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Marilyn Monroe was murdered. There is no doubt in my mind. Displaying vials of barbiturates and stimulants is just a distraction and an emphasis on her addiction to drugs. It’s just convenient to blame everything on them. In the evening of 08/04/1962. Three people came to see her - her doctor Greenberg, actor and friend Wolford and Robert Kennedy. The housekeeper and her brother, who were there at the time, saw him. At first they were silent out of fear. But before her death, the housekeeper still said how it was and who was there. They were told to get out. In the room where everything was happening, there were wiretapping bugs. The mafia took care to install them to extract compromising evidence on the love affairs of Marilyn and D. Kennedy. These bugs recorded voices and screams when she was beaten in the face and demanded a certain diary, which she Vela.Then someone said WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH HER NOW? This meant that she was already unconscious. And most likely she was suffocated with a pillow. She was taken from the guest room to the bedroom. They took everything off her and laid her flat and face down. As the first arriving policeman, who had seen a lot of people poisoned by an overdose, was immediately surprised, it couldn’t be so. It immediately became clear to him that the body had been transferred from somewhere. In those who are poisoned, the body twists in spasms and convulsions. And here it’s even and ostentatious. No traces of capsules were found in the small intestine. And the presence in the blood and liver was 14 mg per liter. This is from 40 to 42 capsules that had to be taken at once. And the crystals of the latter would still not be dissolved in the stomach. But they were not there!!! Then the examination reports were redone to suit the version of self-poisoning. Samples disappeared mysteriously. But the dissenting experts guessed that a lethally saturated solution of barbiturates and chloral hydrates was administered to her using an enema when she was turned off by Greenberg’s injection. They noticed traces and trauma in the large intestine. The actual date of death was 22-45 08/04/1962. The brother of the housekeeper, Yunni, testified that there were two more with the said trio, but he did not know them at all. And they had not been there before. Quite recently there was a sensational article that, in a dying state at the age of 80, a certain retired CIA officer did not want to take with him something to the grave and showed that at that time he was carrying out very delicate tasks to eliminate people dangerous to America. He had 37 eliminated. And only one of them was a blonde woman. According to him / when she was taken to the bedroom and everyone left, then it was his turn to do the work. He administered a deadly dose... And that’s it... Everyone who knew remained silent on pain of death. Some fell silent immediately or not immediately forever. And before their death in 1986. Yunni, apparently also having a hard time experiencing all this and feeling her involvement, told the correspondents. One might say, she repented before her death. And in general, the investigation was one-sided from the very beginning. What they wanted, they saw, what they didn’t want, they didn’t take into account. This is the real MURDER! She was buried on August 8, 1962. at the Westwood Village Memorial in the CRYPT. And ironically, it was on this day that she was supposed to have a re-wedding with former second husband Joe DiMaggio... He was faithful to her until his death and brought her red roses once a week, as he once promised at the wedding...

August 8, 1962: Days after actress Marilyn Monroe died at age thirty-six, family and close friends held a private funeral for the actress, attended by only 31 people, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The actress died of a significant overdose of sleeping pills at her home in Brentwood on August 5, 1962. Monroe had a meteoric rise to fame, especially in the 1950s, with roles in the films Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, The Seven Year Itch (Seven Years of Desire) and Some Like It Hot (Some Like It Hot).
But, alas, Monroe was not only famous, but also notorious. Three marriages and three divorces made Marilyn Monroe's personal life the object of close public attention.

In 1954, her short marriage took place with American baseball player, star of the New York Yankees team, Joe DiMaggio. DiMaggio was among those present at Monroe's funeral, says Times reporter Frank Lareau, although Monroe's first and second spouses, Jim Dougherty, and playwright Arthur Miller did not show up. “I love you, I love you so much,” DiMaggio repeated over Monroe’s coffin. In the first years after Monroe's death, DiMaggio sent bouquets of roses three times a week to decorate Monroe's crypt.

On the day Marilyn Monroe's death was announced, a crowd of admirers gathered at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood, where the star once left her handprints.

Marilyn Monroe's coffin is removed from Westwood Memorial Park Chapel.

