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That selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a small, still yellow chicken- this dream suggests that you need to be more careful about your health. If you continue to be so careless about everything connected with your body, you will eventually get sick.

Feed the chickens- your sexual experience may come in handy very soon. The thing is that in the near future you will have to make love with a very inexperienced partner, with a person who absolutely does not know how to relax and enjoy sex. Your task is to teach him everything good that you know.

Dream book of lovers

The Man Who Dreams of Chickens- is too selfish and cannot experience truly strong and deep feelings for anyone.

Aesop's Dream Book

They say: “Chickens are counted in the fall.”- the results are summed up after finishing the work; you should not rush to conclusions when you do not know all the facts. In addition, a defenseless chicken is a symbol of a weak person who cannot stand up for himself.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Little chicks evoke a feeling of tenderness in many, and it is simply impossible to compare them with something bad. Therefore, dreams in which chickens were seen leave behind only a positive feeling. Now you can verify or refute your feelings using the interpretations proposed below. It is first recommended to analyze the dream, taking into account the main details and emotional stress. All this will allow you to obtain the most accurate information.

Why do you dream about chickens?

Often such a dream is a harbinger of impending danger that will arise from enemies. To see a lost chick squeaking means that there is a person in life who needs help. If you are holding a chicken in your hands, this is an indication that each of your actions must be carefully thought through so as not to stumble. A dream where you saw a lot of chicks is an omen of a fun pastime. If a chicken pecks, it means that some incident will overshadow a calm existence.

Let's figure out what it means if you dream of chickens running around the apartment. Such a dream indicates that you are tired of household chores. Black chicks indicate that you should not let things take their course, as everything will end in serious problems. Seeing a chicken trying to fly is a good sign that promises good news. If you eat chickens, it means that your financial situation will soon improve.

Why does a woman dream about a chicken?

For a representative of the fair sex, such a dream about a dead chick predicts a break in relations with a loved one, as well as an unwanted pregnancy. A large number of chicks promises an early pregnancy.

Why do you dream of yellow chickens?

Such a dream is a warning that you should be more responsible about your health. The dream book recommends getting rid of bad habits, as this can cause numerous troubles. Bright yellow chicks are a reflection of internal indecision and cowardice.

Why do you dream of hatched chickens?

Small hatched chicks in a dream warn that you will have to work hard to overcome existing problems. Watching the chickens hatch means you will be able to implement your plans, but this will require a lot of effort. This dream may also indicate that you are too caught up in the past.

Why do you dream of catching chickens?

Such a dream is an omen that you will have to work hard, but the result will be insignificant. If you have to catch chickens again and again, this is a symbol of fatigue caused by daily chores. A dream where you are trying to catch a chick, but it runs away, promises the loss of a valuable gift.

Why do you dream of feeding chickens?

Why do you dream of a little dead chicken?

Such a dream is an unfavorable sign that promises problems in the family. This is also an indication that dreams will not come true, and that all the projects started will end unsuccessfully. One of the dream books says that a dream about dead birds indicates your vulnerability, so beware of any dangerous situations. If you are to blame for the death of the chicken, it means that soon someone will present a valuable gift, but for some reason you will refuse it.

Dream Interpretation Little Chickens

Why do you dream about little Chickens in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream of a small chicken, this is a good sign. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. However, you should always remember that to achieve any goals you need to put in a lot of effort. Work - and your diligence will be rewarded.

Seeing a little yellow chicken in a dream means possible health problems in the near future. You should not take this issue lightly: undergo at least a general examination, and also pay attention to your state of mind.

Who dreamed of little chickens?

A woman dreams of little chickens

If a woman dreams of small chickens, this portends dramatic changes for the better. Often such a dream means a new promising job, a successful move, or a meeting with an interesting person of the opposite sex. In addition, the dreamer's creative development is possible.

How many little chickens did you see in your dream?

I dreamed of a lot of little chickens

When many small chickens appear in a dream, it is possible that household chores and routine monotonous work await you. But at the same time, it is very likely that this type of activity will ultimately be beneficial.

If you dreamed about chickens, this often means that the dreamer needs the love, support and help of loved ones. The dream reflects your anxiety and uncertainty, a feeling of weakness. In addition, such a plot can portend income, but only if you work hard.

Who had a dream about chickens? What size did you see chickens in your dream? What did you see in your dream along with the chickens? How many chickens did you see in your dream? What color chickens did you see in your dream? Did you dream about whole and unharmed chickens? What did you do with the chickens in your dream? Where did you see chickens in your dreams?

Who had a dream about chickens?

Why does a woman dream about chickens?

For a woman, the interpretation of a dream in which chickens appear depends on whether she has children. If so, then such a dream symbolizes her excessive desire to control and care for the kids. In the case where the dreamer is childless, this plot may reflect an anxious state, fear of future changes.

What size did you see chickens in your dream?

Little Chicks Hatched Chicks

What did you see in your dream along with the chickens?

Chicks and chicken

Why do you dream about chickens and ducklings?

Seeing chicks and ducklings in a dream means a favorable period in life. Professionally, at work or in business, the dreamer most likely expects a promotion or profit; in the family - mutual understanding, peace and comfort.

I dreamed about eggs and chickens

When you dream of eggs along with chickens, such a plot often symbolizes new beginnings. The dreamer will probably soon have an important idea, or he will have to work on a bold, original project. In addition, serious successes in your career and personal life are possible.

Why do you dream about a hen and chickens?

A dream in which a hen with chickens or a hen hatching eggs appears promises cloudless happiness in family life, mutual understanding and good relationships with children.

