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Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is a fertilization process that is performed by introducing sperm directly into the uterus (artificial insemination) or by in vitro method (outside the body, “in vitro”), i.e. extracorporeally (IVF).

Types of artificial insemination:

  1. artificial insemination with husband's or donor's sperm (AISM/AISD);
  2. in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Depending on the indications, an artificial insemination program is selected for the woman.

  1. Intrauterine insemination is the introduction of specially prepared sperm using a special catheter directly into the uterine cavity.

    Thus, sperm does not pass through the barriers of the acidic environment of the vagina and the dense protective mucus of the cervix, and immediately enters the neutral environment of the uterine cavity.

    After this, the sperm move independently to the fallopian tubes and fertilization of the egg occurs in the same way as during natural sexual intercourse.

    According to the literature, artificial insemination of women as a treatment for infertility has been used for more than 100 years. This procedure is carried out only in specialized medical clinics, subject to a complete examination of the man and woman.

    It is mandatory to examine the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes - hysterosalpingography (x-ray examination using a contrast agent) or laparoscopy (examination of the uterus using an optical device - laparoscope) to ensure the patency of the reproductive tract.

    For insemination, both native (“live”) and cryopreserved sperm (previously thawed) can be used. The sperm is cleaned and concentrated before artificial insemination.

    Artificial insemination is recommended for women with increased viscosity of cervical mucus or acidity of the vaginal environment. On the part of the partner, there may be indications such as erectile dysfunction, a decrease in the number of motile sperm, or increased sperm viscosity, etc.

    The procedure takes place in the operating room of the clinic, on a gynecological chair with a special syringe with a catheter, with the help of which sperm is injected into the uterine cavity. After this procedure, you need to lie down for 15-20 minutes. The procedure does not require pain relief.

  2. IVF - in vitro fertilization - is a method of artificial fertilization in which male sperm and female eggs (previously extracted from the ovaries) are combined outside the body, in vitro (in “glass”, i.e. in a laboratory test tube).

    There, independent fertilization occurs, and the resulting embryos (1 or 2) a few days later are transferred to the woman’s uterus, where one or both are implanted into the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) and develop over 9 months.

    To obtain eggs, ovulation is stimulated with hormonal drugs over a period of 2-3 weeks. After several eggs have matured at once, the reproductologist removes them from the ovaries (performs a puncture of the follicles) and transfers them to the embryology laboratory.

    Artificial insemination using ICSI method- This is one of the types of IVF. In this case, the embryologist, using special instruments under a highly magnified microscope, injects the most fertile sperm into the egg.

    The embryo obtained after such fertilization is no different from embryos conceived naturally, and also, after a few days, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus and develops over the course of 9 months. This in vitro fertilization procedure has been successfully used in patients with male factor infertility, when there are deviations from normal sperm parameters or after TESA biopsy for azoospermia.

Donor programs for artificial insemination

If one of the spouses does not have their own healthy reproductive cells, IVF conception can also be carried out with donor sperm or donor eggs. Before donating his germ cells, the donor undergoes a thorough medical and genetic examination. Artificial insemination with donor sperm is carried out only after twice examination with an interval of 3 months.

In couples where a woman is contraindicated to bear a child (for example, with severe heart disease) or is physically impossible (due to the absence of a uterus), IVF with a surrogate mother is used.

Another great advantage of treating infertility using the IVF method is that during the cultivation of embryos in the embryology laboratory, it is possible to conduct preimplantation genetic diagnostics of the embryo. This modern method makes it possible to identify (if any) genetic diseases, chromosomal abnormalities, and developmental abnormalities (deformities). Unlike many other clinics, at VitroClinic PGD is performed on the entire set of human chromosomes (i.e., on all 46 chromosomes). After this analysis, only healthy embryos will be transferred into the uterus.

Before any artificial insemination program, the couple undergoes a thorough medical examination to identify possible contraindications. The list of such examinations is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health “On the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in the treatment of female and male infertility” and is strictly observed in our clinic.

Where to get artificial insemination in Moscow?

Before consulting a doctor about overcoming infertility, any married couple asks the question: “Where can artificial insemination be performed at a high professional level?”

