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This dream has several different meanings. If you dream deceased grandmother, this means that the connection with the granddaughter has not been lost and in reality the girl needs the support, advice and love that she received before.

But often the deceased wants to warn about something in a dream, to say something, maybe he needs to be remembered in the temple. To understand why the late grandmother is seen by her granddaughter, pay attention to when and how often such scenes began to appear in dreams and what happened next.

Was the girl frightened by dreams about the deceased, or was she glad to meet her deceased relative? This is why you most often dream of seeing your deceased grandmother alive in a vision under different circumstances.

After the funeral

If an old woman died suddenly, although she could still live, then seeing her in a dream is a normal occurrence. Especially if during her lifetime grandma was very active, took part in everything, and was loved by all family members.

Usually the dream is the same as in reality, and dreams reproduce events that happened recently, not related to death.

If your granddaughter has been having such dreams for some time, there is nothing wrong with that. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts you good health, but does not dream of fatal events, as it is connected with the dreamer’s psyche.

If the grandmother died suddenly and took an active part in the life of the family, then dreams of her will come to all family members throughout the year.

If night pictures do not scare you, do not evoke negative emotions and there is no warning or danger in them, there is nothing terrible here.

The dream book does not interpret dreams that reproduce events before the death of the grandmother. It’s just the granddaughter’s psyche that doesn’t put up with the loss and wants the old lady to still be alive, to advise, accept and suggest.

Usually this kind of night scenes disappear without a trace 40 days after the funeral or after the first six months.

If the grandmother was angry and aggressive, then the Islamic dream book writes that after her appearance in a dream, the relationship between family members predicts discord in the house and constant quarrels.

Possible litigation due to inheritance, troubles and scandals. If you dreamed that your grandmother came to life and began to rage, then you will soon quarrel with your relatives.

If a little granddaughter saw her in a dream, talked to an old woman, or was afraid to wake up, then in reality she will be able to overcome her own fears without outside help.

If you dreamed that a deceased woman was stopping you from working and not letting you into the house, some kind of disaster will happen soon.

Notice how she behaved in her sleep. If the grandmother made a fuss, swore, or shouted at someone, expect a squabble with family members.

By kicking her out of the house and not letting her in, you can prevent a difficult situation.

If a granddaughter dreamed several times about the death of her grandmother as she really was, then this event had a negative impact on the child’s psyche.

A girl needs time to come to terms with the loss, especially if she had good contact with her grandmother during her lifetime. When you dreamed that your granddaughter began to say goodbye to her grandmother, and after that she stopped dreaming about her, then the child’s psyche will come to terms with the loss, and the girl will again be the same as before.

G talking to your deceased grandmother, receiving advice and tips from her is a good sign. The dream book writes that this dream predicts joy, happiness and good luck in various desires.

It’s bad if the deceased took someone with her. When this dream occurs within forty days after death, the person whom the grandmother took away is in mortal danger.

Seeing an empty coffin is a surprise. If your grandmother got up and left, and you don’t understand who was buried, this is a good sign.

The modern dream book writes that gradually your affairs will improve, and you will be able to complete all your ideas and undertakings.

Dreams of a little granddaughter

If the little girl dreamed that she was talking to her late grandmother in her sleep, then in reality everything will be fine with her. Especially if the conversation was pleasant, cheerful, light and colorful, you are happy with life.

There is nothing wrong if a little granddaughter starts hugging her grandmother and playing. But if the granny begins to scold the child and even beat him, he is in danger of trouble or illness. Especially if there is redness or a wound at the site of the slap.

When you dreamed that your grandmother was sitting in the basement and calling her granddaughter to follow her, this is a sign of the girl’s illness. If the baby did not answer the call, changed her mind or got scared, the illness or injury will not be fatal.

When the girl began to follow her grandmother or fell underground, she was in great danger. Try to prevent your child from getting into trouble; it is better to take care of him for a while and not take him to school.

If a grandmother begins to baptize a teenage girl, then in reality she may do something stupid that will result in big trouble for her. For a child, such a dream is good and predicts unexpected joy and a favorable combination of circumstances.