How many chickens did you see in your dream?

Lots of chickens

What color chickens did you see in your dream?

Yellow chickens Black chickens

Did you dream about whole and unharmed chickens?

Dead chickens

What did you do with the chickens in your dream?

Feed the chickens Catch the chickens

Where did you see chickens in your dreams?

I dreamed of a chicken in my hands

When you hold a chicken in your hands in a dream, this may be a symbol of a business proposal that at first glance seems tempting. But don’t rush to conclusions: for sure, there are pitfalls in this matter that, due to absent-mindedness, you may not pay attention to.

Dream Interpretation Black Chickens

Why do you dream of black chickens in a dream according to the dream book?

If you see a lot of chicks with black plumage, you will face complete uncertainty in business, it will be difficult to even understand yourself, which will make you worry and fuss a lot.

Miller's Dream Book of chickens

Why do you dream about chickens in a dream?

Chickens in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, are a dual symbol. On the one hand, seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means that numerous worries and troubles will appear in real life, only some of which will benefit you. But very small or barely grown chickens in a dream foreshadow successful endeavors that will be crowned with success if you are able to show physical endurance. Miller’s dream book interprets a dream in which a person sees chickens entering a chicken coop as a warning - such a dream means that your ill-wishers are plotting evil against you. And if you eat chickens in a dream, you should be more careful in reality - your selfish behavior can harm your reputation. In addition, such a dream foreshadows an unreliable, risky state of affairs.

Little chicks

Dream Interpretation Little chickens dreamed of why you dream about Little chickens? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Little chickens in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.

Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

Seeing chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you.

Eating chickens in a dream is a sign that selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Dreaming about a hen with chicks is a bad dream. He warns of approaching misfortune. Your loved one will leave you and join his life with someone else. For a rural worker, this dream is a harbinger of crop failure.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Chickens - Small chores and trivial worries with which you fill the emptiness of your life, without thinking about more serious things.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Chickens are family happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

A person who dreams of chickens is too selfish and cannot experience truly strong and deep feelings for anyone.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries, some of which, however, will benefit you. Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

A brood of chickens dreams of troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you.

Dreaming of tiny chickens foreshadows successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you.

If in a dream you went into a chicken coop and saw chickens there, then be prepared for the fact that your enemies are plotting some kind of evil against you.

I dreamed of a small, yellow chicken - take care of your health. You are too careless about your body and you may end up getting sick.

If in your dream you ate chicken, then you should moderate your selfishness. Someday he will greatly harm your good name. As for your official affairs and love relationships, they will still not be particularly reliable.

Dream Interpretation - Chickens

Seeing them means a day spent inactively.

There are them - temporary poverty or lack of money.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.



I collected chickens that were already a little older


Good afternoon
And in a dream I dreamed of many eggs from which chickens hatch, and I watch this and help them hatch...


Hello! Today I dreamed of a lot of chicken eggs from which chickens hatched, I helped them hatch. I saw small yellow lumps and a lot of shells, which I wanted to crush and feed to the chickens, but I didn’t do this because... woke up.


I’m standing in the yard and my cat runs up to me. She has a chicken carcass in her teeth, the carcass begins to move and an egg rolls out of it. The egg cracks and a chicken hatches. I take it in my hands and warm it.


in a dream, a kitten and a snake ate chicken


I found an egg with my friend, at first we lost the egg, and then we found it, I pressed the egg to me and a big chicken hatched from it, I was happy about this chicken

[email protected]:

Hello Tatyana! Usually I somehow interpret dreams myself, but I can’t, and besides, the life situation now is such that I want at least some hint from the outside, and in dreams I often see solutions. I dreamed that some unknown person left me, as if as a gift, a chilled chicken carcass in a rather expensive package, that is, it is clear that this is not cheap broiler chicken. I didn’t see the person who left it next to my car. I eat chicken very rarely and now I almost never cook.


in the dream there were 4 cats and they were hunting for chickens; during sleep I saved them several times and once practically took them out of their mouths. One cat was very annoying, I kept chasing cats away from them and was very afraid. As a result, the chickens (there were some) remained intact, but I suffered a lot while sleeping.


Hello! My name is Akerke! I want to know what an egg and a chicken mean in a dream? I read it in dream books but didn’t understand anything!


in a dream I opened the shutter and saw a lot of chickens, they were not bright yellow, but gray, and there were very, very many of them, a couple of chickens, and I tried to take them, but I thought that since they were moving, they were from my palms They fell, and I took them, passing them through the fingers of both hands. I also saw kittens.


I dreamed that I gave birth to a cat and only one kitten was born. But after a couple of hours he opened his eyes and I couldn’t let him go. Plus I took the egg and began to separate the white from the yolk and the yolk turned out to be another egg. A chicken hatched from it. And theirs I couldn’t let go of two from myself. Although I had to be with my loved one, but he understood it


In the dream there were several dozen eggs from which chickens hatched one after another, I watched this and was very worried, I took some in my arms and warmed them, and some themselves snuggled up to me and also warmed themselves and fell asleep


I dreamed that I found a chicken on the windowsill in the front door of some house or university, it was freezing and squeaking, I took it and warmed it in my hands so that it would be warm, he really liked it, I walked around the whole dream and warmed it, At the same time, she was doing her own business in the dream, related to finding an audience with a lecture or an apartment, looking for some room, communicating with people she met and carrying the chicken with her, he was sleeping. And then she seemed to let him go into the yard .That's all.


I picked up a couple of eggs, and from them immediately hatched unusual square-shaped chickens with antennae like butterflies. I took a stick and started chasing these chickens. Then I saw a small snake curled up in a ring, and I carefully touched it with my stick. The ducklings and goslings immediately attacked her and ate her...


