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Good day my dear readers! Today we will talk about a topic that concerns each of us. After all, we all want to have a beautiful and fit body. And extra pounds often become our worst enemies. But there is always a way out. Right now I will share with you useful information how to calculate calories and how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. And today you can start a successful fight against your excess weight.

I reviewed a lot of literature, talked with many experts, and even participated in a video training in order to find the most the best way losing weight. And I found him.

From literature I would like to draw your attention to one very interesting book. Allen Carr's bestseller Start losing weight now. The easy way losing weight is now even easier and more effective" This is an improved version of Allen Carr's well-known and effective weight loss method. You can purchase it with an audio CD of the hypnotherapy course either at any bookstore, or order it online.

In order to find out how many calories you need to consume to lose weight, you need to:

  1. know your daily calorie intake. I have already created one of the most accurate and effective formulas. Or use it to calculate the calorie content of your diet;
  2. determine the daily calorie deficit for weight loss, i.e. How many fewer calories should you eat to lose weight?

In order to lose 1 kg of fat, you need to underconsume (or waste) 7700 kcal. Those. by reducing your intake by 7700 kcal, you can lose 1 kg per day - this is the “Grail of weight loss” 😀 In fact, this is impossible, because... with my daily intake of 2000 kcal, I cannot eat “minus” 5700 kcal.

Knowing daily norm, we can determine how many calories you need to consume per day in order to effectively lose weight. How to count calories for weight loss? Easily!

To do this, from the resulting result daily value subtract calories:

  • 15% for gradual weight loss (and this is the safest amount of calories per day for losing weight in the body);
  • 20-25% if you want to lose weight average speed(for example, you need to lose weight before your next birthday, but it will happen in 1-2 months);
  • with the most “Emergency” weight loss mode, we subtract 30-40% of the daily norm.

Minimum norm per day

Just keep in mind that with all this, your daily consumption should not be less than: (weight ÷ 0.45) x 8.

For example, I weigh 54 kg and want to lose excess weight. Daily requirement – ​​2000 kcal. I'm like ordinary girl, I want everything at once. Therefore, we will choose an “emergency” weight loss mode, in which 40% or more is subtracted from the daily norm. At the same time, I should remember the formula: (54kg ÷ 0.45) * 8 = 960 kcal. That is, 960 kcal is the bottom line, crossing which you can quickly develop a variety of diseases.

Doctors say that the best and in a safe way To lose weight, there is slow weight loss. It has been proven that in such conditions you do not put your health at risk

Maintaining a calorie deficit is absolutely possible in different ways. Some people choose sports that help them burn more than they consume. You can even do it at home. Others are addicted to various diets, exclude them from the menu and include them in their menu. Very good results are achieved with protein diets, especially and.

It's all up to you. Even if you don’t have the opportunity to play sports and train hard. Or you just don’t want and don’t like physical education, then with the right calculation you will still be able to lose weight.

Calculation examples

Since gradual and slow weight loss is the safest for our health. I propose to calculate how much weight you can lose in a week just for this option.

My daily intake is 2000 kcal. I I want to lose weight gradually by reducing my food intake by 15%.

Then the daily calorie deficit will be: 2000 kcal x 0.15 = 300 kcal.

And I will need to consume: 2000 kcal – 300 kcal = 1700 kcal.

In a week I will under-consume: 300 kcal x 7 = 2100 kcal.

As we remember, 1 kg of fat is equal to 7700 kcal wasted or underused.

Then I'll lose weight in a week by: (2100 kcal / 7700 kcal) x 1 kg = 0.27 kg

Now let's give another example - I want lose 3 kg in 30 days. The consumption rate per day is the same - 2000 kcal.

In order to lose 3 kg of fat, I need to underconsume: 7700 kcal x 3 kg = 23100 kcal.

Those. I need to consume daily: 2000 kcal – 770 kcal = 1230 kcal.

By the way, if I want to lose the same 3 kilos in 15 days, then the calorie deficit will be as much as 1540 kcal. And my daily intake would be only 460 kcal, which is well below my safe threshold of 960 kcal.

So don't go overboard with reducing your caloric intake. The advantage of slow weight loss is that such minor changes in nutrition will not significantly affect your body’s usual metabolism.

It's that simple.

And to make it even easier, I have a convenient one for you.

And remember that in ready meals calorie content is calculated a little differently. How to do it correctly.