Running away from her grandmother means that the girl will not listen to her advice. If the old woman said something important and necessary, but her granddaughter did not want to listen to her, then in life she will commit an extravagant act and do great stupidity, which she will regret more than once.

If a girl dreams that her grandmother is on her bed, the baby is in danger or illness. Especially if the little granddaughter began to lie next to the deceased.

In other situations, a date with a deceased grandmother, if the dream is not nightmarish, does not bode well.

On the contrary, a meeting between a grandmother and her beloved granddaughter predicts happiness, good news for the child, and often warns against bad or stupid actions, since children are more receptive to other people's advice.

Therefore, there is no need to worry if your granddaughter begins to dream about her deceased grandmother. When a girl wakes up in a cold sweat after nightmares in which the old woman rises from the grave, takes on a terrible appearance and begins to pursue and make trouble, then you need to remember her in the temple.

Then nightmare phenomena will not torment the child. If this measure does not help, then you need to consecrate the apartment or adults need to think carefully about what they are doing wrong.

It is possible that the reason is associated with a negative magical effect or damage committed at the funeral or at the grave of the deceased.

Teenage dreams

For a girl to see her grandmother kind, cheerful and joyful - a sign of her spiritual support from above. If the hand of your late granny blessed you for an important event, then expect success in your business.

Especially if in life a girl listens to the advice of her late grandmother and does not lose her spiritual connection with her.

Seeing her dead in a dream is an alarming event. You may lose the outside support you expect. Watching a body decompose is a bad sign.

After such a dream, you yourself can suffer and get into trouble. Then exercise extreme caution and avoid suspicious foods.

If you dreamed that your grandmother was resurrected, expect to receive an inheritance. Sometimes this is a sign of spiritual help from above if you had a good relationship with her. When you dreamed that a deceased woman hit you on the cheek, think about your actions.

This dream is seen not only as a sign of your illness, but also as a sign of trouble, which can generally lead to irreversible or unpredictable consequences.

Treat grandma delicious drinks, inviting someone to sit at the table - for an unexpected holiday. A girl may have this dream before meeting her relatives.

But if grandma gets sick and doesn’t eat anything, the reason for the meeting will be sad. Seeing that an old woman vomited after a meal is a sign of difficult circumstances. Especially if grandma was sick and then died again.

For a pregnant woman, the dream predicts a slight illness and complication. Try to avoid suspicious foods, especially home-cooked ones.

Seeing your grandmother pregnant is a surprise. Sometimes for the granddaughter herself, a dream predicts the birth of a child who will look like her grandmother.

If you dreamed that your kind grandmother was angry and angry, expect your affairs to worsen. When she was very beautiful and young in a dream, then expect good news. Perhaps you will learn something interesting about her youth and youth from the family archive.

Giving money to the deceased means big losses. After such a dream, your affairs will decline. Seeing your grandmother crying means grief in your family, trouble and big trouble. Crying with her and seeing her off on her final journey again is a sign of relief.

Such a dream is a sign of joy and favorable circumstances. If your grandmother gave you a ring, it means marriage. Try not to miss your happiness. Kissing and hugging a deceased woman is a good sign. You will be happy and satisfied.

Other dream meanings

Feeding your grandmother dishes and treating her to pleasant drinks is a sign of a wake and a nice meeting with relatives. Giving the deceased your clothes is a waste of effort. If the deceased grandmother accepted it, beware of illness.

Receiving gifts from a deceased woman dreams of success or surprise. If she decided to give you a valuable acquisition, then expect joy. When the deceased began to beg for alms on the porch, remember her in the temple.

I dreamed that my grandmother was smiling - to her approval, support, even if during her lifetime she was good person. When the deceased is silent, beware of misfortune.

Grandma decided to come to life, take on a frightening appearance or bite - be careful. After this dream, trouble is possible.

If grandma was resurrected and then decided to die again, a person of the same age, position or with the same name may soon die. Sometimes a dream foreshadows a change in weather.

