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Cheating is becoming commonplace in modern world, and this is very sad. If earlier the institution of marriage or relationships dictated harsh conditions, according to which betrayal was punished in some way, now the relations of society as a whole have become more loyal. This is no longer a sin, and people began to treat betrayal as one of the parts of the bouquet bad habits imposed by society. It seems like nothing bad will happen if your partner cheats. In fact, in each of the betrayals there are a lot of reasons that push a person to a temporary, momentary desire, which then turns into a snowball of problems.

10 reasons for male infidelity:

Men constantly hide behind saying that they should cheat. In order to assert themselves and leave as many offspring as possible, they forget that there are many psychological factors hidden in the background of their actions. So what is the reason for male infidelity, how to figure it out and prevent it?

1. Interest in another partner

Most often, a man’s betrayal is quite banal; he wants to try something new. All friends have mistresses or simply brag about them, laughing at each other. And then, he decides to try it too, in order to become more confident in himself. Such meetings can be either one-time or permanent, it all depends on the type of man and who gets in his way. Sometimes interest drags on, turning into a strong connection, and even influences leaving the family.

How to prevent: Try to be interesting to your partner. If a man feels good and is interested in you, then he is unlikely to cheat, even if his friends laugh. Why does he need other women when he has his own mystery at home?

2. “In a drunken shop”

Many betrayals happen by accident, they just drank a lot at a corporate party and wanted sex, no one minds, it just happened that way. Most often, such meetings do not last long because the man is not interested in them. But, if suddenly the relationship dragged on, it means that everything was not at all accidental, and the partners had been looking at each other for a long time.

How to prevent: Maybe you should go to corporate events with your husband more often? Seeing you, beautiful and interesting, women will think about whether it’s worth fighting off a man? Well, your partner will be busy with jealousy and will have no time for outside relationships, he would like to keep you.

3. At home there is no attention, respect, life has become gray

More often than not, this becomes one of the reasons for cheating. little child, a lot of problems, fatigue, all this pushes a man to somehow diversify his life, and then a woman appears who gives him a lot of pleasant moments, does not scold or nag, and most importantly does not demand anything. These relationships are very addictive and often provoke family breakdown. In someone else's bed, everything seems sweeter, but sometimes, after leaving, a man realizes that not everything is so sweet, many problems are repeated, and then a series of betrayals or remarriages is inevitable.

How to solve the problem: Try to pay more attention to the man. Do not refuse sex, appreciate and love him, respect him, try to become interesting and attractive to him.

4. Differences in the couple's sexual temperament

The most interesting thing is that this reason is quite common. If at first this does not play a special role, then over time the problem accumulates, and a man who does not have enough sex simply has nowhere to go but to look for it on the side.

How to solve the problem: The best test is sex before marriage. If you are suitable for each other in bed, then it is easier to change your characters than vice versa.

5. He found the one he had long dreamed of

This happens, especially when the marriage was forced, out of luck, out of convenience, and the man rushes between two women. He doesn’t seem to want to leave his family, he believes that he has no right to leave his family “at a difficult moment,” and at the same time he found the one he dreamed of. Such connections can last for years and even decades until the lover gets tired and shows him the door. She doesn’t need such a temporary man at all, otherwise it turns out like in the song: “They picked the sweet berry together, I picked the bitter berry alone.”

Prevent the problem: It’s difficult to advise anything here; everything is decided individually. Many people put up with this situation, knowing about it, but they believe that it is better this way than without a man.

By the way, we already wrote in the previous article that we ourselves.

6. Revenge, thrill, guilt

In fact, the problem is vast. A man can take revenge on a woman, his mother, circumstances in life, that everything turned out this way and not differently, and it is difficult to find the exact reason. He wants to consider himself macho, more worthy, in demand, to prove that he is a male.

Solution: Figure out what caused the betrayal and try to give him self-confidence. Prove that he is the best and you are satisfied.

7. Solve life's problems through sex

Infantile men resort to such methods. When there are a lot of problems, and he cannot solve them, or he is unable to change something, for example, there is a sick child in the family, and care is impossible, then the man throws himself headlong into work or sex or continuous drunkenness.

Prevent the problem: only radically - leaving the family. This man will not decide anything, he has already decided, and it will always be like this as long as you are with him.

8. Mistress is assigned according to status

For businessmen, politicians and just wealthy men It is common to have mistresses. It's like a car, a house or a bank account. He simply brags about the possibilities of his money and buys a new toy. There may not be love there, but it still hurts. If you are not satisfied with this course of events, then you will have to choose, either endure and have a decent life, or go nowhere and rely only on yourself.

