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One of the oldest fruits is quince. The beneficial properties of this fruit are simply incredible, for which it deserves attention. This interesting fruit, on the one hand, resembles an apple, on the other, a pear, although it does not have their taste.

In the article you can find beneficial properties quince and contraindications for its consumption. This fruit is distinguished by its dryish pulp, which has a tart, astringent and slightly sour taste. Despite such signs, in ancient times it was considered one of the symbols of fertility and love. That is why this fruit is worthy of attention.

What is quince?

The beneficial properties of the fruit are of interest to many people. Before moving on to them, you should find out what this fruit is. Since our ancestors actively used it, the current generation wants to learn more and more about it.

Quince is a plant in the form of a shrub or low tree on which edible fruits grow. It belongs to the Pink family. Quince is widespread in Central Asia, Australia, Transcaucasia, the Mediterranean, as well as certain Asian regions.

Fruits are used for cooking and various cosmetics. Like other plants, they have a number of beneficial properties, which is why they are on the list of traditional medicine.

What is it like?

Today there are several varieties of quince. Each of them has beneficial properties, which is important. It is difficult to distinguish varieties from each other at first glance, but basic knowledge about each category can help with this.

The most popular varieties are:

  1. The beneficial properties and benefits of this fruit generally boil down to the fact that it is rich in nutrients, vitamins and various microelements. A distinctive feature is the appearance of pale pink flowers during flowering. Chinese quince is very aromatic; it has quite fleshy pulp with pronounced astringency and slight sourness. This fruit is remarkably helpful in treating the stomach, spleen and liver. In addition, it can be used to eliminate swelling that occurs during pregnancy in women.
  2. Japanese quince. Shrubs of this variety reach a height of 2 meters. They belong to the category of evergreens, have red flowers and incredibly tasty fruits. Their pulp contains quite a lot of fruit acids, so the juice obtained from it must be further diluted with water.
  3. Ordinary quince. The third known variety is trees with large-sized fruits. Ordinary fruits grow in the Crimea, the Baltic states, Central Asia, Greece, as well as in middle lane Russia.

Composition and energy value

The composition and value of the product interest people no less than the beneficial properties of quince, so they are also worth considering separately. The calorie content of fruit per 100 grams is 48 kcal, and the protein/fat/carbohydrate content is 0.6/0.5/9.6 grams.

The composition of quince is quite rich. It includes the following elements:

  • provitamin A;
  • vitamins E, C, EE, as well as group B;
  • mineral complex (sodium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron);
  • organic acids (malic, citric, tartronic, tartaric).

Is the fruit healthy?

Quince is a fruit whose beneficial properties and harms are known only to a few. Finally, it's time to learn more about them. Thanks to its amazing composition, the fruit provides invaluable assistance to the human body. This:

  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • prevention and treatment of viruses and colds;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • ensuring a stable heartbeat;
  • removal of toxins;
  • help with diarrhea;
  • preventing thrombosis;
  • prevention of cholesterol plaques;
  • treatment of hemorrhoids.

Everyone should know these beneficial properties of quince for the human body. This fruit can really serve as an excellent medicine, which will give a much greater effect than any expensive drug.

People want to know both the beneficial properties of the quince fruit and the harm it can cause. Fortunately, it does not worsen health and is not dangerous for those who take contraindications into account.

Benefits for women and men

The beneficial properties of quince and contraindications for women should also be known. In addition to the features given above, it is worth saying that the fruit is very important for a woman’s body. This applies to all the weaker sex, including pregnant women. Benefit for female body is expressed as follows:

  • the iron contained in quince is important element for pregnant and lactating women, as well as during “critical days”;
  • the fruit acts as an antiemetic, so it perfectly helps pregnant women with toxicosis;
  • thanks to folic acid the risk of developing a cleft palate in a child is reduced, and the fruit also contributes to protein and energy security.

No less interesting will be the beneficial properties of quince and contraindications for men. The restrictions on fruit consumption will be discussed in more detail later, but for now we need to figure out why the stronger sex should pay attention to this fruit at all. The following points need to be noted here:

  • Vitamin A prevents prostate cancer;
  • Niacin (vitamin PP) regulates the most important hormones: testosterone, insulin, estrogen and progesterone.


The beneficial properties of quince for the human body certainly make us think about regular consumption of this fruit. But, unfortunately, the composition does not allow all people to eat it. The main contraindications are:

  • pleurisy;
  • chronic constipation;
  • enterocolitis;
  • predisposition to allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance.

All these points are absolute contraindications. This means that if they are present, eating the fruit is strictly prohibited.

In addition to this list, there is another list of situations in which it is allowed to eat quince, but this must be done very carefully. These include:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • constipation;
  • high blood clotting;
  • lactation;
  • allergy to fruits.

Knowing the beneficial properties of quince and contraindications, every adult will be able to determine for himself whether he can consume this fruit and in what quantities to do so. If you have a disease for which eating the fruit is strictly prohibited, but you still want to try it, then you should consult a doctor. He will tell you how to satisfy your needs without harming your body.

Rules of consumption

All the beneficial properties of quince make it more attractive for consumption. But few people know that it is quite difficult to eat it, even if it is ripe. This feature makes people think about whether it is possible to eat it raw and how to properly prepare it in order to not only get the benefits, but also enjoy the taste.

The pulp of the fruit is quite dense, it has a unique taste and aroma. Of course, some people like this, but most people find it all unusual.

Despite the fact that quince is a fruit, it can be used to make not only desserts. It is perfect as a side dish for meat dishes if fried. In addition, it is often complemented with pilaf, to which the fruit gives more richness and aroma.

You can also easily prepare compote, jam, infusion, and so on from quince. All this can be easily done at home. For cooking delicious dish with an amazing aroma, you don’t need to have any special cooking skills or purchase special equipment. The only difficulty is that you can’t get quince everywhere, although you can find everything if you want.

