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Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

21 Mar 2017


The medicinal salt substance has a strong laxative effect. Outwardly it looks like transparent crystals. The product contains not only cleansing properties that are useful for people losing weight, but also harm if taken incorrectly.

What is Glauber's salt

In nature, deposits of such a mineral as hydrous sodium sulfate are called mirabilite. The substance was first discovered by the German chemist Glauber, which is why mirabilite received its second name. Glauber's salt is sodium sulfate decahydrate, a substance that absorbs toxic lymph. Chemical formula the drug is Na2SO4 10H2O, and its maximum solubility in water is at 32.4 ° C. In medicine, the use of Glauber's salt is better known because of its laxative properties, necessary for effective cleansing of the human body.

Glauber's salt for weight loss

If you lead healthy image life and perform simple procedures within 5 days, you can get rid of excess weight and cleanse the intestines of toxins, forget about constipation. Glauber's salt will help you lose weight, but before you start taking the solution, you need to prepare fresh fruit: it will protect you from dehydration and help restore your vitamin balance. You need three types of fruit: four grapefruits, three oranges and two lemons. Next, you will need to grind all the ingredients and dilute them with water in a 1:1 ratio. Method of using the substance for those who want to lose weight:

  1. Drink the solution on an empty stomach (200 ml of water with 1 tablespoon of the substance).
  2. After half an hour, take 2 sips of a fortified drink, drink throughout the day every 30 minutes.
  3. Before going to bed, do an enema (add the juice of 2 lemons to 2 liters of boiled water).
  4. Follow the three steps described for 3 days, and then you need to drink vegetable juices.
  5. On the last day you can already eat fruits and vegetables.

Pros and cons of Glauber's salt

Before using a substance, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of Glauber's salt. Sodium sulfate has valuable properties: it cleanses the body of waste and toxins accumulated over the years due to solubility, removes fluid, and eliminates constipation. The most important advantage of consuming salt is that it does not disrupt lipid metabolism (metabolism). The obvious disadvantages of the substance include:

  • dehydration that occurs with a powerful laxative effect;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • Nutrients are removed from the body along with “garbage”;
  • the fat layer is not eliminated (weight loss is facilitated by getting rid of excess fluid).

Contraindications to the use of Glauber's salt

It is safe to use the substance only after reading the instructions, consulting a doctor, and laboratory tests. Mirabilite can harm the body, aggravate the course of many diseases and contribute to the exacerbation of chronic ones. In addition to individual intolerance, there are other contraindications to the use of Glauber's salt:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • dehydration.

How to take Glauber's salt

To cleanse the intestines, it is necessary to prepare a specific solution: for this, pour 400 ml of boiled warm water, add 40 g of the substance (taking into account the solubility rate). It is necessary to stir the resulting mixture throughout the day, and take Glauber's salt 2 hours before bedtime. Other features:

  • To avoid dehydration, you can drink about 2 glasses of water.
  • After the procedure, it is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits.
  • You should try to follow a diet that includes only light meals, excluding milk, eggs, meat, fish delicacies, soy, beans, and butter for a while.

Glauber's salt price

By taking a remedy such as Mirabilite, you can forget about the blockages in your stomach for a long time. You can buy a substance for weight loss and cleansing by ordering from an online store. Prices in Moscow start from 13 rubles per 1 kg of products and vary depending on the manufacturer and packaging weight. You can ask for this salt at pharmacy kiosks not as Glauber’s salt, but as an analogue called “sodium sulfate decahydrate crystalline hydrate.” Judging by the reviews, the product can be sold in pet stores.

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we'll try

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A small homestead farm can be very productive. Main - good content cows, which then respond with high milk yields.

Winter maintenance, which involves feeding cows with hay and dry food, significantly reduces milk yield. The herd’s immune system also suffers, which threatens infectious diseases. We correct the situation with Glauber's salt. If you dissolve a small amount of the product in water intended for watering cows, it improves digestion. The weight gain and the volume of milk produced are noticeably corrected.

For digestive problems, Glauber's salt is also used. Only the concentration of the solution is much higher. The drug corrects the situation with peritonitis, pleurisy, which also affects cows. I noticed that the larger the herd, the more often you encounter diseases.

“Glauber’s salt” is a universal, multi-disciplinary remedy, my husband and I believe. The container is always at hand and does not require additional tools. We prepared a note on concentrations in advance and hung it in the barn.

