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Cheese is a product with more than a thousand years of history and many traditions associated with the process of its preparation. Originally the food of warriors and shepherds, today cheese performs many different functions in cooking - from the simplest breakfast (what could be better than a cup of coffee and a sandwich with cheese in the morning!) to a delicacy with a unique taste. It is used in the preparation of salads, soups, hot dishes, sandwiches, light snacks and even desserts. And all this thanks to the variety of cheese varieties, which differ in consistency, taste, appearance, degree of compatibility with other products.

In this article we will talk about the most popular cheeses in Russia:

Mozzarella cheese

This cheese has gained particular fame all over the world, primarily because pizza cannot be made without it. The first mention of mozzarella cheese dates back to the 12th century and is associated with the monastery of San Lorenzo, where the monks made cheese similar to modern mozzarella. Five hundred years later, industrial production of this cheese began in Italy.

Classic mozzarella cheese is made in the Italian province of Campania from buffalo milk. And the version that appears on the shelves of Russian stores and is used to make pizza is made from cow's milk. Italians call this unleavened variety of mozzarella “ milk flower"("fior di latte").

What is mozzarella cheese

Mozzarella cheese is usually sold in the form of balls in a package with brine (it cannot be stored for long without brine). The color of the cheese is white, the consistency is elastic, slightly fibrous inside. There are also varieties of mozzarella such as hard or smoked. The taste of this cheese is delicate, slightly bland.

Depending on the form of mozzarella cheese in which it is sold, it is called differently. For example, braids of mozzarella are called “traccia”, large spherical pieces are called “bocconcini”, balls the size of cherries are called “cigliegini”, and even smaller balls of mozzarella are called “perlini”.

Calorie content of mozzarella cheese and its beneficial properties

Mozzarella is a low-calorie cheese. 100 grams of it contain about 300 kilocalories, which is not so much. As for the beneficial properties of mozzarella, this cheese contains elements such as calcium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, as well as vitamins A, B, D, E, K. Mozzarella cheese is easily absorbed by the body and is useful in dietary nutrition to replenish the balance of proteins in the body. Many doctors recommend including mozzarella in the diet of pregnant and lactating women and children over 3 years old.

Recipes with mozzarella cheese

Italian caprese salad

  • Mozzarella is used not only for making pizza or lasagna. This delicate Italian cheese goes well with chicken, red fish, and most vegetables, which makes it possible to use it for preparing salads, appetizers, baking meat or fish, and filling for cheese pies. Mozzarella cheese also serves as an excellent snack for sweet vermouth or dry white wine.
  • Apart from all kinds of pizza, one of the most popular dishes using mozzarella cheese is famous Italian Caprese salad. It is very simple to prepare: you need to take a couple of ripe tomatoes and cut them into slices. Slice the cheese in the same way and place the circles on a flat dish, alternating them. Add a few fresh basil leaves, olives, drizzle with olive oil - and a delicious Italian salad is ready!
  • Mozzarella is good not only in salads, but also in hot dishes - for example, as fillings for meatballs from minced chicken. To prepare this dish, make slightly larger balls from minced chicken with the addition of white bread and a small amount of Parmesan cheese. walnut, then flatten them into a flatbread, put a small piece of mozzarella in the middle and form a meatball. After this, the meatballs are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on vegetable oil. They are best served with a side dish of fresh vegetables.

Suluguni cheese

Traditional Georgian cheese Suluguni is a hard brine cheese. It is made from cow, goat, sheep or buffalo milk. Sometimes milk is mixed to prepare suluguni different types- for example, cow and sheep or cow and goat.

There are several versions of where the name Suluguni cheese came from. The most common of them says that this word came from the Ossetian dialect, where "sulu" means "whey" and "gun"- part of the word indicating what the product is made of. Thus, suluguni means "made from whey".

Another version, more poetic, claims that the name of this cheese comes from the Georgian words “suli” - “soul” and “guli” - “heart”. Just from this assumption it becomes clear how much Georgians love this delicious cheese.

What is suluguni cheese

Suluguni is a pickled cheese, has a distinct, pleasant sour-milk smell, salty taste. The consistency of the cheese is dense, elastic, slightly layered. The color of the cheese can vary from milky white to yellowish, but should always be uniform over the entire surface, without any spots. This cheese does not have a rind, but slight layering is allowed on its surface.

