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“Theory of knowledge” - Philosophers. I am tormented by an eternal desire, the more I know, the less I know. Stages of searching for truth. Knowledge is power. The need for knowledge of reality. Sensation is a reflection of the properties of the sides of objects or phenomena. The paradox of cognition. Theory of knowledge. True. Truth = truth. What we know is limited, but what we do not know is infinite.

“Methods of scientific knowledge” - General logical methods of knowledge - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Induction and deduction. Features of scientific knowledge. Multilevel concept of methodological knowledge. Measurement. Methods of analogy and modeling. General methods. The classification of general scientific methods is closely related to the concept of levels of scientific knowledge.

"Cognition" - Vico's ideas had a great influence on subsequent ideas about history and culture. In their approaches to this topic, scientists are divided into optimists, pessimists, and skeptics. Social and humanitarian knowledge are interpenetrated. Thirdly, science is characterized by a special systematic nature of knowledge. Sensory and rational knowledge.

“The problem of the knowability of the world” - Basic concepts of the theory of knowledge. The problem of the cognizability of the world. Philosophical solutions to the problem of criteria of truth. True. Objectivity. Types of truth. Heliocentric system of the world. Types of knowledge. Features of scientific thinking. Epistemology. Correspondence of knowledge to reality. The main problem is in philosophy.

“The problem of knowledge” - Foresight. Hypothesis. In the narrow sense, as information confirmed by scientific means. Scientific knowledge is based on verified evidence. Group 3 Study the topic “Adults and Children”. Forms of mental activity. Knowledge. Draw conclusions. Sensual. Induction is an inference from facts to a general statement.

“Scientific knowledge” - Molecules. Striving for objectivity. Lesson topic: Scientific knowledge Section “cognition”. Lesson plan: X-rays. Ultrasound has been used in physiotherapy for many years. B1-09: Arkhipov Alexey Maximov Maxim Vladimirova Olga. Completed by students gr. Why is experiment a criterion for the correctness of a scientific theory?

There are a total of 20 presentations in the topic

Introductory lesson
What is history???
What is history???
History (from the Greek historа) - investigation, search, establishment) History is a certain reality of the past, the existence of nature, society and man over a long period of time, the process of development of nature and society. History is the science of society and man in all the diversity of their past , in their development and change.
Subject of history
“The subject of history as a theoretical construction is the past - separated from the present and the future” (G. Simmel) “The very idea that the past as such can be an object of science is absurd” (M. Blok) For the historian, “establishing the place of the past is equally a form of allocating space for the future" (M. de Certeau) "The state... is the subject of world history" (G. Hegel)
Subject of history
Man and society in their diversity, development and change.
One suggestion!!!
History is dynamic, it does not tolerate static!
Historical movement
Historical space
Historical time
Historical space is a complex dynamic set of geographical, environmental, ethnic, social factors in the development of man and society in various historical eras.
Historical space
“The problem of historical space is connected with the problem of a single world history, which has not always existed...” (I.A. Gobozov)
Only by the 19th century. “on a global scale, a single historical space has emerged, on which hundreds of states and peoples are located”
Historical time
Signs of historical time: Flows unevenly. Has specific content. This is the time of people whose activities determine the content of the historical process.
Assignment: illustrate the following figurative expressions with examples from history and your own social experience:
1). “Time flew by at a gallop.”2). “Time has slowed down.”3). “Time has gone backwards.”4). “You don’t choose times.” 5). "Hostages of Time."
Historical process
This is a consistent series of successive events in which the activities of many generations of people are manifested.
Is history united?
Names of thinkers
Another opinion
Reflecting on the concepts of Augustine, Hegel, Marx, the German philosopher K. Jaspers (1883-1969) noted: “In the knowledge of integrity, the largest mass of human reality is discarded, entire peoples, eras and cultures are discarded as having no significance for history.” Jaspers himself associated the unity of world history with the era of “Axial Time” (between 800 and 200 BC), when in remote regions, independently of each other, “the basic categories with which we think to this day were developed, the foundations of world religions that still determine the lives of people today.” What did Jaspers see as the shortcomings of the concepts of the unity of world history?
Continue the sentence: Today I learned... It was interesting... It was difficult... I realized that... I learned... I succeeded... I was surprised...
1). Notes in notebooks.2). Write reflections on the topic “The unity of history is “simultaneously the origins and the goal”
Internet resources:
You can use this design to create your own presentations, but in your presentation you must indicate the source of the template: Fokina Lidiya Petrov Primary school teacher MCOU "Secondary School Art. Evsino" Iskitimsky district, Novosibirsk region

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The purpose of this course is to form a valeological culture among students, which includes a responsible attitude towards personal health. The program is based on...

