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Artificial light sources - technical devices of various designs that convert energy into light radiation. Light sources mainly use electricity, but sometimes chemical energy and other methods of generating light are also used (for example, triboluminescence, radioluminescence, bioluminescence, etc.).

The light sources most often used for artificial lighting are divided into three groups - gas-discharge lamps, incandescent lamps and LEDs. Incandescent lamps are thermal radiation light sources. Visible radiation in them is obtained as a result of heating a tungsten filament by electric current. In gas-discharge lamps, radiation in the optical range of the spectrum arises as a result of an electrical discharge in an atmosphere of inert gases and metal vapors, as well as due to luminescence phenomena, which converts invisible ultraviolet radiation into visible light.

In industrial lighting systems, preference is given to gas-discharge lamps. The use of incandescent lamps is permitted if it is impossible or economically unfeasible to use gas-discharge lamps.

Main characteristics of light sources:

· rated supply voltage U, B;

· electrical power W, W;

· luminous flux F, lm;

luminous efficiency (ratio luminous flux lamp to its power) lm/W;

· service life t, h;

· Color temperature Tc, K.

An incandescent lamp is a light source in which the conversion of electrical energy into light occurs as a result of the incandescence of a refractory conductor (tungsten filament) by electric current. These devices are intended for household, local and special lighting. The latter are usually different appearance- color and shape of the flask. The efficiency factor (COP) of incandescent lamps is about 5-10%, this proportion of the consumed electricity is converted into visible light, and the main part of it is converted into heat. Any incandescent lamps consist of the same basic elements. But their size, shape and placement can vary greatly, so different designs are not alike and have different characteristics.

There are lamps whose bulbs are filled with krypton or argon. Kryptonian ones usually have a "fungus" shape. They are smaller in size, but provide a greater (about 10%) luminous flux compared to argon. Lamps with a ball bulb are intended for lamps that serve as decorative elements; with a tube-shaped bulb - for illuminating mirrors in closets, bathrooms, etc. Incandescent lamps have a luminous efficacy of 7 to 17 lm/W and a service life of about 1000 hours. They are light sources with a warm tonality, and therefore create errors in the transmission of blue-blue, yellow and red tones. In the interior, where the requirements for color rendering are quite high, it is better to use other types of lamps. It is also not recommended to use incandescent lamps to illuminate large areas and to create illumination exceeding the level of 1000 Lux, since this generates a lot of heat and the room “overheats”.

Despite these limitations, such devices still remain classic and favorite light sources.

Incandescent lamps lose brightness over time, and this happens for a simple reason: tungsten evaporating from the filament is deposited in the form of a dark coating on the inner walls of the bulb. Modern halogen lamps do not have this disadvantage due to the addition of halogen elements (iodine or bromine) to the filler gas.

Lamps come in two forms: tubular - with a long spiral located along the axis of the quartz tube, and capsule - with a compact filament body.

The sockets of small household halogen lamps can be threaded (type E), which fit conventional sockets, or pin sockets (type G), which require a different type of socket.

The luminous efficiency of halogen lamps is 14-30 lm/W. They are warm-toned sources, but their emission spectrum is closer to that of white light than that of incandescent lamps. Thanks to this, the colors of furniture and interior are perfectly conveyed in a warm and neutral colors, as well as a person’s complexion.

Applicable everywhere. Lamps that have a cylindrical or candle-shaped bulb and are designed for a mains voltage of 220V can be used instead of conventional incandescent lamps. Mirror lamps, designed for low voltage, are practically indispensable for accent lighting of paintings, as well as residential premises.

— low-pressure discharge lamps — are a cylindrical tube with electrodes into which mercury vapor is pumped. These lamps consume significantly less electricity than incandescent lamps or even halogen lamps, and last much longer (service life up to 20,000 hours). Due to their efficiency and durability, these lamps have become the most common light sources. In countries with mild climates fluorescent lamps widely used in outdoor lighting of cities. In cold areas, their spread is hampered by the drop in luminous flux at low temperatures. The principle of their operation is based on the glow of a phosphor applied to the walls of the flask. The electric field between the electrodes of the lamp causes mercury vapor to emit invisible ultraviolet radiation, and the phosphor converts this radiation into visible light. By selecting the type of phosphor, you can change the color of the emitted light.

The principle of operation of high-pressure discharge lamps is the glow of the filler in the discharge tube under the influence of arc electric discharges.

