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About semolina, which one to choose and how to store

Semolina, compared to other cereals, does not have a high content of valuable microelements and fiber useful for digestion. A distinctive feature of semolina is its high carbohydrate content, which makes it an excellent source of energy.

It is mainly used for making porridges, great for breakfasts due to its high carbohydrate content. Semolina is added to the dough when preparing baked goods, which helps the baked goods retain their shape after baking.

The undeniable advantages of semolina include the speed of its preparation. From the start of cooking until it's ready, it only takes a few minutes and the dish is ready!

Semolina is coarse wheat flour with a particle size of 0.2 mm to 0.7 mm.

Semolina is made from various varieties of wheat. Semolina variety can be determined by the markings on the packaging:

  • "M"- semolina from soft varieties wheat.
  • "T"- semolina from durum varieties wheat.
  • "MT"-semolina from a mixture of hard (20%) and soft (80%) varieties wheat.

Semolina from “soft” varieties, in appearance white with opaque particles. When cooked, such semolina increases in volume several times due to good absorption of liquid. And porridge cooked from this type of semolina will be homogeneous, without lumps. Well suited for adding to mousses, culinary pastries, and of course for making porridges.

Semolina from “hard” varieties, appears yellowish in color with translucent particles. When cooked, the volume increases slightly. Suitable for adding to confectionery products that must retain their shape after cooking, such as dumplings, pancakes, bread.

Semolina grade "MT" most versatile. It is well suited both for preparing porridges and for adding to culinary products.

Semolina porridges are unique in that their digestion and absorption occurs in the lower intestine, unlike most other porridges. Due to the low fiber content, semolina porridge is recommended for people suffering from digestive disorders. Semolina does not cause “bloating” or excessive formation of gases, such as pea or oatmeal porridge. The absorption of semolina by the body occurs quickly and almost completely.

Semolina porridge is a source of easily digestible carbohydrates that are quickly and almost completely processed by the body. Suitable for most people, with the exception of people with gluten intolerance.

Harm of semolina

The main contraindication to the use of semolina is the high gluten content in its composition. In some people, gluten is not absorbed by the body and can cause allergic reactions.

Composition of semolina, per 100 gr. dry product

% of daily value in 100 g
Calorie content 333 kcal 19.8%
Squirrels 10.3 g 13.6%
Fats 1 g 1.7%
Carbohydrates 70.6 g 33.5%
Dietary fiber 3.6 g 18%
Water 14 g 0.6%
Ash 0.5 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.14 mg 9.3%
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.04 mg 2.2%
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.17 mg 8.5%
Vitamin B9, folates 23 mcg 5.8%
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1.5 mg 10%
Vitamin RR, NE 3 mg 15%
Niacin 1.2 mg
Potassium, K 130 mg 5.2%
Calcium, Ca 20 mg 2%
Silicon, Si 6 mg 20%
Magnesium, Mg 18 mg 4.5%
Sodium, Na 3 mg 0.2%
Sera, S 75 mg 7.5%
Phosphorus, Ph 85 mg 10.6%
Chlorine, Cl 21 mg 0.9%
Aluminium, Al 570 mcg
Bor, B 63 mcg
Vanadium, V 103 mcg
Iron, Fe 1 mg 5.6%
Cobalt, Co 25 mcg 250%
Manganese, Mn 0.44 mg 22%
Copper, Cu 70 mcg 7%
Molybdenum, Mo 11.3 mcg 16.1%
Nickel, Ni 11.5 mcg
Tin, Sn 3.2 mcg
Titanium, Ti 8.9 mcg
Fluorine, F 20 mcg 0.5%
Chromium, Cr 1 mcg 2%
Zinc, Zn 0.59 mg 4.9%
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 68.5 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1.6 g
Essential amino acids
Arginine* 0.47 g
Valin 0.49 g
Histidine* 0.21 g
Isoleucine 0.45 g
Leucine 0.81 g
Lysine 0.26 g
Methionine 0.16 g
Methionine + Cysteine 0.38 g
Threonine 0.32 g
Tryptophan 0.11 g
Phenylalanine 0.54 g
Phenylalanine+Tyrosine 0.81 g
Nonessential amino acids
Alanin 0.34 g
Aspartic acid 0.38 g
Glycine 0.37 g
Glutamic acid 3.2 g
Proline 1.04 g
Serin 0.53 g
Tyrosine 0.27 g
Cysteine 0.22 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g

