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Target: Trace the path from grain to loaf of bread.


  • Reveal the meaning of the word “bread” in human life;
  • Find out about the professions of people who help put bread on the table;
  • Instill in students a caring attitude towards bread;
  • To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers;
  • Develop thinking, intelligence, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Equipment and design:

  1. Posters: “Bread is the head of everything!”, “Take care of the bread, eat me to the crumbs, because I was raised by the work of good people!”, “Glory to peace on earth! Glory to the bread on the table!”, “Glory to those who grew bread and spared no labor and effort.”
  2. Exhibition of books about bread.
  3. “Loaf” on a towel, an exhibition of bread products baked by parents.

The course of the holiday - games

Leading: Dear guests and children, I ask everyone to stand up.

(A song about bread is performed by Lyudmila Zykina (phonogram).)

Reader 1.

If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Greet generously from the heart,
With great respect,
We meet such guests
A lush, round loaf.

Reader 2.

It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel!
We bring salt with the loaf,
We bow down and ask you to taste,
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread and salt from your hands!

Together:You are welcome to our holiday, guests!

Teacher: Bread is our wealth, our strength. Not a single day of our life is complete without bread. It’s not for nothing that people say: “If there is bread, there is a song...”.

Do you know what a difficult path a small grain goes through before it gets to our table in a lush, rosy and delicious loaf?

(Demonstration of wheat grains.)

Look at him. How small and hard it is, a little larger than a drop of water on a branch, and its color reminds of the sun that warmed the ear of bread when this grain ripened. It's so tiny, but in it great power. The moment will come when it will reach the hospitable land of Tatarstan.

Mother Earth - as Russian grain growers affectionately called her at all times. And then the amazing transformations of a small grain begin (the teacher shows grains of wheat, wheat sprouts, ears, flour, cereals).

You and I have just learned what a difficult and long path a grain of wheat goes through before it reaches our table in the form of bread. And now we will listen to a poem about the birth of bread.

Reader 1.

It doesn't fall from the sky for us
Doesn't appear suddenly
So that an ear of bread grows,
It takes the work of dozens of hands

Reader 2.

Behind the forests, behind the meadows,
Thunder is heard in the field.
These are tractors with plows
Light black soil is plowed.

Reader 3.

To wide valleys
New cars came out:
Look out the open window -
Seeders sow grain.

Reader 4.

How much is this grain?
Labor invested
Only the sun knows
Wind and water, the work of dozens of hands

Reader 5.

The farmers sowed grain in the spring,
He matured and stood up
Golden wall.
And the country hears;
It's time to clean up
For bread you need combines and tractors.

Teacher. The wisdom of the people is reflected in legends, tales and stories. A great many of them are dedicated to bread. Listen to the folk story about bread.

Father and son came out to the fields in the spring.

“The bread has risen well!” exclaimed the son, admiring the friendly shoots.

“This is not bread, but grass,” his father corrected him.

Time passed, they went out into the field again.

“What bread is there!” – the son rejoiced.

“This is not bread, but straw,” answered the wise father.

The family left for the harvest.

“Well, didn’t I say that we’ll have bread! You can even have a wedding!” – the son was delighted.

“Wait,” his father interrupted and looked anxiously at the dark cloud in the sky. Suddenly a squall came, the wind and rain washed away everything that was standing on the root from the field...

And the father said with his head down: “Bread, son, then bread, when it’s in the bins.”

Do you know what bread smells like?
A loaf of rye, labor bread?..
It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky,
And most importantly, the bread smells of work.
Every grain is washed
A drop of human sweat.
No, can't be forgotten
This is hard work.

Competition “Kaleidoscope of Professions”.

Children are divided into two teams “Spikelet” and “Grain”.

It is necessary to name as many professions as possible related to the cultivation and processing of grain (breeder, agronomist, tractor driver, combine operator, driver, miller, baker).

Teacher. Guys, do you know how bread appeared?

Let's take a look at the historical chronicle.

Chronicler 1.

Even in ancient times, people learned how many ripe grains can be harvested from one grain planted in the ground. Then he tried to grind these grains between two stones and got the first flour. And when I added water, the first dough came out. The sun dried it out and man tasted the unleavened flatbread for the first time. Then a man tried to bake this mush over a fire - this was the ancient ancestor of our bread. Scientists believe that the first bread was baked at least 15 thousand years ago.

Chronicler 2.

The word “BREAD” came to us from Ancient Greece, where it was baked in special clay pots “khlibanos”. Along with ancient bread, the profession of “baker” also appeared. Bakers have always enjoyed special honor and respect among all nations. In Rome there is even a monument to Marcus Virgil Euricas, a baker and bread merchant. And on the base of the monument the entire process of baking bread is depicted. The baker who knew how to make bread with yeast was especially valued. This type of bread was very expensive. Only very rich people could afford to buy it. In India, a criminal was deprived of the right to eat bread; it was believed that a person without bread was doomed to misfortune. A loaf of bread baked 6 thousand years ago, found at the bottom of a drained lake, is kept in a museum in the Swiss city of Zurich.

Teacher. The Russian people have always had the most respectful attitude towards bread. Before starting to cut new bread, they made the sign of the cross, and if the bread suddenly fell to the floor, they picked it up and kissed it apologetically. Folk proverbs and sayings reflect a careful and respectful attitude towards bread.

Do you know proverbs and sayings about bread?

Then it’s time to collect our “harvest of proverbs.”

Game “Harvest”.

The proverbs are divided into 2 parts, each of which is written on a separate spikelet. You need to find the spikelets and make up the proverb correctly.

- Whose bread was born? he's always having fun.

- Without bread you won't be full.

- Who has some bread? that's happiness.

- Bad lunch since there is no bread.

- Bread - from the earth, Silushka - from bread.

- Who is not lazy to plow, that one's bread will be bad.

- Water for fish, grass for berries, and bread is the head of everything!

Leading: Autumn has arrived - the time to sum up the work of agricultural workers. But the grain growers always come first. The best grain growers this year in our region were recognized as: combine operator from Jalil LLC - Sh. Faskhutdinov. He works in the field from 4 am until the first dew. Since the beginning of the harvesting campaign, I have threshed almost 600 tons of grain. Did you know that 300 million tons of bread are baked in our country every year? To bake one loaf you need 12,000 grains of wheat. And how much work is put into every grain of bread! And, of course, the first assistants of grain growers in their difficult task are agricultural machines. Do you know what equipment is used during growing and harvesting bread?

Captains' competition “Technical Expert”.

It is necessary to name as many agricultural machines used in growing and harvesting wheat as possible. The captains name the equipment one by one. The losing team starts.

(Tractor, seeder, plane, combine, truck.)


Bread under the table
Thrown straight into the dust
Who is this conscience?
Threw it away as junk?
If I had seen him, I would never
Didn't give him a hand
As if he didn't know
How much work has gone into these pieces! ”


It doesn't fall to us from the sky
It doesn't appear suddenly
So that an ear of bread grows,
It takes the work of dozens of hands.
Harvesters make noise day and night,
Bread comes from all sides.

Teacher: It often happens that half-eaten pieces of bread are thrown away.

Such a small thing - just think! Or maybe we’ll actually think about it? It has been calculated that if each schoolchild throws away a piece of bread weighing 20 grams in the canteen, then an average of 25 centners of grain are lost per year, which is approximately equal to the yield per hectare of bread. At our school, there are also cases when pies and bread are lying on the floor or in the trash bin. Everyone needs to cultivate respect for bread. In the old days they said: “Our bread is our father.” It was a terrible sin to throw away bread. During the war, bread was salvation for people.

The Leningrad sky is in smoke,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread, blockade bread 125 grams!
In years of hardship and hardship.

During the Great Patriotic War St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) was surrounded by Hitler's troops and endured a long blockade. During the blockade, people were dying of hunger, there was nothing to eat in the city, and the greatest value was bread baked in the only surviving bakery in the city. In the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg there is a small black piece of besieged Leningrad bread - this daily norm bread for the city residents.

- “125 grams - blockade bread - it can hardly be called bread - it had a lot of impurities: cake, wood shavings, grass - quinoa or nettle, bran and mixture, and only 5 grams of flour. Remember this and treat your bread with care.

