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The Chinese diet is considered perhaps one of the strictest. To comply with it and complete the full dietary course of 14-21 days, great willpower is required.

The menu is so meager that it is very difficult to maintain a strict Chinese diet. It includes only small portions of vegetable salads, boiled meat and fruits, no breakfasts, and everything sweet and salty is excluded.

And the strict Chinese diet of oranges, rice and eggs is simply shock therapy, forcing the body to urgently use up all its reserves. However, the result is simply stunning:

  • in 2 weeks of the classical Chinese diet - approximately 10 kg of weight is lost;
  • in 3 weeks of hard training you can lose up to 15 kg.

It is recommended to prepare the body for such a complex diet: cleanse the intestines and increase its ability to absorb nutrients. To do this, 5 days before the start, drink 2 glasses of warm, preferably boiled, water.


  • classic two-week Chinese diet;
  • strict three-week diet.

Authorized Products

Despite the low calorie content of the Chinese national diet, it includes both carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Of course, in order to lose weight and improve your health, foods high in fiber and vitamins predominate: cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, apples and other non-starchy fruits of your choice.

But for the normal functioning of the hormonal and muscular systems and to replenish the amino acid composition and the beauty and slimness of the figure, the menu also includes protein dishes:

  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • boiled beef;
  • boiled or baked sea ​​fish.

In addition, it is allowed to season salads with vegetable oil. It is best to take olive, pumpkin, sesame or other cold-pressed oils rich in vitamins and microelements.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
vegetables2,5 0,3 7,0 35
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
tomatoes0,6 0,2 4,2 20
fruits0,8 0,3 11,5 56
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47
porridge on water3,0 0,6 18,5 91
boiled beef25,8 16,8 0,0 254
chicken fillet boiled30,4 3,5 0,0 153
chicken eggs12,7 10,9 0,7 157
fish18,5 4,9 0,0 136
coffee0,2 0,0 0,3 2
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
lemon juice 0,9 0,1 3,0 16
tomato juice 1,1 0,2 3,8 21

Fully or partially limited products

It must be remembered that even a slight relaxation leads to a failure of the diet plan, and, as a result, to a deterioration in weight loss results.

The list of completely prohibited foods in the Chinese diet is quite long and includes:

  • confectionery and baked goods;
  • pasta, bakery products;
  • salty, fried, sweet and smoked;
  • fruits and vegetables with a high starch content, including potatoes, bananas.

To achieve maximum results, you need to strictly follow the diet and recommendations, and also avoid any alcohol-containing foods and drinks.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
pasta10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles12,0 3,7 60,1 322
pancakes6,1 12,3 26,0 233
dumplings7,6 2,3 18,7 155
pancakes6,3 7,3 51,4 294
sugar0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt0,0 0,0 0,0 -
milk3,2 3,6 4,8 64
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
cognac0,0 0,0 0,1 239
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

The Chinese diet for 14 days not only makes you slim, but also helps to rebuild your overall metabolism, cleanse, heal and improve the functioning of the body.

Chinese diet menu for 14 days

First day
  • there is no breakfast, so you can drink a cup of black unsweetened coffee;
  • for lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs, shredded fresh cabbage with the addition of a small amount vegetable oil, freshly squeezed tomato juice or large tomato (up to 200 g);
  • for dinner - boiled or steamed fish along with a portion of fresh cabbage salad.
Second day
  • there is no breakfast, you can drink a cup of black unsweetened coffee;
  • for lunch - baked fish with a small amount of vegetable oil or boiled fish along with a portion of fresh cabbage salad;
  • for dinner - one glass of kefir or fermented baked milk and boiled beef.
Third day
  • there is no breakfast - you can only have a cup of black coffee;
  • for lunch – one egg (preferably raw) and 3 boiled carrots, which can be seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • for dinner – 2-3 apples.
Fourth day
  • You can also allow only one cup of black coffee for breakfast;
  • for lunch - parsnip or parsley root fried in vegetable oil;
  • for dessert - 1 apple;
  • dinner should include boiled beef with fresh cabbage salad and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
Fifth day
  • for breakfast – grated raw or boiled carrots;
  • For lunch and dinner, fish and 1 glass of tomato juice are recommended, which is replaced with cabbage salad at dinner.
Sixth day
  • no breakfast;
  • for lunch it is recommended to eat a portion of boiled chicken and a salad of grated fresh carrots or cabbage;
  • for dinner - 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs and a carrot salad flavored with vegetable oil.
Seventh day
  • eat nothing for breakfast;
  • for lunch – boiled beef and an apple (you can try replacing it with another non-starchy fruit);
  • for dinner - a dinner option for any day, with the exception of the third day, or another menu at your discretion and imagination.

The second week of the Chinese diet for 14 days for weight loss repeats the menu of the first seven days.


Despite the fact that the portions on the menu are not clearly regulated and they should be determined independently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and expectations. Still, you should not starve; portions of meat and vegetables should be at least 200 g each. Nutrition should be normal and without excess, with equal intervals between meals.

Strict Chinese diet for 21 days

The diet for 21 days is divided weekly:

Product selection details

  • the eggs should be of good enough quality that you can drink one raw on the 3rd day;
  • when choosing fish, give preference to sea fish - enriched omega-3 fatty acids ;
  • natural black coffee beans or coarsely ground, because it is best drunk freshly brewed to activate metabolism and burn calories;
  • Choose juicy and sweet carrots, for example, the Carotel variety.

Quitting the diet

The exit should be quite slow - for about a week allow yourself minor deviations from the diet regimen already established in 13 days.

In addition, it is important to comply with the following rules:

  • after completing the diet, continue to drink plenty of still mineral water and green tea every day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • Between meals, hunger is best washed down with a glass of water;
  • maintain small portion sizes and at least 3 meals a day;
  • Carbohydrates should be introduced and portions should be increased gradually;
  • High calorie foods are allowed on the menu no more than once a week;
  • the diet should be expanded only with healthy and low-calorie foods from various fruits and vegetables;
  • do not eat a lot of fatty or sweet foods at once.


Due to the fact that the products of the diet course cannot be replaced, following the Chinese diet is not recommended:

  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, with or;
  • allergy sufferers with known hypersensitivity to any of the menu products.

Pros and cons

Additional conditions for following the Chinese diet

  • at least a liter of boiled or mineral water without gas per day, and even better, drink as much water as your body asks for;
  • dinner should be no later than 180 minutes before bedtime;
  • do not skip a single meal;
  • You can follow the Chinese diet no more than once every 2 months;
  • regular strengthening exercises are necessary (to avoid sagging and sagging skin after intense and rapid weight loss);
  • since the diet usually involves no more than 3 meals, it is best to drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee to satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • It should be noted that the Chinese diet is bland and salt-free, so to add flavor and food color to your dishes, you can try adding lemon juice to them.

Chinese diet: reviews and results

The Chinese diet does not meet current nutritional requirements, since the diet does not include a variety of foods and, as a result, the normal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is disrupted.

However, reviews of the 14-day Chinese weight loss diet are generally good. Girls manage to lose two or three kilograms already in the first days, despite the fact that they have no excess weight.

In addition, such a strict diet is resorted to by older people who leave comments on forums. They report that, having faced quite complex problems of excess weight, they were able to lose 10 kg thanks to the Chinese diet!

Of course, it is very difficult to endure 21 days of a strict Chinese diet, but the girls claim that the result is worth it:

  • « ... If you strictly follow a diet, pump up your abs and do hula hoops, the results are simply amazing!»
  • « ... In the second week - minus 7 kg, I am very pleased!»

Diet price

Having studied the menu, we can say that the diet consists mainly of boiled meat, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetable salads. For a two-week diet course, you need to purchase products for about 2,200 rubles. Of course, the diet budget will differ on different days of the week, when the diet includes mainly eggs - the price will not exceed 250 rubles. (first day), and when it’s beef (second day) - it can reach 500 rubles. It all depends on the price range and assortment of the store, as well as personal preferences.

To have enough food for a week, you will have to spend at least 1,100 rubles. and purchase: 7 chicken eggs, a head of white cabbage up to 1 kg, up to 1 kg of carrots, parsnip root, 200 grams of fresh tomatoes, 0.5 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of fish, 0.6 kg of beef, a bottle of olive oil, a pack of tea and 0.5 low-fat kefir.

>Chinese diet

General rules

The Chinese diet is considered perhaps one of the strictest. To comply with it and complete the full dietary course of 14-21 days, great willpower is required.

The menu is so meager that it is very difficult to maintain a strict Chinese diet. It includes only small portions of vegetable salads, boiled meat and fruits, no breakfasts, and everything sweet and salty is excluded.

And the strict Chinese diet of oranges, rice and eggs is simply shock therapy, forcing the body to urgently use up all its reserves. However, the result is simply stunning:

  • in 2 weeks of the classical Chinese diet - approximately 10 kg of weight is lost;
  • in 3 weeks of hard exercise you can lose up to 15 kg.

It is recommended to prepare the body for such a complex diet: cleanse the intestines and increase its ability to absorb nutrients. To do this, 5 days before the start, drink 2 glasses of warm, preferably boiled, water.


  • classic two-week Chinese diet;
  • strict three-week diet.

Authorized Products

Despite the low calorie content of the Chinese national diet, it includes both carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Of course, in order to lose weight and improve your health, foods high in fiber and vitamins predominate: cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, apples and other non-starchy fruits of your choice.

But for the normal functioning of the hormonal and muscular systems and to replenish the amino acid composition and the beauty and slimness of the figure, the menu also includes protein dishes:

  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • boiled beef;
  • boiled or baked sea fish.

In addition, it is allowed to season salads with vegetable oil. It is best to take olive, pumpkin, sesame or other cold-pressed oils rich in vitamins and microelements.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
vegetables 2,5 0,3 7,0 35
cabbage 1,8 0,1 4,7 27
carrot 1,3 0,1 6,9 32
tomatoes 0,6 0,2 4,2 20
fruits 0,8 0,3 11,5 56
apples 0,4 0,4 9,8 47
porridge on water 3,0 0,6 18,5 91
boiled beef 25,8 16,8 0,0 254
boiled chicken fillet 30,4 3,5 0,0 153
chicken eggs 12,7 10,9 0,7 157
fish 18,5 4,9 0,0 136
coffee 0,2 0,0 0,3 2
green tea 0,0 0,0 0,0
lemon juice 0,9 0,1 3,0 16
tomato juice 1,1 0,2 3,8 21

Fully or partially limited products

It must be remembered that even a slight relaxation leads to a failure of the diet plan, and, as a result, to a deterioration in weight loss results.

