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Everyone knows that a malfunction is not a good thing. A computer is a complex set of electronic devices in which any element can be damaged. Therefore, any PC owner needs to know the basic possible reasons for your computer failure in order to avoid them in the future.

Let's consider the main causes of malfunctions of the following computer components

Power supply (PSU)

The power supply is one of the computer devices that most often fails.

  • The first reason for a power supply failure is constant voltage drops in the network.

Advice - if your electrical network leaves much to be desired, you need to have a high-quality power supply + a voltage stabilizer for it. Because failure of the power supply can lead to more “severe” consequences: loss of the motherboard, processor, etc.

  • The second reason for the failure of the power supply is that the power supply is poorly made.

If you bought a power supply from an unknown place and from an unknown manufacturer, then after it fails, you need to blame yourself first of all. Remember, a high-quality power supply is the key to the long life of your computer.

  • The third reason for a power supply failure is that you overloaded the power supply.

It is necessary to take into account the maximum power supplied by the computer unit and the power consumed by the devices inside the system unit (they are all powered through the power supply). This aspect must be especially taken into account when upgrading a computer.

Hard drive (hard drive, HDD)

The hard drive can be considered the most important part of a computer in the sense that it stores information. Without information, a computer is basically nothing interesting. Moreover, if the information is unique, that is, created by you, or very difficult to obtain. Therefore, you need to handle the hard drive as carefully as possible.

Reasons for failure hard drive:

  • Mechanical - during a fall or impact.

If you often use a hard drive as a portable storage device, you need to be extremely careful when handling it. Use devices designed to carry this device. In addition, every time you connect the hard drive to the cables (power and data transfer), check the reliability of the connections.

  • Electrical - associated with power surges in the network, power supply ( see above) .

One piece of advice - have a reliable power supply + voltage stabilizer


Everything breaks and the motherboard is no exception. Let's consider the main reasons for the failure of the motherboard (system) board:

  • Poor quality motherboard power supply ( see above - Power supply);
  • Incorrect installation of the motherboard in the system unit;
  • Mechanical damage;
  • Burnout of I/O ports: keyboard, LPT (printer),PS/2 (mice) etc.

This problem occurs when you frequently connect and disconnect devices (keyboard, printer...);

  • Connecting low-quality or non-working devices;
  • Problems with cooling bridges.

Sign #1: Warning Indicators

We turn the key in the ignition hundreds, thousands of times and never give it a second thought. of great importance. Until warning icons light up on the instrument panel that we had not paid any attention to before. These lights are connected to sensors that control many of your vehicle's systems. As for the indicators that warn of problems with the engine, they light up only when there is a high probability that something is important and could fail at any moment. The three most important indicators include:

· Check oil\ Oil level low (check oil/ low oil level)

Oil pressure low

· Check engine (check engine)

The "Check Engine" indicator is one of the main signs of engine malfunction and can mean many different things. The easiest way to find out what exactly is wrong with the engine is to connect the car to a diagnostic tool. This device looks like a large calculator and interacts with vehicle systems through a connection port. Once you instruct it to perform a scan, it begins to “talk” to your car's computer to find out why the warning light came on.

You can buy such a diagnostic device in almost any store. But if you are a less practical type of person, then you can always go to a service station, where they will probably have a device to determine the problems of the car.

Sign No. 2: Unstable engine operation

Your car's engine should be able to run relatively smoothly and predictably—without jumping, jerking, or hesitating. If not... here's another sign of a car engine problem.

Otherwise, guess what? This is a very serious sign of engine trouble. The key to this behavior may be dirty, clogged fuel lines and fuel filters, a malfunction of the engine control unit and many other factors. Probably the last thing you want is to unexpectedly speed up or stall on a busy stretch of road where there are other participants besides your car. traffic. Unfortunately, you will not be able to fix the problem described above on your own, and it would be best to contact a specialist. And this needs to be done as soon as possible. Accordingly, by specialists we do not mean the notorious “U Zhora” service station, but a full-fledged automotive service with an unblemished reputation. By the way, one of the indirect causes of car engine malfunctions is often turning to pseudo-specialists who may not only fail to repair your car, but simply ruin it due to their illiteracy! But that's a completely different story.

One more practical advice is to change the oil at the recommended interval. Discipline in changing your oil on time will help you prevent dangerous situations with your car engine.