Prevent the problem: Anything is possible, but after weighing all the pros and cons. Try to become a businesswoman, suddenly you will become no less successful.

9. Can't resist

Sometimes women are quite persistent and drag a man into bed themselves. If your man is weak in character or cannot refuse, then do not be surprised. Sometimes such meetings can end sadly; a strong woman will take him into her hands.

Solution: just be around more often and show everyone that this is your man.

10. Next to him is a gray mouse

A fairly common reason for cheating is when a woman stops taking care of herself. Men want to have a beautiful, well-groomed, smart and sexy woman. If you gave up on yourself, don’t be surprised that the man started cheating. Although men claim that they don’t like makeup and don’t listen to high heels, this is their jealousy speaking. In fact, they love to show off their girlfriend and you have to live up to it.

Solution: watch the program “Take It Down Now” or similar.

Whether to forgive your loved one for betrayal or not, read this article:. And we move on to women's reasons for cheating.

10 reasons for female infidelity:

Women aren't always angels either. Each can change under certain circumstances, which sometimes lead to a break. Especially often, betrayal occurs due to a basic misunderstanding in the family, so the first reason is:

1. Misunderstanding

A woman is a sensitive and emotional creature. Especially if the marriage arose at an early age, when you really want romance and love, but suddenly it’s not there. Of course, the thought of betrayal does not arise immediately, but a sensitive man can seduce a woman, and she, throwing away all thoughts about morality, becomes emotional.

Solution: try to pay attention to a woman, surround her with care and love, and she will not leave you or change you.

2. In retaliation for betrayal

A woman who has been cheated on will never forgive her, especially if she was preferred to a friend, an older woman, or someone who is simply no match for her, and then she can cheat herself. Such romances often do not last, but under certain circumstances they can lead to divorce.

Solution: You shouldn’t cheat on your wife, and if you can’t resist, you shouldn’t let her know about it. Wounded pride wears away the soul like water wears away stones.

3. “Drunken”

Women can also drink, and this, as we know, causes many troubles. Many are inadequate, and in this state they can cause trouble. Here everything depends on the woman herself, and you will not be able to influence this, except to simply leave, why do you need a drunken wife.

Solution: Control how much a woman drinks, or simply separate, because cheating will happen all the time.

4. Curiosity

Anyone who didn’t have enough fun in his youth can go on a break later. Lack of attention, husband is a bad lover, problems in the sexual sphere, stories from friends can give a woman the idea of ​​trying another man. If it happened once, then you can forgive and forget, if it happens again, it’s your right to decide whether you will share your wife with someone permanently or not. Trust in each other disappears, and the old feelings may no longer exist.

Solution to the issue: There are two options: forget and pay more attention, finding out the reason, or break off the relationship.

5. Not satisfied

Sexual factors also influence infidelity. If the husband is weak in bed and does not satisfy, then a woman with a good sexual appetite will look for a replacement. It all depends on whether the spouses find a compromise. Some allow a woman to walk around, turning a blind eye to infidelity, because they love her, or this marriage is beneficial for them. Others follow the principle and destroy relationships, getting a bunch of complexes about the fact that they are untenable.

Solution: Try to find a way to give a woman satisfaction with the help of various sexual toys, diversify your sex life, try to make your sex life more intense.

6. Both people cheat in the family.

It also happens that the family remains only nominally, on a stamp in the passport. They both cheat on each other, having gotten used to such a life. The only things that unite us are children and no desire to change anything. This happens in many families and suggests that the marriage was accidental, not for love.

Solution: if one of the partners falls in love and leaves, then such a family is doomed to divorce, otherwise such an existence can continue for decades, it suits both, and no complaints are made.

7. Feel wanted

A woman feels very subtly whether a man is in love with her or not. If sexual contacts are more out of habit, then she will look for another partner who really wants her. Sexuality and emancipation arise precisely when a woman feels the adoration of a man. Often this is why older partners are chosen, because at this time a man understands that he needs to pamper a woman, literally carry her in his arms, then she will not only blossom, but also bring an abyss of pleasure. A young partner rarely understands this, and if he is emotionally cold, then the woman’s betrayal is inevitable, it’s a matter of time.

Solution: cultivate sensuality in yourself, make a woman understand that she is desired and loved.