The city survived against all odds, but those who survived surrounded Leningrad know the real price of bread.

The new world is mature and strong.
The people walked in the fire of battle
For freedom and for bread.
So the correct words are:
“The bread of life is the head!”

(Phonogram of the song “You, son, remember the golden words: “Bread is the head of everything!”)

Student: Let's remember S. Mikhalkov's poem “Bulka”.

1st student:

Three boys down the street
It's like playing football,
They pushed the bun back and forth
And they scored her goal.

2nd student:

An unfamiliar uncle walked past,
I stopped and sighed,
And, almost without looking at the guys,
He reached out his hand to that bun.

3rd student:

Then, frowning angrily,
He blew the dust off her for a long time
And suddenly calm and open
He kissed her in front of everyone.

4th student:

Who are you? - the children asked,
Forgetting about football for a while.

1st student:

I'm a baker! - the man answered
And he slowly left with the bun.

2nd student:

And this word smelled like bread
And that special warmth
Which are poured under the sky
Sea of ​​wheat golden.


Grandmother said, mother said:
Bread is our wealth, bread is our strength!
But the boys at school don't take this into account.
And in the dining room they throw bread crusts.
And I will never throw away a crust of bread,
Because our bread is tasty and good.
Because it took a lot of work,
So that we always have delicious bread!

Teacher: Guys, let’s create “Rules for careful handling of bread” together. We will always treat bread with care and teach others by our example.

Remember guys, these rules:

- Take as much bread as you can eat.

– Give the remaining bread to the birds and pets.

– You can’t play with bread.

– Respect the bread and labor of grain growers yourself and teach this to others.

Teacher. Guys, you love making and solving riddles. Our final competition “Guess it!”

(Teams ask each other riddles; each correct answer is a point; if the team doesn’t guess correctly, the point goes to the opponents.)

2nd student:

He is golden and mustachioed,
There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

3rd student:

He goes - he cuts the wave
Grain flows from the pipe. (Combine harvester.)

4th student:

Guess who's there in the field?
Cutting a black loaf? (Plow.)

5th student:

They don't feed me oats,
They don't drive with a whip,
And how it plows -
Dragging seven plows. (Tractor.)

1st student:

Castle with towers to the sky
Will save the whole sea of ​​​​bread. (Elevator.)

2nd student:

He was a grain for a long time -
Looks at the sunshine out the window. (Loaf.)

1st student:

The iron nose has grown into the ground,
Digs, digs, loosens the earth. (Plow.)

2nd student:

They beat me, they beat me,
They cut, they turn,
And I endure everything
And I cry with all good things. (Earth.)

Teacher: Well, it’s time to sum up the results of our competition today.

(Points earned in competitions are calculated.)

A loaf of earth and heaven on your table -
There is nothing stronger than bread on earth.
There are fields of grain in every small piece,
And on each spikelet the earth rests.
And it grows under the bright sky, slender and tall,
Like the Motherland, an immortal ear of bread.

You are welcome, dear guests, to our table, and to the bread feast!

List of used literature.

  1. L. S. Beskorovainaya, O. V. Perekateva, S. A. Shin“Scenarios for school holidays, competitions, quizzes, games.”
  2. M.Yu.Zhenilo“Holiday scenarios, competitions, quizzes, games for 4th grade students.”
  3. N.I. Pakhmutova, L.N. Domracheva“Acquaintance with the surrounding world.”
  4. V. Datskevich“From grain to loaf.”


“Bread is the head of everything.”





Students enter the hall to the sounds of the song “Russian Field”AND AND THEY LINE UP ON STAGE.

Leading: Dear guests, dear guys! We have gathered here today to talk about the miracle of the earth, the miracle of human labor - bread.

All: Glory to peace on Earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

1: Hearing good news

Seeing the strength of the country,

We honor bread

Must bow.

2: We need both meat and fruits.

However, if we judge strictly.

You can live without many products...

You can't live without bread forever.

3: The head and foundation of everything,

It contains the labor of the grain grower, their sweat.

And some bread - a kind word -

People often call him.

What's a feast without bread?

Since time immemorial

No wonder in Rus' bread and salt

Welcome guests.

4: Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned

Bread with gilded crust

I came to you from afar.

Leading: How did you come to people, bread?

1st spikelet: Listen to the fairy tale.

A long time ago it was when people lived in tribes in caves and ate animal meat. It so happened that they destroyed all the animals, and they had nothing to eat. So they set off in search of other places where they could feed themselves. They walked for a long time, many died of hunger. This is what happened to one person. He fell, losing consciousness from exhausting hunger. When he woke up, there was no one around him. And suddenly, above the glitch, he saw an amazing plant, from which small pebbles were falling on him. He decided to try one of them, and suddenly the pleasant smell and taste revived him. He began to collect these pebbles, which turned out to be grains, and eat them. These grains acted on him like medicine. He grew stronger and recovered, and he immediately wanted to tell people about it. He collected these grains and went to look for people. Seeing him alive and unharmed, people were surprised, and he told them about the miracle - the spikelet.

Since then, people began to eat the miracle - spikelets. Later they began to crush grains, dry them on stones and eat this.

The second spikelet enters.

2nd spikelet: And I want to give you a fairy tale. But this fairy tale is not simple! Do you want to listen and see her?

Once upon a time there lived the Sun, the Earth and Labor. The Earth nourished every blade of grass, the Sun caressed, and Labor protected. But out of nowhere...

Enter the Trifle.

Trifle: Oh, I love being idle! Oh, I love it! It’s not for nothing that I’m called Tinker. What I don't like most is work. Have you guys seen him?

Labor appears, carrying grain in his hands.

Work(looks at the grain): How small you are, and how much goodness you have!

The little thing pounces on him from behind and tries to take the grain away.

Trifle: All the same, I will become the mistress of the Earth!

Work: Labor will be the ruler of the world!

Trifle: Ha! Let's call the man. Let him decide whether to sweat profusely or do nothing, lying in the shade...

Work: Be it your way. (A man appears.) Here's a handful of grain for you. If you manage to grow a good harvest, you will bring joy to everyone.

Trifle: And if you don’t grow up, if you want (yawns) take a nap and relax (stretches) Then you and I will become friends.

Human (bows to Trud) : Thank you, Father Trud! I won't let you down.

A Russian folk melody sounds. A man sows grains to the music. With every wave of the hand, shoots run out and dance in circles.


Trifle: Well, you have to! Labor takes over! Eh, it was, it wasn’t! I’ll call Frost, let him freeze the seedlings. Hey you, fierce frosts! Here! Here!

Frosts (“Red Nose” and “Blue Nose”) fly in and run around the hall.

Work: Guys! Trouble can happen! Hurry up in a circle! Let's not let frost destroy the green seedlings of bread!

Children surround the shoots.

Frost: I am Frost - Red Nose! I am Frost - Blue Nose! Let's measure our strength! If we pull the rope, our shoots will come.

Game "Tug of War". The children win, the Frosts run away.

Trifle: Oh, and these idlers Frosts! Well, yes, I still have dry winds in reserve! Winds! Dry winds! Respond! Show up!

The winds rush in.

Well, sushi! Well, ruin it!

Human: Our seedlings need moisture! Their salvation lies in water. There's a lake in the distance. It is necessary to deliver as much moisture here as possible! But the hot winds will try to take over the water, so I need your help.

Game "Don't Spill Water" There is a bowl of water in the middle of the hall. This is a lake. You need to scoop up water with a spoon and quickly transfer it to a glass that stands near the seedlings; dry winds do the same, only they carry water in the opposite direction. Whose glass will have more water in it?

Shoots: Thank you guys for getting us drunk!

Trifle: Woe is me, woe! I'm leaving you! Ugh! What a disgusting tale of yours! And I couldn’t settle here...

The third Spikelet appears.

3rd spikelet: Your tale is good, brother Kolosok!

But the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

Leading: The work of a tiller is not easy. Bread is not created in a cozy room under a roof. The wheat field is open to all the winds and showers, all the whims of nature. The one who grows bread will not throw a half-eaten piece anywhere. Do the same. Learn to appreciate the work of others from a young age.