Admirers of the actress stand at her grave at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery on June 1, 1963, what would have been Monroe's 37th birthday.

Monroe returns to Los Angeles after a vacation in Mexico a few months before his death.

Marilyn Monroe in 1952.

Marilyn Monroe in court after testifying in the case of two attackers distributing nude photographs of the actress.

Marilyn Monroe in 1954 after a court hearing regarding her divorce from DiMaggio.

Exactly 55 years ago, on August 5, 1962, the most famous sex symbol of the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe, died. To this day, her sudden death at the age of 36, at the peak of her career, is one of the biggest mysteries of the last century. For many years, the whole world was sure that the sexy blonde committed suicide, but 2 years ago the revelations of Norman Hodges, the ex-CIA agent who killed Monroe, hit the Internet. So where is the truth?

Marilyn's body was discovered on August 5, 1962, without clothes, with a telephone receiver in her hand. Psychoanalyst Greenson and therapist Engelberg arrived and determined barbiturate poisoning. Suicide - everyone decided, attributing it to an accidental overdose of drugs due to depression. But 53 years later, CIA special agent Norman Hodges admitted that he killed the actress on orders from management. The reason for this was Marilyn’s friendship with the communists - she could convey important information.

Despite her frivolous image, Monroe stood up for world peace, friendship of peoples - this is where the actress’s love for the ideals of communism began. In 2006, the Associated Press news agency published an FBI archive in which a denunciation of the TV personality was discovered. From the document it follows that Monroe is a communist, her husband Arthur Miller is a leader communist party Monroe, who provides finance for the subversive activities of bohemian communists. Monroe's commitment to communism is also evidenced by her patronage of Ella Fitzgerald.

And at the end of 2015, a terminally ill retired special agent made a sensational confession - on the orders of the CIA, he killed Monroe. Norman Hodges admitted that he entered the diva's bedroom on August 5 and injected her with a lethal injection of a barbiturate and a sedative. He did it for America, his boss, Jimmy Hayworth, told him she had to die. Hodges has 37 more stars of various sizes, among which Monroe was the only woman.

After Hodges' confession, the FBI became involved, but no evidence could be found. Soon the applicant himself died, and the case was “hushed up.”

Meanwhile, there are many more versions of Monroe's death. One of them is the fatal passion of the blonde and President John Kennedy. In 1961, a whirlwind romance began between them, but it turned into a painful passion for the beauty. She began to threaten the president with exposure, and he assigned his brother Robert to distract her. It was he who last saw Monroe on the night of August 4, and (possibly) their quarrel escalated into a scandal and subsequent murder.

Another possible culprit is her psychoanalyst, Ralph Greeson. He worked with many stars, but his therapy was questioned. Instead of helping, he pumped Monroe with drugs that made her hysterical. He took care of the diva in every possible way, and in the end she realized that they needed to stop communicating. Before her death, they talked for six hours, and many are sure that he drove her to suicide.

Another guess is that Monroe could have been removed by the American “mafia”. One of Marilyn's lovers was Frank Sinatra, who was connected to the US underworld. The CIA recorded that the day before her death she met with a former lover.

One way or another, this is all just speculation. It is still unknown why Monroe was naked, why there were many pill bottles next to her but no water, and who she was trying to call that fateful night.

“Monroe could pass strategic information to the communists, and we could not allow that. She had to die, I just did what I had to do!” - Norman Hodges, CIA operative.

One of the main tragedies of Marilyn's life was the sad fact that no one took the beautiful, bright blonde seriously. The actress dreamed of deep dramatic roles, read serious literature and was sure that all people are brothers. Towards the end of her life, Marilyn, strange as it may sound, turned to the ideals of communism.

“What the world really needs is a real sense of kinship. Everyone: stars, workers, blacks, Jews, Arabs - we are all brothers,” the actress said in an interview with one of the journalists.

True, this speech did not appear in the press during Monroe’s life: such statements contradicted the image of a carefree glamorous beauty. Later, her secretary Patricia Newcombe said that the star asked the reporter to include these words in the article.