8. Marriage at an early age, or forced marriage

Often, marriages are registered not for love at all, but for “failure” or other reasons. The bride wants to leave home from her soulless parents, start her own life, and some begin sexual activity too early, and men are simply forced to get married in order to recognize the child. Such a marriage does not last long; it is already ready for failure from the very beginning. Different mentality, upbringing, difficulties at a young age to find a compromise lead to betrayal, sometimes mutual. Sometimes a woman realizes that she has made a mistake and her partner is not the same, and begins to look for a replacement.

Solution: pay more attention to each other, find common ground, then there is a chance to save the marriage. Forgiving betrayal, trying to improve relationships.

9. My husband is always away from home.

Oddly enough, this is also a common reason for cheating. A man is constantly away from home, and it doesn’t matter whether he is busy with business, has business trips, or wants to go for a walk. A cold bed constantly reminds a woman that she is not in demand, and the years pass. A woman ages faster, so she wants to somehow compensate for her desires and become in demand. She decides to cheat. This can be either a one-time incident or constant trips to the left. It all depends on whether she loves a man or not. If he loves you, he will return; if not, then such sprees can lead to a breakup.

Solution: Pay attention to a woman more often, call, write SMS, arrange romantic dinners, satisfy sexual and emotional hunger, solve family problems even at a distance. When a man tries to compensate for his absence, they wait for him; if he does not make these attempts, then the woman will find someone else.

10. Emotional connection, benefit

Sometimes a woman needs a strong emotional connection, which not every man can provide. Having experienced several refusals of sex and help, a woman will look for a more sensitive partner. He will not only catch her mood, but also solve problems and help her feel happy. For this she will pay him back with sex. Women often use sex as a gift for caring, so they don't consider it cheating, they just don't have anything else to offer in return. You can call it free prostitution, but many women go for sex to achieve some overall goal, and do not consider this a big problem.

Solution: Career women may well cheat in order to get a long-awaited position; if you do not want cheating, let your wife be at home, surround her with warmth and attention. If a woman is unhappy with you, then she will look for partners who will solve her problems, and if you do not want this, help her solve them as much as possible. Change, look for alternative ways, you may have to find a higher paying job, or at least help in small things. A woman will even accept help around the house with gratitude.

In any case, it all depends on the men and women themselves. If they love each other, they will not cheat or offend each other. Every betrayal has a reason that prompted it. Try to understand not only the cheating partner, but also yourself, because it means you also did something wrong.

Statistics say that men cheat much more often than women. But, to be honest, these data are far from the truth. Currently, representatives of the fair sex behave more relaxed than several decades ago. And female infidelity is no longer shocking. Most women no longer have an inner “castle” perceived as loyalty and decency. And the definition of these female virtues is not associated with monogamy. In other words, women perceive betrayal not as something out of the ordinary, but as an ordinary everyday situation.

Despite the fact that the number of female infidelities is growing rapidly, it would be wrong to put them on the same level as male ones. The reason for this is the very nature of female infidelity, which differs from male infidelity primarily in that it is not subject to the instincts of reproduction. For a woman, there is no point in changing partners for quantity; she is looking for quality.

The nature of female infidelity

If we take Freud's theory of instincts as a basis, then male infidelity is perceived as something obvious and taken for granted. Nature requires a man to spread the seed, and he must obey her call. Men, it seems, are not to blame for cheating. A woman by nature is, first of all, a mother. Her task: to give birth and raise high-quality offspring. And for this you don’t need many men. You only need one, but of sufficient quality. This is where the reasons for betrayal lie.

At the moment of searching for a partner, a problematic situation arises. The feminine essence requires from a man strength, endurance, caring, activity, determination, initiative, and passion. Society adds to this list material security, reliability, good health, absence of bad habits, and high status. And for visualization I would like some more attractive external data. Agree, not a single woman would refuse such a man next to her. But the trouble is that men who would satisfy all these requirements simply do not exist. Women's fantasy, of course, depicts a male ideal during the period of falling in love, but over time it becomes obvious that this is deceptive.

In other words, a woman is always missing something.

  • The wife of a wealthy businessman, an active workaholic, is forced to spend her time alone. She ceases to value security and reliability, and sincerely needs the presence of a man nearby and small signs of attention. She cheats on her husband with an ordinary young man (usually a fitness trainer or something similar).
  • A woman housewife, an active worker, forced to live in small incomes, despite her hard work, gets tired of earning a living. Main manhood she considers the ability to provide financially for her family. Changing it is possible if you have exactly this male characteristics. And you can’t consider her a gold digger. She will not demand material resources from her man. She is attracted by the very ability to earn money.