Before choosing such a clinic, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The clinic should employ narrow specialists specifically in the treatment of infertility: gynecologists-reproductologists, urologists-andrologists, embryologists and geneticists.
  • The artificial insemination center must use only high-quality and original drugs and consumables for IVF in its work.
  • Real reproductive professionals work with each couple individually, i.e. selection of method, stimulation schemes and support early dates pregnancy is selected by a specialist only after a thorough study of the spouses’ medical history, past IVF experience (if any), age, current health status, and many others.
  • Experienced reproductive specialists use gentle hormonal stimulation regimens, taking care of the health of their patients and avoiding hyperstimulation.
  • To exclude multiple pregnancies, a reproductive specialist should transfer only one or two embryos (according to indications). Three or more are unacceptable.
  • The specialists of the clinic you choose must be proficient in all the most modern techniques in reproductive medicine: ICSI, PIXI, assisted hatching, genetic diagnosis of the embryo, etc.
  • Sperm tests should be performed in the clinic’s own laboratory by specialist embryologists who evaluate not only the morphology of sperm, but also their fertility.
  • Choose a clinic that cooperates with a clinical diagnostic laboratory certified according to international ISO standards. The quality of the analyzes performed matters vital role in preparation for IVF.
  • Make sure in advance that from the initial consultation to the end of the entire IVF or artificial insemination program you will be cared for by the same reproductive specialist (except in force majeure situations). This indicates the responsibility and focus of the doctor and the clinic on a positive result.
  • Give preference to those clinics where doctors leave their contact information for patients. You will have the opportunity to call or email your doctor if you need any clarification or have questions.
  • It’s good if in the same clinic where you will do IVF fertilization you have the opportunity to stay to monitor your pregnancy. Doctors, knowing all the nuances of your pregnancy and having continuity among themselves, will do everything to bring it to the end - the birth of a healthy child.
  • The price in Moscow for artificial insemination programs in different clinics can vary significantly. Be sure to check with the manager how much artificial insemination costs and what exactly is included in each program you are interested in, whether it is possible to add any additional services, for example, ICSI or hatching, whether there are options with donor cells and embryos. A wide range of different programs is a big plus for the clinic. This means that in such a center, doctors are proficient in all modern ART techniques and can afford to select any program for each couple.

Artificial insemination is not a method of treating infertility, but a method of overcoming infertility. Thus, it overcomes obstacles to achieving pregnancy. Currently modern methods artificial conception are used to overcome almost any cause of male and female infertility and allows you to bypass many problems with reproductive health to those who previously could not even hope to become parents.

Having trouble conceiving a child naturally Any married couple can face this problem. If the cause of infertility is identified, then you can resort to artificial fertilization of eggs.

You need to approach this procedure with all responsibility, because this is an important decision for everyone. The result - a long-awaited pregnancy and the birth of a new life - depends on the correct implementation of the procedure and compliance with the necessary conditions. We will talk about the features of IVF in this article.

The essence of artificial insemination

Artificial insemination is a complex of several procedures whose goal is to achieve pregnancy. The essence of the methods is that with the help of medical manipulations male seed or the embryo is introduced into the woman's reproductive tract. Fertilization does not occur naturally, but artificially, hence the name.

Any woman who cannot get pregnant in the usual way and is able to carry a child throughout the entire period of pregnancy can resort to artificial insemination.

Reasons why you might want to consider IVF:

We invite you to watch a video about what in vitro fertilization is:

How does conception occur?

Conception - how does it happen? Natural conception is a rather long process. After completion of sexual intercourse, sperm have to overcome many obstacles.

  1. Initially, the acidic environment of the vagina “weeds out” the weak ones within two hours, and this is basically the majority of sperm.
  2. The mucus plug in the cervix then prevents further progress, but during ovulation the amount of mucus decreases, thereby allowing the strongest sperm to move further.
  3. Then you have to deal with the epithelial cilia of the fallopian tube, and only then, having encountered the egg, does the attempt to get inside it begin. And when the strongest sperm succeeds, it loses its tail and unites with the egg into one whole - a zygote.

    The path of a fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes is considered very dangerous. Since the tube may narrow due to adhesions, the zygote will begin to implant where it stopped. This will lead to ectopic pregnancy, ruptured tubes and other sad consequences.