The dream of universal brotherhood and equality resulted in friendship with the communists. In 2006, the Associated Press news agency published an interesting document from the FBI archives, essentially containing a denunciation of the star. According to the text of the paper, on July 11, 1956, an unknown man called the Daily News and said that Marilyn Monroe was a communist, and her own film company, Marilyn Monroe Productions, which the actress founded to get out of the bondage of the film giant 20th Century Fox, supplies finances of the US Communist Party.

At the same time, the informer stated that the actress’s third husband, playwright Arthur Miller, is none other than the leader of the “Monroe Communist Party,” which includes almost all employees of the film company. And the marriage of Monroe and Miller is just a cover for the subversive activities of “bohemian communists.”

Star for Equality and Fraternity

Whether the informer told the press the truth about Monroe and her film company is unknown, but in the mid-fifties no one began to publish such “news.” However, the star's political sympathies recent years were pretty clear. Monroe was not too keen to hide her communist views. Thus, in the autobiography of Frederick Field, known for his “leftist” views, Monroe’s fiery speech about his own ideals is mentioned:

“She said that she sympathizes with the fighters for human rights, for the equality of blacks and whites. She also shared her excitement about what happened in China and her anger at communist persecution and McCarthyism,” Frederick Field wrote in Right to Left.

It is also widely known that the actress herself patronized Ella Fitzgerald. The black singer had little chance in the white patriarchal world of the US in the fifties, but Monroe secured a place for her in the popular Mocambo club.

“I am truly indebted to Marilyn Monroe. It was because of her that I started playing Mocambo. She personally called the club owner and told him that she wanted me in immediately and if he did that, she would take the front table every night. The owner said yes, and Marilyn was there at the table every evening. After that, I never had to play in a small jazz club,” Ella Fitzgerald later recalled about the great actress.

Dangerous mistress of the great

There were also rumors that the actress had an affair with Fidel Castro, the legendary Cuban revolutionary. And this connection could be not only cordial, but also political.

The former mistress of US President John F. Kennedy, Monroe may have had classified information of strategic value. The president's secrets could have caused the actress's death - tragic and violent.

For many years after the death of the star, two main versions prevailed: about her suicide and death due to negligence. Allegedly, Marilyn, who all her life considered her “best friends” not diamonds, but stimulants, sleeping pills and other medications, simply exceeded the dose - intentionally or accidentally, but herself.

However, in 2015, 78-year-old retired CIA officer Norman Hodges said that it was he who killed Marilyn Monroe on the orders of his superiors. The former killer in the service of the American government was terminally ill, and therefore decided to tell the world about all his sins.

Killing for America

According to the special agent, in total, on the orders of the CIA from 1959 to 1972, he “neutralized” 37 people, among whom were stars varying degrees"brightness". But Monroe turned out to be the only woman - according to Hodges, before the actress he only killed men.

According to the ex-officer, at about 1 a.m. on August 5, he entered Monroe's bedroom and gave her a lethal injection. The special agent’s syringe contained a “cocktail” of barbiturates and a sedative.

“My commanding officer, Jimmy Hayworth, told me that she should have died and that the death should have looked like suicide or an overdose. I had never killed a woman before, but I obeyed the order. I did it for America! Monroe could pass strategic information to the communists, and we could not allow that. She had to die, I just did what I had to do!” - this is what Norman Hodges told reporters on his deathbed in a Virginia hospital.

After such a monstrous revelation, the FBI took over Hodges' case. As it turns out, Commanding Officer Jimmy Hayworth had already died in 2011. It also turned out to be impossible to interrogate the three remaining members of the “Hodges task force” exposed by him: two of them died, and one went missing in 1968.

Some time after the sensational statement of the former CIA employee, many publications stated that it was a fake and the investigation was hushed up. In addition, the applicant himself died, and there was no one to question. But given the circumstances of Monroe's death, Hodges' story seems more than plausible today.

In addition, one fact is absolutely reliable - for many years Marilyn was monitored by the CIA.

Between the President and the Prosecutor General

It is interesting that the actress’s romance with Fidel Castro has another interpretation - according to one version, Monroe was “placed” in the loving Cuban’s bed by the American President himself. John Kennedy, with whom the blonde was madly in love, allegedly wanted to use her help to lure the Cuban leader to the US side. But it soon became clear: the beauty could easily fall in love, but she was unable to influence Fidel’s views and ideology.