The two main high-pressure discharges used in lamps are mercury and sodium. Both produce fairly narrow-band radiation: mercury - in the blue region of the spectrum, sodium - in the yellow, so the color rendition of mercury lamps (Ra = 40-60) and especially sodium lamps (Ra = 20-40) leaves much to be desired. Adding a Discharge Tube Inside mercury lamp halides of various metals made it possible to create a new class of light sources - characterized by a very wide spectrum of radiation and excellent parameters: high luminous efficiency (up to 100 Lm/W), good and excellent color rendering Ra = 80-98, a wide range of color temperatures from 3000 K to 20000 K , average service life is about 15,000 hours. MGLs are successfully used in architectural, landscape, technical and sports lighting. They are even more widely used. Today this is one of the most economical light sources due to its high luminous efficiency (up to 150 Lm/W), long service life and affordable price. A huge number of sodium lamps are used for lighting highways. In Moscow, sodium lamps are often used to save money to illuminate pedestrian spaces, which is not always appropriate due to problems with color rendering.

An LED is a semiconductor device that converts electric current into light radiation. Specially grown crystals provide minimal energy consumption. The excellent characteristics of LEDs (luminous efficiency up to 120 Lm/W, color rendering Ra=80-85, service life up to 100,000 hours) have already ensured leadership in lighting equipment, automotive and aviation technology.

LEDs are used as indicators (power-on indicator on the instrument panel, alphanumeric display). In large outdoor screens and in creeping lines, an array (cluster) of LEDs is used. Powerful LEDs are used as a light source in lanterns and floodlights. They are also used as backlight for LCD screens. The latest generations of these light sources can be found in architectural and interior lighting, as well as in domestic and commercial lighting.


· High efficiency.

· High mechanical strength, vibration resistance (no spiral or other sensitive components).

· Long service life.

· Specific spectral composition of radiation. The spectrum is quite narrow. For display and data transmission needs this is an advantage, but for lighting it is a disadvantage. Only laser has a narrower spectrum.

· Small radiation angle - can also be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

· Safety - no high voltage required.

· Insensitive to low and very low temperatures. However, high temperatures LEDs are contraindicated, as are any semiconductors.

· Lack of toxic components (mercury, etc.) and, therefore, ease of disposal.

· Disadvantage - high price.

· Service life: the average full cycle time for LEDs is 100,000 hours, which is 100 times longer than an incandescent light bulb.

External lighting at night is not only an important component of the comfort of various households, but also a necessary element of the security system. To organize outdoor lighting, floodlights are most often used, illuminating large areas and participating in the illumination of structures. Trading platforms offer a wide range of such products, but it will not be difficult to make an LED spotlight with your own hands.

Scope and device

The word "spotlight" was borrowed from Latin. Literally, projectus means thrown forward. This concept refers to a device that emits light by redistributing and focusing the visible energy of a radiation source located inside it. The first prototype of such a device was developed by the Italian inventor Leonardo da Vinci, and it was first created by the Russian mechanic-inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin.

The devices in question were originally used for installation on lighthouses, protected areas and in the film industry. They used a high-power incandescent light bulb as a light source. The designs differed: large dimensions, low efficiency, increased heating.

With the development of semiconductor devices and the advent of high-power LEDs, a new era in the use of floodlights has begun. Due to their unpretentious design and economical use of energy, they began to be used not only in industrial and municipal facilities, but also in private households. Today they can be found on the facades of various residential and administrative buildings., tunnels, bridges. They illuminate architectural monuments, banners, paths, entrances and exits.

Device design

By design, an LED floodlight is not a complex device. It can use either one powerful light-emitting diode (LED) or a group of them. To fix the device on various surfaces, a bracket is used, which in most cases is an integral part of the device.

The following main elements that make up the design of an LED spotlight can be distinguished:

  • frame;
  • light emission system;
  • driver.

When the device operates, in addition to emitting light quanta, thermal energy is also released. Therefore, to protect the emitter and control elements of the spotlight, the product body is made of heat-conducting lightweight material. The housings are mainly made of aluminum and duralumin, but for low-power devices it can also be made of plastic.

The light module is made on the basis of COB (chip-on-board) or a matrix of SMD LEDs. The first type is the most common, as it was specially designed to create directional light, while the second, according to manufacturers, has a longer operating time.