The deceased grandmother dreams of a change in weather, the fulfillment of secret desires, the need to remember them, changes. The interpretation depends on the details of the dream. Great value should be given to the following: the state of the deceased, the peculiarities of the conversation with the deceased, the nature of interaction with her.

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There is no need to be upset because of the negative meaning of a dream, this is only a warning from the subconscious. It is better to pay attention to health, family or current events.

General value

A dream about a kind grandmother, if she smiles, is a symbol of wisdom and care for the dreamer. A smartly dressed, beautiful deceased woman dreams of success in business, this is a sign that worries are unfounded. If she feeds and treats - this reflects her desire to improve the financial condition of the sleeping person, it is worth remembering her advice if she gave any. Everything that the deceased said in a dream is related to current events; her words may turn out to be prophetic. If a difficult situation has occurred in your life, the advice of the deceased will help you sort everything out.

If your own grandmother, while alive, dreams of being dead, the dream promises a long life for the dreamed person. She looked sick - situations related to injustice and finding out the truth are expected.

If you dream about your dead grandmother being alive, there is a feeling of guilt towards her. A dream in which a dead woman came to life reflects the need to remember her; as an option - the emergence of gossip in the dreamer’s life.

If you dreamed of her immediately after the funeral, the woman’s dream foreshadows marriage, and serious business negotiations are possible. The deceased was distinctly energetic and cheerful - a warning about negligence and financial damage.

If you often dream of a deceased grandmother, the dream should prompt you to think about unfulfilled obligations and matters awaiting responsible implementation.

Unusual details of the dream:

  • Seeing a deceased grandmother sick and dying is a sign of bad news.
  • Accepting any things as a gift from the deceased is a very unfavorable dream; giving them to her is a good sign.
  • Giving a photo to a deceased woman is a dream about the death of the person depicted in it.
  • A pregnant grandmother dreams of great success, the implementation of ideas, and triumph.
  • Seeing yourself in the image of a deceased grandmother is a manifestation of supernatural abilities.
  • An unfamiliar deceased old woman appears in a dream - to receive amazing news, to a confluence of unexpected circumstances.
  • There is a dream about the image of a deceased grandmother in the mirror before forty days have passed after the funeral - a sign that she did not have time to complete some things before leaving for another world. It is worth remembering her words or requests if she spoke in a dream.

The interpretation also depends on the actions of the deceased:

Action Interpretation
CryingIf you have an illness, this is a signal of the need to visit a doctor; another option is that being too busy is harmful to your well-being; according to Miller - to the birth of an heir
HugsTo realize the mistakes made
Gives moneyTo get rid of painful memories, mental anguish, a harbinger of happiness and overall success; sometimes - financial losses
Gives thingsThere is a chance to repeat the fate of the deceased; giving some things is not good
SwearsSymbolizes influence in the lives of strangers
CookingAdvice not to ignore the traditions of hospitality for which the opportunity arises
Asks for foodBe aware of purity of heart before the deceased
Asks for moneyTo happy family life, friendship, favorable outcome
Asks for clothesTo joyful events
Calls to follow herTo death

The dreamer's actions towards the deceased:

Action Interpretation
Talk to herBad feelings will come true
KissTo unrequited love; to a girl - the love of her chosen one; kissing before a funeral means getting rid of obligations
Hugging the deceasedThe interpretation is ambiguous: in a healthy state - to a possible disease, and vice versa
Help with dressingA harbinger of a serious illness
See you off on your last journeyTo relief, favorable circumstances
Kill herIn reality one cannot forgive the death of a deceased person.
Feel your grandmother's hands on your arms and shouldersIndication of an incorrectly chosen path.

Relatives who appeared in a dream with the deceased:

Why does a woman dream of fish - interpretation from dream books

The dreamer's personality and family ties

The interpretation of the dream depends on who exactly had the dream:

  • Grandson or granddaughter- to the benefit of the efforts expended, obtaining long-awaited results in life. What will come true for a long time seemed impossible.
  • For a married man I dreamed of my grandmother dressed up and wearing makeup - to indicate his separation from his wife. The dream also encourages you to improve your relationship with your wife.
  • To an unmarried girl- to engagement, marriage, improvement of relationships; the return of an ex-man.

