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Cholecalciferol or vitamin D is involved in many processes in the body. Recently, the fact that it affects tissue restoration after physical activity has been actively discussed, and can be considered the only steroid-like substance that can be recommended to everyone, young and old. Vitamin D preparations have been in use for several decades. They are used not only for children with growth delays, but also for adults. A deficiency of this substance in the diet of a modern city dweller is quite common. Previously, the main source of the drug was the well-known fish oil, today there are more democratic and easy-to-use forms. From a biochemical point of view, this is not just one vitamin, but a whole group. They are formed in the human body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. And the lack of insolation in the cold season, together with the “office-home” lifestyle in the warm season, provoke problems with a deficiency of this substance.

Dosage form

Vitamin D3 most often comes in capsule form along with calcium for better absorption. There are other forms of dietary supplements with this vitamin, from gel capsules with the same fish oil to chewable strips.

Pharmacological action

Normally, it should be formed in the body under the influence of sunlight. Affects many biochemical processes in the human body:

  • regulates mineral metabolism. Promotes bone growth and the formation of normal dentin tissue in children. In older people, it helps prevent osteoporosis and “fix” a certain amount of calcium in bone tissue. Overall, it is the most important vitamin for the formation of a healthy skeleton. In children, its use serves as a prevention of rickets. Interacts with calcium and promotes its absorption;
  • affects overall metabolism. Promotes the absorption of minerals from the proximal intestine - calcium, magnesium. Sometimes they write that vitamins D2 and D3 speed up metabolism and promote weight loss; there are even entire studies on this topic. The result is that a deficiency of this substance can indeed cause a slowdown in metabolism and weight gain, but its adequate consumption simply promotes a healthy metabolic rate, but does not “accelerate” anything and does not serve as a “fat burner”;
  • acts simultaneously as a vitamin and a hormone, the latter “type of activity” of the substance is manifested in its ability to increase the absorption of calcium, which was indicated above. It is not the vitamin itself that works as a hormone, but its metabolite formed in the human body, while the “hormonal” function of vitamin D also includes activation of the synthesis of certain types of proteins;
  • reduces the body's susceptibility to cancer and cardiac diseases. Regions in which nutrition contributes to a deficiency of this vitamin have long been considered “risky” for these types of diseases. May also influence the incidence of diabetes, arthritis and autoimmune diseases. According to some data, adequate food intake with vitamins of this group helps prevent autoimmune lesions;
  • Adequate levels of vitamin D are necessary for the normal functioning of the human thyroid gland. It is believed that its deficiency may contribute to the development of hypothyroidism along with iodine deficiency. It is this fact that gives many scientists reason to believe that vitamin D intake is an important factor in the prevention of obesity;
  • the substance also affects the complex of human immune reactions. Its good level serves as an indicator of the normal functioning of the immune system; the introduction of additional supplements into the diet is considered necessary for everyone who faces seasonal fluctuations in immunity;
  • in sports practice it is used in a complex that supports physical activity and muscle tone;
  • there is evidence that vitamin D also affects the absorption of magnesium, which allows it to be considered a substance that improves performance nervous system in humans, vitamin D preparations are also used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis;
  • serves for the prevention of cancer.


The indication for use is vitamin D hypovitaminosis. It is usually diagnosed by taking a blood test. But it can also manifest itself with a number of general symptoms:

  • in children, the most severe symptom of vitamin D deficiency is manifestations of rickets;
  • in some cases, softening of the bones occurs - osteomalaria;
  • burning in the mouth and throat, especially not associated with inflammatory processes. Sometimes constantly inflamed gums are also included among the manifestations;
  • insomnia and sleep disturbances, such as waking up unusually early and not getting enough sleep during the day;
  • deterioration of vision, including color vision;
  • fluctuations in appetite. In the Russian medical tradition, loss of appetite and weight loss are distinguished. In America, there are studies that link vitamin D deficiency with abnormally increased appetite and cravings for certain unhealthy foods. There are also works in which the authors insist that vitamin D deficiency may be one of the causes of depression on a weight loss diet, low athletic performance, as well as various systemic disorders that do not allow weight loss.

IN modern practice In obstetrics and gynecology, indications for the use of a substance include both pregnancy itself and the process of planning it.

Additional administration of vitamin D preparations is advisable for a number of diseases:

  • rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalaria, delayed formation of osteocallus;
  • chronic enteritis;
  • kidney diseases that interfere with vitamin synthesis in the body;
  • tuberculosis.

Sometimes vitamin D deficiency is associated with the use of estrogen-containing contraceptives.

In almost all cases, calcium and vitamin D supplements will be prescribed for the period of recovery from injuries, healing of fractures and cracked bones.


Vitamin D is fat-soluble and is contraindicated in case of organic heart disease, active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as severe damage to the kidneys, liver and intestines.


Symptoms of overdose can be quite severe; the vitamin belongs to the class of fat-soluble and accumulates in the human body.

Symptoms of overdose are general; the fact itself is determined through laboratory analysis. Usually a person experiences symptoms from the intestines - constipation, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes diarrhea. Muscle weakness often occurs, as well as sudden, unconditional sharp pains in joints and muscles. Fever, cardiac arrhythmia, and slow pulse may be present.

Treatment usually consists of stopping vitamin D medications and a set of supportive procedures.

Application and dosage

Dosages vary from country to country. The average norm for an adult is 300-500 IU per day. Dosages for the treatment of rickets and its prevention are selected individually.

Special instructions

It is effective only in fat-soluble form.