A sacred task is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. Baking one loaf requires 10 thousand grains! How much does it take to feed the people?

1st student: Loaf of earth and sky

On your table -

Nothing is stronger than bread

Not on earth.

2nd student: In every little piece

grain fields,

And on every spikelet

The earth holds on.

3rd student: In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter

The power of the sun is stored

And native land.

4th student: And grows under the bright sky

Slender and tall

Like an immortal homeland

Ear of bread.

5th student: So that the ears can rise,

People need to bend over the arable land.

We smell the earth in the bread

And the tenacity of the tiller's work.

Leading: Yes, adults, remembering the difficulties they had to experience in the fields, say:

In front of this arable land, take off your hat, son,

You see, a stalk of bread is breaking through,

How much work has been put into this grain,

Only the sun, wind and water know...

Song "Russian Field"

Field, Russian field...

The moon is shining or the snow is falling -

Happiness and pain with you

No, my heart will never forget you!

Russian field, Russian field...

How many roads I had to walk!

You are my youth, you are my will,

What has come true, what has come true in life!

Can't compare to you

Neither forest nor sea

You are with me, my field,

The wind blows at my temple.

Here is my Fatherland,

And I’ll say it without concealment:

Hello, Russian field,

I am your thin spikelet.

Game “Helping the Harvest”

Leading: Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word! He is famous first on earth (on the table). “Sacred Gift” - this is what bread was called in besieged Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War.

1st student: Bread has always been held in high esteem in Rus' -

Its vastness is its main wealth,

Do you want to know its price? –

Leningraders can answer you.

2nd student: The Leningrad sky is in smoke,

But worse than mortal wounds

Heavy bread, blockade bread

One hundred twenty-five grams.

3rd student: During the siege of Leningrad, the norms for the distribution of bread to city residents had to be sharply reduced. Workers received 250 grams per day, and other residents - 125 grams. This bread consisted of a small amount of flour, wood pulp, cake, bran and other impurities. And yet he helped the Leningraders survive.

4th student: 641,803 Leningraders died from hunger during the siege. There are thousands of graves at Piskarevskoye Cemetery. There are always a lot of people around one. They stand silently and cry. On the grave among the flowers lies a slice of black bread. And next to it is a note: “Daughter, if I could give it to you then...”

Leading: Many people know the sad story of 11-year-old Leningrad schoolgirl Tanya Savicheva. Her diary is kept in the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. It contains short tragic entries:

Uncle Lesha died on May 10 at 4 o'clock. day 1942

The Savichevs died. Everyone died. Tanya is the only one left."

They managed to take the dying Tanya with the orphanage to the village of Shatki, Gorky Region. But exhausted by hunger, the girl died.

“Requiem” by V.-A sounds. Mozart.

4th student: In Leningrad - this was in the fifties - on Nevsky Prospekt, near the Moika, trams suddenly rang (at that time they still ran on Nevsky), cars honked, policemen whistled, and somehow all traffic suddenly stopped. An elderly woman was walking along the roadway with her hand outstretched. The drivers were cursing, the driver was shouting something, the crowd was noisy, but the woman walked forward, blocking the path of transport. Then she picked up something and, pressing it to her chest, went back... Approaching the noisy crowd, she extended her hand, and everyone saw a piece of mutilated bread, or rather, the remains of what was bread. How he got onto the roadway is difficult to explain. Apparently, someone who was too full and did not survive the blockade threw this piece of bread.

5th student: And then the poet R. Rozhdestvensky wrote the following lines:

Traffic has stopped on Nevsky...

Not at night, no - in broad daylight.

On the pavement, like a statue.

The woman's figure is visible.

There, on the road, as if in a dream,

The gray-haired woman stood -

In her outstretched hands

There was a black hump lying there.

No, not a hump, but a piece,

Disfigured by soullessness,

Crushed by many cars

And all forgotten indifference...

And the woman was holding bread

This piece would then -

And I wouldn’t have lost my son.

This piece would then...

This piece would then...

Who desecrated? Who forgot?

Blockades are terrible years...

Who, throwing bread on the road,

Forgot how your neighbor died?

Children's hungry eyes

With frozen horror, in tears.

And who forgot Piskarevka?

There are no personal graves...

There's an eternal silent groan

The memory of those times is tormenting.

They didn't get that piece

Lying here at your feet.

A piece that did not give life...

Whoever threw away bread took life.

Who betrayed the bread?

Song "Crust of Bread"

6th student: You and everyone who ate bread today, who bought it, brought it home, -

look at the bread. Friend! You are holding a treasure in your hands.

All: Bread must be protected!

7th student: Don't throw the bread, don't trample it!

Don't brag that you're full!

The fact that you and others have bread today is not a personal merit, but the result of the efforts of the entire state, the entire people, everyone who lived on earth and who lives now.

Remember that bread does not lose its taste even after 2-3 days. Don’t buy extra bread, but try to eat what you buy. If there is some bread left, cut it into thin slices and dry it in the oven. Tea with these crackers is delicious. They can also be eaten with soup. If you pass the remaining dried pieces of bread through a meat grinder, you will get breadcrumbs.

Leading: Remember: if each of us throws out half a slice of bread a day, then in a year we will gain 7 kg, or 15 loaves. If we multiply them by the number of people living in our country, it turns out that together we will throw away the bread that was grown by over 350 collective and state farms; 3.5 million people participated in the production of the bread we threw away. Due to our careless attitude to bread, the state suffered a loss of more than 97 million rubles. Think about these numbers.

If a loaf or long loaf has become stale and was thrown away, it means that the grain grower and flour miller worked in vain, the baker stood in vain at the hot oven...

7th student: The grains of our days glow

Gilded carved.

We say: take care

Take care of your dear bread!

We don’t dream of a miracle -

Send us a lively speech.

All: Take care of your bread, you people

Learn to save bread!

Song "Golden Seed"

The grain field is as big as the sea -

You can't count the ears of corn on it.

On friendly watch, on honorary watch

We take care of every grain.


Seed, grain -

Golden drop

Harvest drop.

We warm the grain with care

In the warm and kind palms of the fields.

The sun has enough work too,

To make the bread ring more cheerfully.


Seed, grain -

Golden drop

Harvest drop.

Bread grains are a fabulous treasure

They will hide in the ground and rise together.

The best award in the world -

This is a living reward for work.


Seed, grain -

Golden drop

Harvest drop.

1st student: In years of hardship and hardship

The new world is mature and strong

The people walked in the fire of battle

For freedom and for bread.

So the correct words are:

“Bread is the head of life!”

2nd student: Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world,

So that he appears on your table

Fresh bread.

3rd student: When you guys are sitting at the table,

Then remember who created bread for you.

student: Worker, oil worker, builder,

Miner, machinist, metallurgist,

Grain grower

All: People!

Leading: Hey, girls are laughing,

Start singing ditties

Start having more fun

To please the guests.


1. We live in Tuchkovo,

We chew dried biscuits and gingerbread.

We know a lot of ditties

And now for you

2. Printed gingerbread cookies,

So elegant!

We won't eat them right away,

Let's take a look first.

3. But the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

4. He does not fall to us from the sky,

It doesn't appear suddenly.

So that an ear of bread grows,

It takes the work of dozens of hands.

5. Rain, rain, water -

There will be a glorious harvest:

There will be white wheat

There will be rye and lentils.

6. I will embrace you with a joyful gaze

Far away the endless fields.

Glory to those who love the earth!

To those who work on it!

4th student: If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A lush round loaf.

It's on a painted saucer,

With a snow-white towel.

5th student: Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crunchy twisted crust,

Here it is - warm, golden -

As if filled with sunshine.

In every home, on every table

He came - he came.

6th student: In it is our health, strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Saved, protected!

7th student: It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Grab both cheeks

Grow up to be a hero.

8th student: We bring salt with the loaf,

Having bowed, we ask you to taste:

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

(Each class is given a LOAF on a tray with an embroidered towel)

Song "Spikelet"

1. Green rye sprout 2. Will teach it to grow

Looks around the field. Any spring rain.

