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The Eiffel Tower has been part of the urban landscape of Paris for a hundred years and has become its symbol. But it is also not only the heritage of all of France, but also a monument to the great technical achievements of the late 19th century.

Who built the Eiffel Tower?

Since the second half of the 19th century, progress has led many countries around the world to build high-rise structures. Many of the projects suffered defeats even at the conception stage, but there were also those engineers who firmly believed in the success of their plans. Gustave Eiffel was one of the latter.

Gustave Eiffel

To the centenary industrial revolution in 1886, Paris opens a competition to create new outstanding achievements of our time. According to its concept, this event was to become one of the most outstanding events of its time. In the course of this idea, the Palace of Machines made of metal and glass, destroyed at the beginning of the 20th century, and the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, 1000 feet high, were born.

Work on the Eiffel Tower project began back in 1884. By the way, Eiffel was not a novice in his field; before that, he brilliantly managed to find solutions in the field of construction of railway bridges. For the design competition, he provided about 5,000 sheets of drawings of the tower parts in the original scale. The project was approved, but this was only the beginning of hard work. There were still 3 years left before Eiffel would forever immortalize his name in history.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower

Many famous residents did not accept the construction of a tower in the middle of the city. Writers, artists, sculptors, and architects protested against this construction, which, in their opinion, violated the original beauty of Paris.

But, nevertheless, the work continued. A huge 5-meter pit was dug into which four 10-meter blocks were installed under each leg of the tower. Additionally, each of the 16 tower supports was equipped with hydraulic jacks to obtain an ideal horizontal level. Without this plan, the construction of the tower could have dragged on forever.

July 1888

250 workers were able to erect the tallest tower of its time in the world in just 26 months. Here it’s only worth envying Eiffel’s capabilities in the field once again accurate calculations and organization of work. The height of the Eiffel Tower is 320 meters, total weight- about 7500 tons.

The tower is divided into three tiers - 60 meters, 140 meters and 275 meters. Four elevators inside the tower's legs take visitors up to the second. The fifth elevator goes to the third level. There is a restaurant on the first floor, a newspaper office on the second, and Eiffel's office on the third.

Despite early criticism, the tower blended seamlessly with the city's views and quickly became a symbol of Paris. During the exhibition alone, about two million people visited here, some of whom immediately climbed to the very top on foot.

With the end of the exhibition, it was decided to demolish the tower. New technologies - radio - became her salvation. Antennas were quickly installed on the tallest structure. In subsequent years, television and radar antennas were installed on it. There is also a weather station and broadcasting of city services.

Until the construction of the Empire State Building in 1931, the tower remained the most tall building in the world. It is difficult to imagine the city of Paris without this glorious image.

Eiffel Tower (France) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Nowadays no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel Tower, and most Parisians, if they didn’t fall in love with it, at least managed to come to terms with it. But this was not always the case - after its construction, it caused strong dissatisfaction among many townspeople, who found it extremely awkward. Hugo and Maupassant, for example, repeatedly insisted that the tower should be removed from the streets of Paris.

Initially, the structure was planned to be dismantled in 1909, 20 years after its construction - but after stunning commercial success, the tower received “eternal registration.”

However, most tourists always admire the Eiffel Tower. Even after 120 years, it remains the tallest building in Paris and the fifth tallest in all of France. Despite its majestic dimensions, its total weight does not exceed 10 thousand tons, it exerts pressure behind the ground equal to the pressure of a person sitting on a chair, and if all the metal of the tower is melted into a single block, it will occupy an area of ​​25 by 5 m and will be only 6 cm in height! However, in our time, the construction of a similar structure would require three times less metal - technology does not stand still.

France will be the only country to have a 300-meter flagpole!

Gustave Eiffel

The most patriotic Parisian

During the German occupation, Hitler visited Paris and wanted to climb the Eiffel Tower. However, the Fuhrer’s wish did not come true: the elevator broke down just in time, and Hitler left with nothing. After such an embarrassment, the Germans spent 4 years trying to repair the ill-fated lift. In vain - the German craftsmen could not figure out the mechanism, and the French just shrugged their shoulders - there are no spare parts! However, in 1944, literally a few hours after the liberation of Paris, the elevator miraculously started working and has been working without interruption to this day.