Sign No. 3: Shots, clicks, crackling and rumbles in the engine

Gunshots, booms and other loud noises may only be fun when you watch fireworks, but not when you hear such a symphony from the engine compartment of your car.

For example, tapping and cracking sounds may indicate detonation occurring in engine cylinder. This occurs when gasoline ignites prematurely in the combustion chamber of the cylinders, and can cause costly damage to the pistons.

A grinding sound when you start your car may indicate that the car's starter needs to be adjusted or replaced.

On the other hand, squeaking or thumping noises when shifting gears are not a serious problem. To eliminate these sounds, you just need to contact a service center. Most likely it's your transmission.

In some cases, however, noises such as ticking can be completely normal. In engines with direct injection, this sound occurs immediately at the moment of injection.

One thing is important if you have doubts about , then try to track as accurately as possible the area where extraneous noise occurs and report all your observations to qualified specialists.

Sign #4: Unusual odors

All vehicles with internal combustion engines are emitted into environment gases that are simply not suitable for human lungs. That is why, if you smell exhaust gases inside the car, you should regard this as a sure sign of engine trouble. The smell may be a sign that oil and coolant are leaking from a closed system.

Car exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is dangerous to the human body. Therefore, as soon as you notice a foreign smell in the car interior, do not hesitate, do not wait, but go straight to the service station.

The smell of burning rubber also does not bode well. Possible reason This smell can be caused by the rubber hose carrying important fluids coming into contact with something they shouldn't touch. In such cases, you should also not wait and solve the problem urgently, since this may lead to costly repairs of other components in the future.

Sign No. 5: Smoke signals - a signal to taxi to a mechanic (an extreme sign of engine trouble)

If you see thick smoke coming from your car's tailpipe or excessive steam, it may or may not be due to engine problems. In any case, you must find out the reason, because... Such problems do not go away on their own.

Smoke from the exhaust pipe may indicate that a contaminant has entered the air-fuel mixture. As a rule, blue smoke occurs due to oil getting into gasoline. Of course, you can ignore this fact only if you are prepared for the additional costs of oil, which will have to be added to the engine every now and then. But the best solution is to troubleshoot. White smoke indicates that condensation of water or antifreeze has been mixed with gasoline. Again, you can always repair lost coolant or antifreeze on your own, but the smart solution is to call in a professional, the sooner the better.

If, after reading this article If you suddenly realized that your car also has one of the 5 main signs of a car engine malfunction, we urgently recommend contacting your nearest automotive specialists. In case of a disappointing diagnosis, know that you can always leave a request for your car on our website by filling out the form in the “Find auto parts” menu. Low prices will pleasantly surprise you, we guarantee that!

Personal computers have taken their rightful place in our lives; one might say, they have become honorary members of our families. In most cases, it replaced television for us adults, and childhood for small children. We spend the lion's share of our free time on the home computer; it has become an integral attribute of the modern business person. Even now, while writing this article, I am tapping my fingers on the keyboard of my laptop, and not, say, on a primitive typewriter or even with a pencil and a piece of paper. The conclusion suggests itself that in modern world You simply cannot do without a personal computer.

But what to do if one morning, or after leaving your family for a long time: moms, dads and, worst of all, younger sisters and brothers, your iron pet, you discover a failure, the computer is “stupid”, the mouse does not work, or maybe it does not turn on at all, and to your questions: “What did you do with him?”, the whole family shakes their heads in unison, saying that we didn’t even touch him. The main thing is not to panic, and do not rush to call the technician, since the problem may turn out to be trivial, and this technician will charge you a significant amount of money for a non-existent disease on your computer. So, we’ve come to the most interesting part; now we’ll look at 6 typical and most frequently occurring computer problems.

Problem one

The computer did not turn on, or rather the system unit did not turn on. The first thing to pay attention to is whether the system unit is connected to the power supply, check the reliability of the power cable connection. Then pay attention to the filter (in most cases it is a banal extension cord), mom could turn off the power button there (funny, but a very common case). If these manipulations with the wires did not help, the next thing you can blame is the power cable itself, pull it out and inspect it, maybe it was pressed or something specific could have happened to it (in general, a visual inspection), then take a multimeter and call cable for integrity (we won’t go into details on how this is done, since if it is there, then they know how to use it), but what to do if it is not there? Replace with another. But often it simply isn’t there.

