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First of all, it is worth understanding the difference between prediction and fortune telling.

Prediction- this is what must happen if you do not turn away from your chosen path. For example, you just got a job. You were predicted that the team will not love you. A person naturally develops a negative psychological attitude. And as it is said, so it will be done.

Divination- can not only predict the future, what is bound to happen, but can also suggest ways to circumvent problems. Let's return to the work situation. The fortune teller said one thing, and the fortune teller suggested how to immediately establish relationships with employees, who has what character and the reason for their bad attitude. Thus the situation changes completely. And in a favorable way.

So, let's return to one of the most interesting wax fortune telling. What does this require? You should take a wax candle (any kind), melt its wax in a mug (pull out the string). When the wax is well melted, take a saucer and pour milk into it room temperature. We place the dishes at the doorstep of the home. We say these magic words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

After this simple plot, you need to start pouring liquid wax into the milk. Next you need to observe the formation of the figure.

The main thing here is to use your imagination and try to see what the shape of the wax in milk looks like. Below are the most common figures that were obtained with the help of Domovoy.

What do wax figures mean?

Elephant- wisdom, sometimes expectation. Perhaps you shouldn’t get into trouble, but rather wait and not waste your nerves.

Dog- good friends, their help. Perhaps you will find companions and handle the matter together.

Owl- difficulties, failures, illnesses.

Angel- in difficult situations, always hope for help from above, ask - and they will help you. Your faith will open any door for you.

Dwarf- a good time will come for reconciliation or to show the other person your good attitude towards him.

Dragon- the situation you are predicting will require significant effort from you. If you can boast of willpower, you can easily cope with it.

Woman silhouette- either a rival or a friend. In order to understand exactly what to expect in your situation, you can try to find out details about this person through other fortune telling. Perhaps fortune telling for the situation will suit you. But if a man is telling fortunes, a woman’s silhouette can be interpreted as a friend or lover.

Man- if a woman is telling fortunes, then the man means a friend, admirer or groom. If a man is guessing, then a male silhouette can mean both a friend and a rival or competitor.

Child- the silhouette of a small child predicts new projects and activities for you. Perhaps you will develop a new hobby. Sometimes pregnant women or those who are expecting pregnancy soon get this figure.

Cross- minor illnesses await you in the near future, and as for the love front, minor troubles and quarrels will overtake you there.

A flower will bloom, that is, the wax will take the form of a beautiful blooming flower - a wedding, and at a wedding you will meet your soulmate, it is also a harbinger of strong, loving relationships.

Formed unknown beast, you should be careful: some enemy will appear who wants to harm you. If the wax pours into the saucer in strips, you will soon be promised completely unexpected transfers and pleasant trips.

If the wax took the form of bizarre stars- expect good luck in all your endeavors. Your dreams will slowly begin to come true.

Formed human figurine- there is a devoted friend next to you, or soon you will find such a faithful friend.

House- in the near future you will acquire a new home; for a girl, of course, this is connected with her happy marriage. But shapeless ruins foreshadow troubles in the near future.

Trees- their interpretation is interpreted differently, it all depends on the location of the branches: upward branches mean a pleasant surprise, downward branches mean depression and disorders.

A knot, a kind of loose weaving- health problems, perhaps even the evil eye or damage.

Flowers- luck, luck, fulfillment of plans.

Cup, glass- harmony, smooth relationships, happiness and stability.

Candle- marriage.

Heart- Love.

Form rings means 100% marriage, but a pancake that has settled to the bottom means long loneliness.

If you do not find the desired figure, you can use the meaning of the figures on the coffee grounds, they are the same. After this fortune-telling, leave the milk and wax on the doorstep of the house until the morning so that the Brownie eats. If you have pets at home, don’t worry, the Brownie will not be offended if they drink milk.

If you see a favorable figure, then rejoice, do not go out of your way and all the joy and happiness will definitely overtake you. If, unfortunately, unfavorable figures appear to you, you should under no circumstances be upset. "Armed means protected." This is now your motto. You know what to expect and therefore there are two options: either figure out how to avoid trouble, or prepare for their meeting. In any case, don't beat yourself up. Thoughts are material, so believe only in a bright future.

You need to take a regular candle, colored or simple, and a bowl of water. It is better to insert the candle into a candlestick so as not to drip on the tablecloth and preserve the wax. When the candle flares up and the wax flows, tilt it over the water and allow the wax to drain. You can do this two or three times so that a sufficient number of drops freeze in the water. The resulting figures are taken out and interpreted. You can also, after turning off the light in the room, one by one bring the figures to a candle or lamp and, turning them slightly to the sides, examine their shadows on the wall.

