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The first vice-president of Transneft, Kushnarev, was quietly dismissed.

Kushnarev Vladimir Ivanovich

Born on April 28, 1956 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In 1995-2001 - Chairman of the Board of the General Insurance Company "Plato", later - First Deputy General Director of JSC Zarubezhneft. Worked at AK Transneft OJSC from October 2007 to January 2011.
According to a company source, he was considered the greatest and most powerful in Tokarev’s team. Kushnarev headed the monstrous financial vertical of the state monopoly, famously built by Semyon Vainshtok. Workers of the state monopoly shuddered at the mere mention of the name of this evil genius of financial sawing schemes.
Following Kushnarev, his niece, Ms. Suvorova, general director of Transneft Finance LLC, was quietly kicked.
Just yesterday, this young but ugly talent, 28 years old, was in charge of all the finances of Transneft and its many daughters. Probably because she is as talented as Ms. Baturina.
And silence..... In the media - zero comments. The company's press secretary, Demin, either turns off the phone or sends journalists in a given direction in his characteristic boorish manner.

So, it turns out that the story has one extremely funny continuation - to the question of “where is the money, Zin?”

But I'll start with this. Remember, during his “direct line” on December 16, 2010, citizen V.V. called Mikhail Khodorkovsky a “thief,” comparing him to imprisoned fraudster Bernie Madoff, who, according to Putin, received 150 years in prison “for a similar crime.”

Putin said a lot of other things there - for example, he accused Nemtsov, Ryzhkov, and me of “stole billions in the 90s,” for which a libel suit has now been filed against him. But that's not what we're talking about now.

What does Bernie Madoff have to do with it? Well, for example, there is such a building in New York as the Lipstick Building, notable primarily for the fact that it was there that Bernie Madoff was located for many years (between the 17th and 19th floors), and it was from there that he built his criminal financial pyramid.

According to information from Dun's 100 Israel's Largest Enterprises website (a reputable website that accumulates information about the largest businesses in the State of Israel), 35% of the Lipstick Building office building in Manhattan is owned by Israel Financial Levers Ltd. As can be seen from the list of foreign assets of this company, this is clearly its largest asset.

So what, you ask?

And yet I will answer you. The fact is that the chairman of the board of directors of Israel Financial Levers Ltd is none other than ex-head of Transneft Semyon Vainshtok, who moved to Israel for permanent residence in 2010.

The same one who led Transneft at the time of the remarkable feats of stealing money during the construction of the ESPO, described in detail by Navalny.

Those. calmly managed all his affairs at Transneft, and then at Olympstroy, and went to Israel to manage the very real estate from which Bernie Madoff used to weave his financial laces.

And at the same time, Weinstock’s former patron, Putin, has the audacity to compare Khodorkovsky with Madoff, while his own accomplices are quietly involved in buying up real estate in New York, previously used by Madoff for his criminal operations!

At the same time, the connections between Putin and Weinstock are much deeper than it might seem at first glance.

The decision to appoint Weinstock as head of Transneft was one of the first decisions of Putin's cabinet of ministers in September 1999 (Putin himself was appointed prime minister on August 16, 1999). The implementation of this decision was accompanied by scandals unprecedented even in those turbulent times - two buses with police officers arrived at the Transneft office and cut up the office of its previous president with grinder saws, providing a “wire” for Weinstock to the office (and all this in a company 100% owned state), the conflict in Transneft was specifically discussed even by the State Duma. (By the way, the last link especially delivers, as always, the delicious formulation of the now, alas, deceased Vasily Shandybin.)

Putin then ridiculously tried to hide behind the back of his first deputy Aksenenko, who signed the resolution on the appointment of Weinstock on the day when the prime minister himself was on a visit to Malaysia. Let's recognize the style of our prime minister - like I'm not me, the horse is not mine, stay away from turbulent events and don't put your personal signature on dubious documents.

But, however, the newly appointed Weinstock immediately began to provide very delicate services to Prime Minister Putin, placing his entire St. Petersburg team in the newly created Baltic Pipeline System OJSC (100% subsidiary of Transneft), which was using funds for the capital construction of the BTS-1 oil pipeline. The BTS project thus became Putin's first major pipeline construction project, where the disbursement of funds was led by Putin's closest accomplices. One of the first appointments signed by Weinstock in October 1999 was the appointment of the current head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, as general director of the Baltic Pipeline System OJSC. Other associates of Putin-Miller, who now occupy major positions in Gazprom, immediately moved to BTS OJSC: deputy chairman of the board and head of the apparatus of the board of Gazprom Mikhail Sereda, member of the board of Gazprom Kirill Seleznev, chief accountant of Gazprom (by the way, in 1999-2001 - chief accountant of BTS OJSC) Elena Vasilyeva. We can say that in 1999-2000 Weinstock provided Putin with the service of an “incubator” for growing the future Gazprom management team and provided cover for Putin’s friends in St. Petersburg, who were steering the construction of the Baltic pipeline system, 1 kilometer of which cost 3 in 1999-2001. ,1 million dollars, versus 1.8 million/km on a similar CPC pipeline in the south of Russia, which was built by the Americans.

