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  1. Pour fresh cow's milk into a suitable pan. Add cottage cheese. Mix well and send to medium heat. Stirring, bring almost to a boil.
  2. You need to heat it well to separate the whey.
  3. Separately on water bath we send container with butter. Melt it, stirring with a spoon.
  4. Add chicken yolks, soda and salt to a separate bowl. Stir until smooth. When using domestic eggs, the finished product will be more yellow in color.
  5. Prepare a colander in advance. Cover with gauze folded in two layers. As soon as the whey has separated, immediately discard the curd. We collect the gauze from above and hang it for 3-5 minutes so that most of the whey drains away.
  6. To the butter, which has melted and is in a water bath, add the yolk mass and mix well. Remove from heat.
  7. Now prepare a water bath for melting the cottage cheese. We take one saucepan, approximately 3 liters. Pour water and send it to the fire. We place a smaller pan on it, about 1.5 liters. Make sure that the bottom does not touch the boiling water. Add the egg mixture with butter and boiled cottage cheese. We begin to mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  8. Keep the pan in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Literally, after 5 minutes, the curd grains begin to melt. We continue to stir constantly.
  9. After 8-10 minutes, the cottage cheese has almost completely melted. There are small curd grains left. At first I thought that they would remain like that or that I needed to take a blender and grind them.
  10. Continuing to stir, the cottage cheese completely melted and turned into a homogeneous mass. On at this stage, the mass, when stirred, lags behind the walls of the pan and it’s time to pour it into molds. This must be done quickly, as the product hardens quickly.
  11. Therefore, we prepare suitable molds in advance. Lubricate them vegetable oil. Lay it out. Leave to cool completely. Then we send it along with the form to the refrigerator for 4-4.5 hours.
  12. After the specified time, remove from the refrigerator and release from the molds. Wrap in parchment to absorb excess oil. We set a slight pressure and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After this time, remove the pressure and set the cheese aside to ripen for 24 hours in a cool place.

Homemade cream cheese is one of the easiest cheese recipes you can make at home. It does not require special starters and enzymes, as well as complex equipment, only what every housewife has on hand. Also, you don’t need to wait for this cheese to ripen: it is ready almost immediately. This recipe was prepared homemade cheese even our mothers and grandmothers during times of shortage, when real cheese could not be found on the shelves. This homemade cheese is quite tasty and nutritious. So, if you have never made cheese yourself, then feel free to start with this simple recipe for homemade cheese from cottage cheese and milk.

By the way, such a product is not cheese, but rather a cheese dish. After all, cottage cheese is a type of cheese in itself, so it turns out that we are making cheese from cheese =)


1 l.

whole milk

1 kg.

cottage cheese

3 pcs.

chicken egg

take one whole egg and 2 yolks

100 g.



1 tsp

baking soda

1/4 tsp.


to taste

After cooking you will receive: cheese weighing 900 - 1000 g.


3 l.


enameled or stainless steel

5 l.


for water bath


wooden or plastic

per 1 kg.

container for molding cheese

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade semi-hard cheese from cottage cheese and milk

  1. Pour milk into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low.
  2. Add cottage cheese to the milk, mix thoroughly and cook for 5 minutes until the whey separates, stirring constantly.
  3. Line a colander with a double layer of gauze and use a slotted spoon to transfer the curd mixture into it.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes to drain the serum.
  5. Tie the edges of the gauze and hang the resulting knot over the sink or pan until the whey stops dripping.
  6. Mix the yolks and soft butter. Add salt, soda and beat with a mixer until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained.
  7. Break the dried curd mass into small pieces and also mix with eggs and butter with a mixer.
  8. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and place in a water bath.
  9. Bring the water in a water bath to a boil, then cook the cheese mass for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. The cheese should become viscous.
  10. Transfer the cheese mixture into the prepared pan and refrigerate to set for 2-3 hours. To give the cheese a firmer consistency, you can place a small weight on top.