If in the bowl, in addition to several large figures, many small round drops have formed, this means money. The more such droplets, the better. It’s worse if there is nothing else besides them: no big figures - no important plots.

Large figures are judged by the associations evoked by themselves or their shadows. Associations should arise spontaneously: give free rein to your imagination!

List of shapes and their possible meanings

Angel. Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love.
Arch. You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also foreshadow a journey.
Butterfly. Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures, it may indicate an unreliable or deceitful person.
Drum. Important news. good time to express opinions.
Tower. Means a wedding or a calling from above.
Letters. Clearly visible ones mean good news, unclear ones mean bad news; if there are dots next to the letters, then this means money.
Bouquet. A very favorable sign indicating celebration, happiness, gifts. He can also talk about the wedding.
Boomerang. Soon you will feel the effect of a boomerang - you will learn the consequences of recent actions, good or bad.
Bottle. Refrain from excess.
Bull. You are in danger, be careful.
Vase. Peace of mind.
Fan. Flirty relationships.
Scales. You need to bring your state into balance. If the scales are accompanied by a sword, we can talk about a lawsuit.
Fork. Some people shouldn't be trusted because they don't tell the truth.
Grape. You can turn your talent into money.
Padlock. If it is open, then this indicates a surprise. If closed, it contains a warning.
balloon. Temporary difficulties.
Question mark. Indecision and uncertainty.
Volcano. Something must "explode". Try to control your emotions.
Guitar. Harmonious relationships.
Eye. Be careful and careful: someone is trying to deceive you.
Head. Soon you will receive a position with great powers.
Pigeon. Harmonious relationships.
Mushroom. Unexpected event. If you see a heart nearby, we may be talking about new love.
Pear. Successful completion of any undertaking. Sometimes it can mean a happy love affair.
Door. One stage of life gives way to another.
House. A very favorable sign. It has several meanings: moving to a new place of residence, happiness in the home, or a time when it is necessary to start new things.
Road with a fork. A new opportunity will open up before you.
Dragon. Don't be afraid to be yourself, no matter how you appear to others.
Chimney. Your plans are quite vague.
Acorn. The beginning of a new venture or the birth of a new idea.
Capital letter. Often capital letter talks about someone important to you. Additionally, it may be the first letter of the country that has meaning for you great value or which you are going to visit.
Lock. Something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship.
Star. Your wish will come true.
Umbrella. If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties; if it is closed, be prepared to face problems.
Fireplace. Home and home comfort. Emotional warmth.
Square. Stability and comfort. But it can also indicate a tendency towards complacency.
Dagger. Beware of false friends.
Bird cage. If the door is closed, you feel trapped. If you are open, difficulties will soon go away.
Key. Expect changes.
Book. Gaining knowledge. If the book is closed, it means secret information. If it is open, then a new page will soon begin in your life.
Claws. Some people are not as friendly as they seem.
Wheel. This figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins.
Bell. Unexpected news. Two bells mean a wedding.
Ring. Engagement, marriage or other special event. If there are dots next to the ring, a business partnership is implied.
Comet. Unexpected and sudden events.
Ship. Have a successful and happy journey.
Basket. If complete, it means a gift or good luck. If it's empty, you'll probably lose something. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Box. Present.
Crown. Success and achievements. May mean promotion or better job. Sometimes it means that a person is constantly in the center of public attention.
Wallet. Some kind of acquisition. If the figure is surrounded by dots, it means we are talking about money.
Crab. Beware of false friends. Trust your intuition.
Bed. You need rest. If you see a heart or star nearby, a happy relationship awaits you.
Jug. Sign good health. May indicate a happy time with friends.
Lion. Strength. You have more courage than you think.
Ladder. The circumstances of your life are changing for the better. Possible promotion within the ranks
Lines. Journey. Wavy lines can also indicate indecisiveness.
Leaves. Something in your life is thriving. A few leaves indicate great happiness.
