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Drying oil is a film-forming substance that is made from natural oils of vegetable origin (sunflower, soybean, linseed) and a drier that accelerates its polymerization. Drying oil is used in the manufacture of putty and putty, as well as for impregnation of wood surfaces against rotting. It also reduces the cost of paint and varnish during painting work.

Types of drying oil

This material comes in 3 types: natural, composite and oxol. Natural drying oil contains natural vegetable oils, and usually - flaxseed and much less often - sunflower. In its structure, oil occupies 97%, and the remaining 3% are driers that promote rapid drying. Natural drying oil is used for diluting thick paints and for impregnating wooden structures inside a building. Experts recommend not using drying oil for outdoor work, because it is impractical and quite expensive.

The cheapest and most fragrant type is composition drying oil. It is not approved by any state standards that would strictly regulate its composition. The composition of the composite drying oil contains components that serve as a replacement for natural, petroleum-polymer resins and other by-products of the oil industry. This material cannot be used to process external or interior walls, since it is toxic, harmful to human health and even after drying it emits bad smell.

Oxol contains linseed or sunflower oil (55%), white spirit (40%) and drier (5%). After it dries, a durable film appears that is hard, water-resistant and elastic. Typically, wooden and plastered surfaces inside a building are treated with oxol. If applied to plaster, it will increase its adhesion to oil-based, dispersion, alkyd paints and putties. Oxol is good for both exterior and interior work, but do not forget that it preserves the surface only for a while, so after it it is necessary to use enamel, paint or varnish.

The cheapest oxol is made from sunflower oil; it is used to treat plastered surfaces inside the building. Outside, it is only suitable for surfaces that are under some kind of canopy and protected from moisture. On top of this drying oil is also coated with anti-rotting oil paint.

How to choose drying oil?

When purchasing composite drying oil, care must be taken to ensure that there is no sediment in its composition. It is left by natural vegetable oil, and such material does not dry out.

When working with oil-polymer resin drying oil, it is easy to obtain a crumbling surface that never dries out. This material is liquid, inexpensive and light in color.

When purchasing drying oil, you should pay attention to some criteria:

  • on the transparency of the material: if the drying oil is transparent, then it is composite and fake, because natural has a dark brown color;
  • find out the composition of the drying oil, which is given on the label; in addition, information from the label about the manufacturer, organization and its coordinates, numbers of technical specifications (TU) or state standards (GOST), application and composition of the material is important;
  • check the certificate of conformity of oxol and natural drying oil, as well as the hygienic certificate of composite;
  • high-quality product - homogeneous, without sediment and various inclusions;
  • by smell: it should be remembered that quality material There is practically no smell.

How long a particular surface will last and how easy it will be to process depends on the correctly chosen drying oil. Therefore, it is imperative to take into account the above criteria and purchase only high-quality material.

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Why do you need drying oil for wood, if it exists today? large number other products for coating wooden surfaces? Drying oil is a traditional paint and varnish material that is widely used in construction and painting work. Since Soviet times, almost all wood has been treated only with this oily product due to its high qualities and low price.

Drying oils can be used as independent protection of wooden products, as a decorative dark coating, as a regular primer before final painting or by filling untreated wooden surfaces, in the form of an additive for the preparation of various paint and varnish compositions.

Modern compositions are divided into several groups:

Using natural drying oil for wood

Natural substances from linseed oil usually used as a primer for wood. In addition, they are used to prepare various types putties, putties, plasters, thick pastes and for diluting light-colored paints of various types. Flaxseed oil perfectly protects wood from water. Wood impregnated with drying oil dries completely in about 24 hours at a minimum temperature of +20°C.

The hemp variety of the product has a dark color. It is mainly used to dilute thick paints of predominantly dark tones. To ensure complete drying, the material soaked in hemp drying oil is left for at least 2 days. Has a high degree of elasticity.

Natural and other drying oils cannot be used for finishing various wooden floor surfaces, since the film they create does not have a high degree of strength and will not protect against wear.

The use of semi-natural, combined and synthetic

Semi-natural products that have a light brown color are distinguished by a fairly high degree of hardness, strength, water resistance and have a good shine. Used as an impregnating agent or when priming various wooden surfaces (except floor coverings). Semi-natural compositions are used in conjunction with other paints and varnishes.