How to achieve better results

  1. Replace foods with low-calorie ones (for example, replace whole milk with low-fat milk).
  2. Measure serving sizes on a kitchen scale. If you make every calorie count, then success is just around the corner!
  3. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Very convenient to take with you for a snack cocktail for weight loss or .
  4. Drink water before every meal. This .
  5. Eat at the table in silence. According to a study, chewing in front of the TV eats 288 more calories. And this is just for one meal!
  6. The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. What can you eat?

    Have you figured out how to calculate the number of calories for weight loss? How do you fight extra pounds, friends? Write in the comments, I am always interested in your practical recommendations. Share my article with your friends on social networks and for my updates.
    Until next time. Bye bye.

Washing the dishes, walking in the park, working out in the gym and any other activity, even the most insignificant, is accompanied by burning a certain amount of calories. Calories are the energy that the human body spends to function normally. Every person, regardless of whether she is a woman or a man, must supply her body with a certain amount of calories on a daily basis. The required amount of calorie intake is individual for each individual and is determined by factors such as gender, age, lifestyle, and level of daily activity.

From a gender perspective, caloric intake differs in that the daily value for men is higher than the daily value for women. From the point of view of age, a young body requires more calories, which spends significant energy on growth and development.

In addition, young people tend to lead a more active lifestyle, while as people get older, their lifestyle tends to become calmer and more measured. At the same time, a person who spends most of the day sitting in an office needs much fewer calories than, for example, an athlete whose daily schedule involves hours of training.

Daily calorie intake for men

Sedentary lifestyle.

The norm for men aged 19 to 30 is 2600-2800 calories, for men from 31 to 50 the daily calorie norm is 2400-2600. Those over 51 are recommended to consume 2200-2400 calories.

Active lifestyle.

The daily calorie intake for a man aged 19 to 30 years is 3000 calories, for a man aged 31 to 50 – 2800-3000 calories. If a man is over 51, his daily calorie intake is 2800-2400.

Daily calorie intake for women

Sedentary lifestyle.

Women in this category between the ages of 19 and 25 are recommended to consume about 2,000 calories per day. The daily norm for women aged 26 to 50 years is 1800 calories. For women over 51 years of age, 1,600 calories per day is enough to maintain normal vital activity.

Moderately active lifestyle.

Women aged 19 to 25 need to consume 2,200 calories daily. The daily intake for women aged 26 to 50 years is 2200 calories, for women over 51 – 1800 calories.

Active lifestyle.

The average daily calorie intake for active women aged 19 to 30 years is 2,400 calories. Women aged 31 to 60 are recommended to consume 2,200 calories. Women over 61 – 2000 calories.

In addition, the daily calorie intake that the human body must necessarily receive depends on the relationship a person has with his own weight. For those who are struggling with the problem excess weight, it is recommended to consume fewer calories. Those who, on the contrary, are trying to gain weight, should increase their calorie intake.

Daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for both sexes

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are three key macronutrients that support the body's biochemical function, providing it with energy and strength to cope with everyday problems. A person who provides his body with the necessary amount of calories, as well as the correct balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, provides significant assistance to his body.

Carbohydrates are the body's main energy resource. During the digestion process, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is the main fuel for our cells. None of the organs of the human body will function normally without receiving the required amount of carbohydrates. The healthiest carbohydrates are found in foods such as whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. The important energy value of carbohydrates for the body is determined by the fact that it is carbohydrates that must provide 60% of the daily calorie intake by the body.

Protein can be defined as building material human body. Muscle organs, hair, nails, all human systems consist of protein. Equally important, protein is actively involved in the functioning of the immune system. Highest content This important macronutrient can be found in animal products.

As a rule, within The human body should receive from 10 to 15% of total calories from protein. So, for example, if you consume 2,000 calories a day, at least 200 of them, or about 50 grams, should be “protein” calories. It is generally accepted that a person should try to eat about one gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight.

The role of fats for the functioning of the body is no less important. Fats contribute to the intake of a number of macroelements necessary for life in the body, activate the protective function, take part in metabolic processes and perform a lot of other useful functions. In addition, it is fats, which tend to be deposited when there is excess intake, and provide the body with energy when the intake of carbohydrates and proteins is insufficient. However, excess consumption of saturated and trans fats increases the risk of heart disease and a number of other health problems. “Healthy” fats are considered to be unsaturated fats, which are found in large quantities in foods such as olive oil, fish, nuts, dairy products. About 25-30% of the total calories consumed should come from fats, of which less than 7% must be saturated.