Cheese is made quite easily from cottage cheese at home. The main thing is to comply with all the requirements of the recipe and use only natural and fresh raw materials (milk, cottage cheese, etc.). Today we will tell you how to make fatty, low-fat, and processed cheese from cottage cheese. It should be noted that all these products differ markedly in taste, as well as in consistency.

Nowadays, eating wholesome and healthy food is becoming more and more difficult. After all, it is almost impossible to find safe products in stores. In this regard, many people are forced to prepare some of them themselves (for example, yoghurts, ice cream, bread, kefir, fermented baked milk, desserts, etc.).

Thanks to this article, you can add another dairy product to your arsenal of home recipes - cheese. We recommend making it using fat or low-fat cottage cheese. But first things first.

So, to make cheese from cottage cheese at home, we will need:


  • fresh cow's milk (it is advisable to purchase full-fat, country milk) - about 500 ml;
  • fine-grained natural non-acidic cottage cheese – approximately 500 g;
  • softened butter – 50 g;
  • fine salt and table soda - ½ dessert spoon each.

Preparing the milk base

  1. Before making cheese from cottage cheese at home, you should prepare a milk base. To do this, fine-grained cottage cheese must be thoroughly rubbed with a fork so that not a single lump remains.
  2. Next, you need to put it in a saucepan where fresh milk was boiled in advance. It is advisable to cook the resulting mixture for 10 minutes, stirring the ingredients regularly with a large spoon.
  3. If you want to get a harder cheese from cottage cheese, then the heat treatment time should be increased (by about 5-10 minutes).

Spin process

  1. After the milk and cottage cheese have boiled on the stove, you should take a deep colander or sieve and place it over a bowl. Line a colander with thick gauze or clean cotton cloth and pour the entire contents of the pan into it.
  2. Next, you need to wait a while until the main liquid drains from the fabric. To aid this procedure, the edges of the gauze should be tied tightly, and then the resulting bundle should be squeezed firmly with your hands.

Mixing ingredients

  1. Before preparing cheese from cottage cheese, the resulting milk mass must be removed from the colander and placed again in a clean and dry pan.
  2. Next, you need to add fine salt, table soda and thawed butter. After mixing the products, they should be kept on very low heat for several minutes. In this case, the mass should lag well behind the surface of the pan.

Forming the cheese

  1. Now you know how to make cheese from cottage cheese. After a short heat treatment, it must be removed from the stove and allowed to cool to room temperature.
  2. Next, the resulting mass should be placed in some form, previously greased with cooking oil. In this form, it is recommended to place the homemade cheese in the refrigerator, where it is advisable to keep it for at least half an hour.
  3. A self-prepared cottage cheese product can be consumed simply by cutting it into pieces, as well as adding it to various main courses, pizza and salads. It should also be noted that it melts quite well in the oven or microwave.

Processed cheese from cottage cheese: step-by-step recipe

Above we told you about how to make high-fat hard cheese using natural cottage cheese and village milk. However, there are other ways to prepare such a product at home. For example, processed cheese from cottage cheese is very good.

It is quite easy to make and turns out incredibly tasty. If you prepare it following all the requirements of the recipe, then this cheese can easily be used to create delicious Italian pizza. So, to make homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese, we will need:


  • country cottage cheese with maximum fat content – ​​about 500 g;
  • thawed butter - approximately 100 g;
  • fresh egg large size– 1 piece;
  • fine table salt - dessert spoon;
  • table soda - ½ small spoon.

Preparing the cheese base

  1. Homemade processed cheese from cottage cheese is made much faster than hard cheese. First you need to prepare the foundation. To do this, you need to mash the rich cottage cheese with a fork, and then add thawed butter, table soda and fine table salt to it. We also add an egg here.
  2. All of these components should be thoroughly mixed using a blender or mixer. As a result, you should get a homogeneous thick mass, which must be immediately subjected to heat treatment.