Combined products are produced with the introduction of various modifiers that improve their impregnating properties, which are necessary for the production and dilution of various thick paints. Used for priming various wooden products before their subsequent painting or plastering.

Since natural wooden surfaces impregnated with drying oil take at least 24 hours to dry, paint or plaster should not be applied until they are completely dry.

Synthetic drying oils are used in modern construction for diluting thickly rubbed paints and applying them to wooden surfaces. They are also used in industry for the production of various types of wood putties and pastes.

Wood coating process

Why is wood products sanded? By treating wood with drying oil based on high-quality natural oils, you can not only protect it from external factors, but also significantly extend its service life. Typically, this product is used to coat various carpentry tools that regularly need cleaning and sanding. In addition, it has proven itself in various interior work. Products treated with natural drying oil look great in the interior of any room, continue to breathe and emit a pleasant smell. For outdoor work, substances that are more resistant to temperature changes, precipitation and pests are usually used.

It is necessary to consider how to impregnate wood and wood products with drying oil so that they last for many years. To do this, you need to perform a number of the following works:

  1. Carefully treat the dry wooden surface, clean it and degrease it.
  2. Apply the product with any convenient tool (brush, roller, spray gun or cotton cloth). As much of the substance as possible should get onto the treated wooden surface. Then leave the wood so that the drying oil is well absorbed, then apply another layer. Treatment of wood with drying oil can be repeated as long as the surface has absorbent capacity.
  3. In order to quickly saturate a small wooden product, you can use a regular bag. You need to pour a little drying oil into the whole bag and place the product there. Shake well until it completely covers the tree, fold the edges of the bag and seal with tape. Leave to soak completely for 2-3 hours.
  4. The surface or product soaked with the product must be placed in a dry and warm place where there are no drafts. Thoroughly impregnated wood takes about 24 hours to dry. There is no need to perform additional actions.

Drying oil is a fire hazard, so woodworking tools that remain after applying drying oil should be stored away from electrical appliances and other sources of fire, as they are even prone to spontaneous combustion.

Drying oil for wood is one of the types of impregnation that combines decorative appearance and reliable protection. The main component of this paint and varnish material is vegetable oil:

  • sunflower;
  • linen;
  • rapeseed;
  • soy.

No less often than for wood, drying oil is used to protect and prime plastered walls and metals, especially if they will subsequently be covered with oil paints.

In total, there are three main types of drying oil, but only two of them have a specific GOST:

  • Natural. 97% natural oil and 3% drier (substance that accelerates drying). It has a high price and is used to protect wooden surfaces that will be used indoors.
  • Drying oil "Oxol". It differs from the natural one by the addition of 49% “White Spirit” solvent and an increased content of drier up to 5%, as well as a more affordable price, while maintaining all performance characteristics and even improving them - it can be used outdoors and does not turn black longer.
  • Composite. Each manufacturer has the right to produce it using its own technology, therefore, to reduce the cost of the product, potentially dangerous substances are introduced into the composition. environment and health components, which means this drying oil is only suitable for coating structures and products located outdoors.

Thus best solution, in the context of price-quality ratio, Oxol drying oil is hard and penetrates deep into the structure of the tree. In addition, if it thickens, it is easy to restore the desired fluidity by adding a little solvent. It is necessary to cover previously sanded and degreased surfaces with it, in several layers, with a drying break between which should be at least a day. By the way, this kind of drying oil, which can be bought almost everywhere, is ideally suited for filling cracks in wood if you add sawdust to it.

Drying oil for wood. Types and application. Video.

Quite often, when carrying out restoration work on wooden structures, a special product called drying oil is used. It is a transparent liquid of various colors: from yellow to cherry. The substance is based on vegetable oils that have been heat-treated in advance. Wooden surfaces are impregnated with drying oil and metal structures are wetted. When applied to a coating area, it forms a thin layer, which hardens and turns into a protective film. This surface layer protects the structure of the building material from the negative effects of fungus and mold. The product can be used as an ignition, as well as in the form of an effective impregnation, a base for applying paints and varnishes

The product has found wide application in finishing walls and ceilings, flooring, and is also effective means priming of various surfaces, including concrete, metal structures and any type of wood. It is used as a base for oil paints and added when mixing putty material. If you saturate the wood with drying oil, you will get a slightly dark shade, and if you apply it over a tinting varnish, you won’t be able to take your eyes off the beautiful surface.