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Our three-year-old cat asked to see cats 6 or 7 times in a row over the winter. We were exhausted and decided to take her for sterilization. After sterilization, it turned out that the problem was fibroids, and we brought the animal on time, another week, and we might not have been able to save it. But these were not all our misadventures: we encountered a problem - the cat, coming out of anesthesia with difficulty and for a long time, almost did not drink, although we tried to pour in water with a syringe. Also, apparently, the cat was prevented from going to the toilet normally by the pain of the sutures after the operation - and because of this, constipation arose. I had to rack my brains on how to save the beast. We read on the Internet about petroleum jelly and Glauber’s salt; at that time it turned out to be easier to find the latter. They gave me 5 cubes of a six percent saline solution to drink from a syringe, then they forcibly poured water into the cat many more times so that she would not become dehydrated after the drug took effect. I won’t say it was right away, but things gradually got better, and now I remember those days of fiddling with the unfortunate animal like a bad dream.

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My mother and I work in the field of veterinary medicine. Mom is a doctor, I am a paramedic. We work in a regional veterinary clinic. The range of activities is quite wide, from horses and cows to parrots and chinchillas. Very often we are called to visit farm animals. It is when working with them that we use Glauber’s salt. This is an excellent drug for washing the body and stimulating digestion. It all depends on the doses. Recently there was an incident with a cow in one granny’s village. The cow somehow went into the barn itself, where there were sacks of corn. No one saw this, and she stayed there long enough. I ate as much corn as I wanted. Because of this, everything inside stopped working, atony of the forestomach. I had to rinse it with a solution of Glauber's salt using a gastric tube. The procedure was repeated twice. They took about 250 g of the drug. After a couple of days, Burenka began to recover. As soon as she was released, she immediately found herself in that barn. Only I didn’t touch the corn anymore, I didn’t want to.

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Glauber's salt is a wonderful remedy used for constipation in animals, as well as some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In our practice, we use it for constipation of various natures in small cattle. This product works very effectively and at the same time is quite “gentle”. Personally, we have not observed any side effects from the use of Glauber's salt, and there were no overdoses in animals (although in some cases increased doses of this drug were given). In addition to constipation itself, in small quantities this remedy is good to use to reduce the consequences and normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines in goats and sheep after disturbances in the functioning of the rumen or atony of the proventriculus. Glauber's salt practically does not interact with other agents used in this situation (Timpanol, Biogel-5, Vetom), and according to our observations, they can be used perfectly together without fear of consequences. The only thing worth noting about this drug is that it is advisable to store it at room temperature or below, since in the heat it tends to turn into a liquid state, and its use can be difficult.

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Mirabilite (sodium sulfate, Glauber's salt, E 514) is a laxative salt that is used as a laxative to relieve constipation, as well as to cleanse the intestines, liver, and lymph.

Glauber's salt received its name in honor of Johann Rudolf Glauber, who first discovered it (1604 - 1670). The scientist recovered from his illness in 1624 thanks to mineral springs containing sodium sulfate.

In traditional medicine, Glauber's salt is prescribed for short-term use against constipation.

In alternative medicine, Glauber's salt is used to cleanse the body, body fluid retention, gastrointestinal and kidney complaints.

IN food industry it is used as food additives(E 514), and also added to detergents.

Dosage of Glauber's salt for constipation:
Adults: 10 to 30 g of sodium sulfate dissolved in sufficient water (400-500 ml/dose). The effect occurs within a few hours.

inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal obstruction or stenosis
abdominal pain of unknown origin
intestinal perforation
renal failure
electrolyte imbalance: hypernatremia

Side effects:
Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting occur mainly when the dosage is too high. With long-term use, addiction, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration (hypertonic solutions) are possible.

Colon cleansing with Glauber's salt:
Glauber's salt is a well-known laxative that can be bought at any pharmacy around the corner. This salt is similar to Epsom salt (magnesia) with an extremely bitter salty taste, which radically affects the gastrointestinal tract. When cleansing the intestines with salt, it is recommended to drink more purified water.

With diarrhea, which is caused by taking Glauber's salt, the body loses large number water. However, it is ideal for cleansing the body of toxins.