Funny and surprised, And every ray of sunshine

Like a first-grader in the field. It will warm you up and help you.

Chorus: The chorus is the same.

Grow, spikelet, 2 times.

You just emerged from a seed.

Grow, spikelet, 3 times.

Grow, the spikelet until the sun.

9th student: Everything has to do with bread -

Russian bread is involved in everything:

To the friendship of nations, to the movement of companions,

To peace, truth, to your happiness.

VED. : Let us remember the popular wisdom: “Bread is the head of all life.”

And we will always remember the people who grow bread.

ALL: Glory to the bread and the hands that raised it!

Glory! Glory! Glory!


    Game rope.

    A bowl of water.

  1. 6 blindfolds.

    Bag for a person.


He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.

Without salt it is tasteless, and without bread it is insatiable.

If there is not a piece of bread, there is sadness in the mansion.

Heads, and the student - from the “tail”. Student... Presenter 2: We will help you everything we will teach and teach you how to be a student...

Scenario extracurricular activity“Bread is the soul of the people”

For students in grades 9-11

Goals:- Reveal the meaning of the word “bread” in human life. To introduce folk traditions, historical facts of grain farming, to expand children’s understanding of the importance of breadfor all people. Instill in students a caring attitude towards bread.

Equipment:projector, presentation, musical accompaniment, pictures with the stages of field work, a poster with a picture of bread, proverbs about bread, an exhibition of bakery products, ears of bread, towels, a sickle, a scythe, a cardboard oven, a table, wreaths, viburnum, Ukrainian costumes, bread.

Progress of the event

  1. Introduction


Irina Nabieva
A word about bread

Millstone eras are working,
The usual flow changes life,
Losing its former meaning,
Outdated words are gone.
But there are words whose meaning is so great
That time cannot do without them,
There will be many more songs about them
It will command you to think more seriously about them.
I want to say about the kind word “BREAD”,
Which becomes more significant over the years,
His fate, salted with tears,
Having imprinted its mark on history...
That trail is not overgrown with feather grass...
Under the menacing sounds of war
And the bread went with a rifle to become a soldier,
Defending the land under fire...
But the battle continues for bread.
People are still dying on the planet today
Children who do not know the taste of bread,
And someone is deaf and blind to their suffering.
Behind the word “bread” is excitement and labor,
Rains, crop failures, dry winds,
The greatness of the virgin epic
And the passion of time is a strict judgment.

(presentation accompanies the entire event)

Student 2

The Frenchman Antoine Auguste Parmentier (1737-1813) gave a remarkable definition of the essence of bread for humans:

"Bread is the most generous gift of nature, food that cannot be replaced by anything else. When we get sick, we are the last to lose the taste for bread, and as soon as it appears again, this means that we are getting better. Bread can be consumed at any time of the day, at different ages, in any mood, it makes any other food tastier, it is the main reason for both good and bad digestion, no matter what it is eaten with, meat or other food, it does not lose its attractiveness.

1 Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. It is not for nothing that people created the proverbs “The earth is mother, and bread is father,” “Bread is life,” “Bread is the breadwinner,” “You can live without gold, but without bread you can’t.”

Music is playing Lyudmila Zykina - Song About Bread

2.Stages of obtaining bread

Word "bread" came to us from Ancient Greece. Greek masters baked bread in clay pots called hlibanos.

2 Yes, the grains did not immediately become

With the bread that is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

Ukrainian melody sounds
Students in Ukrainian costumes, improvisation of a Ukrainian hut: table set, towels, bread, ears of corn, viburnum, icon, stove

2 It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person, who can prepare many different dishes for himself, without bread. Bread is the head of everything.

Memories of the past
We stir less and less now
And at the dinner table
We don’t divide the bread, we just cut it,
Moreover, forgetting about the mild knife,
We grumble that the bread is a little stale,
And you yourself, maybe at this hour
Callous him many times over.

3 Bread is a symbol of life. Since ancient times he has been held in high esteem by the people. It is not for nothing that in the prayer to God “Our Father...” people, as a great alms, asked not to be deprived of their bread, because itnot just the basis of life. From time immemorial, bread has been called holy. It was always on the table. What happiness, what goodness, that he exists in the world. First in the ground, then in flour, and finally on the table. If we had so much bread that we could feed the whole world, we would still say: take care of every slice of bread, every ear of bread, every grain, take care not because we are stingy, but because it is our bread. “When the rye grows, we will live,” says the popular proverb. Bread is with a person from birth to death.

4 Young man: “The earth is compacted: it is never turned, it is dead, because there is no access to air, and plants cannot live without air... everyone needs air to breathe. To give life to the earth, you need to turn it outward, you need to open access to air, that is, break it up, crush it.” In order for the land to “come to life”, it was necessary to plow it, and more than once: first in the fall, then in the spring before sowing. In those ancient times they plowed plows or roe deer. These simple tools, which every peasant could make himself.

5 After the field is plowed, it needs to be “combed.” They did this with the help of this tool: “A sieve with four corners, five heels, fifty rods, twenty-five arrows.” This is a harrow. Sometimes a spruce log with a large number of long knots was used as a harrow. A “modernized” harrow is a grid of four bars to which wooden or iron teeth are attached.

When harrowing, all clods were broken and pebbles were removed. The soil became loose, ready for sowing.

If you sow at the right time, you will reap a mountain of grains.
It’s better to starve and sow good seed.
Put the manure thickly, the barn will not be empty.
The life of the peasant largely depended on sowing. A harvest year means a comfortable, well-fed life. In lean years they had to go hungry.

6 Peasants carefully stored seeds for future sowing in a cool, dry place so that they would not germinate ahead of time. They checked more than once whether the seeds were good. The grains were placed in water - if they did not float up, but sank to the bottom, then they were good. The grains should also not be stale, that is, stored no more than one winter, so that they have enough strength to cope with weeds.

In those days there were no weather forecasts, so the peasants relied on themselves andfolk signs. Watched natural phenomena to start sowing on time.

They said that if you listen more closely, you can hear the frog as if pronouncing: it’s time to sow. If the first water during river floods is high, spring sowing is early, but if not, it is late..

7 Sowing day is one of the most important, but also the most solemn days in the agricultural year. That’s why the first sower went barefoot (his feet should have already been warm) into the field in a white or red (festive) shirt, with a basket of seeds hanging on his chest. He scattered the seeds evenly, with a “secret, silent prayer.” After sowing, the grain had to be harrowed.
From a grain of wheat you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. Baking one loaf requires 10 thousand grains.
In ancient times, peasants preferred rye: it is more reliable, resistant to cold and weather changes. Wheat bread tastier, but there is more hassle with this cereal. Wheat is capricious, heat-loving, and may not yield. And wheat also takes all the “strength” from the earth. The same field cannot be sown with wheat two years in a row.
Urine, urine, rain,
On our rye;
For grandma's wheat,
For grandfather's barley
Water all day .

8 This is how they called for rain. Without rain, bread will not grow. But there should be rain in moderation. If it rained too often and interfered with the ripening of the crop, then the children uttered another call:

Beat the rain
Give me some sunshine.

The sun gives plants not only warmth, but also light. The first leaves sprout vertically upward, but the subsequent ones grow in the opposite direction and then produce roots, and from one grain a whole bush is obtained.

9. In the old days, June was also called grain growth. The peasants even counted how many warm, bright days were needed for the grains to ripen: “Then, in 137 warm days, winter rye ripens and at the same number of degrees of heat, winter wheat ripens, but ripens more slowly, not earlier than 149 days.”
We have one custom,
It is very old and wonderful -
Go out to the field to harvest
With a ringing, joyful song!

Song "About Bread" (Nata) performed by students

It seemed like just yesterday
The melody of spring sounded
Today is a sad time
And the joyful harvest has begun!
Harvest is a responsible time. The peasants had to determine exactly the time when to start it, so that it would be on time and in good weather. And here the farmers watched everything and everyone: the sky, stars, plants, animals and insects. The ripeness of the bread was checked by tooth: they tore the ears, dried them, and put them in the mouth: if the grains crunch, it means they are ripe.