Fundamentals of life safety. 6th grade. Topic 6 “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and the provision of primary care”, lesson 27 “Primary care for injuries”.

This presentation illustrates the twenty-seventh life safety lesson in the 6th grade “Physical Care for Injuries” according to the program “Fundamentals of Life Safety” for grades 1 – 11 of educational institutions...

Fundamentals of life safety. 6th grade. Topic 6 “Fundamentals of medical knowledge and provision of primary care”, lesson 28 “Pedagogical care for heat and sunstroke, frostbite and

This presentation illustrates the twenty-eighth life safety lesson in 6th grade “PMC for heat and sunstroke, frostbite and burns” according to the program “Fundamentals of Life Safety” for 1 –...

From the book Everything is under control: Who is watching you and how author Garfinkel Simeon

From the book Europe at War (1914 – 1918) author Trotsky Lev Davidovich

L. Trotsky. WHERE DID IT COME FROM? Next to me in the corner of cafe a la Rotonde, in clouds of tobacco smoke, the like of which cannot be found anywhere, sits a young Serb. Despite the extremely varied composition of the audience, you will involuntarily stop your eyes on him. This is one of those figures that seems to be created in order to

From the book Russia and Germany. Play off! From William's Versailles to Wilson's Versailles. A new look at an old war author Kremlev Sergey

From the book From the Stars to the Crown of Thorns author Filippov Leonid Iosifovich

From the book How Torpedo was Destroyed. A story of betrayal author Timoshkin Ivan

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 984 (41 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 991 (48 2012) author Zavtra Newspaper

From the book Results No. 51 (2012) author's Itogi Magazine

Time has passed / Paradox Time has passed / Paradox The Mayan priests were not the only ones who were looking for the date of the end of times. The Eastern sages already knew something about this. This very strange disk, which has no analogues in the world, was found by Novosibirsk archaeologists 40

From the book Expert No. 06 (2013) author's Expert Magazine

Time has passed Pavel Bykov Gevorg Mirzayan The Russian-American “reset” has ended with another showdown. The exchange of jabs will not develop into a serious confrontation, but the opportunities for a breakthrough in the development of partnership appear to have been missed. Russia has

From the book Volume 11. Unpublished. Journalism author Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich

TIME TO COLLECT STONES AND TIME TO KILL WITH STONES. “The Tale of Troika” As you know, it is very difficult to read a book (watch a film, listen to a play) where people act who are obviously more stupid than the reader (viewer, listener). And it’s absolutely impossible to take seriously

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 46 (1043 2013) author Zavtra Newspaper

Ukraine: something went wrong... Alexander Maslov November 14, 2013 1 Politics After all, the “unfair” country is a unique one. There is no other like it in the whole wide world. Do you know Ukrainian night? No, you don’t know Ukrainian night! And it’s not for nothing that the great Gogol wrote in the story “The Enchanted

From the book Satraps of Satan author Udovenko Yuri Alexandrovich

From the book Literary Newspaper 6452 (No. 9 2014) author Literary Newspaper

Going backwards is also a good idea! Spent the last winter month in the nineteenth century. A rare pleasure. Both music and literature are talented and unique. Even the majors of this time, which included Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (judging by Wulf’s Diaries), and those

From the book Europe doesn't need the euro by Sarrazin Thilo

3. Implementation of the European Monetary Union: What went wrong and why? The contents of the Maastricht Treaty after its preparation by the commission headed by Jacques Delors, which presented its report in the spring of 1989, were discussed for more than three years before its signing.