Thus, by following the above calorie and macronutrient intake standards, you will be able to provide your body with energy, and it, in turn, will provide you with health and vitality.

Don't know what to eat to fill your body with protein? Then

As a trainer, I can say that counting calories is the most effective method weight loss, which, if followed correctly, will give you 100% results.

Today I will tell you how many calories you need per day to lose weight, which formula for calculating the daily kcal requirement is the most accurate. And how to create a menu correctly so that while adhering to a low-calorie diet, you can continue to eat a varied diet and even allow yourself sweets.

How many calories are on the diet?

The number of calories you need to consume to lose weight depends on your parameters and lifestyle. This means that to lose weight you need to be slightly undernourished in calories, relative to your own daily intake. For example: spend 1800 kcal during the day, but consume only 1500 kcal with food.

It was no coincidence that I reduced the quantity by exactly this figure. Professional nutritionists today agree in one opinion - for comfortable, healthy and long-term weight loss, you need to follow a diet that cuts your daily caloric intake by 10-20%.

Let's say a person spends 2000 kcal per day, therefore, to lose weight, he needs to eat 10-20% less, that is, 1600-1800 kcal.

Therefore, the procedure is as follows:

  • Calculate your daily calorie intake
  • Subtract 10-20%
  • Do not exceed the number received
  • Losing weight

How to calculate calories for the day

The Harris-Benedict formula has remained one of the most popular for many years. Since its creation, it has undergone several editions, because progress, changes in people's living and working conditions have greatly influenced energy costs. We will take the 1984 version of the Harris-Benedict formula.

For women:

447.593 + (9.247 × weight in kg) + (3.098 × height in cm) – (4.330 × age)

For men

88.362 + (13.397 × weight in kg) + (4.799 × height in cm) – (5.677 × age)

Using this formula, you will get your basic metabolism, that is, the number of kilocalories your body needs for a day spent on the couch at rest. To this number you need to add the energy you expend on household chores, work and training. This is done using the activity coefficient:

low, sedentary lifestyle (1.2)
medium activity, 1-3 workouts (1.375)
high, 3-4 workouts per week (1.55)
very high, hard work or 5-7 workouts (1.7)
level of professional athletes and miners (1.9)

basal metabolic rate × activity ratio = your daily kcal requirement

The norm is the number of calories that you can consume in order not to gain weight.

You need to subtract 10-20% from the norm and find out how many calories you need to eat on a diet to lose weight.

How many calories should a woman eat to lose weight?

Let's say we have a woman named Ekaterina, weight 71 kg, height 170 cm, age 45 years old - an office worker without training, therefore, we will take a coefficient of 1.2 - low activity.

447.593 + (9.247 × 71 kg) + (3.098 × 170 cm) – (4.330 × 45) = basic metabolism, multiply it by activity 1.2 and subtract 20% = 1380 kcal

The resulting 1380 kcal is the number of calories this woman needs to stay within in order to lose weight.
If, while following a diet of 1380 kcal, weight does not decrease, then perhaps the number was chosen incorrectly, but this is rather an exception.

Most often, the lack of progress is due to the fact that those losing weight biasedly assess their activity coefficient, or violate the diet, do not know how to correctly count calories, or do not record everything that was eaten (cottage cheese counts, but gingerbread does not count).

Example of a low-calorie menu

Let's return to our woman. To lose weight she needs 1380 kcal. The menu for the day may look like this.


⦁ Oatmeal 50g – 185 kcal
⦁ Coffee with milk, 1 tsp. sugar – 40 kcal

⦁ Black tea without sugar – 2 kcal
⦁ Cottage cheese (5%) 100 g – 120 kcal

⦁ Vegetable salad with oil – 130 kcal

⦁ Buckwheat with chicken breast– 300 kcal
⦁ Tea with sugar 30 kcal
⦁ Cheesecake 1 piece – 260 kcal

⦁ 1 medium apple – 70 kcal

⦁ Vegetable salad without oil – 50 kcal
⦁ Rye bread 2 pieces. – 37 kcal
⦁ Tea without sugar – 2 kcal

Daily calorie intake for a woman with a child

Let's try to calculate how many kcal a woman named, say, Nadya, needs to consume. She is a young mother, does not work, dances 3-4 times a week, and at home is busy with household chores, cooking, cleaning, etc. That is, household activities that consume a lot of calories. Nadya often walks with her child, does shopping and generally does not sit still. Weight – 60 kg, height – 168, age – 29 years. Activity factor 1.55 – high

We calculate the calorie deficit for the Nadya woman using a formula or calculator: 1733 kcal

Please note that Nadya is 10 kg less than Katya, but at the same time there are more calories for weight loss. Why? Because the woman Nadya goes to dances, walks, worries around the house and spends more energy. That is, the more a person moves, and the more active his life is, the more kilocalories he needs to eat per day, even on a diet.