The work was very difficult. I had to get up before dawn and go to the field. “There’s no time to lie down when it’s time to press. And we’ll reap the harvest and start a round dance.”

The peasants carefully calculated the timing of the harvest, and if the weather did not allow waiting for the grain to ripen, then it was harvested unripe. Green ears were also cut off in the northern regions, where they simply did not have time to ripen.

10.Usually the harvest was completed by the day of the Assumption Holy Mother of God– August 28 (August 15, old style). The popular name of this holiday is Spozhinki.

And the work consisted of this: they took a beater (threshed) or a flail and hit the sheaves to “release” the grain. To obtain the best seeds and unbroken straw, they used a sheaf against a barrel. Later, these methods began to be replaced by threshing using threshing machines, which were powered by horse or steam traction.

Song of the Farmer - Ukrainian
Music: Ivan Slyota Lyrics: Boris Trofimchuk

1.Barvami graylivimi
wheat wilting
Golden field
the farmer has mercy

Prispiv: -I'm gay. I'm gay.
The light is shining, the sun is clear in the blue sky
Oh how wonderful life is
Working people

2. Zhayvoron under the gloom
filled with sleep.
Ear of grain
laughs merrily.

Oh how wonderful life is
Working people

3.The bread is washed in
foreign dew
The Niva is covered with wine
grain mowing

Prispiv: -I'm gay. I'm gay. The sun is shining, the sun is clear in the blue sky
Oh how wonderful life is
Working people

4. Hatching
grain harvest increases
Dormouse springs
the work of yogo ukvitchany.
Prispiv: -I'm gay. The sun is shining, the sun is clear in the blue sky
Oh how wonderful life is
Working people

Round dance(dance of girls in Ukrainian costumes)

Lada, okay, okay,
The hostess is glad to see us,
We sing about bread,
We are talking about that.
The bread was removed and it became quieter,
The bins are breathing hotly,
The field is sleeping, it is tired,
Winter is coming.
Smoke floats over the village,
People bake bread in their houses.
Come in, don't be shy
Help yourself to our bread.

11 In ancient times, housewives baked bread almost every day. Usually the dough began to be kneaded at dawn. They put on clean clothes, prayed and got to work.

3 . Baking bread

In Kievan Rus they baked black “sour” bread. It was called black because rye flour was used for its preparation, and it has a darker color than wheat. “Sour” – because sour starter was used. Having kneaded the dough in a kneader - a wooden tub - and formed rounded loaves, the hostess collected the remaining dough from the walls into a lump, sprinkled it with flour and left it for leavening until the next time.

The finished dough was sent to the oven. The stoves in Kievan Rus were special. They heated the room, baked bread on them, cooked food, slept, sometimes even washed and treated themselves.

They put the bread in the oven with prayer. Under no circumstances should you swear or quarrel with anyone while the bread is in the oven. Then the bread won't work.

It was necessary to follow the rules for baking bread. Bread was baked strictly at a certain temperature. How to measure temperature if you don't have a thermometer? The housewives waited until there were only coals left in the furnace. Swept under was the name of the surface on which the dough was placed. Then they threw it on with a pinch of flour: if the flour turned black, then the heat in the oven was too strong and you had to wait. After a while, they moistened it with water and tried it again. If the flour turns brown, then it’s time to plant some bread. We did this with a bread shovel

4. Traditions

Girls hold a loaf of bread on a towel and address the guests

We welcome guests with bread,

Kind words, bread and salt
We welcome our guest brothers,

Pupils in Ukrainian costumes

Students:The Slavs have long had a custom: people who break bread become friends for life.

Everyone has their own bread. Everyone remembers, perceives and appreciates it in their own way. But there is one thing in common for everyone without exception: bread is life.

Our people are hospitable. Bread entwined with viburnum always takes pride of place on the holiday table. Dear guests are greeted with bread and salt. However, not every guest knows that the loaf needs to be broken, tasted and distributed to people, as custom dictates.

Not everyone knows that when taking bread and salt on a towel, the bread should be kissed.

Bread is used for families, christenings, housewarmings, and matchmaking.

As a sign of consent, the girl serves bread at the wedding, the mother blesses the crown with bread and welcomes the young couple.
The sign originates in the idea of ​​bread as a symbol of family unity. It’s not for nothing that people who, for some reason, are cut off from their closest relatives are called “cut off.” Accordingly, if the loaf splits in two, it means that the family will also have to split.

In Ukraine, palyanitsa, Kiev arnaut, kalach, Darnitsky buns, and Transcarpathian bagels are very popular.

Bread is father, water is mother.
-Bread is bread, brother.
-Hood lunch when there is no bread.
- Not a piece of bread, and there’s melancholy in the upper room.
-Bread and water are a man's food.

You should always share bread if a hungry person asks, even the last piece - in this case there will always be a lot of bread in the house, and this means that the life of the family will be rich.

Bad omen if the bread lies with the bottom crust facing up: there will never be prosperity in the house or someone from the family will leave home.

The loaf of bread must be cut from the uneven edge that protrudes.

You must not drop a single crumb of bread or waste bread: there will be a crop failure and famine.

Unevenly sliced ​​bread suggests that an equally uneven and filled with difficulties life awaits a person.

To successfully bake bread, women, when placing it in the oven, had to lift hem with the words “Rise higher.”

Can't leave knife stuck into bread: he may be “offended” and leave house .

Leaving your portion of bread uneaten after dinner means leaving your happiness. The one who finished eating it took away good luck and happiness.

If at the beginning of lunch and upon completion, eat a slice of bread with salt , the person will be happy.

If you take bread in the road , he will protect

In ancient times, bread was highly revered; it was considered a separate dish. In the Middle Ages, many European countries freshly baked bread could only be eaten by members of the royal family, yesterday's bread was intended for the king's entourage (high society), bread baked two days ago was eaten by landowners and nobles, three-day-old bread served as food for monks and schoolchildren, and bread baked four days ago , fed peasants and small artisans.

5.History of bread

11 Scientists believe that bread first appeared on earth over fifteen thousand years ago. The life of our ancestors in those distant times was not easy. The main concern was food. In search of food, they turned their attention to cereal plants. These cereals are the ancestors of today's wheat, rye, oats, and barley. Ancient people noticed that grain thrown into the ground returns several grains, and that more grains grow on loose and moist soil

About six and a half to five thousand years ago, man learned to cultivate and cultivate wheat and barley. At that time, hand mills and mortars were invented, and the first baked bread was born. Archaeologists suggest that one day, while preparing grain porridge, part of it spilled out and turned into a golden cake. It surprised people with its pleasant smell, appetizing appearance and taste. It was then that our distant ancestors began to bake unleavened bread in the form of flatbread from thick grain porridge. Dense, not loosened, burnt pieces of brown mass bore little resemblance to modern bread, but it was from that time that bread baking arose on earth. When ancient man with great difficulty he loosened the ground, sowed the grain, reaped the harvest and baked bread from it, then he found his homeland

12 . Much more time passed and another miracle happened. The ancient Egyptians learned to make bread from fermented dough. It is believed that due to an oversight of the slave who prepared the dough, it turned sour and, in order to avoid punishment, he still risked baking flatbreads. They turned out fluffier, more rosy, and tastier than those made from unleavened dough.

In ancient Rome, for example, a slave who knew how to bake bread was sold for 100 thousand sesterces, while only 10-12 thousand were paid for a gladiator.

The charters of the Byzantine guilds of the 10th century stipulated: “Bread farmers are not subject to any state duties, so that they can bake bread without any interference.” At the same time, in Byzantium, for baking bad bread, a baker could have his head shaved, flogged, pilloried, or expelled from the city.

In Kievan Rus, the baker was also required not only skill, but also honesty. After all, famine often occurred in the country. During these difficult years, special scrutiny was placed on bakeries, and those who allowed “mixing” or spoilage of bread, and especially speculated on it, were severely punished.

Did you know that...