Person or persons. A smile on the face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals. Several faces foreshadow the coming holiday.
Boat. It can mean either a short-term trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time, especially if the figure is at the bottom of the cup.
Car. A short trip. Visiting friends.
Medal. Your efforts will be rewarded.
Broom. It's time to clean up. This can be understood both literally and symbolically.
Hammer. You must defend your opinion.
Bridge. You will have an opportunity that will lead to good luck.
Hoe. Determination will help you overcome obstacles, but don't overdo it.
Man. Visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.
Fly. Minor irritation. A pause in some pleasant situation.
Ball. The project is picking up pace.
Handcuffs. May mean problems with justice. Sometimes they indicate bad habits or addiction.
Knife. Disagreements can lead to a breakdown in relationships.
Scissors. Serious misunderstanding.
Monkey. Some people are deceiving you.
Cloud. Problems await you. If the cloud is surrounded by dots - worries about your financial situation.
Window. You need to look at the problem or relationship differently. Do not refuse the help of others in resolving this issue.
Glasses. Soon you will look at something completely differently.
Tent. An adventurous journey. In addition, it may mean that they are hiding something from you.
Coat. Breakup or end of relationship.
Parachute. A happy way out of an incident or difficulty.
Spider. Wait for the money.
Hourglass. Don't put off important things!
Pyramid. You have serious concerns about something you must keep secret. Sometimes the pyramid speaks of a state when a person is torn between spiritual and material desires.
Gun. Quarrel or possible danger.
Horseshoe. Extremely happy fate!
Egg stand. Small problems go away.
Package. Gift or surprise.
Bird or birds. If the birds are flying, good news awaits you. Dots next to the bird indicate a scandal.
Bee. Busy and productive time.
Child or fetus. Starting a new business or creative project. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.
Hand. A devoted lover or a reliable friend. If the hand is clenched into a fist, we are talking about a quarrel or revenge.
Airplane. Journey. If the nose of the plane is pointing down, this can indicate disappointment and dashed hopes.
Lamp (lamp). You will reveal a secret or deal with an old problem. Sometimes the lamp speaks about studying in some courses.
Candle. Significant period.
Heart. Indicates long-term affection and love.
crescent moon. The start of something new.
Rocks. Difficulties await you.
Shell. Good news.
Dog. Devoted friend. If a dog is standing on its hind legs, it means someone needs help.
Owl. Illness or betrayal of a friend.
Sun. Happiness, creativity, success. Possible birth of a child.
Spiral. Fraud.
Cup. You feel bad about yourself and are easily offended. May indicate a person whose motives are quite clear. If there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration.
Arrow. The letter will bring bad news.
Chair. A new position awaits you in the near future.
steps. Success and promotion.
Feet. You need to make a decision.
Telephone. Important message. Sometimes it means that you are not yet ready to say what you think.
Axe. Difficulty or dispute. If the ax doesn't have a handle, you have an impossible task ahead of you.
Cake. Celebration.
Shamrock. Lucky fate.
Magnifying glass. It's a good time to think about the details.
Index finger. The finger itself does not mean anything, the main thing is what it points to. If nothing else, your plans may fail.
Snail. Don't make hasty decisions.
Ear. Listen carefully to what others say. You may hear very important information.
Torch. Knowledge.
Flag. Danger be on the lookout!
Vane. You are too influenced by other people. Be objective.
Fruits. Prosperity and good fate.
Chain. Strong emotional connections.
Church. Inheritance. Can mean an oath, a promise, but not necessarily related to a wedding.
Numbers. They indicate time. For example, the number two at the bottom of the bowl could mean two months; two weeks if it is in the middle; two days if near the rim. Sometimes numbers can talk about money.
Cup. Happiness and feeling of emotional satisfaction. An overturned cup can mean the end of a relationship.
Hat. Traditionally means a gift. The shape of the hat will tell you more exact interpretation. For example, a jester's cap may indicate the need to impersonate someone else.
Apple. The situation is improving. Sometimes it can talk about temptation.
Egg. New plans and projects can be a great success. Birth, both actual and metaphorical.
Anchor. Travel by sea. If the figure lies at the bottom, something or someone is holding you back.

