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Konstantin Eduardovich Dobrynin- Russian political and public figure, from March 2012 to September 2015, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly from the Arkhangelsk region. Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. Since September 2015 - State Secretary of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers.


In 1998 he received a diploma from St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Law.

From 2001 to 2004, he worked as Deputy Director and Acting Head of the Legal Department of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. He took part in the dispute between the companies Basic Element and Ilim Pulp Enterprise. He worked in the pulp and paper industry for a long time.

In February 2012, he won the elections of deputies to the Yemtsovskoye Municipal Education Council, Arkhangelsk Region.

In March 2012, he became a senator of the Federation Council, representing the interests of the government of the Arkhangelsk region in the Federation Council as deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

In August 2015, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region announced that Konstantin Dobrynin’s candidacy was not included in the list of candidates for senator; he himself announced his desire to change his job, taking up social and political activities and jurisprudence.

Currently he is State Secretary, Deputy President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, senior partner of the Pen & Paper bar association and has a real estate business.


Became known for public criticism of tightening plans Russian laws: Roskomnadzor’s ban on indicating in the press the causes of suicide of terminally ill people and the law on the so-called “right to be forgotten” on the Internet, the “Dima Yakovlev Law”, as well as Irina Yarovaya’s bill banning criticism of the actions of the anti-Hitler coalition troops. At the end of June 2015, he announced the possibility of recognizing same-sex marriage in Russia and the need to reduce the level of public aggression towards sexual minorities.

In addition, he called for the surrender of the mandates of those State Duma deputies who, in his opinion, are promoting themselves on loud and crazy laws, and suggested that the head Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin to check the sanity of the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly Vitaly Milonov.

Together with senators Andrei Klishas and Vadim Tyulpanov, he is the author of a number of bills reforming criminal procedural legislation and eliminating criminal procedural absurdities.

In particular, on his initiative it was adopted Federal law about the right of a detainee to one telephone call no later than three hours from the moment he is brought to the body of inquiry or, as journalists call it, the Russian version of the American “Miranda rule”.

He became one of the authors of the law, widely supported by motorists, on the use of audio and video recordings, including data from dashcams, as evidence in administrative proceedings. The bill was initially developed by a group of State Duma deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party led by Yaroslav Nilov, but was not supported by the government. After joining the relevant committee of the Federation Council and experts from the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, the initiative was finalized, supported by the government, the Presidential Administration and became law.

He sharply criticized the Minister of Culture Medinsky, publicly declaring that he should think about changing his profession in connection with the remark of the head of the Ministry of Culture to the head of the State Archive Sergei Mironenko, who called the feat of 28 Panfilovites a myth.

Speaking at a meeting on archival matters, the minister called on the leadership of the State Archives of the Russian Federation to practice their profession and not give their own assessments of archival documents after the head of the State Archives, Sergei Mironenko, called the feat of 28 Panfilov men a “myth.”

Konstantin Dobrynin, lawyer of Teacher A.E. Open letter to Deputy Poklonskaya Dear Natalya Vladimirovna, We drew attention with satisfaction to your official request with a request to conduct an investigation into certain anonymous “brothers” speaking on behalf of the unknown “All-Russian Public Orthodox Organization “Christian State - Holy Rus'” with extremist statements and threats as to the creative team of the film “Matilda”, and to its potential viewers. At the same time, we believe that your appeal is a purely symbolic step, albeit in the right direction, since law enforcement agencies are already checking our applications submitted earlier. Your step, although welcomed by us, is still clearly insufficient in the current situation, including through your fault. The fact is that the crimes provided for in Part 2 of Article 128.1 of the Criminal Code are slander contained in a publicly displayed work, Part 3 of Article 212 of the Criminal Code are calls for mass riots, and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code are incitement to hatred and enmity, already committed. We assess the threats expressed in them as real. Three articles of the Criminal Code were violated Russian Federation, and you, instead of stopping the persecution of the outstanding Russian director and calling the criminals to repentance, continue to escalate the situation. Yesterday you publicly presented a certain appeal from unidentified persons who called themselves insulted Muslims. You claimed that even the Muslim residents of the North Caucasus were offended by the trailer, which supposedly showed our Russian holy Tsar inappropriately. We understand that you are not fully aware of the events taking place in modern Russia. This is understandable: the events and heroes of a hundred years ago occupied you much more while you were languishing in the prosecutor’s office of a completely different country. Not Russia. This is why you don’t understand that by trying to play the North Caucasian card you are taking a very dangerous and traumatic road for every Russian person. Instead of settling the conflict and apologizing to talented people, you go out on new level very scary game. That's why. We invite you, without waiting for the completion of checks on our applications and at your deputy request, to take a step not symbolic, but legal: to publicly address directly the so-called. citizens of the “Christian State”, already as persons who have committed these crimes, with an offer to surrender to the authorities, in other words, to actively repent. The articles of the Criminal Code, under which we ask you to carry out a check in relation to the “brothers” of Christians, belong to the category of crimes of minor or medium gravity, and if a criminal case is initiated against them and they fulfill the requirements of Art. 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to apply the institution of active repentance to them. As you may know, after committing a crime, a person can show active repentance, i.e. voluntarily report to law enforcement agencies, write a confession. According to Art. 140 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, surrender is grounds for initiating a criminal case. Voluntary surrender means that a person, on his own initiative and not due to the fact that he became aware of the initiation of a criminal case against him, and also not because law enforcement agencies became aware of his involvement in the commission of a crime, came to the authorities and spoke about the crime he had committed, his accomplices, etc. In addition, we urge you to appeal to your fans among radical religious fanatics of any faith with a demand to stop destabilizing the situation in Russia and stop putting pressure on the filmmaker, who has proven his love for Russia and his devotion to its culture and people with all his many years of work and with all his films. Prove it too.