"Eiffel Brown"

It is curious that the Eiffel Tower is probably the only building in the world that has its own patented color - Eiffel Brown, which gives the tower a bronze tint. Before that, she changed several colors - she was yellow, red-brown, and ocher. Recently, the tower has been repainted every 7 years, and in total this procedure was carried out 19 times. Each painting requires about 60 tons of paint (as well as about 1.5 thousand brushes and 2 hectares of protective mesh), so over time the tower still continues to gain weight. And not only in weight - due to new antennas, its height is gradually increasing: today it is 324 m, and this is far from the limit.

In fact, the Eiffel Tower is not at all monochromatic, as it might seem at first. It is painted in three different shades of bronze - from the darkest on the first level to the lighter on the third. This is done so that the tower looks more harmonious against the sky.

Everyone can buy a piece of the Eiffel Tower, and we are not talking about souvenirs with its image, but about the original itself - from the time of Gustave Eiffel " The Iron Lady» is owned by a private company and its shares are traded on the stock exchange.

8 Paris attractions you can visit for free:

For 100 years, the undisputed symbol of Paris, and, perhaps, of the whole of France, has been the Eiffel Tower. While in Paris, anyone strives to see this “triumph of technical thought of the 19th century.”

In horizontal projection, the Eiffel Tower rests on a square of 1.6 hectares. Together with the antenna, its height is 320.75 meters and it weighs 8,600 tons. According to experts, 2.5 million rivets were used during its construction to create a smooth curve. 12,000 parts for the tower were made according to precise drawings. In addition, the tallest tower in the world at that time was assembled by 250 workers in an astonishing amount of time. short term.

Location of the Eiffel Tower

The main attraction of Paris is located on the Champ de Mars - a former military parade ground, later transformed into a beautiful park. Currently, the park, the layout of which was changed by the architect Formige in 1908-1928, is divided into wide alleys decorated with flower beds and small ponds.

The Eiffel Tower is located next to the central embankment of the Seine, near the Pont de Jena bridge. The tower is visible from many points in Paris. Now it is considered a decoration of the city. Although it is worth recognizing that the tower was not specially decorated during construction. Eiffel initially had the idea of ​​placing decorative statues at the corners of each platform, but then he abandoned this idea, leaving only openwork arches, since they fit into the strict image of the structure.

The acceleration of technological progress in the 19th century led to revolutionary changes in architecture. Projects of grandiose high-rise buildings are emerging in various places. At this time, radical transformations took place in architecture: glass and steel became the new building material, most appropriate to the task of making any building light, dynamic, modern. Figuratively speaking, the engineer finally replaced the architect.

The government of the Third Republic decided to capture the imagination of its contemporaries by building a structure the like of which the world had never seen. The exhibition was supposed to demonstrate the achievements of technological progress. In 1886, a competition was announced in Paris for the best architectural project for the World Exhibition of 1889, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great French Revolution. The plan for the Eiffel Tower was designed by Maurice Koeschlin in 1884. Gustave Eiffel (he is also known for building the frame for the famous one) was interested in this project, and he decided to bring it to life. The plan for the future tower was significantly supplemented and adopted by the commission in June 1886. True, an unrealistically short period of time was allocated for the construction of the structure - only 2 years, and the tower was supposed to rise 1000 feet (304.8 meters). But this did not stop Eiffel. By this time he was quite a strong professional in his field. They built large number railway bridges, and the peculiarity of his style was that he knew how to find extraordinary engineering solutions to complex technical problems. In November 1886, funds were allocated for the construction of this miracle of modern times.

On January 28, 1887, construction began on the left bank of the Seine. A year and a half was spent on laying the foundation, and the installation of the tower took just over eight months.