Thus, it is obvious that the natural essence of female infidelity is the search for a quality partner. The very concept of quality in relation to a man is determined by women’s requirements, which are often contradictory. A wife cheats on her husband because she finds another man more worthy.

Reasons for female infidelity

As has already been determined, a woman cheats on a man not because she is counting her victories. The reasons for a woman's betrayal are much deeper.

Reason 1 - Disappointment

Experienced psychologists and simply wise people often give advice to young people that they should not marry their first love. The reason for this is deep disappointment. During courtship, a man makes every effort to attract attention and win a woman's heart. The male instinct of the hunter (conqueror) also works here. And when the goal is achieved, the true essence of a person is fully revealed. Was this the man the woman loved?

How often do women complain about the contrast between their fiancé and husband:
  • a shy caring guy turns into a tyrannical aggressive man;
  • instead of “golden mountains” the woman sees poverty;
  • Instead of helping with housework, the woman sees indifference.

At the same time, the female heart still dreams of happiness and seeks it on the side.

Reason 2 - Unpreparedness for family life

Early marriages, as a rule, are not strong. The reason for this is that young spouses do not have sufficient life experience when starting a family. Family life requires certain sacrifices, and the life around us presents a lot of temptations. As a rule, women are not resistant to such situations. It’s hard to take for granted that while girlfriends are enjoying youth and the attention of men, the young wife is spending her best years in household and maternal chores. The young woman does not receive adequate support from her husband. Her need for rest and attention is perceived negatively, which further increases the desire to receive love on the side. People say: “I haven’t had enough time,” and there is truth in this.

Reason 3 – Forbidden Fruit

The psychological development of a person goes through a number of stages. Female formation is an original process. It does not lend itself to simple rules, but largely depends on individual characteristics. Some women blossom and become more beautiful over the years, while others turn with age into typical housewives who have gained extra pounds and forgotten about female individuality. At some point in her development, a woman enters the stage of readiness to step over her own principles and other people’s opinions. Often the reason for this is simple female curiosity. Everything that seemed wrong and forbidden becomes desirable and sweet. And number one on the list of forbidden fruits is relationships outside of marriage - adultery.

Reason 4 – Revenge

Statistics on female infidelity often cite revenge as the primary cause. Most often, a woman cheats in response to a man's infidelity. It seems to her that by cheating on her husband, she will ease her pain and show her husband the gravity of his action. However, one’s own betrayal does not bring satisfaction, but, on the contrary, complicates an already difficult situation.

This reason is illustrated by the example of Olga B., who, having learned about her husband’s infidelity, became obsessed with the idea of ​​her own infidelity. It got to the point that when Olga found her husband in a cafe with her mistress, she called a taxi and offered intimacy to the taxi driver. The relationship with the taxi driver did not bring pleasure, but lay a heavy burden on the woman’s heart. Naturally, she made every effort to hide her connection. Further relations with her husband were motivated by a feeling of shame mixed with resentment.

Reason 5 – Midlife crisis

It is believed that this concept corresponds male psychology, which is incorrect. Women experience this crisis no less often than men. The essence of its appearance is banal aging and the desire to prolong one’s youth. Women's youth is prolonged only by love. If there is someone capable of giving her love, occupying her heart, returning to her the desire to be beautiful and happy, then sooner or later this person will be rewarded with the love of a mature, experienced woman.

The betrayal of a woman in a midlife crisis is a profound phenomenon. But it is betrayal that often brings a woman back to herself.

Reason 6 – Backup option

There is a situation when a woman does not feel confident in her own marriage. Very often, even in the first periods of relationship development, women consider various options your future, including divorce and breakups. In this case, it seems advisable for her to keep a man nearby for a relationship, as a backup option. At the same time, the woman views the man not as a lover, but as a potential future (spare) husband.

Reason 7 – Love

Strange as it may sound, but married woman might just fall in love. Of course, this does not happen suddenly, as in youth, but in a different way. But this does not change the meaning. Adults serious women They do completely incomprehensible strange things:

  • they leave their family and go with someone else’s man;
  • unexpectedly file for divorce in order to be free for a relationship;
  • hide from prying eyes when making dates;
  • get adrenaline from open meetings with a lover.

Her love differs from youthful feelings, accompanied by jealousy, worries and a desire to change her own life. In this case, cheating is not considered by her as dishonesty towards her family and husband. A woman acts according to her heart and justifies herself by doing so.