Political and public figure, member, state secretary of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, representative from the executive body state power(March 2012 - September 2015).

In 1998 he graduated from St. Petersburg state university, Faculty of Law.

Career of Dobrynin Konstantin

Since 2001, he worked as a member of the legal directorate of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise corporation, a lawyer.
From 2001 to 2004 - worked as Deputy Director and Acting Head of the Legal Department of Ilim Pulp Enterprise CJSC. He took part in the dispute between the companies "" and "Ilim Pulp Enterprise".

In 2003, he co-founded the law firm Green Corridor.

From 2003 to 2005 - was a member of the Board of Directors of the Kotlas Pulp and Paper Mill.

From 2004 to 2007 - provided legal support in resolving corporate conflicts between companies.

In 2007, he became director for the protection of property rights, deputy director for legal affairs. issues of OJSC Ilim Group.
In 2007, he became a member of the Board of Directors of Ilim Timber Industry.

In 2009, he founded a new law firm, Pen & Paper. Developed law enforcement practice, dealt with issues of business development ideology and strategy in the long term.

In February 2012, he won the elections of deputies to the Yemtsovskoye Municipal Education Council, Arkhangelsk Region.

From March 2012 to September 2015, he became a senator of the Federation Council, representing the interests of the government of the Arkhangelsk region. In the Federation Council he was Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Since September 2015 - State Secretary of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers.

Facts from career and activities

Konstantin Eduardovich Dobrynin was one of the main organizers and developers of programs for resolving a corporate dispute with Basic Element.

In 2008, according to the Kommersant publication, the Green Corridor firm became one of the leading law firms in the Russian Federation that develop anti-raid programs.

On April 2, 2015, a statement was sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with a request to initiate a criminal case against member of the Federation Council from the Arkhangelsk region Konstantin Dobrynin under Article 354.1 “Rehabilitation of Nazism” of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The reason for this was Konstantin Dobrynin’s interview with the daily St. Petersburg online newspaper Fontanka.Ru, published on the newspaper’s website on April 2, 2015.

In August 2015, the governor of the Arkhangelsk region announced that Konstantin Dobrynin’s candidacy was not included in the list of candidates for senator.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

State Secretary of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation
from October 3, 2015
Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the Arkhangelsk region
March 4 - September 25, 2015
President Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Predecessor Nikolai Pitirimovich Lvov
Successor Viktor Nikolaevich Pavlenko
Birth November 23(1976-11-23 ) (42 years old)
  • Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
  • SPbSU
Activity lawyer, jurist, politician
Konstantin Eduardovich Dobrynin at Wikimedia Commons

Currently he is State Secretary, Deputy President of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, senior partner of the Pen & Paper bar association and has a real estate business.

Since 2016, member of the board of trustees of the Russian non-profit organization “Foundation for Assistance to People Living with HIV “AIDS.CENTER””, which was founded in July 2016 by Anton Krasovsky. The objectives of the foundation include helping HIV-positive people and informing the population about the problems of HIV and AIDS.