Second way

For this fortune telling you will need several candles, preferably wax ones, but regular paraffin ones will also work. If you manage to get multi-colored candles, then that’s great. It is believed that the most accurate results are obtained when using red candles.

Leave one candle to melt, and light the rest and place it around - the flickering flame of the candles will help create the right atmosphere for fortune telling and will surround you with an aura of mystery. In addition to candles, you will also need a cup and a deep plate or bowl with cold water to cool the melted wax.

Before starting fortune telling, break the left candle into small pieces and place them in a large metal, enamel or clay spoon. Heat this spoon over one of the burning candles until the pieces of wax or paraffin completely melt and turn into liquid. Now quickly pour the contents of the spoon into a container of cold water and see what happens.

As the hot wax hardens, it forms a variety of bizarre shapes, from which you, with the help of your limitless imagination, can determine what awaits you in the future. Every image that you see in frozen wax means something and predicts your fate for the next year.

Actually, fortune telling with wax is a purely individual thing. You should give space to your imagination and just follow the associations that will be born in your brain, and this will be the best and most accurate prediction. If you are unable to determine what the imaginary image means to you personally, use the interpretations given below of some of the most frequently formed figures.

Turtle- a good sign, a symbol of wisdom and longevity. Sometimes it is a symbol of a happy family life.

Egg- a symbol of the birth of something new (sometimes in the literal sense - the birth of a child). Often indicates impending changes. But it is also an ancient symbol of everything hidden, secret, and in this case it means some of your fears and concerns. Sort yourself out.

Ball, ball, core (something round)- a sphere, according to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, is an ideal figure, a symbol of perfection! You have everything under control, things are in order, life is finally stabilizing. The main thing now is not to stop halfway and keep going forward, then success is guaranteed!

Apple- a symbol of health, harmony, love and material wealth. You can also remember the apple from the tree of knowledge (a symbol of wisdom) and the apple of discord... But a wrinkled or bitten apple may indicate some kind of temptation that it is better not to succumb to.

Cross- a sign of trials, a symbol of the fact that illness awaits you in the new year. Portends financial difficulties and troubles in your personal life.

Fan- indicates difficulties at work, problems in personal life. Perhaps you will lose something - either your job or your family.

Flower- indicates that you will get married or meet a new and very reliable partner.

Grape- a heavy bunch of grapes symbolizes love, friendship, luck, and most importantly, prosperity and even abundance.

Beast- speaks of the need to be careful: you will have some kind of enemy and ill-wisher.

Stripes- a sign that you have a road ahead, a move, or just a long trip, possibly abroad.

Key- to a new home, perhaps you will change your place of residence.

Mounds- predict great difficulties. Your whole life can go at random, from bump to bump.

Horseshoe- a symbol of happiness, predicts great luck, you will definitely have great luck in the new year.

Star- receiving long-awaited news. If several stars appear, great luck is just around the corner - you will be lucky at work and in school.

Human figure- you will soon have a new friend. For girls figure young man means that soon someone she has been waiting for will come into her life, and vice versa.

Mushroom- a good sign, it symbolizes vitality, perseverance and longevity. Promises happiness in love and achieving goals. Your weak point is absent-mindedness, so there is a risk of getting injured or having an accident. Pay more attention to yourself, watch where you are going.

Dragon- a very good sign. The coming year will be very successful for you. It is very likely that all your seemingly impossible wishes will come true. In general, the dragon is a symbol of wisdom; it means both the completion of the path and the acquisition of harmony with oneself.

Bell- wait for important news! Perhaps you are about to make an important acquaintance or a fateful meeting. Several bells indicate an approaching danger that worries you.

Basket- a good sign, indicating the end of a certain period of life. All troubles will be left behind, changes await you. The coming year will be even more interesting than yesterday's.

tree leaf- portends good luck and joy, but warns of the danger of deception. It is very likely that many people envy you, and there are intrigues woven behind your back.

Wreath- the coming year will bring you a quick marriage. You will have a fun, noisy wedding, and most importantly, your marriage will be happy.

Snake and bed- portend a serious illness. Next year you need to be especially attentive to your health; the slightest disorder in the body can lead to serious consequences.

Swan- the white swan on her wings will bring you long-awaited good news.

Mill- empty talk, gossip. Stop wasting water and talking nonsense.

Jellyfish- you have something to hide. But remember that the secret always becomes clear. The more secrets you have, the greater the risk that they will ever come out.

Bridge- shows you a way out of a difficult situation life situation. It says that it’s time for you to build bridges, and not burn them behind you. Stop stubbornly sticking to your line and learn to find a compromise in any situation.

If you see destroyed or falling apart bridge- this is not a very good sign, foreshadowing illness and difficulties in communication.

Hammer- a strong sign. You are capable of moving mountains to achieve your goals. But don’t overestimate your own strengths: think before you act.

Anvil- a symbol of stability. Augurs well for you in the new year financial situation which you will achieve through hard work. But under no circumstances should you get carried away with gambling - this can seriously undermine your well-being.

Car, plane, cart, shoe- these are all symbols of the path, road, movement. If you see them, it means that you will soon have some kind of journey. However, pay attention to their appearance: a shabby car or a falling apart carriage indicates a bad road. So be careful.

Birds- a good sign. Birds bring good news, predict meetings with old friends, and the emergence of new love is possible.

Monkey indicates some kind of falsehood, insincerity in relationships with people either on your part, or those around you are insincere with you. In the coming year there may be betrayal, intrigue or an ambiguous situation.