The list of completely prohibited foods in the Chinese diet is quite long and includes:

  • confectionery and baked goods;
  • pasta, bakery products;
  • salty, fried, sweet and smoked;
  • fruits and vegetables with a high starch content, including potatoes, bananas.

To achieve maximum results, you need to strictly follow the diet and recommendations, and also avoid any alcohol-containing foods and drinks.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal
potato 2,0 0,4 18,1 80
pasta 10,4 1,1 69,7 337
noodles 12,0 3,7 60,1 322
pancakes 6,1 12,3 26,0 233
dumplings 7,6 2,3 18,7 155
pancakes 6,3 7,3 51,4 294
sugar 0,0 0,0 99,7 398
salt 0,0 0,0 0,0
milk 3,2 3,6 4,8 64
animal fat 0,0 99,7 0,0 897
vodka 0,0 0,0 0,1 235
cognac 0,0 0,0 0,1 239
beer 0,3 0,0 4,6 42
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Meal Schedule)

The Chinese diet for 14 days not only makes you slim, but also helps to rebuild your overall metabolism, cleanse, heal and improve the functioning of the body.

First day
  • there is no breakfast, so you can drink a cup of black unsweetened coffee;
  • for lunch - 2 hard-boiled eggs, shredded fresh cabbage with the addition of a small amount of vegetable oil, freshly squeezed tomato juice or a large tomato (up to 200 g);
  • for dinner - boiled or steamed fish along with a portion of fresh cabbage salad.
Second day
  • there is no breakfast, you can drink a cup of black unsweetened coffee;
  • for lunch - baked fish with a small amount of vegetable oil or boiled fish along with a portion of fresh cabbage salad;
  • for dinner - one glass of kefir or fermented baked milk and boiled beef.
Third day
  • there is no breakfast - you can only have a cup of black coffee;
  • for lunch – one egg (preferably raw) and 3 boiled carrots, which can be seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • for dinner – 2-3 apples.
Fourth day
  • You can also allow only one cup of black coffee for breakfast;
  • for lunch - parsnip or parsley root fried in vegetable oil;
  • for dessert - 1 apple;
  • dinner should include boiled beef with fresh cabbage salad and 2 hard-boiled eggs.
Fifth day
  • for breakfast – grated raw or boiled carrots;
  • For lunch and dinner, fish and 1 glass of tomato juice are recommended, which is replaced with cabbage salad at dinner.
Sixth day
  • no breakfast;
  • for lunch it is recommended to eat a portion of boiled chicken and a salad of grated fresh carrots or cabbage;
  • for dinner - 2 hard-boiled chicken eggs and a carrot salad flavored with vegetable oil.
Seventh day
  • eat nothing for breakfast;
  • for lunch – boiled beef and an apple (you can try replacing it with another non-starchy fruit);
  • for dinner - a dinner option for any day, with the exception of the third day, or another menu at your discretion and imagination.

The second week of the Chinese diet for 14 days for weight loss repeats the menu of the first seven days.


Despite the fact that the portions on the menu are not clearly regulated and they should be determined independently, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and expectations. Still, you should not starve; portions of meat and vegetables should be at least 200 g each. Nutrition should be normal and without excess, with equal intervals between meals.

Strict Chinese diet for 21 days

The diet for 21 days is divided weekly:

Product selection details

  • the eggs should be of good enough quality that you can drink one raw on the 3rd day;
  • when choosing fish, give preference to sea fish – enriched with omega-3 fatty acids;
  • natural black coffee beans or coarsely ground, because it is best drunk freshly brewed to activate metabolism and burn calories;
  • Choose juicy and sweet carrots, for example, the Carotel variety.

Quitting the diet

The exit should be quite slow - for about a week allow yourself minor deviations from the diet regimen already established in 13 days.

Chinese green tea

In addition, it is important to comply with the following rules:

  • after completing the diet, continue to drink plenty of still mineral water and green tea every day;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • Between meals, hunger is best washed down with a glass of water;
  • maintain small portion sizes and at least 3 meals a day;
  • Carbohydrates should be introduced and portions should be increased gradually;
  • High calorie foods are allowed on the menu no more than once a week;
  • the diet should be expanded only with healthy and low-calorie foods from various fruits and vegetables;
  • do not eat a lot of fatty or sweet foods at once.


Due to the fact that the products of the diet course cannot be replaced, following the Chinese diet is not recommended:

  • patients with gastrointestinal diseases, for example, ulcers or gastritis;
  • allergy sufferers with known hypersensitivity to any of the menu products.

Pros and cons

Additional conditions for following the Chinese diet

  • at least a liter of boiled or mineral water without gas per day, and even better, drink as much water as your body asks for;
  • dinner should be no later than 180 minutes before bedtime;
  • do not skip a single meal;
  • You can follow the Chinese diet no more than once every 2 months;
  • regular strengthening exercises are necessary (to avoid sagging and sagging skin after intense and rapid weight loss);
  • since the diet usually involves no more than 3 meals, it is best to drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee to satisfy the feeling of hunger;
  • It should be noted that the Chinese diet is bland and salt-free, so to add flavor and food color to your dishes, you can try adding lemon juice to them.

Chinese diet: reviews and results

The Chinese diet does not meet current nutritional requirements, since the diet does not include a variety of foods and, as a result, the normal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is disrupted.

However, reviews of the 14-day Chinese weight loss diet are generally good. Girls manage to lose two or three kilograms in the first days, despite the fact that they are not overweight.

In addition, such a strict diet is resorted to by older people who leave comments on forums. They report that, having faced quite complex problems of excess weight, they were able to lose 10 kg thanks to the Chinese diet!

Of course, it is very difficult to endure 21 days of a strict Chinese diet, but the girls claim that the result is worth it:

  • “... If you strictly follow a diet, pump up your abs and do hula hoops, the results are simply amazing!”
  • “... In the second week – minus 7 kg, I’m very pleased!”

Diet price

Having studied the menu, we can say that the diet consists mainly of boiled meat, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetable salads. For a two-week diet course, you need to purchase products for about 2,200 rubles. Of course, the diet budget will differ on different days of the week, when the diet includes mainly eggs - the price will not exceed 250 rubles. (first day), and when it’s beef (second day) - it can reach 500 rubles. It all depends on the price range and assortment of the store, as well as personal preferences.

To have enough food for a week, you will have to spend at least 1,100 rubles. and purchase: 7 chicken eggs, a head of white cabbage up to 1 kg, up to 1 kg of carrots, parsnip root, 200 grams of fresh tomatoes, 0.5 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of fish, 0.6 kg of beef, a bottle of olive oil, a pack of tea and 0.5 low-fat kefir.

Chinese diet for 14 days: salt-free menu for a week and loss of up to 11 kg of fat

The Chinese diet for 14 days, the menu of which I am going to present, is considered salt-free and low-calorie. Tables of permitted foods and diet variations can be downloaded and printed. I have compiled a Chinese diet menu for you by day and week. Let's go!

One sumo wrestler fell in love and decided to lose weight for her “prince.” I lost 12 kilograms in a month! I experienced weakness, dizziness, fainting, hair loss and brain swelling.

Are you retelling “Doctor Tyrsa” to me now?

I'm telling you life!..

Hello friends! The results promised there are truly frightening. But, as they say: for every gullible there is a trap.

Chinese diet for 7 days is

We chew like the Chinese!

The Chinese eat rice, seafood and vegetables. True, China is very large, and in its vast depths, far from the sea, seafood is no more accessible than in our country. But why are we worse than the Chinese? It’s expensive for us to eat fish, shrimp and oysters - and don’t let life seem like honey to them!

We must chew slowly so that not a milligram of the meager amount of nutrients that is prescribed to us is lost. And we eat the following:

  • chicken eggs;
  • fresh vegetables, especially cabbage, carrots, parsley, parsnips, green salads, and tomatoes (This is truly a product of Chinese peasants! Is it okay that it’s from South America?);
  • The best fruit is green apples;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • green and black tea, coffee, mineral water or even melt water.

I almost forgot about the rice! You can do that too. Tables of permitted foods and diet variations can be downloaded from the Internet and printed if desired.

Two week cycle

They say that we are better off on the Chinese diet than on the Japanese diet because we can use lemon juice instead of salt. I couldn’t find a ban on lemons anywhere in the Japanese diet, but since it is said that this is a plus, so be it.

I’ll list the menu by day of the week for better understanding. Let’s remember right away: you can drink as much as you like, eat exactly three times a day!


  • breakfast - coffee;
  • lunch - two eggs, cabbage salad and tomato juice;
  • dinner - boiled fish with the same salad.
  • in the morning - coffee and a piece of cracker;
  • in the afternoon - fish with cabbage salad;
  • in the evening - a glass of kefir and a piece of beef.
  • the same morning drink with a cracker;
  • daily portion - three boiled carrots with a spoon of vegetable oil and a raw egg;
  • finally - as many apples as you want.

Friends! I, Andrey Eroshkin, will conduct mega interesting webinars for you, sign up and watch!

Topics of upcoming webinars:

  • How to lose weight without willpower and prevent the weight from coming back?
  • How to become healthy again without pills, the natural way?
  • Where do kidney stones come from and what can be done to prevent them from appearing again?
  • How to stop visiting gynecologists, give birth to a healthy child and not grow old at 40?


  • repeat the same breakfast as in previous days;
  • fried parsnips (meaning a vegetable, don’t even look at the meat!), and apples;
  • cabbage salad, two eggs and a piece of beef for the third meal;
  • In the morning, refuel with raw carrots and lemon juice;
  • half a kilo of sea fish with a glass of truly Chinese tomato juice;
  • at night again fish and cabbage salad.
  • We have coffee and a slice of bread for breakfast;
  • for lunch we eat half a kilo of chicken and chopped cabbage or carrots;
  • dinner - the same, without chicken, but with two eggs.


  • regular breakfast, coffee and rusks;
  • second meal - 200 grams of beef and any fruit;
  • third step - no large number vegetables or fish.

In the second seven days we repeat everything the same, in the same order.

Where is the rice? I have no idea! But you can’t change anything, and it’s also forbidden to break up and finish on the 13th day.