Suluguni cheese can be eaten in different forms - raw, fried, smoked, baked. It is often used as a filling for khachapuri or pies, added to salads and hot dishes, and served as an independent snack with wine.

Calorie content of suluguni cheese and its beneficial properties

The calorie content of Suluguni cheese is 285 kcal per 100 grams of product. It contains many vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, iron, vitamins A, B, E, PP and others.

Doctors recommend eat suluguni cheese for those who need to normalize metabolism, and also suffer from anemia or stomach diseases. Suluguni is useful for tuberculosis. Like other cheeses, it should be included in the menu of pregnant women and nursing mothers, and children over 3 years old. True, they should not get carried away with smoked varieties of suluguni.

Recipes with suluguni cheese

Khachapuri in Adjarian style

  • The main dish in the preparation of which Suluguni cheese is used is, without a doubt, Georgian khachapuri different types. For example, khachapuri in Adjara: they are made in the form of a boat with cheese filling, in the middle of which they are broken raw egg and bake until the whites are set. The filling for such khachapuri is not made from pure suluguni cheese - it is mixed with feta cheese and boiled eggs. This is done so that when baking, the filling turns into a thick mass that can be grabbed with a piece of bread, and not into liquid melted cheese (suluguni melts very easily).
  • Another tasty one hearty dish with the addition of suluguni cheese – stuffed eggplants. Eggplants are cut in half lengthwise and the pulp is removed to form “boats”. Then they are filled with a mixture of minced meat, chopped tomatoes and suluguni, after which they are baked in the oven until cooked. It turns out very tasty, this dish is suitable for both a family dinner and a holiday table.

Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese belongs to the soft varieties of cheese. This makes it similar to other cheeses - such as mozzarella, ricotta, feta. This is one of the most inexpensive cheeses on the shelves of Russian stores, but its low cost does not mean low quality. It’s just that this cheese is produced in Russia, in the foothills of the Caucasus, so the costs of its production, packaging and transportation are not as high as other varieties.

According to an old Nart legend, the recipe for Adyghe cheese is of divine origin. The patron of livestock, the god Amish, revealed it to a young girl who later received the name Adyif - "Light-handed"- as a reward for saving a herd of cattle from a terrible storm.

What is Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese has a pleasant, clearly defined fermented milk, spicy, moderately salty taste and a delicate, cottage cheese-like, but somewhat denser consistency. It happens that when cutting such cheese crumbles a little.

Its color is uniform, can vary from white to yellowish, and there may be individual cream-colored spots on the surface. This cheese does not have a rind; its surface may be slightly flaky.

Keep Adyghe cheese should be kept in the refrigerator (not the freezer!), preferably separately from strong-smelling foods, since cheese easily absorbs foreign odors.

Adyghe cheese is available in two types - regular and smoked. It is used to prepare salads, soups, and a variety of snacks, used as a filling for pies and dumplings, and fried in butter—both in batter and without it.

Calorie content of Adyghe cheese and its beneficial properties

Adyghe cheese can be called a low-calorie product: one hundred grams of it contain only 264 kcal. Therefore, it can be consumed by those who are on a diet - in order to add variety to the diet menu and replenish the amount of protein necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

It should also be noted other beneficial properties Adyghe cheese.

For example, it is useful to eat it for people who suffer from stomach diseases accompanied by low acidity (despite the fact that other types of cheese are usually contraindicated for them). Because cheese contains a lot of calcium and other minerals, it is beneficial for growing children.

The composition of Adyghe cheese is very simple: just milk and salt. It does not contain preservatives, dyes or other artificial substances; this means that it will not harm the health of those who eat it. Of course, if there is no individual intolerance to milk or other contraindications to eating cheese.

Recipes with Adyghe cheese

Most often, Adyghe cheese is used as a filling for dumplings, various kinds of pies and flatbreads. With it, for example, you can cook national flatbreads of the Balkars, Karachais and Ossetians.

delicious flatbreads with cheese

Khychiny - recipe

To prepare the dough for khychin you will need:

  • wheat flour;
  • ayran – Caucasian fermented milk drink;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • vegetable oil – olive oil is best.

