrow, but about events that will happen in a year or two. Interpreters recommend that women analyze visions about their late husband, and sometimes compare real events with what he said. The work, of course, is not easy, but you will discover a lot of new things.

The deceased husband is alive in a dream

There is one more subtlety in interpretation, which the widow will have to cope with on her own. A living spouse who has gone to another world can speak of a longing for male affection and attention. If you lack communication with the opposite sex, then you should not consider the dream prophetic. It is given out by the subconscious as a stimulus for a more active search for a new personal life. This is especially true for young widows; there is no point in denying it. the husband is alive and cheerful, affectionate and playful - which means it’s time to think about other men. As people say: “He let you go.”

A sad spouse in the country of Morpheus is a harbinger of trouble. For a woman, if you look into the depths of the subconscious, a husband is protection and support. Maybe now our views have changed, we have become more partners, but the brain that forms dreams does not suspect this. It relies on more ancient and natural principles of existence. The husband comes as caring father, warn of upcoming unrest. And he is sad in his dream because he understands: his wife is making a mistake that leads to worries. If your husband scolds, it means there will be some kind of joy.

Kissing your departed spouse

Another rather ambiguous story. Interpreters advise to treat it philosophically. As the Ukrainian says, the relatives you kiss portend reconciliation with someone currently living. As a rule, we are talking about old family conflicts. They will be resolved, and the harmony of relations will be restored.

In a dream, kissing your late husband with passion means the appearance of a suitor who can become a faithful spouse. Gently caressing a departed lover is a sign of boredom and melancholy. If a kiss causes discomfort, there will be trouble in your personal life. Scandals and attacks of jealousy are likely in the near future. If, on the contrary, your spouse kisses you, talk to his family. Some of these people need help or support. To see a deceased spouse kissing another woman is to learn about the death of a friend in reality. Often the deceased shows exactly the person whose earthly path will soon end.

Emotional component

Sometimes the meaning lies not in the events, but in the feelings that the dream evokes. The late husband brought joy in the astral world - get ready for pleasant changes in reality. If you experience an attack of melancholy, you will receive bad news. If you quarreled with your deceased spouse until you cried, something very pleasant is coming. Often such a vision warns of new love. on a deceased husband - make a mistake. If you felt guilty, you will receive forgiveness for past sins.

Disappointment that suddenly visited you in a dream speaks of an incorrect worldview. You consider something valuable that is not. Try to rethink your life guidelines so as not to cry later.

Feeling happy in the company of your deceased spouse means recovery for the sick. For widows who do not suffer from illnesses, such a vision promises a good day filled with pleasant events. Pay attention to the fact that a meeting with your late spouse left you indifferent - to a loss of interest in life. In the old days they said that it is necessary to remember your husband.

Reliving the funeral

Sometimes in night visions pictures of past suffering come to life. As the English Dream Book suggests, dead relatives whom you are burying again simply foreshadow a change in the weather.

Don't get upset and cry. You probably haven't fully gotten over the loss yet. Go to the temple and order a funeral service, pray yourself - everything will calm down over time. If you again experienced the funeral of a spouse who had passed on to another world, it means that the wound in your soul is still alive. By the way, it may not appear for decades; it seems that everything has already been forgotten, but in a dream the pain of loss comes to life again. Try to cope with your emotions and prevent suffering from corroding your soul and body. This vision also says that a woman has no real incentive to live, no specific goal. It needs to be formed.

Take or give things

In the old days, it was believed that a dead person brings gifts only to trouble. It’s even worse if he calls for you. Such a dream was interpreted as a harbinger of death. For a widow to take some objects from the hands of her deceased husband is a sign of resolving a troubling situation. Giving him things yourself is a sign of rash actions that will lead to major troubles. An old Russian dream book believes that the plot foreshadows frivolous behavior leading to illness. Try to be more reasonable after such a vision. The spouse calls for him - to illness. To refuse an invitation is to avoid an unknown danger. The trouble will pass by, you won’t even have time to realize it.

Someone else's deceased spouse

Sometimes people try to understand why the deceased husband of a relative or friend dreams. Such a vision should be deciphered like everything associated with the dead. If he was alive and cheerful, the weather would be good. I spoke to you - take the words as a warning about certain circumstances in life. Scolded - make an unforgivable mistake, tried to beat - to a promising acquaintance. The funeral that you had to endure in reality returns in night visions to draw your attention to the need to show compassion for your neighbor. Perhaps the widow needs help. Meet and talk to this woman, find some kindness in yourself.

In general, the deceased should be remembered since he appeared in a dream. This is an old folk tradition, remember it when thinking about why your late husband dreams.