  4. When the egg passes through the fallopian tube again and enters the uterus, it attaches to its wall. From this moment pregnancy begins.

It is important that during fertilization artificially sperm enters the uterus much faster. Depending on the reason why pregnancy does not occur, the desired method of conception is selected. On the day of ovulation, sperm can be delivered medically directly to the uterus, closer to the egg, or ready-made zygotes (fertilized eggs) are placed in the woman’s uterus, where they should attach and form a fertilized egg.

We invite you to watch a video about how IVF is performed:

Types of artificial conception operations

The most common types of artificial insemination are:

  1. IVF (in vitro fertilization).
  2. ICSI or ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection).

Which method to use is determined by the reproductologist, based on the state of health and the cause of infertility of those who want to get pregnant.

In Vitro Fertilization

IVF is used in cases where conception does not occur due to some diseases of the genital area or in case of diseases of the somatic organs. The essence of this procedure is that, using a certain stimulation, eggs are taken from a woman and then placed in an environment that supports their viability. Sperm are placed there for 12 hours.

After this time, zygotes are found under a microscope and introduced into the woman’s uterus. After the procedure, the fertilized egg can only attach to the wall of the uterus, after which the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

The advantage of this type of artificial insemination is that the sperm does not have to overcome all the obstacles that exist after sexual intercourse. However, there is also a disadvantage of the method - the procedure is very expensive, and the guarantee of getting pregnant the first time varies from 6% to 35%, depending on the woman’s age. You may need to repeat the procedure more than once.


Fertilization using the ICSI method is performed when there are indications for IVF and there are very few motile and high-quality sperm in the man’s sperm. After obtaining and preparing the sperm using a needle, the sperm are injected directly into the cytoplasm of the egg, thereby fertilizing them. And after this, the zygotes are placed in the uterus to attach to the walls.

The disadvantage of the method is also the high price and the fact that conception cannot always occur after the first procedure.

The stages of IVF and ICSI are very similar. The time required for the entire procedure takes up to 6 weeks.

We invite you to watch a video about the ICSI method for IVF:

How is the procedure done?


During artificial fertilization of an egg, there are some risks that are worth considering, as the procedure can result in complications.

Unfortunately, in our time, up to 20% of married couples face the problem of infertility. If a diagnosis has been made, and the cause of the disease cannot be eliminated, then artificial insemination using the IVF method comes to the rescue. It is carried out when spouses cannot conceive a child for several years.

What is it

If a couple is unable to conceive a child naturally, it is worth paying attention to artificial methods.

What is artificial insemination often called? The abbreviation IVF is usually used, which means extracorporeal conception. It is used in the presence of various pathologies in women and men. This is a procedure that has overcome infertility.

Fertilization occurs by introducing sperm into the uterus (insemination) or extracorporeally (in vitro - in a test tube, outside the body).

The procedure is performed in clinics that specialize in this.

The efficiency is about 35%.


There are 2 types of fertilization. In each case, the type is selected individually, taking into account medical indications. Types of artificial insemination are represented by sperm insemination (partner - IISM or donor - IISD); ECO:

  1. During insemination, prepared sperm is introduced into the uterine cavity with a catheter. Thus, the sperm is not hampered by the protective mucus of the cervix or the acidic environment of the vagina; it is directly transported to its destination without obstacles. Then the sperm move on their own to the tubes, where natural fertilization of the egg occurs. Both “live” and frozen sperm are used. First it is purified, then concentrated. This method is recommended if a woman has increased acidity of the vaginal environment and high viscosity of cervical mucus. For men, the following indications for this method: with a low number of motile sperm, erectile dysfunction, high sperm viscosity. The procedure is carried out without pain relief. Upon completion, the patient should lie down for 20 minutes.
  2. IVF artificial insemination. The resulting eggs and sperm are combined in a test tube. After a few days they are transplanted into the uterus. There their further development takes place. A variation of this method is ICSI. Used for male infertility. Only here the doctor, using a powerful microscope, places the most fertile sperm into the egg. After a couple of days, it is inserted into the uterus.