The essence of COB technology is the use of a ceramic substrate on which unpackaged emitting crystals are placed. A phosphor layer is applied on top of them. This approach to production makes it possible to reduce the cost of the product and obtain a uniform glow, in which individual points of the crystals are practically invisible.

The power of a COB matrix can reach one hundred watts, and a well-made heat sink allows you to achieve a practical light output of 100-150 lumens per watt. The service life of such a matrix, according to manufacturers, is about 30 thousand hours of operation. COB matrix technology is young, it appeared only in 2010 and continues to develop at a rapid pace.

SMD matrices are a set of LEDs placed on an aluminum substrate. Typically, the power of one such element does not exceed two watts. A large number of LEDs located close to each other allows an average illumination of 110 lumens per watt. Their declared service life reaches 50 thousand hours. A feature of floodlights with an SMD matrix compared to single-matrix ones is their greater luminous flux. This is due to the fact that single-matrix floodlights do not use LED chips with a ratio of more than 1 W per 0.9 lm.

Operating principle

The work of the spotlight is based on p-n property transition to emit light in the visible spectrum to the human eye. When voltage is applied to a radio element, charge carriers inside it pass through the contact zone of two materials with different conductivities. As a result, the charges collide, and a process occurs, accompanied by the emission of light quanta.

The main parameter of the emitter is its operating current. That is, this is its strength at which the recombination process occurs. The operating temperature of the device depends on its value. High heating of the radio element leads to its degradation and failure. Therefore, it is important to limit the amount of current supplied to the light device, in other words, the supply voltage. This is what an electronic driver board is used for.

When the spotlight is switched on to a 220-volt AC network, the voltage through the contact terminals is supplied to the device driver, in which it is rectified and reduced to the desired value. Then the signal from it reaches the light source. The radiation flux is focused by a Fresnel lens or a reflector. To prevent moisture and dust from entering the module, the housing is treated with silicone sealants. Cooling of radioelements occurs naturally due to the holes and the design of the heat sink.

Floodlight characteristics

The advantages of LED floodlights are their ease of installation, the absence of harmful substances, small dimensions and weight. The luminous flux is characterized by homogeneity and uniformity of luminescence. This type of illuminant has no pulsation or flicker. The devices are resistant to vibrations and can operate at temperatures from minus 70 to plus 45 degrees.

It doesn’t matter whether the spotlight is purchased in a store or designed independently, its main characteristics include:


Buying an LED spotlight in a store is not a problem, but it will be much cheaper and more enjoyable to assemble it yourself. In fact, with the right approach, making this type of illuminator yourself is not particularly difficult, given that you can buy everything you need for this in stores. Here is a list of what you will need to construct a spotlight:

Some materials will need to be purchased, while others can be made from improvised materials or even removed from old unnecessary devices.

Emitter matrix and driver

There are three types of LEDs. The spotlight uses ultra-bright LEDs white on a metal substrate or LED. Emitters made in plastic cylindrical housings with pin types are unsuitable for the manufacture of powerful spotlights.

As soon as the required number of LEDs or diode assemblies have been purchased to obtain the required power, their installation on the substrate begins. Since the emitters get very hot during operation, you will need to mount them on a radiator. You can use any aluminum or copper plate as it. and cut the required size out of it, or you can use a ready-made radiator from a computer or other equipment.

SMD LEDs usually do not have mounting holes, so they are glued to the radiator using thermally conductive glue. Once all the elements are glued, you will need to ensure electrical contact between them. To do this, using pieces of wire, all emitters are connected in parallel or in series to each other using soldering.

If applicable large number LEDs, that is, it makes sense to use series-parallel connection. To do this, branches are created consisting of an equal number of LEDs with a limiting resistor installed in series. Its calculation is simple: the LED voltage is subtracted from the supply voltage and divided by the maximum permissible current.

The last value is defined as the sum of the currents of each element in the branch. As soon as the connection of the radio elements is completed, a hole is drilled in a convenient place on the radiator through which a pair of wires is passed. One wire is soldered to the common positive of the LEDs, and the other to the negative. On the reverse side there is a margin of about four centimeters, making it possible to freely solder the driver.

Depending on the number of LEDs, you will need to make or purchase a power supply with the required voltage to ignite them. To do this, you will need to know the characteristics of the LEDs used.