The dough is allowed to stand in a warm place while the filling is prepared, consisting of mashed potatoes and Adyghe cheese with the addition of herbs, garlic, and spices to taste. The filling and dough are rolled into balls, with each filling ball being twice the size of the dough ball. The dough is flattened into a flat cake, the filling is wrapped in it, after which, with your hands (not a rolling pin!), you form a flat cake with a diameter of about 15 cm from the resulting “knot” and fry it in a frying pan on both sides. Ready-made khychins are greased with oil and eaten hot.

Feta cheese

Feta is a soft cheese made from sheep's milk. It appeared in the ancient period and therefore is traditionally considered Greek, although it is used in the cuisines of almost all Mediterranean countries.

The first descriptions of a cheese reminiscent of modern feta are found in Homer's Odyssey: the Cyclops Polyphemus makes a very similar cheese by pouring sheep's milk into skins made from animal skins and hanging them to drain the excess liquid. This whole process is very similar to the real technology of making feta cheese.

What is feta cheese

Feta is a soft, crumbly white cheese with a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of fresh cottage cheese, and a sharp, salty taste. Feta is sold in brine, and it should be stored in brine after purchase - and stored for no more than a week, placed in a container with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

Feta cheese goes well with most vegetables and herbs, making it an indispensable ingredient not only in the famous Greek salad, but also in many other salads. In general, the unusual taste of feta allows you to combine it with even the most unusual foods - for example, melon, watermelon, beans, lentils. Feta is sprinkled on pizza or spaghetti, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes, added to stuffed vegetables or used as a filling for pies.

Calorie content of feta cheese and its beneficial properties

Feta cheese can hardly be called dietary: its fat content can reach 50%, and its calorie content is 290 kcal per 100 grams. However, feta has a number of beneficial properties. During the cooking process, this cheese retains all the beneficial substances contained in the sheep's milk from which it is made. Among them are substances such as:

Greek salad with feta cheese

  • The main culinary use of feta cheese is, of course, classic greek salad. For its preparation, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, olives, lettuce and basil leaves and feta cheese are usually used. Season the Greek salad with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. At the same time, it is believed that for a “correct” salad, vegetables must be chopped coarsely, and crumbling cheese and tearing green leaves should only be done with your hands - in no case should you cut with a knife.
  • Another interesting salad with the addition of feta cheese - fruity, with melon and sunflower seeds. For this salad, cut the melon into cubes, add pieces of feta, fried seeds, and basil leaves. To dress this salad, mix olive oil, lemon juice and ground black pepper.

Philadelphia cheese

Philadelphia cheese was first made in 1872 in the city of Chester, New York, US. It was a delicate cheese with fresh creamy taste, it did not require long ripening and aging. This cheese is marketed under the name "Philadelphia". Almost half a century later, in 1912, a way to pasteurize this cheese was found. This is how the well-known Philadelphia appeared, which is now used to prepare rolls of the same name and is the main component of a dessert called cheesecake.

What is Philadelphia cheese?

Philadelphia is a sweet, soft cheese made from cow's milk with the addition of cream. It is the cream that gives this cheese such a delicate but distinct taste. Philadelphia often goes on sale with different flavoring additives - for example, herbs, garlic, etc.
Philadelphia cheese goes on sale in several varieties:

  • soft cheese, the fat content of which is 69%;
  • soft light cheese with a fat content of 12%;
  • soft, very light, 5% fat;
  • soft cheese Philadelphia Balance with herbs, fat content 12%;
  • Philadelphia Balance with yogurt, 13 percent fat.

Calorie content of Philadelphia cheese and its beneficial properties

Like all cheeses, Philadelphia contains a lot of calcium, vitamins A, B, E, K, PP, iron, phosphorus, potassium and other minerals. Moreover, almost all the beneficial substances contained in fresh milk and cream are preserved in this cheese without losing their properties.

In addition, Philadelphia cheese is a low-calorie product that can be Feel free to include it in your diet menu. Its calorie content is only 253 kcal per 100 grams (for classic cheese with a fat content of 69%).

Recipes with Philadelphia cheese

  • It is believed that of all varieties of Philadelphia cheese, the classic soft cheese with a fat content of 69% is universal. It is suitable for sandwiches, making soups, sauces, a variety of desserts and creams. This cheese can be used instead of sour cream or cream - for example, added to already ready dish to give it a delicate creamy flavor.

Philadelphia cheese is most interesting as a component of various sauces.