Interacts with many medications. It is excreted from the body when taking mineral laxatives; the absorption of the vitamin is disrupted if cholesterol-lowering agents are used. Can be completely eliminated without absorption by various orlistat drugs. High doses of vitamin D may interfere with iron absorption.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova


International nonproprietary name


Dosage form

Oral drops 15,000 IU/ml, 10 ml


1 ml of solution contains

active substance- colecalciferol 15,000 IU,

excipients: macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate, sucrose, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, citric acid monohydrate, anise aroma, benzyl alcohol, purified water.


Transparent, colorless, liquid (opalescence is allowed) with the smell of anise.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Vitamins. Vitamin A and D and their combination. Vitamin D and its derivatives. Colecalciferol.

ATX code A11SS05

Pharmacological properties


An aqueous solution of vitamin D3 is better absorbed than an oil solution (which is important when used in premature infants). After oral administration of colecalciferol, absorption occurs in the small intestine by passive diffusion of 50 to 80% of the dose.

Absorbed quickly (in the distal small intestine), enters the lymphatic system, enters the liver and the general bloodstream. In the blood it binds to alpha2-globulins and partially to albumins. Accumulates in the liver, bones, skeletal muscles, kidneys, adrenal glands, myocardium, and adipose tissue. TCmax (period of maximum concentration) in tissues is 4-5 hours, then the concentration of the drug decreases slightly, remaining at a constant level for a long time. In the form of polar metabolites, it is localized mainly in the membranes of cells and microsomes, mitochondria and nuclei. Penetrates the placental barrier and is excreted breast milk.

Deposited in the liver.

Metabolized in the liver and kidneys: in the liver it is converted into an inactive metabolite calcifediol (25-dihydrocholecalciferol), in the kidneys it is converted from calcifediol into the active metabolite calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol) and the inactive metabolite 24,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol. Subject to enterohepatic recirculation. The half-life in the blood is several days and may increase in the case of kidney disease.

Vitamin D and its metabolites are excreted in the bile, and a small amount is excreted in the kidneys. Cumulates.


Aquadetrim vitamin D3 is an antirachitic drug. Most important function Aquadetrim vitamin D3 regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphate, which promotes mineralization and skeletal growth. Vitamin D3 is the natural form of vitamin D, which is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates from the intestines, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of bone calcification, and also regulates the reabsorption of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. Calcium ions are involved in a number of important biochemical processes that determine the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, in the conduction of nervous stimulation, and in the process of blood clotting. Aquadetrim vitamin D3 stimulates the production of lymphokines.

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment

    prevention and treatment of rickets and osteomalacia in children and adults

    prevention of rickets in premature newborns

    prevention of vitamin D deficiency in children and adults at risk of this condition without intestinal absorption pathology

    prevention of vitamin D deficiency in children and adults with malabsorption

    treatment of hypoparathyroidism in adults

As part of complex therapy


Directions for use and doses

The dose of the drug should be set individually, taking into account the general use of calcium (both in the daily diet and in the form of medications).

The drug is taken orally with a small amount of liquid.

1 drop contains about 500 IU of vitamin D3. In order to accurately measure the dose of the drug, you should hold the bottle at an angle of 45° while counting drops.

Prevention of vitamin D deficiency:

Children from the 2nd week of life and adults: 500 IU (1 drop) per day

Treatment of vitamin D deficiency:

The dose of the drug is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the degree of vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D dependent rickets:

Children from 3000 IU to 10,000 IU (6-20 drops) per day

Osteomalacia associated with the use of anticonvulsants:

Children - 1000 IU (2 drops per day)

Adults - 1000-4000 IU (2-8 drops) per day

For osteomalacia and osteoporosis as part of complex therapy - 500-1000 IU (1-2 drops) per day. The dose is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the cause and severity of the disease.

Side effects

Not observed when used in recommended doses. In the case of a rarely noted individual hypersensitivity to vitamin D3 or as a result of using too high doses for a long period, an overdose of vitamin D3, hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3 may occur.

    hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria

    allergic reactions (itching, rash, urticaria)

    disorders gastrointestinal tract(constipation, flatulence, nausea, abdominal pain or diarrhea)


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to the components of the drug, especially to benzyl alcohol

Hypervitaminosis vitamin D

Kidney failure

Elevated levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and urine

Calcium kidney stones


Drug interactions

Antiepileptic drugs (especially phenytoin and phenobarbital), rifampicin reduce the reabsorption of vitamin D3.

The use of vitamin D3 simultaneously with thiazide diuretics increases the risk of developing hypercalcemia.

The simultaneous use of vitamin D3 with cardiac glycosides may enhance their toxic effect (increases the risk of heart rhythm disturbances).

Long-term use of antacids containing aluminum and magnesium in combination with vitamin D may contribute to an increase in the concentration of aluminum in the blood and, as a result, to the toxic effect of aluminum on bone tissue and hypermagnesemia in patients with renal failure.

Ketoconazole can inhibit both the biosynthesis and catabolism of 1,25(OH)2-colecalciferol.

Vitamin D is an antagonist of drugs used for hypercalcemia: calcitonin, etidronate, pamidronate.

Special instructions

Avoid overdose.

Too high doses of vitamin D3, used over a long period of time or shock doses, can cause chronic hypervitaminosis D3.

Determining a child’s daily need for vitamin D and the method of its use should be determined by a doctor individually and each time subject to correction during periodic examinations, especially in the first months of life.

Use with caution in immobilized patients, in patients taking thiazide diuretics, in patients with urolithiasis, as well as in patients with heart disease and taking cardiac glycosides.