The tradition of baking festive ritual bread for a wedding is inherent in all Slavic peoples. At Russian weddings it’s a loaf, for Belarusians and Ukrainians tooThere are loaf traditions. Wedding loaves were decorated with complex dough patterns, sometimes with live ears of wheat and viburnum branches. Ears of wheat symbolized abundance, prosperity, leaves or a bunch of viburnum - love, an addition to the family. The Tatars prepare a puff pastry pie for a wedding - gubadia. The name is different, but the ritual meaning is the same.

The wisdom of the people is reflected in legends, tales and stories. A great many of them are dedicated to bread. Listen to the folk story about bread.

Father and son came out to the fields in the spring.

“The bread has risen well!” exclaimed the son, admiring the friendly shoots.

“This is not bread, but grass,” his father corrected him.

Time passed, they went out into the field again.

“What bread is there!” – the son rejoiced.

“This is not bread, but straw,” answered the wise father.

The family left for the harvest.

“Well, didn’t I say that we’ll have bread! You can even have a wedding!” – the son was delighted.

“Wait,” his father interrupted and looked anxiously at the dark cloud in the sky. Suddenly a squall came, the wind and rain washed away everything that was standing on the root from the field...

And the father said, bowing his head: “Bread, son, then bread, when it’s in the bins.”

6. Interesting facts

Did you know that...

In the old days, very large loaves were baked for soldiers; only three or four pieces could fit on a baggage cart. And astronauts take bread with them into orbit that is smaller than a matchbox. However, among them - rugs, loaves, loaves, koloboks - smell equally satisfying and very appetizing. No other product has such a luxurious scent. Only Bread smells like bread.

Did you know that...

In the 16th-17th centuries in cities, a significant part of the craft population were bread masters, who were divided into bread makers, kalachniks, pirozhniki, sitniks, saechniks (the one who baked saiki), pretzel makers (lamb makers), pancake makers and gingerbread makers.

Ukrainian dance with loaf

An abundance of bread - as a guarantee of a prosperous life for the people - is the cherished dream of millions of people around the world. Bread is the beginning of everything. This is a symbol of the Motherland, a symbol of its wealth and prosperity.

The melody sounds

One ancient legend tells that one day a traveler dropped a crumb of bread in the desert. He stopped the caravan and began to look for her, because bread cannot be trampled. Can you really find it in the sand? It's getting close to night. The traveler marked the place by sticking his staff. At dawn he returned to find bread. And his staff became golden. The traveler received a reward for his careful attitude to bread. This legend teaches us that bread is a priceless gift.

“It’s bad, brother, to livein Paris: there is nothing to eat; you can’t ask for black bread!” A. S. Pushkin

7 Holodomor


Put it in a bag

cheese, cookies,

I added almonds for luxury.

I didn't take the bread.

After all, this is torment

Dragging with him to such a distance! -

Still a grandma

stuck the piece!

Knowing everything in the world in advance,

This is what she said:

Listen to the old woman!

Bread, dear, carries itself... (Rubtsov)

A student plays the flute and pronounces words

14 It is impossible without pain to remember the tragic situation that was artificially created in the villages of Ukraine. The government's repressive measures against the Ukrainian peasantry led to a terrible mass famine in 1932-1933. In many collective farms, all the grain was taken away. Not even seed material was left. Authorities, having discovered grain from the peasants, completely confiscated it. The authorities issued directive documents that provided for the confiscation of grain from private mills. Bakeries began to close in cities. All this led to mass deaths from starvation. In Ukraine alone, millions of people died of hunger, including a significant number of children. The sowing season was approaching, but there was no one to work. Many were emaciated or swollen from hunger. To save a person from starvation, sometimes a piece of bread was enough, which always makes one feel warmer and more reliable. The survivors grew bread again and rejoiced at the friendly shoots in the fields. Their long difficult days are filled with worries and worries about the harvest.


It's not in vain people
WITH for a long time to this day
Our daily bread is calling
The very first shrine.
Golden words
We have no right to forget:
“Bread is the head of everything!” “ -
In the field, in the house, in the state!

8 Years of WWII


More expensive than both gold and sable
he is the head of everyone and everything.
Bread has a special meaning:
sovereign holds the rights.
And this is how it happened from time immemorial:
The hut is red with pies.
Bread is the main confession
before life at all times.
Ask my peers -
teenagers of the war years;
will answer: Victory is the messenger
there was bitter war bread.
And if you ask me,
How to rightfully repay the fallen?
The ears must be alive
decorate monuments.

Guys in army shirts

They escorted us to the front with bread. Those returning from the war were greeted with bread. Bread was used to remember those who would never return.

The development of grain farming and the baking industry was interrupted by the treacherous attack on the country by Nazi Germany. At all times, the enemy almost always struck the grain first. It was the same this time. It's scary to watch standing bread burn. The question of bread again became a matter of life or death. Did both the front and rear need bread? War bread - 125 grams per person. It contains 10 percent food cellulose, 10 percent cake, 2 wallpaper dust, 2 bag scraps, 1 pine needles, 75 percent rye wallpaper flour. Baking pans were greased with solar oil. If there were no bread, there would be no Victory! .


Don't drop it, son,
When you eat a flatbread,
Even a crumb of bread!
We collected
Each spikelet
When the threat of war
The sky thundered.
That bread saved
Moscow and Leningrad,
Life even extended
A crumb of bread.
But even now
Paid a hundred times
Hard work
Every flatbread.
More than once I have forgiven you for your mischief,
I know childhood
It's ridiculous without a game.
But I can't forgive
Only one -
At least some crumbs
Wasted bread.

The hardest years of the war are behind us.

Sounds 1 verse of the song Bread to the left, bread to the right , Bread for happiness, bread for glory! Boundless ripe fields Here is a gentle flood, Here is the power of my sunny bread!
Music:A. Pakhmutova Words: S. Grebennikov 1975

Ukraine rose from the ashes. It was necessary to sharply increase grain production. Overcoming enormous difficulties, without equipment, fertilizers, and often without a sufficient number of seeds, grain growers achieved increased productivity. It was necessary to restore the destroyed economy, raise agriculture, feed people. Now all this is in the past: the Holodomor, the war, the hungry post-war years. But isn’t caring for bread even today worthy of respect? Every person who knows his history and loves his people cannot be careless about bread.

9 Careful attitude towards bread as a symbol of humanity.

“ENDLESS BREAD” dramatization of the parable
Once upon a time there lived a poor old woman. She was so poor that sometimes she didn’t even have anything to bake bread with. And she had a wicked neighbor who constantly reproached this old woman for her poverty. And one day a neighbor noticed that as soon as she started baking bread, the old woman also had smoke coming out of her chimney, as if she was baking bread.
- Has this beggar woman really gotten rich too? - the neighbor was surprised. - We should look at her and check.
A neighbor comes to the old woman and sees that she is indeed taking a loaf out of the oven.
The old woman sat her neighbor at the table and treated her to fresh bread.
The neighbor is surprised: - Where did you get your bread from? Recently you were poorer than the poor, and now you bake bread every day? And the old woman told her that she was tired of being constantly reproached for her poverty. And she began to put a smoking brand into the oven when the neighbor began to bake bread. A week goes by like this, then another, so the old woman came up with an idea: “And I’ll ask God for mercy every time I put a brand in the stove.”
So she began to do so. She put the firebrand in the stove, prayed, and suddenly someone knocked on the window. An old beggar stands, all in rags, asking for some bread. But there is not a piece of bread in the house. The old woman gave her last potato to the old man. He ate it and asked for bread again.
Where will I get bread for you, old man? - says the old lady.

“And you take it out of the oven,” the old man answers.
The old woman looked into the oven, and there the finished loaf was indeed lying. She gasped, took the loaf out of the oven and began to feed the old man. He ate the whole loaf and asks for more.
“I don’t have any more bread,” says the old woman.
“You take it out of the oven again,” says the old man.

The old woman looks, and there the loaf lies again.
She takes the loaf out of the oven, and she wonders out loud:
- Until when will God give me bread?
“And as long as you share with all the hungry with a pure heart,” the old man answered.
Since then, the good old lady’s house never runs out of bread.