Cooking the cheese mass

  1. How to make cheese from cottage cheese? It is recommended to use a water bath for this. To create it, you need to take a large basin or pan and smaller dishes that will easily fit into the first one.
  2. Thus, you should place the pre-prepared cheese mass in a bowl, and then place it in a wide container, into which you must first pour in plain water. As a result, you will get a kind of water bath in which homemade cheese will be prepared.
  3. Continuously stirring the contents of a small bowl, it should be kept in boiling liquid for 5-7 minutes. At the same time, the formed processed cheese should become viscous and move well away from the walls of the dish.

How to form correctly?

  1. After the processed cheese mass has been prepared, the actual formation of the product should begin. To do this you need to take any plastic mold and generously grease its bottom and walls with any oil. Next, you need to put the entire heat-treated mass into the bowl and, if possible, compact it with a spoon.
  2. Finally, the container must be placed in the cold (not in the freezer) and kept in this way dairy product for 12-14 hours. During this time, the cheese will completely harden and can be safely eaten.
  3. If you want to make a processed homemade product with any flavor, then during heat treatment in a water bath you should add fresh chopped herbs, pickled or fried mushrooms, finely chopped ham, paprika and other ingredients.

Making low-fat cheese at home

We talked above about how hard cheese is made from cottage cheese. However, it should be noted that from the presented raw materials it is possible to make a product that in all its qualities will resemble “Adyghe”. For this we need the following components:


  • fresh cow's milk (it is advisable to purchase low-fat milk) - about 2 liters;
  • lemon juice - from a small fruit;
  • fine sugar - a small pinch;
  • fine salt - ½ small spoon.

Preparing the cheese base

  1. You can make low-fat cheese on the stove or using a slow cooker. In any case, you will have to prepare the base according to the same principle. To do this, you need to pour low-fat cow's milk into a saucepan, and then very slowly heat it to 80 degrees. At the same time, you should make sure that it does not boil under any circumstances.
  2. After the milk becomes a little warm, you need to add granulated sugar and salt. In this composition, all ingredients should be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon. You also need to add freshly squeezed lemon juice without pulp to the milk.
  3. When the drink reaches desired temperature at 80 degrees, it must be removed from the heat. Large white flakes should form in the milk. If this does not happen, then you made some mistake.
  4. In this form, the curdled milk mass should be left under the lid for 30 minutes. During this time it should cool down a little.

Product extraction

  1. After all the described actions have been carried out, the slightly cooled dairy product must be placed on multi-layer gauze, which must first be lined in a sieve or colander. In this form, the mass should be drained of liquid within half an hour.
  2. When the contents of the gauze bag are deprived of the main moisture, it should be tightly tied in a knot, placed on a plate, and then pressed with pressure. Some housewives use a three-liter bottle for this. glass jar filled with water, or any metal weight.
  3. The cheese should be kept under weight for 10-12 hours. In this case, you will have a fairly elastic head. After the specified period has passed, it should be freed from gauze and placed in a container. It is not recommended to store such cheese in the refrigerator for longer than seven days. Otherwise, it will turn sour and become unfit for consumption.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how to make homemade cheese yourself, which in all its qualities will be very similar to “Adyghe”. It should be noted that some housewives prefer to make such a product not only using a milk drink, sugar and salt, but also using additional ingredients.

So, grated garlic or chopped fresh herbs are often added to low-fat cheese. But we cannot help but say that such products are introduced into the cheese mass only after it is in a colander and all the main moisture has been removed from it (that is, before the product is placed under the press).

How to make cottage cheese?

We talked about how cheese is made from cottage cheese. But not every housewife will agree to use a store-bought product for this. That is why we suggest making cottage cheese yourself. For this we need only three liters of rich village milk. To use this product for its intended purpose, you need to make curdled milk from it. This is done quite easily.