Quince jam

Thanks to the beneficial properties of quince (Japanese, ordinary and Chinese), experienced chefs have developed several recipes that attract the attention of consumers. One of them is jam. This fruit acquires its real taste only after heat treatment. After it, the unpleasant astringency and viscosity disappears, and a great taste and aroma appears. In this case, the beneficial properties are in no way lost.

First of all, 1 kg of fruit must be thoroughly washed and cut into large slices. Then they need to be placed in boiling water and cooked for 15 minutes. When the quince is ready, drain the broth and add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to it. Next, you need to put the liquid on the fire and let it boil, then combine it with boiled fruit slices and leave for 5 hours. After this time, the almost finished jam must be put back on the fire and boiled for another 4 minutes. When the mass has cooled, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of lemon juice to it.

Having learned the main beneficial properties of quince and recipes for its preparation, many people immediately run to the store to buy it. In fact, it is better to look for it at the market, where sellers bring fruit directly from greenhouses, where they are grown using special technology in compliance with all rules.


Like any other fruit, quince can be used to make compote. For it you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • 3 fruits;
  • a couple of cinnamon sticks;
  • 6 tablespoons granulated sugar;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid.

First you need to thoroughly rinse all the fruits and cut each of them into 4 parts. Afterwards you need to extract the seeds and, if desired, remove the peel, although it will not interfere with anything. Next, each slice should be cut into small slices and placed in a pre-washed container, where the drink will be sealed. Afterwards, you need to boil water and pour it into the jar, placing a knife or spoon so that the glass does not crack under the influence high temperature. Then cover the jar with a tin lid and leave for about 20 minutes. The duration of infusion must be chosen depending on the desired hardness of the fruit - the longer it is steamed, the softer it will be.

The next step is to put cinnamon, granulated sugar and citric acid into the pan. After 20 minutes, pour syrup from a jar of steamed fruit into this container and boil the contents. Next, you need to remove the cinnamon from there, and return the remaining liquid to the jar with the slices. Afterwards, the container should be sealed with a hot tin lid using a special sealing device. Before placing it in a basement or cellar, be sure to check it for leaks and let it cool completely.

This way you get a wonderful compote that can be taken out winter time. When finished, it will be not only tasty, but also healthy. When cold weather sets in and the risk of catching the virus is very high, compote can be used as a preventive measure. It will help improve your immune system and give you energy. Both adults and children will drink this drink with great pleasure. Its taste will seem unusual at first, but it cannot be called disgusting. And the aroma just open can will attract the attention of all people nearby. The velvety and moderately sweet smell of quince will appeal to every person.

What to do with the seeds

When people learn more information about the fruit in question, they become less interested in the beneficial properties of quince. The fruit has amazing seeds that can also be used in cooking and medicine.

The most interesting recipe is an emollient for colic. For this you will need to take about 15 grams of seeds and a glass of water. The components need to be combined and then shaken for 10 minutes. The result is a kind of infusion, which should be consumed a tablespoon after each main meal (no more than three times a day).

Another option for using the seeds is preparing a decoction for use as a lotion for skin diseases, burns, eye diseases, and baldness. To do this, add 300 ml of water to a teaspoon of the main component and heat it in a water bath for 15 minutes. Next, the vessel needs to be removed from the heat, wrapped in a towel and left for a couple of hours. Then the broth should be filtered, after which it will be ready for use.

How to use the leaves

Special attention The beneficial properties of quince leaves are worthy. They are collected during the flowering period of trees and stored in a dry place. These ingredients help cope with many diseases. They are allowed to be used by both adults and children.

In order to relieve an acute attack of bronchial asthma, you should prepare a decoction of 6 leaves and a glass of boiling water. They need to be combined, kept in a water bath for up to 16 minutes, and then squeezed out the raw materials into another vessel and add a little cooled boiled water there to get the original volume. It is recommended to take the prepared liquid 3 times a day, a couple of tablespoons.

Another decoction will help in the treatment of sore throat. It is prepared from one tablespoon of dry leaves, which are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. As soon as the product has cooled, it can be used immediately. You are allowed to drink the prepared decoction no more than 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.


The list of beneficial properties of quince for the body of every person helps many people find a universal remedy for various diseases. In this regard, the Japanese fruit, scientifically called chaenomeles, is especially popular. It contains vitamin C, which improves the functioning of internal organs.

From Japanese quince you can prepare all the same dishes that are provided above. If there are no contraindications, then you can consume it in unlimited quantities. But it is worth considering that due to its amazing features, the fruit does not allow people to enjoy it for too long.

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Quince is a shrub or tree from 1.5 to 5 meters in height, the fruits of which are spherical or pear-shaped with a hard, tart, astringent, sweetish taste. People have known the beneficial properties of quince since ancient times, often using the fruit as a medicinal plant. Its seeds are rich in iron, so quince is useful in decoctions taken to saturate the body with useful microelements, and also as a mild laxative, to reduce cough, for eye diseases, and as cosmetics that soften the skin.

What are the benefits of common quince?

Common quince is a rival to lemon and a competitor to apple in terms of the presence of nutrients. From early spring to late autumn it is eaten raw, baked, boiled delicious jam. Famous cuisines of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Mediterranean cannot be imagined without this fruit: they season meat with it, make soft drinks and sweets. Quince is also called a false apple, because it is spherical in shape and golden in color, and its properties are amazing. The fruits, seeds, and leaves of quince contain:

  • a huge amount of pectin;
  • niacin, vitamin C;
  • sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium;

Common quince varieties and their medicinal properties

There are many varieties of quince. Only on site Russian Federation There are more than 10 types of this fruit. Famous Russian varieties: Teplovskaya, soft-fruited Volgogradskaya, collective, Krasnoslobodskaya and others. But not all fruits are allowed to be consumed fresh. Many varieties are grown in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Azerbaijan. We will talk about the most famous varieties of quince, which have particularly beneficial properties.