Not only those who sow, harvest, store grain in bins, bake bread from it should take care of it, but each of us must remember every day that bread is a priceless treasure. Thrift and respect for bread do not come from stinginess, not from poverty. We know that bread contains not only the labor of our contemporaries - farmers, it contains the sweat and blood of our ancestors. Bread is common wealth, and we must cultivate respect for it in future generations



You know, one day I saw
Like an old man asking for forgiveness.
He offended a loaf of bread
By suddenly dropping it to the ground

He knelt before her,
Bent in half, somehow.
He shook the litter off the top... Clumsily
He hung the sign of the cross on himself.

“Forgive me a piece of bread,
I became awkward in my later years.
Let the blue sky be a witness,
There is nothing more important than you here.

You were the farmer's reward,
It was a consolation to the traveler.
Prayers were sent to God for you,
And they carried out military affairs.

And I also remember my childhood,
Difficult war years.
The grief that we inherited
And bad, meager food

And the boys like gingerbread, like sweetness
A small piece was given out
Black bread is a simple joy...
Who could have thrown him to the ground?”

The old man stood still for a little while,
And he wandered off into the distance alone.
Remember bread, for God's sake,
With him the people are forever invincible.

10 Conclusion

They bring out a sheaf of wheat and a loaf

All together

Grow bread!
Grow bread!
He is the laughter of children
He is the joy of peaceful days.
He is the dream of our cities and villages,
He is the song of birds.
He became a monument
To all those who live
gave it for him.

Literature and websites

  1. › ... › I give the world to children!‎

Bread on a towel
Words: Vadim Krischenko
Music: V. Filipenko

The grain has reached the middle of the field,
And the Neshvidka hvilya is kitting in the field.
In the coinage of the harvest, a long day will come
It is covered with a chol up to a spikelet.

To the golden ones
Shine a generous light,
Best heart
Good word "bread".
Khliborobsky share
In this century
Let's go with the sun of life
Bread on a towel.

In the vastness of the crops the earth will ring with sound,
The song and the bread were eaten long ago.
Praise, praise to you, robotic hands,
They filled the grain with goodness.


From the steep roads we return to our father’s house,
The dawn will finally come,
Let’s kiss my mother’s holy bread,
Who raised us, blessed us into the world.

Kristina Polozova
Scenario for the event “Bread is the head of everything”

Holiday scenario« Bread is the head of everything» for children of senior preschool age

Goals: To instill in children a caring, respectful attitude towards work; Encourage children to consciously understand prices bread;- teach children to take care bread.

Registration: Autumn flowers, garlands of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of rowan berries, vegetables and fruits on the table in a vase, an exhibition of drawings on an autumn theme.

Preliminary work: Listening to Russian folk songs, learning folk games, proverbs, sayings, learning poems, dances, songs.

Russian music is playing. Children dressed in Russian folk costumes enter.

Presenter: Dear guys! Today we have gathered with you in this cozy hall for a holiday. Guests came to us. Let's greet the guests with a song.

A song is being performed "Guests have come to us".

Today we have gathered to talk about bread. Do you know what a piece of rye, labor smells like? bread?

It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky.

And most importantly, it smells like work bread.

After all, the grains did not immediately become

Bread, what's on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

From spring to autumn they work tirelessly grain growers so that in every home, on every table the bread has arrived! How do people talk about bread? Let's remember proverbs and sayings.


Ramina: Bread is the head of everything.

Kirill: If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Lisa: Praise be to the hands that smell bread.

Lida: Take care bread is our wealth.

Alice: Bread - father, and the water is mother.

Nastya: Bread throw - lose strength.

Timosha: Sweat on my back, but bread on the table.

Presenter: Bread- staple food. A person needs it every day. We know that autumn is a busy time for those who harvest crops. Let's sing a song about what gifts autumn brings.

Song “What will autumn bring us?”


Why do your eyes shine?

For children, for preschoolers?

All Children:

Today is the harvest festival,

Holiday bread from the guys!

Children read poetry.

Karina: Loaf of earth and sky

On your table -

Nothing stronger bread

Not on earth.

Nikita: In every little piece

grain fields,

And on each spikelet the earth rests.

Arthur: Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned

Bread with gilded top

I came to you from afar.

Lera: In every home, on every table

He came, he came.

In it is health, our strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Protected and protected!

Vanya P: In a small grain of wheat

Summer and winter.

The power of the sun is stored

And native land.

Timosha: And grows under the bright sky

Slender and tall

Like the immortal Motherland,

Ear of bread.

Amina: It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it.

Grab both cheeks

Grow up to be a hero!

And now the guys will dance a round dance called "Zemelushka - black soil".

Children run out with ears of corn, sit down on their knees, a child comes out -

Cockerel (Timosha, wants to peck a grain.

grain (Vanya M):

I'll go to the warm earth,

I will rise towards the sun,

Then there are people like me in it,

There will be a whole family!

The cockerel runs away.

All children:

Rain, rain, let it come!

Let the ears grow.

Lei, lei, have fun,

Mother Earth of the fields.

A child runs out - Rain (Kirill, watering the ears.


Golden sun,

Warm up the grains!

Child - Sunshine (Liana) runs around the children.

The sun is red,

Burn, burn clearly!

Fly into the sky like a bird!

Light up our land!

So that our ears of corn

Green up, bloom, grow!


The spikelets are ripening

The combine operators are leaving

Fast and friendly

Remove for us need bread!

Combiner children (All Boys)“cleaning up” bread.

Presenter: So they removed it bread from the fields

Removed bread, and it became quieter,

The bins breathe hotly.

The field is sleeping. It's tired.

Winter is coming.

Presenter: In winter, grain was stored in barns so that fresh food could always be baked bread. How the mouse suddenly got into the habit of running around the grain. Let's teach the mouse a lesson so that it forgets its way to the barn.

Playing Trap Game "There's a mouse in the barn" Mouse (Vasena S.)

Children choose who will pretend to be a mouse and are divided into two groups. (boys and girls) and sing, one group standing opposite the other.

Girls: There's a mouse in the barn,

I ate all the grain.

Boys: What kind of misfortune is this?

Is this the case?

Girls: And we will catch her,

Let's set a mousetrap.

Boys: And it will slam behind her

The mousetrap is clever.

Mouse: And I’ll run into the hole,

And I’ll take care of the grain.

Children join hands and make collars. The mouse runs through the collar, the children try to catch it.

Presenter: So we taught the mouse a lesson and saved the grain.

Presenter: And now, guys, I’ll tell you some riddles.

White in winter

It's black in spring

Green in summer

Cut in autumn. (Field)

All cast in gold

Standing on a straw. (Spikelet)

I bubble and puff

I don't want to live in a kettle.

I'm tired of the sauerkraut

Put me in the oven. (Dough)

There is a hut made of bricks

Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. (Bake)

They crush and roll

They are tempered in the oven,

And then at the table

Cut with a knife. (Bread)

It comes with oatmeal

With rice, meat and millet,

It's sweet with cherries

First they put him in the oven

How will he get out of there?

Then they put it on a dish

Well, now, call the guys

They will eat everything piece by piece. (Pie)

The ring is not simple,

Gold ring,

Shiny, crispy,

For everyone to enjoy...

What a delicious meal! (Bagel)

What do you pour into a frying pan?

Yes, they bend it four times? (Pancakes)

Presenter: But the way bread our table is not finished yet. From the elevator, the grains are taken to the mill, where they are processed into flour.

Vasilisa D: Even the walls here are nice

They smell fragrant bread:

Lots of friendly bakers

Bread is baked here at dawn.

And then he’s in the car

And they deliver it to stores

This is where it comes from to our table

Warm, tasty the bread has arrived!

Presenter: Guys, do you know what their flour bakes? (pies, buns, cheesecakes)

Dance being performed: "Dance with ears of corn".

Vasilisa Bizeeva:

Holiday we meet bread

A round lush loaf,

It's on a painted platter

With a snow-white towel.

We bring you a loaf of bread,

As we worship, we ask you to taste.

(Puts bread on the table in front of the guests.)

Presenter: We invite everyone to festive table. And most importantly, children, remember that bread- the most important wealth of our Motherland, it was created with great difficulty. Take care, children, bread!

Alice: Take care of our bread!

Don't waste your bread!

Respect our bread!

WITH don't play with bread!