Philadelphia cheese sauce

  • The basic sauce is prepared as follows: Philadelphia is mixed with grated Parmesan cheese, a little milk or cream is added, and a mixture of Provençal herbs. The base is ready, now you can come up with an unlimited number of variations with it, simply by introducing new ingredients into the composition: garlic, mushrooms, ham, fresh or pickled cucumber, herbs... Each ingredient will give the sauce a new, unique taste. This sauce goes well with pasta, some poultry and fish dishes.

  • Philadelphia cheese is also used in the preparation of desserts - for example, the famous cheesecakes. To prepare, first bake the base crust in the oven. While it is baking, the cheese is mixed with cream, sour cream, beaten eggs, and sugar. If desired, add cinnamon and vanillin, then pour the filling into the mold on top of the base and set to bake. The finished cheesecake should be served chilled.

Blue cheeses

The history of blue cheeses goes back more than four thousand years. Strictly speaking, before the invention of pasteurization it was generally impossible to avoid the appearance of mold on cheese.

There is a legend about the origin of blue cheese:

One day, a young shepherd stopped to rest on a mountainside and was about to have a snack of bread and cheese. But suddenly he saw a beautiful girl and hurried after her to meet her, but the beauty disappeared somewhere. The saddened young man, forgetting about lunch, returned home. He visited that mountain again only a few months later and discovered that the piece of cheese he had forgotten was covered with mold. The young man decided to try it and realized that the taste of the cheese had changed a lot, becoming richer, sharper and brighter. The young man shared his discovery with his fellow villagers, and they began to intentionally make blue cheese.

What are blue cheeses?

Blue cheeses have an unusual, pungent taste and aroma, which varies depending on the type of cheese and the place where it was made.

Not all types of mold are edible, but some varieties add new flavors to cheese. Currently, three varieties are used in the production of blue cheese:

  • white mold. It only covers the outside of the cheese. Forming a thin, soft white crust. White mold cheeses include Camembert and Brie;
  • red mold. It is formed if the surface of the cheese is treated with sea water or alcohol - wine, vodka, cider or Calvados. Such cheeses include Camembert de Normandy, Munster, Rocamadour, Epoisse, Livarot;
  • blue mold. Also called noble mold, it covers the cheese both outside and inside. Of the blue cheeses, Camembert, Dor Blue, Gorgonzola, and Roquefort are especially popular.

Calorie content of blue cheese and its beneficial properties

The calorie content of blue cheeses is quite high - on average 353 kcal per 100 grams. This indicator varies depending on the specific type of cheese.

At the same time, blue cheese has a number of useful properties, including even those that ordinary cheeses lack. For example, it contains even more phosphorus than many types of fish, which are considered the main source of this substance in the diet.

Substances contained in blue cheese strengthen nails, teeth and hair, normalize heart function, nervous system, improve metabolism and regulate blood clotting. However daily norm The consumption of these types of cheese is limited - no more than 30 grams per day. Otherwise, the body may develop resistance to antibiotics (mold is also a kind of antibiotic) or intestinal disorders may occur. Pregnant women are generally contraindicated from consuming blue cheeses.

Fermented milk products are an important component of a healthy and balanced diet. Eating cheese, a high-protein product, is mandatory because it is free of harmful additives and contains many vitamins and macroelements. Those who love fatty cheese buy brands such as “Russian”, “Gollandsky”, and choose feta cheese from less fatty varieties. If hard cheese has yellow, then feta cheese is white, this is how buyers distinguish cheeses, although this is only one minor difference between them. What other differences are there between cheese and feta cheese?

What is cheese?

Cheese is dairy product high in protein and calcium. In addition, it contains vitamins such as C, E, PP, A and D. It contains many macro and microelements such as iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and sodium. Cheeses have increased fat content, so it is recommended to eat them several times a week, not exceeding the norm of 100 g.

Cheeses made from cow's milk are made by curdling it and then fermenting it with the addition of a starter culture. Thanks to a special production technique, the product retains all the benefits of milk.

What is feta cheese?

Cheese cheese, while retaining all the beneficial properties of cheese, is considered a dietary product, as it contains little fat (30 - 40%, sometimes 50%) and, accordingly, contains a small amount of calories. Brynza is considered a pickled type of cheese; its base is not only cow's milk, but also sheep's and goat's.