If we endure it, we will lose from 6 to 11 kg. According to reviews from those who have helped the diet, it is simply a treasure trove for losing kilos. Photos are attached.

No, no, under no circumstances!

If you were told that you cannot eat sugar, salt, fats and alcoholic beverages, this does not mean that from the rest of the variety you are free to choose whatever your heart desires. All such methods are based on the laws of a totalitarian society: “Everything that is not permitted is prohibited.”

Forget about sweets and salty foods, koblaskis and sausages, baked goods and cakes. And also about the long list of products that are not listed on the menu. This is the only way you can suffer profitably. Or with harm - nothing can be guaranteed here.

Fundamental similarity

Although we are told that this diet is based on the feeding method of Chinese peasants, who supposedly “are never fat,” it is in many ways similar to the Japanese salt-free diet (except that it contains zucchini in large quantities). Considering that the Japanese are Chinese who fled from the mainland to the islands a long time ago, this is not surprising.

The principle of the diet is based on the fact that you need to eat only those foods that are allowed, and any violation negates all efforts.

Here it is useful to remember Khoja Nasreddin, who cleverly extricated himself from a situation when it was necessary to show a “miracle of healing.” Not being a healer, Nasreddin demanded that no one present during the session think about the white monkey, otherwise his “magic” would not work. And our home-grown nutritionists just want us not to deviate even an ounce from the recipe.

Causes and consequences

I have repeated many times what happens with a salt-free, low-calorie diet. I will repeat the main points:

  • lack of protein leads to “burning” of muscles;
  • a tiny amount of fat leads to a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair and nails, slower brain function, and hormonal disorders;
  • no calories - no strength to do gymnastics;
  • lack of salt - muscle cramps, salt-free swelling, impaired nerve conduction, sudden loss of fluid;
  • general slowdown of metabolism.

The body will not want to part with fat, and the decreasing kilograms that you will see on the scales are lost water and your muscles. Even if you don’t develop any new disease, you will begin to gain weight faster than before.

What to do? First, turn to body calculators and figure out how much B/F/U you need. Then check out my “Active Weight Loss Course” if you haven’t already. And if you did, try to bring it to life.

To prevent the fat from returning, you need to part with it gradually and physiologically. Then there will be no health problems, and you will emerge victorious, having balanced your life, without suffering and sacrifice.

Effective and universal Chinese diet for weight loss for 7 days

Eastern views on life, nutrition, and medicine have long surprised Europeans, and the special traditions of the cult of life philosophy still leave more questions than answers. Today we will try to lift the curtain on one of the most effective and universal diets, namely:

Chinese rice diet. The essence and principles of nutrition.

The first question for everyone who wants to quickly and efficiently restore slimness and fit to their body.

What is the Chinese diet? Who is its creator?

It is a special nutrition system, during which it is necessary to unquestioningly adhere to a special diet of these products. They create special microflora to significantly change metabolism, as a result of which extra pounds melt like snow under the sun. This is a rather strict and tough diet, you should not break under any circumstances. You will need to give up many familiar products, and you should completely forget about sweets and baked goods.

Despite all this, there are a lot of adherents of the Chinese diet, all this is explained by stable and highly effective results, the lost kilograms do not return for five years, and if you continue to adhere healthy image nutrition and life, then you can forget about the extra centimeters on your waist and hips for the rest of your life.

Its creator is considered to be simple Asian girls, who brought back into the world many people who wanted to lose weight and become even more beautiful and slimmer. With this diet you can lose up to 10 kg or more in a week, it all depends on the initial weight of the “patient”.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Chinese diet for weight loss

First, let's talk about the advantages of the nutrition system of oriental beauties.

  1. This diet is completely salt-free and sugar-free. The diet excludes all sweets, smoked foods, processed foods, fast foods, and fatty foods. This significantly reduces cholesterol levels in the body, cleansing toxins and other harmful bacteria.
  2. A strict system of eating foods helps to restore your previous slimness in a short time, while remaining normal. weight category for a long time, up to 4-5 years.
  3. Vegetables, fruits, and various cereals contain a huge amount of fiber, which helps normalize digestion and relieve a person from constipation and other intestinal problems.
  4. Drinking plenty of fluids and green tea for a week will “wash” the body, saving it from slagging and intoxication.

As for the disadvantages, it is the strictness and the inability to add other foods to the diet that the body is already accustomed to, as well as strict three meals a day.

Based on this, you CANNOT use the Chinese diet for 7 days:

  • Pregnant
  • Nursing
  • For teenagers and children
  • Having intestinal diseases
  • Suffering from high blood pressure or heart disorders
  • If there are contraindications, consult a nutritionist.

Strict Chinese diet menu for 7 days

A full range of necessary products, minerals and vitamins is designed strictly for a week by leading specialists in the industry. At breakfast you need to eat one slice of bread from the day before yesterday, not fresh at all, followed by a hard-boiled egg. Drink a lot of liquid during the day, it can be fruit drink, green tea, clean water, mineral water without gases.

The afternoon snack should contain low-fat processed cheese, 100 g. canned peas, and for lunch you can prepare 50 grams of lean grilled meat, cabbage salad and fruit. Dinner is very modest, a glass of warm low-fat milk an hour before bedtime.

Detailed Chinese salt-free diet menu for 7 days

It is advisable to start the diet on Monday, so it is better to prepare yourself psychologically and morally.

Let's start with the daily schedule for Monday.

  • We have breakfast with black coffee without sugar, preferably natural.
  • For lunch, prepare a cabbage salad, hard-boil two eggs and wash everything down with a glass of tomato juice.
  • We have dinner the same way as we have lunch, only we replace the juice with plain water without gases.
  • Before going to bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

We start Tuesday with:

  • Crackers and a cup of coffee, again without sweets.
  • We have lunch with boiled fish and cabbage salad.
  • Steam a piece of beef for dinner, washed down with skim milk.

Our body is slowly getting used to this diet and will not mind trying on Wednesday:

  • Black coffee for breakfast.
  • We have lunch with carrot salad, boiled and grated, add one raw egg.
  • Dinner will delight you with an unlimited amount of raw apples.

Here is the equator, half the journey has been completed, the body has already become much thinner and slimmer. There is very little left.

Thursday will delight:

  • Unsweetened coffee for breakfast.
  • Roasted parsnips without oil, some green apples for lunch.
  • 200 gr. boiled beef, cabbage salad and 2 hard-boiled eggs for dinner.

Wow, it's already Friday. We start the morning differently than all previous days.

  • We eat raw carrots, seasoned with vegetable oil, and drink a glass of water.
  • 500 gr. fried sea fish and a glass of tomato juice for lunch.
  • Also fish and vegetable salad for dinner, washed down with water.

Yes, it's hard. But you still need to hold out for two more days, and your figure will be simply irresistible.

Saturday starts with a cup of coffee in bed)

  • For lunch 500 gr. chicken, carrot or cabbage salad.
  • For dinner, it will be useful to eat two boiled eggs and cabbage salad, wash down green tea no sugar.

The last day is a little different from the previous ones.


  • Unsweetened green or black tea.
  • You can have an unlimited amount of fruit for lunch, 200 grams. veal or beef.
  • We have beef and fruit for dinner.
  • Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of skim milk.

This type of nutrition is very complex and cruel to the body, it is potent, and it takes up to 10 kg in a week. If you didn’t break down and went all the way to the end, then you are a strong and courageous person. Bow and respect to patience and willpower. Hunger is not an aunt, it won’t run away into the forest, but how I want to be slim and attractive!

The correct way out of their diet and consolidation of the result

For those who have already overcome such a strict path in seven days, you need to be able to manage their diet correctly. You cannot immediately pounce on food, gradually introduce other foods into your diet, it is advisable not to eat sweet, spicy, smoked foods, and even more so, give up processed foods and other unhealthy foods. Just like the adaptation process, the period of consolidation of the result will last 10-12 days, the body will be able to get used to this diet and will not experience stress during the weight loss period.

You cannot load the body without preparation, otherwise the wasted energy will be useless and harmful to the body of someone losing weight.

Chinese diet for weight loss user reviews

Let’s listen to reviews from those who have tried the Chinese diet and can provide real “Before” and “After” indicators.

As practice shows, the efficiency of such a power system is very high. You can lose more than 8 kg in a week, but opinions about the usefulness and ability to withstand this strict “weight loss therapy” are very diverse.

According to statistics, only 20% go all the way from start to finish, 40% quit the diet halfway and cannot withstand the low-calorie diet, 30% feel weak and unwell, suddenly attack food after seven days of “hunger strike” and gain even more weight, than it was, and a dismal 10% end up on the diet in a hospital bed.

You need to approach this way of eating with caution for 7 days, carefully observing the body’s reaction.

Valentina, 28 years old writes:

“No matter how many diets I tried, the Chinese one became an excellent solution for me to make my dreams come true. And even though it was tasteless and complex, I was able to overcome my desires and endure everything to the end. I was able to lose 8 kg. Two years have already passed, and I am as slim and fit as ever after the diet. I sometimes spend special preventative days based on the basic principles of this nutrition, everything is fine. I'm very pleased."

Zinaida, 45 years old.

“I go on this diet very often, because I have been overweight since an early age. I am satisfied with the fact that during it, toxins are removed from the body and willpower is developed. And this is very important in modern world. I recently weighed 115 kg, and in two weeks of a strict diet I lost 15 kg. This is a very good result for me. Unfortunately, I often eat junk food, and the kilograms return, but I do not lose heart and continue to move towards my goal of 80 kg. There's more to come. I'm trying. The main thing is that my family and friends support me in such serious trials.”

Katerina, 20 years old.

“I couldn’t stand it even for three days, my body lost strength and the desire to continue to fight for a slim body. Later I began to suffer from stomach pain, and I went to the hospital. I spent the next two weeks in a hospital bed. These are my disastrous results.”

Any diet requires consultation with a doctor and high WILLPOWER. No one can force us to lose weight, only our own desire and no contraindications will give us the desired result and a great mood!

Residents of the “Celestial Empire” are distinguished by their slimness and elegance. Miniature Chinese owe their figure not only to good genetics, but also to nutritional culture. Everyone knows that Chinese people prefer rice and sea fish in their food, that is, they eat healthy and low-calorie food. In this regard, it was developed special diet, called Chinese, allows you to get rid of 6-10 kilograms in just 14 days. The Chinese diet has been adapted for Russian residents to make it easier to follow.