Target: Formation careful attitude to bread.


1. Deepen students’ knowledge about bread.

2. Foster a sense of respect for the work of grain growers.

3. Develop logical thinking.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

5. Expand children’s knowledge about signs associated with bread.

6. Develop imagination.

Hall decoration: On the table there is a loaf on a towel or a plate with sliced ​​bread, on the board there are bundles of bagels, drawings depicting bread. If possible, you can put ears of wheat in a vase.


4 children.

Costume elements

Baker - cap, white coat, basket with baked goods.

Children are dressed in regular school clothes.


- “Buns” made of polystyrene foam or foam rubber.

Several glasses of compote.

Drawings schematically depicting the stages of baking bread.

Salty dough.

The holiday begins with a skit. The bell rings.

1st child: Change! Hurry to the dining room!

Three or four people sit at a table on the stage. There are buns on the table and compote in glasses. One child plays with a bun: first he crumbles it, then he starts throwing it at the others.

2nd child: Enough! You need to love bread!

3rd child: It’s not funny to play pranks with bread!

4th child(the one who was playing around): It’s funny for me alone!

1st child: This (points to the bun) is the head of everything!!! The children run away.

A baker enters in a white cap. In his hands he has a basket of bread - loaves, loaves, buns. On the neck there is a bunch of dryers. Sings to the tune of the song “We are not stokers, not carpenters” (from the film “Height”):

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets...

We are bakery workers,

Hello from the bakery!!!

Baker: Hello, guys! I'm coming straight from work. Straight from the bakery. So I brought some fresh pastries. And you showed a good scene. Children often play around with bread! Often! But aren't you like that?

Children: No!

Baker: What do you think a baker does at a bakery?

Children: Bakes bread!

Baker: Right! But what a long journey a loaf goes before it ends up on the store counter! Let's figure out where the journey of bread begins.

Game "Where does bread come from"

Children are shown drawings that depict arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a store, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order.

For the correct sequence, the child is rewarded with drying.

Baker: Well done, guys!!! Oh, we have a lot of work at the bakery. First, cars bring flour and it is stored in our basements. Then it is sifted, salt, sugar, yeast, water are added and the dough is kneaded. And they bake everything from the dough - they cut it into pieces, squares, roll it into “sausages”, braid it - real craftsmen work!!! But it all begins with a little seed planted in the ground.

Reads the poem “About Bread”:

The peasants have solemn faces,

The whole field is illuminated at dawn.

In the land behind the collective farm village

Bread contains grain.

It sleeps in the Kuban cradle.

Like a father, bending over the grain

In a jacket made from an overcoat,

The agronomist, pale with excitement.

Let the fields bloom wildly.

Will be full this fall

Our rye, our wheat

All granaries in the country.

People work day and night in the fields to grow and harvest wheat. In any weather, rain, heat...

During the sowing season, grain growers face many difficulties - drought and scorching sun. This is how much work the villagers put in to get bread on the table!

Do you like bread?

Children: YES!!!

They sing a song to the tune of “Songs about Summer” (from the film “Father Frost and Summer”):

This is what it is, a crust of bread,

With an appetizing crunch, with a subtle taste...

And crispy and fragrant,

There is nothing more pleasant...


There is nothing more delicious!!!

The store smells delicious of bread,

The baker bakes bread for us for dinner,

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

And on all other days...


And on all other days.

For soup, goulash and semolina porridge

Our crust is given at the table,

For tea, rolls, bagels, cheesecakes

And, of course, drying...


Bagels, cheesecakes, dryers...

Baker: Yes, it really turned out to be a hymn to bread!!! I'm happy!!! Only they forgot about the pies... But I’ll remind you now. And then dryers, cheesecakes...

Game “Mom bakes pies”

A poem is read, which is accompanied by appropriate actions.

This is how grandma spins

Mom bakes a pie like this

That's what my sister calls the chickens,

I got into trouble in the morning.

Grandfather chops wood like this,

I carry them deeper into the yard.

So the father is a plane with a plane,

I can do everything, my friend!

Baker: What great fellows you are! You have time to do everything!

Did you know that giving bread meant wishing for prosperity and wealth? Since ancient times, bread and all grain plants have been considered sacred. Bread had to be treated with special respect. It was customary among our Slavic ancestors to keep a loaf of bread in the red corner. The bread lying in front of the icons symbolized the connection between people and God. Can you tell me any signs related to bread?

Children tell proverbs and sayings about bread that they have prepared in advance.

You can't cut bread without a knife.

Without salt it is not tasty, and without bread it is not satisfying.

Without salt, bread is not food.

Without salt, without bread - half a meal.

Without a piece of bread there is sadness everywhere.

Without the holy bread everything will become boring.

The roll will become boring, but the bread never will.

Everyone earns their own bread.

The work is bitter, but the bread is sweet.

They reap sometimes, but they chew in winter.

If you chase the edge, you will lose the loaf.

Baker: Since we are talking about loaves, I suggest you try to make a loaf yourself.

"Loaf Competition"

The baker takes out the salt dough.

It's very simple to make: 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup salt, 5 tablespoons vegetable oil, a little warm water, a little starch. For color, you can add gouache to the dough.

Children take a small piece and make small “loaves” for 10-15 minutes. Then the Baker arranges an exhibition of loaves.

It is advisable to reward all the “bakers”.

Baker: How talented you are! We can already take you to our factory - everyone’s loaves are so wonderful! In the meantime, the loaves are “baking” - drying, I suggest you play a game, again about pies.

Game “Jok-zhok-zhok is a pie”

The baker reads a poem, and the children finish it last word in every line.

Zhok-zhok-zhok is a (pie).

Shki-shki-shki - mom fries (pies).

Shki-shki-shki - we love (pies).

Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat, Zhenya, (pie).

Ach-ach-ach - here (kalach).

Chi-chi-chi - baked in the oven (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi—we love (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi - there will be (kalachi) for the holiday.

Baker: Many poets glorify bread in their poems. Do you know poems about bread?

Children take turns reading lines from the poem:

The snow just melted in April,

How the fields turned green.

We say: "Bread".

The endless golden space

Harvesters are working there.

We say: "Bread".

Here the grain flows like a river,

To become flour.

We say: "Bread".

The dough is spinning in the kneading bowl,

Baked in the fire.

We say: "Bread".

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world,

So that he appears on your table

Fresh bread.

Baker: Yes, it's a lot of work! You already understood this!!! Can you guess riddles on the “bread” theme?

Guess easily and quickly:

Soft, lush and fragrant,

He's black, he's white,

And sometimes it’s burnt. (Bread)

The bird Yuritsa looks at the wind,

She flaps her wings, without moving. (Windmill)

For flatbread, loaf, drying, bun, pie

From birth, a gray-haired mother named... (Flour)

A giant ship is moving along the ground.

The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped. (Harvester)

A house grew up in a field.

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded.

The shutters are boarded up. (Corn)

All the riddles have been solved!!! Yes, bread is a gift from the earth. During the hungry years, people had to save every crumb, because they received only one hundred grams of bread a day, a very small piece. And these crumbs helped them survive in that harsh time. That is why even now they are so sensitive to bread.

The younger generation does not know what hunger is. Therefore, he has a completely different attitude towards bread. We should be ashamed when we simply throw away the unmixed pieces. You can’t do this with bread, because so much work has been put into it. Tractor drivers, combine operators in the field, bakers at bakeries work hard to ensure that each of us always has bread on the table. And we must respect their work. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds.

Bread must be protected!

Children take turns reading the lines of the poem:

Take care of our bread!

Don't waste your bread!

Respect our bread!

Don't play with bread!

You can't throw away bread!

Take care of your bread, friends!

Baker: Well, guys, it's time for me to go to the bakery. It is necessary to bake bread so that stores are not left without a product that everyone needs.

Here it is, fragrant bread,

Here it is, warm and golden.

In every home, on every table

He came, he came.

It contains our health, strength, and wonderful warmth.

How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Eat by both cheeks, grow up to be a hero!

While reading the poem, the Baker distributes the buns from his basket to the children.

The baker leaves. Any song about bread sounds.


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