Reason 8 – Tribute to fashion

This may surprise some, but such a thing as betrayal can be fashionable. Is anyone surprised by the betrayals of the French king at the beginning of the 18th century? This was accepted. Society also often imposes its attitudes on people in the form of fashion trends. That is why the fact of unequal age marriages and the presence of young lovers is accepted. Women began to promote the difference in relationships: a husband for the well-being of the family, and a lover for intimacy. At the same time, relationships are viewed as the satisfaction of physical needs, a means of entertainment and nothing more.

Whatever the reasons for female infidelity, you need to remember that for a woman this is a difficult situation. The vast majority of representatives of the fairer sex do not live by instincts, but obey reason. intimate connection- this is the result of deep feelings, as women think a lot about having a permanent relationship. Often the limiting factor is family well-being, which is much more important than any feelings and desires.

Signs of a wife's cheating.

It happens that there are suspicions, but confirmation of doubts cannot be found. Try to look out for the following signs of cheating:

1. Changing your image, habits, going to the gym.

Typical indicators that a woman is trying to please someone. She began to take care of herself, began to... Appearance very important for the weaker sex.

2. Emotions.

Coldness in bed, reluctance to share impressions and experiences. What does it mean? The destruction of the emotional connection that should be in.

3. Stealth.

No warm words are heard from her lips. The woman stops talking about her experiences and doesn’t even raise questions about her work.

4. Family affairs are no longer of interest.

Cheating for a woman is a sacrifice of old interests for the sake of new ones. Naturally, the old interest in this case is the husband. Therefore, if a spouse or cohabitant does not meet her loved one after work, but does something in another room, avoids conversations and intimacy, then some “research” needs to be done.

5. I started arguing less.

When a woman cheats, the distance from her partner manifests itself in many situations. Previously, she defended her point of view, tried to participate in dialogues, and quarreled if opinions did not coincide. Sometimes they arose. All this indicated that the woman was not indifferent to life together. But the moment came when the controversy faded away and interest dried up.

6. Telephone communication and correspondence .

In the 21st century, technology is used everywhere. And if a woman has pulled away, began to correspond more by e-mail, constantly sends messages using a mobile phone or conducts negotiations in a whisper, then there is no need to entertain yourself with illusions.

7. Being late.

If a woman used to come home from work early, but now she is more and more late, then you don’t need any more words to start worrying.

Cheating on a woman always means a loss of trust and love for your partner. This is the main danger of female infidelity.

But you can protect yourself from female infidelity in a simple way– love. Love your women, do not disappoint them, show them signs of attention, and then your woman will forever remain only yours.

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This is a difficult word - treason. It brings pain to the one who is betrayed, and gives no peace to the person who betrays him. In male infidelity there is more physiology; a woman cheats with her “soul”. This article is intended to explain the reasons for female infidelity.

Cheating on a wife almost always ends in divorce; often the wife can forgive and come to terms with her husband’s betrayal, but a man can never live with a woman who cheated on him.

Why wives cheat, psychology:

60% of women decide to cheat due to lack of orgasm and dissatisfaction in the marital bed.
The second common reason is revenge on a spouse for his betrayal.
Lack of attention from my husband. A woman is like a flower. Without water, the flower dies, and the wife, without compliments and tender words, ceases to feel wanted and needed and, over time, begins to look outside for what she lacks in family life. Psychology I cheated on my wife, what should I do?
It is rare, but it happens that a woman under the influence of alcohol rushes into the passionate embrace of another man, but this momentary clouding of mind most often ends the next day with remorse and guilt, especially if there were no special problems in family life before.
A woman who has reached the age of 45 may suddenly come to her senses and realize for herself that life is passing, and she has not done much and has not loved. Therefore, the proverb “Grey hair in a beard is a devil in a rib” is suitable not only for men. The children have grown up, life has settled down, the career has been successful, and I wanted something unusual, memories of youth cloud my brain.

Why do men cheat on their wives? Psychology

The main problem of female infidelity is that for her, sex and love are two complementary factors. In order to agree to intimacy, a woman must fall in love with her partner. For the sake of her ardent love, she is ready to make any sacrifice, but over time, the spell of passion may dissipate, and the fact of the betrayal that has already occurred will remain.

A woman who has nevertheless decided to cheat should not fall in love and allow her lover to take possession of her heart and thoughts. The wife changed how to live further, psychology or reality. Moreover, you should not tell anyone about this. You cannot store SMS, notes, or other evidence of your infidelity.