Bee symbolizes your hard work, thanks to which you will achieve your high goals in the new year. Always be true to yourself, be yourself, don't adjust to other people, and then you will truly get everything you want and more.

Glasses- a symbol of myopia, you either don’t see something or don’t want to see it. Perhaps in the future you will take the wrong path or make some mistake. The main thing for you is to admit your mistakes in time and be able to change your course.

Wax fortune telling is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling, which arose back in Ancient Egypt. It’s not very difficult to guess what attracts inexperienced witches, but it can be difficult to understand the answers received.

In the article:

How to tell fortunes with wax

There is a providence for the future; they usually choose a simple but reliable one. To get a clear answer to the question, follow the rules of fortune telling.

They tell fortunes only on a moonlit night; the preferred phase of the moon is waxing or full moon. The day before the ceremony, they tune in, do not overeat, drink alcohol and do not participate in noisy parties. They make sure that the necessary attributes are at hand at the right time.

They don’t tell others what the girl is going to do. At the moment of witchcraft there should be no strangers in the room. The exception is when girls gather for joint fortune-telling.

An important factor is attributes (candles, bowl, water). Use only wax candles - paraffin ones will not give any effect. It is difficult to find candles made from real wax; you look for them in specialized stores or buy them in churches. Water has an information field: it is not recommended to take tap water. Best option- water from a stream or shallow fast river.

Fortune telling begins. They think about the question and say it out loud and confidently. The candle is melted and the resulting wax is carefully poured into a bowl of water so as not to spill past the vessel. They try to pour in one place without jerking their hand. They wait until the wax takes on clear outlines and proceed to interpret the results.

Favorable meanings of figures in fortune telling

There are several interpretation options. The main thing is to listen to yourself. If intuition tells you something different than what you read in the article, trust your sixth sense.

Germ (embryo)

The figurine of an embryo symbolizes new plans, ideas, the beginning of a new life: pregnancy, new job, relationships, hobbies, etc.

Look closely at the silhouette. If the appearance is neat and does not blur, the ideas are successful, and the undertakings will end in success. If the figure does not have a clear silhouette, droplets of wax come off, be careful and do not jump into the pool headlong.


A good sign, symbolizing harmony in life, a joyful event. If there are a lot of flowers, a passionate romance or marriage is coming. Predicts new friends and acquaintances, increased popularity. The drawing speaks of prosperous times that will soon come. You cannot sit idly by: the main thing is not to rely on fortune telling and not to miss the chance that comes your way.


A favorable sign representing the answer to a question. The information will affect your future life. If a flying bird is depicted, good news or unexpected luck awaits. It is possible to win the lottery.

Projects or recent ideas are successful. If a girl reads fortunes about love, she will soon meet her lover. They are expecting a long trip, traveling abroad.


The image has several interpretations. Symbolizes the physical condition of the fortune teller. Much depends on appearance figurines. If the boundaries are clear and neat, everything is fine. When the figure is blurry or crooked, the situation is not as good as it seems, pay attention to your well-being. Recommendation to monitor appearance.

The elephant represents loved ones who will always support. Symbolizes strength and perseverance, which a person skillfully uses to achieve goals. The elephant is a wise animal, whose appearance warns against mistakes. You can’t put pressure on people, look for compromises.


The object is interpreted in different ways. It matters which way the branches of the tree are turned: if they are directed upward, happy days await, if downward, there is a black streak ahead.

The drawing marks the imminent acquisition of desired things or sudden offers that cannot be refused. Usually these are risky ideas related to study or work. A symbol of a strong person who is not prone to empty dreams.


In fortune telling, the heart symbolizes love, imminent marriage, and a new romance. If you can see a ring near the heart, the girl will soon get married. There are other interpretations. If there are several dots around the heart, your financial condition will improve.

The interpretation depends on the state of the drawing. If the boundaries are unclear, the intentions are vague, the person is not sure of own feelings, danger awaits. They reconsider their views and motives.


A dog is the personification of a friend. There is a true friend who is trusted. The figurine is interpreted as an alter ego. A dog is a social animal and symbolizes advice to gather like-minded people or start your own business. You cannot betray people who trust a fortuneteller, because it is difficult to earn it again.

Interpretation of unfavorable meanings of figures

There are images that promise trouble. If the result is unfavorable, the Higher Powers warn of impending misfortune and give a chance to prepare or try to change the situation for the better.


The symbol is interpreted in different ways. The silhouette of a fish means advice from wise people in difficult times, which will not be heeded. This is not the right time to show pride.

When fortune telling on wax, fish appears to warn of betrayal. A sign that it is necessary to reconsider the environment. Interpreted as an early pregnancy in a fortune-telling family. If it is a fish, they are expecting an addition to the family.