Do not use calcium supplements in high doses simultaneously with vitamin D3.

You should not take vitamin D if you have pseudohypoparathyroidism, since in this disease the need for vitamin D may be reduced, which may lead to the risk of long-term overdose.

Treatment is carried out under periodic monitoring of the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood and urine.

The drug contains benzyl alcohol, which may cause an anaphylactoid reaction.

Vitamin D should be prescribed with extreme caution in newborns with a small anterior fontanelle.

Pregnancy and lactation period

Should not be used in high doses in pregnant women due to possible teratogenic effects in case of overdose (very high doses during pregnancy are likely to cause dementia and congenital heart defects in children)

Vitamin D3 should be prescribed with caution during lactation, since the drug taken in high doses by the mother can cause overdose symptoms in the child.

Features of the drug's influence on the ability to drive

vehicle or potentially dangerous machinery

Does not affect


An overdose of vitamin D3 may occur as a result of using high doses of the drug.

Symptoms: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, kidney calcification, bone damage, cardiac disorders vascular system. Hypercalcemia occurs after prolonged use of vitamin D in doses of 50,000-100,000 IU/day. In case of an overdose of the drug, the following develop: muscle weakness, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, severe thirst, dry mouth, polyuria, lethargy, conjunctivitis, photophobia, pancreatitis, weight loss, increased sweating, itching, watery nasal discharge, hyperthermia, decreased libido, depression, psychotic disorders, hypercholesterolemia, increased transaminase activity, arterial hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, uremia, headache, muscle and joint pain, weight loss, renal dysfunction, nephrolithiasis.

Treatment: drug withdrawal, drinking plenty of fluids, symptomatic therapy. There is no specific antidote.

Release form and packaging

10 ml in dark glass bottles, sealed with polyethylene dropper stoppers and screw-on polyethylene caps with a “first opening” guarantee ring.

Each bottle, along with approved instructions for medical use in the state and Russian languages, is placed in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light, at a temperature from 5°C to 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

After the first opening of the package, the shelf life is 6 months.

Do not use after expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter

Name and country of the organization - manufacturer

Medana Pharma JSC, Poland

Name and country of the marketing authorization holder

"Khimpharm" JSC, Republic of Kazakhstan

Name and country of the packaging organization

Medana Pharma JSC, Poland

Address of the organization that accepts claims from consumers regarding the quality of products (products) on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

JSC "Khimpharm", Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan,

st. Rashidova, 81

Phone number 7252 (561342)

Fax number 7252 (561342)

Email address [email protected]

How important is vitamin D for adults? Data from numerous studies prove that a deficiency of the substance leads to disorders of bone and mineral metabolism, increases the risk of cancer and chronic diseases, and worsens overall health. Well, since residents of modern megacities are not able to maintain calciferol levels naturally, it is necessary to replenish it with a balanced diet and taking nutritional supplements.

Vitamin D is a common name combining five biologically active substances. Of these, ergocalciferol (D2) and cholecalciferol (D3) are recognized as the most important for human health.

This is interesting. Calciferol can manifest itself in the adult body as both a vitamin and a hormone. In the latter role, it affects the functioning of the kidneys, intestines and muscles.

Vitamin D2 is obtained from ergosterol and is used as a food additive. They enrich bread, milk, and infant formula. Cholecalciferol is a natural vitamin D3 and is synthesized in the skin under the influence of sunlight or enters the body with food. You can read about which foods contain vitamin D.

The main function of calciferols is to maintain the phosphorus-calcium balance in the body, improve the absorption of these microelements in the intestine and further distribution throughout the musculoskeletal structure.

What else is vitamin D responsible for?

  • cell growth and reproduction;
  • blood sugar level;
  • transmission of nerve impulses;
  • synthesis of a number of hormones;
  • metabolic processes.
The role of calciferols in the human body is difficult to overestimate. Vitamin D deficiency, which can be read about in, leads to increased skeletal fragility, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, age-related dementia, and weakness of muscle tissue.

Calciferols are a necessary part of the diet. The daily requirement of an adult is 600 IU or 15 mg of the active substance.

Vitamin D, like other fat-soluble compounds, can accumulate in tissues and is gradually consumed. It is quite resistant to high temperatures and long-term storage of products.

Why is vitamin D useful for adults?

What does calciferol affect in the body? Its role is not limited to maintaining phosphorus-calcium metabolism and protecting the bone structure. The active substance has many other beneficial properties:

  • increases immunity;
  • improves blood composition and clotting;
  • corrects the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevents the development of myasthenia gravis;
  • restores the passage of nerve impulses;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • eliminates dry skin and hair;
  • regulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • supports blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of tumors.

The benefits of vitamin D for adults do not end there. Of particular interest is the ability of calciferol to counteract chronic autoimmune diseases: diabetes and arthritis.

The antitumor properties of the substance are of great importance for the body. The vitamin can prevent or slow down the development of such terrible diseases as cancer of the brain, breast, ovaries, and prostate. It is also used to fight leukemia.

The ability of calciferol to restore the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. To treat skin ailments in adults, vitamin D is taken orally or used externally in the form of ointments. For example, for psoriasis, patients are prescribed drugs such as Daivonex, Silkis, Psorkutan, Curatoderm.

How else does calciferol help adults? It is known that in conditions of severe vitamin D deficiency, a person absorbs calcium worse. This is very bad for your teeth. In areas where the sun is a rare visitor, many suffer from caries and other problems associated with a lack of substance.

However, calciferol can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Remember this and don't get carried away with taking vitamin D.