Be that as it may, the “fatal man” in Marilyn’s life was not Castro at all. It was the Kennedy family that brought the actress to her grave - at least indirectly, and according to some sources - directly.

In 1961, Marilyn met US President John Kennedy. They began an affair, which soon resulted in painful passion on the part of the unbalanced beauty. The actress’s love began to openly annoy the first person of the state, and Kennedy, according to rumors, instructed his brother Robert to “distract” the women from himself.

Robert's “distraction maneuver” turned out brilliantly. Monroe fell in love with the president's brother, the country's attorney general, with the same wild passion. The actress claimed that Robert promised to marry her, and sincerely believed in politics until the last.

Hysteria with fatal outcome

As in the case of John, the star made endless scenes for Robert, interrupted the phone with calls and promised to make their relationship public. According to one version, on August 4, Robert Kennedy flew to Los Angeles, where the actress lived, to dot all the i’s.

The Prosecutor General came to Monroe's house, but the conversation ended in a hysterical scene. In the end, the blonde became hysterical, during which Robert Kennedy allegedly grabbed a pillow and strangled the star.

This version seems completely crazy, but in 1985, the actress’s housekeeper Eunice Murray admitted to the press: indeed, on the evening of August 4, Robert Kennedy came to visit the actress. Eunice did not say more, but, according to the police, at the time of their arrival, Marilyn’s housekeeper (who, we recall, discovered the actress’s body) was doing laundry. What exactly did the woman need to wash immediately after her owner’s body was discovered?..

Victim of a mad psychoanalyst?

Robert and John Kennedy, Fidel Castro and the entire CIA fraternity may not have been involved in the death of the actress. Marilyn Monroe's killer may have been her psychoanalyst, Ralph Greenson. It is known that before her death, the actress spent several hours in his company.

Ralph Romeo Greenson was a "star" psychiatrist. In addition to Monroe, he provided services to Frank Sinatra, Vivien Leigh and other Hollywood “celestials”. Many accused Greenson that his method of therapy ruined the actress. Instead of working with her emotional state, trying to balance and harmonize the inner “storm” of the passionate blonde, the doctor regularly pumped her with an endless amount of medications.

“He completely subordinated Monroe’s actions and desires to his will. He was confident that he could make her do whatever he wanted,” Donald Spoto wrote about Greenson in his biography of the actress.

According to numerous testimonies, the psychoanalyst forbade Monroe to meet with ex-husband, basketball player Joe DiMaggio is the only person who looked after and supported Monroe all his life, no matter what. In addition, the doctor did his best to cool her relationships with friends and tried to alienate her from her loved ones.

“By late July 1962, Marilyn realized that if she wanted to have any privacy at all, she needed to leave Greenson,” Spoto writes in his book Marilyn Monroe.

Such an attempt to break free obviously did not suit the power-hungry psychiatrist at all. According to one version, Greenson drove the actress to a nervous breakdown and suicide, because on the evening of August 4 they talked for six hours.

According to another version, the psychoanalyst prescribed Monroe a “deadly cocktail” of Nembutal and chloral hydrate. As it turned out after the autopsy, the content of these substances in the actress’s blood exceeded the lethal level almost three times.

The mafia removes the extra ones

Marilyn could also have been killed by the “hands” of the American mafia. One of the actress’s countless lovers, the equally “star” Frank Sinatra, was closely connected with the US criminal world. It was he, according to legend, who became the prototype of Johnny Fontaine, the hero of “The Godfather,” who turned to the mafia for help.

Sinatra was seen more than once in company with his cousin Al Capone, and by the early sixties the singer became the “right hand” of Sam Giancana, the leader of the American mafia. The day before her death, Monroe met with her former lover, which was recorded in CIA records. And, quite possibly, it was he who took the life of the actress - on the instructions of the “godfather”.