From the book The Fourth Republic: Why Europe needs Ukraine, and Ukraine needs Europe author Fedorin Vladimir

3. Implementation of the European Monetary Union: what went wrong and why? 1. See Philip Plickert “EZB als Zuinsbasar”, FAZ November 21, 2011, p. 11. New research shows the influence that national interests have on interest rate decisions. Plickert quotes Bernd Hajo,

From the author's book

Chapter 8 Ukrainian economy: what went wrong How to restart the economy? This is the main issue on the agenda today. And this is not only due to the most severe economic crisis in the last two decades. If we do not reduce the gap in living standards with our neighbors, then

A harsh but pleasant light fell on the guy’s eyes. Squinting slightly, he got used to the light and managed to see the source. Huge windows letting in sunlight, and most importantly... what made the guy freeze motionless in place... her. He saw her features from the front. Bathed in sunlight penetrating through the huge windows, they seemed even thinner, more beautiful, more tender. Amazing. How did such a seemingly fragile creature end up in such a serious establishment?! Noticing the stranger, the girl suddenly fell silent and turned her gaze to the newcomer who interrupted her report. So cold and brave. Her eyes, the color of the unbridled sea element, made her hold her breath. She looked as if at any second she was ready with a well-aimed shot to get rid of, apparently at first glance, not a trustworthy stranger. Having straightened the pocket of her black uniform in which the weapon was kept, the girl quickly walked towards the door. Peter stood motionless. Having followed her departure only from the corner of his gaze. - Hey! Wake up! The man watched the guy frozen in place with a slight mockery - Eh? Sorry! Peter straightened up and looked seriously into the director’s eyes. After all, his future is being decided now. He can’t give the impression of a frivolous, amorous and absent-minded fool! In fact! - Well, tell me where you came from. For what merits were you sent here? And what do you want? The director clasped his hands and with a light, mocking smile began to examine the newcomer who appeared before him. “I think you know everything perfectly well, but I don’t dare contradict you.” I arrived from ABIR, you know the transcript. For what merit? Honestly, I didn’t fully understand it myself, but apparently for work done honestly and for better academic performance. But I myself want to receive proper development. Since I was sent here. Saving people’s lives while working in a good team wouldn’t be bad. If this place became my new home, and my colleagues became my family. The guy suddenly fell silent and added more quietly, “Sorry, I stirred up too much.” “Nothing, nothing. I will take into account your wishes.” The director smiled. - Well, talking to you is quite funny, but let’s not waste any more time. The director stood up. Now Peter could see him in full height. Like Nikita, this man was taller and more broad-shouldered than himself, but his whole appearance, unlike the more friendly Nikita, inspired admiration, made one feel respect, and even inspired a certain fear. The kind that once you hit, you won’t be able to stop it. The director let him through. the newcomer forward and, closing his abode, moved with a calm, measured step along the corridor. Having waited until the new subordinate caught up with him, the Director said with a slight grin: “Now, you will show me all your skills.” The best student. The man chuckled - If you last at least 10 minutes in the fight with my best fighters, I promise, I will enroll you in their squad. And if you don't hold out. Good riddance to you back to ABIR. The man smiled sincerely, putting his hands behind his back, and Peter exhaled convulsively. “Either everything or nothing? However, the director is cheerful.” *** Quite quickly, they crossed the intricate corridors and found themselves at the entrance to a large training hall. The door was closed, and rather frightening sounds were heard from behind it. Peter sighed. “What kind of monsters are they training there? It feels like there is a shootout going on there with huge cobblestones, which are smashed to pieces and their small fragments fly into the walls. Like bullets.” “Yes. I definitely don’t have much imagination.” The guy grinned. The director looked at him meaningfully and with a sharp movement of his hand opened the door. Noise. stopped abruptly. - Welcome the newcomer, my dears. He has been given the task of holding out against you for 10 minutes. Of course, not against everyone at once. So you will finish him off in less than 10 seconds. Please take a turn. Susan, as always, I’ll leave it to you to finish him off. boy. The man smiled and turned to