1. According to the book by H. Mayr:
Take 1 - 3 teaspoons of Glauber's salt (about 7 - 21 g), dissolve it in 200 - 250 ml of warm water. To mask the bitter taste, you can add a few drops of orange juice. Drink the drink on an empty stomach (in the morning). After 30 - 120 minutes, bowel cleansing, diarrhea, and removal of toxins will begin. This cleansing will continue for about 6 hours. It is recommended to drink water all day, natural juices, do not eat food. This type of intestinal cleansing is best done once, maximum 2 days in a row. For the best effect, you can give a cleansing enema the next day (read here).

2. Second option for colon cleansing:
The day before the cleansing, prepare a solution of Glauber's salt. To do this, mix 30–40 g of salt in 250–400 ml of warm water. Stir the mixture several times throughout the day.
In the evening, 2 hours before bed, drink a mixture of salt and water in small doses, i.e. Within 30 minutes you must drink all the prepared liquid. After some time, you can drink 2 glasses of purified water to avoid dehydration.
You will notice the effect of Glauber's salt the next morning. Your intestines will be cleansed of toxins and blockages.

After cleansing, you need to follow a diet for 3 days, i.e. There are only light meals and snacks (vegetables, fruits). Avoid meat, oil, beans, soy, fish, eggs and dairy products for now.

Who is Glauber's salt not suitable for? For those who suffer from chronic constipation, low blood pressure, and heart failure. Before using the product, consult your doctor.

Mirabilite is a mineral from the sulfate class: sodium sulfate decahydrate. Synonym: Glauber's salt(I.R. Glauber discovered for the first time in mineral waters). Chemical formula: Na 2 SO 4 10H 2 O.

The gloss is glassy or matte. Hardness 1.5-2 on the Mohs scale. Specific gravity 1.49 g/cm3. Color white or colorless. The line is white. Crystalline mirabilite has perfect cleavage in one direction. When exposed to air, it loses water and becomes covered with a coating of white powder that crumbles easily. Crusts, discolorations and solid granular or dense masses. The crystals are needle-shaped. Monoclinic system.

Distinctive features . Mirabilite is characterized by a non-metallic luster, slight hardness, and a bitter-salty, cooling taste.

Chemical properties . Easily dissolves in water.

Mirabilite (white) in the middle of the gypsum. Photo Raúl Jorge Tauber Larry Glauber's salt


Superficial origin. Mirabilite is a lagoonal, lacustrine chemical sediment. Falls out when the water temperature drops (in winter); When the temperature rises (in summer) it dissolves. In addition, mirabilite forms efflorescence on the soil surface.

Satellites. Halite, gypsum.


Used in the production of soda, hyposulfate, ultramarine; in addition, in the glass industry, in refrigeration, and in medicine.

Glauber's salt deposits

A giant “factory” of mirabilite is the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay (Turkmenistan). Mirabilite was released from solution in the bay during the winter when the temperature dropped and was washed ashore in solid form by the surf. The deposit is of global importance. Mirabilite deposits are found near the lakes of the Lower Volga region, the Northern Caucasus (Batalpashinskoye), Transcaucasia, Transbaikalia (Selenginskoye, Karanskoye and Alganskoye), and the Kulundinskaya and Barabinskaya steppes (Marmashanskiye). Mirabilite nests are found in rock salt strata of the Sol-Iletsk deposit.

There are mirabilite deposits in Northern and South America and in South Africa.

Glauber's salt: use in medicine, properties

Glauber's salt got its name thanks to the German Glauber, who discovered it. This substance appears as transparent, colorless crystals that dissipate over time and have a bitter-salty taste. Salt is used in medicine as a strong, effective laxative.

The discovery of Glauber's salt dates back to the winter of 1626 and is directly related to the disease Glauber suffered in 1625 - typhus, at that time called "Hungarian fever". Here's how Glauber himself described it:

Having somewhat recovered from the illness, I arrived in Neapolis (the Latinized name for Neustadt, in German - “new city”; in Germany several cities have this name). There I started having attacks again and had to stay in this city. The illness weakened my stomach so much that it could neither accept nor digest any food. Local residents advised me to go to a spring located near a vineyard an hour's walk from the city. They said that the spring water would restore my appetite. Following their advice, I took with me a large piece of bread; I was told that I would have to eat it all, but I had little faith that it would somehow help me. Arriving at the source, I soaked the bread crumb in water and ate it - and with great pleasure, although before that I could not look at the most exquisite delicacies without disgust. Taking the remaining crust from the bread, I scooped up water from the source with it and drank it. This whetted my appetite so much that in the end I also ate the “cup” of bread with which I had scooped up the water. I returned home much stronger and shared my impressions with my neighbors. I felt that if I continued to be treated with this water, the functions of my stomach would be completely restored. I asked what kind of water this was. They told me that it contained saltpeter, which then, not being experienced in such matters, I believed.