Before embarking on this adventure, you should think it over carefully, because men do not forgive infidelity and the marriage will probably fall apart if the spouse finds out about it.

Why men cheat on their wives reasons psychology

According to statistics, men cheat more often than women. But in fact, representatives of the weaker sex, especially recently, are accused of infidelity on a par with the stronger sex. And yet her psychology is somewhat different. After all, a lady does not need to worry about leaving behind as many heirs as possible; she is not worried about the instinct of reproduction, unlike a man. The psychology of a man whose wife cheated on him is vile.

It is important for a woman to feel needed and desired by one man. In everyday life, the novelty and romance disappears quite quickly, the husband pays less and less attention to his beloved, stops admiring her, and the wife begins to look around in search of another admirer of her beauty. If such a gentleman exists, then perhaps in the near future he will become her lover.

Why do husbands cheat on their wives? Psychology

Unlike male infidelity, female infidelity is a carefully thought-out, felt, soul-passed step. The spouse can go to this event long months and even years.

Female infidelity is much more dangerous than male infidelity, since a man, cheating on his wife, most often does not think about leaving the family or divorce, and a woman decides to be unfaithful when everything is bad in the marriage and she ceases to value such a family. What kind of wives are not cheated on by psychology.

Cheating on your spouse is the first and important signal that the family has already been destroyed and now neither a sense of duty, nor a sense of guilt, nor remorse, nor even joint children will hold it back.

Men, do you want to know why women cheat? 5 reasons for female infidelity are here! Take note so as not to end up with antlers!

After all, since ancient times, a woman has been the keeper of the hearth.

She chose a suitable male for herself, after which she produced offspring from him and remained faithful until the end of her life.

But men, on the contrary, tried to inseminate as many women as possible and leave large offspring.

In the modern world, it would seem that a woman has no need to bother her head with all sorts of nonsense about cheating. However, as practice shows, women can also be polygamous, and their infidelities are sometimes so graceful that they force admiration.

But if everything is clear with men, then why do women cheat?

What or who pushes them into the arms of other men?

Looking ahead, I will say that, first of all, you, dear men, are to blame for our betrayals!

And if you suddenly find yourself with horns, then only you and no one else are to blame for their appearance.

Want to argue? Let's!

I think you will definitely see yourself in one of the examples and understand the motives for betrayal.

So, let's go!

Initially, I want to highlight several of the most important reasons that push us women to cheat:

  1. Indifference
  2. Ordinary
  3. Marriage problems
  4. Dissatisfaction
  5. Groundless jealousy

As you can see, a woman has only five reasons for cheating.

I did not take into account nymphomania, since this problem lies much deeper and is more related to the physical characteristics of the woman...

Why do women cheat on uterine rabies or men's guilt?

Reason #1. Women cheat due to men's indifference

When wondering why women cheat, it’s worth looking at how men behave.

Having won the favor of his chosen one, the man loses interest in her and begins to use her as a housekeeper.

As a result, she washes, cooks, cleans, and the man just takes advantage of it.

He places his butt on the sofa and demands from his chosen one a delicious dinner and satisfy him intimately before bed.

Remember, dear men, we love with our ears, but you forget about it.

Without words and affection, without cute gifts given for no reason, we begin to think that you have stopped loving us and we go looking for someone who will appreciate our affection and care...

Tough but true!

Well, look at you... For a nailed locker door or a fixed shower, you demand words of gratitude, dinner and payment in kind.

Why then do you accept our work as normal and don’t consider it necessary to give at least a shabby flower for 50 rubles?

We would be very pleased with such a gesture.

And we would know that you are not indifferent.

Reason #2. Ordinary life is an important reason why women cheat

At the beginning of a relationship, men are usually ready to go crazy in order to get a woman's attention. They sing serenades under the window.

They arrive at 12 at night with a bouquet of flowers.

They suggest just running out of town, jumping off a bungee, or trying to have sex in a public place.

Over time, this passion fades away.

You no longer do romantic things, stop giving gifts, and even prefer to have sex under the covers in 5 minutes.

Women, in turn, want to experience their former passion again, they want to be carried in their arms, to walk under the moon, etc.

As a result, they begin to cheat only in order to feel their former passion again!

Reason #3. Why do women cheat or problems in marriage?

Constant quarrels and misunderstandings can also cause cheating woman.

After marriage, many men stop appreciating the woman next to him.