After adding enzymes, the cheese is placed in brine, where it spends from 3 weeks to 3 months. It is very salty, so before eating it is recommended to soak the cheese to remove some of the salt. Bryndza contains all the vitamin and mineral composition inherent in cheeses, in addition, it contains such essential amino acids as methionine and tryptophan.

General properties of cheese and feta cheese

Fermented milk products have a lot in common, since they are made from milk. Both feta cheese and cheese are sources of protein and calcium, so they should be included in the diet as often as possible. The two products contain almost equal quantities of sodium, phosphorus, vitamins C, A and B. The two types of cheese are good for digestion; thanks to their composition, they maintain the health of the skeletal system and teeth; the products also suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria in the intestines and strengthen the immune system.

Brynza and cheese have general contraindications, so if you have diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach and pancreas, you should not eat these products or you need to reduce their consumption.

Differences between feta cheese and cheese

Although both products are made from milk and have a similar vitamin and mineral composition, there are still many differences between them.


It is very easy to distinguish feta cheese from cheese; the latter is yellow in color and the greater the mass of fat in it, the richer its color. Some types of cheeses have other shades; cheeses with mold, which can have blue and green shades, are very popular. There is orange cheese. The product is also distinguished by a characteristic hard crust, which feta cheese does not have. Brynza has white, its surface is smooth, it breaks easily, but does not crumble. Its structure is non-porous and homogeneous, while the cheese can have a pattern - holes, which can be both large and small (Maasdam, Dutch cheeses).


Since feta cheese is considered a pickled cheese, it has salty taste. The product is infused for 20 to 60 days. Hard cheese has several types and each of them has its own taste. So there are cheeses with a sharp taste, a fruity and nutty taste, a sweet creamy taste, a taste of baked milk, and the like. Smoked cheeses are produced as a snack for beer.

Fat content

Cheeses have different fat content, so there are products whose mass fraction of fat ranges from 30% (Edamian cheese) to 55% (Russian). Brynza is considered dietary fermented milk product, its fat content is usually no more than 30 - 40%. There is also 50% feta cheese, which is considered the most delicious and healthy.

Production technology

Regular classic cheese is made from cow's milk, but other types can also be made from milk. Each type of cheese has its own production technology, since the pressing time for hard cheeses is longer than for soft cheeses, which is why they have a different consistency. Soft cheeses cannot be stored for a long time; they are best eaten immediately. Some types of cheeses take up to three years to mature; usually the ripening time lasts up to one year.

Brynza can be made from sheep or goat milk. It is soaked in a salty solution and the cheese stays there for 20 to 60 days. Bryndza is made from milk using sourdough and rennet. To prevent the product from disappearing after preparation, it is placed in its own brine and there it can be stored for 2-3 weeks. Instead of brine, you can use baking paper or foil.


You can prepare a lot of dishes using hard cheese. In addition to the fact that grated cheese is added to pizza and various casseroles, it is an invariable component of many salads. Blue cheeses, cream cheeses and sweet cheeses such as Mascarpone and Ricotta are often used in desserts. Cheese cheese is not suitable for baking, as it has a soft consistency, so most often it is an ingredient in vegetable salads, among which Greek salad is especially popular.

The delicate taste of Adyghe cheese resembles, and in appearance it is similar to. His homeland is the Republic of Adygea (a region of the northwestern Caucasus).

Soft cheeses, to which Adyghe belongs, have traditionally been popular among residents of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean.

The product is prepared from whole sheep or, but more often, from cow. Eat fresh or lightly smoked.

Technology of production of Adyghe cheese

The product is prepared quite quickly, because it does not require ripening. The most common raw material is cow's milk. It is pasteurized, bringing the heat to 95 degrees, and then introduced to precipitate proteins.

After the formation of flaky clots, the liquid is decanted and the mass is placed in baskets. Then the clots are salted and kept for a day in a cool place.

Soft pickled cheeses also include feta, feta cheese, and mascarpone. But for their preparation, milk is not pasteurized, as is the case for suluguni and mozzarella, representatives of the group of hard brine cheeses.

The differences between Suluguni and Adyghe cheese are related to the cooking technology. If the Adyghe is ready to eat immediately after the liquid has drained, then to prepare suluguni the curd is melted to obtain a denser consistency.