Why do women need vitamin D3?

The increased need of the female body for cholecalciferol is associated primarily with physiological characteristics. Stress at home and at work, pregnancy, breastfeeding, blood loss during menstruation - all this greatly increases the consumption of vitamin D3. This deficit becomes especially obvious after 40 years. According to statistics, it develops in 8 out of 10 representatives of the fairer sex.

The onset of menopause makes the situation even worse. Female body During this period, people are especially susceptible to the development of such painful conditions as diabetes, oncology, obesity, hypertension, and depression. A lack of vitamin D3 plays an important role in the formation of these ailments.

Attention. Cholecalciferol normalizes blood glucose levels and reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus by 30–40%.

Osteoporosis, which affects almost 30% of women after 50 years, is manifested by fragility and brittleness of bones, osteopenia. With a lack of cholecalciferol, calcium residues are washed out of the skeleton, and fractures and cracks become frequent guests.

A sufficient amount of cholecalciferol prevents or slows down the development of these ailments, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and ensures the normal psychological state of the fair sex.

What else is vitamin D useful for women over 40? A drop in the level of sex hormones inevitably causes changes in appearance: dry skin and hair, the appearance of deep wrinkles, sagging tissues. In this case, you should not immediately resort to hormone replacement therapy. Perhaps you will be able to get by with easier means - the same cholecalciferol.

How to compensate for vitamin D3 deficiency?

How to increase the level of nutrients in the body? Of course, you can reconsider your diet and get out in the sun more often. It is very beneficial for skin and hair. But in the autumn-winter period this is not enough. Will save the situation food additives, which are oily or aqueous solutions of cholecalciferol.

However, if used excessively, the drugs will bring not only benefits, but also harm to the woman. An overdose will cause a lot of unpleasant consequences and have a negative impact on health.

It is preferable to start using vitamin-mineral complexes that combine D3 and calcium.

For example, these:

  • Natekal D3;
  • Complivit calcium D3;
  • Multi-tabs vitamin D3;
  • Calcium-D3 Nycomed.

Taking complex medications is beneficial not only for bones, but also for the face. A properly selected combination of vitamins and microelements will eliminate dryness and flaking, reduce the severity of wrinkles, and make the skin young and fresh.

How to take cholecalciferol during menopause? Adult women require a daily vitamin intake of 400–600 IU. You will get some from food and during walks, and the rest should be made up by taking D3-containing supplements.

The course of prophylactic administration should not exceed 30 days. After this, take a month's break and resume use.

Vitamin D: benefits for men

Cholecalciferol is necessary not only for adult women, but also for the stronger sex. Let's see why men need it.

Firstly, vitamin D is actively involved in the formation of sperm, which means it directly affects the ability to fertilize. It has been proven that the quality of ejaculate in men suffering from calciferol deficiency is much lower than in those whose bodies have enough of the substance.

Secondly, vitamin D levels are directly related to prostate diseases. Its deficiency leads to prostate adenoma, contributes to the occurrence of inflammation and cancerous tumors.

Another reason vitamin D is important for men is its connection to muscle growth and fat storage. It is known that a sufficient amount of the substance accelerates muscle growth and promotes the burning of carbohydrates. This ability of calciferol is especially pronounced after working out in the gym.

In addition, there is a known connection between vitamin D and testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire. Its deficiency leads to abdominal obesity and feminization of the figure, reduces libido and physical activity of an adult man, and impairs vascular conductivity. This causes loss of performance, weakness and drowsiness.

Advice. All men over 40 years old need to take extra vitamin D, but not get carried away with it. The drug can bring not only benefits, but also harm.

Vitamin D for hair

As we already know, cholecalciferol is responsible for the absorption and metabolism of calcium. Its deficiency in the body causes dry and brittle hair and slows down its growth. A sufficient amount of the substance stimulates the maturation of follicles, protects the roots from exhaustion, and makes the curls smooth and shiny.

Moreover, the vitamin improves the condition of the scalp, relieves dandruff and irritation, and normalizes sebum secretion.

If appearance hair has noticeably deteriorated, and you associate this with vitamin D3 deficiency, you can not only take the substance internally, but also apply it externally, adding it to masks, balms or conditioners.

Advice. Cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble compound, so it should only be mixed with oils.

A nutritious mixture of eggs, hot pepper tincture, castor oil and an ampoule of calciferol oil will help with hair loss. To prepare the mask, you only need yolks.

For oily hair A composition of kefir and vitamin D is suitable. The warm mixture is applied to the head and left for half an hour. The mask nourishes and strengthens curls, normalizes greasiness and adds shine. For hair growth and reduction of split ends, you can prepare a composition of yolk, honey, burdock oil and calciferol.

Vitamin D for immunity

Vitamin D is necessary for the full course of immune reactions, both adaptive and genetically inherited. Prophylactic intake of the substance reduces susceptibility to infections, relieves colds and other diseases of the ENT organs, and reduces the risk of developing allergic reactions, including asthma.

This is interesting. Not long ago, scientists discovered another property of cholecalciferol - the ability to influence information recorded in genes.

It is especially important to start supplementing with vitamin D during the epidemic season. The substance is used to prevent influenza, ARVI and acute respiratory infections. When it interacts with the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, a protein is synthesized that prevents the penetration of pathogenic microbes into tissues.

In addition, calciferol reduces the severity of inflammatory processes and alleviates the course of the disease. According to medical observations, additional intake of vitamin D for colds and ARVI significantly speeds up recovery and reduces the risk of complications, and also eliminates resistance to certain antibiotics.