A calorie deficit menu for a woman with a child is as follows:


⦁ Scrambled eggs with vegetables in butter – 200 kcal
Rye bread 1 piece – 55 kcal
⦁ Banana – 101 kcal
⦁ Half a Snickers (regular) – 124 kcal
⦁ A mug of coffee without cream and sugar – 8 kcal

⦁ 1 medium apple – 70 kcal

⦁ Finnish soup – 300 kcal
⦁ Caesar salad 75g – 182 kcal
⦁ Half a Snickers (regular) – 124 kcal
⦁ Green tea – 0 kcal

⦁ Yogurt – 134 kcal

⦁ Salad with squid – 250 kcal
⦁ Chocolate waffles 35g – 184 kcal
⦁ Green tea – 0 kcal

As you can see, the day is quite eventful in terms of food, there are even sweets. The bulk of calories comes from lunch, but this is not necessary - the distribution of calories and the choice of foods can be anything. However, eating Snickers at 234 kcal per piece, you will not be able to get rid of the feeling of hunger and will simply lose your temper.

And with a competent diet, you will always be full, even on a deficit of 1733 kcal. That is why for weight loss it is recommended to choose low-calorie foods - salads, cottage cheese, soups, fish. So that, with a low calorie intake, you still have a feeling of fullness. Diet food is simply a way to make dieting comfortable and keep you healthy while in a forced calorie deficit.

  • Calorie formulas and the number of calories per day are rather inaccurate values, because it is impossible to thoroughly calculate all your expenses.

    Stress, mental activity, there was nowhere to park the car, I had to walk long and far, and so on. The resulting number of kcal is just a rough guide. However, this is the first and very important step towards losing weight. You should start with this number, and then observe how your body behaves.

  • Many people believe that the greater the calorie deficit, the faster the weight loss - this is not entirely true. You will indeed lose weight faster, but it will be muscle tissue, not fat mass.

    If you lose weight with muscles, you will lose proportions and everything will sag. The rate of fat loss is fixed, so the deficit should be minimal.

Dietitian's opinion

“In fact, to lose weight, you don’t need to reduce your daily calorie intake to less than 1300-1500 kcal per day,” says Anastasia Pavlovna Pirogova, weight correction specialist at the MEDI family medicine clinic on Nevsky,

1500 calories a day is low enough for excess weight to begin to disappear; considering, of course, that you work, engage in intellectual work and go to the gym.”

This figure fits three full meals, and you can even indulge in something sweet - ice cream or a piece of chocolate. “However,” adds Anastasia Pavlovna, I advise you to eat desserts only in the morning, so that during the day the body has time to process and use up sweets.


For breakfast, it is better to prepare yourself porridge or another cereal dish. Cereals consist of slow carbohydrates, which will gradually supply us with energy over several hours, so that you can work quietly for 2-4 hours without feeling hungry. I recommend cooking for breakfast oatmeal, buckwheat or a mixture of four grains. You can add fruits, dried fruits, berries to it.

It is better to cook porridge in water, and not in milk, as caring housewives taught us. When cooked, the milk protein disintegrates and no longer brings any benefit; moreover, the combination of cereals and milk is not always well digested in the stomach. To make the porridge tastier, add 10-11% cream or low-fat yogurt to it before serving.”


One meal a day should be complete, satisfying, so that there is something to chew, and whether it is lunch or dinner depends on the person’s lifestyle. For lunch you can eat soup and a second meal - meat, fish with a side dish, for example, vegetables.

It is important to get both proteins and carbohydrates at lunch. Proteins give you a feeling of fullness: the feeling that you have actually eaten. Carbohydrates are necessary for normal life. If you consume less than 70 grams of carbohydrates per day, as recommended in high-protein diets, you may end up fainting. increased fatigue, nervous breakdowns, etc.