They mock, insult and even use physical force.

Tell me, should we really tolerate such goats next to us?

Yes, of course, getting a divorce can be scary, so first women begin to cheat, and only then leave their tyrant husband.

Now tell me, are you really marrying a woman just to beat her and humiliate her?

To look like a male against her background?

Believe me, from the outside you look pathetic and disgusting...and women themselves are fools for putting up with such abomination next to them!

Women, where is your self-esteem?

P.S. write to me in the comments under this article (your opinion or personal observations), why are women afraid to leave such tyrant husbands?

Together we will sort everything into pieces.

Reason #4. Dissatisfaction

In this case, I want to touch on a sexual topic.

It is believed that sex is more important for men than for women.

Actually this is not true.

Women love him too, and sometimes even more than men!

Yes, yes - it is, we just talk about it less! 🙂

Very often in the modern world it happens that a woman must satisfy a man’s sexual needs here and now, but a woman’s needs can wait.

Some men even believe that a normal woman has no right to even think about her own satisfaction and all her efforts should be directed only at satisfying a man.

Don't you think it's selfish?

As a result, women go to the side of a man who will think about them and give pleasure.

By the way, it was for this reason that one of my friends began to cheat on her husband.

Her chosen one believed that her friend simply could not want intimacy of her own free will, so he ignored all her hints and advances.

As a result, we can sincerely congratulate her husband and say a huge hello, since he now has horns: branchy and bushy!

Reason #5. Groundless jealousy or why women cheat

I will say right away that groundless jealousy is a disease that cannot be cured.

And if you can't understand why do women cheat, which means you will never understand.

And for women, my advice is to run away from such men while you are still alive!

There are such pathological jealous people who are jealous of their beloved for every pillar.

If you were late for 5 minutes on your way home from work, it means you cheated!

I decided to walk 2 stops because of a kilometer-long traffic jam - I was with my lover!

If you don’t want to run after me barefoot in the cold, your lover is probably already sitting in the closet!

Such claims are pleasant only in the first weeks after meeting someone.

Then such jealousy begins to enrage and irritate.

And after a couple of months of constant reproaches and insults, the woman, in order to justify herself, actually goes to cheat!

I'll give you an example of my best friend.

Living without a boyfriend for a long time, she once met a pathological jealous man.

At first she felt like the happiest woman in the world.

The man was jealous of her, she was pleased.

She talked about his calls and late arrivals in one breath.

However, after two months of such a relationship, the rose-colored glasses fell from my friend’s eyes and other stories began.

He called her at work every half hour.

And when she worked with clients and dropped calls, he got terribly angry.

When she picked up the phone for 3 seconds to say that she had a client, he got angry again, thinking that his friend was taking turns taking lovers. He called her exactly at 19:00 to check whether she came home from work or not.

Otherwise, he created huge scandals.

He even forbade her to go to her mother, believing that she would cheat on him on the bus.

But the last straw in their relationship was her business trip.

He gave her an ultimatum: him or the job. She chose the job.

Having arrived from a trip, she thought that the guy would leave her alone, but no. He began to eat her brain with redoubled force, calling her a slut and a cheater.

As a result, the friend actually started cheating and eventually married the guy she cheated with (and don’t forget - thought is material, and the ex-boyfriend achieved this himself!)

Their marriage has been over five years and my friend is truly happy!

Now, watch this helpful video

(primarily this applies to men),

where most of the reasons for female infidelity are revealed!

P.S. Personally, I 100% agree with all the reasons given...

To summarize, I would like to advise you, dear men, to be more attentive to your chosen ones!

After all, without respecting your wife or girlfriend, you may not even notice her betrayal, and only come to your senses when your beloved slams the door in your face and you are left with nothing.

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What's happened psychology of betrayal, why girls, women and wives cheat on their chosen ones, men, boyfriends and husbands, sometimes, to really loved ones... What is the reason and psychology of betrayal - not only men who have been cheated on by their beloved woman or girl want to know, but women themselves sometimes cannot understand why they cheat, and what pushes girls to cheat on their boyfriends...

Why wives, beloved girls and women cheat - a question for a psychologist

Letter to a psychologist from Elena - on the topic: “Why wives, beloved girls and women cheat”
Good afternoon, tell me what to do. I am 28 years old, I have been dating a young man for 6 years, we live with his parents, we are thinking about purchasing a joint home, but for now this is more of a dream, I constantly ask him for something, to think about the future, about purchasing something of his own , since living with parents is not very easy. I often take the initiative, even go for a walk around the city or go somewhere.