The deceased on her mother's side dreams if she was in a vigorous, good condition - a sign of an imminent successful marriage. Hugging her means longevity and good health.

The paternal grandmother comes - a symbol of warning; the dream calls for prudence and reasonable actions. Vile actions on the part of others are not excluded.

Deceased's house

The house of a deceased grandmother is a dream of a lack of warmth and support from loved ones. Seeing a grandmother living in her house is a sign of wealth; Rarely does a dream indicate the likelihood of a dangerous illness in one of the maternal relatives.

The deceased’s house is clean and well-groomed - a sign of pleasant acquisitions; old, dirty, abandoned - to gossip and conflicts, troubles. Seeing the deceased enter her home, or living with her grandmother - success and wealth, achieving high goals.

A dream in which the deceased lies in a coffin in her own home is a warning about the deterioration of the dreamer’s health through his own fault. Regardless of what is happening and the people in the house of the deceased grandmother, the interpretation of dreams of this nature concerns a change in the worldview of the sleeper and a rethinking of values.


A funeral, depending on the weather in a dream, has different meanings: if it’s cloudy, big changes for the worse are coming; on a sunny day - a favorable event awaits.

If the old woman remained calmly in the coffin, the predictions of the dream books are twofold: to significant monetary profit or to misfortune, the realization of the worst premonitions, betrayal, loss of a lover. Talking to her at the same time means unfortunately, death. The deceased - for a visit from acquaintances and friends.

If she cried while in the coffin, it is a harbinger of a major quarrel, a mental wound.

Seeing people kissing a deceased woman before burial is a sign of money problems; doing it yourself means liberation from mental oppression, as well as temporary separation from someone close.

Opinions of interpreters

With the help of your own intuition, you are more likely to determine the correct interpretation. Dreams that evoke pleasant sensations more often mark positive events, and negative ones with a similar plot - vice versa.

Interpretations of dreams about a deceased grandmother by famous esotericists:

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
NostradamusI dream of a grandmother who died a long time ago - the dream indicates the presence in life of a wise person, an adviser who can be trusted. Possible interpretation: the best period for self-realization and the manifestation of conscious actions is coming. Sometimes it’s an obsession with material things. The dream suggests that the success that was hoped for will be several times greater than expected
HasseSeeing a deceased person in a coffin - the dream book warns of the need to shift attention from the material to the spiritual. A dream about a deceased woman in a coffin indicates a lack of harmony in life. Only by creating the necessary balance will the desired peace of mind come into life.
LongoHugging a grandmother who died means renewing lost contacts. Communication is valuable and desirable for the dreamer; you should not miss opportunities to establish it
LoffaIf she gives money, very soon those who will appreciate the dreamer will appear in life
FreudFor a man - missed opportunities; for a guy - to a feeling of his own inadequacy in relationships with the opposite sex; for a girl - worries about her appearance, fear of being rejected by men
WangiA grandmother, who is no longer alive, comes to a young girl in a dream - a sign of positive changes in life: a proposal and marriage. Hugs - a reminder of unfulfilled promises.

You can expect a lot from dreams—anything, really, because this world is completely beyond our control.

In the world of dreams, you can meet relatives who have long passed away, but even living, living relatives in dreams can carry important messages.

They especially often ask why grandma dreams - alive or dead, unknown or dear, beloved. In general, relatives are never dreamed of without a serious reason, especially if they are grandparents.

Old people are dreamed of either to convey an important message or to warn about something, but not less often - as a symbol of future events or changes. How can one accurately and accurately interpret what the deceased or living grandmother, grandfather, or both old people dream about?

Grandmother is a symbol of female wisdom and secret knowledge. This is a powerful and ancient symbol, and it can often abstractly indicate the awakening of the feminine nature, as well as convey some kind of feminine sacred experience and knowledge.

It is especially not without reason that women and girls dream of relatives on the female side - and these are the most important dreams. If you dream of a deceased grandmother, this may not only foreshadow certain events in reality, but also be a reason to think about your family, about your roots in the female line, and to listen to the advice of older women.