Carbohydrates are necessary for the body, the only thing you need to do is change their quality.

The best carbohydrates for you are those with a glycemic index of less than 50. most cereals, vegetables. Refer to the glycemic index table. Fats are still minimally necessary, at least 30g. per day.

Fats make any dish tastier. And enjoying food is extremely important. People who enjoy all the flavors of a dish, chew their food long and slowly rather than swallowing chunks, end up eating less and getting fewer calories.

After six...

Many nutritionists advise. “I completely agree with them,” continues Anastasia Pavlovna, “according to biorhythms, the way a person’s hormonal levels work, it is advisable that the last meal be at 18:00 no later than 19:00. Then the food will be digested and well absorbed.

After 6 pm, i.e. from 18:00 to 21:00 the body’s ability to “disassemble” food decreases, and after nine in the evening the body is already preparing for bed and cannot properly digest food and use up the incoming fats. And unspent fats go to the depot - they are deposited in the subcutaneous fat. Therefore, I advise you to have dinner no later than seven in the evening. But if, due to circumstances, a person is forced to go to bed late, then the last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.


For dinner, you can eat a carbohydrate dish (with a glycemic index below 50), such as a vegetable salad. It can be with chicken breast, it can be with seafood - any, but not very fatty. The main thing is that you enjoy your food, chew for a long time and feel all the shades of flavors. And there is no need to deprive yourself of pleasure and starve.

Do you want to lose weight, but don’t know how many calories you should consume in your daily diet? Find out how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight without harm to your health!

The issue of caloric content of food is one of the most important when planning a diet. The correct decision directly determines whether there will be effective weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds. Calories are units in which the energy value of food is measured. They take into account not only the general nutritional value dishes, but also indicators of the content of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in them. Thanks to calories, the body's vital processes receive the necessary energy. They are needed for normal mental and physical functioning of a person.

There is such a thing as a minimum calorie requirement per day. Numbers may vary, since everyone’s energy needs for normal functioning are different. What matters is body surface area, age, parameters such as weight and height, level of physical activity, etc.

The fight against excess weight, based on reducing calorie intake, is based on the principle: you can lose weight if your calorie consumption per day is greater than your consumption. As a result, the mechanisms responsible for the consumption of body fat reserves begin to work.

Online calculator – your reliable assistant

A nutritionist can help you calculate the amount of calories your daily diet should contain. But it is much easier and faster to turn to an online calculator, which will give the result, which will allow you to create a nutrition system aimed at getting rid of extra pounds. You just need to enter several parameters into the fields (age, gender, height and weight, physical activity data) and calculate the result using various formulas.

The choice of menu and diet depends on what you want to get in the end. Weight can be lost quickly or gradually, in addition, sometimes the goal is to maintain the existing weight at the same level.

Which weight loss regimen will you choose?

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Fast weight loss - 1000 kcal diet

This is a fairly tough method that helps you quickly lose weight if all requirements are met. Recommended only for healthy people, ideally after consultation with a doctor. There are two options for this diet.

The first option is that any food, sweet, fried, fatty, can be introduced into the diet, but in very limited quantities, so that the total calorie content per day does not exceed 1000.

The second option is to consume a specific amount of certain foods per day in any sequence or combination. Among them:

  • Fresh fruit – no more than 300 g.
  • Vegetables (in any form - fresh or boiled) - up to 400 gr.
  • Lean types of meat – up to 160 gr.
  • Milk (low-fat) – up to half a liter.
  • Rye bread – 40 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Cottage cheese or cheese – 30 gr. or 15 gr. respectively.
  • Slivoch. oil – 15 gr.

The second option is optimal and simpler in terms of calorie counting. Let's look at its menu.

Reviews about this diet vary. The advantages are the ability to quickly lose weight - up to 10 kg. But the diet turns out to be limited – both in terms of food volume and energy value. Therefore, negative health consequences are possible. It is recommended to follow this diet for up to 3 weeks.

1200 kcal diet - restrictions without harm to health

This nutritional system will not harm your health and will allow you to lose weight consistently. Here sample menu, you can select products from the list, approximately calculating your daily calorie intake within 1200.