The early ripening French variety differs from its relatives in the speed of ripening. This variety has fruits reminiscent of apples, the pulp is dense with granulation near the core. It is used fresh, for processing or for medicinal purposes. Flowering and fruiting Angers quince is a very beautiful ornamental plant that decorates public gardens and parks. A decoction of Anzherskaya is used to gargle the throat of a child or an adult for a sore throat. Quince compote helps with gastrointestinal diseases, which is worth taking note by women during pregnancy.


Gardeners call Japanese quince Chaenomeles, and its flowers are very similar to apple trees. Chaenomeles is cultivated in Japan and China as an ornamental or fruit tree. Wild chaenomeles is often found on some islands of Japan. Japanese quince fruits contain a lot healing properties, for example, pectins, which cleanse the human body of heavy metal salts. Fresh or dried fruits of Chaenomelis japonica are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma, tuberculosis and diabetes. You can learn even more about the medicinal properties of Chaenomelis from the video:


Chinese quince fruits weigh up to 1.5 kg and contain:

  • vitamins A, C, B;
  • calcium, iron;
  • malic, tartaric, citric acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • pectin.

Chinese quince, past heat treatment, useful for gastrointestinal tract, organs cardiovascular system, it has the ability to reduce blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol. Jam is especially useful in winter, when it is easy to become infected with various viruses. It is also widely used in cooking. Marmalade is especially good, because it’s not for nothing that the word “quince” means “marmalade” in Portuguese. A decoction of Chinese quince seeds tends to affect the central nervous system calming effect.

Quince recipes for treating various diseases

The range of applications of the false apple is enormous. These fruits are used to prevent the risk of diseases such as:

  1. Flu.
  2. Stomach ulcer.
  3. Hypertension.
  4. Haemorrhoids.
  5. Liver diseases.
  6. Eye diseases.
  7. Diarrhea.
  8. Jaundice.
  9. Dysentery.
  10. Tuberculosis.

Fresh quince juice is indicated for anemia, and just 100 g of fresh fruit can provide the body with two daily requirements of iron. To ease bronchial asthma, leaves from 6 fruits should be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled in a water bath for 20 minutes, then squeezed out, added water to the original volume and taken 4 times before meals daily, 2 tbsp. l. The infusion is stored in the cold for no more than 3 days.

Decoctions from seeds for inflammation of the bronchi

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the bronchi, quince seeds are used. They contain glycerin, starch, beneficial mucus, glycosites, tannins and fatty oil, which allows them to be used as an enveloping and expectorant agent. Less commonly, the seeds are used as a laxative, for painful periods, baldness, and dry mouth symptoms.

Only ripe fruit seeds are collected. The main thing is not to damage their shell, otherwise the seeds will become unsuitable for treating bronchi - they will lose beneficial hydrocyanic acid. The seeds are dried, placed in a glass jar, and stored for no more than one year. For inflammation of the bronchi, 1 tbsp. l. seeds should be poured with warm water, shaken for several minutes until the liquid becomes mucous, take 100 ml before meals three times every day until recovery.

Decoction of leaves to stabilize blood sugar

The beneficial properties of false apple leaves are no less known than the seeds and fruits. The decoction is used for blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, asthma attacks and to reduce blood sugar levels. To prepare the decoction, you need to chop the quince leaves, pour one tablespoon with 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction is kept covered until it cools, then filtered and drunk three times daily, 2 tbsp. l.

To normalize an asthma attack, it will be useful to simmer boiled quince leaves for 15-20 minutes, then strain and bring to the original volume (200 ml) with water. Drink 4 times before meals, 2 tbsp. l. daily until the attack goes away. If you use quince decoction for a long period of time, asthma will completely stop bothering you. Hypertensive patients will benefit from an alcohol tincture, which is prepared as follows: take 100 g of freshly picked quince leaves and pour in 100 g of vodka. The infusion is kept for a week in a dark place, filtered and consumed daily, 20 drops 2 times.

Quince compote to strengthen the body

To prevent colds, prudent housewives stock up on quince compote for the winter, which retains all the beneficial properties of the fruit, even when boiled. It is easy to prepare: to do this, ripe fruits are peeled, cut, removing the core, and then immersed in acidified water to soften. When the fruits, pricked with a needle, slide off easily, they are taken out and left to dry. At this time, add 300 g of sugar to 1 liter of water and bring to a boil. Then the syrup is poured over the quince, placed in glass jars and then sterilized.

Quince tea has no less beneficial properties. The diuretic properties of the drink serve as a salvation for edema various types, as well as for acute respiratory diseases, hypertension and cough. To prepare quince tea, take equal proportions of quince seeds and leaves, pour boiling water over them, simmer over steam or very low heat for 5 minutes, infuse under the lid for 5 hours, and then strain. You should drink this tea 3 times daily until swelling or an attack of illness disappears.

Quince jam for gastrointestinal diseases

The beneficial properties of the golden fruits of the false apple are perfectly manifested in jam, which is a more popular dish among housewives. It is very tasty, surprisingly aromatic and retains the beneficial substances of the false apple as much as possible. Jam is especially indicated for any problems of the gastrointestinal tract. To cook it properly, you will need: 1 kg of ripe fruits, 1 liter of water, 1 kg of granulated sugar.

The washed fruits are placed in a pan, filled with water, boiled for 10 minutes, then transferred to a container with cold water and peeled. The peeled fruits are cut into 8 parts, the core is removed, and poured with pre-prepared syrup for 4 hours. Afterwards, the jam is put on the fire, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes, and infused for 8 hours. This procedure is repeated 3 more times, after which the finished jam is sterilized and stored.