The most simple option will pull the power cable out of the monitor.’s bad, but what to do, and connect the system unit to them (after turning off the power). If everything turns on, naturally without a monitor, the cable is taken away, then we wait a few minutes (usually 2-3 minutes until the PC boots up completely, and by long pressing the power button (located on the system unit), we turn off the computer. And we go to the store for a new one cable. A little tip, the cable can fit from the amplifier to the electric guitar.

Problem two

The PC turned on, but it took a very long time to load, and after loading it was very slow. There are of course a lot of options here. Let's consider several cases.

First: the computer began to slow down over time. In this case, most likely, the clutter of the system is to blame; over the period of using the PC, installed and uninstalled (incorrectly) programs left their garbage in the Windows registry, or, all due to the same reason, a lot of fragmented files have accumulated. They will help you with this problem; there are plenty of them on the World Wide Web.

Second case: if after your absence the computer takes a very long time to boot, perhaps your family, and without wanting it themselves, installed a bunch of programs that ended up in startup and naturally the PC wastes its resources and your time loading them. The built-in “system configuration” utility will help you. It can be called by the following sequence of actions: START / run / register / msconfig / and already on the startup tab you can see what is clogged with your pet.

There may also be a reason for the system to overheat. The utility will help you find out the temperature or AIDA 64 the temperature should be in the range from +30 to +65 degrees Celsius.

Problem three

After pressing the PC power button, the computer began to turn on with the usual beeping sound, but the monitor did not turn on. Again, there are many problems. Let's start with a funny one: just turn on the monitor. Now seriously, the problem may lie in the power cable, the steps are the same as with the cable from the system unit. Everything is clear, but what if the cable is working, here I would like to draw your attention: if the light on the monitor is on, it means that the problem is most likely in the video card. When you turn on your PC, listen to the sounds it makes. The fact is that these are not just sounds, this is our iron friend telling us that everything is fine. Depending on the version and company, the computer will beep differently. And in order to understand and be an advanced user, it is advisable to know them. You can find them out on the Internet by entering “BIOS signals” in any search engine and having previously found out its company.

It's another matter if the problem is in the monitor itself. And the only thing we can do is check the fuse, although we will have to disassemble the monitor. The main thing is not to be afraid, if you do everything carefully, then nothing bad will happen. As a rule, the fuse is located next to the power connector. Check the fuse very simple method continuity checks, if it is not working, then we take it and go to the nearest radio equipment store and buy a new one. Pay attention to the fuse markings, you will need this when purchasing a new one.

Various types of noise and distortion of the image can appear from an insecurely fixed image.

By moving it, you will notice a change in colors, if this does not happen, most likely, the problem is not there. By the way, the colors will change only when connected via analog VGA; when connected via DVI, you will not notice anything, and you will not be able to do anything on your own.

Problem four

The video card is glitchy. Well, a video card malfunction can be hidden in both hardware (hardware) and software (driver) cases. In the first, we quickly but carefully remove the video card from the system unit and carry out a quick inspection of the capacitors; if there are any swollen or exploded, then unsolder them and replace them. The video card may also overheat. The solution is very simple, remove the cooler (fan).

The cooler is built on the principle of a sliding bearing; it is simply pulled out and lubricated. Important! We do not use it under any circumstances sunflower oil, over time it thickens and then things get worse. Any silicone grease, spindle (usually poured into hydraulic boosters), transformer oil, or at worst machine oil will do. 2-3 drops will be enough.

It is possible that the video card is “buggy” due to incorrectly installed drivers. My advice is that if you are not an advanced user, it will be enough for you to download the SamDrivers driver package from the Internet. And he will do everything necessary for you. You download, run, and the utility will tell you what needs updating and what doesn’t have drivers installed at all. In my case it turned out to be a touchpad. I didn't even realize it had multi-touch functionality.

Problem five

Our computer rodent (mouse) refuses to run across the monitor.

The first is that the computer has frozen, which is easy to check. Just click Windows key, if nothing happens, the computer hangs. A reboot will help, or call the task manager, and in the processes window look for the one that is eating everything RAM process.

The problem could be in the mouse itself. Check the cable if it is wired, and the batteries if it is a radio mouse. Try changing the connector into which the mouse is inserted. As a rule, if the mouse temporarily refuses to work, or there are sudden jumps in the cursor, then you will still have to replace it.