Hello, I dreamed of a boiled egg that I wanted to eat, and there was a dead chicken embryo there,


I dreamed that my friend and I were walking down the street and a chicken was running next to us, it was cloudy or even raining, we decided to take the chicken in our arms, it was easy, then it jumped out and ran to a puddle, where we found a small dead snake, we tried to catch the chicken again, ate caught and saw not yet young small snakes, both dead and alive


I dreamed that when I woke up and went to the kitchen, I saw a bunch of small ashen, yellow and black chickens in a cardboard box


I dreamed of chickens, tiny and a little bigger... I don’t remember with whom, someone I knew, we had to pick them up... they had to be transferred from one bag to another... I took out mine and put one chicken in there... and I ask you to put the rest in there for me would be better to carry them this way...but they didn’t give them to me...I open my package, and there my chicken seemed to be in water...I was afraid that he would choke...but everything was fine with him...there was just a little water...and then I I picked it up and just held it...


I dreamed of chickens and one large egg, like a goose’s, and a chick hatched from it, which fell out of the egg and seemed to break, and in my hands I was left with its heart, which continued to beat. And I clearly felt his heartbeat




I was driving from the dacha, I couldn’t leave, a bus with youth fans was driving along the highway, I got on it... I’m sitting there eating an egg... a bright, dark yellow yolk... there’s something hard and small in my mouth, I can’t understand what...


I dreamed of a lot of chickens in cages, cats tried to catch them, they even caught a few and ate them. What is this for? I had a dream today.


a neighbor brought a box full of chickens, they were bright yellow, and some had multi-colored, very beautiful feathers. I was worried that my domestic cats would harm them.


At first I saw a basket of eggs, and then yellow chickens began to emerge from them. And one little one ran away somewhere, and after a while a white guinea pig ran out. In the dream, I didn’t know what to feed the chickens, I caught a fly that didn’t even resist and the chicken pecked it.


I dreamed of my late grandmother and my dad (her son) asked if she needed any groceries. I pour kefir into my glass. She says nothing is needed, everything is there. At the same time, I see chickens put in a box, someone is closing them on top, preparing them for sale

[email protected]:

I saw a flock of some chicks (ducklings, goslings, etc.) and among them the smallest yellow helpless chicken. And I, having decided to take custody of him, took him in my hand, felt such warmth from him, and that he was so small...


as if several of the chickens had already hatched and the non-cathars were just pecking, and one was dead and I took it out into the street and I felt nauseous from the sight of the cling


I found a black cat with a chicken, and then a mother cat. I protected them from an attacker. I built them a house under the stairs and hid them there. Then, out of nowhere, other little kittens appeared. Then there was another dream, but it has nothing to do with to this.


cats attack the chickens and try to kill them all, but I try with all my might to save them, but they still kill several chickens, but do not eat them, this is where the dream stopped,




in a dream I was looking for something and found myself in a chicken coop in the form of a labyrinth, and there were a lot of chickens there and they were all so cute and yellow. I tried to get out of the chicken coop, but with every step I realized that I was going deeper into this labyrinth... I understood what was needed go in the other direction, but I still walked and from the middle of the maze I found myself on the street, then I woke up


First, a small chicken appeared out of nowhere, at home on the floor, then it immediately began to grow and it turned out to be a huge rooster, which turned into a large dog with a beautiful and soft muzzle. Then everything disappeared and I woke up with unusual sensations


A woman I know who practices black magic served me an egg, but it turned out to be warm, almost hot. I looked and there was a hole in it and you could see how the not yet fully developed chicken was eating the yolk, the chicken still needed to stay in the shell, and I took upon myself the responsibility of helping him survive in the egg, that is, I would carry it in my hand.


I dreamed about my late dad, and then suddenly I had no idea where I was coming from, but when the chickens hatched, I took them in my arms and carried them into the house to warm them up.




I dreamed about chickens, there were about 10 of them. supposedly these are common backyard chickens, and they planned to keep them in the stairwell (including me). after a while I saw that they got a little stronger and became a little bigger (but I can’t call them adults), and they were also plucked (gray)


First I dreamed of eggs, 25 pieces, and then a few minutes later chickens appeared from them, also 25 pieces, I began to collect them one by one from under the chicken


a large number of wooden boxes stacked on top of each other with small chickens and I make my way through them, through them I don’t remember where


Hello. I dreamed that 2 cats stole a chicken from a brood of chickens. I seem to have saved one chicken, and the cat ate the other. Before this I dreamed of big fish in the lake.


The little chicken was attacked by kittens. I tried to save him, but I couldn’t. there were a lot of kittens. and I couldn’t keep up with them.


I clearly remembered two dreams today. I wanted to move a brood of chickens somewhere and started calling them for food, they ran out into the street and I left them with some girl, I came back and they began to die as if from the cold...
And the second dream - I’m walking along a narrow path, I have beautiful high-heeled sandals on my feet, but suddenly the path becomes wet and dirty, I get wet in this mud and one sandal almost remains in the mud. But I got it out, went down to the porch, there was water running transparent, I began to wash my sandals in this water and saw that drowned butterflies were floating there, I first took out one and began to dry it with my breath, it came to life and flew, and the second one came to life and suddenly began to hiss at me like a snake, I saw its big mouth and threw it away


I saw dead chickens and little yellow targets in my dreams. At first they seemed alive to me and were sitting pressed against each other, but when I touched them it turned out that they were not alive.