Vitamin D in bodybuilding

Additional intake of vitamin D is especially relevant in bodybuilding. This is due to the ability of calciferol to influence testosterone synthesis. Sports doctors have long noticed this pattern and successfully use it to improve the effectiveness of training.

This way of achieving results is much more effective and safer than taking steroid supplements or artificial testosterone. Today, enough is known about the risks associated with the use of synthetic sports nutrition to build muscle mass. By taking calciferol, you completely eliminate the dangers associated with artificial drugs and receive many benefits.

The daily dose of vitamin D in sports is much higher than that of an ordinary person. The maximum allowable dosage for adult bodybuilders may be 50 mcg per day.

This amount of substance often causes allergic reactions: swelling of the face and chest, skin rash, difficulty breathing. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor, since excess vitamin can lead to negative health consequences.

Rules for using supplements in sports:

  • taking medications should be orderly and carried out under the supervision of a specialist;
  • it is necessary to regularly determine the level of calciferol in the blood;
  • the use of supplements should be supplemented by the normalization of hormonal levels and a sufficient supply of micronutrients;

Athletes with impaired gastrointestinal tract activity, chaotic nutrition or diseases of the digestive system require diet correction with the participation of a specialist.

Vitamin D for weight loss

To this day, there is debate about whether calciferol affects weight loss. Many studies have been conducted involving different population groups, which have shown that people with sufficient levels of vitamin D3 lose extra pounds faster and gain them more slowly.

Having discovered that vitamin deficiency and obesity are related to each other, scientists cannot yet determine what is the root cause. Despite this, obese people should carefully monitor cholecalciferol levels in the body.

Interestingly, in overweight people, vitamin D3 accumulates in belly fat. Accompanying sports activities with additional intake of the substance will bring you closer to achieving a thin waist. At the same time, in the process of burning fat, the release of the vitamin hidden there will begin, which will further accelerate weight loss.

A special group includes people with abdominal obesity. They should increase their preventive intake of cholecalciferol by 40%, since at first the process of getting rid of extra pounds will be very slow. But as soon as the accumulation of belly fat is saturated with the vitamin, rapid weight loss will begin.

Advice. If you want to lose weight, increase the daily dose of cholecalciferol to 800–1000 IU.

Vitamin D for older people

With age, the human body gradually loses the ability to produce vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet rays. According to the recommendations of doctors, the daily dosage of this substance increases by 25% for women and men after 65 years.

Elderly people may need calciferol more than pregnant women. The vitamin not only protects against hip fractures, but also performs other equally important functions:

  • reduces the risk of developing senile dementia;
  • fights Parkinson's disease;
  • prevents atherosclerosis;
  • prevents the occurrence of glaucoma and retinopathy;
  • slows down degenerative changes in the retina.

Often, older people experience short-term, unexplained weakness and muscle pain. One of the reasons for these unpleasant phenomena may be a D-deficient state.

It is impossible to do without additional vitamin intake for the elderly living in northern regions, where the sun is an infrequent guest.

How to take vitamin D correctly

How to take calciferol correctly? Experts recommend using the substance in combination with B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol and retinol. These elements mutually reinforce each other and increase absorption.

When is it better to take calciferol, at what time of day? Vitamin D, like all medications, is recommended to be taken in the morning. If you are using any other medications, it is better not to drink them all at once, but to take them one at a time with an interval of 10 minutes.

You can take vitamin D before or after meals. If you experience nausea, burning sensation and discomfort in the stomach, drink the drug after breakfast. If it is in drops, dilute the prescribed amount of medicine in liquid or apply it to a piece of black bread.

How is vitamin D absorbed? When composing your morning diet, pay attention to the fat content in it. For better absorption of calciferol, it should be consumed with oils - butter or vegetable, so prepare porridge or salad for breakfast and season them with oil.

Advice. Do not take vitamins with coffee or tea. Best option- a glass of warm milk or plain water.

Dose calculation for adults: preventive and therapeutic

Before you start taking vitamin D, you need to determine the optimal daily norm substances. This will allow you to avoid excesses and not harm your health.

The preventative dose of vitamin D for adults is:

  • pregnant and lactating women - 500–700 IU;
  • postmenopausal women - 600–1000 IU;
  • men from 18 to 60 years old - 500–700 IU. To improve sperm quality, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 1000 IU;
  • adults over 60 years old - 800 IU.

How to take vitamin D? The instructions for use state that preventive treatment can be carried out for many years, alternating monthly courses of treatment with 4-week breaks.

If diseases of the skeletal system or other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are present, the prophylactic dosage must be replaced with a therapeutic one. It is determined, as well as the dosage regimen, only by a doctor. But the patient also needs to navigate the permissible portions of the vitamin.

The maximum safe dose of calciferol for adults is:

  • pregnant and nursing mothers - 2000–4000 IU;
  • adults over 18 years old - 2000–5000 IU.

You should not take the vitamin in such dosages for longer than 4 weeks. After 2 months, the course of therapy can be continued. Contraindications to the prescription of preventive and therapeutic doses may be renal osteodystrophy with developed hyperphosphatemia and calcium nephrourolithiasis.

It's interesting that in countries Western Europe The most popular supplements are those containing 5000 IU per daily serving. Millions of people take such doses without any harm to their health. From this we can conclude that an overdose in adults occurs when calciferol is consumed from 10,000 IU or more daily for several weeks in a row.

Attention. The absorption of vitamin D largely depends on the presence of chronic diseases, age and physiological characteristics of an adult. For some, the substance quickly and completely turns into its active form, while for others it does not.