Perhaps you pay little attention to this, or you don’t think at all about the experience of your own mother and grandmothers. In addition, dreams of grandparents being alive sometimes mean that they can tell the dreamer about something extremely important, or point them to the right path.

To understand unmistakably what grandma is dreaming about, you need to remember the dream in detail - its details and scenario. For example:

  • You just saw grandma from the outside.
  • You dream about your deceased grandmother in your dreams.
  • I dream of an unfamiliar old woman.
  • I dreamed about your grandmother, who is alive in reality.
  • You dream of a deceased grandmother who cries in her dreams.
  • On the contrary, I dreamed of her as youthful and beautiful, she was happy and laughing.
  • Grandmother works in a dream, busy around the house.
  • In your dreams, a deceased grandmother or grandfather came to visit you.
  • You are talking to your grandmother in your dreams.
  • Talk to grandpa.
  • You work around the house with your grandmother.
  • She scolds you, scolds you in your sleep.
  • Gives you something in a dream, gives it.
  • You gave something to your grandmother, as a gift.

There are many options - and in each grandmother carries a special, important meaning. So don’t miss the details and don’t get confused - to find out accurately and correctly what grandma is dreaming about, and what awaits you in reality in the near future.

See her from the outside

First, let’s figure out why grandma is dreaming if you only saw her aside, like a vision, and didn’t even say a word. Such visions are deep and full of meaning, and every detail is important.

1. As the dream book says, one often dreams of a grandmother as a symbol of purely feminine, sacred wisdom. This is an important dream - perhaps you have thus received important hidden knowledge, or you can awaken your nature.

2. It is also curious why the late grandmother dreams - such a dream is ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a reminder that you should pay more attention to relatives and not forget your own roots.

And, in addition, this dream may foreshadow some important family events that will occur along the line of the dreamed grandmother. Pay attention and time to your female line of family, this can be important.

3. If you dreamed of some unfamiliar old woman, this indicates in reality a wise and adult (older than you) woman from your environment. You need to not miss the chance to communicate with her and gain experience - this will give you a lot.

4. Such a dream, in which you saw your living grandmother, who is well in reality, is simply a call to devote time to her, not to forget about her. And in general, pay more care and attention to your elderly.

These people will not be with you forever, remember this, and try to give them more love and gratitude. Call or visit your family!

5. If in your dreams you saw your grandmother crying bitterly and grieving, this is advice to you in reality to be kinder, wiser and more affectionate with others.

Probably, in everyday life you are too independent, firm and adamant, and your nature and essence are driven very deep, and this will negatively affect your fate and health. Don't forget to be natural, soft and caring, this is important.

6. Such a dream, in which your grandmother appears before you youthful, healthy, beautiful and joyful, is a very happy sign. Women's happiness, tranquility and harmony undoubtedly await you - everything will be wonderful in the family, in society and in love. Of course, your task is to cherish happiness and give your warmth to everyone connected with it.

7. And if you saw how your grandmother in your dreams is working and busy around the house - baking pies, or cleaning - this foreshadows chores for you in reality, very pleasant and associated with a joyful event.

Perhaps a long-awaited visit or meeting awaits you, or just a big family holiday. Or maybe even buying new furniture or moving to a new, wonderful place.

Talk to grandma

Of course, such a dream, in which your (or a stranger’s) grandmother not only appeared as a vision, but also contacted you, has an even deeper meaning. Here, as in the first case, it is extremely important not to miss the details and take into account what happened in the dream.

1. If in a dream you saw a deceased grandmother or grandfather (or the two of them) in your house, for example, they came to visit you, this promises significant changes in life, probably in family affairs.

Changes can be of any kind, be prepared and optimistic, because new things are always opportunities and it’s always interesting.

2. As the dream book says, your own grandmother, with whom you talked in a dream, may foretell minor difficulties or some obstacles in family affairs, social life or in love.

However, such a dream gives advice - listen to the advice of older women, listen to their experience and apply it in your life. This will greatly help you improve your destiny and cope with any adversity.