During the laying of the foundation, a depth of up to 5 meters below the level of the Seine was carried out; blocks 10 meters thick were laid in the pits, because nothing could be neglected to unconditionally guarantee stability. Hydraulic presses with a lifting capacity of up to 800 tons were built into each of the four foundations for the tower legs. The 16 supports on which the tower rests (four in each of the four “legs”) were equipped with hydraulic lifting devices in order to ensure an absolutely precise horizontal level of the first platform.

Elevators were installed immediately during construction. Four elevators inside the tower's legs go up to the second platform, and a fifth goes from the second to the third platform. Initially, the elevators were hydraulic, but already at the beginning of the 20th century they were electrified. Only once, during 1940, was the tower completely closed because all its elevators failed. Due to the fact that the Germans entered the city at that time, no one cared about repairing the tower. The elevators were repaired only after 4 years.

On March 31, 1889, the grand opening of the Eiffel Tower took place. To the patriotic strains of La Marseillaise, Gustav Eiffel climbed the 1,792 steps and hoisted the flag. The Eiffel Tower was erected on time, in 26 months. Moreover, the accuracy of its design was simply amazing; everything was measured down to the smallest detail. Until 1931 (the date of construction of the Empire State Building), the tower was even considered the tallest structure on our planet.

Of course, the project was grandiose, but at one time it met with a lot of sarcasm and reproach. The Eiffel Tower was called the “monster with nuts.” Many believed that it would not last long and would soon collapse. Back in the 19th century, Parisians terribly disliked the tower; Hugo and Verlaine were indignant. Great cultural figures wrote long angry letters demanding the immediate removal of this “lightning rod” from the streets of Paris.

Maupassant dined regularly at the restaurant at the very top of the tower. When asked why he was doing this if he terribly did not like the tower, Maupassant replied: “This is the only place in all of vast Paris from where it cannot be seen.” Prominent artists were indignant: “In the name of genuine taste, in the name of art, in the name of the history of France, which is now under threat, we - writers, artists, sculptors, architects, passionate admirers of the hitherto impeccable beauty of Paris, protest with deep indignation against the building in the heart of our capital, the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower.”

Even some members of the commission who gave the go-ahead for the construction of the tower said that this building would not stand for more than 20 years, after this period it must be demolished, otherwise the tower would simply collapse on the city. It is worth noting that even today, despite the fact that the Eiffel Tower has long been recognized as a symbol of France, some people disdain this achievement of modern construction.

Many times in history, the issue of demolishing the tower was discussed for various reasons (including the fact that some ministers believed that it was an unnecessary investment of money). A serious threat to the tower existed in 1903, when money was even allocated for dismantling. The tower was saved only by the appearance of the radio. It became the mainstay of antennas for, then television and radar services.

Now, of course, there is no doubt about the need for the Eiffel Tower. On the tower there is a unique one, where daily fluctuations in electricity, the degree of pollution and the level of atmospheric radiation are being studied. From here the Parisian broadcasts its programs. It has a transmitter installed on it that provides communication between police and firefighters. The uppermost platform has a diameter of 1.7 meters. There is a lighthouse on it. The light of its spotlights is visible at a distance of 70 kilometers.

Eiffel Tower today

The base of the Eiffel Tower is a square with sides of 123 meters. Its lower tier, which looks like a truncated pyramid, consists of four powerful supports, the lattice structures of which, connecting with each other, form huge arches.

The tower has three floors. The first is at a height of 57 m, the second at 115 m and the third at 276 m. In addition to the fact that it is noticeable due to its considerable height, the tower also stands out due to its intense lighting. In 1986, the tower's external night lighting was replaced by an internal lighting system, so that after dark it looks simply magical.

The Eiffel Tower is very stable: a strong one tilts its top by only 10 - 12 centimeters. In hot weather, due to uneven heating by the sun's rays, it can deviate by 18 centimeters. 1910, which flooded the pylons of the tower, did not damage it at all.