Baked quince is a favorite and healthy delicacy for children and adults. When baked, the aroma of fruits intensifies, they cease to be tart, retaining all their beneficial properties. To do this, remove the core from the fruit, pour honey into the hole, sprinkle a little cinnamon, add any chopped nuts and let the fruit bake well for 40-60 minutes.

Contraindications to eating fruit

Quince is contraindicated for pleurisy, constipation, inflammation of the larynx or dysfunction of the vocal cords, so professional singers or teachers should use this fruit with caution. But you can replace internal use with external use of quince in the form of lotions or balms. Also, eating the fruit is undesirable if you have enterocolitis - the seeds and pulp will cause intestinal blockage or spasms.

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Useful properties of quince - recipes. Quince - benefits and contraindications

Quince is another interesting representative of the Rosaceae family. It belongs to tree and shrub forms, growing up to 4 m. In the genus Cidonia, this is the only species whose “cradle” is Central Asia, where medicinal properties quinces have been known since time immemorial. The long-lasting plant bears fruit for up to 50 years and is “relative” to the pear and apple. Many people are interested in quince, the beneficial properties of which are important to know and use in a healthy diet.

What is quince

Breeders have created 400 varieties from two types of quince trees: common quince and Japanese quince. Quince varieties differ in flower shape and fruit structure, but otherwise are very similar. The fruit of Cidonia is a false apple covered with a fine pile, which has the following characteristics:

  • fruit shape is pear-shaped or round;
  • yellow color (one side may have a red tint);
  • the surface of the fruit is pubescent, with uneven relief;
  • hard, dense pulp with a tart, sweet taste;
  • inside the fruit there are 50 to 70 seeds;
  • has an apple aroma with light pine notes;
  • On average, the weight of the fruit is up to 50 g.

There are numerous varieties of quince fruits, but despite the benefits, the fruit is practically not eaten fresh due to its astringency. Desserts are prepared from healthy “golden apples,” which are popular due to their aromatic smell and delicate taste. Jams, jams, candied fruits and marmalade are not a complete list of quince desserts. One way to eat fruit is to boil it for a short time (20 minutes).

The quit tree blooms throughout May-June, and mature “golden apples” hang from the branches in September-October. The most famous varieties of quince, which are the most useful, are ordinary, Chinese, Japanese, Angers. It is these varieties that are most often found in the gardens of summer residents and on industrial plantations.

Where does quince grow?

Cidonia got its name from Ancient Greece. Quince culture is quite ancient and dates back 4,000 years. Where does quince come from? It is believed that the quit tree inhabited the regions of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Common quince is found in the wild in these parts to this day.
The natural distribution area covers a large area from Central Asia, central and southern regions of Europe. Cidonia is cultivated on plantations in Europe, America, Oceania and Australia.

Fruits are exported to Russia in the fall from the countries of Central Asia, Moldova, and Transcaucasia. It is best to buy during this period, before they are subjected to additional processing.

Calorie content of quince and its composition

Quince is not high in calories; the fruit occupies a leading position in the content of many useful substances. The main food components (BJU) are presented in the following ratios:

  • 0.6 g proteins;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 9.6 g carbohydrates.

Water is in the amount of 84 g, ash contains 0.8 g.
The calorie content of quince is 49 kcal per 100 g of product, which indicates the dietary properties of the “golden apple”. There are 100 kcal per 1 fruit weighing 200 g.

The fruits have a low concentration of fats and a high percentage of dietary fiber, which allows the fruits to be used in low-calorie diets for weight loss.

Chemical composition of quince

The composition of quince is presented:

  • organic acids;
  • pectins and healthy dietary fiber;
  • sugars, among which fructose takes precedence;
  • a small amount of fatty acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils contained in the peel.

Pectins bring enormous benefits to the body, which are converted into a gel-like mixture in the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping the surface of the intestines and preventing its irritation. And thanks to dietary fiber, stagnant breakdown products are removed and intestinal motility improves.

The seeds of the fruit contain a slightly different set of chemical compounds: tannins, mucus, fatty acids. The composition contains amygdalin or vitamin B17, which is used for medicinal purposes, but its toxic effect is also known.


Organic acids and vitamins in quince represent the most important component of the fruit. Their set is not so large, but the fruit allows you to replenish daily norm useful components.
Quince composition of vitamins (per 100 g):

  • A (beta-carotene) – 0.42 mg;
  • C (ascorbic acid) – 23 mg;
  • E (tocopherol) – 0.4 mg;
  • PP (nicotinic acid) – 0.3 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0.04 mg;
  • B1 (thiamine) – 0.02 mg.

The highest content is vitamin C, which “guards” the body’s defenses, saving from colds during the off-season.
Fruits have a bright yellow color due to beta-carotene in the composition, which during chemical transformations forms vitamin A. Beta-carotene is a strong antioxidant that slows down the stages of aging and removes toxic compounds.


The fruit is rich in minerals. Its composition is enriched:

  • 144 mg potassium;
  • 24 mg phosphorus;
  • 23 g calcium;
  • 14 mg magnesium;
  • 14 mg sodium (per 100 g of product).

A high percentage of potassium allows you to regulate the acid-base balance of the blood, which makes it possible to control the fluid ratio in the body. Phosphorus and calcium – building material for the skeleton, they are useful for strengthening teeth and bones. Magnesium reduces anxiety, nervous overexcitation and is useful for the functioning of the respiratory center.