Problem six

We often eat and drink at the computer. As a result, spilled liquid on the keyboard is not at all uncommon. Below is a list of the most dangerous liquids:

  1. The urine of pets, by the way, will be said to be a deadly poison for laptops, if measures are not taken within 3-5 minutes, the laptop will be thrown into a landfill.
  2. Tea, coffee, worse if hot, very bad, especially if with sugar.
  3. If it is just water, then there are much more optimistic forecasts.

In any case, the rescue procedure is the same: we remove all the liquid, turn the keyboard over, shake out everything that is there, wipe it, disassemble it (after photographing the location of the keys), carefully remove all moisture, dry it (important: do not use your mother’s hairdryer), just give it time to dry , a day, better than two in disassembled condition. Let's put it together, does it work? We are happy, if not, then go to the workshop or landfill.


So you got acquainted with the malfunctions and their solutions. As you can see, not everything is as scary as it seems. And it’s doubly nice when you solve a problem on your own. Therefore, good luck, don’t let your iron friends break, but if something happens, check whether the warranty is still valid, because If you get involved and cannot eliminate the cause of the breakdown, the warranty will be void, and buying a new one is by no means a cheap thing.

When carrying out repair work, follow safety precautions and make sure that all components are de-energized. Not the least role in the success of the repair is played by the order on the desktop, since in the disorder it is easy to lose small parts of the unit being repaired. Keep your PC clean and it will reward you with stable performance!

We usually want the auto repairman to tell us that nothing bad happened to your car, and that the cause of the malfunction in it was some kind of fuse or a disconnected wire. The whole point, of course, is that all car enthusiasts are looking forward to the result, specifically fearing that a serious breakdown will be found in it, which could result in huge expenses. Today we invite our readers to find out what the most expensive breakdowns can be in a car.

This is what we usually want to hear from a mechanic at a car service center after diagnosing a vehicle:

- "WITH your car is fine. We found that the wire from the fuel consumption sensor was disconnected (or some other minor malfunction). We've already fixed everything"

- "Your gas tank cap was not completely closed. . The problem is now fixed".

- "A fuse and several light bulbs have burned out in your car.".

But there are many scenarios for the development of events. As a rule, most technicians in technical centers will not inform you by phone about serious breakdowns detected in the car. In this particular case, you will be asked to come to a car repair center to discuss specific details of the diagnostic results. We invite you to consider together with us the worst car breakdowns that a car repair shop may report to you after a diagnostic check of the condition of your car. We also suggest finding out here the main reasons for such expensive breakdowns.

1. The engine failed due to lack of oil

"Your engine has become unusable due to a lack of lubrication of the power unit elements that have become damaged. What was once called pistons, an engine block and a crankshaft has become a sculpture ".

Repair cost: On average, you may need about $2,500 - $3,000 to rebuild an engine. If you buy a new motor, its cost can be up to 50 percent of the cost of the entire engine. There is also the option of purchasing a used engine, the cost of which can be 5,000 - 10,000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: Lack of oil in the engine occurs for various reasons. As a rule, in 75 percent of cases the drivers themselves are to blame for this. Another reason could be insufficient oil pressure in the system. What happens when there is a lack of engine oil in the engine compartment?

Due to a lack of lubrication in the motor, the parts moving in it overheat, which means they can damage each other. damage. Thus, if the cause of engine failure was a lack of oil, then it will no longer be possible to restore this engine by changing several parts in it. And in this case, you will have to buy a used or refurbished used engine, and possibly purchase a new one.

2. Hydrolocked motor

"Have you driven at high speed through a deep puddle? Perhaps in this case, your engine “swallowed” water and as a result, water could simply get into certain cylinders, which led to failure of the power unit "

Repair cost: from 3,000 to 10,000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: There are certain places in the car where water should not get, just like it should not get into the iPhone (which can lead to damage to the phone) and into the engine block itself. As a rule, it should contain only droplets of fuel and air inside, nothing more.

The air is instantly compressed in the combustion chamber and as a result the pressure increases. But water itself cannot be compressed, and therefore the water that gets into the combustion chamber as a result of air compression begins to put force on the pistons. As a result of this process, many parts in the engine that are installed on the pistons begin to deteriorate.