3. And if you talked with your grandfather in your dreams, this indicates that you will soon be burdened with a lot of affairs and obligations that you have to cope with. You will need responsibility, hard work and optimism. And your labors will bring a rich harvest!

4. According to the dream book, the grandmother with whom you worked around the house together in your dreams - cooking something, baking, cleaning, sewing - this is a very favorable dream.

It portends you great and stable family happiness, harmony and complete order in the family nest. Thanks to your work and love, there will be no grief and adversity in your family.

5. If in a dream your grandmother scolds you, scolds you, or yells at you, pay attention to your life. In reality, you are likely to do rash things or cause harm to someone.

This dream is a reason to seriously reconsider your own behavior. And change to avoid unpleasant consequences.

6. If in your dreams you gave or gave something to your grandmother, be it money or certain things, be careful with spending money, you are prone to wastefulness. Spread your expenses more wisely.

7. And if your granny gives you something, know that happiness will definitely await you in reality, which will literally fall on your head!

A dream visited by a grandmother, especially a deceased one, is difficult to forget - it can leave a lot of emotions and even make you feel sad. But remember - the connection with relatives, especially the connection between a woman and her relatives, is extremely strong, and even after death, our grandmothers are tightly connected with us, protect us and, in a sense, pass on their wisdom to us.

Do not give up this connection, be attentive to your relatives, and listen to the wisdom of older generations - after all, this is a real treasure. And dream books will help you interpret the dreams that your grandmothers visit - and your task is not only to read the interpretation, but also to think about it, and in the right way put into practice. Author: Vasilina Serova

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream of a deceased grandmother, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a dead grandmother in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother and what does it mean:

Deceased grandmother - To see or talk to her in a dream means that something good that you have planned will succeed. A deceased relative is facing significant changes. A dream is a blessing or a warning. It is very good if you meet her in a cemetery.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother in a dream?

Deceased grandmother - In a dream, meeting your grandmother and talking with her means that you will encounter difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, good advice will help you overcome difficulties. A deceased grandmother in a dream is a symbol of wisdom, a family (blood) connection, a protector or guardian.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother, according to the seer?

The interpretation of the dream depends on how long ago the grandmother died. Until 40 days, she comes in a dream, because the dreamer thinks about her and yearns. Such a dream does not carry any meaning. It simply reflects experiences.

Why do you dream about a long-dead grandmother? Talking to her, hugging her is a reminder that the promise made during her life has not yet been fulfilled. If two deceased grandmothers appear in a dream at once, this is a sign that they protect, act as guardian angels.

A dead grandmother calling you with her in a dream is a bad sign. This is a warning about deteriorating health. Answering her call is even worse. Situations may arise in which you will have to desperately fight for your life.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother holding your hand? This is a warning that an error has been made. But there is nothing to worry about, everything can be fixed.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Kissing a dead grandmother lying in a coffin in a dream means in reality getting rid of all debt obligations and improving your financial condition. If the deceased was alive in the dream, kissing her warns of the betrayal of the other half.

To see strangers hugging your deceased grandmother in a dream means that in reality you will have to face material losses and unplanned financial expenses.

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother? Perhaps this is a hint that you should take more care of loved ones. They need material and moral support. It is likely that simply visiting them more often is enough.

A deceased grandmother in a dream may urge you to reconsider your principles. A deceased relative warns against addictions.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about how grandmothers died?

Dreaming of a deceased grandmother alive means changes in life. If your grandmother smiles serenely and talks to you calmly, the changes will have a positive impact on you, but if she is worried, prepare for the worst.

I dreamed that my deceased grandmother was alive - if she gives you some advice in a dream, you should listen to them. If you saw a dead grandmother crying, this is an unfavorable sign in many interpretations of dream books.

A living grandmother dies in a dream - if she is actually alive and well, then such a dream may mean that your grandmother will bring you some news or ask for something. Don’t neglect help, because if you dreamed about it the day before, it means it’s really something important for her.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of deceased grandmothers from your dream

A deceased grandmother appears in a dream during a critical period of life, when the choice is especially difficult; warning or blessing.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Deceased grandmother - Seeing a relative - Powerlessness, weakness. It promises to receive incomplete payment for work.