In a dream I saw eggs, they were transparent and the yolks were also transparent and chickens hatched from the yolk, but only their heads were visible. there were a lot of eggs like that


Someone put yellow chickens on the windowsill so they could drink water. It was as if they were being put on display... And then I saw how the children danced around in a circle in kindergarten


i dreamed that I was standing in a crowd of people and someone was throwing chickens into the crowd shouting wealth, the next chicken was money, and I caught a chicken with the word prayer


I was lying in a field near the kitchen and there was a chicken and a snake. The snake was red and black. And the chicken was red. The snake bit my leg. And the chicken ran away. And I woke up.


Hello! From Sunday to Monday, I dreamed of a gray hen and a small gray chicken, the chicken pecked at it from above and several dark worms crawled out from there, I felt very unpleasant and sorry for this chicken, I drove this chicken away.


My dead mother, being alive in a dream, brings me a small and smoky chicken and places it on my stomach. I was lying on the sofa, he was so cute that I caressed him in every possible way, stroked him, kissed him. And my mother stands aside, looks at us and smiles. What could this mean?


I saw chickens sitting in a box, but they were hunted by a cat, who, unfortunately or fortunately, ate everything. I think so... Why would that be?


There is a little boy next to his mother all the time. In her hand, an egg hatched from it and a snow-white chicken lay on her hand. She says smiling.....that’s what the fool does. And then he eats it.


I dreamed of a chicken egg, I warmed it in my hands! and then she put it to her ear and began to listen and it moved, I got scared and saw a chicken break in


I dreamed that before my eyes a cat gave birth to 7 kittens, and then chickens climbed up to these kittens and pecked at them, and I drove the chickens away.


I dreamed of a little squirrel. She jumped through the trees and bushes, getting closer and closer to me. She looked straight at me and kept wanting to jump into my arms. But then a little chicken appeared and crawled into my palms. It seemed to me that he was cold and I began to warm him in my palms. Meanwhile, a small kitten crawled out of the bushes and also came to me to warm up.


I dreamed of a lot of little chickens, but I called them ducklings. protected from chickens, ducks, lizards. one was wounded, I picked him up, warmed him up, and started feeding him. he became a chubby fluffy ball


I had a dream about a lot of yellow chickens. My sister showed off them and collected them. The dream was pleasant.


The chicken could not hatch from the egg, I broke the shell and the chicken was born, the chicken was brown.


I collected beautiful little chickens and kittens into a bunch, Like they will sleep warmly with the kittens. Looks like I managed to collect


I see in a dream a room and there seem to be two chickens and I think we need to drive them to another part of the room where they can supposedly be


In some kind of cage or box, a hen sits - a hen, and around her there are chickens. But some are mostly sick, some are premature, some are wet. And I dig some of the chickens out of the sawdust near the chicken, as if there were a clutch of eggs there. And my cat appears and starts carrying chickens, but I don’t understand how she got into the box. And then I see the box from the side, but there is no board at the bottom, so the cat climbs in there. And I see my late father, looking kind of gloomy, and I ask him to repair the hole. He got up and walked away. And then I don’t remember the dream.


I dreamed of a small yellow chicken that was tortured, and I fattened it up and it became active. And this all happened in a young man’s car. Why do I have this dream?


I saw how I rescued a black chicken, then some mistress looked for it, and then it turned out that it was eaten by a black raven


The chickens were lying in the basket and plucking the black snake, then the snake crawled out of the basket and I swept it with a broom onto a dustpan and threw it over the fence


Hello. I had a dream that the chickens could not hatch and some man sawed the egg, and a chicken crawled out. But there was something dark in the egg, as if there was some kind of ancestral dirt.


I dreamed about chickens and kittens. My mother fed them. The dream is positive.


Hello. Today I dreamed of kittens and chickens. They ate in their sleep. And my mother fed them. Overall, it was a positive dream.


I spent the whole dream saving unborn chicks and ducklings that were still inside the egg


A friend gave me three large eggs, from one an incomprehensible bird hatched on very long legs in the shape of a chicken and it began to run around my apartment. and cockroaches, which I tried to kill with my slipper, began to escape from the shell. The remaining two eggs remained intact.


At first I dreamed of many colorful chickens, in a dream I closed my eyes and opened many colorful chickens in front of me, again I open my eyes several owls in the area, again I open my eyes in front of me peacocks are walking, their tails are closed.


I was walking somewhere, saw Sparrows, took a seed, put it on my hand, caught one, walked somewhere and stroked it, only it was no longer a sparrow, but a chicken. When he didn't like something, he turned blue, I went and stroked him, he liked it, but he wanted to fly away
Then she came somewhere, let him go, he flew, stopped on a branch, I waved to him and he (strangely enough)


I dreamed of a yellow chicken that hatched from an egg in my kitchen (I didn’t see the process itself). When I saw the chicken I had a pleasant feeling and I wanted to pick it up, but the chicken ran and took off and flew through the open doors into the hallway. I didn’t see the chicken again, but then I found a shell on the bed.




I saw a lot of little chickens in their cage and the cage was clean


I have chickens at home for Eve, and I dreamed about these clings of mine. as if they flew out of the cage, I picked them up, they flew out again, in short, I couldn’t pick them up in any way, I had this dream 2 times, the first time when I became pregnant with my son 11 years ago. and yesterday from the 25th to the 26th.