Useful properties of quince

The properties of quince depend on its chemical components, and the benefits of the fruit have been proven by traditional and confirmed by traditional medicine. Each variety of Cidonia is slightly different in its effects, but the general picture is as follows, the beneficial properties of the fruit:

  1. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helping to remove toxins and enhancing intestinal motility. Relieves inflammatory processes in the digestive system. Quince fruits help restore intestinal microflora after prolonged use of antibiotics. The fruit helps with the problem of constipation.
  2. Due to the iron content, they strengthen blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Iron is built into the protein hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen and removes carbon dioxide, performing gas exchange.
  3. Strengthen joint tissue, reducing pain when moving.
  4. Helps with respiratory diseases: acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia.
  5. Fruits are useful for the functioning of the nervous system, relieve stress, helping with nervous overload. For some people, quince is used as a sleeping pill.
  6. They are also useful for diabetics, since with regular consumption of the fruit, the % of blood sugar returns to normal.
  7. They increase appetite, which is important for weakened people after injuries, operations, or long-term use of medications.
  8. Antioxidants in the composition inhibit the growth of cancer cells and are a useful prevention of cancer.

Cidonia helps to strengthen and restore the immune system. The fruits have stronger restorative properties than lemon. Weather-sensitive people are also recommended to include healthy fruit in their diet.

Quince seeds can help with a number of pathologies. For example, they have an expectorant effect, which is useful for clearing phlegm from the bronchi. To remove mucus, a decoction of the seeds is prepared, which thins the mucus.

The flowers and leaves of the quit tree have not escaped the attention of traditional healers. In the form of useful decoctions and infusions, they help with diabetes, hypertension, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Used for edema due to its diuretic effect.

It should be remembered that the fruit is useful in the phase of its technical ripeness, when it becomes ripe, gaining a characteristic aroma and color. Unripe quince does not belong to useful products.

Quince for women

Nutritionists and cosmetologists know how quince is beneficial for women. It is important during menopause and during pregnancy, in the diet menu when gaining weight, in cosmetology for radiant skin and hair strands.

During pregnancy

Eating a “golden apple” while pregnant has many benefits:

  • the presence of iron helps supply the fetus with oxygen, which is extremely important for its development and prevents the development of iron deficiency anemia;
  • mineral elements of the fruit are involved in cell division and growth of the unborn baby;
  • a small amount of calories does not allow a woman to gain weight overweight;
  • boiled fruits restore the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, are especially useful for flatulence;
  • potassium helps remove swelling in the last trimesters;
  • Vitamin C protects against colds.

During pregnancy, fruits are used boiled or baked. Quince, the beneficial properties of which have been identified during pregnancy, is contraindicated during breastfeeding. It should be completely excluded from the diet: it can cause constipation or bloating in the baby.

Quince for men

“Golden Apple” is also useful for the stronger sex:

  • ascorbic acid helps the production of oxytocin, which enhances sexual desire and increases potency; it also increases stress resistance;
  • retinol plays important role in the prevention of prostatitis, and also improves cardiovascular activity, normalizing blood circulation;
  • poultices made from juice help in the treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • nicotinic acid reduces the possibility of blood clots and increases growth muscle mass due to the production of male hormones.

The benefits of quince are obvious, and the harm for men is negligible. This is an exotic fruit that may be unusual for people living in middle and northern latitudes. If you are diagnosed with enterocolitis, you need to avoid eating fruit, as spasms and intestinal blockage are possible. If you need a strong voice for work, then the fibers on the skin of the fruit can irritate vocal cords and change the timbre of the sound.

Quince for children

Fruits with a useful set of compounds have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. But, despite the slight allergenicity, pediatricians recommend using the fruit in baby food not earlier than a year. Kids are offered only baked flesh without skin or a dessert dish.

Exotic quince and its beneficial properties in baby food are as follows:

  • improve mental activity;
  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the risk of infections;
  • participate in the formation of the skeletal system.

Quince does not belong to traditional Russian cultures, so the reaction of a child’s body may be unexpected. For example, the astringent effect of the fruit can cause constipation.

Benefits of quince for older people

Due to its vitamin and mineral composition, the “golden apple” is useful in the diet of older people. The benefits of quince for health, especially weakened ones, are obvious: it improves vitality, improves mood and well-being, supports during stress.
Elderly people may have problems with the digestive system, and here a healthy fruit will come to the rescue. Weak peristalsis, diarrhea or constipation, irritation of the mucous membrane - everything can be solved by using boiled fruits or mucous decoctions of seeds in the diet. Lotions made from fruit juice are useful for ulcers that do not heal for a long time.

Application in cosmetology

Isolated from seeds healthy oil used as one of the components of shampoos. They are designed to strengthen hair follicles and solve the problem of split ends. A decoction of the seeds is used as a remedy for swelling and blueness under the eyes. It removes these cosmetic defects. Use this healthy infusion to rinse your hair after washing, which strengthens the roots and structure of the hair.

Benefits for diabetics

The problem with diabetes is an increase in the level of glucose in the bloodstream when the process of converting it into glycogen is impaired. The number of diabetics is increasing every year.
A healthy decoction of the leaves can partially solve this problem by normalizing the sugar level in the bloodstream. A handful of raw materials is poured with 300 ml of boiling water and left for a couple of hours. It is recommended to take 60 ml three times a day.

In weight loss diets

Apple quince is a useful source of many diets that help you lose extra pounds. By removing cholesterol, toxins, and improving intestinal motility, the body is cleansed, and the scales show a lower bar. Traditional medicine and quince diets cope well with the problem of excess weight.

Using quince for weight loss, you can prepare a healthy tea, which includes: 30 g of quince pulp, 20 g of cornflower flowers, which are brewed with a liter of boiling water. The drink is wrapped and infused for 20 minutes. You can add spices to your tea to improve it taste qualities.

You don't have to take the issue of diet too seriously. It is enough to replace one of the dishes with quince or try an infusion of seeds as a snack. This will improve metabolism and remove excess toxins.