Initially, the tower was a symbol of the Revolution. It was supposed to show the technical achievements of France over the past 10 years. The tower was never just a decoration. So, immediately after the opening of the Eiffel Tower, a restaurant began operating here, which had unprecedented success. 10 years later, another restaurant was opened. On the second, at an altitude of 116 meters, the Figaro newspaper equipped its editorial office. During the Empire and the Revolution, numerous and crowded celebrations were held at the Eiffel Tower. The tower has observation decks that are extremely popular among tourists. When particularly clear, the gaze can cover a distance of up to 70 km in radius. And in 2004, an ice skating rink opened here. It was installed at the 57-meter height of the first floor of the tower within a week and a half. On an area of ​​200 square meters 80 guests of the tower will be able to ride at the same time.

More than 6 million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. Modern elevators take them to observation platforms with telescopes, restaurants, souvenir shops and the Tour Eiffel Museum. Many people on the planet still dream of seeing this miracle with their own eyes.


Address: Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole France, 75007 Paris

Official website:

Entrance to level 1 and 2: 8 euros for adults, 6.40 - from 12 to 24 years old,
4 - up to 11 years

Entrance to 3 levels: 13 euros for adults, 9.90 - from 12 to 24 years old, 7.50 - for children

Paris is one of the most famous tourist cities in the world, a city with a special, unique charm that is unique to it.

Paris is an amazing city with unique architecture and a huge number of attractions of world significance, including the Gothic, famous by Victor Hugo.

Also the Opera Garnier, where, according to legend, the famous ghost lived, Disneyland - a place of attraction for all children and parents, the Louvre - the largest and most beautiful museum filled with world masterpieces, the Orsay Gallery - the largest repository of works by the Impressionists and the visiting card of Paris - the Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower in Paris - history of creation

The 300 m tall steel Eiffel Tower in Paris was built in 1889 as a temporary structure to serve as the entrance arch to the Paris World's Fair. The year of construction, 1889, was timed to coincide with the opening of an exhibition organized in memory of the centenary of the French Revolution.

Exact height in the tower spire is 324 meters. The Eiffel project stood out from 106 competitors due to its innovative construction techniques, which made it possible to construct a complex tower in just 2 years and with minimal effort. The construction budget was 7.8 million francs, half of which was Eiffel's personal funds. Construction

The tower paid for itself during the period of the exhibition, not to mention the profits that the tower brought in the future and continues to bring now.

In the first time after construction, this symbol of Paris had many opponents. Dissatisfied citizens, including famous writers and composers, united and directed protests against the Eiffel Tower. But nevertheless, this building also gained fans, and not a small number, and instead of being demolished after 20 years of existence, the tower rises in the same place to this day.

Eiffel Tower in Paris today

Today, the Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark in all of France. I think there is not a single person who has visited Paris and not seen this famous tower. The tower looks especially impressive at night; it is best to first admire it from a distance, and then climb to the observation deck and enjoy the night views of Paris. The height of the tower and its favorable location allow you to see Paris at a glance.

Eiffel Tower consists of 4 levels: lower, 1st, 2nd, 3rd floors.

  • Lower level- This is the first place where visitors arrive. Here you can buy tickets or find out their cost at ticket offices, familiarize yourself with the opening hours and hours of this object on the corresponding information stands. On the lower level there is 4 souvenir shops And post office and everyone has the opportunity to buy and send a postcard with an image of this wonder of the world to their loved ones or friends.
  • On the 1st floor can be seen part of a spiral staircase, with the help of which it was previously possible to get from the 2nd to the 3rd floor, as well as exhibition posters, photographs and various images of the tower in different years of its existence.
  • At 2nd level you can learn something new information about the history of the tower at specialized stands, just like at the first one you can buy souvenirs and most importantly, a wonderful view opens from this floor panorama of Paris.
  • To the 3rd floor you need to get there by elevator, which has transparent walls, and already on the way you can enjoy the opening views of Paris, which is the purpose of visiting the tower for many tourists. Recreated on this floor interior of the office of its founder- Eiffel.

On the 1st and 2nd levels there are two restaurants:

  • "Height 95"
  • and "Jules Verne".

Eiffel Tower - where is it located?