Composition of Adyghe cheese, BZHU

The BJU of Adyghe cheese depends on the type of raw material. Most often, a product reaches the shelves with a percentage ratio of BJU 50:49:1. The dish contains a lot of easily digestible protein (up to 25g/per 100 g) and fat (up to 20g/per 100 g). About 50% is water. Carbohydrates are represented by lactose, milk sugar (1.5/100 g).

Adyghe cheese is rich in:

  • sodium, potassium, calcium;
  • copper and sulfur;
  • phosphorus, zinc, iron;
  • vitamins A, gr. B, PP, B, H.

Calorie content of Adyghe cheese

Due to its balanced composition, the product is classified as a dietary product. However, before introducing it to the menu, you need to know how many calories are in Adyghe cheese.

The energy value of 100 g of product is 230–265 kcal. The fat content of Adyghe cheese is at the level of 15–50% in terms of dry matter. It all depends on the milk used.

The cheese product from Adygea is a storehouse of useful substances. At the same time, it does not overload the body with extra calories. The benefits of Adyghe cheese were appreciated by residents not only of the Caucasus. It is produced in different parts of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. But the product name was patented. This means that only producers from Adygea have the right to use it.

What are the benefits of Adyghe cheese?

  1. The product is recommended for athletes and people doing hard work.
  2. It is an antidepressant: improves sleep, normalizes mood.
  3. Easily digested and well absorbed, it is indicated for elderly, pregnant, and people weakened by illness.
  4. Improves the condition of teeth and bone enamel.
  5. Has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Harm of Adyghe cheese

  1. The product is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to milk fats and proteins.
  2. Adyghe cheese contains tryptophan. According to some scientists, these amino acids can provoke headaches and migraine attacks.

Adyghe cheese during breastfeeding

The benefits of Adyghe cheese for the body and its harm depend on the amount of the product eaten. Daily norm for nursing mothers – up to 100 g of product. An eaten slice will help increase the fat content of milk during lactation. Please note that without loss useful qualities The product can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 5 days.

Recipe for Adyghe cheese at home

The product goes well with dough. It is added to salads, cold and hot snacks are prepared from it, complex dishes, baked goods. You can prepare Adyghe cheese at home.

First way

Take fresh milk (2 l), natural milk (250 ml), a pinch of salt.

  • Heat milk until boiling.
  • Pour yogurt into it in a stream.
  • Heat, stirring the mixture until the whey becomes clear.
  • Drain the liquid and place the curd in a colander.
  • Place the curd in the mold, sprinkle with salt.

Second way

  • Prepare the starter by combining kefir with 0.5 liters of warm milk.
  • After 24 hours, beat the eggs and combine with the starter.
  • Heat the milk almost to a boil, add the egg mixture into it, stirring.
  • Stir over low heat until a curd forms.
  • Drain the mixture in a colander and add salt.
  • Place the curd into the mold.

Delicious fried Adyghe cheese will help diversify the menu. The recipe for making it is quite simple. The dish is eaten hot. After cooling, the cheese becomes hard and dry.

You can fry the breaded dish. The form of cutting in this case is plates 1–1.5 cm thick. Corn or wheat flour and crackers are suitable for breading. The product is dipped in water, then breaded, and fried.

Pie with Adyghe cheese and herbs (recipe)

For baking, you can take ready-made puff pastry, yeast or shortbread dough, or prepare it yourself.

For yeast dough:

  • flour – 2.5 cups;
  • water – 2/3 cup;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

For filling: chopped, 2 tbsp. l. butter and 300 g of grated Adyghe cheese.

  1. Prepare the dough (combine yeast with warm water, add flour and vegetable oil).
  2. When the dough has risen (after 30 minutes), divide it into balls.
  3. Roll out the dough into a flat cake, put the filling in the center, flatten slightly.
  4. Connect all edges in the center, leaving a hole for steam to escape.
  5. Bake for 15 minutes (temperature – 220 degrees).

This is an inexpensive dish. After all, the price of Adyghe cheese is lower than the cost of hard varieties or fashionable imported soft types. The presented recipes for making Adyghe cheese at home will help you make the product even cheaper. Try it and your efforts will be rewarded.

This is how this wonderful product is prepared in his homeland.

November 13, 2012 Today, when buying cheese, it is very difficult not to fall into the trap of enterprising cheesemakers, especially if the cheeses are brined. For the sake of profit, producers forget about traditions and cook using accelerated technology. are prepared exclusively using traditional technology from natural farm milk.