How to eat quince correctly

Quince season is late autumn. You should enjoy eating quince; the aromatic, healthy fruit is great for preparations, baked goods, meat dishes, and desserts.

Fruit slices boiled in honey are not inferior in taste to candied fruits and marmalade.
Healthy freshly squeezed juice has a pleasant taste; sugar is added to it, if desired, to make the healthy drink more enjoyable.

Fresh fruits are tart and hard, but boiled ones contain pinkish, tender pulp with a pear flavor. Making a “golden apple” is not difficult:

  • Peel the fruit, cut it into slices and remove the seeds;
  • Blanch the fruit slices in water for 25 minutes;
  • sugar is added to the broth (800 g per 3 cups of broth);
  • the sugar syrup is boiled and then the quince slices are poured in;
  • the pieces are soaked in syrup for several hours;
  • the composition is boiled again, introducing citric acid to remove the cloying taste.

In the resulting jam, quince pieces have aroma, taste and benefits. The main thing is to avoid prolonged boiling in order to preserve the beneficial vitamin composition.

Quince harm and contraindications

Some people may be allergic to quince, although this is rare. Other contraindications are also possible. Fruits are not recommended:

  • in the presence of chronic constipation;
  • if you are afraid of injuring your vocal cords due to the pubescence on the fruit peel;
  • for some problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Decoctions are prepared from fruit seeds, but in crushed form they are unsuitable for consumption, since the seeds contain the toxic substance amygdalin, due to which the fruit has a slightly bitter almond smell.

The health benefits of quince and its harm are not comparable. You need to heed the warnings of nutritionists and if not side effects, that is, a useful and healthy fruit for your pleasure. There are a lot of recipes with quince desserts; you can come up with your own healthy, original dish. The main thing is desire, imagination and the fruits of the “golden apple”.

The benefits and harms of quince are of interest to those who want to eat not only tasty, but also healthy food. Although quince is not the most common fruit on store shelves, it is very interesting to understand its properties.

What is quince and what does it look like?

Quince trees in wild and cultivated form grow mainly in the southern regions - in Azerbaijan, the Caucasus, the Mediterranean, hot regions of Asia, Australia, Africa and South America. The trees reach a height of about 5 m, and the fruits are round, bright yellow, similar to apples.

Unripe fruits are usually covered with hairs, but by the time they are fully ripe they become almost smooth. Quince pulp is yellow, the structure resembles an apple, but is more hard, dense and dry.

Chemical composition and calorie content of quince

This unusual fruit is valued not only for its original tart taste with noticeable sourness. The benefits and harms of quince for the body are determined by its chemical composition. The fruit contains:

  • significant amounts of iron, potassium and sodium;
  • phosphorus, magnesium and calcium;
  • glucose;
  • tartaric, malic and citric acids;
  • pectin and fructose;
  • tanning components;
  • vitamins B - B1, B6, B2 and B3;
  • nicotinic acid PP;
  • vitamins A, C and E.

The calorie content of the fruit is low - 100 g of pulp contains only 48 calories.

What are the benefits of quince for the body?

The valuable components present in quince give it very beneficial properties. In particular, this fruit:

  • has a healing effect for colds, bronchitis, coughs, ear and throat pain;
  • is an excellent prevention of colds due to the wide presence of vitamins;
  • regulates blood pressure, protects blood vessels and improves heart function;
  • helps get rid of hemorrhoids;
  • serves as a good choleretic and diuretic, relieves swelling;
  • helps cope with nausea and vomiting, stops diarrhea and improves the digestive process;
  • helps in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers, helps with diseases of the gums and teeth;
  • has hematopoietic properties, therefore it is recommended for use in case of anemia;
  • stops bleeding;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieving anxiety and tension, tones and improves mood;
  • has a good effect on the condition of the skin - accelerates the process of cell regeneration, has a slight rejuvenating effect, promotes the healing of burns and wounds.

Benefits of quince for men

Eating the fruit strengthens the blood vessels and heart of men, which means it reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes, to which the stronger sex is especially predisposed. The fruit also helps cure inflammation. genitourinary system, protects the prostate gland from low-quality tumors.

What are the benefits of quince for women?

In addition to the fact that consuming quince has a positive effect on appearance, this fruit also improves the condition of painful periods and menopause. The benefits of quince for women are that the fruit replenishes iron reserves in the body, stops heavy bleeding, and strengthens blood vessels. Thanks to these properties, natural ailments are tolerated more easily by women - good mood and ability to work are preserved.

Quince during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the period of bearing a child, fruit is one of the most beneficial for women. There is no harm from it, and the beneficial microelements in the composition help the child develop normally and strengthen the mother’s body. Other beneficial properties of the fruit are that it helps fight attacks of nausea and eliminates swelling in later stages.

But when breastfeeding It is better to temporarily remove the fruit from the diet. Quince belongs to the category of exotic products and can be poorly absorbed by the baby's body - the harm manifests itself in the occurrence of allergies, colic and flatulence. In addition, the fruit has a strengthening effect on the intestines - and women after childbirth often suffer from constipation.

At what age can quince be given to children?

Vitamins, microelements and other valuable substances in quince can benefit the child. The fruit will contribute to the mental development of the child, strengthen the vascular, cardiac and digestive systems, and serve as a prevention of viruses and infections.

However, despite all the benefits of quince, you can offer the exotic fruit to a child only after 1 year. It rarely causes allergies, but the components present in quince are difficult for babies to digest, and therefore can cause harm to the intestines. When the child turns one year old, you can start getting acquainted with quince with compotes, healthy juices or baked pulp.

Before offering your child fresh fruit for the first time, you will need to peel it - light fluff on the skin can be harmful, having an irritating effect on the baby's throat. It is necessary to remember the fixing properties of the fruit. If a child is prone to constipation, then it is better to avoid using quince altogether.