Calorie content of semolina in various household containers:

  • 250 ml glass = 200 g (666 kcal)
  • 200 ml glass = 160 g (532.8 kcal)
  • Tablespoon = 25 g (83.3 kcal)
  • Teaspoon = 8 g (26.6 kcal)

What is it made of, how to choose it correctly and how to cook semolina porridge so that it turns out delicious? The whole truth and lies about semolina.

The porridge is not as scary as it is made out to be

Almost all people whose childhood was during the Soviet years are wary of this product. Suffice it to remember that the notorious semolina porridge was a must-have dish in kindergartens, as well as on the menu of hospitals. It’s rare that a child hasn’t wondered what semolina is made from and why it’s so disgusting.

By the way, in tsarist times this cereal was expensive, and they did not feast on it very often. In addition, cereals can be the basis not only for dietary cereals. It is used to prepare cakes, puddings, soufflés, mousses, pancakes, casseroles, cutlets, dumplings, jelly, and is even used for soups as a filling.

What is semolina made of?

Our porridges are made from cereals, and semolina is no exception. From what grain? The most affordable is millet. We can say that this is very coarse millet flour. The diameter of the grains can be from 0.25 to 1.5 millimeters.

The quality of wheat selected for production is regulated by GOST semolina, number 7022-97, which was updated in January 2015.

Types of semolina

The semolina product is available in three types.

Brand “M” is an opaque white grain made from soft wheat varieties. Suitable for porridges, as it boils quickly and increases significantly in volume.

“T” brand cereal is made from durum wheat and consists of translucent grains with glassy and sharp edges. The color is closer to yellow. Such cereals expand less in volume, but the taste of porridge prepared from it is more intense. Suitable for baking, soufflés and additions to minced meat.

The “MT” brand is easy to recognize by its heterogeneous shape and color. It is made from a mixture of soft and durum wheat. White grains predominate, the mass of which is diluted with cream or yellowish particles.

How to choose good semolina

The package must be marked with GOST semolina, which standardizes the quality of all brands.

It is desirable that the packaging is transparent so that the cereal can be seen. It is clear that if you find pebbles or small insects, then you cannot buy such a product. But there are also less obvious signs of quality. In particular, the cereal should be free-flowing and not roll into lumps. Shake the bag to check.

There should be no crunching sensation when chewing the cereal, but you will have to check this at home. The smell should not be musty.

It is advisable to store the product in a dry glass container.

How to cook semolina porridge

Thousands of people will confirm to you that semolina porridge is delicious. But for some reason, of all the cereals, Soviet children did not hold semolina in high esteem, from which we can conclude that preparing this dish is not as easy as it seems. Let's try to learn?

First you need to heat milk or water in a saucepan. You can mix milk with water. Add salt and sugar to taste. Pour semolina into the pan, preferably using a strainer, stirring vigorously.

You need to have time to add all the cereal before the porridge thickens, otherwise those same hated lumps will form. Some housewives advise adding cereal to a not very hot liquid to make it easier to deal with clots, but such porridge will have a stickier consistency and the taste will deteriorate.

It is recommended to use 6 tablespoons of cereal per 1 liter of liquid. But in general, everyone has their own ideal proportions - some like thick porridge, others thinner. Experiment. However, remember that the porridge cooks well. At the beginning of cooking, it may seem too liquid, but then it acquires the desired consistency.

Cooking time - no more than 2 minutes. Sometimes half a minute is enough. Then add butter, and let it sit for 5 minutes. If desired, you can add honey, sugar, jam, chocolate, pieces of fruit, nuts, etc.