3. Engine overheating

"When the engine temperature arrow on the dashboard begins to approach or has already approached the red zone, then you need to reduce the engine speed and stop. If the engine temperature continues to rise, it is necessary to turn it off immediately. ".

Repair cost: from 100 to 10,000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: Remember that the sooner you turn off the engine when the temperature of the power unit rises, the less damage you will cause to engine parts. There are many reasons why the engine temperature may suddenly begin to rise.

For example, a broken thermostat or, say, damage to a hose. The main thing to remember is that if your car overheats, it can cause serious damage to the engine. The most common causes of engine overheating are damage to the head gasket, a crack in the cylinder head, or damage to the cylinder block itself.

4. Automatic transmission failure

"You put the transmission in Drive mode, but your car doesn't move. The reason lies in transmission failure ".

Repair cost: from 3000 to 5000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: Even though your car's engine is still running, if the transmission breaks down, you won't be able to. The transmission in a transmission can break down for a number of reasons. In our modern times Many cars are equipped mainly with an automatic transmission, which, as everyone knows, is controlled electronically. The most common causes of malfunctions in the engine itself are the following factors, namely, problems with the software in the on-board computer, or a failure of the solenoids. This is not considered a serious breakdown and therefore, to eliminate such a malfunction (breakdown) you will need relatively little money.

It will be much more serious when in the gearbox due to their high wear or due to the age of the car, and possibly due to your style of driving the car.

5. Crack in the head gasket or crack in the engine block

"You mistakenly believed that water was gradually leaking from the exhaust pipe. This is not condensation at all. It's actually antifreeze leaking out. ".

Repair cost: from 1000 to 4000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: In most cases, when antifreeze leaks from somewhere, you simply cannot see it. Especially if it comes from the exhaust system. The engine cooling system is closed system, which means that the coolant circulates through special engine cooling channels, and then to the radiator, to the interior heater and back through a closed system. Antifreeze should never leave this closed fluid circuit.

If antifreeze somehow gets into the exhaust system, this means that the coolant in the system somehow inexplicably gets into the oil and into the combustion chamber. As a rule, this can happen when the engine head gasket is damaged or there is a crack in the same block, and even worse, when the cylinder block itself bursts.

Often this defect or breakdown appears after the power unit itself overheats.

6. Timing belt broke

"Look directly at the schedule regulations technical work car maintenance. You will see the following in it, namely, it turns out that 20,000 thousand km ago you should have replaced the timing belt on the car".

Repair cost: from 1500 to 3500 US dollars.

Reasons for failure: . One type of motor is designed in such a way that when the timing belt breaks, the valves in the engine do not meet the pistons. The second type of motor uses a mechanism in which, when the timing belt breaks, parts inside the power unit are damaged.

In fact, engines in which the engine valves meet the pistons when the timing belt breaks are more modern than engines where nothing is ever damaged when the timing belt breaks. The thing is that on these types the valve stroke is much greater than on modern engines (the valve can open much more), this allows the engine, as they say, to breathe more, which gives it more power and requires less fuel consumption.

Everything works just fine when the valves go up and the pistons themselves go down.

In this mode, engine parts cannot harm each other. The gas distribution mechanism, which is equipped with a timing belt, is responsible for the correct movement of the pistons and valves in the engine. If the belt breaks or slips by one tooth (if one tooth of the belt is damaged), then the pistons and valves begin to work out of sync, and this leads to failure of the specified parts. This is why it is so important to always change the timing belt on time, after a certain mileage interval, as recommended by the manufacturer.

Motors in which the valves do not meet the pistons when the timing belt breaks are designed in such a way that if this belt is damaged, the valves cannot come into contact with the pistons. If the timing belt breaks, you will have to transport the car on a tow truck and in this way deliver it to a car service center. Repairs in this case will cost you less. But similar engines and those described by us consume much more fuel and are less powerful.

7. Engine oil in the brake system reservoir

"Your car broke down because you mistakenly poured the wrong oil into the brake system. ".

Repair cost: from 800 to 2200 US dollars.

Cause of failure: Surprisingly, this is concrete data. According to statistics, tens of thousands of cases of brake system breakdowns are recorded every day precisely because drivers mistakenly fill the brake system reservoir (intended for the gearbox).