Great modern dream book

Dead grandmother - why does the dreamer dream?

To see a deceased grandmother who allegedly came to visit you or met you on a walk - the dream foreshadows difficulties for you in the foreseeable future; It will not be easy to cope with these difficulties, but the kind participation of loved ones and someone’s timely and wise advice will help you.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of the Dead Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother, who has already died, in a dream means finally finding a quiet haven in the stormy ocean of life. Marriage awaits you if you are single, or an addition to your family. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a Dead Grandmother, How to Unravel the Symbolism of a Dream

Deceased grandmother - Seeing your older relative in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, dangerous situation. Tears on the face of a granny in your dream foreshadow undeserved grievances and a quarrel with loved ones. If she died a long time ago and advises you something, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. You have grandchildren - the dream means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about a dead grandmother?

The deceased, with whom you had a good relationship during life, subconsciously try to return her image to the world of the living. It is you who cannot come to terms with the death of your grandmother and let her go. A deceased grandmother can also visit before an important event. In this case, seeing a deceased grandmother means making sure that you are on the right path and are ready to achieve success on your own, without anyone’s help.

Gypsy dream book

The meaning of a dream about the deceased

Deceased Grandmother - If you dreamed of a deceased grandmother and remembered her advice or simple words- this is a good sign. It is advisable to take advice - it is through dreams that our deceased relatives can inform us about upcoming troubles, warn us against making wrong decisions, or, conversely, bless and approve the decisions being made. Listen carefully and try to remember all the details of the dream - the situation, facial expressions, emotional state.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about her dead grandmother?

In a dream, you are talking with your elderly relatives - perhaps difficulties await you that will not be easy to overcome. However, thanks good advice you will overcome these difficulties. Dreaming of a dead grandmother is a harbinger of illness in the family, a warning that all residents of the house should take serious care of their health.

A deceased grandmother may come before the wedding - in this case, this is a good sign. The deceased woman who comes to the newlyweds seems to bless their union, warning them against troubles and misfortune. The interpretation says that hugging your deceased grandmother means everything will soon get better in your life.

Dream Dictionary by Stern Robinson and Tom Corbett (Russian translation)

Let's figure out why we dream about a dead grandmother?

When you see your grandmother, in reality you will have to overcome all obstacles and minor difficulties, but this will not be easy. But if in such a dream not only your grandmother comes to you, but your other relatives, then in this case, people from the outside will help you deal with difficulties.

A helpless, sick grandmother means that you will soon experience a period of powerlessness and weakness.

If your grandmother stands in your way in a dream, then know that this dream predicts a reduction in your salary. I dreamed of a joyful and contented grandmother - a great joy in everyday affairs.

Dream Interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman (Russian translation)

Why does the dreamer dream about a dead grandmother?

A deceased grandmother means that in the near future you will be able to find that piece of paradise in which you will be able to find peace and relax from the hustle and bustle. For a married man, a dream about a grandmother means adding to the family. And for unmarried people, it predicts finding a family.

If you dreamed of a grandmother who in reality is still alive, this is a good sign. It can also be safely called good. But if the grandmother is packing her things or leaving somewhere, then the sign of such a dream is very bad. Predicts a deterioration in her health.

When she advises you something, you should be prepared for drastic changes in reality. The more pleasant the vision about your grandmother is for you, the easier it will be for you to get out of the most difficult situations.

People have a rather difficult attitude towards everything related to death. Therefore, when a person dreams of someone who has already passed away, such a dream raises many emotions and questions. There are many signs and interpretations of such dreams that can give certainty, reassure and suggest what to do in such a situation. The most emotional dreams are those in which we see people who have recently left our lives. For example, if a grandmother died, not everyone will be able to resist emotions. And the question of why you had such a dream can provoke a lot of reasoning and worry. But if you dream that a living person has died, then there is no need to worry, just wish him health, because this dream predicts a long life for him.

What do you dream about most often?