Peter, patted the guy on the shoulder in a friendly manner and left. “Tell me the results. Just don’t kill him.” Finally, the man said and completely disappeared from view. Peter sighed and looked up at his rivals. Yes, it seems he stopped. breathe. Not only did the four standing in front of him inspire genuine horror, but in this four there was the same girl he had seen just recently. The guy exhaled. “Pull yourself together!” If they get you here, if you plunge your face into the mud here, then what can you possibly achieve?!" And he managed to pull himself together. - Well, hello guy! A tall, dark girl throwing, apparently, shurikens at the target, gracefully threw back her brown hair and smiled. She threw the last shuriken and it hit the target. The distance between the thrower and her victim was, to put it mildly, quite large - What’s your name? Peter didn’t have time to respond to the girl’s remark! , as the guy joined the dialogue. He easily threw the seemingly heavy weights up like a feather and smiled at all 32. The other two members of the team chose to remain silent and continued to train. However, the tall, graceful guy was still distracted from his training. turned to the others. “Let’s distribute who will start and continue. Who will finish all this, it’s clear. Everyone will be given 2.5 minutes to scratch their fists.” Although, perhaps, we will take pity on the unfortunate one. The one who starts first will fight for 3 minutes, Susan for you 2 minutes. The guy smiled. Finally, the hero of the occasion himself joined the dialogue. - Good afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Peter. And I hope to become your comrade. Peter seriously looked at everyone who deigned to turn to him and smiled. - A bold statement. Part of the metal exercise machine slid to the floor with a nasty grinding sound. Susan turned to the guy, sheathing her sword. “Let’s begin. I can’t wait to end this whole misunderstanding.” The girl said seriously and somehow too coldly, her blue whirlpools flashing. -Syuuyuzeen, why are you so mean? Well, he's a normal guy! Mark stood up for Peter, but the stern look of his comrade forced him to bite his tongue. “Okay, really, we should start already.” The dark-skinned girl smiled. -Although, first of all, we should also introduce ourselves. My name is Michelle. -My Mark! The guy smiled radiantly. -Daniel. The tall guy said indifferently and turned his gaze to the blue-eyed one. -Susan. Without taking her eyes off Peter, the girl said. She looked at him like a tiger at a doomed, indecently weak and pathetic victim. And I must say, Peter was very angry about this. -Let's start. Peter commanded and took off his light jacket. “I’ll start. Hand-to-hand combat. Then the swordsmen will join in, and we’ll also test you on your shooting and throwing abilities and your reaction.” Having said the last word, Michelle grinned and immediately three shuriken flew at Peter. The guy's eyes widened, he sharply arched his back and avoided all three shuriken! But then the next portion flew at him. The guy jumped, then grabbed a small knife from his belt and knocked one of the shuriken away from the other, but simply dodged. -Not bad. But how do you like that?! The girl quickly turned around her axis and a darkness of shurikens flew from both her hands. “It seems they don’t really want to accept someone new into the team.” Peter sighed. “Michelle! Are you going to kill him or something? Not all C-rank students are like that.” Mark stopped short. Peter deftly and quickly spun in the air. Jumped from place to place and often fought off sharp throwing weapons and yet, despite all his dexterity, one of the shuriken cut his shoulder, making the guy wince and press his hand over the wound. Michelle grinned. “My time is up.” Mark. next. The boy sighed and looked at the wounded man with sympathy. Of course, no one was going to give him a break. He was lucky that he escaped with only one wound. Peter exhaled loudly and with a sharp movement tore a piece from his T-shirt, wrapped it around the wound, and ran his hand over it! black hair and grinned. There was a fire burning in his blue eyes, and something was seething inside with terrible force. -Well, let's go! Mark grinned and, running and somersaulting in the air, he wanted to hit Peter, but the guy managed to dodge and his fist slammed into the wall. Light cracks appeared along it. “Cool, it seems they sent me here. So that I could really say goodbye to life. But my gods, this is so amusing! Risking your life to fulfill a dream is for me!” Adrenaline pulsated furiously through the veins. If he doesn’t dodge or doesn’t will put up a good block. He risks saying goodbye to his bones and probably even his insides. Peter sighed and with a smile rushed to meet his enemy. Both jumped