For a medium-power spotlight, you can use general-purpose power supplies with an output pulsating current of up to two amperes and a voltage 3-5 volts higher than the forward voltage of the diodes. To avoid voltage surges that can lead to LED burnout, the driver must have stabilization. It can be done using integrated circuits: LM317, LM350 and LM338.

Putting the Elements Together

As soon as the driver and matrix are ready, you will need to decide on a case in which all the elements can freely fit. You can use any unnecessary device of suitable size as it. For example, a computer power supply, an old spotlight with a light bulb. Or you can do it yourself, but this will require plumbing skills.

In this case, you should immediately provide for the possibility of attaching the case to walls or ceilings. Ordinary food foil is suitable as a reflector, and instead of protective glass, you can use transparent plastic, for example, from a CD box.

All elements are neatly placed in the middle. To secure them, the easiest way is to use not threaded fasteners, but, for example, ties or glue. But in case of repairs when elements are glued to the body, disassembling the device will be significantly more complicated. The plus from the LEDs is soldered to the plus of the driver, and the minus to the common wire. The housing has a connector for connecting to a 220 volt network or just a pair of wires.

A test run is performed. If the spotlight worked for about an hour, and its heating temperature did not exceed 50-60 degrees, then you can confidently seal the housing and begin to enjoy the device you made yourself.

11.11.2016 2079

Light affects people's mood and their ability to perform work tasks. Proper lighting of homes, businesses and various outdoor areas ensures the comfort and well-being of people.

P projectors - these are devices designed for artificial lighting of a large space or a separate area. They perform their functions using high-intensity lamps, which require repeated use over a long period of time. Because of this property, floodlights are excellent for lighting both home interiors, garages or garden plot, as well as municipal and commercial property: stadiums, tennis courts, theater stages, parks, playgrounds, etc. Unlike a regular light bulb, spotlights havepowerful directional luminous flux and wide illumination field.

General Application

When used as part of a large area lighting systemspotlight panelsusually installed in strategic locations around the perimeter. Powerful lamps are located section by section at each installation point and are directed so as to highlight a certain part of the territory. Often the overall effect The effect of floodlights creates the same degree of visibility as is possible in full sunlight in the middle of the day.

Stage performances- performances, presentations, concerts and others - also benefit from the use of spotlights. Typically, the layout and function of the lights are more complex than those found in systems used in sports arenas. In addition to providing enough light for the overall stage area, the spotlight should include spotlights that are used to draw increased attention to one area of ​​the stage. The focus of such coverage is often the singer, actor or speaker.

Another common use for floodlights is tocreation of municipal street lighting systems, squares, parks, bridges, reservoirs, etc.
Powerful devices are used onconstruction and production sites, allowing you not to stop your workflow at night. Floodlights also help rescuers and law enforcement officers quickly scan large areas. in a short time, which helps save lives and protect citizens from danger. Floodlighting is more efficient and cheaper than using other light sources.

IN residential buildings and commercial buildingsusually used to illuminate driveways or courtyards. Businesses often install them near their buildings and in parking lots because, as powerful light sources, they are ideal for outdoor security, successfully deterring criminals.

Home use

Some people install in your own garden or near a pond to emphasizedecorative landscape designor natural features. Most types of floodlights come in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and wattages, allowing homeowners to choose the fixture needed for a particular area and function.

Standard floodlights, powered by regular sockets, can be used as lamps in the house, but they require a lot of space for elongated beams. This makes them useful in large kitchens, garages and anywhere additional light is needed. Refer to the warning information in the owner's manual to see if the appliance is rated for indoor use.


WITHthe most common spotlights - halogen And LED . They are produced mainly for household purposes and are sold in a variety of sizes, colors and capacities..

Halogen spotlightsThey provide directional, shadow-free light of a warm shade, have the highest energy consumption and body heating, but are distinguished by a considerable service life (approximately 4-4.5 thousand hours) and reliability. Many models have a power control function using dimmers to adjust the luminous flux saturation.

LED spotlights- perhaps the most modern look lighting devices of this kind. They boast a huge service life (from fifty to one hundred thousand hours) and are distinguished by impeccable color rendering, while being resistant to mechanical stress such as vibration and shock.

Energy saving sodium and metal halide floodlightsMost often used in commercial and industrial lighting systems. They are highly profitable and have long term services. The most powerful types of floodlights are called high intensity lamps. These lamps produce much more light than standard lamps. The high level of heat generated can cause a fire when used indoors, so it is best to install these floodlights outside.