Rarely does anyone see dreams where living people die, but dreams of dead people in the guise of living people are much more common. At the same time, having seen such a dream, many begin to worry, because beliefs say that these visions prophesy bad news, bad weather, illness and even death. But these are just old beliefs, interpretations of modern famous dream books strikingly different from them.


Difficult relationships between people lead to dreams where a deceased grandmother can be alive in a dream. Such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt before the deceased, of an unresolved quarrel or a dispute that was never completed. When you dream about your grandmother almost immediately after the funeral, this can be regarded as an experience of the bitterness of loss. But, on the other hand, such a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent positive changes in life.

Dead relatives in a dream

It happens that a person can see in a dream a deceased grandmother with other family members who have gone to the next world. For example, if you dreamed about your mother, it means that the sleeping person will soon get sick. The deceased brother in a dream wants to remind you that one of your relatives needs help and support. But a father dreaming with his grandmother suggests that a person is following the path of ruin, and he should manage his affairs more carefully.

The appearance of close relatives in a dream speaks of possible slander against your family, of gossip, so such a dream calls for you to be more attentive. And if you see both grandmothers at once in a dream - both on the maternal and paternal lines, then this indicates that you have serious, strong spiritual protection. If a deceased grandmother dies in a dream and comes along with her grandfather, then this is a sign of new troubles in the future; most likely, the person will be given additional responsibility, or one of the relatives will ask for financial help and participation in his life. Usually such dreams occur before important ceremonies and family celebrations.

I constantly dream about my dead grandmother

Any person will be wary if he constantly sees his dead grandmother in a dream. If she asks for something, think about what unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations you have. Therefore, you need to make a list of such tasks and start doing them. Remember, you can’t quit this business halfway, even if you stop dreaming about it. Because interrupting the completion of tasks may lead to the appearance of these dreams in the future.

Also, through such dreams, remorse can be expressed that the relationship with the deceased person during life was not very warm, and there was no mutual understanding, and there are also grievances that have not been forgiven. In this case, it is better to let go of grievances and worries about the past, learn a lesson and not repeat your own mistakes.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the great Freud, she is the personification feminine. Therefore, an adult man dreaming of a deceased grandmother indicates that he is yearning for missed opportunities and the realization that life did not turn out the way he wanted.

If a young guy had such a dream, then this indicates his doubts in his own abilities. He most likely hasn't done the hard work or feels immature for relationships with women. For a woman, such a dream will be a clear sign of insecurity in her own beauty and femininity, and also speaks of fear that she will not be properly appreciated and will not receive reciprocity in a relationship.

The importance of details if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream

The events that occur before the appearance of the late grandmother are also important when interpreting the dream. If you dreamed about it in your own home, then the dream book says that this is a lack of warmth and care for the sleeper. If she enters her house in a dream, this portends imminent material enrichment. But if we consider Miller’s dream book, then such a dream does not bring anything good. There is a chance that her relative may become seriously ill. And the appearance of the deceased’s house in a dream speaks of an imminent change in worldview; there will be a series of events that will change your life.

Grandma's funeral

If a person saw a grandmother’s funeral ceremony in a dream, then all the details are also important here. In general, seeing a dying grandmother in a dream is very disturbing, but this does not mean that the dream is bad. If the weather was good, then the family is predicted to prosper. If the weather was bad, then the sleeper will face troubles and changes in the near future, not for the better.

Grandma lying calmly in a coffin different dream books means different things. In one of them, she is buried - it is interpreted as financial gain, in the other - as a series of troubles and misfortunes. In some cases, such a dream speaks of a partner’s betrayal. And others say that the deceased grandmother in the coffin is a symbol of the most negative fears coming true.

Communication with grandma

If a person has a deceased grandmother, this is very important point for dream interpretation. Her voice itself is a dangerous sign, especially if the deceased grandmother dies in a dream. But the dream book also says that at this time a person can receive very important and meaningful information for himself. If she advises something, then it is better not to neglect the instructions. Also, communication with the deceased may indicate the approach of a dark streak in the life of the sleeper. Any fears can come true.

Usually conversations with are a warning and a prophecy regarding further developments. All dream books report that you should under no circumstances neglect the words of the deceased.


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