However, the last version seems the least plausible. Supporters of Marilyn’s suicide claim that the actress was deeply depressed for many years, which simply reached its peak on the night of August 5th. But who then did the actress unsuccessfully try to call? Why was she found without clothes and in an unnatural position? And, in the end, why wasn’t there a glass of water among the pile of empty bottles - did the star really swallow a mountain of medicine just like that?.. After the death of the star, there were too many questions and “blank spots” left to attribute everything to suicide.

Margarita Zvyagintseva

Life and mysteries of death famous people. Marilyn Monroe
“Famous people are divided into two categories: some humanity does not want to forget, others it cannot.”
(Vladislav Grzeszczyk)
History is full of secrets, and it cannot be perceived only from dry articles in encyclopedias and textbooks. This is precisely the conclusion that everyone who comes into contact with its mysteries, which are encountered literally at every step, comes to. And isn’t it thanks to solving such mysteries that history becomes alive - like those people who created it, and created it not only with their lives?

American sex symbol Marilyn Monroe

M Marilyn Monroe (Monroe)- real name Norma Jean Baker Mortenson (Mortenson) - was born on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles.
It is not known who her father was; she bore the name of a Norwegian immigrant who died in an accident in 1929. Marilyn later denied that Mortenson was her father, and, filling out various official papers, wrote in the “Father's name” column: “Unknown.” And the actress’s mother, Gladys, spent almost all the years of her daughter’s life in a psychiatric hospital. Both Marilyn’s maternal grandfather and grandmother suffered from mental illness.

Throughout her not very joyful childhood, little Norma had about ten adoptive parents, and for two years she even lived in an orphanage. She did not have a father, and her mother, a strange and unbalanced woman, considered that she could not raise her daughter on her own, and gave her to a foster family at the age of two weeks. Where the girl lived for 7 years, only occasionally visited by her mother. After 7 years, Gladys took her daughter back, but not for long. Soon she had a mental breakdown, during which she attacked someone with a knife, and she was sent to a mental hospital. Norma spent the rest of her childhood in an orphanage and several foster families, where they tried to rape her twice when she was not yet 12: the first time by her stepfather, and the second time by her cousin. The consequence of this was, according to one version, frigidity and distrust of men.

About sex she said: “Personally, sex and sexual problems occupy me no more than cleaning shoes,” “If I ever understand why people are so interested in sex, I will be very lucky.” Before the age of 19, Marilyn tried to commit suicide twice. Once she turned on the gas, the second time she swallowed sleeping pills. A difficult childhood largely determined the tragic fate of the movie star. The hardships and suffering she endured, combined with bad heredity, became the main reasons for her mental imbalance.

Marilyn's first independent victory was getting rid of her congenital stutter. It worsened after the orphanage: the girl could not utter two words without hesitation. She corrected her deficiency for three years. And at the age of 16, without the help of speech therapists, I got rid of stuttering.

Marilyn got married for the first time at the age of 16, in 1942, after which she dropped out of school and moved in with her husband, Jim Dougherty. It was more of a necessary measure than a whim, since she was afraid of getting into trouble again. orphanage. The adoptive family was planning to move, but they didn’t want to take her with them. Therefore, the early marriage was immediately approved. A year after the wedding, Jim went to serve in the navy, and Norma Jeane went to work at an aircraft factory.

In the fall, a team of directors and photographers came to the plant with the goal of making a photo report about the contribution of American women to the fight against Nazism. Photographer David Conover, noticing Norma Jeane, offered her to pose for a series of photographs for $5 an hour. She agreed. Thus began her stellar career. Soon she left the factory and began working as a fashion model. Jim, who returned from the war, did not like this and gave Norma an ultimatum: either a career or a family. But she had ambitions, she wanted to act in films, and at that time she found out that producers preferred unmarried actresses. The fate of this marriage was predetermined. She later said: “I always knew that I became famous not because of my talent or beauty, but only because I never completely belonged to anyone or anything.”