Metal halide floodlightsoperate on gas-discharge lamps, which last approximately 15 thousand hours. They are practically insensitive to voltage changes, which puts them at the highest level in the reliability rating.

Operating principle sodium floodlightsis based on the glow of sodium vapor inside the flask when an electric charge appears. Their color rendering is low, but they have high light output and a pleasant yellow spectrum, and the elements are designed for 20-25 thousand hours of operation.

Based on the principles of use, spotlights can be divided into several types:

  • Built-in (hidden). As the name suggests, devices built flush into the surface or stick out with decorative elements;
  • Stationary. Such devices are installed in certain places that do not allow for their movement. They are usually powered from the main electrical network using a cable. Adjustable mechanically (switch) or automatically (using motion and lighting sensors);
  • Another option are floodlights solar powered. These devices use sunlight as a source of energy. They usually have quartz halogen lamps of at least 100 W and are ideal for driveway, decorative, parking or office lighting, and are also very cheap to operate. Solar floodlights typically have sensors that react to light, causing them to turn on only when needed;
  • Underwater lighting is one of the decorative elements and is usually found in gardens where there is a pond, waterfall or fountain, as well as in swimming pools. Waterproof floodlights of varying power are located below the water level and make the surface of the reservoir and underwater objects more pronounced when viewed at night. Such devices are powered not from a regular power supply, but from 12-volt voltage transformers, in order to prevent electric shock to people or animals who touch the water;
  • Portable spotlights are convenient, small-sized lighting devices that are lightweight and can be transported and installed in a variety of places, and they can be installed both on the floor and on a tripod of adjustable height, as well as suspended from the ceiling or on the wall. Fishermen and summer residents especially love portable battery-powered spotlights - they do not require a connection to the network and can be freely used in field conditions.

Useful additions

  • Motion detectors are very effective in ensuring that floodlights operate economically. Motion sensors will turn on the lights when they detect movement in a given area. Detectors can be purchased separately. Floodlights with motion sensors are powered from a regular network with a voltage of 220 volts.
  • Floodlights available with built-in photocells , which automatically turn off appliances during daylight hours and turn them on at dusk, and with timers that turn lights on and off at predetermined hours.
Many top quality floodlights contain andmotion sensors, and photocells, and timers in one device.

Trading network "Planet Electric"has a wide range of different, which includes spotlights. You can find out more about these devices, their models and characteristics .

A spotlight is a lamp that shines directionally and brightly. Such an emitter is most often in demand where the illuminated object is significantly distant, but at the same time must be clearly visible in the dark. The most typical example may be the lighting of coastal marine border areas. The same spotlights are used for monitoring land borders. They create a bright beam of light, visible in the dark for several kilometers. Similar systems were widely used in wartime to illuminate aerial targets.

To get a bright beam of light, you need the right combination of two parts:

  • powerful point light emitter;
  • a sufficiently large and high-quality reflector.

The best directional light is provided by a parabolic mirror. A parabola has a point called the “focus”. All rays emanating from this point after reflection become parallel. The quality of the reflector determines the amount of absorbed light and parallelism, and accordingly the range of the rays in the light beam. The best result is obtained when using a point light emitter, which is located at the focus of a paraboloid of rotation.

This is how border floodlights, car headlights and other long-range emitters are designed. Borderline devices use a high-quality reflector with a diameter of two meters or more and a voltaic arc, which is closest to a point emitter in size and brightness. Car headlights also use a high-quality reflector, which is combined with an almost point emitter in the form of an incandescent lamp spiral.

For high beams, a single spiral is used, located exactly at the focal point of the reflector. The other spiral for low beam is offset from the focus and creates a more diffuse light (shown in the image on the left).

When choosing a long-range floodlight, it is recommended to compare it with the floodlight designs discussed above (border floodlight and car headlight). If its efficiency is not a prerequisite, the best emitter will be the DRSh (mercury arc ball) lamp. With such a llama you will get the best spotlight for a home projector (shown in the image below):

  • It is necessary to use additional glass in a spotlight with a DRSh lamp to reduce ultraviolet radiation.

A spotlight with a close range of light can be obtained with a xenon or halogen lamp. Their main advantage will be good color rendition. The color rendition of the DRSh lamp is distorted by underlining blue. Other sources for high beams are worse. LED matrices and light emitters in gas-discharge lamps of other designs are much less like point light sources and less bright. In combination with reflectors, they cannot create a beam of light that corresponds to an acute solid angle.