Hello! Short sleep. On the street, in the yard where the chicken coop was, there were adult chickens. There were also several chickens, not big, but already confidently walking around the yard. They didn’t run quickly (quickly), they walked slowly, calmly. The adult chickens didn’t either They moved quickly. They didn’t fight with each other, they didn’t peck the chickens, they didn’t hurt them. There were about a dozen chickens, the color was not pure yellow or white, but there were patches of yellow, black and different shades of brown mixed in. I can’t say exactly the age of the chickens, somewhere from a week to three (the light fluff was not white, but also yellow. There was no brood hen, they were together with adult birds. They did not stay in a dense group, but at a distance of 10-30 centimeters from one another.


I dreamed that I gave birth to 2 calves and a chicken. I saw them as they came out of me in a shell

Dreams about chickens are usually present in the lives of people who are closely familiar with the topic of animal husbandry. The human subconscious transforms concern about a defenseless creature into promising troubles, explaining a dream about pets as an anxious state due to future worries. Whether they are pleasant or not, painful or joyful, promising benefits or expenses - it all depends on many nuances that you should know.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

    General interpretations of dreams with chickens

    Dream books associate the appearance of chicks in a woman’s or man’s dream with certain concerns that concern a person at a given moment in time. The meaning of sleep depends on many factors:

    • The presence of a hen with chicks in a dream foreshadows unpleasant troubles associated with the risk of losing a lover. A woman who saw such a picture in a dream pays little attention to her husband, and he began to seek consolation on the side. In addition to family troubles, there may be a problem with providing the family with food if the dreamer lives in a rural area.
    • When a person sees in a dream a large number of small chickens surrounding him in the house, he should rest. Perhaps household chores and everyday worries have become so tiring that rest has become vitally necessary.
    • Entrepreneurs and businessmen dream of a large number of chickens as a sign of a successful deal that promises considerable benefits. If there are ducklings and goslings in the general company, financial affairs will certainly go uphill, and the business situation will improve significantly.
    • When you dreamed of selling chickens, you should expect a gift. Or someone is waiting for a valuable surprise from the dreamer.
    • Grown-up chickens surrounding a person in a dream symbolize perseverance in overcoming obstacles. Such a dream suggests that you should not stop there; you need to make even more efforts in the work you have started.

      A pregnant woman should pay special attention to dreamed chickens - such a dream foreshadows an imminent birth. If a girl who wants to have a child dreams of feathered pets, she will soon become a mother.

      Why do you dream of fresh flowers - interpretation depending on the type, color, condition of the flowers

      The presence in a dream of chickens of different colors and numbers

      Most often, chickens in a dream evoke tenderness and tenderness. A lonely, defenseless creature in this case indicates health problems and the need to take care of oneself, putting aside current worries. Another appearance of the chick can be assessed by the subconscious in different ways:

  1. 1. Black chickens seen in a dream force you to more actively take decisive steps to get out of a period of stagnation in business.
  2. 2. White feathered babies are dreamed of when the dreamer is faced with a difficult choice. The dream means the advantage of spiritual values ​​over material ones and encourages a person to change his own inner world.
  3. 3. The dull, dirty hue of the dreamed chicken indicates possible nervous disorders and approaching depression.
  4. 4. The unusual color of chicken chicks - red, green or blue - shows that the dreamer will receive pleasant surprises from family and friends, valuable gifts from loved ones and friends.
  5. 5. The colorful coloring of feathers warns of the insidious plans of enemies and envious people. Perhaps the dreamer will find himself at the epicenter of other people's intrigues in the near future. Therefore, you should be alert and weigh every step.

Thus, dreaming of colorful chickens does not foretell any special problems in the future.

What do dreams with dead chicks mean?

Dream books interpret such manifestations of the work of the subconscious in different ways:

  • If a little chick dies in the dreamer’s arms, you should be more attentive to your soulmate. This indicates the desire of a loved one to find solace outside the family circle. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and try to smooth out rough edges in relationships so that the crisis does not lead to separation.
  • If a chicken in a dream passes into another world due to the dreamer’s fault, most likely you will have to refuse a valuable and pleasant gift in the future.
  • A dead chicken seen in a dream can symbolize one's own weakness. It can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous colleagues or friends who harbor a grudge.

All interpretations come down to one thing: seeing a dead bird in a dream does not bode well; most often, the near future will present new worries and troubles, unpleasant and painful.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it chicken With chickens, dream should be taken as a warning. To the farmer dream may portend a crop failure. For those who are not involved in agriculture, the dream warns of possible troubles in their personal lives. No matter how stunning the news may seem, dream should be interpreted as a good sign. What else? dreaming chickens in dream. Dream, which features dead chickens, warns that you are very vulnerable at the moment. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Chicken in dream- interpretation according to Hasse's dream book. Why dreaming fried, raw, boiled chicken? Dream Interpretation - carcass chickens in dream. Why dreaming alive, dead, dead chickens.If dreamed about it a bird that lays eggs is like this dream means happiness, joy and love. Chicken With chickens for an unmarried woman, this is a harbinger that the girl will soon start a family. If in dream man buys chicken, it means that he will be happy. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book dead Chickens dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream dead Chickens"Good afternoon, Tanyusha!!! Here dreamed about it Today dream that I'm standing in a chicken coop and they're lying on the floor dead chickens somewhere there were two of them and I in dream I feel so sorry for them, but I can’t do anything with them, because dead they.after sleep I woke up and when I fell asleep I started another dream dreaming that I am having sex with my classmate in a clearing. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    But if dead chicken suddenly begins to make sounds, then in real life a person will experience tears. Together with chicken in dream may appear chickens. This suggests that easy money will appear, earned through dishonest means. When will you dreamed about it(xia) dead chicken? Today. Yesterday. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream book dead Chicken dreamed about it, why dreaming in dream dead Chicken".To me dreamed that I went out into the yard and saw dead chicken lying in the yard, then I go and watch how the legs run from chickens, and then I find a chicken head on the road, but it moves, I move on and see chicken without a head and a lot of blood, and then I woke up. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "novostioede"