Twenty-year-old Marilyn was not classically beautiful, and behind the radiant smile in the photographs for magazines, postcards and calendars, there was hidden the sadness that had settled in her since childhood, a lot of complexes and a tendency to severe depression. Later, one of her close critics would write: “Not being loved at 25, or 35, or 45 is bearable if you were loved at 5. To say that Marilyn was treated with tenderness in childhood means to say very little.” Marilyn herself recalled: “No one ever called me daughter. Nobody ever hugged me. No one has ever kissed me..." and "When a little girl feels lost and alone, feels like no one needs her, she can't forget it for the rest of her life."
In August 1946, she received an offer to sign a contract at the Twentieth Century Fox film studio, where she was hired as an extra. At the studio, she was offered the names Carol Lind, Claire Norman, Marilyn Miller, but in the end they settled on the name under which she later became famous - Marilyn Monroe. The surname Monroe belonged to her grandmother. The "greatest blonde of all time" was born brown-haired. She became blonde around the same time when she changed her name to a pseudonym. It cannot be said that the actress’s career was cloudless. She had to actively make her way to the cinematic Olympus in different ways- make contacts, often have fleeting romances.

Unexpectedly, the film company terminated the contract with Marilyn, and she again found herself on the street. But she did not lose heart and continued to persistently engage in self-education and sports, earning a living by posing. She was paid $50 an hour for this work. At that time, photographs of nude models were considered pornography, and such activity was considered illegal for film actresses. However, for Monroe, who was then struggling to make ends meet, that $50 was a lot of money.

When Marilyn was already twenty-two years old, luck smiled at her again, this time at the Columbia Pictures studio.

In the cheap film “Chorus Girls,” Marilyn had to sing, dance, and talk. This was her first full-time film role. To achieve success, she had to work a lot and learn a lot. During this period, Marilyn began a stormy and long-lasting romance with Fred Karger, who was in charge of the musical part of the film company and actually taught the new actress to sing. This was, perhaps, the greatest and true love in her life, the memories of which she retained until the end of her days. After breaking up with Fred, Marilyn not only found herself alone again, but also lost her job. But, fortunately, the black streak did not last long.

Soon Marilyn again received an invitation to film from the XX Century Fox studio and signed a new contract with her. This time she got a small role in the western The Asphalt Jungle. Johnny Hyde, a specialist in “promoting” stars, helped Marilyn become a real actress. Having become Marilyn's producer and lover, he cared about her very much, so his unexpected death was a very difficult blow for her. The future celebrity was left alone again. But her path to Hollywood Olympus has already begun.

The leading roles she played in the films “Monkey Tricks,” “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” and “How to Marry a Millionaire” captivated the audience. She became the most popular actress in the USA.
By the end of 1951, she was receiving 2-3 thousand letters from fans a week.

In the movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" she had a memorable number where she sings "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" in a pink dress. She worked on this role as if it was her last role in her life.

In 1952, Marilyn secretly married former literary critic and longtime lover Bob Sletzer. To formalize the “secret” marriage, the future spouses went to Mexico. But as soon as they returned, the owner of the film studio found out about everything and demanded to immediately dissolve the marriage. Three days later, the boss's demand was fulfilled.
On June 26, 1953, Marilyn and Jane Russell wrote their name and left footprints on the Walk of Stars at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Within a week, all major newspapers wrote about this event.

In January 1954, Marilyn married again, this time to the famous baseball player Joe DiMaggio. This event coincided with another job loss: Marilyn was fired for failing to show up for filming. The wedding took place on January 14, 1954. IN honeymoon the newlyweds went to Japan, where DiMaggio had business interests. Unfortunately, the couple began to quarrel almost immediately. Joe was very jealous and often spread his hands, so after nine months their marriage broke up.

In March 1954, Monroe was awarded the "Best Actress of 1953" award for her roles in the films "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "How to Marry a Millionaire."
On January 7, 1955, Marilyn announced the creation of her own corporation, Marilyn Monroe Productions, in which she was president and owner of a controlling stake. Milton Green attracts dozens of journalists and potential investors to the home of Frank Delaney for MARILYN MONROE PRODUCTION (MMP). Marilyn appeared all in white and announced her new company. "I'm tired of playing sex bombs, I want to play other roles. I'm an actress, not a machine."
Back in 1950, Marilyn met playwright Arthur Miller, but then they broke up and met again in 1955. By that time he was divorced and had two children from a previous marriage. In the summer of 1956 they got married. This marriage was the longest, but not the happiest: they lived together for four and a half years and divorced on January 20, 1961. It later became known that Arthur, a few weeks after the wedding, wrote in his diary, where he said: “It seems to me that she small child, I hate her! Marilyn saw this recording and was shocked, after which a quarrel occurred. In her opinion, expressed later, Arthur "was a good writer, but not a very good husband."