Such lamps can provide a lot of directional light, but within a solid angle of more than 90 degrees. It is more correct to call them not spotlights, but spotlights. They are widely used on streets and indoors. Since main role The light source plays a role in these spotlights; it should be selected in relation to the purpose of the spotlight. For the best combination of brightness, efficiency and color rendering, LED, xenon and halogen lamps are most suitable.

If you need an economical spotlight with an adjustable solid angle of the light beam, you need to use specially designed LED lamps in it. The main share of light from these emitters is directed towards the reflector. Moving the reflector relative to the lamp will change the solid angle of the light beam. Examples of such emitters are shown below.

Indoors and outdoors in the absence of temperature values ​​outside + 35 degrees Celsius LED spotlights are also the most economical and bright. But for outdoor lamps, the tightness of the structure is essential in relation to the appearance of condensation. If it appears and then freezes, the LED soffit will lose its brightness. Soffits with sodium lamps and DRL are the most insensitive to temperatures environment. They always get very hot.

If there is frequent fog, lamps with sodium lamps are most preferable. In rooms with temperatures above zero degrees Celsius, the advantages of LEDs are undeniable. Energy-saving lamps will not provide the same brightness for the same power consumption. Therefore, despite the higher price and due to the subsequent payback, they are recommended for use in most cases

Today, the range of LED floodlights is represented by a large number of different models, each of which has its own characteristics and distinctive features, which primarily affect the cost of the device. The right approach to choosing such a lamp will allow you to acquire a high-quality device without spending large sums on its purchase. Our article will help you understand the types of spotlights, their features, as well as the basic requirements for purchasing this light source.

Scope of application and light sources used

Initially, the lighting device in question was used as a lighting spotlight for a construction site, various stage structures and building facades. Modern devices have found their application mainly in the areas of country houses.

Outdoor LED floodlights have become widespread in organizing the lighting of various protected areas, which include parking lots, construction sites, warehouses, airports, various architectural structures, restaurants, bars, etc.

Spotlights are classified according to the type of lamp used as a light source. In this case, lighting devices are divided into:

  • LED;
  • halogen;
  • metal halide;
  • sodium

The most popular and effective are LED spotlights. The main advantages of such devices include:

  • small amount of electrical energy consumed;
  • long period of work (more than 50,000 hours, in other words - over 10 years);
  • no risk of damage from vibration;
  • high level of IP protection;
  • protection from thermal effects (the optimal temperature range ranges from -30 to + 40o C);
  • possibility of an unlimited number of switches on and off;
  • harmless disposal;
  • resistance to minor mechanical damage;
  • absence of harmful substances, which ensures safety of use;
  • high level of light output;
  • no need for additional maintenance measures;
  • resistance to power surges.

To the disadvantages LED sources The only thing that matters is their high cost. However, it is worth noting that the cost of purchasing an LED device will pay off in the next few years.

Halogen lighting fixtures take second place in popularity. The main advantage of these devices is their low cost and high level of color reproduction. The downside is the short period of operation (maximum 4000 hours) and overheating during long operation. If you choose between LED and halogen spotlights, it is recommended to give preference to the first option.

Design metal halide lighting fixtures include a gas-discharge lamp, which has a high level of luminous efficiency. Also, these light sources emit a bright, cool light flux, which is perfect for servicing construction sites or other objects where a high-quality lighting system is required. Metal halide floodlights are reliable and resistant to power surges.

Sodium Spotlights are in last place in terms of popularity. Such lighting devices use sodium gas-discharge light sources. In this case, only one advantage can be highlighted - the easy replacement of a sodium lamp with another lighting element.

The negative aspects of using such light sources include the low level of color rendering. Thus, spotlights with sodium lamps are used as illumination in areas where there is no need for bright lighting. In accordance with the above provisions, it can be concluded that LEDs are the most best option for use in floodlights.

Main Features

The following indicators characterizing LED spotlights can be distinguished:

  • Economical

This is achieved through LEDs acting as light sources. Therefore, for large areas where lighting is required in large quantities, such lighting devices are most preferable.

  • Operating period

Typically, this device can operate for 50,000 to 100,000 hours.

  • Voltage

This indicator ranges from 12 to 220 volts.

  • Scattering angle

Spotlights emit a directional luminous flux at an angle of 120°.