10 mcg of vitamin D3 is how many units?

This question often arises among those who take medications. different manufacturers. Moreover, Russian brands indicate the dosage of vitamin D, as a rule, in micrograms (mcg), while foreign brands prefer international units (IU).

Therefore, everyone will need information about the rules for converting mcg into units: 10 mcg of vitamin D3 is 400 IU.

Vitamin D deficiency: symptoms in adults

In people who live in southern latitudes or spend long periods of time in the sun, calciferol deficiency rarely occurs.

Attention. From November to March, the entire territory above the 42nd parallel of northern latitude is at risk of developing diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Older people who spend a lot of time indoors are more prone to substance deficiency. For various reasons, they rarely go outside, which means they do not receive additional sunlight and do not synthesize vitamin D3 in the required amounts.

Almost 60% of elderly patients in hospitals with fractures suffer from osteoporosis to one degree or another.

Residents of northern latitudes, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers, are at risk. In adults, vitamin deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • burning in the mouth and throat;
  • decreased performance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • development of osteomalacia:
  • frequent fractures with difficult healing;
  • insomnia;
  • depression.

In men and women, the clinical picture of vitamin deficiency occurs differently. This is due to physiological differences between the sexes.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in women

How does calciferol deficiency manifest in women? Beautiful ladies are more susceptible to sudden mood swings and depression. They often panic, worry, cry, and start hysterics. A lack of vitamin D significantly aggravates these conditions, leading to a nervous breakdown.

The most striking symptoms of calciferol deficiency in the body of an adult woman are:

  • mental disorders;
  • Bad mood;
  • loss of interest in life, work, family;
  • lack of desire to do anything;
  • blurred vision;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • poor condition of the dermis and hair;
  • infertility.

Night cramps in the calf muscles, tooth decay, caries, and slow healing of fractures are often observed.

Signs of calciferol deficiency in men

How does vitamin deficiency manifest itself in men? Many young representatives of the stronger sex are faced with abdominal obesity, which is one of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency.

And a substance that is necessary for calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed by the body. Why is calcium important? Of course, primarily for bones and teeth, so calciferol or vitamin D is extremely necessary for infants and older children, so that their skeleton is formed correctly, teeth erupt, and also to avoid diseases such as rickets. What is this substance and how to take it correctly? Read more in the article.

About beneficial properties

To begin with, it is worth highlighting the types of this element. The most common two of them are vitamins D 2 and D 3. If we talk about the first, then a person receives it from food. ? They are rich in:

As for element D3, the body receives it from sunlight. That's why it's so important to sunbathe, both adults and children. You should not hide your baby at home in warm weather, because a lack of sunlight can ultimately lead to a lack of vitamin D, which can have serious consequences:

  • Immunity weakens As a result, the baby is more susceptible to certain viral infections.
  • Metabolic processes deteriorate.
  • Vision problems begin.
  • The body does not absorb calcium and phosphorus well, As a result, bones are deformed, teeth are poorly cut and gums hurt.
  • The skin becomes less protected.

How does a child receive a dose of vitamin D? To begin with, all the necessary substances are supplied to him again, then after birth through breast milk. Therefore, a woman should eat properly at this time so that the baby does not experience a deficiency in one or another substance. You need to eat liver, fish, buckwheat and oatmeal, fermented milk products, egg yolks, potatoes, parsley and dill. When your baby grows up, teach him a proper diet.
Sunbathing is also necessary to saturate the body with vitamin D. This does not mean that you need to walk with your child in the thick of it; a half-hour walk in the morning or after four in the evening will be enough. Among other things, it is useful to bathe the baby for ten minutes in a bath with the addition of sea salt (you only need one tablespoon). It's better to do this twice a week.

In addition to rickets, vitamin D should be prescribed for diseases of the joints, osteoporosis, fractures, inflammatory processes in the bone marrow, lupus erythematosus, chronic gastritis and pancreatitis. Important point– the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, otherwise you risk not only not solving the problem, but also adding the problem of excess, which is also extremely harmful to the body. The required doses of a particular drug are discussed further in the article.

Dosages and types of drugs

Normally, calciferol should be 400 IU, This dosage is suitable as a preventive measure (especially in winter time) for both children and adults. To prevent rickets in children, it is enough to consume 625 IU daily dose, and if the baby is premature, then 1250 IU. A newborn baby should consume 300 IU of this substance. As for the pregnancy period in women, the amount of vitamin D increases to 600 IU.

If a person already has one or another disease, then the dosage naturally increases. For example, for rickets, children are prescribed from 1250 to 5000 IU of the drug, which must be taken for twelve months, for osteoporosis from 1250 to 3000 IU, and so on, it all depends on the specific disease. Everything here is individual and depends on what stage the disease is at, what age the patient is and other factors.

can be prescribed for internal use in the form of drops, or tablets, as well as a solution for intramuscular injection. The cost of this substance ranges from two hundred to six hundred rubles, and it is available without a prescription. We will tell you in more detail about the most popular vitamin D preparations and instructions for use.

Calcium D3 Nycomed

The drug is chewable tablets with three flavors (mint, lemon and orange). The tablets contain: 500 mg of calcium, 1250 mg of calcium carbonate, 2 mg of cholecalciferol and 5 µg of vitamin D3. This medicine is prescribed in the presence of hypovinosis, as well as as preventive measures against deficiency and bone diseases (osteoporosis). Take it during or after a meal, making sure to chew it. Let’s assume the reception is the same as in children’s (from three years), and in old age. Dosage:

  • Adults are prescribed one tablet twice a day, To prevent the development of osteoporosis, if this disease is present, the tablet is taken three times.
  • IN childhood the drug is prescribed for the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, and as preventive measures. If the child is between three and five years old, the dosage is determined by the doctor. If you are over five years old, then one or two tablets are usually prescribed once a day.