Marilyn always wanted to have children, both with Joe and with Arthur she tried to have a child, but she did not succeed - health problems, a number of abortions (13 according to unconfirmed reports) and excessive addiction to drugs and alcohol affected her. She became pregnant with Arthur during the filming of the film “Some Like It Hot” (“Some Like It Hot”), but the pregnancy turned out to be ectopic and ended in a miscarriage. From such a shock, Marilyn falls into a long depression, drinks a lot and continues to take medications chaotically. in a coma.

In the first months of 1958, she began to drink even more and gained 9 kg. Marilyn began wearing baggy dresses, which didn't make her look very good. In the spring, she decided to return to Hollywood. It was then that Billy Wilder sent her a draft of the script for Some Like It Hot, in which she plays one of the main roles. Filming began on July 8, Marilyn found it very tiring working on the film. But the film was a huge success, and her performance was praised as excellent.

On May 13, 1959, Marilyn received an award - a statue of Donatello's David (Italian Oscar) for her role in the film "The Prince and the Showgirl." Fox Studios appoints the actress to be an ambassador of American culture.
On September 19, representatives of the film industry held a reception in honor of Nikita Khrushchev, who traveled throughout America. Marilyn was asked to get up from the table and greet him. She later said proudly: “He looked at me like a man looks at a woman, he just looked.”
In 1961, Marilyn's health deteriorated and it was no longer a secret to the public that she was using drugs. After large quantity negative reviews from critics and viewers about the last two films with her participation, as well as due to a divorce from Miller, she has a nervous breakdown and is placed in the Payne-Whiteney psychiatric clinic, where she is forcibly kept for some time in a cramped room, as a result of which she I actually developed claustrophobia. This kind of problem is her family curse. Her mother and grandmother are also in different times were in psychiatric institutions.

On May 19, 1961, in Madison Square, Marilyn sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” to John F. Kennedy, whom she met before his presidency, in ’51. There were rumors about their affair, as well as about an affair with his brother Robert Kennedy. But there is no significant evidence of this (the famous photograph of Kennedy hugging Monroe is known to be a fake with two actors).

1962, Monroe suffered another drug overdose. Joe DiMaggio came to her rescue again. They decided to remarry and set the date to August 8, 1962.
On June 1, Marilyn celebrated her 36th birthday.

At the end of June and beginning of July, the actress starred in two photo shoots: for Vogue magazine. She looked great at 36 years old.

On Wednesday, August 1, the actress received a call from Evelyn Moriaty, Marilyn’s friend and stunt double, who said that filming for “Something’s Gotta Give” would begin in October, and that her salary would increase 2.5 times. Evelyn recalled: “Marilyn was in a great mood. We talked about the script, everything." Marilyn had the prospect of starring in the film “The Story of Jean Harlow”; her future was painted with bright colors.

The actress decides to fire her housekeeper, who considered it normal to interfere in other people's affairs (for example, she read Marilyn's mail). On Saturday, August 4, Eunice was supposed to appear at the actress's house for the last time. Marilyn's press secretary, Pat Newcombe, recalls how the actress announced several times that she was going to leave her therapist. On Thursday, Marilyn invited friends over for champagne and caviar. She was happy, full of optimism, humor and health. The next day she woke up feeling rested, perhaps because she had not taken sleeping pills. She nevertheless met with her psychotherapist, Greenson prescribed her a new sleeping pill - Nembutal. For the rest of the day she dealt with issues of the wedding and work. Eunice said that Marilyn was happy at this time.

Pictured left: Eunice Murray (Marilyn's housekeeper).