It is rare to find a favorable interpretation of a figurine about good news, from getting a desired job to the recovery of a grandmother. The news is unexpected, but pleasant.


The bear is a symbol of the need for change in life. Major changes are needed (change of field of activity, moving to another country, divorce, marriage) or minor ones. The figure personifies the lack of flexibility in solving everyday problems and immersion in everyday life. A person is haunted by failures due to his difficult character. If a girl guesses for love, this is a symbol of the beginning of a relationship with a dominant man.

Wax has always been a popular means for fortune telling. Our ancestors used it, and now everyone can find out their destiny by the bizarre patterns made of wax.

Many methods of fortune telling come down to the interpretation of patterns obtained from candle wax, coffee grounds or tea leaves. To decipher the meanings, you can use your imagination, or you can use interpreters that describe many figures. Each of them has a certain meaning in your destiny, and from them you can find out what awaits you in the near future.

Wax fortune telling

Bird. This meaning indicates that you will find the answer to your innermost question, and a lot of pleasant events await you ahead. A flying bird indicates travel and a possible change of residence, a new job away from home.

Elephant. A clear figure indicates that everything is fine with you, and good luck is expected ahead. A blurry figure indicates some health problems. In this case, you should contact a professional to prevent the development of an unpleasant disease.

Tree. If the branches of your pattern are directed upward, then good news awaits you. Branches pointing downward promise trouble and deception.

Heart. This sign is a symbol of love and prosperity. A clear heart promises quick love, a happy marriage, and improved relationships for married couples. If there are several wax dots floating around your heart, then expect a change in your financial situation for the better.

Dog. This meaning indicates that you have a trusted friend who will help you in difficult times. A dog can also symbolize a favorable time for bold endeavors, developing your business, searching for new employees, suppliers and partners.

Fish. This sign may mean problems that you need to solve together with people you trust. Fish can mean an early pregnancy both for the fortuneteller and her family. This symbol may indicate news that will have a stunning but pleasant meaning for you.

Bear. This sign appears when your life has reached a dead end. It indicates that you urgently need to change something to avoid trouble. Usually a bear warns of possible deception and betrayal on the part of business partners. For girls, a bear can become a symbol of a new relationship in which a man will dominate.

Cat. This symbol means betrayal from a side you don’t expect. A cat can represent a new passion for your lover, as well as a competitor at work. Caution should be exercised in everything to avoid troubles and failures.

Snake. This symbol means the wisdom of the one who tells fortunes, and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation. This figure also warns of impending danger.

Dagger or knife. This meaning always indicates danger. Take a close look at your immediate surroundings. Most likely, among your friends there is a traitor who can cause you pain and suffering.

Wax fortune telling will be true if you are firmly confident in your abilities. Carefully examine the resulting patterns so that no one can take you by surprise. Don't tell anyone about what you saw, so as not to get yourself into trouble. We wish you good luck and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Since time immemorial, girls and women have tried to “look” into the future, using simple and accessible household items. Thus, fortune telling with wax and water was extremely popular in Rus', especially at Christmas and Christmastide - simply an ideal time for performing magical rituals. Today we will learn how to correctly tell fortunes with wax, as well as what attributes are needed for the ritual. What do wax figures that freeze on the surface of water mean? We bring to your attention the most accurate interpretation of wax pictures - in our list you will find the most common options. Guided by our list, you can easily decipher the meaning of many figures and be able to slightly open the mysterious curtain of fate.

Fortune telling with wax and water - correct interpretation of figures, with photos

Yuletide fortune-telling with wax and water makes it easy to get the most accurate results, in this case, the girl does not at all have to turn to a healer. The main thing is to stock up big candle a certain color, depending on the nature of your fortune telling. So, for love affairs, a red candle is best suited, a golden one will reveal financial secrets of the future, and a green one will answer questions about health. In addition, we will need a piece of real beeswax, as well as a vessel to melt it - a tablespoon or a coffee pot. The fourth attribute of the magical ritual is a white plate or bowl for obtaining wax castings in the form of figures different shapes. And finally, the main component is water, without which it is simply impossible to conduct fortune telling on wax. Many “experienced” fortune tellers advise using Epiphany water, however, regular tap water will do. The candle can be wax or paraffin - according to desire and capabilities. So, about a day before the start of the ritual, you need to clearly formulate the question that interests you and mentally scroll through it throughout the day.