Description of the method

How artificial insemination occurs - the essence of the method: sperm in a test tube are placed into an egg. When their fusion occurs, the material is introduced into the female uterus. If the procedure is successful, several embryos may take root. After all, they use not one egg, but several.

The classic ones are IVF, IVF with ICSI.

The ICSI method is auxiliary. This method is sought for help when a man’s sperm is of low quality (improper sperm structure, low motility). Having selected viable sperm, they are introduced into the egg using a special microscope. surgical instruments.

Fertilization methods also include:

  • Gift. To achieve fusion in a natural way, both male and female reproductive cells are introduced into the uterus.
  • Insemination inside the uterus. Artificial insemination is carried out directly in the fallopian tubes.

Important! If a family wants one child, then the remaining implanted embryos can be removed (reduction). But sometimes this provokes a miscarriage.

Indications, contraindications

The main indication is infertility that cannot be treated. For women it looks like this:

  1. bilateral tubal infertility;
  2. operations on them after 30 years (plastic);
  3. long-term treatment of tubal obstructions;
  4. unknown cause of infertility;
  5. endometriosis (when natural pregnancy does not occur within a year);
  6. decreased functioning of the female reproductive system;
  7. age-related infertility;
  8. anovulation.

Indications for men for the additional ICSI method:

  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord;
  • Azoospermia (absence of ducts or blocked ducts that do not release sperm).

In such cases, an operation is performed or a puncture is taken to obtain sperm. Having selected healthy cells, they are connected to the egg.

Pay attention! Bad habits, low immunity, physical inactivity, overweight are also contraindications.

There are absolute contraindications (either the procedure is not performed at all, or it is carried out under the strictest control, with great caution, with constant monitoring) for two parties, these are:

  1. tuberculosis (active form);
  2. syphilis;
  3. HIV, AIDS (allowed if the form is subclinical or in remission);
  4. acute hepatitis of any form, chronic exacerbations of hepatitis B, C;
  5. malignant formations;
  6. benign formations of the female reproductive organs;
  7. leukemia (acute form);
  8. various anemias;
  9. diabetes;
  10. renal failure;
  11. serious mental disorders;
  12. severe movement disorders;
  13. heart disease;
  14. rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases that the doctor will familiarize you with.


Geneticists have carried out artificial insemination of pigs before, and continue to do so now. The method has been used on women for more than 100 years.

The procedure is performed in specialized hospitals. clinics, after a full examination of a couple planning a pregnancy. It is important to exclude contraindications. You need to take a bunch of tests, go through a lot of tests. A woman must:

  • check the uterus and its tubes (X-ray with contrast agent);
  • or they do a laparoscopy to make sure the reproductive tract is open.

To obtain eggs, hormones are used to stimulate ovulation for several weeks. When the eggs mature, they are removed by a reproductive specialist and placed in a test tube.

An important advantage of IVF is genetic diagnosis of the embryo (deviations, possible diseases, developmental anomalies are identified).

You can check all chromosomes and select exclusively healthy embryos.


This process is quite labor-intensive. Let's take a look at how artificial insemination is done step by step:

  1. Preparatory. Diagnosis of a couple, making diagnoses. Detection of diseases that do not have the best effect on fertilization. If necessary, treatment is carried out. Preparation lasts up to 3 months. The main thing is that the basic health indicators are normal for both.
  2. Stimulation for superovulation. Hormones are used to stimulate the production of eggs. A clear schedule for taking medications is followed. During this period, the blood is constantly checked and an ultrasound is performed. Receipt quality material directly depends on the correct completion of all preparatory procedures. The doctor prescribes the necessary medications and determines the method of artificial insemination.
  3. Sperm collection, follicle. The man simply donates sperm. A woman undergoes transvaginal puncture of the follicle with a thin needle. Lasts 15 minutes, observed with ultrasound. The resulting liquid is sent to the laboratory, and the eggs are collected. The woman remains under observation for several hours. She undergoes another ultrasound before being sent home.
  4. Embryo formation. A solution is made that is as close as possible to the uterine environment. The eggs are placed there and will later be fertilized. The quality of sperm affects the method of fertilization. For example, the in vitro method - the sperm is introduced into a solution, and it itself penetrates the egg. ICSI—instrument-assisted insertion. The doctor observes all stages and records the developmental features of the embryo.
  5. Introduction. The embryo is introduced after its fertilization from the 2nd day. It happens quickly and does not hurt. According to the law of the Russian Federation, 1-2 embryos can be introduced. Rarely do they introduce more (there must be solid indications for this, the woman's written consent).
  6. Cycle support. Definition of pregnancy. Over the next 2 weeks, the embryo should implant inside the uterus. The doctor prescribes hormone therapy. A woman has the right to sick leave. Physical rest and emotional calm are recommended. It’s better to stay at home, reduce contacts, and stick to bed rest.
  7. Diagnostics. After 2 weeks, a diagnosis is made to determine pregnancy. They take tests (urine for hCG, blood). An ultrasound will give an accurate answer about the presence of pregnancy in another week. Then the number and position of embryos will be clearly determined.
  8. Pregnancy. Coincides with natural.