The benefits of semolina

Semolina contains a lot of starch and vegetable protein. Contains vitamins B, E, PP. Microelements include iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, etc.

The porridge cooks very quickly, retaining maximum nutrients. Also, semolina is the only type of cereal that is digested in the lower intestine, so it is recommended for people who have undergone duodenal or gastric surgery.

When consumed in old age, it prevents the demineralization of blood cells.

In cosmetology, cereals are used to prepare masks.

Harm of semolina

Any product has disadvantages, including semolina. Today, doctors are of the opinion that children under one year of age should not be fed semolina, since it contains a strong allergen, which often causes diathesis. This is gluten - gluten, which is found in large quantities in semolina.

Fitin, incoming composition cereals are “blamed” for reducing the body’s absorption of calcium. This is true, but other cereals also suffer from this, although to a lesser extent.

There is little fiber in porridge, as well as vitamins. It is also very high in calories.

Why is there so much fuss about semolina?

Whatever you say, semolina is mysterious. What grain it is made from is not the most interesting question. It is not clear why there is so much controversy around this simple product? In principle, all cereals are healthy, but it was semolina that was once presented as the most necessary and healthy.

There are many versions. For example, there is an assumption that during the years of shortage, one of the cheapest and most accessible products was semolina, which is where its “fame” arose in the USSR. Porridge really easily satisfied the feeling of hunger, and was prepared very quickly, and its “popularization” made it possible to feed the people with what was available without raising unnecessary questions.

On the other hand, criticism of this cereal began just at the time when expensive infant formula appeared. Doesn't this seem suspicious?

It's probably worth sticking to a neutral position. What is semolina made from? From ordinary millet. This is the same product as rice or, say, potatoes. No better and no worse. Any dish can be criticized. For example, is dried fruit compote so healthy? This is just water and dried and then boiled fruits, which are unlikely to retain vitamins after such “tests”. But for some reason no one makes any complaints about the compote.

Now that we know what semolina is, what it is made of and what it is eaten with, it’s time to get rid of childhood fears and begin to master the intricacies of preparing a variety of delicious dishes from her.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


Everyone knows about the value of porridge for humans from an early age. However, semolina, its beneficial properties And possible harm has recently caused a lot of controversy among experts. For example, pediatricians generally do not recommend that parents buy it for their children. To decide for yourself whether you need to include this product in your diet, it is worth considering its characteristics, production features, and composition.

What is semolina

The history of the use of this grain product goes back to ancient times. Some housewives do not know what plant semolina is obtained from and what beneficial properties it has. You can find several types of products on supermarket shelves. Semolina is crushed wheat grain, with a fraction size of 0.25-0.75 mm. By the marking on the packaging “M”, “MT” or “T” you can find out what type of cereal was used in production - soft, hard or a mixture (15/85).

What is it made of?

All porridges are made from grains. Have you ever wondered what semolina is made from? From wheat. In fact, the product is coarse flour with particles with a diameter of 0.25-1.5 mm. Difference different types determined by the type of grain: hard or soft. The quality of wheat used to produce semolina is regulated by GOST 7022-97, updated in 2015.


To understand how semolina is useful for the body, it is worth considering it chemical composition. 100 grams of the product contains valuable vitamins, microelements, and minerals. Below is a detailed table of the substances that make up semolina:

Item name



Vitamin B3

Vitamin B5

Folic acid



Calorie content

For those who monitor the health of all family members, it is important to know how many carbohydrates are in semolina and the energy ratio of BJU elements. This indicator is influenced by many factors: what the cereal is made from, what ingredients are added to the dish, etc. Semolina made from durum wheat has less calories. Dry cereals made from soft cereal varieties have the highest energy value - about 330 calories. Below is a table of calorie content of semolina dishes per 100 grams.