The point here is this. Only special brake fluid and no other fluid is poured into this brake system. As soon as petroleum-based oil enters the reservoir intended for brake fluid, it quickly spreads further into the entire brake system. And the worst thing here is that in this case the entire brake system in the car practically needs to be replaced. Petroleum-based oil significantly damages all rubber seals in the brake system and it stops working.

8. The car’s computer (the “brains”) burned out

"You have connected the cable or any other wires incorrectly ".

Repair cost: from 1500 to 100,000 US dollars.

Cause of failure: Many cars have protection if you suddenly, when connecting some wires or cables, reverse their polarity. However, not all car models are equipped with such protective circuits. If it so happens that you, out of ignorance or mistakenly, confused the plus with the minus and connected some wires incorrectly, then the most common breakdown in this case is failure of the “brains” itself. Along with the on-board computer, the wiring harnesses are also damaged. It often happens that as a result of a short circuit in the wiring, not only the “brains” themselves burn out, but also the entire car.

9. Clutch wear

"Are you haunted by a strange burning smell while driving? Most likely the reason lies in the clutch ".

Repair cost: from 1000 to 2500 US dollars.

Cause of failure: The operation of the clutch inside the gearbox is based on friction. It is very difficult to explain the principle of the clutch itself in our short text. But alas. Over time or as a result of improper operation of the vehicle, the clutch disc in the gearbox becomes unusable. The clutch disc itself has a sandpaper-like surface. During long-term use, this surface gradually becomes smooth. As a result of this, it is necessary to change the clutch disc, since without it the car simply will not move. As a rule, it is noticed that if the driver drives a lot and especially often sits idle on the roads in traffic jams, then, if possible, he simply tries not to release the clutch pedal itself and therefore, as a result of this severe wear, the clutch disc quickly becomes unusable and requires replacement.

10. A car fell off a lift in a car repair shop.

"Your car fell from a lift in a car service during diagnostics. ".

Repair cost: 0 dollars (if the liability of the technical center is insured or you purchased i.e. bought a Casco policy).

If you have not done this, then your car may not be subject to any restoration.

Cause: Human factor. Of course, this or the like happens extremely rarely, but nevertheless, it happens. Last year, 39 such cases were officially registered in Moscow alone. This is the worst thing that can happen to a car at a car service center. It is fortunate for us that all specialized technical centers for car repairs today have good insurance against accidents, but... It is to our deep regret that there are not very many such auto repair centers in our country today. Therefore, we advise each of you to independently insure your car against various damages and purchase a CASCO policy.

Primary diagnostics can be done using BIOS signals that are played when the computer starts. But for this you need to know the breakdown coding tables. Each BIOS developer (AMI, AWARD, PHOENICS) uses its own coding for the type of fault. One short signal means for everyone that the primary test (POST) has been passed and no errors were detected. The absence of any signals also means that the system does not start when power is supplied and the turn-on signal is applied. But then it’s different for everyone. Read about identifying computer malfunctions
Sometimes you can distinguish a hardware problem from a software problem by a change in the computer's behavior after a power outage (as opposed to a software reset).
Many computer malfunctions can be identified as fatal in Windows, but for this you need Windows itself to work. For example, fixing the screen of death bug.

Computer hardware malfunctions, symptoms

Processor failure

What are the signs of a processor malfunction?

  • the computer reboots cyclically
  • motherboard won't start
  • no boot from hard drive
  • Windows won't install and won't boot
  • Sometimes programs work with errors.
  • The processor gets very hot, as well as the processor power parts on the motherboard.

If the processor has a built-in memory controller, memory errors may occur due to a faulty processor. Faulty Intel processor- an extremely rare occurrence, but burnt AMD processors are much more common.

The processor can burn out due to improper assembly if the contacts of the board or processor socket are bent, causing a short circuit. In this case, the processor is replaced with a new one. Determining a processor malfunction yourself at home is difficult and risky. After all, checking for a faulty processor on your board is dangerous, because a burnt processor can “burn” the motherboard.

Computer memory not working

Signs of poor memory are as follows. The computer does not boot, periodic crashes occur, accompanied by a blue “screen of death” in Windows and applications. reliably diagnosed with special reliable tests. Programs with low validity work quickly, but often do not detect a problem.

Tests should be carried out on a motherboard whose memory controller is working. If the controller is in the processor, you need to test it on a known good processor. Testing your memory with a program with low reliability will only confuse you and take up additional time. Not a bad program memtest.