    You have in dream ran away chick- to the loss of a valuable gift. If you dreamed that someone stabbed or strangled your chickens- you will receive a valuable gift.If in dream you convene chickens Dead chick portends losses in love, for a married woman - an unwanted pregnancy and a quarrel with her husband. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Chickens And chickens according to the dream book of the 21st century, if a married woman saw such a plot, then joy and happiness will soon come to her family. Those born in the summer should fear for their lives if they saw in dream dead chickens. Such a plot is especially unfavorable if the hens lie in the open air, decomposing, and emitting a terrible smell. Why dreaming dead chickens?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    ChickDreamed brood chickens warns that in the near future you will experience a lot of anxiety because of your loved one. just hatched chick portends the beginning of a long romance that will require a lot of patience from you. If in dream you convene chickens to close them in the chicken coop at night, it means that your rivals have started something evil against you. Dead chick portends losses in love, for a married woman - an unwanted pregnancy and a quarrel with her husband. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dream Interpretation "KakProsto"

    What does it mean dreamed dead chicken. In dream see chicken- basically this foreshadows vanity and household chores. If dreamed chicken dead, urgent concerns are expected, which seem very complex, almost impossible. Dead plucked chicken or chickens– a warning about upcoming troubles that may happen in real life, dream may turn out to be a warning, advice to pay the most serious attention to home and family. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Chicken according to the dream book. If dreamed about it eggs chicken, dream promises a new addition to the family or the arrival of a long-awaited guest. Eggs in dream can symbolize plans that are to be implemented in reality. When dreaming chickens, chickens, the dream book believes that you are too worried about children. Dead chickens from your sleep symbolize a serious danger: one of your ill-wishers has every chance of inflicting a fairly significant blow without giving themselves away and continuing to remain above suspicion until the next opportunity. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "OnWomen"

    See in dream chicken- a hen incubating chickens, then it’s time to reap the fruits of your work, and it’s worth noting that the result will be positive and will bring significant profits. Just hatched from an egg chick indicates that in the near future you will have a love affair that will require strength and patience from you. Dead chick in dream promises a loss in love to a young lady, and an unplanned pregnancy and conflict in the family to a married lady. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead, dead chicken Chicken Chicken With chickens symbolizes mother and children. Dead fish in dream dead fish in the water, yours dream If dreamed what did you catch dead Read more

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Dreaming Chicken? Tell me yours dream! See also in the dream book. me dreamed that I gave birth chicken I wonder what this is for! :(Julka 2011-04-17 07:45:40. Ann, You have no idea, but I dreamed about it like dream- I was looking for a cat in the poultry yard!!! And I saw dead chickens! Only for me dreamed that I kill two of them myself (which I would never do in reality) with a baseball bat and I saw their blood! Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead, dead chicken- to losses in the family, financial difficulties. Chicken and the rooster is husband and wife, master and mistress. In any case, it is a symbol of a pair relationship or alliance. Chicken With chickens symbolizes mother and children. Dead fish in dream- not a very good sign. If you see dead fish in the water, yours dream means the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of realizing what was planned. If dreamed what did you catch dead fish - having achieved your goal, you will lose what you were trying to achieve. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What If dreaming chicken dead? Chicken in dream always symbolizes household chores and bustle. And if you see dead chicken, which means that pressing concerns will be the most difficult and complex. Happiness in love and family matters should not be expected in the near future if you see next to dead chicken broken eggs or dead chickens.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    To me dreamed about it Chicken With chickens.Then there were actions: a large light red chicken sat in a nest, and there were many around her chickens.Saw it again in dream what I planted chickens under this chicken.The children put a lot into the school library (I work at school). chickens yellow and a few brown chickens.I'm trying to kick them out, because there's supposed to be an inspection, but they run away and don't come out. Suddenly, under the styling, I discover a lot dead chickens…I woke up… dream dreamed about it on Friday morning. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead fish in dream- not a very good sign. If you see dead fish in the water, yours dream If dreamed what did you catch dead dream means victory. Dead chicken- to domestic problems, and chickens to losses. Dead Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Save in dream chicken who rushes to fight off her chicken the hawk has a symbol Dead chicken- a sign that your irritation and intolerance can be seen in dream chicken- for a gift. If you dreamed what did you feed chickens- you yourself...Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream chick hatched normally, which means things in life will turn out well. Dead chick indicates additional physical effort in achieving a specific goal. A child who dreamed about it chick, as a rule, is quite weak morally and for full development he needs the attention of others. Wondering why dreaming hatching chick, people found very unusual interpretations dreams.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If in dream you convene chickens to lock them in a chicken coop at night means that your rivals are up to something evil against you. Dead chick portends losses in love, for a married woman - an unwanted pregnancy and a quarrel with her husband. Mother Hen Dream Interpretation from A to Z. If dreamed about it mother hen chickens- this is for family joys and communication with children. Egg Dream, in which you wait for the eggs to finally hatch chick- means that you are too passionate about something that has long been in the past. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "love-mother"