Humanity has always been concerned with the question: why does a dead person dream? Such a dream can cause fear in someone. Someone will puzzle over the meaning and significance of this dream. In any case, there is no need to be afraid of such a dream.

Like any other dream, it can reflect previous events (funeral, wake, visit to a cemetery). Otherwise, the dream in which the deceased had a dream is essentially a prediction.

To the question: “Why do dead people dream?” you can find the answer not only in the most popular dream books. The first thing that comes to mind for a person who has had a dream about a living dead person is ancient folk signs.

According to folk superstition, seeing a “living” dead person in a dream means, first of all, a change in the weather. This is the most common explanation of a dream in which the dreamer dreamed of a dead person in one form or another.

This phenomenon is usually explained by the fact that when atmospheric pressure changes, the blood pressure of a living person changes. Perhaps invisible changes in the atmosphere have the same effect on the spirit of a deceased person. After all, it is during periods of sudden changes in weather that the deceased most often appear in dreams.

But be that as it may, to fully decipher the meaning of a dream, it is necessary to know all the details of this phenomenon. In order for the interpretation to be most accurate, the dreamer, after waking up, must try to remember all the details from the dream, trying not to forget anything.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • on what day of the week did you have the dream?
  • in what place did the dead person dream (cemetery, house, apartment, street);
  • whether the deceased person was wearing any clothes or was naked;
  • whether there was a bed or some other bed in the night vision;
  • who the deceased was (male or female);
  • whether it was a familiar person to the dreamer or a complete stranger, a stranger;
  • how often do you have such a dream?
  • does the deceased speak in his sleep and what exactly does he say?

Dreams in which deceased people dream, as a rule, do not carry negativity. Such a vision should not disturb the dreamer. Usually, if you dream of dead people who are close to you, then they appear in your dream with a specific mission.

Occasionally, deceased relatives appear in dreams, thus reminding them of themselves. This means that you need to go to the cemetery and tidy up the grave of your loved one. You should definitely go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of a deceased person.

You can prepare a memorial dinner and remember the deceased among friends and relatives. Or do this by distributing buns and sweets at the cemetery or on the church porch. In the latter case, it is necessary to name the person who needs to be remembered.

There are cases when people dream of a dead person (or dead people) very often. This usually happens when the soul of a deceased person does not find peace. Perhaps the deceased has some unfinished business or relationship left on earth. To resolve these problems, he appears in the dreams of people close to him.

Sometimes the dead act as harbingers of certain events. They appear in the dreams of people close to them in order to protect them from a rash act. Or suggest the correct solution to any controversial issue. Thus, the spirit of the deceased, appearing in a dream, sometimes protects loved ones from major and minor troubles.

To remember the deceased, you can come to the temple and order a prayer service for the remembrance of the deceased on Parents' Saturday.

Why does a dead woman dream? Mother or grandmother? Such dreams usually don’t happen just like that. Deceased relatives come to us in dreams to warn us about something or protect us from some kind of trouble. Late relatives - mothers and grandmothers - always protect us.

In dreams, as a rule, they can appear in order to indicate to us some event that needs to be paid attention to. Girls dream about their deceased mother or grandmother before their wedding. Or when a young woman is pregnant and expecting a baby soon.

A deceased relative can “predict” in visions whether her daughter’s (granddaughter’s) marriage will be happy or whether for some reason it will not last long. A deceased mother who comes in a dream can indicate who will be born to a pregnant daughter - a son or a daughter. Will the baby be born healthy or will it be a stillborn fetus?

The late papatoe also serves as a protector and adviser. Such a dream should not always be alarming and disturbing. Sometimes dearly departed relatives appear to say goodbye. This is especially true in cases where one of the relatives was unable to attend the funeral.

Very often, young people dream of deceased parents and grandparents when some significant events occur in their lives:

  1. Finishing school.
  2. Admission to university.
  3. Marriage.
  4. The upcoming journey.

In any case, you just need to pay attention to whether the dream was joyful and bright or whether something in it seemed negative. Any deceased parent who loved and protected their children during their lifetime comes to them in dreams with the same function - to help, protect and protect.

It is not good to see deceased loved ones sick and infirm. Such a dream may foreshadow the imminent illness of one of the relatives.

What could the appearance of a deceased husband or wife in a dream mean? People who have lived side by side for many years are like family and understand each other. Sometimes living people unwittingly contribute to such a dream.

Let's say a woman has been married to her late husband for quite some time. for a long time. Many events happened during this married life. Joyful events were replaced by some everyday problems and vice versa. And every time the woman turned to her husband for help or advice.