Why semolina is useful

For its ability to be well absorbed and provide the body with rapid saturation with nutrients, semolina is widely used in cooking. You can use it not only to cook porridge. The product is well suited for dough, making creams, cutlets, and cheesecakes. Doctors, knowing the benefits of semolina porridge, recommend that people eat dishes made from this cereal after illness to quickly restore strength. Benefit:

  1. Due to the small amount of fiber, it can be included in the diet of people with stomach diseases.
  2. The product is digested by the lower intestine, so it helps remove excess mucus, fats, and salts from the body.
  3. Due to its antioxidant content, it helps fight stress.
  4. It contains little protein, so it is used for food by people with kidney failure.
  5. Saturates the body with nutrients for a long time.
  6. Due to its dietary fiber content, it has a positive effect on heart function and helps prevent cancer.
  7. Vitamin E in semolina increases mental activity.

For adults

Experts recommend semolina porridge in the postoperative period for quick recovery. Thanks to the ability of this product to quickly increase glucose levels, after consuming it you feel a surge of energy. In this regard, semolina is useful for physically active men. For people with a healthy stomach and intestines, eating dishes with semolina is an excellent way to prevent diseases of the digestive system.

For children

Before you include semolina in your child’s diet, you should familiarize yourself with its properties. Product contains large number gluten, which is difficult for the body of preschoolers to digest. Experts generally do not recommend semolina porridge for infants and children under 3 years of age. The only advantage of the product is that it helps underweight children gain weight.

Harm of semolina

Beloved by many, semolina porridge and other products containing this cereal have the following contraindications:

  • celiac disease due to great content gluten;
  • childhood up to 7 years due to the ability of cereals to remove calcium from the body;
  • old age due to the development of osteoporosis and obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • overweight - losing weight, alas, is impossible on semolina;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases.

Entire generations of children, one might say, grew up on classic semolina porridge. Despite this, the question: “what is semolina made from?” Not everyone can answer. It turns out that semolina, or semolina, is a coarse grain made from wheat, the average particle diameter is from 0.25 to 0.75 mm. Semolina is most often made from durum wheat. Semolina is a by-product in the production of wheat flour, when after grinding about 2% of small fragments of grain remain.

Semolina contains 70 percent starch, a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals, and since it cooks quickly, they are all preserved. Semolina is digested in the lower intestine and then absorbed into the blood. That is why liquid semolina porridges are included in diets for diseases gastrointestinal tract. Semolina cleanses the body and removes fat.

Semolina porridge is very often prepared for children, which is not entirely correct, since the child’s stomach cannot yet digest the starch contained in semolina in large quantities. Phytin, contained in semolina, is able to bind calcium, which comes with other foods, thus depriving the child’s body building material for bones. Often children who constantly eat semolina porridge develop rickets or seizures.

For adults and older people, the disadvantages of semolina devoid of fiber turn into its advantages: semolina porridge does not irritate the stomach and prevents colon cancer. Semolina is the only grain that is digested in the lower intestine and only there is it absorbed into its walls. Semolina is good remedy treatment and prevention of intestinal diseases, it cleanses the body of mucus and removes fat.

Semolina contains everything that wheat flour contains: starch, vitamins E and B1, B2, B6, PP, iron. Semolina is recommended for seriously ill patients during the postoperative period, when increased nutrition is necessary.

There are three types of semolina on sale: the letter “M” on the packaging indicates semolina made from soft varieties of wheat, the letter “T” indicates semolina made from hard varieties, and the letters “MT” indicate semolina containing at least 20% of grains from durum varieties. wheat. Very often this information is not indicated on the packaging.

An interesting fact - semolina in Rus' was produced in small quantities and ended up on the tables of only aristocrats; the common people did not know semolina. In the USSR, semolina porridge became an everyday, generally available product.

One of the types of semolina porridge - the famous Guryev porridge was invented at the beginning of the 19th century. The name of this porridge comes from the name of Count Dmitry Guryev, a member of the State Council and Minister of Finance, and it was invented by Zakhar Kuzmin, a serf cook. Guryev bought out Kuzmin and his family and made him his cook. There is another version, according to which Guryev himself invented the porridge recipe.


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