    Gypsy dream book, chicken alive, dead: dead chicken– temporary calm and peace in all areas of life; live chicken– joy, possibly the birth of a child. Psychological dream books. According to Aesop's dream book, If dreamed about it chickens chicken dreaming on Sunday - you should hold your tongue, words can lead to trouble; chickens– fun in the following days. What does color mean chicken in dream.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead, dead chicken- to losses in the family, financial difficulties. Chicken and the rooster is husband and wife, master and mistress. In any case, it is a symbol of a pair relationship or alliance. Chicken With chickens symbolizes mother and children. Dead fish in dream- not a very good sign. If you see dead fish in the water, yours dream means...the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of realizing what was planned. If dreamed what did you catch dead fish - having achieved your goal, you will lose what you were trying to achieve. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead fish in dream- not a very good sign. If you see dead fish in the water, yours dream means...the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of realizing what was planned. If dreamed what did you catch dead fish - having reached your goal, you will lose what you were trying to achieve. But if it was a bird of prey, then dream means victory. Dead chicken- to domestic problems, and chickens to losses. Dead a dove is a sign that you will not be able to realize your dreams. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    When in dream appear dead people, especially a lot dead people, the symbol is a harbinger of injustice. The Chinese interpretation very symbolically explains why dreaming death of children. If dreamed about it a dead parrot, the symbol speaks of future problems with communication skills. The dream book explains why dreaming case chickens. Rooster or chicken chickens a duck and a goose portend quarrels. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bury in dream dead in dream dead Chicken. See in dream chicken With chickens chicken means sadness and boredom. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dead fish in dream- not a very good sign. If you see dead fish in the water, yours dream means...the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of realizing what was planned. If dreamed what did you catch dead fish - having reached your goal, you will lose what you were trying to achieve. But if it was a bird of prey, then dream means victory. Dead chicken- to domestic problems, and chickens to losses. Dead a dove is a sign that you will not be able to realize your dreams. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Bury in dream dead people - to a fun occasion, while carrying wreaths of spruce branches - to a severe hangover. See in dream dead your husband is a very bad sign, promising continuous troubles and disappointments. If you kiss him at the same time, this means a breakdown in affairs, poverty and the loss of your best friends. Dream Interpretation - Chicken. See in dream chicken With chickens- to loss and damage. Hear clucking chicken means sadness and boredom. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Three dead chicken dreamed, why dreaming in dream Three dead chicken?See chicken trampled by a rooster means that you will enter into a secret love affair. Chicken with a brood chickens says that you will regret the lost chance, and for unmarried people this dream portends his own large family. If in dream you buy live chicken- this is fortunate, if you eat chicken legs, you will be left without money. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    This way you can easily find out what they mean dreams Dead woman, or what does it mean in dream see Dead woman. Chickens goslings in dead friend in dream. to me dreamed about it my dead friend, she showed all her friends that she dead I proved to her otherwise and the next day she told me dreamed about it in a very untidy state and she was shown on TV, she had black hair and pink bangs.

Dream Interpretation Chicken - A dream about a brood of chickens warns that in the foreseeable future you will experience a lot of anxiety with? For the beloved inhabitant of our planet. A chicken that has just hatched portends the beginning of a long romance that will require great patience from you. If in a dream you call chickens to lock them in a chicken coop at night, it means that your competitors are up to something against you? Something is wrong. A lifeless chicken portends losses in love, for a married lady - unnecessary pregnancy and quarrels with her husband. In the event that you dream that you are eating chicken, you will suffer from love for a person much younger than you, and your reputation will be shaken. -

Why do you dream about Chickens? Creating a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you. Chickens that are absolutely small or have grown a little - portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you. To see chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you. Eating chickens in a dream is a symbol of such that selfishness will harm your good-natured name. Affairs and romantic relationships will continue to be in an untrustworthy, risky state. “A charitable soul will be satisfied, and whoever gives water to others will be given water.” Bible, book. Proverbs of Solomon, xi, 25

Why do you dream of a Chicken - To create a small, yellowish chicken - this dream suggests that you need to treat your own health with care. In the event that you continue to be so indifferent to everything that has any connection with your body, you will eventually get sick. Feeding chickens - your sexual experience may be needed very soon. The thing is that in the near future you will have to make love with a completely inexperienced partner, with a person who completely does not know how to relax and enjoy sex. Your mission is to teach him everything good that you understand.

Why do you dream about Kurchata? Creating a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries, some of which, however, will benefit you. Chickens that are absolutely small or have grown a little foreshadow successful endeavors that will require you to be physically active. Chickens in a dream are a call to restrain selfishness, which can destroy your reputation. What this could mean is a suspended, precarious state of business and personal relationships.

If in a dream you were visited by a small, carefree chicken, then in this case you are not always moved. There are a number of life situations in which the qualities represented by this symbol in real human life are not so advantageous. However, almost every dream book can tell you about this, and it is recommended to turn to its help when interpreting absolutely any nightly plot. Naturally, it is not always possible to find exactly what you need within one source. This, by the way, is one of the reasons that can explain the fact that today there are quite a large number of types of such specialized literature. That’s why, in order to find the truth, you often need to rummage through a whole heap of books to unearth one single quote. But if you decide to use the materials of this particular article when searching for the desired interpretation of a dream (which, admittedly, is the most advantageous option), then for you this will certainly result in colossal savings of time and effort while fully maintaining the intended information content. Fortunately, there is even more than enough authoritative information here. Simply put, try it - and you will definitely like it!

According to the Slavic tradition, this domestic chick can have three interpretations at once: a weak defenseless creature, a person with a similar character trait, as well as events that have a very unpleasant result. Is he lost, and that’s why he’s running around fussily in one direction or the other? This means that in fact you imagined yourself as Robin Hood or another super hero who considers it his duty to protect the weak from any adverse influences from the outside. Does he drink? It is possible that in fact you are inclined to draw premature conclusions. This is the main reason that you constantly find yourself in unenviable situations that can harm not only you, but also the people around you. Did you hold it in your hands? Don't make sudden conclusions. Even if you have been given some serious and attractive offer, give a final answer only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons.