  • Stream of light

If you want to get fairly bright lighting, then you should choose lighting fixtures with a luminous flux of approximately 3000 Lumens.

  • IP protection level

Depending on the floodlight model, this indicator can have values ​​from 44 to 68 IP.

  • Color temperature

To obtain neutral white lighting, it is recommended to give preference to lamps whose color temperature is no more than 4000 Kelvin.

Choosing an LED floodlight for street lighting should take into account factors such as:

  • the place where the device will be used;
  • range of emitted light stream;
  • size of the illuminated area.

So, for example, to illuminate the area adjacent to the house (porch or steps), it will be enough to install an LED spotlight with a power of approximately 30 Watts. It is worth noting that the halogen lighting device in this case must have a load of at least 300 watts.

You can also highlight the following list of nuances that influence the choice of a street spotlight:

  1. Possibility of carrying the device. Diode street spotlights can be either stationary or mobile. The latter option provides for a special moving mount and a handle that allows you to carry the lighting device. Typically, such models are used on summer cottages or for temporary lighting.
  2. Level of resistance to moisture and dirt(denoted by the abbreviation IP). The value of this indicator for an outdoor device should not be less than 65. To ensure the high-quality functioning of the spotlight, it is advisable to purchase a product with maximum protection, i.e. IP 68. It is worth noting that when installing a lighting device on the street, it is recommended to provide additional protection, namely - fix the device either under a canopy or under some other canopy. Such an event will eliminate the risk of damage to the device body under the influence of various precipitation and wind.
  3. Presence of a motion sensor. Purchasing a spotlight with this device will provide you with significant savings on your budget by reducing the cost of electrical energy, and will also make your lighting system autonomous. This is explained by the fact that such a lighting device will only work for two reasons: it has become dark outside, or the sensor has detected movement within its range.

  1. LED spotlight assumes using one powerful LED or an entire matrix. However, the second design option is extremely undesirable, since the matrix can heat up, as a result of which the light output will significantly decrease.
  2. The material from which the body of the lighting device is made must necessarily be aluminum or its alloy. Choosing, for example, a plastic spotlight is quite impractical, since such a lamp will not withstand mechanical damage and thermal effects, which will lead to its rapid breakdown.
  3. Availability of a spare power source(battery). These models are used for temporary lighting of an area or in the absence of electrical energy.
  4. Spotlight shape. Device selection a certain shape may affect its functionality. For large areas, it is recommended to purchase square lamps. If you need to create a directional flow of light, you should give preference to round spotlights. Linear lighting devices can be used to illuminate various objects.

Cost and quality

Today, LED floodlights are represented by a huge number of models. One of the leading manufacturers in the lighting industry is Osram. Less popular, but still worthy companies include Wolta and Feron.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of these lighting devices are high-quality assembly and the materials used, which directly affect the protection of the devices from external factors. Thus, floodlights should be purchased from reliable brands.

Before purchasing, it is advisable to consult with experienced consultants who can help with choosing a manufacturer. It should be noted that preference is not always given to products from well-known companies. Also, the high cost of a lighting device is not a guarantee of the quality of the product. Be sure to inspect the lamp before purchasing. The body of the spotlight must be metal, which will ensure its resistance to external damage.

Lamps with a load of 150 Watts, produced by Wolta, will cost you no more than 7,000 rubles. The Feron company presents fairly high-quality lighting devices that meet all technical standards. The minimum cost of LED lamps from this manufacturer is around 650 rubles, however, its power is only 10 watts. Powerful light sources have a higher price.


The installation of LED spotlights is carried out in two stages: direct installation of the lighting device and its connection to the power source. However, the algorithm of actions may have a different sequence. For example, in the case when, after fixing the lamp body, access to the terminal box is impossible, connection to the network is made first.

Installation of the spotlight on the surface is carried out using a bracket or a rotating bracket. In this case, no more than three holes are intended for fixation. First you need to remove the bracket, secure it to the selected surface, and then mount the lamp.

You should also make sure that the terminal box is sealed after connecting it to the power cables. If a motion sensor is installed, then this device is connected to the spotlight before installation on the surface.

Both horizontal and vertical surfaces can act as a mounting location for the lamp. Installing an LED spotlight is extremely simple and can be done independently.

A properly selected outdoor lighting device will not only ensure high-quality and durable operation, but will also decorate your area.


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