The essence of the diet

Salt-free Chinese diet - effective method weight loss, which allows you to get rid of 5-10 extra pounds in two weeks, depending on your initial weight and level of physical activity. In addition to losing weight, the Chinese diet helps speed up metabolism, reduce the volume of the stomach, and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

The essence of the Chinese diet is a complete restructuring of metabolic processes in the body. To achieve weight loss results, you must strictly follow all its principles and the prescribed menu for 14 days.

Principles of the Chinese diet for weight loss:

  • Three meals a day are recommended, snacks are prohibited;
  • The menu of each day of the Chinese diet should be strictly followed; changing days at your discretion is prohibited;
  • Every day you should drink a large amount of still water, at least 2 liters, which will help speed up metabolism and remove accumulated harmful substances in the body;
  • Salt is strictly prohibited due to its ability to retain excess fluid in the body, leading to swelling;
  • Meat (beef, chicken) can be boiled, and fish can be boiled, baked, steamed or grilled, and fried.

The Chinese diet is strict and low in calories. Average daily calorie intake = 570 Kcal.

Permitted and prohibited products

Chinese diet for weight loss - allowed foods:

  • Sea fish (dorade, flounder, salmon, trout, salmon, mackerel);
  • Lean meat and poultry (beef, veal, turkey, chicken);
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, onions, parsnips, parsley, tomatoes);
  • Fruits (green apples, citrus fruits);
    Vegetable and olive oil;
  • Lemon juice (as a salad dressing);
  • Natural honey (no more than 0.5 tsp per day);
  • Brewed coffee, green tea, still mineral water.

Chinese diet for weight loss - prohibited foods:

  • Salt, spices, herbs;
  • Sugar;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Fatty meats and poultry;
  • Sausages;
  • Smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • Fresh baked goods;
  • Flour and pasta products, fresh baked goods;
  • Any sweets and desserts.

Menu for 14 days

Chinese diet - menu for 14 days - 2 weeks (breakfast, lunch, dinner):


  • Black coffee;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Cabbage salad. Tomato juice 1 glass;
  • Baked salmon. Cabbage salad.
  • Coffee. Toast;
  • Baked mackerel. White cabbage salad;
  • Boiled beef. A glass of kefir 1%.
  • Brewed coffee;
  • Raw chicken egg. Carrot salad (3 boiled carrots, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil);
  • Green apples (no restrictions in quantity).
  • Coffee or green tea;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Boiled beef. Cabbage salad.
  • Baked trout 500 gr. Tomato juice 1 glass;
  • Cabbage salad.
  • Coffee;
  • Boiled chicken breast 500 gr. Cabbage salad;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Carrot salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled beef 200 gr. Grapefruit;
  • Fried fish (dorada). Tomato.

According to the rules of the Chinese diet, all kinds of snacks between meals are strictly prohibited. The menu of the second week of the Chinese diet resembles the diet of the previous one.


  • Coffee;
  • Cabbage salad. Tomato. 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Oven-baked mackerel. White cabbage salad.
  • Coffee. Dried bread 1 piece;
  • Oven-baked mackerel. White cabbage salad;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk. Boiled beef 200 gr.
  • Coffee;
  • Carrot salad. Raw chicken egg;
  • Apples (preferably green) without restrictions.
  • Coffee or tea;
  • Parsnip root fried in vegetable oil. Apples;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Boiled beef 200 gr. Cabbage salad.
  • Coffee. Grated carrot salad;
  • Baked sea bass 500 gr. Tomato;
  • White cabbage salad.
  • Coffee;
  • Boiled chicken fillet 500 gr. Coleslaw;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Grated carrot salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled beef 200 gr. Orange;
  • Fried halibut. 1 glass of tomato juice.

While following the Chinese diet, you can drink still water between meals. There are no restrictions on water consumption.


We offer you several recipes for dishes that can be included in the Chinese diet menu:
Carrot salad

Carrot salad


  • Carrots 1-2 pcs;
  • Natural honey 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Transfer the grated carrots to a plate, season with honey and lemon juice, and stir.

According to the rules of the Chinese diet, carrot salad should definitely be included in your weight loss menu.




  • White cabbage 200 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cabbage, chop it, place it in a deep plate.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse, cut into half rings, add to the cabbage.
  3. Season the salad with vegetable oil and mix.

Cabbage salad will complement the diet of those losing weight on the Chinese diet for lunch or dinner.

Baked salmon

Baked salmon


  • Salmon steak 1 piece;
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the salmon steak and place on foil for baking.
  2. Cut the lemon into slices and place on top of the fish.
  3. Seal the foil to form an envelope and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

According to the Chinese diet, only sea fish is allowed. In the same way as salmon, you can bake salmon, flounder, mackerel, and cod in the oven.

Like any other strict method of losing weight, the salt-free Chinese diet is not suitable for all people. Before starting to follow it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, and it is better to consult a doctor. Eating a low-calorie diet for two weeks can result in: side effects, such as weakness, dizziness, fatigue, and therefore it is recommended to reduce the level of your physical activity while following the Chinese diet.

Chinese diet for weight loss - contraindications:

  • Diseases gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, ulcer);
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Diseases of the excretory system;
  • Any disease during the period of exacerbation;
  • During the rehabilitation period after operations;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children, teenagers, old age;
  • Allergic reactions to the food products shown on the Chinese diet menu (for example, fish or eggs), because according to the rules it is prohibited to make adjustments to the diet.

The right way out

By following the Chinese diet for 14 days, you can lose weight and experience lightness in your body. Appetite will noticeably decrease after two weeks, which is associated with a decrease in the size of the stomach. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, the body will be cleansed of toxins and waste, and the complexion and skin condition will noticeably improve. However, to maintain the achieved results and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool retention, indigestion), the right way out is necessary.

During the first week when leaving the Chinese diet, you should continue to eat according to the same pattern, gradually adding new foods to your diet. It’s better to start expanding your diet with vegetables and fruits, soups and low-fat broths. The volume of portions can be gradually increased, and prohibited foods should be completely abandoned for as long as possible.

To prevent extra pounds from returning again, you should definitely increase your daily physical activity. It is recommended to do exercises regularly, walk more often and longer, and not use the elevator, which is especially important when sedentary life and sedentary work. Intensive training 2-3 times a week in the fitness center, swimming, dancing, yoga, and aerobics will bring noticeable benefits. It is recommended to follow the Chinese diet for weight loss again no earlier than after 2 months.


The Chinese diet helps you lose 6-10 kilograms, which is confirmed by numerous laudatory reviews. Not many people can withstand such a strict and meager diet for weight loss, but the results justify the means, as you can see by looking at the photos of people before and after following the salt-free Chinese diet:

There are practically no overweight and overweight Chinese women. And all this is thanks to the lifestyle and nutrition, according to the basic principles of which the Chinese diet is compiled. For example, a diet menu for 14 days requires strict adherence to the rules and a ban on any deviation.

Menu Features

The goal of the diet itself is to start the metabolic process in in the right direction. Features: rigor, toughness and low calorie content. If you do not adhere to these rules, your efforts will not bring results.

You need to follow not only the diet plan, but also, most importantly, adhere to the list of permitted foods. During abstinence, the body will rebuild and get used to the new diet, transforming its normal metabolism.

The exact list of foods allowed by the diet:

  • eggs, almost daily;
  • variety of fresh vegetables: green salad, white cabbage, carrots, in addition, parsnip and parsley roots, tomatoes are especially preferred;
  • various fruits: unsweetened apples (green) as much as you want, in some diet options you are allowed to eat any fruit;
  • low-fat varieties of sea fish;
  • lean meats.

Drinks that are acceptable are tea, black coffee, still mineral water or purified melt water. Adding unspecified products to the menu is strictly prohibited by the diet.

Limited Products

The Chinese diet for 14 days (strict menu) allows you to include a little honey in your diet, but only a limited amount. No more than a spoonful of honey can be used daily, but this should please those with a sweet tooth, since the only sweets in this diet are various fruits.

In addition, vegetable and olive oil are used. It is allowed, but you need to observe moderation and use these products in combination with lemon juice for salad sauce. You should not pour oil on salads or excessively season other dishes with it, so that this product with a huge amount of fat compensates for the lack of usual calories and gives you a feeling of fullness.

The best option may be to thoroughly chew a spoonful of vegetable oil in the morning on an empty stomach, which will activate the pancreas, remove toxins, and have a beneficial effect on the joints. After this, a couple of spoons can be added to a salad or other dish during the day.

List of prohibited products

It is also prohibited to consume and use in cooking:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • fatty meats;
  • smoking, pickling, marinades;
  • sweets and desserts;
  • confectionery, bakery products;
  • sausages;
  • baked goods;
  • alcohol.

Spices are also periodically added to this list, but you need to distinguish between spice options.

For example, garlic as a spice can be quite useful, along with curry and something similar that is low in calories and improves the functioning of the body. If you intend to adhere to a very strict and classic version, then along with sugar and salt, other spices and seasonings are abandoned. The lack of taste is compensated by various combinations of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Diet principles

The duration of the classic diet is exactly two weeks, and the next seven days will be needed to return to a less strict framework and gradually introduce other foods. In order not to feel the need to return to a diet after a short time, you should stick to a balanced diet and not get carried away with high-calorie foods.

During these 2 weeks, only three meals per day are allowed daily. More frequent meals are unacceptable. If the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, you need to drink water. The more liquid you drink, the better. The minimum daily volume is 2 liters.

The Chinese diet for 14 days allows you to repeat the menu every 8 weeks, but this option is also quite harsh. It is useful to learn to feel your own body, for which this regime is stressful.

Such stress, within certain limits, is useful and triggers body functions aimed at burning fat, allowing for better use of reserves. However, if the stress is excessive, the body's condition enters an unhelpful stage, which is also called distress.

This option produces more cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat accumulation and prevents weight loss. If the body has recovered normally and can tolerate additional stress, a new diet cycle will allow you to cleanse yourself of toxins and improve your shape.

Menu by day of the week for 14 days

The Chinese diet for 14 days (the menu is completely duplicated in the second week) is designed in such a way that the eighth day is identical to the first, the second is identical to the seventh, and so on.