According to a habit formed over the years, the inconsolable widow continues to mentally communicate with her late husband. Therefore, it is not surprising that she sees her ex-husband in a dream. Whether this dream will be a warning or a kind of moral support depends on the details of the vision.

If the dream was serene, then there is no reason for concern or anxiety.

Sometimes I dream about things like:

  • mirror;
  • money;
  • suicide;
  • mutilated corpse.

Such a dream can warn of something not very pleasant. For example, a widower may see his deceased wife looking in the mirror. This usually predicts the dreamer's illness. A dream can also be prophetic if a man sees himself in the mirror next to his deceased girlfriend.

Among the “visitors” from dreams there may be people both familiar to the dreamer and completely unfamiliar. It happens that, under the impression of the events experienced during the day, a person sees some celebrity in a dream. In principle, it doesn’t make much difference who had the dream. The main thing is that everything happens joyfully and positively.

Usually the events themselves from a dream warn the dreamer of what to expect. Regardless of who the dream is - brother, sister, uncle or father-in-law - it is considered a bad omen to see money. Such a dream usually signifies a big conversation, scandal or quarrel.

Suicides, especially hanged ones, always dream of bad weather. But it could be a hurricane, a rainstorm, or a terrible natural disaster. Therefore, when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to pay attention to even the most insignificant, at first glance, details.

Why might a dead person dream about a house? Why does a dead person dream of being dead or alive at night? Why do we see dead people in different situations that cannot always be easily interpreted?

Very often, dreamers see the dead alive. The deceased appears in a dream as an ordinary person. This appearance of the deceased does not frighten or bother anyone. Therefore, everything that happens in this dream most often has a positive connotation.

There is an opinion among people that if you see someone dead in a dream, then this person will live a long time, as they say, up to a hundred years. By analogy, a deceased person dreamed of as alive, by all signs, promises only good events. The longevity of the dreamer cannot be ruled out.

The dead person that the dreamer dreamed of in a coffin does not have a positive interpretation. That is, such a dream is usually interpreted in a negative way. If you dream of a white coffin with the deceased, then, as a rule, you can “bury” a favorable resolution of some pressing problems.

A black coffin with a deceased person is a harbinger of some big troubles.

It could be:

The coffin in a dream can be closed or open. There are many more nuances that need to be paid attention to. A dead man who is trying to rise from the coffin seems to be trying to draw attention to problems that require urgent resolution.

Dead people up to 40 days are dreamed of more often than others. There is an explanation for this. It is believed that the soul of a deceased person remains on earth for up to 40 days. A deceased person, whose soul lives somewhere near the living, comes into dreams more often than others. The living, mourning their dead, also further encourage them to do so with their grief. Sometimes newly assigned ones dream only for up to 40 days, sometimes this happens longer.

All requests that dreamers receive from the dead in dreams must certainly be fulfilled.

The deceased talking in their sleep is by no means a rare phenomenon. Sometimes dead people in dreams communicate in sign language. Or they perform some action that later has to be unraveled.

But there are also unique dialogues with the deceased. There is nothing surprising in this, because they come in order to convey to the living some important or simply necessary information.

If the dream is remembered completely and the dreamer can accurately reproduce the conversation with the deceased, then this will significantly simplify deciphering the dream. If the night vision is not completely preserved in memory, then it would be nice to remember some significant details.

As a rule, these dreams, like all others, are always interpreted from the point of view of the general feeling of the dream. It happens that relatives and friends come alive to simply remind you of themselves. Some dead people complain that they are cold. This means that the deceased was buried in the cold season in light clothing.

In order to respect the dead and so that he does not bother a living relative, you can simply distribute the warm clothes of the deceased. In this case, the soul of the deceased will calm down. Sometimes deceased people complain that they feel damp and wet. This means that the place for the grave was chosen poorly and groundwater is collecting there.

It is very unpleasant to see in a dream how a deceased person calls the dreamer with him. Very often close relatives appear in this image. A deceased spouse can come for their beloved “half.”

Such a dream always carries a negative perception. And cannot be deciphered positively, especially if you dream young man for whom it is too early to think about death. Older people view such dreams more calmly if they internally feel that their time is coming.

Conversations with the dead in a dream do not always hint at the dreamer’s imminent death.

This may be a warning in solving problems:

  • family;
  • industrial;
  • with health.

There is no need to be afraid of dead people coming in a dream. Because most often their appearance carries with it the desire to help living people. Such dreams are very rarely negative.

All appeals of the deceased, their requests and comments should not be ignored. This can be considered an unspoken code, according to which all the wishes of those who have left this world must be respected.