For fortune telling with wax, it is best to choose a moonlit night, and carry out the ritual itself alone or in the company of a person you trust. How to correctly tell fortunes using wax? We wait for sunset and light a candle - if the fire burns evenly and easily, the predictions will definitely please you. First, you need to warm a piece of wax in your hands and roll it into a small ball. Then we place the heated warm wax ball in a vessel for melting and heat it with the help of a lit candle - all this time we think about the question to which you would like fate to answer. When the wax melts, pour it into a plate of water and wait until it hardens - now you can carefully remove the resulting figure and begin interpretation. It is important to remember that the meaning of the figure can be interpreted differently, depending on which side you look at the wax picture from. We tried to compile a list of interpretations of the most common symbols (with photos), the shape of which melted wax can take during the fortune telling process.

  • A mouse, a figurine of this small animal made from wax, is considered an unpleasant sign. Thus, fate predicts losses of a material nature to the fortuneteller, which will arise due to his promiscuity in business acquaintances. If during fortune telling a wax figurine resembling a bat appears on the water, expect greetings from an old friend or admirer.
  • Snake - in addition to strength and wisdom, the figure can mean the deceit of enemies and enemies, threatening your relationship with your loved one.
  • Hamster - the appearance of this symbol in wax warns that, thanks to his foresight and thriftiness, the fortuneteller will be able to survive possible difficult times with dignity.
  • Dolphin is an extremely positive sign, predicting the successful resolution of all problems and overcoming obstacles.
  • Ring - recognizing a wedding ring in a wax figurine promises pleasant changes on the love front. This could be a marriage proposal from a regular admirer or a promising new acquaintance.
  • Bear - this symbol foreshadows the appearance of a strong and powerful patron or caring friend in life. For a young girl, the appearance of a wax bear is considered a favorable sign - fate will give her a new acquaintance with a man-future husband.
  • Scorpio - a wax casting in the form of such a poisonous insect means a warning that you need to show restraint in relationships. If you have a desire to throw out accumulated negativity towards a certain person, a scorpion figurine during fortune telling on wax warns you against such a rash step. Otherwise, such intemperance will lead to regret and repentance.
  • Turtle - fate dictates that at the moment you need to remain calm and careful, avoid unnecessary haste and strong emotions. Go about your daily activities or just take a break from the hustle and bustle and indulge in relaxation - being a little lazy is even useful.

The most accurate wax fortune telling for the future - the meaning of figures and symbols

To perform the most accurate wax reading, it is important to choose the right time to get the most accurate results. So, in Rus' they traditionally used fortune telling at Christmas and Christmastide - it was believed that all the predictions would come true throughout the year. If you want to know your future next year, when doing fortune telling, melted wax should be poured into water in a circle around the container, and not at one point. As a result, a wax chain of several figures appears - we decipher their meaning sequentially, obtaining a complete picture of events in the coming year. In order for the wax casting to be as accurate and clear as possible, you need to place a small mirror on the bottom of the plate. When pouring water, direct the stream directly to the mirror - in this case, the information will be concentrated in one place, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of fortune telling. When the wax hardens, we begin to interpret the symbolic figures, many of which you will find in the list below.

List of meanings of figures and symbols - for correct fortune telling on wax:

  • Heart - if the wax has frozen in the form of this symbol, great mutual love will “come” into your life. A wax heart with clear contours indicates that new feelings will bring happiness and joy. But the presence of veins, cracks, as well as an uneven shape foreshadow trouble - perhaps the fortuneteller will be disappointed in the relationship.
  • Lips - this symbol means that your chosen one is an extremely sensual and passionate person. Of course, all his ardent feelings are directed towards you.
  • For a woman of the fair sex, seeing such a wax figure promises possible quarrels, scandals and showdowns. For a man, this sign is interpreted as a harbinger of bad intentions on the part of business partners or a loved one.
  • Man - prophesies for the future the need to make an important decision, defend one’s position or help (protect) another person. For example, you have to pass a regular exam or a driver’s license, or give a lawyer’s speech in court.
  • Bird - a figure on wax predicts imminent news. Thus, a flying bird promises good news and good luck, as well as the implementation of important work projects and the approval of others.
  • Dog - the appearance of a person’s four-legged friend during wax fortune telling is considered a good sign, symbolizing the support of a loved one. A dog as a symbol means that the fortuneteller values ​​ties of friendship and is ready to come to the aid of people.
  • Swan - a sign predicts a happy family life, loyalty and reliability of a partner. If a girl is telling fortunes about love and the wax takes the shape of a swan, then this means a reliable and calm chosen one. A swan couple frozen in wax symbolizes the long union of two loving hearts.