In this article we will talk about pickled cheeses. These include feta cheese, suluguni, Adyghe, Georgian, Ossetian, Imeretian cheese, etc. In addition, mozzarella can be considered a pickled cheese. Hard cheeses, in addition to their undoubted benefits, contain a lot of fatty acids. In this regard, pickled cheeses are more useful, because... don't contain as much fat.


Brynza is a pickled cheese that is found in many cuisines - Balkan, Ukrainian, Romanian, Moldavian. Manufacturers, unfortunately, do whatever they want with cheese. This is perhaps one of the most common types of pickled cheeses. Classic cheese must contain milk, bacterial starter and rennet. The consistency of the cheese is homogeneous; there should be no crust on the cheese. An indicator of quality is a smooth surface with small cracks, but “needles” are already a bad sign. Brynza is not allowed to have a fine mesh pattern.

Healthy, energetic people are recommended to consume feta cheese regularly in small quantities, because it contains a lot of proteins and fats and is rich in calcium and phosphorus. But feta cheese contains almost no potassium and a lot of sodium, so you should be careful with diseases of the circulatory system, nervous system, pancreas, kidneys, liver and biliary tract, stomach.

Bryndza is necessary for those who play sports, as it helps to quickly restore calories; it is not only healthy, but also does not affect the figure in any way. Cheese cheese can help those who have problem skin, as it normalizes digestion, stool and does not allow bacteria to actively multiply in the intestines.
Cheese cheese is useful for all people of any age, but is especially recommended for feeding children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly.

Adyghe cheese

Adyghe cheese is perhaps the only brined cheese whose technology should not be violated, because it is already too simple: cow’s milk, salt and sourdough. This cheese can be made at home. The only thing that definitely should not be in any cheese is vegetable fats. If brine cheese contains any vegetable fats, then such a product does not even have the right to be called cheese. This is even approved by law.

Adyghe cheese is considered a dietary product. The calorie content of this cheese is extremely attractive for people who dream of maintaining a thin waist for many years. The main and main difference between the preparation of cheese and other varieties is the preliminary pasteurization of milk during high temperature. It is this technological feature of preparation that gives the main benefit to Adyghe cheese.


Another popular pickled cheese is made from pasteurized sheep, goat, cow, buffalo milk or a mixture of them. These cheeses are classified as "chadderized" cheeses. This is a stage of technology during which the cheese mass is given sufficient time to sour. Thanks to this, acidity increases, and the cheese dough gains the ability to stretch and have a kind of layering. Due to the softness of the dough, it can be given any shape. The most common ones are braiding or thin threads. Smoking the finished cheese allows you to give it a piquant taste and increase the shelf life of the finished product.

Suluguni should not crumble or taste bitter. If this is so, then the manufacturers have violated the classic recipe for its production. High-quality suluguni is made exclusively from milk, sourdough and an enzyme preparation. The taste of this cheese is clean, sour milk and salty, since the salt concentration in suluguni reaches 7%.

In Suluguni cheeses, the protein is in a more accessible form than in milk, which makes it easier to digest. Cheese contains large amounts of calcium and phosphorus, significant amounts of protein, niacin and vitamin B2. 50 g of this cheese contains about 30% of a person’s daily requirement for calcium, 20% for phosphorus, 15% for protein, niacin and vitamin B2, 5% for magnesium and retinol.


Italy is considered the birthplace of this cheese, and it is traditionally prepared from buffalo milk. Mozzarella is also made from cow's milk. The Italians call it "milk flower". Ideally, mozzarella should have a sour milk smell and taste, slightly sour and salty. The salt concentration in this product is quite high - up to 5%. No flavors are allowed that indicate that the technology has been violated.
Mozzarella contains large quantities amino acids that are extremely beneficial for connective and muscle tissue, and, importantly, these amino acids are absorbed by our body much more easily than those found in meat. It is no coincidence, for example, that mozzarella is recommended by the National Institute of Italy for the daily diet of athletes who experience heavy physical activity and overload of muscles and ligaments. In addition, cheese is rich in calcium, proteins, vitamins and mineral salts and contains enzymes that suppress pathogenic flora and restore the protective barrier of the intestinal walls, promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and vitamins, better absorption of calcium and iron and stimulate the body's immune reserves.

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