Any dream can be prophetic. You just need to know what this or that event or action in a dream means. And exactly what moments in a dream you need to pay close attention to. Anyone who knows how to correctly decipher dreams will not be in danger of any sudden trouble. Because, as they say: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Here are some signs that may be useful for interpreting dreams:

In order to give the most accurate interpretation of sleep, it is advisable to be guided by different sources . The most popular dream books are those of Freud, Aesop, Veles, and Vanga.

When you dream of dead relatives who come alive in a dream, this is always interpreted as a hint from the deceased person that he is rarely remembered. With this appearance he simply reminds of himself. Each relative has its own function or purpose in dreams.

The deceased father appears to protect his son or daughter from some kind of misfortune or trouble. In order to accurately solve such a dream, you need to try to remember everything in detail. If a deceased parent talked about something in a dream, then you need to remember all his words and carefully analyze them. An accurate decoding of this dream will help protect you from big troubles or irreparable grief.

A dreaming deceased mother is also a kind of “amulet” for her children. Its appearance should always be taken very seriously and carefully. Like any mother who loves and protects her children, she is able through her actions to protect people close to her from a terrible disease.

The appearance of strangers in a dream, men or women, should not be discounted or taken lightly. They also warn living people and protect them from rash actions and suggest the correct solution to pressing problems.

A familiar man in a dream means good things. It symbolizes good luck and fortune. A familiar woman, on the contrary, foreshadows material problems, bankruptcy in business, lack of harmony in family life. Dreams in which living people hug or kiss their deceased relatives lead to illness.

Dreams in which something abnormal happens never lead to good things. Negative in their perception, they do not bring anything good in life. And in this there is no malice by deceased people. Besides the fact that they try to warn people or protect them in a way that is accessible to them, they cannot influence events in any other way.

There are several versions to explain the reason why dead people appear in dreams. The first version claims that the deceased can simply be present in a dream, without speaking or influencing events in any way. Usually such a dream does not cause any worries, because there is practically no meaning in it.

We have to look at and analyze dreams in a completely different way, where the “guest” talks and even performs some actions, thereby attracting attention to himself. Such dreams have a clear meaning. By his actions and statements, the deceased seems to express his positive or negative attitude towards a particular event.

Another option can be considered, in which the dream performs the function of prediction, censure or approval. The reaction to such visions is also not unambiguous. The most harmless of them is when such a dream is considered as a warning about a change in the weather.

Some dream books, when deciphering night visions, focus on behavior and appearance deceased. Most often, friendly behavior is interpreted as not foreshadowing any troubles or problems. And, conversely, any negativity contained in a dream is interpreted not in favor of the dreamer.

There are dream books that consider the option of changing weather much more deeply. It is believed that dreams of the dead not only indicate bad weather. The dead man becomes a symbol of the change of stages. The old, outdated, is gone, and the new must come to replace it. That is, instead of the “atmospheric” option, the option of changes in a person’s fate is proposed.

The frequency of visions also indicates what can be expected from them. Is it in night vision? useful information, helping a living person in everyday life, or it contains some kind of terrible warning.

Great value is given to dialogues. Questions reveal things that may matter to those who are alive and well. These questions can be no less important for the deceased person. Otherwise, why would he show up and ask questions?

Its meaning also depends on what day of the week the dream occurred. All dream books that give interpretations of dreams always pay attention to the image of the deceased in a dream.

By day of the week it will look like this:

  • as people say: “On Monday, sleep is a slacker”; sleep that night can be classified as an option with changes in the atmosphere;
  • on Tuesday - to changes in your personal life;
  • on Wednesday - long-awaited and important news;
  • on Thursday - to solve old problems;
  • on Friday - considered prophetic;
  • on Saturday - problems in business development;
  • on Sunday - sorting out relationships in the family or at work.

In order for a deceased relative from a dream to become a guardian angel and protect a living person, helping him, you need to learn how to correctly solve dreams.

Whatever dream you have, no matter what happens in it, remember that a lot still depends on you. Although, we must admit that there are events predicted in dreams that occur against our will and over which we have no control. This means we need to learn to accept and use the tips of those we care about.

If you dreamed about your deceased wife, then the dream books recommend that the widower not give in to panic, but figure out why such a situation is happening in the dream. To do this, you need to remember what the deceased did in the dream, what she looked like, and what happened around her in the dream plot.

Financial situation will improve significantly

Interpreting why the late wife dreams, dream books advise to figure out whether this dream is a reflection of reality (perhaps the dreamer was widowed not so long ago and yearns for his wife) or does it still carry some sacred meaning.