Choosing a clinic

Having decided on a serious procedure, you should only contact professionals who have been practicing artificial insemination of women for many years.

You should feel free to contact the clinic if:

  • there are specialists of a narrow profile (geneticists, embryologists, reproductive specialists, andrologists);
  • preparations and materials are used only of high quality, original;
  • specialists formulate individual programs after carefully studying the couple (age, health, illness);
  • doctors use hormones for stimulation in minimal quantities (thus they take care of the health of their patients, preventing hyperstimulation);
  • no more than 2 embryos are transplanted (to exclude multiple births);
  • the clinic has only modern medical equipment;
  • all sperm tests are performed in the same clinic, by embryologists (they will accurately assess fertility and morphology);
  • it is better if the selected clinic cooperates with a laboratory that has international standards (the quality of tests is extremely important at all stages of the procedure);
  • it is important that, from consultation to the end of the manipulation, the patient is managed by the same reproductive specialist;
  • It is imperative to maintain contact with the doctor (phone, mail) to clarify questions when various situations arise;
  • It’s great if pregnancy monitoring is possible at the same clinic.


Since 2015, IVF procedure has been free in Russia. To do this you need:

  1. presence of indication;
  2. compulsory medical insurance policy;
  3. age from 22 to 39;
  4. conclusion of the doctoral commission, referral for a quota procedure;
  5. no contraindications.

Spouses, partners and single women can choose a clinic themselves from the list of federal programs presented.

According to the conditions, it is allowed to make an unfixed number of attempts at fertilization until the result is obtained.

Insurers provide about 100 thousand rubles for each procedure. The rest, if necessary, is paid by clients.

When getting in line for IVF, they fill out a compulsory medical insurance policy (a passport is presented, an examination is carried out, a diagnosis is made, they are sent to a commission, a clinic is selected, and paperwork is completed).

Worth noticing! Insurance will not cover the ICSI procedure if there is male infertility (unsuitable sperm). You will have to make the payment yourself ( average cost– 15 thousand rubles).

You can also always do a paid procedure. Prices vary. They must be immediately clarified with the clinic manager and find out what is included in the price.


Artificial insemination or insemination is used for certain diseases (impotence, lack of ejaculation, hypospadias, etc.) with anatomical changes in the cervix, vaginismus, as well as when antisperm antibodies are detected in the cervical mucus in women. With this method of artificial insemination, sperm is injected into the uterine cavity or into the lumen of the fallopian tubes. One of the sperm produces a mature egg, after which it is implanted into the wall of the uterus.

Insemination is carried out two to three times during one menstrual cycle, the procedure must be repeated at least three cycles. If pathological changes were detected in the husband during examination, donor sperm is used. The reason for using donor sperm is also a Rh-conflict that cannot be treated, as well as genetic diseases in the husband’s closest relatives. The positive result of the procedure will largely depend on the diseases that the couple has. As a rule, after insemination, pregnancy occurs in eighty percent of cases.

In vitro fertilization is performed outside the body. This procedure is resorted to if a woman has had her fallopian tubes removed, in case of low patency or obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in the absence of effect from long-term treatment (longer than five years), in case of unexplained infertility. Before IVF, the condition of the genital organs is examined. A woman’s uterus and ovaries must retain their functions, and there must be no neoplasms, inflammation or anatomical changes in the reproductive organs.