Over these 6 years, at some moments I felt completely unnecessary, and even cheated, but these were isolated cases and I did not feel any emotions. Then I realized that I had made a mistake and even thought about confessing, but he wouldn’t forgive me, so I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even understand why I cheated, when everything was fine with us, I didn’t even think about cheating.

Now everything is smooth and smooth, there is no former passion and he even asked if I loved him, and I could only answer that I loved him, but something was wrong, more a feeling of affection and therefore I wanted to tell how badly I treated him, but I’m afraid that it will hurt him, but I don’t want it.

Now a person has appeared in my life, or rather he was, we just communicated with him, once we had a close relationship, but then I broke everything off. Now he wants to be with me, we went out several times when my boyfriend didn’t really want to, and I was tired of begging him. When we were walking there were only kisses, although of course I understand that he wanted more, but I remembered how bad I felt later because this was betrayal and I was repeating my mistakes. I don’t want to justify myself for everything that I did as I wanted and understood that it was wrong and I would worry later.

Now I’m not at all confused, I can’t, I don’t even want to break up with my boyfriend, I don’t want to leave him, I don’t want to date the one who’s courting me and I don’t want to live either, I don’t want to hurt him, what if I also cheat on him, although I never I didn’t understand why I cheated, I didn’t feel any physical or moral satisfaction.

I feel good with him, I feel needed, although the guy has now somehow become more sensitive, maybe he feels and says that if I cheated on him, I need to tell him and he will let me go, but I don’t want it and I don’t keep that guy either, I would even like him to meet someone. I don’t know what to do, I can’t choose between them, on the one hand, 6 years and great affection, on the other, a warm relationship, but I don’t want anything else.
Please help me understand why I cheated and what I should do.

Why women, girls and wives cheat - the answer of a psychoanalyst

Hello, Elena!
The very concept of “treason” is understood in society, in many cultures and religions, as betrayal, i.e. breach of fidelity or duty. Betrayal is traditionally not forgiven. For example, Judas was not forgiven for betraying Christ.
The same applies, usually, to adultery. And because Since this traditional concept has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries, it is naturally embedded in our unconscious. That is, in most cases of marital infidelity, especially female infidelity, they are not subconsciously forgiven, although men may claim that they have forgiven the infidelity of their beloved woman, girlfriend or wife.

In modern society, where harmonious and faithful relationships in the family, between a man and a woman, can be established through cooperation and compromise in interactions, i.e. In a democratic way, and not in traditional, age-old concepts, one should not consider the betrayal of a woman or girl as a betrayal in the literal sense.

This problem is more psychological than moral or moral, although many women are tormented by their conscience after betrayal. Conscience is those impulses from the unconscious, that inherent traditional morality and morality that condemns us from within for treason.

What makes women cheat, why do girls and wives cheat - the psychology of female infidelity?

Women, by nature and by their traditional upbringing, are more sensitive and emotional in relationships, in contrast to often rude, not entirely gentle and sensual men. Therefore, most women do not receive that tenderness, attention, warmth and affection, emotional acceptance and support, and finally, love, from their beloved men, and this is all vital, biologically necessary for every person, like food or air.

Actually, here it is why some women and girls cheat, and in certain situations, wives too, this can especially be observed in those intoxicated by wine or affectionate and pleasant male verbosity and flirting, without realizing it at a given moment in time (the unconscious conscience is weakened).

I don’t think that the woman or girl herself should be blamed for female infidelity, nor should the insensitive, inattentive man who allowed himself to be cheated on be blamed. Feelings of resentment, guilt, anger and revenge are not helpful here, and they do not solve problems. This problem, as I have already noted, is psychological and social, no one taught modern people, particularly in childhood, in the family, how to satisfy their biologically important, emotional desires and needs, and also, many do not know how to satisfy each other’s needs, and therefore, they do not know how to be harmonious in close relationships.

In a word, an unconscious desire for betrayal is actually an unconscious need for survival, a need to receive and distribute feelings, emotions, a need for real intimacy, without which any person feels bad, gets sick and does not live long.

Well, in order to satisfy both conscience and the need for intimacy, i.e. satisfy both psychological and social, and to make relationships harmonious and forget why women, girls and wives cheat, in each individual case, the help of a psychologist is needed.

If you wish, I can help solve your psychological problem online, or through scribotherapy (correspondence with a psychologist)

Many useful information V


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