1st meal 2nd meal 3rd meal
Mon black coffee tomato juice or just a tomato (can be chopped in a blender or grated), two boiled eggs, cabbage salad dressed with oil repeat cabbage salad + fish (recipe boiled or fried)
W some dried bread and a cup of coffee repeat dinner from Monday 1 tbsp. kefir and boiled (150-200 g) beef
Wed coffee salad for which an egg and three small carrots are boiled, chopped and seasoned with oil apples
Thu coffee parsnip root (can be fried), mixed with apples Beef boiled in water, 200 g, a couple of boiled eggs, white cabbage salad
Fri carrot salad (fresh carrots) dressed with lemon 0.2 kg of fish (boiled, fried) and 1 tbsp. tomato juice leftover fish, cabbage salad
Sat coffee chicken fillet (0.2 kg) + choice of cabbage or carrot salad carrot salad and a couple of boiled eggs
Sun green tea various fruits and boiled beef (200 g) any option from the previous menu
1 meal 2 meals 3 meals
Mon black coffee small piece of beef, small fruit some grated carrots and one egg omelette
W coffee some chicken with carrots kelp and light omelette
Wed coffee, some grated carrots Tomato juice, some boiled fish some fruit
Thu small piece of cheese egg and vegetable stew some fruit
Fri tea Vegetarian set (for example, zucchini, cucumbers) toast with apples a little kefir and a small piece of beef
Sat coffee with a slice of whole grain bread - toast tomato juice, stewed cabbage some boiled fish
Sun low-fat fermented milk product some fish and vegetarian set kefir and beef

This diet is strict and requires significant discipline.

In the second week, the menu changes and becomes softer, in particular, the daily diet consists of:

  • 250 g of fruit;
  • 400 g rice;
  • 250-300 g vegetables;
  • up to 150 g of fish;
  • up to 100 ml of milk;
  • up to 100 g of legumes;

This option allows you to create a huge number of combinations and make every day full of pleasant and delicious dishes. The daily meal is also divided into three parts, that is, morning, afternoon, evening.

The effectiveness of the diet largely depends on the proper selection and preparation of foods.

Some effective tips include:

  • It is advisable to cut vegetables into cubes, but there are also original version– vegetable peeler. It allows you to make thin strips of vegetables, they not only decorate the dish and create a pleasant texture.
  • After dinner, it is useful to drink a glass of warm herbal infusion.
  • Slow chewing of food best option in order to get a feeling of satiety.
  • For convenience, you can prepare yourself a partial menu for the whole week so as not to waste time in the future.

The current advice is to adhere to the regime. It is necessary not only not to add additional meals, but also not to reduce the number of such meals, that is, to follow the routine.

How much can you lose?

The Chinese diet for 14 days (you can choose from several menu options) gives different results, since the initial weight and constitution are different for everyone. If we evaluate the approximate possibilities, then in a week of strict adherence to the regime, up to 5-7 kilograms of excessive weight can be lost. Next week a little less, since at the beginning the body is freed from moisture and toxins.

Considering other options for the Chinese diet:

  • five days;
  • week;
  • three weeks;
  • 8-12 weeks;

then a longer period (three or more weeks) results in a reduction of 4-5 kilograms per week. After 5 weeks, the amount decreases slightly and the body is relieved of 2-3 kilograms per week, if any are excessive. The results can be impressive, but the weight loss process should not be adjusted to any standards; you need to focus on your health status.

Chinese diet for 5 days - menu

A shortened version of the diet can also be used, which allows you to feel positive effect and takes relatively little time. Each day in terms of food is almost identical to the previous one, in general, but in particular there is the opportunity to choose a variety of options.

Menu for 14 days for the Chinese diet.

For example, if you are allowed to eat any fruit, then you can choose a different fruit every day and thus add originality to the menu.

This diet is repeated for five days in a row.

Diet for 7 days - menu

This option completely repeats the previously proposed diet, which uses two identical weeks. Only here the duration is halved. The main thing is to follow the rule of a smooth exit from the diet and control your diet in the future.

Diet for 21 days - menu

By following the rules in this option, burning a significant amount of subcutaneous fat deposits is achieved.

  • 1 week: for each meal, eat a fruit and an egg (as an alternative to a chicken egg, three quail eggs).
  • Week 2: only a variety of porridges cooked in water.
  • Week 3: any vegetables and fruits, in almost any (reasonable) quantities.

To better tolerate the diet, especially the first week, you should drink clean water (mineral water is acceptable) and various herbal decoctions and green tea throughout the day. In the second week, it is best to eat only a different type of porridge every day. In this case, it is best to steam the cereal for the day in the evening.

You should also choose a variety of cereals, for example, use brown rice, not white, which is more healthy. The second week allows you to add some spices and seasonings, but no sugar and only a minimum of sea salt. A small amount of olive oil can be added to vegetables.

Chinese diet for 2-3 months - menu

This option can rightfully be called Chinese, because it is based on boiled rice.

Other foods are eaten raw or cooked only and include:

  • fruits and vegetables;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • seaweed;
  • vegetable oil;
  • the actual rice;
  • mineral water;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • mushrooms.

The essence of this method is alternating foods and small portions. In total, food is consumed three times during the day in an amount of no more than 300 g at each meal. Rice is eaten separately from fish and meat.

Product groups are distributed separately throughout the day. Meat and fish should be eaten in the morning or evening. For example, a small amount of meat with vegetables is eaten in the morning, boiled rice in the afternoon, and vegetables and fruits in the evening.

How to exit correctly

You need to exit the diet smoothly and gently. The day after the end of the food restrictions, you should not strive to get more carbohydrates from sweet foods and baked goods. Such behavior would be unreasonable.

The best option is to use the same menu that was followed before. However, you need to add some additional products to the menu, but from the list of acceptable ones. For the most part, foods prohibited in the diet should be abandoned for a period of about 8 weeks after completing the diet itself, then the results will be maintained.

First, simply add more vegetables and fruits to your daily meal. Further, the amount of some lean varieties of meat may increase. To feel energized throughout the day, you can eat nuts and dried fruits as afternoon snacks.

Along with increasing the number of calories, you should also increase physical activity and exercise regularly to tune the body to work more harmoniously.

The Chinese diet for 14 days (strict menu) changes the metabolic process itself, and this imposes restrictions on the possibilities of its use by people with certain chronic diseases. Such nutrition allows you to get rid of extra pounds in just two weeks, and this is a very large burden on the body.

Lack of salt in the diet often leads to dehydration. It is because of this that the diet has no restrictions on maximum water consumption, but there are minimal restrictions - 2 liters daily.

A salt-free diet is contraindicated for people with problems with the excretory system, diseases:

  • kidney;
  • hearts;
  • liver;
  • intestines;
  • stomach.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should follow completely different diets. In addition, people who need to actively recover physically or perform heavy physical work should not choose this option.

Throughout the entire weight loss process, you may experience increased fatigue. Such effects can become habituated over time, but the impact of reducing calorie intake on the body must be taken into account.

Diet cost

In conclusion, it should be noted that the proposed menu is very affordable. It is excellent option gradual transition to higher quality products. For example, it is possible to purchase a small bottle of high-quality olive oil or a piece of delicious sea fish or some interesting fruits.

Using the 14-day version of the Chinese diet is especially recommended if you need to cleanse the body and achieve good results in a relatively short period. The menu allows you to optimize processes in the body and effectively reduce excessive body weight.

Video about the Chinese diet, its features and results

Chinese diet for 21 days:

Expert opinion about the Chinese diet:

It is difficult to meet overweight people in China; most are admired for their toned figure. The secret to being slim lies in a special nutritional system that ensures a balance of the main nutrients. Small portions and low calorie foods help you avoid overeating and stay full. The Chinese diet is designed for fast weight loss for short term. As a result of completing the course, you can get rid of 3 to 15 kg.

Basic principles

The Chinese diet was created thanks to an English restaurant critic; after living for several years in Beijing, Miss Clissold thoroughly studied the intricacies local cuisine. The nutritional philosophy lies in the harmony of two energies - yin, yang, each product corresponds to a specific flow. The subtleties of maintaining balance help the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire remain slim until old age. The modern version of the diet includes a traditional Asian list of products. Other aspects that help stabilize weight are also taken into account.

Basic principles:

  • the Chinese diet for weight loss is designed for 1, 2, 3 weeks, there are also classical and strict systems;
  • the first is based on animal proteins, vegetables, fruits, low calorie content, small portions allow you to quickly feel the effect;
  • a strict diet is shock therapy for those losing weight, it consists of only three products - rice, citrus fruits, eggs, but the result is stunning, after the course you can lose up to 15 kg;
  • refers to salt-free systems, the use of sugar is also excluded; ginger, dried garlic, lemon juice, and pepper are used to add flavor to the products;
  • proteins are represented by lean varieties of fish, meat, seafood, you can also eat eggs several times a week, but dairy products are completely excluded;
  • complex carbohydrates - various types rice is combined with vegetables and fruits, the tandem has sorbent properties, removes toxins and waste from the body, and promotes rejuvenation;
  • a minimum amount of fat is allowed, represented by olive and sesame oil, added only to ready dish, after heat treatment;
  • vegetables can be eaten raw, also in traditional Chinese cuisine the fruits are fried for several minutes over high heat, can be boiled, stewed, but without salt, often served as an independent dish, and also combined with proteins;
  • fruits and berries are eaten at any time, can become a complete dinner, cannot be heat treated, must be consumed raw;
  • for normal metabolism, at least 1.5 liters of water is required; the favorite drink is green tea; coffee and herbal infusions can be included in the diet;
  • in the Chinese diet, breakfast is excluded; lunch and dinner can also hardly be called filling, so for the entire period of losing weight you need to be prepared for a slight feeling of hunger;
  • the entire diet is designed for 3 main meals without snacks, a light dinner is served no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • portions are distinguished not only by low calorie content, but also by small volumes up to 200 g;
  • The process itself also matters; you need to chew each piece carefully and slowly, so you can get enough of a very small portion.

The nutritional system implies rapid weight loss; sudden weight loss affects skin turgor. To maintain elasticity and firmness, it is recommended to play sports. Traditional Chinese gymnastics is far from intense training, focusing on breathing and working on body control. Slow measured movements help to find harmony, while remaining cheerful and energetic.

Lists of prohibited and permitted products

The main distinguishing feature is a significant restriction of the diet. It is also unusual to replace salt with spices and seasonings, which allow you to partially compensate for the taste. The price of the Chinese diet is affordable for everyone; weight loss requires inexpensive products, which can be found in the supermarket or market. What matters is the freshness and quality of meat and fish; they should not be frozen, otherwise they lose some of their beneficial properties.