Eiffel Tower built in the area Paris, which is called that in the 7th arrondissement, on Anatole France street. Exact address: Champ de Maps, 5 av.Anatole France If you get there by metro, then metro station, on which you need to exit is called Bir Hekeim.

The Eiffel Tower is open every day, in summer opening up at 9 am(from June 15 to September 1), and at other times at 9:30. The elevators between floors and the tower itself close at different times. So elevator to 2nd floor in summer closes at midnight, at other times at 23:00. Elevator to 3rd floor closed in summer at 23:00, at other times - at 22:30. Stairs to 2nd floor closed in summer at midnight, on other days at 18:00. Herself tower closes at 0:45 in summer and at 23:45 at other times.

The Eiffel Tower has an official website where you can buy tickets online by paying with a credit card and then skip the line to get into the tower. At the same time, it must be remembered that come you need to go to the tower entrance in 10 minutes before the time indicated on the ticket; in case of late arrival, the ticket is considered used.

Eiffel Tower on the map of Paris:

Photos and videos of the Eiffel Tower in Paris

Photo: Below you can view photographs of the Eiffel Tower taken by experienced photographers, talented amateurs, as well as photographs of the area taken from a satellite.

- a 300-meter metal tower, which is located in the center of Paris. The most famous French and world landmark, which only due to circumstances was not dismantled, as was intended during its construction.

The fate of the Eiffel Tower is quite interesting. Its construction was completed in 1889, that year France organized the World Exhibition, and the tower was the winner in a competition of projects that were supposed to determine appearance exhibition complex and decorate it. According to the original plan, 20 years after the exhibition, this metal structure was to be dismantled, since it did not fit into the architectural appearance of the French capital and was not intended as a permanent building; radio development saved the most popular attraction in the world.

Facts about the Eiffel Tower

  • The height of the tower is 300.65 meters to the roof, 324.82 meters to the end of the spire;
  • Weight – 7300 tons for the tower and 10,000 tons for the entire building;
  • Year of construction – 1889;
  • Construction time – 2 years 2 months and 5 days;
  • Creator: bridge engineer Gustave Eiffel;
  • Number of steps – 1792 to the lighthouse, 1710 to the 3rd level platform;
  • Number of visitors – more than 6 million per year;

About the Eiffel Tower

Height of the Eiffel Tower

The exact height of the tower is 300.65 meters. This is exactly how Eiffel conceived it, who even gave it the simplest name: “three-meter tower” or simply “three hundred meters”, “tour de 300 mètres” in French.

But after construction, a spire antenna was installed on the tower and now its total height from the base to the end of the spire is 324.82 meters.

Moreover, the third and last floor is located at an altitude of 276 meters, this is the maximum accessible to ordinary visitors.

The Eiffel Tower looks like an unusual pyramid. The four columns rest on a concrete foundation, and as they rise they intertwine into a single square column.

At a height of 57.64 meters, the four columns are connected for the first time by the first square platform - a floor of 4,415 square meters that can accommodate 3,000 people. The platform lies on an arched vault, which largely forms the recognizable appearance of the tower and which served as a kind of gateway to the World Exhibition.

Starting from the second floor landing, the four columns of the tower are woven into a single structure. The third and last floor is located on it at an altitude of 276.1 meters; its area is not as small as it might seem - 250 sq.m., which allows you to accommodate 400 people at a time.

But above the third floor of the tower at an altitude of 295 meters there is a lighthouse, now it is controlled by software. The tower is crowned by a spire, which was added later and modified several times. It serves as a flagpole and holder for various antennas, radio and television.

Eiffel Tower design

The main material of the tower is puddling steel. The weight of the tower itself is approximately 7,300 tons, and the entire structure with foundation and auxiliary structures weighs 10,000 tons. In total, 18,038 individual parts were used during construction, which were held together by 2.5 million rivets. Moreover, each of the tower parts weighed no more than three tons, which removed most of problems with their lifting and installation.

During construction, many fairly innovative engineering methods were used, which its creator, Gustave Eiffel, drew from his experience in bridge construction. The tower was built in just 2 years by three hundred workers, and, thanks to the high level of safety precautions and designs that simplified assembly, only one person died during construction.