The course of treatment is also determined by the doctor (usually from a month to two). If necessary, after a break the course is repeated.


One of the most famous drugs prescribed to infants. It looks like clear drops that smell a little like anise. It can be given to children when they reach four weeks of age, and the drug is also added to the mixture (if the baby is bottle-fed). When is the medicine prescribed? It serves as treatment and prevention:

  1. Rakhita(state of deformation of the bone skeleton in a child).
  2. Osteomalacia(when the bones soften).
  3. Osteoporosis(fragility of the skeletal system).
  4. Hypocalcemic tetany (muscle cramps).

To prevent calciferol deficiency in infants, the drug is prescribed one or two drops as a daily dose. If the child is premature or lives in an environment where there is little sun, then the dose is increased to three drops. If the baby is sick with rickets, then four to ten drops are prescribed (depending on the specific case, the age, weight of the child, as well as the severity and stage of development of the disease are taken into account). A pregnant woman needs one drop as a daily dose; she needs to take the medicine for three trimesters.

This drug has its own contraindications and side effects. So, Aquadetrim can cause:

  • Allergies.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Joint, headache and muscle pain.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Stool disorders.
  • Increase in body temperature.
  • Weight loss.
  • Malaise with weakness and lethargy.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Depressive states.
  • Protein in urine.
  • An increase in leukocytes in a blood test.

This drug is not prescribed to a newborn child under one month of age who does not have health problems, because side effects may occur to a greater extent. Babies under one year old cannot tell you themselves what is wrong with them, so parents must be sure to monitor symptoms. If the child begins to eat poorly and sleep poorly, then perhaps the whole problem is in the drug and it is worth stopping it.

Aquadetrim is contraindicated if:

  • Calcium in the blood or urine is higher than normal.
  • Urolithiasis is present.
  • There are kidney problems including chronic diseases and kidney failure.
  • The baby is not a month old.
  • There is such a disease as tuberculosis.
  • There is increased sensitivity to one or another component.

Read the instructions carefully, become familiar with the composition of the drug and its side effects.

And in conclusion

It is worth remembering that any medicine has both contraindications and side effects. And even seemingly harmless calciferol can also be harmful to health. Each person is individual, so intolerance to this element may occur. Then the following symptoms will appear:

  1. Headache.
  2. Muscle weakness.
  3. Nausea with vomiting.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Increased nervousness.
  6. If the dosage has been exceeded for a long time, then salt deposition may occur in some organs.

What contraindications does calciferol have? You should not take it if:

  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Diseases related to the kidneys and liver.
  • Some heart diseases.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.

Vitamin D preparations may contain elements that are contraindicated for a particular person. For example, lemon or orange flavored tablets can cause an allergic reaction, so it is important to choose the right drug for yourself to avoid negative consequences.

Remember that vitamin D is essential for the body both in childhood and in adulthood. It strengthens the immune system, promotes proper operation internal organs, prevents serious diseases of the skeletal system. By using this substance in the right dosage, you ensure your health for many years. If there are indications for additional use of calciferol, then, in each specific case, a specialist should tell you.


Brittle bones and dental problems are associated with impaired absorption of calcium and phosphorus or their lack in the body. Active metabolites of calciferol or vitamin D3, which is obtained from food, can help solve the problem - pediatricians especially insist on using the latter. How does it affect the condition of bone tissue and what drugs containing it make sense to take?

Why does the body need vitamin D3?

The official name of this substance is cholecalciferol. It belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is produced by the body exclusively under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so in winter adults and children often experience a lack of it. Synthesis occurs in the skin. Vitamin D3 has the following pharmacological properties:

  • It takes part in phosphorus metabolism and increases the absorption of this mineral in the intestines.
  • It is important for the absorption of calcium, as it increases the permeability of mitochondria in the cells that make up the intestinal epithelium.

Proper reabsorption and normal metabolism of calcium, which are observed only with a normal amount of this vitamin D3 in the body, help increase the strength of the bones of newborns and form their skeleton, improve the condition of the teeth, and are necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis, rickets and a number of other diseases associated with structural disorders bone tissue.

However, the symptoms of cholecalciferol deficiency can be noticed not only by the deterioration of the teeth/bones:

  • performance decreases;
  • general fatigue increases;
  • observed initial stage multiple sclerosis.

What products contain

The natural deficiency of cholecalciferol, which occurs in winter and in residents of northern regions, is partially compensated by its receipt from food: the body can receive vitamin D3 from some foods and absorb it almost completely. Useful in this matter:

  • fish oil;
  • parsley;
  • milk (controversial, since the absorption of calcium is inhibited by the phosphorus present here);
  • egg yolks (raw);
  • tuna, mackerel;
  • halibut liver;
  • butter;
  • oatmeal.

Indications for use

Pregnant and breastfeeding women mostly experience calcium deficiency, so vitamin D (doctors combine D2 and D3 here) is recommended in the form of tablets or injections during this period. Given the sensitivity of newborns and the transfer of all nutrients through breast milk if they are breastfed, it is more important that the mother does not experience a deficiency. In older children, the use of a medicinal form of vitamin D3 is necessary for:

  • prevention and treatment of rickets;
  • treatment of osteoporosis;
  • strengthening the bone skeleton in preschool and old age;
  • treatment of hypoparathyroidism;
  • treatment of osteomalacia;
  • preventing deficiency of this vitamin in liver diseases, vegetarianism, after gastric resection.