Liquid is sometimes added to oil paints. This is done to dilute the thickness of the paint and increase the volume of the paintwork. One of the properties of the substance is its ability to prevent the appearance of fungal infections and rotting on the surface of wooden structures, and the product also prevents the development of corrosion processes on metal surfaces.

The product is not advisable to use for external treatment of objects in the open air. In this case, it will not provide one hundred percent protection and the drying oil must be covered with layers of paint.

Properties of drying oil for wood

The name itself comes from the ancient Greek language and means oil, which is the basis of this product. It can be sunflower, flaxseed, hemp or soybean natural products, the properties of which change during heat treatment. The addition of additional components makes drying oil a film-forming substance. Vegetable oil applied to a flat, smooth surface begins to thicken under the influence of light and heat, gradually turning into a hard coating.

To speed up the hardening process, a special drying component is added to the composition of the substance, which does not disturb the viscosity of the oil paint and is evenly mixed in the overall structure.

Drying oil is a universal liquid that is widely used not only in the manufacture of coloring agents, but also in construction and installation work. The material consumption also depends on the type of coating.

Advice. The product must be stored in a tightly closed container away from open flames and electrical appliances.

There are several types of products that differ from each other in the type and percentage of the base:


In turn, it is divided into three main types depending on the oil component:

  • sunflower – brown in color, odorless, not harmful to the health of others. Used as an impregnating material for wood. Takes a long time to dry;
  • hemp is a dark-colored liquid, used as a material for diluting oil paints, and is also a good primer for metal and wooden surfaces. Drying oil can be used to process structures both inside and outside buildings, after which it must be covered with a layer of paint. Used to add to putties and putties. The drying time of the product is 24 hours;
  • flax - similar in properties to hemp, but with a lighter color.


It consists of heat-treated sunflower oil base (about 50 - 55 percent of the total amount), white spirit solvent and a small amount of driers. Has a strong unpleasant odor. When applied to the surface, a dense film is obtained that easily repels moisture. Doesn't lose color enough for a long time. Like other types of drying oils, semi-natural drying oils should be covered with a layer of paint on top.


The product differs from semi-natural only in the ratio of the components that make up the substance. Vegetable oil takes up 70% of the total composition. The remainder is allocated for solvents and driers. Mainly used for diluting ready-made thick paints. After a day, the coating dries and is ready for further use.


This product contains a minimal amount of converted oil with the addition of alkyd resins and drier. The result is an inexpensive product with a large amount of solvents. The smell of the liquid is quite pungent and unpleasant.


Such drying oils are even cheaper, since their production involves processed products from the oil and coal industries. The color range of substances is very diverse from very light to the darkest. The product has a pungent odor.


Suitable for work outside the building because they are too toxic. They take a very long time to dry.

The use of drying oil for wood makes its fibrous structure less vulnerable to harmful insects and mold, which significantly increases the service life of the structure.

Advice. When working with drying oils, use rubber gloves so that the product does not get on the skin of your hands. If the substance is accidentally spilled on the skin, you need to wash off the product with water.

This parameter depends on several factors. Firstly, the type of product and the percentage of oil base in the product matter. Secondly, it is important to ensure optimal room temperature for effective drying, namely humidity and indoor air temperature. Thirdly, there is the structure of the material on the surface of which it is planned to apply drying oil, for example, porous wood that strongly absorbs moisture or metal profile with a hard surface.

Still, how long will the liquid dry on the tree? The average drying time on a wooden surface is approximately 24 hours. Depending on the amount of drier, this time ranges from 6 to 36 hours.

Application of drying oil for wood and outdoor work

Types of drying oil

A large number of products are sold in markets and stores. building materials, among which there is drying oil. Based on its composition, it is divided into:

  • Natural. It is safe for the health of surrounding people and animals, since it is made from environmentally friendly products of plant origin. The color of the liquid resembles yellow. The main share in natural drying oil is oil, which occupies 97% of the total composition, without impurities and sediment. The substance does not have a pungent odor. The drying time of the product is 24 hours. Using a liquid product you can treat wooden structures that cannot be painted.
  • Semi-natural. From the name it becomes clear that the amount of natural oil in it is not so high and takes up only half of the total composition (55%). The remainder is divided between solvents and driers. Accordingly, the cost of the product is lower than that of natural drying oil. The product is used in the form of additives, as can be judged by the product labeling:
    • B – diluted with paints and varnishes for outdoor use;
    • PV - takes part in diluting the putty;
    • SM - added to primers for treating walls and ceilings.
      The semi-natural product has an unpleasant odor due to the presence of solvents in its composition. Additional time is required to remove it (weather it). The resulting surface does not have the required 100% protection and must be covered with a layer of paint on top.
  • Combined. Consists of oil (70%) and solvent (30%). The presence of an aggressive additive in such an amount makes it impossible to use decorative elements in cladding surfaces treated with drying oil. Used for making oil paints. The color of the product is slightly yellowish, and the liquid itself has a transparent appearance. Complete hardening time is 24 hours.
  • Synthetic. This type of product consists of synthetic components, not natural ones. The result is a product that is not too expensive and has a rather unpleasant odor.
  • Compositional. The base is oxidized oil and gasoline with rosin additives. Cottonseed, linseed and rapeseed are used as oils.

Features and Specifications

Just 30 years ago, only drying oil was used in construction work. It was used to process wooden structures that were exposed to moisture and condensation. Now the situation has changed, the number of building materials and mixtures has increased. But there are those who to this day do not change their traditions.

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Treating wood with drying oil has been practiced for several hundred years. Our ancestors used it to protect wood, give products a golden hue and make paints.

But, despite such advanced age and the emergence of many alternative compositions, impregnation of wood with drying oil is still relevant. We will talk further about what this product is, its types and methods of use.

What is drying oil and why is it needed?

So, drying oil is a liquid, flowing substance that resembles oil, but with a thicker consistency. The color can vary from dark brown to yellow-golden. The level of transparency can vary, although a completely opaque liquid is extremely rare and usually indicates a quality problem.

Initially, all such compositions were made exclusively with natural oils. Most often it was used, although in some cases sunflower or hemp was used. Scientific and technological progress has made its own adjustments and now semi-synthetic and synthetic drying oils have appeared.

As for the scope, it is very diverse. Such compositions are the basis for the production of oil-based liquid and thick-based paints. A whole range of putties and grouts are made from drying oil.

It acts as a primer for many compounds when processing metal or concrete. But the most popular is coating wood with drying oil.

Types of compositions

As already mentioned, many different compositions are now produced, collectively called drying oil. Experts identify several main areas. In particular, these are natural, semi-natural, combined, alkyd and synthetic compositions.

Natural based compositions

The name speaks for itself. Drying, sometimes semi-drying vegetable oils are taken as the basis here. In rare cases and in small quantities, solvents can be added here, but only on a natural basis.

The standard is GOST 7931-76.

  1. The composition based on linseed oil is deservedly considered classic and of the highest quality.. This is a thick, light transparent liquid obtained by prolonged boiling and adding a drier.

The range of applications is quite wide:

  • They can be used as a primer under wooden, metal or plastered surfaces.
  • It is linen compositions that are used for the production of light oil-based thickly grated paints, grouts and putties. Putties and lubricating pastes are also made from them.
  • Most often it is used for interior work. Flaxseed oil for exterior woodwork can theoretically be used, but this is not advisable, since its price is higher, plus there are targeted synthetic protective compounds.

  • The speed of work completion directly depends on how long the drying oil dries on the tree. In this case, at a temperature not lower than 20ºС, the drying time does not exceed 24 hours.

Important: the drier is added to one degree or another to any such composition; in fact, it is a kind of hardener. But you need to add it without fanaticism, as a rule, no more than 3 - 5% per 1 liter. Otherwise, the dried film will peel off.

  1. Compositions based on hemp oil have a slightly lower cost. They are darker in color. Therefore, they are used to prepare dark paints and putties. In other characteristics, they are practically no different from linen.
  2. Formulations based on sunflower oil are characterized by longer drying times.. Even after a day, the surface will be slightly sticky. But this coating is considered more elastic, but its strength and water resistance are significantly inferior to flax and hemp counterparts.

Semi-natural drying oil oxol

The characteristics of this type of composition are reflected in GOST 190-78. In percentage terms, it consists of 55% natural oils, 5% is occupied by the drier, and the remaining 40% belongs to the solvent. As a rule, white spirit is used as a solvent, but nefras can also be used.

The video in this article contains additional information on the topic.


Regardless of which drying oil you decide to use, all compositions of this type belong to the fire hazard category. Both the containers themselves and the application tool should be in an isolated place, away from electrical wiring or open flame.


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