The high speed of work was achieved, firstly, by very detailed drawings that were created by the engineers of the Eiffel Bureau, and, secondly, by the fact that all parts of the tower arrived at the construction site ready for use. There was no need to drill holes in the various elements, adjust them to each other, and 2/3 of the rivets were already installed in their places. So the workers could only assemble the tower like a construction set, using ready-made detailed drawings.

Eiffel Tower color

The question of the color of the Eiffel Tower is also interesting. Now the Eiffel Tower is painted in the patented color “Eiffel Tower Brown”, which imitates the color of bronze. But in different times it varied in color and was available in both orange and burgundy until the current color was adopted in 1968.

On average, the tower is repainted every seven years, with the last painting being carried out in 2009–2010, on the 120th anniversary of the landmark. All work was carried out by 25 painters. old paint removed with steam supplied under high pressure. At the same time, an external inspection of structural elements is carried out, and worn ones are replaced. The tower is then coated with paint, which requires approximately 60 tons, including 10 tons of primer and the paint itself, which is applied in two layers. Interesting fact: the tower has different shades below and above, so that the color is uniform to the human eye.

But the main function of paint is not decorative, but purely practical. It protects the iron tower from corrosion and environmental influences.

Reliability of the Eiffel Tower

Of course, a building of this size is greatly influenced by wind and other weather phenomena. During its construction, many people believed that engineering aspects were not taken into account during the design, and an information campaign was even launched against Gustave Eiffel. But the experienced bridge builder was well aware of the possible risks and created a completely stable structure with recognizable curved columns.

As a result, the tower resists the wind very effectively, the average deviation from the axis is 6–8 centimeters, even a hurricane wind deflects the tower spire by no more than 15 centimeters.

But a metal tower is greatly influenced by sunlight. The side of the tower facing the sun heats up and, due to thermal expansion, the top can deviate by even 18 centimeters, much more than under the influence of strong winds.

Tower lighting

Another important element The Eiffel Tower - its illumination. Already during its creation, it was clear that such a grandiose object needed to be illuminated, so 10,000 gas lamps and spotlights were installed on the tower, which shone into the sky with the colors of the French tricolor. In 1900, electric lamps began to illuminate the contours of the tower.

In 1925, a huge advertisement appeared on the tower, bought by Andre Citroen. Initially, on three sides of the tower there was a vertically written surname and the name of the Citroen concern, which was visible for 40 kilometers around. Then it was slightly modernized by adding a clock and signs. This lighting was dismantled in 1934.

In 1937, the Eiffel Tower began to be illuminated with light rays, and modern lighting is based on gas discharge lamps was installed in 1986. Then the lighting was changed and modified several more times, for example, in 2008 the tower was illuminated with stars in the shape of the EU flag.

The last modernization of the lighting was carried out in 2015; the lamps were replaced with LEDs to save energy. In parallel, work was carried out to install thermal panels, two wind turbines, and a system for collecting and using rainwater.

In addition, the Eiffel Tower is used to launch fireworks during various holidays - on New Year, on Bastille Day, etc.

Interesting fact: the image of the Eiffel Tower is public property and can be used freely, but the image and appearance of the tower with the backlight turned on is copyrighted by the management company and can only be used with their permission.

Floors of the Eiffel Tower

As already mentioned, the Eiffel Tower has three levels, not counting the lighthouse platform, where only workers can enter, and the areas at the base. Each floor is not just an observation deck, there are also souvenir shops, restaurants, and other objects, so it’s worth talking about each level of the Eiffel Tower separately.

As already mentioned, it is located at an altitude of 57 meters from ground level. Most recently, this level of the tower underwent renovation, during which individual elements on the floor were updated and a transparent floor was built. There are a large number of different objects located here:

  • Glass balustrades and a transparent floor that give an unforgettable experience of walking through the void more than 50 meters above the ground. Don't be afraid, the floor is completely safe!
  • Restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel. Not the only one in the tower, but the most famous.
  • Buffet if you just want something to eat or drink.
  • A small cinema hall in which a film about the Eiffel Tower is broadcast by multiple projectors on three walls at once.
  • A small museum with interactive screens telling the history of the tower.
  • A fragment of the old spiral staircase that led to personal account Gustave Eiffel.
  • A seating area where you can just sit and look at Paris from a bird's eye view.
  • Gift shop.