Attention! Since the fruit has strict contraindications, you should consult your pediatrician before introducing it into your child’s diet to avoid harm.

Is quince good for weight loss?

The healthy fruit contains very few calories, there are practically no fats in the composition, and it does not contain harmful cholesterol. All these qualities make quince an ideal product for the diet. If you include fruit in the list of allowed foods, there will be no harm, and getting rid of extra pounds will be faster and easier.

Quince will speed up metabolism and help remove toxins accumulated in the body. Quince juices and decoctions, fruit-based teas, salads and casseroles with the addition of pulp are very useful on a diet.

Beneficial properties of quince leaves, bark and seeds

It is not only the pulp of the fruit that is valuable to the body. Other parts of quince - bark, seeds and leaves - also have beneficial properties.

  • Concentrated in quince leaves large number mineral elements. That is why decoctions and infusions from dried or fresh leaves are so beneficial - they supply iron, potassium and phosphorus to the body. Decoctions from the leaves are a powerful natural antiseptic and are also good at stopping bleeding.
  • Quince bark, in addition to vitamins and microelements, contains many tannins. Therefore, drinks based on it have a strong astringent effect. Most often, decoctions and infusions from the bark are used to treat ailments of the mouth area - for example, periodontal disease, toothache, bleeding gums or traumatic damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Plant seeds - useful natural remedy against constipation Quince seeds have a mild laxative effect and act gently without causing harm to the body. Homemade healthy drinks based on seeds used for colds- the properties of quince seeds help thin mucus and help cope with dry cough.

In home medicine, all parts of the fruit plant are used equally - and bring considerable benefits.

Traditional medicine recipes with quince

The beneficial properties of quince can be used for many ailments and chronic illnesses. The main thing is to follow the cooking rules medicinal compositions and the correct dosages so as not to harm yourself.

Quince leaf infusion

You can prepare a healthy infusion from fresh or dried quince leaves - and it will take very little time. To prepare, the leaves must be crushed in the amount of a tablespoon, then poured with a small amount of boiling water and steamed for another quarter of an hour. Then the leaves are squeezed out and fresh water is added to them.

The finished infusion can be drunk three times a day, 2 large spoons each - preferably before eating. The benefits of quince leaves are well demonstrated for colds and coughs and bronchitis. The tool provides positive effect for asthma and even tuberculosis, lowers blood pressure.

In addition, skin lesions can be treated with a beneficial infusion of leaves. To do this, soak a piece of gauze or a cotton pad in the infusion and apply it to the sore spots for a quarter of an hour.

Important! Only wounds at the healing stage can be treated with quince infusion - the product is not used for fresh cuts and burns.

Quince seed infusion

The healing drink is prepared as follows:

  • pour a couple of teaspoons of seeds into a glass of warm water;
  • The infusion is thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes and then left to stand for several hours;
  • The finished infusion is taken 3 large spoons once a day.

However, under no circumstances should the seeds be crushed or swallowed. They contain amygdalin, a toxic substance that harms the body. Only intact seeds are safe for use in medicinal infusions.

An infusion of the seeds helps with constipation and restores healthy bowel movements. The infusion is also used for bronchitis, cough, and other respiratory diseases. You need to drink the product before meals.

Quince seed decoction

Another drink that is useful from a medical point of view is a decoction of seeds. Pre-dried seeds in the amount of a couple of teaspoons should be poured with a small amount of water, and then boiled until the liquid becomes like jelly.

The finished broth is consumed little by little - no more than half a glass three times a day. Means:

  • helps get rid of constipation;
  • alleviates unpleasant symptoms of gastritis;
  • has a beneficial effect on eye diseases;
  • helps eliminate cough;
  • promotes rapid healing of skin lesions.

Quince bark decoction

A decoction prepared from the bark of the plant has excellent astringent, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is prepared like this - a small amount of dried and crushed bark is poured into 1.5 cups of boiling water and boiled for half an hour.

The finished broth is first cooled to a warm state, and then filtered so that no bark remains in it. Gargling is a healing remedy for sore throats; rinsing is useful for periodontal disease and damage to the oral mucosa.

In addition, the astringent properties of the decoction have a beneficial effect on nausea and diarrhea. For rinsing, the product can be used every couple of hours; it is taken orally several sips twice a day.

Dried quince decoction

Very useful and rich in vitamins A home remedy is a decoction of dried quince. A small amount of dry pulp is poured into a glass of boiling water and boiled for a quarter of an hour, then allowed to cool and filtered.

The benefits of dried quince are especially great for toxicosis - the remedy quickly and permanently relieves the feeling of nausea. You need to drink the decoction a few sips before eating. Also, the beneficial properties of dried quince help stop internal bleeding - for example, with gynecological ailments. In such cases, just 1 large spoon of the product per day on an empty stomach is enough.

Quince leaf tea

Using dried and finely chopped quince leaves, you can prepare aromatic and healthy tea. Classic recipe looks very simple:

  • put some quince leaves into the teapot;
  • add a couple of spoons of your favorite tea leaves to them;
  • Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for about 10 minutes.

The finished drink combines the beneficial properties of quince leaves and regular tea. If desired, you can flavor it with honey, add cinnamon or other spices. The benefits of tea from quince leaves will be primarily for digestion and immunity, blood vessels and the nervous system.

Quince syrup

An excellent remedy for anemia is syrup made from fresh fruit pulp.

  • Fresh fruit is cut into small pieces or grated, and then placed in a saucepan or enamel bowl.
  • The fruit mass is carefully sprinkled with sugar - so that it is not only on top or at the bottom, but is thoroughly mixed with the chopped pulp.
  • The workpiece is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours - during this time the fruit pulp will release abundant juice.