What do the figures mean when divining on frozen wax - the correct interpretation of the signs

Fortune telling with wax from a candle is considered one of the most popular methods of finding out your future. Thanks to water as a powerful information and energy storage device, the most accurate predictions can be obtained. Before magical ritual you need to prepare properly, then the result will be as truthful as possible. So, it is best to tell fortunes using wax candles or stock up on a separate piece of wax. In addition, the ceremony must be carried out at midnight, completely alone - only a domestic cat can be left as an “assistant”. According to the rules, a fortuneteller is not allowed to wear a belt, bracelets, rings, hair ties, pectoral cross. So, what do the figures mean in wax divination? The correct interpretation of the signs is crucial, so when deciphering the symbols it is important to concentrate and discard bad thoughts. We tried to collect interpretations of the most common picture signs, which are often made from frozen wax. The figures obtained as a result of fortune telling are not allowed to be thrown away - “positive” symbols are preserved as a talisman, and “negative” ones must be buried in the ground.

  • Angel – the appearance of this wax figurine is considered a happy omen. The fortuneteller can expect positive changes in life, as well as help from higher powers in resolving an important task. For a girl, a wax angel means pure and sincere love.
  • Coral - indicates a serene future and a calm life.
  • Boot - a sign portends a quick journey or a long and difficult trip. A wax symbol in the form of a boot or other footwear has the same meaning.
  • Pig – a wax casting in the shape of a pig is considered a good sign, since fate predicts that you will achieve impressive heights in life and positive changes. Do not succumb to star fever, otherwise you risk losing the favor of higher powers.
  • The embryo of a child is a sign that foreshadows any newness in life. It could be a new thought or action that will become a catalyst for future change. Listen to your intuition - it is possible that now you have no idea what exactly awaits you in the future.
  • Fish - when you see such a figurine on wax, be prepared for good news related to water. It is likely that an interesting acquaintance with a foreigner lies ahead. The appearance of a fish also foreshadows a meeting with a mysterious, wise and taciturn mentor.
  • Worms - if the wax has taken the form of a worm, then fate warns the fortuneteller about possible problems in relationships with others.
  • Droplets - the sign symbolizes financial injections in the form of repaid debt or other unexpected income. The amount of the amount depends on the size of the wax drop - the larger the figure, the more significant the “gift” of fate will be.

The meaning of pictures when fortune telling on wax - the most accurate interpretation of the symbols, photo

Figures made from frozen wax must be carefully removed from the water, especially if the castings are thin and fragile. When starting to interpret pictures, it is important to get into the right mindset - concentrate and discard unnecessary thoughts. Otherwise, the predictions are unlikely to be deciphered, and fortune telling will lose its objectivity. How to prepare for the interpretation of symbols? The finished figurine needs to be twisted in different directions, carefully examined in each direction - you may need a mirror. In addition, you can conditionally divide the wax casting into several parts, each of which will tell about the future in a certain time. So, by the upper part of the figure you can determine the near future, the right side will tell you about upcoming events over the next three years. The shape and picture of the lower part will indicate the events of the present time. And from the central area of ​​the wax casting one can judge what is in the soul of the fortuneteller, about his hidden desires and motives. Here is the most accurate interpretation wax symbols and figures (with photos) - turn on your imagination and begin the mystery of fortune telling!

  • Straight line - the appearance of this symbol indicates that you will soon have to take on a new project.
  • Circle - fate indicates your excessive fixation on a certain issue or problem. Alternatively, the wax hardening in the shape of a circle can be interpreted as stability in business. If wax figure resembles an oval, the fortuneteller can easily make his desires and dreams come true.
  • Dots are considered a monetary sign that predicts material profit.
  • Spiral - symbolizes the fulfillment of an old dream or the achievement of any goals that were previously considered unattainable.
  • Numbers and letters - the meaning and interpretation of these symbols depends on the question asked. For example, this could be the first letter of a loved one’s name or a date that fate reveals to you during fortune telling.
  • Number 8 - providence gives a sign about the cyclical nature of positive and negative events in your life, since the “eight” is considered a symbol of infinity.
  • Number 9 – if the wax from a candle has frozen in the form of a “nine”, then this number has already taken place in your life. Perhaps this is the date of your wedding, the birth of a child, or the conclusion of an important contract - it is likely that new important events related to this number will occur in the future.

So, fortune telling with wax and water allows you to find out the future by correctly interpreting the resulting figures and symbols. What do wax pictures mean in fortune telling? On our pages you will find a list of signs with photos and their most accurate interpretation - good luck to you and may fate please you with happy forecasts and predictions!


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