You can get to the first floor either on foot, overcoming 347 steps, or by elevator. At the same time, an elevator ticket costs 1.5 times more, so walking is not only useful, but also profitable. True, in this case the third, highest platform will not be available to you.

The height of the second floor of the tower is 115 meters. The second and first floors are connected by stairs and an elevator. If you decide to climb to the second level of the Eiffel Tower on foot, then be prepared to overcome 674 steps; this is not an easy test, so soberly assess your strength.

This floor is half the size of the first floor, so there are not many objects located here:

  • Restaurant Jules Verne, where you can treat yourself to exquisite French cuisine while looking at the city from a great height. Interestingly, this restaurant has a separate direct access from the ground through an elevator in the southern column of the bridge.
  • The historical window is a gallery telling about the construction of the Eiffel Tower and the operation of its elevators, both the first hydraulic ones and the modern ones.
  • Observation deck with large panoramic windows.
  • Buffet.
  • Souvenir kiosk.

The last, third floor of the Eiffel Tower is its most interesting part. Of course, restaurants at bird's eye view are interesting, but nothing compares to the panorama of Paris from a height of almost 300 square meters.

Visitors can only get to the third floor of the tower by taking a glass elevator, although it is reached by a staircase that originally had 1,665 steps, but was later replaced with a safer 1,710 steps.

The last floor of the tower is very small, its area is only 250 square meters, so there are few objects located here:

  • Observation deck.
  • Champagne bar.
  • Eiffel's office with original interior and wax figures.
  • Panoramic maps that allow you to determine the direction to other cities and attractions.
  • Scale model of the floor in its original form from 1889.

The main thing on this floor, of course, is the panoramic windows, allowing you to see Paris from a great height. Today, the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower is the second highest in Europe after the Ostankino TV tower in Moscow.

Where is the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is located in the center of Paris, on the Champ de Mars. From the Champs Elysees to the tower it is approximately two kilometers.

Walking around the center on foot it is impossible to miss the tower, just look up and you will see it, and then just walk in the right direction.

Nearest metro station: Bir-Hakeim, line 6 – from there you only need to walk 500 meters to the tower. But you can also get there from Trocadero stations (intersection of lines 6 and 9), Ecole Militaire (line 8).

Nearest RER station: Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel (line C).

Bus routes: 42, 69, 72, 82, 87, stops “Champ de Mars” or “Tour Eiffel”

In addition, near the Eiffel Tower there is a pier where boats and pleasure boats stop. There is also parking for cars and bicycles near the tower.

Eiffel Tower on the map

Information for those wishing to visit the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower opening hours:

From mid-June to late September:

  • Elevator – from 9:00 to 0:45 (entrance until 0:00 on the 1st and 2nd floors and until 23:00 on the 3rd floor)
  • Staircase – from 9:00 to 0:45 (entrance until 0:00)

Rest of the year:

  • Elevator – from 9:30 to 23:45 (entrance until 23:00 on the 1st and 2nd floors and until 22:30 on the 3rd floor)
  • Staircase – from 9:30 to 18:30 (entrance until 18:00)

There are no days off, the Eiffel Tower is open all days of the year, and has extended opening hours on holidays (Easter and spring break).

Eiffel Tower ticket prices:

  • Elevator with access to the 1st and 2nd floor - 11 €;
  • Stairs with access to the 1st and 2nd floor - 7 €;
  • Elevator to the 3rd observation deck - 17 €;

Ticket prices are for adults. Group excursions, as well as tickets for children (4–11 years old), youth (12–24 years old) and people with disabilities are cheaper.

Important: the schedule and ticket prices may change, we recommend checking the information on the official website of the tower


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