If a man sees his long-deceased wife alive and thriving, smiling and talking peacefully, then it is likely that a noticeable improvement in his financial situation awaits him. You can safely invest your money in the project you like - it will bring good dividends, Tsvetkov’s dream book suggests.

You will be sad and disappointed

But according to Eastern dream book, the deceased wife is a symbol of disappointment and resentment. If a man who buried his soulmate decided to tie a new knot and saw such a plot on the eve of the wedding, then this is a warning that the new family will not bring the desired peace and joy.

Have you decided to start your own business? If you see your deceased spouse gloomy and unfriendly in a dream, give up your idea, otherwise you will waste your energy, time and finances, receiving nothing in return except disappointment.

Don't be afraid of illness

Seeing your deceased wife alive but seriously ill in a dream is a symbol of the fact that the dreamer himself does not have to worry about his health, assures the oracle of dreams of Nostradamus.

But Miller advises “to be proactive.” If you dreamed of a deceased spouse with some kind of illness or wounds, then go to the doctor for prevention and reassurance.

If in reality you are sick, then having seen in a dream how your deceased wife leaves you, without responding to calls and without looking back, you can hope for a speedy recovery.

Learn to make decisions on your own

The medium Miss Hasse in her dream book gives the following interpretation of what the late wife dreams of: seeing your spouse teaching you is a signal that you do not know how to accept independent decisions. This will cause others to stop taking you into account.

But the vision in which you repent before your deceased spouse, who accuses you of something, speaks of your dependence on the opinions of others. You focus too much on the opinions of others about your own actions.

You will be overtaken by despondency and sadness

Wondering why the deceased wife dreams of crying? Refer to the Summer Dream Book for clarification.

If your wife tearfully begged you for something in a dream, and you remained indifferent to her pleas, then this means that you will be sad for some reason. But calming a sobbing deceased woman in a dream is a sign of despondency, apathy and bad mood for no particular reason.

Analyze your life

The interpretation of what the deceased wife means in a dream also depends on such a factor as the place where you meet her in a dream. This is what a “date” promises:

  • in the park, on the street - you need a life without outside advice;
  • in church - repent of your sins - it will become easier;
  • at the cemetery - do not forget about loved ones and friends;
  • in the theater, circus, restaurant - you should be in society more;
  • among mutual friends - someone wants to harm you;
  • at home - you should not look for happiness on the side;
  • at work - there is a stagnation in business, it’s time to ask for help.

Received today test task. We need to find out why the dead wife dreams. Fortunately, I am not a man, I have never been and never will be anyone’s husband. But there is nothing to do, the task is the task.

The task, of course, both amused and dumbfounded me. I’m not into dream books, I’ve never read them, I’ve never believed in dreams from Thursday to Friday, and then suddenly...

Believe it or not...

It turns out that the appearance of a dead wife in a dream to a widower promises him, if not universal happiness, then certainly a significant improvement in material terms. Although no, this is all only if the wife in a dream talked peacefully with her already ex-husband. But if she did not talk peacefully, but was nervous, then soon the widower will be nervous. Why he would be nervous is not said. Maybe because there will be no improvement in material terms? I don't know, but we'll take your word for it.

I open another dream book. And I see that the death of his wife in a dream promises her excellent health and long years of life, and great disappointment for the would-be widower. I begin to feel sorry for the failed widower. What is he guilty of, that he is dreaming about this? And, in general, doesn’t fate have another way to inform a person about impending troubles?

The next dream book - and the next interpretation. Now the death of his wife in a dream heralds the excessive dependence of the would-be widower on public opinion and excessive vulnerability because of this very public opinion. I continue to feel sorry for the “widower.” I don’t know how to evaluate this interpretation. It is good or bad that a person depends on public opinion - as long as it benefits him. And again, a question for “Lady Fate.” Is it really necessary to appear dead relatives in a dream in order to inform a person that he is a “rag” and has no own opinion? Although, maybe he’s different, he just doesn’t understand.

I read on. The following dream book announces that meeting dead relatives (including wives) in a dream does not bode well. The widower faces difficult thoughts and mental anguish. However, if the departed wife is cheerful, then everything will turn out just fine. And the “widower” will be very happy. It’s difficult for me to compare this with the grief of losing a loved one, but I didn’t write this dream book and it’s not for me to change it.

And yet no

In general, I read all this, thought about it and decided that I had not read dream books before and there was nothing to start with. There are many other, more interesting and useful literature.

And everyone perceives dream books the way they want to perceive them. Someone read it, laughed and moved on. And someone found their dream book, read it, believed what they read and perceived this information as a guide to action. Well, this is a personal matter for everyone. I'd rather read Agatha Christie.

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