into the air. Punch-Block. Block-punch. Mark, before landing back on the hard surface, managed to roundhouse kick Peter in the stomach. The guy flew into the wall, hitting his head. -Oh. I didn’t want it that bad! Are you alive there? Mark asked without hiding his excitement, and Peter shook his head, focused his gaze and grinned, slowly getting up. - Still alive. “Mark. Your time is up.” Daniel said, not indifferently, and with a slight, almost imperceptible sparkle in his eyes, he entered the battlefield, drawing a short sword and throwing the same one to the enemy. -You're funny. I've lasted almost six minutes already! With extraordinary speed, the guy moved towards his victim. The blows were precise and well-aimed. Peter barely had time to fight back and put up blocks. My shoulder ached and my head hurt, but I only had four minutes left to hold out!” Come on, Peter, you can do it!” The guy sharply dodged the next blow. The pear was mercilessly cut in half. Peter exhaled in relief and suddenly noticed an interested look on himself. Susan was carefully watching his every move, without looking away. He was able to attract her attention and even surprise her. Inside. .something began to bubble with renewed vigor and Peter jumped to his feet, spinning like maple seeds in the wind and striking at the enemy. All his attacks were repulsed, which goes without saying, but he was able to at least stall for time. And when Daniel swung for the next blow he was stopped by a stern, calm voice. - Stop. Time is up. Susan pulled the sword out of its sheath and finally looked into Peter’s eyes. The sea element in her eyes was raging, mesmerizing. - Susan! The boy was still able to interest you? Mark, who was lying on the mat, commented without holding back a smile. “Darling, just don’t turn him into a salad.” He’s already suffered enough.” Michelle added her word and sighed with curiosity while watching the couple. “Let’s go.” The blue eyes sparkled and within a second the tip of the sword whistled over Peter’s head, cutting off a couple of black hairs. The guy quickly jumped away from the girl, but she didn’t lag behind him. It’s obviously not possible to strike back. -A fun catch-up game. Especially when a beautiful girl catches up with you, trying to stab you. Peter said with a short laugh, dodging another attack and hearing the same nasty grinding sound. Another iron simulator is out of action. The guy swallowed. -Let's! Hold on! Thirty seconds left! Michelle shouted and smiled, Mark supported her and even Daniel nodded approvingly. “In these thirty seconds, I will have time to cut your wonderful little head off your shoulders thirty times.” Susan grinned. Peter sighed. “Thirty seconds. I have no strength left, but I can take a risk and do something.” The girl swung and delivered an accurate blow. Peter dodged, only moved slightly, imperceptibly to the side, so that the sword would pierce through a non-vital point .Everyone gasped. And oh yes, Susan hesitated for a couple of seconds. With difficulty overcoming the pain, with a victorious grin, Peter knocked the sword out of her hands and, using his physical strength, knocked her down, knocking her opponent to the floor. However, Susan woke up at that very moment , as soon as her back met the floor. She sharply crushed the guy under her and, somehow managing to reach the lost weapon, put it to the guy’s throat. “Damn asshole.” The girl couldn’t hold back and exhaled. There was a barely noticeable blush on her face and it made Peter smile at all of his thirty-two. -Sue. I want to disappoint you, but two minutes ended five seconds ago. He. held out. - Hurray! Welcome to us Peter! Mark exclaimed joyfully. And Susan froze, sitting astride Peter and never removing the sword from his throat. -It’s probably very comfortable to sit on me. And it’s not that I would be against it, but. - Shut up before I cut your throat! The girl jumped up abruptly and turned away. “What the.hell? What’s going on with me anyway! How could I.allow this?! And this guy is cunning and.amazing.” The girl exhaled and turned to the guys. “Yes. Congratulations. I wonder how long you’ll last with us in the group.” Sue grinned. “I’ll go and tell the director!” Mark said and hurriedly left. Peter collapsed exhaustedly on the floor. His eyes were covered with a veil, but the smile never left his lips. “Hey, hey! It seems he’s losing too much blood!” ! Daniel commented on the situation excitedly and very soon Michelle was next to Peter. She quickly treated the guy’s wounds and bandaged them. Before passing out, Peter saw Susan approaching him and sitting down on her knees next to him. He saw the excitement in her eyes and, with a smile on her face and a clear conscience, passed out.


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