There is no need to remind that Putin actively lobbied for the largest construction projects of Weinstock - both BTS and ESPO. For example, in 2004, Putin personally held meetings on the development of pipeline transport, eventually forcing the government to sign an order on the construction of the ESPO, despite the fact that at that time there was no normal feasibility study of the project, public hearings on the project were held with gross violations and caused protests from environmentalists, as well as what was clear even then: transporting oil along the ESPO would require insanely expensive tariffs.

In general, Putin, as his largest patron, has the most direct relation to the works of Mr. Weinstock as the head of Transneft. In the end, it was Putin who allowed Weinstock to calmly leave for Israel, despite the burning ground under his feet after Weinstock “made a hurricane” both at the construction of ESPO and at Olympstroy.

The question is this: what does Putin have to do with the possible laundering of funds stolen during the construction of the ESPO through the purchase of real estate in Western countries (including real estate related to Bernie Madoff), including by structures to which he is involved? ex-president of Transneft Semyon Vainshtok?

And who is the thief in this story and should be in prison?!...

The Summa group of Ziyavudin Magomedov is creating a new management company, Transengineering. This structure will unite the construction enterprises owned by the group, the total revenue of which exceeded 35 billion rubles. Thus, Summa expects to save on financial and legal support for this business. But the merger of assets could lead to a decrease in business management, lawyers warn.

The creation of a single management company (MC) Transengineering was announced yesterday by Summa itself. According to President Alexander Vinokurov, new structure was needed because the scale of the business and the portfolio of orders increased. The management company will unite large general contracting companies Globalelektroservis (specializing in the construction of energy facilities), Stroynovatsiya (orders include the reconstruction of the Vladikavkaz airport, the M29 Caucasus road, a section of the M7 Volga highway, etc.), Intex ( in particular, he restored the building of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and built the Kazan Arena stadium and the Naval Kronstadt Cathedral in St. Petersburg for the Universiade 2013). The management company will also include a number of design institutes.

Transengineering will be headed by Eldar Nagaplov, general director of Globalelectroservice OJSC and chairman of the board of directors of Stroynovatsiya and Intex. The former top manager of Transneft, Anatoly Bezverkhov, will become the vice-president of the management company: he oversaw capital construction issues at the state-owned company. Companies managed by Transengineering will have to complete orders worth 70 billion rubles. The total revenue of enterprises united by the new management company for last year exceeded 35 billion rubles.

Now Summa is a diversified holding with business in various industries, including transport, oil and gas sector, agriculture, metallurgy and mining, telecommunications. Construction companies owned by Summa operate independently.

Summa expects that the consolidation of construction assets under one management company will lead to a reduction in costs for financial and legal support of projects. “The work of the monitoring service in the commercial block will be aimed at increasing the number of contracts in the company’s portfolio and analyzing new areas of development,” added the group’s representative.

One of the main advantages of a holding business structure is its power, notes FBK partner Alexander Ermolenko. “With such a structure, the owner partially makes a choice in favor of power, losing controllability. But there is an acceptable level of controllability, at which the benefits of power can also be obtained. For example, when searching for new projects, participating in tenders, the total volume of assets and work carried out by companies will be taken into account The same applies to obtaining loans,” he explains.

This year, businessmen Gennady Timchenko and Oleg Deripaska have already reorganized their construction assets. Mr. Timchenko’s Volga Group consolidated the assets of its large infrastructure contractor Stroytransgaz into the Cypriot Stroytransgaz Holding Ltd, selling part of the shares of this company to two new partners Maxim Vorobyov and Mikhail Kenin. 25% of ARKS, USK Most and 30% of ZAO Stroytransgaz, the Russian subsidiary of the oil and gas contractor Argus Pipeline, moved to the same offshore. Oleg Deripaska abolished Glavstroy, which oversaw the construction assets of his Basel holding. Instead, two companies appeared - the Glavmosstroy corporation, which will oversee the development of housing and civil construction, including the production of building materials, and the Transstroy management holding company, which is responsible for infrastructure construction. Then a Kommersant source familiar with the situation said that the advantage of the division was that everything could be coordinated with a specialized manager, and not with a single holding company, which had to be responsible for everything, which delayed the timing of decision-making.

Ekaterina Gerashchenko

"Connections / Partners"



“Summa” drains the construction site

The Summa group of Ziyavudin Magomedov is creating a new management company, Transengineering. This structure will unite the construction enterprises owned by the group, the total revenue of which exceeded 35 billion rubles. Thus, Summa expects to save on financial and legal support for this business. But the merger of assets could lead to a decrease in business management, lawyers warn.