It makes absolutely no difference whether he is one or several. This does not change the essence of the interpretation at all. Considerable troubles await you, which will be dictated by suddenly appeared life circumstances. But if you ate chicken meat, then, due to certain circumstances, you will be forced to worry about your children or, if there are none, about strangers.

Chicken - Seeing a small, yellow chicken - this dream suggests that you need to take care of your health. If you continue to be so indifferent to everything connected with your body, you will eventually get sick. Feeding chickens - your sexual experience may come in handy very soon. The thing is that in the near future you will have to make love with a very inexperienced partner, with a person who does not know how to relax and enjoy sex at all. Your task is to teach him everything good about you, according to the dream book, this is how this dream is deciphered.

Chicken - A dream of a brood of chickens warns that in the near future you will experience a lot of anxiety with? For a loved one. A chicken that has just hatched portends the beginning of a long romance that will require a lot of patience from you. If in a dream you call chickens to lock them in a chicken coop at night, it means that your rivals are up to something against you? Something is wrong. A dead chicken portends losses in love, for a married woman - an unwanted pregnancy and a quarrel with her husband. If you dream that you are eating chicken, you will suffer from love for a person much younger than you, and your reputation will be damaged. -

Chickens - Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries. However, some of them will benefit you. Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you. Seeing chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening means that your enemies are plotting evil against you. Eating chickens in a dream is a sign that selfishness will harm your good name. Affairs and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state. “A charitable soul will be satisfied, and whoever gives water to others will be given water.” Bible, book. Proverbs of Solomon, xi, 25

Chickens - Seeing a brood of chickens in a dream means troubles and worries, some of which, however, will benefit you. Very small or barely grown chickens portend successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you. Eating chickens in a dream is a call to restrain selfishness, which can damage your reputation. It can also mean a suspended, precarious state of business and personal relationships.

Chicken - Seeing a small, yellow chicken - this dream suggests that you need to take care of your health. If you continue to be so indifferent to everything connected with your body, you will eventually get sick. Feeding chickens - your sexual experience may come in handy very soon. The thing is that in the near future you will have to make love with a very inexperienced partner, with a person who does not know how to relax and enjoy sex at all. Your task is to teach him everything good that you know.

Seeing a brood of chickens means troubles, worries, however, some of them will benefit you; very small or barely grown chickens are successful endeavors that will require physical endurance from you; to see chickens entering the chicken coop in the evening - enemies are plotting evil against you; eating chickens - selfishness will harm your good name, business and love relationships will continue to be in an unreliable, risky state.

Dreaming about a hen with chicks is a bad dream. He warns of approaching misfortune. Your loved one will leave you and join his life with someone else. For a rural worker, this dream is a harbinger of crop failure.

Seeing many chickens in a dream represents opportunities for growth and development. It's up to you how you use them now. Avoid purely pragmatic goals, think about the soul and the development of your personality. According to the dream book, small chickens often appear on the threshold of something new - a new job, a new place of residence, etc. For a creative person, such a dream means new incentives for inspiration. Now you shouldn’t think about rewards for your work, otherwise, instead of something unique, you’ll end up with an ordinary dummy.

According to the dream book, yellow chickens can be a reflection of inner cowardice and indecision. Seeing chickens in a dream on the eve of an important event is a bad sign. And if in reality you have to make an important decision, then the chicken movie warns of mistakes. Calculations may turn out to be incorrect, hopes unjustified, and conclusions may be false. It’s worth weighing the pros and cons to avoid stupidity.

Why do you dream of dead chickens - to failure in business or financial losses. Avoid placing high hopes on anything, nothing lasts forever and there are no guarantees. Don't invest all your money in one thing, even if it seems like a win-win.

Another version of the interpretation is why yellow chickens are seen in dreams - a harbinger of health problems, but rather we are talking about psychological health (the color yellow is associated with the psyche and nervous system). The brighter the yellow chickens in a dream, the stronger the internal fears and depressive states, and only then worries and stress can weaken physical health.

As a rule, seeing chickens in a dream will definitely lead to troubles in real life. But a newly hatched chick can mean new beginnings and opportunities. If in a dream the chicken hatched normally, it means that things will turn out well in life. A dead chicken indicates additional physical effort in achieving a specific goal. The result of such undertakings can exceed all expectations. A large number of hatched chickens speaks of upcoming worries that suddenly fall on a person. And yet, it will be quite pleasant troubles.

Thus, the chicken hatching portends to a person the beginning of something new and profitable. But achieving results will require a lot of effort. A dream can warn of upcoming worries, but for minor problems. A chicken that is also trying to fly leads to long-awaited good news. It is worth paying attention to the general atmosphere of sleep. If a person feels joyful at the sight of a chicken hatching, then the dream is exclusively positive. If a person is disgusted, bad news should be expected.

Wondering why they dream of a chicken hatching, people have found completely unusual interpretations of dreams. For example, a chick hatching could mean the beginning of a new long-term romance. But, just like a chicken makes an effort when it is born, a person will have to show a lot of patience with his new hobby. If a person drives newly hatched chickens into a chicken coop, this means the envy of his friends. Such a dream warns a person to be careful in any new business; one should not trust dubious acquaintances.

If a child dreams of hatching a chick, this means that he is in great need of support from loved ones. At this time, he is faced with something that is not entirely clear to him and he needs the advice of an adult. A child who dreams of a chicken is usually quite weak morally and needs attention for full development.


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