After 12 hours, remove the quince from the refrigerator, strain the liquid syrup through a fine sieve and cook on the stove for 5 minutes after boiling. Then the syrup is poured into a clean and dry glass container. The product must be stored in the refrigerator.

In the finished syrup, beneficial substances are present in very high concentrations - therefore, the product is good for anemia. The syrup quickly restores the reserves of iron and vitamins in the body. Healthy people can also consume it as a sweet treat - the syrup will strengthen the immune system and delight with its pleasant taste.

The use of quince in cosmetology

The vitamin composition and valuable properties of quince help improve your appearance. The fruit has a positive effect on hair condition and nourishes the skin. You can find quince in commercial cosmetics, but the fruit can also be used in home beauty recipes.

Face masks

The fruit not only nourishes the skin and refreshes the face, but also regulates the production subcutaneous fat and also removes wrinkles. Using the fruit pulp is useful for combating irritation, acne and excess fat, as well as for anti-aging purposes.

The simplest nourishing face mask is fresh pulp mashed into a pulp, applied to cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour. Quince can be used in its pure form, or you can add egg yolk or vegetable oil to it.

Quince lotion for aging skin

To start the process of cell renewal, rejuvenate the face and tighten the skin, you need to grate the fresh fruit on a fine grater, and then soak a cotton pad in the abundantly released juice. The product is wiped over the skin of the face in the morning and shortly before bedtime; there is no need to wash off the juice.

It is advisable to use a useful lotion daily or every other day, on an ongoing basis - then the effect will quickly become obvious.

Face and neck scrub

The fruit can be used to make an effective cleansing scrub that will remove dead skin particles. The thoroughly grated pulp is mixed with sea salt, and then applied to the face with gentle circular movements for a couple of minutes. After using the scrub, the skin should be treated with moisturizer.

A scrub made from an exotic fruit will make your skin smooth and soft, and even out its color.

Quince for hair

With the help of fruit-based decoctions and masks, you can regulate the oiliness of your curls, get rid of dandruff, and even give your hair a darker shade.

  • In order to strengthen brittle hair, you need to chop the leaves of the fruit tree and boil them over low heat for 5 minutes. Rinse your hair with the cooled and strained broth after washing. The fruit not only returns strength and shine to your hair, but also makes it a little darker.
  • To eliminate dandruff, once a week a slimy decoction of fruit seeds is rubbed into the skin at the roots of the hair and into the curls themselves. You need to keep the product on your hair until the curls dry out - and then rinse them again with warm water.

Daily consumption rate

Quince is a fairly safe fruit for health, which rarely causes harm in the absence of contraindications. But the fixing properties of the fruit, if quince is abused, can lead to constipation. Therefore, the health benefits and harms of quince depend on the daily amount - it is better to limit yourself to 2 quince fruits per day.

What can you cook from quince?

Not everyone likes fresh quince - the flesh of the fruit is hard, and the taste is dominated by pronounced sourness. Therefore, quince is more often consumed processed - as part of various dishes.

In particular, compotes and sweet syrups are made from the fruit. Quince is perfect for making jam or jelly - during heat treatment it becomes much softer and stops souring. But the benefits of quince jam do not decrease, since heating does not last long, and the beneficial properties are preserved. The fruit is added to desserts and used in baking, marmalade is made from it, etc.

Quince jam

The benefit of quince jam is that the delicacy preserves most of fresh fruit vitamins. It is made quite simply and quickly, and all that is needed for preparation is the quince fruits themselves, lemon and sugar.

  • Several quince fruits are thoroughly washed, dried with a towel, cut in half and all the seeds are removed from the core. Then the halves of the fruit are cut into small slices and poured into a medium-sized pan.
  • Sugar is added to the chopped fruit - in approximately equal volumes - and the preparation is left for 8 hours so that the quince releases plenty of juice. To be on the safe side, you can add a glass of water - sometimes the quince pulp is too dry and the juice is reluctant to release.
  • After 8 hours, place the pan with the workpiece on the stove, wait until it boils and cook for only 5 minutes with constant stirring.
  • Then you need to remove the jam from the heat and let it cool completely, and then put it back on the fire and repeat the procedure - and so on 2 or 3 times.

Ready quince jam should have a reddish tint, and the fruit slices in it should become transparent.

Before putting the delicacy to cook for the last time, you need to add lemon to it - crushed or cut into thin slices. The finished healthy jam is poured into dry sterilized jars, closed with lids and turned upside down. The jars should be wrapped in blankets and left to cool.

Harm of quince and contraindications

Whatever the benefits of quince, sometimes the fruit can cause harm. It is not recommended to eat exotic yellow fruits if:

  • individual allergies;
  • pleurisy;
  • enterocolitis;
  • tendency to constipation.

Quince can negatively affect the larynx and vocal cords - it is safe for ordinary people. But for those who are engaged in vocals or public speaking, it is better to give up the fruit or, at least, give preference to the benefits of candied quince or jam.

It is necessary to remove seeds from fresh fruit - in their unprocessed form they are harmful because they contain toxic substances.

How to select and store quince

When buying fruit you need to pay attention to just a few points:

  • peel color - the fruit should be uniformly yellow, without green spots;
  • the density of the quince - dents on the peel, especially darkened and soft ones, indicate that the fruit has begun to deteriorate;
  • absence of black spots and mold on the surface of the fruit.

Quince should be stored in the refrigerator. Before placing the fruit there, it must be washed and dried, light fluff removed from the surface of the peel and wrapped in plastic wrap. It is better to store quince fruits separately - this way they will retain their freshness and beneficial properties longer. If there are pears in the refrigerator, it is better to put the fruit away from them - otherwise the shelf life will be greatly reduced.


The benefits and harms of quince depend on compliance with the measures when consuming the fruit. If, in the absence of contraindications, you eat the fruits little by little, quince will not harm your health, but will strengthen the body.

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