100 kilocalories 200 kilocalories 300 kilocalories
  • Broth with egg.
  • A bowl of vegetable soup.
  • Stewed vegetables (no fat used).
  • Cheesecake (no sugar).
  • Decoction. potatoes – 1 pc.
  • Ovsyan. cereal – 2 tbsp.
  • Orange. juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Var. egg.
  • TV cheese – 50 gr.
  • Banana.
  • Apple (can be baked with 1 tsp honey).
  • Grapes – 20 pcs.
  • Almonds – 15 gr.
  • Ice cream – 80 gr.
  • Sour cream - 5 tbsp.
  • “Doctor’s” sausage – 100 gr. or one sausage.
  • Scrambled eggs (2 eggs).
  • A piece of bread.
  • Cottage cheese - fat content no more than 1.8 - 100 g. You can add a little honey.
  • Vegetable soup with pasta – 200 gr.
  • Squash caviar– 10 gr.
  • Vinaigrette – 200 gr.
  • Pasta – 100 gr.
  • Porridge or mashed potatoes – 200 gr.
  • Cutlets – 2 pcs. (small).
  • Pancake with cottage cheese – 2 pcs.
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls – 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese – 200 gr. + berries.
  • Sausages – 2 pcs. Can be supplemented with cucumbers or tomatoes (2 pcs.).

Try to create a menu for the day, and you will understand that 1200 calories is not so little.

1695 kcal meal plan

This diet must be combined with training. This is the only way to achieve results. And also follow these tips:

  • Always have breakfast. This will fill you with energy. Calorie content - about 30% of the total daily diet. The best option- porridge. You can add coffee, milk, tea, meat, boiled egg, dried fruits, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, fruits.
  • Always have lunch- This is 40% of the calories in the diet. Soups, fish or meat with vegetables, cereals, salads (vegetables), legumes and pasta are allowed.
  • Always have dinner– most importantly 4 hours before going to bed. The optimal choice is vegetables and meat or fish. Protein should predominate. The share of calories is 20%.
  • A light snack is allowed between meals – 10% of calories. In the first half of the day it can be honey, nuts, berries, fruits, tea with crackers. In the second - dairy products or vegetables.
  • Keep drinking regime. Ideally – 2 liters per day.
  • Take food with you to work. It is more difficult to choose something low-calorie in the supermarket.
  • Satisfy your hunger a few hours before bed, but if this is very difficult, you can eat a green apple, carrots, and drink a glass of kefir.
  • Never overeat- This is the main reason for weight gain.

Let's try to create a diet

Eating Recommendations
Breakfast Half an hour before it - 1 tbsp. water.

Calorie content – ​​425 kcal.

Menu: oatmeal cooked in milk, 1 toast (small amount allowed butter), natural coffee.

After - an hour - 1 tbsp. water.

Snack About an hour and a half after breakfast.

Calorie content – ​​170 kcal.

Menu: Tea or dried fruits or nuts. You can make cottage cheese with 1 banana.

After half an hour - 1 tbsp. water.

After - 1 tbsp. water.

Dinner Calorie content – ​​500 kcal.

Menu: porridge cooked in water + a piece of fish or meat. Vegetable salad or stewed vegetables(fill with sour cream or butter). You can have tea and a piece of bread.

5 votes

Counting the calories in your own diet is becoming increasingly popular. Each person has their own reasons for interest in this topic. Bodybuilders, heavyweights and young men simply interested in sports want to know how much food they need to consume per day in order to increase body weight. Girls and women have another problem: how many calories a person needs per day to lose weight and stay healthy.

The Science of Calories

Calories measure the energy expended to warm 1 g of water by 1°C. 1 kilocalorie (kcal) – 1000 calories. Or the amount of energy that heats 1 kg of water by 1°C. This is a scientific explanation of the terms.

In dietetics, the concepts of “calorie” and “kilocalorie” are identical. We see “kcal” written on packages in grocery stores. But 20 kcal in rye bread is 20 calories, not kilocalories.

Are calories evil?

There are extra calories here! Oh, what a high-calorie dish!

Such exclamations are often heard in a negative way. And an inexperienced person may get a false impression about the calorie content of food.

Axioms of dietetics:

  • Man eats to live. Food is the energy our body needs.
  • High calorie content of a product does NOT mean its high energy value. There is also such a thing as the “glycemic index”. The higher it is, the faster blood sugar rises and the more insulin is produced. As a result, consumed carbohydrates are sent to the fat depot, and are not stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen (to be later released as energy).
  • If all the incoming calories are not consumed, a person gets fat. The body needs a certain amount of energy. He is unable to spend more.