The in vitro fertilization procedure includes: obtaining eggs from a woman, fertilizing eggs with the sperm of a husband or donor, observing embryos in the laboratory, transferring embryos into the uterine cavity. Miscarriage during IVF occurs in 40% of cases, and fetal death during childbirth is often observed. Doctors associate these circumstances with the age of women in labor, as well as with pathologies in their reproductive system.

Artificial insemination using the ICSI method (intracytoplasmic injection) is performed for severe male infertility. During the procedure, a sperm is injected into an egg that is removed from the body of the woman's ovary. The difference between this method and IVF is that with ICSI, one, the most viable sperm is selected, which is placed inside the egg with a needle, and with in vitro fertilization, the sperm are present with the eggs in a special solution and penetrate inside on their own.

Artificial insemination, or IVF, is the only option for having children for couples who cannot conceive naturally. This method is used when the spouses have regular sex life and do not include the use of contraceptives, but pregnancy does not occur within 1–2 years. Currently, about 20% of families face this problem.

When the cause of infertility cannot be eliminated, conception can be achieved artificially. The procedure is carried out in specialized clinics involved in in vitro fertilization.

In vitro fertilization solves the problem. It can be used for any type of pathology, in particular when a man is sick.

The whole point of the procedure is that sperm penetrate the egg through a test tube and only after fusion the material is transferred into the woman’s uterine cavity. If the outcome of such manipulations is favorable, then often not one embryo develops, but two or three, since several eggs are used at once when attempting in vitro fertilization.

If a couple does not want to have more than one child, then the extra embryos are reduced (removed). In some cases, this causes a subsequent miscarriage. The effectiveness of artificial insemination is about 30–35%.

An auxiliary method for IVF is ICSI - intracytoplasmic injection of sperm into the egg. This procedure is carried out in cases where the quality of sperm is reduced: less than a third of sperm have the correct structure and sufficient mobility. For injection, viable material is specially selected, which is then injected into the egg using a microscope and special surgical instruments.

In addition to classical IVF and IVF with ICSI, methods of artificial insemination include:

  • intrauterine insemination, when artificial insemination is carried out in the fallopian tubes and not in a test tube;
  • GIFT, when male and female germ cells are introduced into the uterus and their fusion occurs naturally.

Indications for IVF and availability of the procedure

Artificial insemination is indicated for infertility in a woman or man that cannot be treated. For women it is:

  • absolute tubal infertility or bilateral tubectomy;
  • long-term conservative treatment obstruction of the tubes or plastic surgery on them in women over 30 years of age;
  • unidentified cause of infertility during various examinations;
  • diagnostic infertility, determined by a negative result of insemination of the partner’s sperm;
  • diagnosed endometriosis in combination with unsuccessful attempts at natural conception during the year;
  • age-related infertility, decreased functions of a woman’s reproductive system;
  • the presence of anovulation, which cannot be eliminated by known methods.

Indications for ICSI are diseases such as:

  • azoospermia (sperm is not released due to blockage of the vas deferens or their absence);
  • varicose veins of the spermatic cord.

Sperm is obtained by puncture or surgery, and the healthiest cells are selected for subsequent connection with the egg.

In Russia, since 2015, artificial insemination can be done free of charge. To do this you need the following:

  • Compulsory medical insurance policy.
  • Indications for the procedure.
  • Conclusion and referral of the medical commission for IVF according to the quota.
  • The woman's age is 22–39 years.
  • There are no contraindications to the procedure for men and women.

Future parents retain the right to choose a clinic; the main thing is that it must be on the list of organizations participating in the federal program. The new conditions provide for the opportunity to make an unlimited number of attempts at artificial insemination until a positive result is obtained.

For each attempt, the insurance company allocates up to 106,000 rubles; if expenses arise that exceed this amount, then their payment falls on the shoulders of the patients. Not only official married couples, but also partners who have not registered their relationship with the registry office, as well as single women, have the right to IVF under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

In order to get in line for IVF, you need to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy, provide a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, undergo a full examination and confirm the diagnosis at the antenatal clinic or at the family planning center. After following all the doctor’s recommendations for infertility treatment, you need to obtain a referral from a medical commission, select a clinic and complete the documentation.