Directions for use and dosage

If cholecalciferol is used unreasonably, the patient may develop a chronic overdose, so doctors insist on carefully reading the instructions and studying the concentration of the key vitamin in the composition. There are daily standards for cholecalciferol: up to 500 IU in adults, 200 IU in children. If some factors have led to vitamin D3 deficiency, doctors prescribe medications based on the following facts:

  • calcium concentration reaches normal when taking 200 thousand IU for six months;
  • for osteoporosis, the same 200 thousand IU are needed, but for 2 weeks;
  • for rickets, up to 400 thousand IU are prescribed for six months.

Vitamin D3 capsules

Among the dosage forms of cholecalciferol available in pharmacies, the capsular one wins: it is produced by several pharmaceutical companies, but vitamin D3 is mainly produced for adults, since the dosages of the main substance are very high - from 600 IU. Among such drugs, Solgar deserves attention - a product from an American manufacturer, it is a dietary supplement and cannot be used during pregnancy or in children. Dosage – 1 capsule per day with food.


Aquadetrim vitamin D3 has a concentration of 15,000 IU/ml, which is equal to 30 drops. This amount is needed during pregnancy, if the doctor has already diagnosed a deficiency of vitamins D, or for other reasons for a serious deficiency of cholecalciferol - you should not buy Aquadetrim water for prevention. Among the key disadvantages medicine it is difficult to select the dosage - this should be done with a doctor, because:

  • 1 drop is equivalent to 500 IU of this vitamin, which covers the daily requirement of an adult;
  • In a child, prophylactic use of the drug can lead to hypervitaminosis D3.

The official instructions for the treatment of cholecalciferol deficiency advise adhering to the following doses:

  • Infants over 4 months – up to 3 drops per day.
  • During pregnancy - 1 drop daily from the 1st trimester until childbirth, or 2 drops, but from the 28th week.
  • After menopause, 2 drops per day.
  • For rickets, you can drink up to 10 drops per day, the course is 1.5 months. The exact dosage depends on the severity of the disease and urine tests.

Vitamin D3 tablets

The most famous pharmaceutical drug of this type is the mineral complex Calcium-D3 Nycomed, which is well tolerated by people of all ages, since even a prophylactic dose is easy to select. 1 tablet is 200 IU of vitamin D3, which is half the norm for a child and 1/3 of the adult norm. There is also a “Forte” option, with a double dosage of the vitamin.

According to the instructions, the tablets are taken primarily for prevention according to the following rules:

  • Children over 12 years old and adults 1 pc. morning and evening.
  • Children over 5 years old – 1 tablet. At a younger age, the dosage is determined by the doctor.
  • Tablets are allowed to be sucked or chewed.

Oil solution

Doctors call toxicity a disadvantage of this form of vitamin D3, so pediatricians prescribe it to children only when absolutely necessary, preferably recommending aqueous solutions or tablets. However, oil solutions also have advantages: vitamin D3 requires fat for dissolution and absorption, which water is not. Symptoms of overdose, if you drink Vitamin D3 oil solution, also appear less frequently. The most used by doctors is Vigantol, which has simple composition, but similar to Aquadetrim, it cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription.

Vitamin D3 for children

Mostly doctors prescribe cholecalciferol to premature babies, since they do not have a natural supply of this element. However, it can put a lot of stress on the kidneys, so you need to entrust the choice of drug and dosage to your doctor. A separate point is the inadmissibility of taking such drugs in the summer (only from October to March), and the child himself must be on breastfeeding.

How to take vitamin D3 for infants

In children over two weeks of age, doctors advise carrying out a procedure to strengthen bone tissue only if there are obvious symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency, if they do not receive it through breast milk, or due to congenital pathologies they have poor calcium absorption. Mostly experts recommend oil drops that need to be diluted with warm water. Instructions for use are as follows:

  • A baby born at term is prevented from rickets from the 2nd week of life by giving 1 drop of an oily vitamin solution daily. Water - 2 times a week in the same dosage.
  • If the child is premature, the dose is increased by 2 times.

Side effects

With normal sensitivity and full compliance with the instructions, no negative reactions are observed. Rarely happen:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • kidney dysfunction.


In children, long-term use of large doses of vitamin D3 can lead to impaired calcium metabolism, which is noticeable in a blood test, especially if thiazide drugs are used. In case of high sensitivity of the body, the following may develop:

  • anorexia;
  • hypertension;
  • constipation;
  • loss of body weight;
  • dehydration;
  • nausea;
  • soft tissue calcification.


Doctors do not recommend taking additional cholecalciferol medications if there are no symptoms of deficiency of this element or if it is elevated. You should not carry out therapy with their help if you have:

  • increased sensitivity of the body;
  • nephrourolytase;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver and pancreas in acute form;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hypothyroidism.

Terms of sale and storage

All preparations based on vitamin D3 are not medicines - they are provitamins, so they are available without a prescription. The storage duration is determined by the form: for oil drops it is 2 years, for aqueous solution– 3 years (necessarily in the refrigerator), for capsules – 2 years.

Vitamin D3 price

The cost of cholecalciferol preparations is determined by the dosage form, country of origin and composition. The solutions used for treatment can be called budget - their price is in the range of 180-240 rubles. Capsules and tablets are more expensive, especially from American manufacturers: their cost starts from 300 rubles. and depends on the number of tablets in the package. The situation with the vitamin D3 preparations described above is as follows:



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