Authorized products:

  • meat - beef, veal, chicken;
  • fish is represented by low-fat varieties, seafood;
  • vegetables - all types of cabbage, root vegetables except potatoes and sweet potatoes;
  • legumes - asparagus, green peas;
  • fruits - apples, pears, citrus fruits;
  • fresh herbs;
  • porridge - rice;
  • eggs;
  • olive, sesame oil;
  • drinks - natural coffee, green, herbal tea.

Prohibited products:

  • confectionery;
  • bakery products;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • porridge - buckwheat, oatmeal, bulgur;
  • pickles, marinades;
  • dairy products;
  • animal fats;
  • meat - pork, lamb, duck, goose;
  • sauces;
  • alcoholic drinks.

Preparation and exit from the diet

The transition to a new diet requires compliance with a number of rules. So a week before the start, alcohol, fatty foods, and sweets are excluded. To start metabolism, at least 1.5 liters of water is required; it is recommended to choose green tea. Equally important is getting out of the Chinese diet:

  • relieve the feeling of hunger with 200 ml of water with lemon or ginger;
  • keep portions small, including three meals a day;
  • the list of permitted products should be expanded to include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains;
  • high-calorie dishes are allowed once a week, the serving size should not exceed 150 g;
  • use no more than 5 g. salt per day, adding to ready-made dishes.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • age restrictions up to 18, over 60 years old;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • individual intolerance to products from the approved list.

Chinese diet for 7 days

The classic version excludes the consumption of salt, sugar, and the amount of carbohydrates is also limited. It is based on lean fish and seafood; the main products that stimulate weight loss are vegetables and fruits. A significant amount of fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal function and restores digestion. Refers to low-calorie nutrition systems, daily caloric intake does not exceed 1800 kcal.

Chinese diet for 7 days - menu:

  • breakfast - chamomile decoction;
  • lunch - steamed beef, salad seaweed and celery;
  • dinner - sliced ​​nectarine, peach.
  • breakfast - coffee;
  • lunch - salad of parsnip root, Chinese cabbage, parsley, eggs;
  • dinner - steamed fish, cucumber.
  • breakfast - green tea;
  • lunch - steamed chicken, baked eggplant;
  • dinner - seafood mix, tomatoes with parsley.
  • breakfast - ginger drink;
  • lunch - boiled veal, stewed peppers with parsnips;
  • dinner - boiled fish, stewed tomatoes.
  • breakfast - tea;
  • lunch - brown rice, with cucumber and celery;
  • dinner - boiled chicken, Chinese cabbage salad, pears.
  • breakfast - cinnamon infusion;
  • lunch - boiled egg, seaweed;
  • dinner - pears, steamed beef.
  • breakfast - ginger decoction;
  • lunch - steamed veal, 2 oranges;
  • dinner - baked fish, cucumber and parsnip salad.

Chinese diet for 14 days

It implies a strict menu based on fish, meat, vegetables, rice. Thanks to the latter, you can get enough of a small portion. The combination of protein and fiber in the Chinese diet for 14 days helps speed up the process of weight loss. Ginger and lemon juice can be used as a substitute for salt; you can also add apple or wine vinegar.

Chinese diet for 14 days - menu:

  • first meal - coffee;
  • second meal - baked fish, steamed asparagus;
  • third meal - omelet with lemon juice, pear.
  • first dose - tea with ginger;
  • second meal - chicken breast, stewed tomatoes;
  • third meal - salad of Chinese cabbage, pumpkin with sesame oil.
  • first dose - green tea;
  • second meal - eggs, seaweed;
  • third meal - steamed fish, tangerines.
  • first dose - chamomile decoction;
  • second meal - steamed veal, celery with lemon juice;
  • third meal - shrimp, carrot salad.
  • first meal - coffee;
  • second meal - cucumber and asparagus salad, boiled rice;
  • third meal - zucchini marinated with ginger and vinegar, stewed chicken.
  • first dose - herbal tea;
  • second meal - rice, steamed asparagus;
  • third meal - stewed fish with ginger and spinach.
  • first meal - coffee;
  • second meal - rice, Chinese cabbage salad;
  • third meal - carrots with sesame oil, boiled squid.

It is difficult to classify the Chinese diet menu for 14 days as a system of proper weight loss due to the minimal amount of fat, complex carbohydrates. Low-calorie meals can lead to deterioration in health, so during the day it is allowed to add up to 2 teaspoons of honey to water. If you follow all 14 days of the Chinese diet, you can get rid of 5 to 12 kg.

Chinese diet for 21 days

Combines elements of a classical and strict mono-diet. So every 5 days there are 2 days during which it is allowed to eat only citrus fruits, meat, fish, and eggs. The amount of clean water is not limited; you can also drink warm green tea in between meals. Reviews of the Chinese diet indicate that it is possible to lose 15 kg if you follow your diet.

Chinese diet for 21 days - menu for every day:

  • first dose - green tea;
  • second meal - rice, stewed tomatoes;
  • third meal - boiled veal, Chinese cabbage salad with cucumber.
  • first dose - herbal tea;
  • second meal - steamed chicken, salad with celery and parsnips;
  • third meal - stewed fish, apples.
  • first meal - coffee;
  • second appointment - chicken broth, cucumber and tomato salad;
  • third meal - shrimp, arugula salad and fresh carrots.
  • first meal - coffee;
  • second meal - omelet with spinach and tomatoes;
  • third meal - steamed fish, Chinese cabbage salad with cucumbers;
  • first dose - ginger drink;
  • second meal - stewed fish, seaweed;
  • third meal - stewed veal, celery and carrot salad.
  • first meal - coffee;
  • second meal - egg, peaches;
  • third method - steamed shrimp.
  • first dose - chamomile decoction;
  • second meal - omelette, orange;
  • third meal - chicken, orange.

The Chinese diet is a low-calorie diet that allows you to quickly achieve results. By sticking to the menu, you can lose 3-15 kg. There are also other undeniable advantages:

  • intestinal function is normalized;
  • hydrobalance is restored;
  • new healthy eating habits of fractional meals appear, the diet is enriched with vegetables and fruits.

It is difficult to classify as a balanced system; it has a fairly limited list of permitted products. Weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid and the destruction of muscle fibers. It's worth weighing the pros and cons before trying a popular diet.


  • a limited amount of fat leads to deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, and nails;
  • rapid weight loss provokes the appearance of sagging, stretch marks, premature wrinkles;
  • low daily caloric intake leads to energy deficiency, it is difficult to carry out the usual schedule, and playing sports becomes an unbearable burden;
  • A sharp weight loss leads to a slowdown in metabolism; in the future, when the usual diet is restored, the extra pounds return faster.

IMPORTANT! Informational article! Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Residents of the “Celestial Empire” are distinguished by their slimness and elegance. Miniature Chinese owe their figure not only to good genetics, but also to nutritional culture. Everyone knows that Chinese people prefer rice and sea fish in their food, that is, they eat healthy and low-calorie food. In this regard, a special diet was developed, called Chinese, which allows you to get rid of 6-10 kilograms in just 14 days. The Chinese diet has been adapted for Russian residents to make it easier to follow.

The essence of the diet

The salt-free Chinese diet is an effective weight loss method that allows you to get rid of 5-10 extra pounds in two weeks, depending on your initial weight and level of physical activity. In addition to losing weight, the Chinese diet helps speed up metabolism, reduce the volume of the stomach, and cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

The essence of the Chinese diet- complete restructuring of metabolic processes in the body. To achieve weight loss results, you must strictly follow all its principles and the prescribed menu for 14 days.

Principles of the Chinese diet for weight loss:

  • Three meals a day are recommended, snacks are prohibited;
  • The menu of each day of the Chinese diet should be strictly followed; changing days at your discretion is prohibited;
  • Every day you should drink a large amount of still water, at least 2 liters, which will help speed up metabolism and remove accumulated harmful substances in the body;
  • Salt is strictly prohibited due to its ability to retain excess fluid in the body, leading to swelling;
  • Meat (beef, chicken) can be boiled, and fish can be boiled, baked, steamed or grilled, and fried.

The Chinese diet is strict and low in calories. Average daily calorie intake = 570 Kcal.

Permitted and prohibited products


  • Japanese diet: proper weight loss in 13 days
  • Diet of astronauts: minus 20 kg in 20 days
  • Italian diet for weight loss for 14 days: menu, results
  • Mayo Clinic Diet: minus 8 kg per week

Chinese diet for weight loss - allowed foods:

  • Sea fish (dorade, flounder, salmon, trout, salmon, mackerel);
  • Lean meat and poultry (beef, veal, turkey, chicken);
  • Eggs;
  • Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, onions, parsnips, parsley, tomatoes);
  • Fruits (green apples, citrus fruits);
    Vegetable and olive oil;
  • Lemon juice (as a salad dressing);
  • Natural honey (no more than 0.5 tsp per day);
  • Brewed coffee, green tea, still mineral water.

Chinese diet for weight loss - prohibited foods:

  • Salt, spices, herbs;
  • Sugar;
  • Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • Fatty meats and poultry;
  • Sausages;
  • Smoked meats, pickles, marinades;
  • Fresh baked goods;
  • Flour and pasta products, fresh baked goods;
  • Any sweets and desserts.

Menu for 14 days

Chinese diet - menu for 14 days - 2 weeks (breakfast, lunch, dinner):

1 week:


  • Black coffee;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Cabbage salad. Tomato juice 1 glass;
  • Baked salmon. Cabbage salad.


  • Coffee. Toast;
  • Baked mackerel. White cabbage salad;
  • Boiled beef. A glass of kefir 1%.


  • Brewed coffee;
  • Raw chicken egg. Carrot salad (3 boiled carrots, grated and seasoned with vegetable oil);
  • Green apples (no restrictions in quantity).


  • Coffee or green tea;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Boiled beef. Cabbage salad.


  • Baked trout 500 gr. Tomato juice 1 glass;
  • Cabbage salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled chicken breast 500 gr. Cabbage salad;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Carrot salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled beef 200 gr. Grapefruit;
  • Fried fish (dorada). Tomato.

According to the rules of the Chinese diet, all kinds of snacks between meals are strictly prohibited. The menu of the second week of the Chinese diet resembles the diet of the previous one.