Glauber became interested chemical composition source water and devoted the entire next winter to this study. He became friends with the local pharmacist Eisner and used his laboratory for experiments. During the research he evaporated mineral water and analyzed precipitation. Instead of saltpeter, the sediment contained a previously unknown salt, which he called “wonderful” - in Latin “sal mirabile”. In particular, the name of the natural mineral mirabilite comes from its Latin name.

More details about this medicine we will talk to you on the website, in the publication: Glauber's salt, use in medicine, properties.

Medicinal properties of Glauber's salt

This is a powerful, fast-acting laxative. As a rule, it is used for severe food poisoning, for thorough cleansing of the intestines, lymphatic system, and for medical reasons it is also used for liver diseases.

When cleaning the intestines, when entering the human body, the salt solution significantly dilutes the stool, increases its volume, causing severe diarrhea. The main effect of this cleansing is that the solution collects dead cells, waste, and toxins, removing them out along with the liquid.

When used externally, this product acts similarly - it cleanses the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

How to use Glauber's salt?

In medicine, the drug is used orally in the form aqueous solution, boluses, porridge. Externally - in the form of a solution.

The solution is used externally to treat purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time, since the solution has a drying property, enhances the separation of purulent contents, thus cleaning and disinfecting the wound.


When taken orally, the drug is poorly absorbed gastrointestinal tract, attracting a large volume of fluid to the intestines. For the best cleansing effect, use a solution of 5-10% concentration. Relaxation occurs 2-5 hours after administration.

When using the drug internally, it should be remembered that Glauber's salt is slowly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, providing a slow thickening of the mucus. Therefore, bowel cleansing with a solution is carried out for three days.

To prepare the solution, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. drug per 200 ml. boiled water at room temperature.

This remedy should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach. It will effectively cleanse the body of harmful substances and poisons. But since the solution has drying properties, this can lead to dehydration.

Therefore, during treatment, drink 2 liters every day. a mixture of freshly squeezed juices from 4 grapefruits, 2 lemons, 3 oranges. After a three-day cleanse, on day 4 you can start consuming raw vegetables, fruits, and freshly squeezed vegetable juices. After a week, you can gradually switch to your usual diet.

How to cleanse lymph with Glauber's salt?

The lymphatic system of our body protects it from various infections. If the lymph is contaminated, the entire system loses its protective function, putting a person’s health at risk. Hordes of microbes, viruses, and bacteria rush into the body, destroying everything in their path. Hence allergic diseases, colds, flu, asthma, cancer.

According to healers, a solution of Glauber's salt will help to effectively cleanse the lymph and restore the body's protective functions. But there is one necessary condition: Lymph cleansing should be carried out only after
liver cleansing.

If this condition is met, you can proceed directly to the cleaning procedure.
Prepare fresh juice from grapefruits and oranges. You need to take 900 g of them. Mix the juices, add 200 ml lemon juice. Mix everything, dilute the mixture with 2 liters. clean, fresh water, store in the refrigerator. Make the juice in the morning, on the day of the procedure.

Do an enema in the evening. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a solution of Glauber's salt (50 g per 1 glass of clean water). This solution will soon begin to work, clearing the lymphatic system of dirt.

After an hour, start drinking the drink you prepared in the morning, 1 glass every 30 minutes. You should drink everything throughout the day without leaving a trace. Before use, it is better to heat it to 35 degrees. You should not eat any food during cleansing days. But this drink is an effective energy drink, so you hardly feel hungry.

Cleansing should be carried out for three days in a row. Take a saline solution in the morning, then drink a mixture of juices and water every half hour. During this time, the lymphatic system will be completely cleansed.

After complete procedures, you can gradually switch to light, liquid porridge, fermented milk products, fresh, low-fat chicken broths. After another couple of days, you can move on to your normal diet.

Be careful! Such cleaning should be carried out no more than once a year. Cleaning procedures should not be carried out if you have diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

Glauber's salt is a very strong laxative for cleansing the intestines. This is precisely its main use in medicine. To avoid harm to your body, use the cleansing properties of this product after consulting your doctor. Be healthy!


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