It is important to know: the ICSI procedure is not covered by the insurance company. If a male factor of infertility is identified, namely the unsuitability of sperm, you will have to pay for the procedure yourself (the average price is 10,000–20,000 rubles).

Artificial insemination can be carried out on a paid basis; its price in 2015 ranged from 120,000 to 150,000 rubles, depending on the clinic and individual treatment regimen.

Stages of the IVF procedure

The IVF procedure is quite labor-intensive and consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. Lasts about 3 months, includes diagnostic examinations of a man and a woman, during which the diagnosis is confirmed. Also, diseases associated with infertility are identified that can negatively affect the result of the procedure. If possible, treatment is carried out and general health indicators are determined. Factors that oppose IVF include excess weight, bad habits, physical inactivity, susceptibility to infections (reduced immunity).
  2. Stimulation of superovulation. The stage lasts up to one and a half months. With the help of hormonal drugs, the production of eggs is stimulated. Enter medicines You can do it yourself at home, but it is important to adhere to a clear schedule. During this stage, diagnostic examinations (blood tests, ultrasound) are regularly carried out. The quality of the material for conception will depend on the correctness of all activities. At the same time, the doctor determines the IVF method, a set of medications and their administration regimen.
  3. Collection of follicles and sperm. Puncture of the follicles is performed transvaginally using a thin needle. The entire process takes place under the control of ultrasonic equipment and takes about 15 minutes. The extracted fluid is sent to the laboratory, where embryologists collect the eggs. The woman remains in the hospital under observation for 2 hours; before leaving, a control ultrasound is performed in order to exclude abdominal bleeding. A man donates sperm.
  4. Formation of embryos. A special solution is prepared in the laboratory, which is similar to the environment of the uterus. Eggs are placed in it and after some time they are fertilized. How exactly artificial insemination occurs depends on the quality of the sperm. This can be an in vitro method, when sperm are introduced into a solution with an egg and one of them penetrates it independently, or ICSI - the instrumental introduction of one sperm. After this, the embryo begins to form. The specialist controls each stage, recording the time and features of the process.
  5. Embryo introduction. This stage occurs from 2 to 6 days after fertilization. The introduction is quick and painless, without anesthesia. The catheter is passed through the cervix, thereby implanting the embryo. Russian legislation allows the introduction of 1 or 2 embryos. Larger amounts are transferred according to indications and with the written consent of the woman.
  6. Cycle maintenance and pregnancy diagnosis. Over the next two weeks, embryos are expected to attach to the walls of the uterus. The doctor prescribes hormonal therapy: estrogen, progesterone, human chorionic gonadotropin. Working women have the right to take sick leave during this time. The expectant mother is recommended to have maximum peace and rest, both physical and psychological. Therefore, it is best to stay at home, stay in bed and limit social contacts. If any symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.
  7. Diagnostics. After two weeks, diagnostic procedures can be carried out to determine the presence of pregnancy: blood and urine tests to determine the concentration of hCG. But this sign is a probability, not a guarantee of pregnancy. An ultrasound scan is required for accurate confirmation. This procedure can be performed after another week, during which the position of the embryos and their number are clarified.
  8. Pregnancy. In general, this stage coincides with the natural pregnancy of women.

After artificial insemination, additional diagnostic examinations may be required:

  • a homeostasis study can be prescribed at any time;
  • 12-13 weeks - examination to identify the risk of spontaneous dilatation of the cervix;
  • 10-14 weeks – measurement of the concentration of hCG and the hormone AFP, to identify malformations and pathologies of the unborn child;
  • 16-20 weeks - determination of the amount of male sex hormones to prevent miscarriage;
  • as in a normal pregnancy, routine ultrasounds are prescribed, and closer to childbirth - Dopplerography and CTG.

Children after artificial insemination are born in the same way as after natural insemination. If a woman has diseases that require certain preparation and delivery, they will be taken into account. But this does not apply to the method of fertilization.

IVF is a complex and multi-stage procedure. From the moment you consult a doctor until the birth of the child, at least a year passes, and in case of unsuccessful attempts and complications - more.

Complications during IVF

At various stages of IVF, more or less serious complications may arise. Most they can be successfully overcome with the assistance of a doctor.


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