He became known for his public criticism of plans to tighten Russian laws: Roskomnadzor’s ban on indicating in the press the causes of suicide of terminally ill people and the law on the so-called “right to oblivion” on the Internet, the “Dima Yakovlev Law”, as well as Irina Yarovaya’s bill banning criticism of the actions of the anti-Hitler coalition troops . At the end of June 2015, he announced the possibility of recognizing same-sex marriage in Russia and the need to reduce the level of public aggression towards sexual minorities.

In addition, he called for the surrender of the mandates of those State Duma deputies who, in his opinion, are promoting themselves on loud and crazy laws, and suggested that the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, check the sanity of the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly, Vitaly Milonov.

Repeatedly advocated for improved relations with the United States and other countries Western Europe and publicly called for a reset of international relations and the easing of international tensions. In particular, he opposed the closure of the Russian-American educational exchange program FLEX and made a corresponding request to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

The non-profit Russian-American cultural exchange program FLEX for high school students was created in 1992 on the initiative of US Senator Bill Bradley and was conceived as a means of achieving mutual understanding between the two cultures of our countries, which for a long time were protected from each other by the Iron Curtain. However, the program was curtailed.

Together with senators Andrei Klishas and Vadim Tyulpanov, he is the author of a number of bills reforming criminal procedural legislation and eliminating criminal procedural absurdities.

In particular, on his initiative, the Federal Law was adopted on the right of a detainee to one telephone call no later than three hours from the moment he was brought to the body of inquiry or, as journalists call it, the Russian version of the American “Miranda rule”.

He became one of the authors of the law, widely supported by motorists, on the use of audio and video recordings, including data from dashcams, as evidence in administrative proceedings. The bill was initially developed by a group of State Duma deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party led by Yaroslav Nilov, but was not supported by the government. After joining the relevant committee of the Federation Council and experts from the Federal Chamber of Lawyers, the initiative was finalized, supported by the government, the Presidential Administration and became law.

He sharply criticized the Minister of Culture Medinsky, publicly stating that he should think about changing his profession in connection with the remark of the head of the Ministry of Culture to the head of the State Archive Sergei Mironenko, who called the feat of 28 Panfilovites a myth.

Speaking at a meeting on archival matters, the minister called on the leadership of the State Archives of the Russian Federation to practice their profession and not give their own assessments of archival documents after the head of the State Archives, Sergei Mironenko, called the feat of 28 Panfilov men a “myth.”

In September 2015, he introduced a bill to the State Duma on countering the rehabilitation of the Stalinist totalitarian regime (on de-Stalinization), in which he proposed equating information materials justifying the political repressions of Stalinism to extremist. In addition, Dobrynin proposed introducing a ban “on perpetuating the memory of persons involved in the crimes of the Stalinist totalitarian regime when assigning names to new geographical objects, territorial units, elements of the road network and metro stations.” At the same time, he prepared and sent to President Vladimir Putin an official appeal with a program of priority steps to de-Stalinize Russia. After Dobrynin left parliament, the bill was rejected by the legal department of the lower house due to the lack of financial and economic justification for the document.

From December 2016 to December 2017, he defended the interests of Russian film director Alexei Uchitel in a conflict with State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, who tried to ban the release of the film Matilda, as a work of art that offends the feelings of believers.

During the confrontation with Poklonskaya, 43 deputy requests were sent to the Prosecutor General's Office, including a request to initiate a criminal case against Alexei Uchitel, and lawyer Dobrynin was declared outlaw by Poklonskaya. All requests received negative responses.

For the first time, such an extraordinary phenomenon on Russian soil as “Orthodox terrorism” was revealed, which for a long time brought fear to the entire population of the country and paralyzed the activities of film distribution organizations, after the leader of an unregistered organization “ Christian state- Holy Rus'” A. Kalinin first announced threats of arson of cinemas and damage to other people’s property throughout Russia, and then they were implemented in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. In particular, two cars were burned near the office of Konstantin Dobrynin in Moscow.

As a result, 5 criminal cases were initiated against persons who prevented the release of the film, including against A. Kalinin, and he was arrested and subsequently convicted.

For almost a year and a half, Natalya Poklonskaya tried to initiate a criminal case against lawyer Dobrynin, noting in her statements to the investigative authorities that director Alexei Uchitel and his representative Konstantin Dobrynin, starting from September 4, 2017, allegedly accused the State Duma deputy of committing crimes, creating terrorist organization and covering its activities. She was refused to initiate a criminal case.