The creation of a single management company (MC) Transengineering was announced yesterday by Summa itself.

Vice President of Transneft may go to work for Rosneft

Anatoly Bezverkhov: Transneft laid the first ESPO pipe in Taishet

Yesterday in Taishet (Irkutsk region), AK Transneft JSC began construction of the first stage of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean"(ESPO) worth $6.6 billion (excluding the cost of extending the route on the Baikal section). The first two pipes were welded especially for the journalists, who were transported by helicopter to the construction site. General Director of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean Project Management Center LLC (TsUP VSTO LLC, Angarsk) Anatoly Bezverkhov said that the general contractor for the construction of the first section from Taishet to Ust-Kut is Stroysistema LLC (Omsk).
link: php?ID=409808&soch=1


The Baltic Pipeline System-2 (BPS-2), the second stage of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline system (ESPO-2), as well as the Purpe-Samotlor oil pipeline “are being laid using the most advanced technologies and innovative solutions.” This was stated by Anatoly Aleksandrovich Bezverkhov, Vice President of AK Transneft OJSC.

A trunk oil pipeline will be built in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Vice President of Transneft JSC Anatoly Bezverkhov, representatives of oil producing companies, executive and legislative branch region, supervisory departments, authorities local government and public organizations.

Transneft submitted a declaration to the Krasnoyarsk authorities on the construction of the Kuyumba-Taishet oil pipeline

JSC AK Transneft submitted to the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory a declaration on the construction of the Kuyumba-Taishet main oil pipeline. Vice-President of Transneft Anatoly Bezverkhov presented the declaration at a meeting attended by representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of the region, supervisory departments, local governments and public organizations.
link: 449/?print

"ESTO-II": History of formation

Initially, the commissioning of ESPO-II was scheduled for 2014. However, according to Anatoly Bezverkhov, vice president of Transneft, the company plans to launch the second stage of the Eastern Siberia - Pacific Ocean pipeline system in December 2012. “Construction and installation work will be completed in the third quarter, and we will begin operation in December,” he said.

South Evenkia: development prospects

Then Anatoly Bezverkhov, Vice President of Transneft OJSC, took the floor. Transneft is the main customer of this project. A. A. Bezverkhov emphasized that Transneft OJSC is a state company, and therefore all its projects undergo the strictest procedure of state examination, including environmental assessment. Today, up to 93% of all oil produced in Russia is transported through oil pipelines of Transneft OJSC. The company is developing dynamically: over the past four years, more than 5 thousand kilometers of main oil pipelines have been built and put into operation.

Anatoly Bezverkhov, vice-president of JSC AK Transneft: “ESPO has breathed life into the regions.”

If we talk about strategy, then for all Transneft projects the main goal is to ensure the country’s energy security through diversification, i.e., creating several strategic directions for oil transportation flows. This system allows the state, through Transneft, to carry out operational management of cargo flows when market needs or the political situation change. In geopolitical and foreign economic terms, this is an expansion of Russia’s presence in dynamically developing world markets.
link: php?id

Today, the board of Transneft includes ten people - the head of the company Nikolai Tokarev, presidential adviser Mikhail Arustamov, first vice-presidents Yuri Lisin and Maxim Grishanin, vice-presidents Mikhail Barkov, Anatoly Bezverkhov, Boris Korol, Pavel Revel-Muroz, Deputy Vice President Sergei Hardykin and Head of the Dispatch Department Yuri Kritsky.

Construction of the ESPO oil pipeline has begun

As reported general manager LLC "TSUP ESTO" (subsidiaries of Transneft for the implementation of the project) Anatoly Bezverkhov, Omsk LLC "Stroysistema" was chosen as the general contractor following the results of the tender, with which a corresponding contract was concluded. Currently, 2.7 km of pipes have already been laid, and 67 km of pipe products have been delivered to the warehouse in Taishet.
link: 28/04/2006/85682.shtml

Anatoly Bezverkhov: Hearings on the ESPO project have been completed

“We can talk about the successful completion of public hearings on the project to expand the ESPO route,” notes Anatoly Bezverkhov, General Director of the Eastern Siberia-Pacific Ocean Project Management Center LLC. — The basis for the design of the pipeline system was an order of the Russian government, an instruction from Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting of governors in April. In just over five months, Transneft developed best option passage of the ESPO route, which was approved by the leadership of the Irkutsk and Amur regions, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and the population of these regions.”
link: ID=409807&soch=1

Anatoly Bezverkhov: ESPO: There are 530 km of pipeline

“In parallel with the main construction of the linear part of the oil pipeline, the groundwork was created for future work: storage areas were prepared, production bases were organized, transport schemes for the delivery of materials and equipment were worked out,” commented Anatoly Bezverkhov, General Director of ESPO Center. “Therefore, at the beginning of 2007, we can quickly begin construction work on areas for which the feasibility study was developed and approved this year.”


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