The last day in the life of Monroe

Early on the morning of August 4th, around 8am, Eunice Murray (Marilyn's housekeeper) arrived to tend to the flowers. At about 10:00 a photographer arrived at the house, taking pictures of Monroe; it was necessary to discuss the publication of these photos in magazines. “Marilyn seemed to have no worries,” he later recalled. After the meeting with the photographer, Marilyn called her friends and made an appointment with the massage therapist for Sunday.

From 13:00 to 19:00 (with a break from 15:00 to 16:30) Marilyn was in the house with her psychotherapist, Dr. Ralph Greenson. Around 2 p.m., Joe DiMaggio's son, 20 years old and serving in the Navy, called.
Later, Marilyn asked Eunice to take her to the house of Peter Lawford (one of President Kennedy's relatives). Then she went to the beach. On the beach, it was clear that the actress was under the influence of drugs; she could barely keep her balance.

At 4:30 pm Marilyn and Eunice returned home.
At about 17:00 Peter Lawford called and invited the actress to his place. He had a party planned, but Marilyn refused. At this time, Greenson was waiting for a call from Hyman Engelberg, who should come to inject Marilyn with sleeping pills, as often happened.
At 7:15 p.m. he left, leaving Marilyn with Eunice. Son Joe called again, he recalled that Marilyn was happy, you could hear in her voice that she was pleased with something.

At 19.45 Peter Lawford called, hoping that Marilyn would accept his invitation. He could tell from her voice that she was unhappy; she was muttering something in a hoarse voice. He tried to make out what she was saying, what was happening to her. She took a breath and said, "Say goodbye to Pat, say goodbye to the President, you're a good guy." And she hung up.

Peter tried to call back, but it was busy. He wanted to go to the actress’s house, but he was told: “Don’t do this! You are the president's confidant. You go, you see her drunk, and tomorrow morning you will end up in all the newspapers with a scandalous headline.” He asked a friend to call Eunice to check on Marilyn. She called back and said Marilyn was doing well. In fact, she did not go to the actress's house.

When Peter heard that Marilyn was okay, he didn't calm down. He called Joe Naar, who lived near Monroe's house. Peter asked to take him to the actress’s house. At about 11:00 p.m., Joe got dressed and was about to go, but he was stopped by a bell. Peter's friend called and told him not to go anywhere, that Marilyn was fine, he had already called her housekeeper.
At 5:00 a.m. they called Marilyn's agent Pat Newcombe: “There's been a tragedy. Marilyn took a large dose of medication." “Is she okay?” Pat asked. "No, she's dead."

Marilyn Monroe died on the night of August 5, 1962 in Brentwood, California at the age of 36 from a lethal dose of sleeping pills. There are five versions of the cause of her death: a murder committed by intelligence services on the orders of the Kennedy brothers to avoid publicity of their sexual relations; murder committed by the mafia; drug overdose; suicide; the tragic mistake of the actress's psychoanalyst, Ralph Greenson, who prescribed the patient to take chloral hydrate shortly after she took Nembutal. What was it like the real reason- is still unknown.

There is a hypothesis that in her famous leather-bound diary, Marilyn documented the details of her intimate relationships with the Kennedy brothers and other lovers, in particular, she wrote down what they said in bed. Thus, the diary represented serious incriminating evidence. According to an eyewitness, Monroe's stylist, who accompanied her on trips, on the day of her death, the actress visited the house of Frank Sinatra, with whom she also had a short-term affair. There she was met by a mafioso who collaborated with the CIA - Sam Giancana. He convinced Monroe to give up the diary. But she did not agree, and she was eliminated, fearing blackmail or publicity. And the diary disappeared without a trace from her house.

By official version, death was caused by taking an excessive dose medicines. But such a conclusion does not explain many of the contradictions and inconsistencies identified during further investigation into the circumstances of the actress’s death.
There is also a truth in the version that Marilyn died from a drug overdose or committed suicide. But here is a photograph of the actress, taken a few hours before her death. It feels like she's not going to die...
Monroe's corpse is taken out of her house.... The problem is that each of the versions can be proven to one degree or another, but none of them is finally and irrevocably proven.

I don’t want to end on such a sad note... For us, Marilyn Monroe will remain like this....


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