  1. The milk is poured into a three-liter jar and then left warm for a couple of days. During this time it should completely sour and thicken. In this case, you should get real curdled milk with a slight sour milk smell and a taste of kefir.
  2. After the curdled milk is ready, it must be transferred to an enamel pan and placed on the stove. After heating the product to 40-50 degrees, the whey should separate from it. Next, the dishes with the milk mass must be removed from the heat and cooled at room temperature.
  3. Finally, the resulting mass should be thrown into a sieve, onto which thick gauze must be placed in advance. In this case, the whey should drain, and fatty cottage cheese should remain in the tissue. To make it more grainy and dry, gauze should be tied in a bag and hung over some kind of utensil.
  4. In a few hours, homemade cottage cheese will be completely ready for use. It can be safely used for self-cooking various cheeses. As for the remaining whey, you should not throw away this nutritious drink. After all, it can make excellent pancakes, as well as delicious okroshka.

How to make cheese at home from cottage cheese - a simple recipe

The history of cheese dates back to the times of the Ancient East. Since then, many new recipes and varieties of this product have appeared, but one thing has remained unchanged - the enormous benefits for the body. That's all today more people They prefer to make their own cheese. After all, such a product, unlike a store-bought one, does not contain any food additives, which means it is much more useful. Processed cheese can be cooked at home, for example, in the microwave. There are other methods. For amateur cooks, a recipe for homemade goat cheese will be a real find.

To eat or not to eat?

Home cooking recipes will always come to the rescue if there is a need for proper and balanced nutrition, enriched natural products. This is especially important in winter and spring, when the body is exhausted by the cold of gray everyday life.

Goat cheese homemade often undeservedly remains unclaimed due to its peculiar taste. Although this mainly happens due to non-compliance with basic hygiene standards when milking a goat. A high-quality product does not have any foreign odors. Another disadvantage of this cheese is its rather high price.

This is where the cons end. It is worth considering the impressive list of positive properties of goat cheese.

  1. Milk obtained from goats, as well as products made from it, are hypoallergenic. They can be consumed by people with intolerance to protein from cow's milk. Such cheese is a real godsend for them, an opportunity to enrich their diet without compromising their health.
  2. Vitamins, all kinds of minerals, macro- and microelements make the skeletal system stronger. This cheese also contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant.
  3. The product contains almost no cholesterol due to its minimal saturated fat content, and combined with the low amount of sodium, it is ideal for diabetics and people with cardiovascular diseases.
  4. The low calorie content of goat cheese (290 kcal) sets it apart from its analogues.
  5. The product contains different groups of bacteria involved in the absorption of calcium and iron, digestion, and strengthening the immune system.

How to use?

The variety of goat cheese varieties is due to differences in aging. Young varieties are white, with a delicate creamy taste. With age, the cheese turns yellow and thickens, acquiring a special smell that sets it apart from others. This product is very popular in the provincial part of France, where any housewife can easily prepare it.\

Culinary specialists from many countries appreciated this cheese, creating on its basis large number delicious dishes. It is added to soups to add a spicy taste. It can be made into an exquisite hot sandwich with the addition of mustard and a slice of ham. Together with a cup of coffee or cocoa, it will be an equally good start and end to the day. You can make a light, low-calorie salad with tender greens, a dressing of honey and balsamic vinegar. There are many recipes for pizza, pies and casseroles that include this cheese.

However, you don’t have to go to the supermarket in search of this wonderful product. You can prepare it yourself using simple recipes.

Easy goat cheese recipe

Original recipe involves the use of rennet from the stomach of a dairy goat as a starter for goat cheese. The use of this natural, but rather expensive substance makes the process quite long and labor-intensive, although the resulting product has a delicate and uniform consistency. This recipe is not very suitable for everyday use, but housewives have found a way out. It involves using a different starter to make cheese.