How calories are used by our body:

  • on metabolism at all levels, from intercellular to intersystem;
  • on mental activity, blood circulation and breathing (approximately 20% of energy is required for brain metabolism);
  • to maintain body temperature (the colder it is, the more calories you need to consume);
  • to maintain posture and basic movements;
  • for physical activity.

It is necessary to find a middle ground so that the body has enough energy to live and nothing unnecessary is put aside. How many calories does a person need?

Counting criteria

A person's need for energy is individual. People are different. Therefore, for a full life and health, they need to consume THEIR number of calories.

The following criteria are taken into account when calculating:

  • Age. During the growth process, increased metabolism occurs. This is approximately up to 25 years. During this period, more energy is spent. Then the metabolism stabilizes. And after a few years it slows down - the need for calories becomes less.
  • Floor. In most cases, the man is larger (height, weight). Therefore, he needs more energy than a woman.
  • Biometrics. A larger person's body requires more energy to perform daily tasks (breathing, metabolism, blood flow, etc.).
  • Activity. The higher the physical activity, the more caloric the diet should be. Not only the presence of sports training is taken into account, but also its type.
  • Diet. The body spends more energy processing some foods.

Methods for determining daily calorie needs

There are several of them. Everyone chooses the most suitable one for themselves. Opinions among nutritionists regarding calorie counting methods also vary. Probably, you cannot blindly follow any one principle. We try to take into account all criteria (see above).

Calculation by weight and lifestyle

  • Healthy people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity- short walks. Sometimes – jogging, cycling, skiing. Calculation formula: weight (kg) * 26-30 kcal.
  • Healthy people with moderate activity. They are characterized by moderate-intensity physical activity 3-5 times a week. Calculation formula: weight (kg) * 31-37 kcal.
  • Healthy people with high activity. They perform hard physical labor or train or play sports every day. The procedure for calculating calorie content for them is: weight (kg) * 38-40 kcal.

Calculation of daily caloric intake for people with different physical activities:

Weight, kg Sedentary lifestyle (kcal) Moderate activity (kcal) High activity (kcal)
40-49 1040-1470 1240-1810 1520-1960
50-59 1300-1770 1550-2180 1900-2360
60-69 1560-2070 1860-2550 2280-2760
70-79 1820-2370 2170-2920 2660-3160
80-89 2080-2670 2480-3290 3040-3560
90-99 2340-2970 2790-3660 3420-3960
100-109 2600-3270 3100-4030 3800-4360
110-120 2860-3600 3410-4440 4180-4800

Metabolism accounting

This approach takes into account how much energy the body spends per day. This refers to the energy that is needed to maintain life. A person can lie on the couch, and his body will work (breathe, circulate blood, contract muscles). This is basic metabolism.

The person also moves and performs physical exercises. Such loads require additional energy. Therefore, the basal metabolic rate is multiplied by the activity coefficient.

Harris-Benedict formula for calculating basal metabolic rate:

  • For a man: 66 + (13.7 * weight (kg)) + (5 * height (cm)) – (6.76 * age (g)).
  • For a woman: 655 + (9.6 * weight (kg)) + (1.8 * height (cm)) – (4.7 * age (g)).

Mifflin-San Geor formula:

  • For a man: (9.99 * weight (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) – (4.92 * age (g)) +5.
  • For a woman: (9.99 * weight (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) – (4.92 * age (g)) – 161.

Activity coefficients:

Coefficient Lifestyle characteristics
1,2 Sedentary work sedentary lifestyle life, absence or minimal amount of special physical exercises
1,3-1,4 During the day, a person moves a little (walks, for example). Does physical exercises 1-3 times a week.
1,5-1,6 Goes to the gym or trains independently 3-5 times a week. The load is average. This includes running, cycling, swimming, skiing, table tennis, fitness, etc.
1,7-1,8 Trains 6-7 times a week. Moreover, the training is hard (bodybuilding, weight lifting, etc.). Leads an active lifestyle.
1,9-2 A person is involved in professional sports and trains every day. Performs heavy physical work, etc.

The numbers in different formulas will be different. It is necessary to objectively assess your well-being, your appearance; analyze your diet. And then draw conclusions: the calorie content of the menu is high or the daily diet is optimal; you need to change something in your eating habits or leave everything as it is.


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