Week 2:


  • Coffee;
  • Cabbage salad. Tomato. 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Oven-baked mackerel. White cabbage salad.


  • Coffee. Dried bread 1 piece;
  • Oven-baked mackerel. White cabbage salad;
  • A glass of fermented baked milk. Boiled beef 200 gr.


  • Coffee;
  • Carrot salad. Raw chicken egg;
  • Apples (preferably green) without restrictions.


  • Coffee or tea;
  • Parsnip root fried in vegetable oil. Apples;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Boiled beef 200 gr. Cabbage salad.


  • Coffee. Grated carrot salad;
  • Baked sea bass 500 gr. Tomato;
  • White cabbage salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled chicken fillet 500 gr. Coleslaw;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs. Grated carrot salad.


  • Coffee;
  • Boiled beef 200 gr. Orange;
  • Fried halibut. 1 glass of tomato juice.

While following the Chinese diet, you can drink still water between meals. There are no restrictions on water consumption.


We offer you several recipes for dishes that can be included in the Chinese diet menu:
Carrot salad

Carrot salad


  • Carrots 1-2 pcs;
  • Natural honey 0.5 tsp;
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Transfer the grated carrots to a plate, season with honey and lemon juice, and stir.

According to the rules of the Chinese diet, carrot salad should definitely be included in your weight loss menu.




  • White cabbage 200 gr;
  • Onions 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cabbage, chop it, place it in a deep plate.
  2. Peel the onion, rinse, cut into half rings, add to the cabbage.
  3. Season the salad with vegetable oil and mix.

Cabbage salad will complement the diet of those losing weight on the Chinese diet for lunch or dinner.

Baked salmon

Baked salmon


  • Salmon steak 1 piece;
  • Lemon 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the salmon steak and place on foil for baking.
  2. Cut the lemon into slices and place on top of the fish.
  3. Seal the foil to form an envelope and place on a baking sheet.
  4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

According to the Chinese diet, only sea fish is allowed. In the same way as salmon, you can bake salmon, flounder, mackerel, and cod in the oven.


Like any other strict method of losing weight, the salt-free Chinese diet is not suitable for all people. Before starting to follow it, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, and it is better to consult a doctor. A low-calorie diet for two weeks can result in side effects such as weakness, dizziness, and fatigue, and therefore it is recommended to reduce your level of physical activity while following the Chinese diet.

Chinese diet for weight loss - contraindications:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers);
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • Diseases of the excretory system;
  • Any disease during the period of exacerbation;
  • During the rehabilitation period after operations;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children, teenagers, old age;
  • Allergic reactions to the food products shown on the Chinese diet menu (for example, fish or eggs), because according to the rules it is prohibited to make adjustments to the diet.

The right way out

By following the Chinese diet for 14 days, you can lose weight and experience lightness in your body. Appetite will noticeably decrease after two weeks, which is associated with a decrease in the size of the stomach. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, the body will be cleansed of toxins and waste, and the complexion and skin condition will noticeably improve. However, to maintain the achieved results and prevent problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool retention, indigestion), the right way out is necessary.

During the first week when leaving the Chinese diet, you should continue to eat according to the same pattern, gradually adding new foods to your diet. It’s better to start expanding your diet with vegetables and fruits, soups and low-fat broths. The volume of portions can be gradually increased, and prohibited foods should be completely abandoned for as long as possible.

To prevent extra pounds from returning again, you should definitely increase your daily physical activity. It is recommended to do exercises regularly, walk more often and for longer, and not use the elevator, which is especially important if you have a sedentary lifestyle and sedentary work. Intensive training 2-3 times a week in the fitness center, swimming, dancing, yoga, and aerobics will bring noticeable benefits. It is recommended to follow the Chinese diet for weight loss again no earlier than after 2 months.


The Chinese diet helps you lose 6-10 kilograms, which is confirmed by numerous laudatory reviews. Not many people can withstand such a strict and meager diet for weight loss, but the results justify the means, as you can see by looking at the photos of people before and after following the salt-free Chinese diet.

Most of the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom are slim and fit people. The Chinese maintain good figures until old age, and this is due to national dietary traditions. The Asian diet supplies the body with all vitamins, minerals, and supports optimal speed metabolism. The Chinese do not overeat and do not starve, they stick to the golden mean, and eat as much as is required for life support.

What is the Chinese diet

The way of eating spread throughout the world thanks to the Englishwoman Lorraine Clissold, a culinary critic and restaurant columnist. The woman moved to Beijing, lived there for some time and wrote the book “Why the Chinese Don’t Get Fat.” There are many subtleties in the Chinese diet. One of the results of Lorraine Clissold's work was a special diet. Its essence is to balance the energies of yin and yang. Each type of energy flow corresponds to certain products. This is a whole science, but in the presented diet it is partially reflected.

The Chinese nutrition system is strict, low-calorie, shocking to the body. The diet is unbalanced in terms of nutrients and nutrients, so if you want to try it for yourself, consult a therapist or evaluate the pros and cons. The nutrition system has a number of contraindications. A healthy person can try to lose weight using the proposed diet, but one must be prepared for a constant feeling of hunger and accompanying ailments. The diet completely restructures your metabolism. With its help you can lose 4-7 kg in a week.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The main advantage of the diet is very rapid weight loss. If a person then continues to eat properly, he will maintain good results for a long time. Other advantages of the Chinese food system:

  • cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
  • the appearance of lightness in the body;
  • improvement of skin condition and complexion;
  • inexpensive diet;
  • minimum time for cooking;
  • no need to count calories;
  • good weight loss even without exercise.

The diet has more disadvantages than advantages. They are due to the fact that a person who is used to eating a lot and varied will not have enough of the allotted amount of food. The main disadvantages of the Chinese diet:

General rules

The Chinese diet for weight loss requires strict adherence to the rules. To rebuild metabolic processes, you need to completely change your eating habits. 5 days before starting to lose weight, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and increase its ability to absorb nutrients. To do this, drink 2 glasses of warm boiled water every morning. Basic rules of the Chinese food system:

  • Avoid salt, sugar and all foods containing these additives.
  • Drink plenty of water - at least 1 liter. Brew yourself green tea - it tones the body and helps eliminate toxic substances.
  • Any alcohol, even in minimal quantities, is prohibited.
  • You can't break your diet. If you fail, you will have to repeat the diet from the beginning.
  • It is forbidden to skip meals. There are three of them, and if you feel hungry, drink a cup of green tea. Meals should be at regular intervals.
  • Eat more brown or red rice, pairing it with vegetables. This dish removes harmful salts and excess water from the body, and relieves fatigue.
  • Bake vegetables, quickly fry over high heat, simmer or eat raw. This is not a side dish, but an independent dish.
  • Fish can be boiled in water or steamed, or baked in the oven. To prevent the dish from being bland, sprinkle it with lemon juice, season with dried garlic, ground ginger or a small amount of pepper.
  • You should have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • To prevent your skin from sagging, you need to do general strengthening exercises every day.

Authorized Products

The basis of the diet is non-starchy vegetables, rice, fish, seafood, eggs and meat. Additional source Fruits provide fiber, vitamins and minerals. All products must be fresh, not frozen. The list of permitted foods is presented in the table:

Product group


Meat, poultry

Boiled beef, chicken fillet

Lean fish

Hake, pollock, cod, pike perch, haddock, tuna, halibut, saury, sea bass

Hard-boiled chicken eggs

Porridge on the water

Buckwheat, rice (from brown, red, black varieties)

White cabbage, Brussels sprouts and Chinese cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, zucchini, garlic, onion, parsnip root, asparagus, green peas

Lettuce, arugula, spinach, dill, parsley

Oranges, grapefruits, apples, pears

Dairy products

Kefir, low-fat fermented baked milk

Natural ground coffee, green tea, homemade tomato juice without salt

Lemon juice, dried ginger root,

Cold pressed vegetable oils

Olive, sesame, pumpkin

Fully or partially limited products

If your hunger is too strong and you feel unwell, you can eat a piece of stale bread, some sweet fruits or berries (plum, watermelon, strawberries). It is not allowed to eat canned food, pickled, salted or fried foods. List of prohibited foods:

Product group


Starchy vegetables

Potatoes, beets, radishes, corn, mature peas, dry beans

Flour products

Pasta, noodles, bread, baked goods

Spices, additives

Sugar, salt, unnatural seasonings

Sweet fruits, berries

Bananas, melons, dried fruits, pineapples, persimmons, grapes


Cakes, pastries, soufflé, marshmallows, marshmallows, Turkish delight, etc.

Animal fat

Butter, lard, lard

Fatty meat

Pork, old beef with layers of fat

Dairy products

Milk, sour cream, cream

Ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce with harmful additives

Alcoholic drinks

Menu for 7 days

The Chinese diet is especially difficult for those who cannot imagine their life without sweets. This weight loss system even prohibits eating honey. The menu is very strict. In a short course of weight loss, many change their idea of ​​nutrition. Portion sizes are not indicated everywhere; everyone determines it themselves depending on their needs. The weight of the dish must be at least 400 g (200 g meat/fish, 200 g vegetables). Weekly diet No. 1:

Eggs – 2 pcs., fresh cabbage salad and vegetable oil, freshly squeezed tomato juice / large tomato

Boiled/steamed fish, cabbage salad

Baked or boiled fish, cabbage salad

Boiled beef, kefir/ryazhenka – 1 cup

Raw egg – 1 pc., boiled carrots – 3 pcs., vegetable oil

Apple – 2-3 pcs.

Quickly fried parsnip or parsley root, apple – 1 pc.

Boiled beef, cabbage salad, eggs – 2 pcs.