A faulty memory should be replaced; repairing is pointless.

Motherboard failure

If the computer motherboard does not work, then the symptoms are as follows:

  • the computer does not turn on at all, or turns on but does not boot;
  • The computer’s USB, sound card, and USB keyboard and mouse do not work;
  • the processor is cold;
  • Windows does not load or install, the processor overheats.

Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Hard drive problems

Signs of a bad hard drive:

  • the disk does not spin up and is not detected in the motherboard BIOS;
  • Windows does not load, the computer reboots cyclically, freezes, and slows down;
  • regular errors and program crashes.

It is advisable to repair hard drives if the damage is minor or they contain valuable information.

A damaged SATA cable and poor contact can also be the cause of poor or unstable hard drive performance. You can diagnose poor cable quality using the UltraDMA CRC Errors parameter in S.M.A.R.T.
Read more about.
Troubleshooting: replacement, repair.

Another frequently asked question is that Windows does not see an external hard drive that is connected via USB. First you need to check whether the disk itself spins up. If there is complete silence or you can hear the disk trying to spin up (does not gain speed), then the disk will not start. That's why Windows doesn't see the HDD. The reasons may be the following:

  • The disk does not have enough power to operate (insert the second end of the splitter into USB);
  • Bad cable (operability of external hard drives strongly depends on the quality of the cable);
  • Disk controller in a low quality box;
  • You are connecting it incorrectly - for example, through the front USB connectors of the computer, but you need it to the motherboard at the back.

Here are the main reasons why an external drive does not work on a computer.

Video card malfunction

Symptoms of a video card malfunction:

  • garbage or artifacts on the monitor screen, often even before Windows loads;
  • The computer does not boot - there is no characteristic sound signal downloads;
  • 3D games crash;
  • The video card driver crashes and is not installed, games do not work, the 3DMARK test crashes.

A typical cause of video adapter failure is overheating. The critical temperature for a video card crystal is about 105º C. To avoid overheating, do not bring the card to this temperature, clean it in a timely manner. The problem is checked on another computer.

Power supply failure

Just because the computer turns on and the fans are spinning does not mean that the computer's power supply is working well. It is possible that the power supply is the reason that the computer stopped working. The power supply has many parameters that it must provide:

  • stable computer supply voltages under load +-12V, +-5V;
  • limited rectified voltage ripple and high-frequency interference;
  • deliver the required current to the load.

If at least one voltage drops or ripples more than permissible, the computer may not work or may not work stably.

Over time, any power supply loses power due to aging capacitors, and computer failures can occur due to insufficient power.

Symptoms when you need to check your computer's power supply:

  • the computer does not turn on with the button (power is not supplied to the board and fans);
  • no boot from hard drive;
  • the computer reboots cyclically;
  • when turned on, an error is diagnosed;

Repairing power supplies has practically ceased; a standard power supply costs the same as repairs. Only expensive blocks are repaired.

Computer overheating

Often computer breakdowns occur due to overheating associated with dust in the system unit. Dust is good thermal insulation material, which interferes with heat dissipation. In the photo, the video card burned out because the computer was not cleaned of dust at all.

Overheating of the processor leads to the fact that the computer begins to slow down and work slowly. Overheating of the processor itself can occur due to:

  • malfunction of the cooler mounting, which leads to an air gap and reduced heat dissipation;
  • wear and contamination of the fan bearing, which at the same time hums or vibrates;
  • fan radiator contamination;
  • as well as incorrect BIOS settings.

Incompatibility of computer components

Incompatibility of components is a common cause of inoperability of known-good devices. Most often, incompatibility occurs in a combination of Intel-AMD devices. For example, we replaced the Nvidia video card with new map from AMD and the computer stopped starting.

But incompatibility of computer parts is difficult to diagnose.

Computer software problems

Half of computer problems are caused by software problems. This includes file system errors due to power failures while writing to disk. Errors may also be the cause operating system, its applications, drivers, consequences of viruses.

Possible causes of virus infection:

  • visiting phishing sites, opening infected emails, and downloading infected programs;
  • poor antivirus protection.

If you need professional diagnostics or computer repair, questions about prices, please use the contact form. In the vast majority of cases, the cause of a breakdown cannot be determined without diagnostics.


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