A simple, not too labor-intensive recipe with a small set of products and utensils is perfect for beginners in cheese making. To begin with, strain 2 liters of freshly milked goat milk, add a pinch of salt and pasteurize it. Do not be afraid of this word, it only means heating the liquid to 90 degrees. This process is very convenient to control using a special kitchen thermometer. But not everyone can afford a well-stocked kitchen. Therefore, when pasteurizing milk without such a device, it is important not to miss the moment when bubbles appear, at which you need to remove the milk from the stove.

The hot pasteurized milk is then carefully mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. For this amount of milk you will need one fruit. The mixture is left to complete coagulation. As a result, it will separate into a liquid component (whey) and a curdled substance floating in it.

A “strainer” is built over a clean pan. To do this, line the colander with gauze cloth folded several times. The resulting mixture is poured onto it. The curd mass should stand for a while until it drips most serum. Then the ends of the gauze are connected and the remaining liquid is squeezed out. After this, you can give the cheese the desired shape with your hands or place it under pressure in a suitable container for several hours.

As a result, all you have to do is remove the fabric. High quality and delicious product made from natural and healthy goat milk will be on your table. The specified set of products is enough to produce 200 g of finished cheese.

Holly cheese based on cottage cheese

For more sophisticated connoisseurs of goat cheese, the option of using ready-made cottage cheese is ideal. To create the product you will need 1 liter of goat milk, which is heated in the same way as in the first recipe, but not immediately salted. At this time, 300 g of cottage cheese is thoroughly kneaded with a fork until smooth. If it is dense and coarse-grained, then you can use a blender. You can also rub it through a sieve.

As soon as bubbles begin to appear in the milk, add mashed cottage cheese into it. After the mass is separated into curd grounds and whey, heating is continued with constant stirring until the liquid part becomes clear.

The contents of the pan are thrown into a colander lined with cloth. For this recipe, it is better to use a material with a smooth surface such as rayon or some other synthetic material, as the result will be a rather sticky mass.

The serum will drain very quickly. After this, the hot curd mass is transferred to a suitable bowl, a pinch of salt and a third of a teaspoon of soda are added to it. Then quickly mix into the composition chicken egg. The resulting workpiece is again wrapped in fabric and sent under pressure for several hours.

There is one little trick that allows you to get the cheese of the desired shape without using additional utensils. You need to take two plastic containers of the same size. Liter mayonnaise buckets are perfect. Several holes are made in one of them to completely drain the remaining liquid. The resulting product is placed in a holey bucket, covered and placed under pressure. Then the holey container is inserted into the whole one. The resulting mixture will be very sticky. That's why, To make it easier to remove cheese from the container, its walls are lubricated with oil before adding the mass.

The molded goat cheese will be ready in 24 hours. In addition to its delicate and refined taste, a feature of this product will be holes that appear due to the presence of soda in its composition.

So, following simple recipes, practically unchanged over many years, everyone will be able to please themselves and their loved ones with such a tasty, high-quality and safe product as goat’s milk cheese.

Watch the following video for the goat cheese recipe.

Add cottage cheese to room temperature milk and stir. If the cottage cheese is in large lumps, then mash them with a spoon.

Meanwhile, place the butter in a frying pan and melt it over low heat.

Pour the egg mixture into the oil and quickly mix everything with a spoon. The fire should be minimal. Then place the cottage cheese in the pan and stir.

Place the mixture in any suitable form, lightly greased with butter, smooth it out and leave at room temperature until completely cooled. After this, place the well-thickened cheese in the refrigerator, covering the dishes with film. Leave the cheese to ripen for at least a day, although it will be ready in 2-3 hours. But the longer the cheese matures, the harder it becomes.

Remove the cheese from the mold and you are ready to cut. The cheese cuts perfectly. You can store cheese in cling film in the refrigerator.

Easy to prepare and very tasty homemade hard cheese made from cottage cheese and milk and served to the table.

Bon appetit!


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