Grated cheese/boiled carrots

Fish, tomato juice – 1 glass

Fish, cabbage salad

Boiled chicken fillet, fresh carrot or cabbage salad

Eggs – 2 pcs., carrot salad with vegetable oil

Boiled beef, apple or other non-starchy fruit

There is another option for a weekly diet. Its energy value is 1000-1200 kcal per day. The serving size is arbitrary, eat enough so as not to experience debilitating hunger (but do not overeat). A nice bonus is that you can drink 30 ml of rice vodka for dinner a couple of times a week. Menu No. 2 for 7 days of diet:

Fresh cabbage

Rice, carrot salad

Fish, toast, lettuce

Carrot salad

Vegetable mix, black bread, freshly squeezed fruit juice

Rice, stewed vegetables, half a grapefruit

Apple or other unsweetened fruit

Boiled potatoes with champignons

Rice, carrot salad

Fresh cabbage with olive oil, toast

Two small tubers of boiled potatoes, baked fish

Rice, asparagus, greens

Rice porridge on water

Rice, grated carrots with olive oil

Fish, greens, whole grain bread

Rice, glass of vegetable juice

Vegetable mix, whole grain bread

Fish, stewed vegetables

Mushrooms with rice, greens

Fresh vegetables, toast

Coleslaw, whole grain bread

Chinese diet menu for 14 days

If you need to lose more than 7 kg, extend the diet described above for another week. In the second seven days, you can repeat diet No. 1, only add a piece of morning coffee rye bread or a cracker. Add 150-200 g of rice porridge to any two lunches. If you want a little more variety, eat a different menu for the second week:

Beef, fruit salad

Omelette, grated carrots

Chicken breast, grated carrots

Omelette, seaweed

Coffee, grated carrots with vegetable oil

Fish, tomato juice

Fruit platter

Unsweetened compote, a piece of hard low-fat cheese

Eggs, vegetables

Fruit salad

Zucchini, dried bread, apples

Boiled beef, kefir

Coffee, toast

Stewed cabbage, freshly squeezed fruit juice

Fish, stewed vegetables

Fish, fresh vegetable salad

Stewed beef with onions and carrots, kefir

The Chinese diet for 14 days offers another nutritional option, which is more gentle. If eating on a schedule doesn't work for you, provide yourself with the foods below. Prepare different dishes from them and organize not only main meals, but also snacks. All 2 weeks you can eat stew, porridge with stewed vegetables, fruit and vegetable salads, fish dishes. Daily set of foods (select specific types from the list of permitted foods):

  • fruits – 250 g;
  • boiled rice – 400 g;
  • vegetables – 300 g;
  • fish – 130 g;
  • milk – 0.5 cups;
  • legumes – 50 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.

For 21 days

The strictest diet is designed for 3 weeks. Every seven days you need to eat a limited set of foods. If you feel unwell, you should not continue to adhere to the Chinese food system. Choose a gentle way to lose weight. Menu for 21 days:

Quitting the diet

You need to complete the Chinese weight loss system very slowly so as not to provoke digestive upset. For the next week, you need to eat according to the main diet menu, gradually introducing lean meat, medium-fat fish, cheese, sweet fruits, and nuts. The stage of consolidation of results lasts 1-1.5 months. Important rules for exiting the Chinese weight loss system:

  • You cannot switch to your usual diet on the first day after the diet;
  • increase the daily calorie content of food by 50 kcal every day;
  • do not eat a lot of sweet and fatty foods;
  • high-calorie foods are allowed once a week;
  • You need to expand your diet with only healthy foods;
  • keep portion sizes small;
  • take a multivitamin complex;
  • continue to drink plenty of still mineral water and green tea.


The diet will only benefit healthy people who are overweight. For a considerable number of men and women, the Chinese food system will not suit them. Contraindications to the diet:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • hard physical and intellectual work;
  • age under 18 years;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies, individual intolerance to foods from the diet.


In the 21st century, the problem of excess weight, obesity, and physical inactivity remains relevant. According to statistics, obese people increased by 10% over the year. Many girls, women, and men try different means for weight loss, all kinds of techniques. The Chinese diet began to gain popularity, despite its rigidity and significant food restrictions. . This diet most likely got its name because of the basis of the diet - rice, fish, vegetables and fruits. And it has no direct relation to traditional Chinese medicine. But since this is what people call it, in this article it will also be called the Chinese diet.

General rules and preparation for the Chinese diet

The Chinese diet menu is strict: meals three times a day, bland food, no seasonings, salt, sugar; you cannot deviate from it. Products include lean meat, vegetables, fish, eggs, rice, water porridge. Drinks – tomato juice, green tea, natural coffee, water. Don't skip meals. Cut foods finely and chew slowly. Have dinner at six o'clock in the evening. Physical exercise will help put your body in order. If there is a breakdown, you will have to start all over again.

Attention! Sweet, salty, fatty, smoked, animal, vegetable fats, flour, potatoes, milk, alcohol are strictly prohibited.

To comply with this diet, you need to prepare - to do this, drink a glass of boiled water every morning for two weeks, gradually reduce portions of fatty, salty, high-calorie foods. Water is necessary to cleanse the intestines and quickly absorb food. Nutritionists do not recommend sharply reducing the consumption of fats, proteins, carbohydrates; a person will feel severe hunger and will not be able to withstand the restrictions..

Pros and cons of the Chinese diet

Like any other diet, the Chinese diet also has its pros and cons.

The advantages of the Chinese diet for weight loss and a strict menu are as follows:

  1. Weight is reduced significantly, by 10 kg or more.
  2. Normalizes intestinal function and cleanses the body.
  3. Restores the functions of the liver and pancreas.
  4. Speeds up metabolism.
  5. Blood pressure returns to normal.
  6. Swelling and fatigue disappear from the face.
  7. Lightness appears in the body and mood improves.
  8. The color and condition of the skin improves.
  9. There is no need to count calories.
  10. The cost of the diet is low.

Over time, a person gets used to this diet and continues to eat little. But this mode is not suitable for everyone.

Attention! A significant disadvantage of such a diet.

Lack of salt, which provokes dehydration, osteoporosis, and hormonal imbalance.

In addition, the disadvantages include the fact that the Chinese diet for weight loss sometimes leads to loss of strength, weakness, dizziness, and a feeling of hunger that cannot be suppressed with water or green tea. For people in poor health, this method of weight loss is prohibited.


  • Problems of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, gastritis).
  • Hypertension.
  • Pathologies of the liver, kidneys.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Metabolic disorder.
  • Previous anorexia or bulimia.
  • For allergy sufferers.
  • Pregnant, lactating.
  • Teenagers under 18 years of age.
  • For those who do heavy physical labor.

Experts do not advise starting to lose weight in the summer, when it is too high temperature air (a person sweats and water-salt metabolism is disrupted), but users note that the season is rich in vegetables, fruits, berries, and appetite decreases.

Features of the menu for different numbers of days

There are several variations of South Asian hard foods. The difference is in the duration and minor differences in the menu: the most popular is the Chinese diet for 14 days. In general, calorie intake per day is no more than 1000; such a restriction is painful for the body.

Strict 7-day diet

Experts advise trying the Chinese diet for 7 days first.

Its principle is as follows: In the morning during the week, only a glass of freshly brewed natural coffee is allowed (it is allowed to replace it with green tea), except for the fifth day.

Sometimes rye cracker. The rest of the day there are boiled eggs, Chinese cabbage, stewed, fried fish and salad in the evening. Some seven-day meal options suggest alternating fresh fruits, crackers, and rice porridge in the morning.

You will have to learn to do without the usual breakfast, only two meals a day, with a modest lunch and dinner. At the same time, drink two liters of water.

7-day diet with three meals a day

Another way to lose weight with rice is the Chinese diet, menu for 7 days:

  • First– shredded cabbage in the morning; lunch – boil rice, grate carrots; in the evening eat fish and greens.
  • Second– breakfast of carrot salad, black bread; sea ​​fish, vegetables, apple, cracker in the afternoon; greens, rice, salad, grapefruit for dinner.
  • Third– fruits, coffee in the morning; cooked cauliflower(asparagus), crackers for lunch; stew mushrooms, raw vegetables, tea in the evening.
  • Fourth– carrots, crackers, apple in the morning; rice, steamed vegetables, mushrooms during the day; fish, tomatoes, cucumbers, in the evening.
  • Fifth– boiled rice, apple in the morning; lettuce, carrots, hard-boiled egg during the day; rice, green salad, tea in the evening.
  • Sixth– egg and juice in the morning; fish and fruit for lunch; chicken meat, vegetables in the evening.
  • Seventh– apples instead of breakfast; rice, fruits during the day; dine with cabbage and boiled fish.

Portions are prepared for 200 grams, or a little more. Eat vegetables raw, or cut salads, add lemon juice, olive oil, steam, stew. Take Chinese or white cabbage. Drink mineral water, freshly squeezed juice, tea, coffee.

Diet for fourteen days

If desired, you can continue to restrict your diet. The Chinese diet for 14 days involves two meals a day. It is advisable to eat food between equal intervals of time; this has a beneficial effect on healing, cleansing the body, and improving its functioning. In the morning they drink coffee.

  • First: in the afternoon, boil two eggs, make a salad of Chinese cabbage, drink tomato juice. Dine on stewed (fried) fish with cabbage.
  • Second: bake fish during the day, boil beef, chop cabbage. In the evening only kefir 200 ml.
  • Third: boiled carrots for lunch, omelette. In the evening apples, pears.
  • Fourth: Stew parsnip (parsley) root in the afternoon, and fresh fruit for dessert. Dine with lean beef, add two eggs, cabbage salad.
  • Fifth: Lunch – baked fish, tomato. Dinner – fish with cabbage and olive oil.
  • Sixth: lean meat during the day. Fish, carrot salad in the evening.
  • Seventh: a piece of meat in the afternoon, fruit for dessert. Fish (meat) with vegetables in the evening.

Then the Chinese diet menu is repeated for another week with proper weight loss, the total is 14 days. But in the second half it is allowed to change the diet a little, in the morning on the first day - an egg, the second - fruit, the fourth - tofu cheese, the fifth - toast, the seventh - kefir. For dinner - an omelet. On the third and sixth days - no breakfast.

21 day diet

Another way to achieve your ideal weight is the Chinese diet for 21 days.

A specific diet is offered every week and the weight lost will be 8–12 kg.

Take food in three doses:

  • First week – 3 oranges and 2 boiled eggs per day.
  • Secondrice porridge(pearl barley, buckwheat) in water, orange juice.
  • Third– any vegetables, fruits, brown rice. Juice, fruit drink, tea are allowed.

The menu is too limited, not everyone can afford three weeks. They also recommend doing sports - running, swimming, walking.

Quitting the diet

After time has passed, you should not immediately return to your previous lifestyle.

You need to get out of this mode for another week:

  1. Eat food in small portions.
  2. Continue drinking water.
  3. Limit simple carbohydrates.
  4. Add breakfast and increase your diet by 50 kcal per day.

You can’t eat large portions right away; it will put a lot of stress on the body.

You should also eat three times a week; snacks should be small from fruits and vegetables. Drinks – green tea, mineral water.


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