In 2017, he proposed to the Government to exclude Article 122 “Infection with HIV” from the Criminal Code, since it “increases the stigmatization of HIV-infected people.”

As State Secretary of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation, he sharply criticized the bill introduced in April 2018 to the State Duma in response to US anti-Russian sanctions, aimed at “minimizing the threat to the interests and security of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of its citizens from the United States of America and ( or) other foreign states,” publicly calling on Russian parliamentarians before adopting the bill in three readings “to take and soberly assess the risks for the country from such a legislative initiative, albeit a framework, but certainly harmful to the country.”

The bill proposed to prohibit or limit the “execution individual species works (services), including consulting, auditing and legal services, on the territory of the Russian Federation to meet state and municipal needs, as well as the needs of certain types of legal entities.”

After widespread criticism from the professional community, the bill was not adopted.


  1. Bar reform faces opposition
  2. Roman Super.The senator who wanted change “Radio Liberty”, 08/04/2015
  3. Liberal council: why Russian senators are attacking the State Duma | Opinions(English)

You probably all remember who Lieutenant General Andrei Vlasov was, who served the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War.

Unfortunately, the traitor gene continues to live in people, and shows us more and more reincarnations of the famous collaborator, whose surname has become a household name for the most treacherous betrayal of the people and the Motherland.

Meet the Vlasov senator Konstantin Dobrynin, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building.

Remember this face of the enemy of the Fatherland.

Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger and Dmitry Medvdedev. In the center is the eminence grise Vekselberg.

It is obvious that during the years of working for pro-American clans (and perhaps even during his student years), Konstantin Dobrynin was imbued with the ideology of a traitor to Russia, and became a suitable candidate for anti-Russian forces to advance to power. In 2012, he won the elections of deputies to the Yemtsovskoye Municipal Education Council in the Arkhangelsk Region. And a month later, miraculously, he became a senator of the Federation Council, representing in it the interests of the government of the entire Arkhangelsk region, to the post of deputy chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building. It is noteworthy here that Arkhangelsk Governor Igor Orlov comes from Medvedev’s Avtotor project, so asking him to nominate “his man” to the Federation Council was probably not difficult.

Well, Konstantin Dobrynin, after such an incredible social lift, fully met the expectations of the fifth column in his new post. Thus, he criticized the so-called “Dima Yakovlev Law”, which prohibited foreigners from adopting Russian children after the cruelty of Americans towards them became public knowledge.

Let me remind you that on July 8, 2008, at the age of 21 months, Dima Yakovlev, adopted in the United States, died as a result of being left by Miles Harrison for 9 hours in a closed GMC Yukon car in 32-degree heat.

It was precisely for the continuation of such tragedies that the liberal scumbag Konstantin Dobrynin advocated, joining the position of the national traitors Udaltsov, Pavlovsky, Akhedzhakova and others, who dubbed the new legislative act the “law of scoundrels.”

“There are probably many places in the world where the standard of living is better than ours. So what, we send all the children there? Maybe we can move there ourselves?”

Vladimir Putin, December 27, 2012.

In 2014, Vlasov senator Konstantin Dobrynin received an assignment from his American masters to defend the Future Leaders Exchange educational exchange program, with the help of which the United States sucks brains from all over the world and recruits young people.

In the best traditions of the fifth column, it could not have happened without the support of the Vlasov senator for the American underdog Alexei Navalny.

In the summer of 2015, Konstantin Dobrynin, following the American strategy of dehumanizing society, announced the possibility of recognizing same-sex marriage in Russia.

everything is written on the face and posture

As practice shows, liberalism, anti-Sovietism, pro-Americanism and perverted sexual preferences are phenomena that always go hand in hand.

Of course, in response to such dedicated work, anti-Russian forces generously presented the Vlasov senator with a crisp buck and a beautiful life.

as well as laudatory publications on their resources. For example, on Radio Liberty, officially a media outlet founded by the US Central Intelligence Agency in Munich in 1950. Each of his employees gave the following subscription:

“The undersigned is warned that RFE is a CIA enterprise and that the CIA funds its activities. The undersigned is hereby officially notified. If he discloses this information to a third party, he will be subject to a fine of 10 thousand and imprisonment for 10 years.”

So, it is obvious that the liberal traitors have become seriously unhinged lately in


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