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Classification of cultivated corn. Corn is grown as an annual plant and is classified as a cereal. As a result of natural selection and thanks to intensive breeding, today's corn is strikingly different from that which was cultivated in the 17th century in the vastness of America.

In 1885 F. Kernike identified 4 groups of corn varieties. In his works he was based on qualitative characteristics, namely - morphological features grains The prototype of today's taxonomy of corn varieties was the version proposed by Stervant in 1899. Having studied over 700 varieties of corn, he classified them into six groups: sugar, flint, tooth, popping, starchy and filmy. Later, N. Kuleshov added 1 more group - waxy.

1 - tooth-like, 2 - siliceous, 3 - waxy, 4 - starchy, 5 - sugary, 6 - bursting

According to modern botanical classification, the only cultivated representative of the genus Zea (Corn) is common or seed corn (Zea Mays). In turn, it has subspecies that differ from each other in certain morphological characteristics of grains:

1. Sweet corn (Zae mays saccharata)

A very popular variety among agronomists, which is grown everywhere and is the basis of many wonderful hybrids. When corn reaches technical ripeness, it accumulates a considerable amount of water-soluble sugars with a minimal starch content.

Low, bushy plants of this subspecies of corn form several ears. Varieties belonging to it have grains of various colors. They actively develop with abundant watering.

When the grains of sweet corn dry out, they become deformed and wrinkled. In cross section, the grains are relatively transparent. They contain about 20% proteins and up to 10% fats. This subspecies is used for canning.

2. Waxy corn (Zea mays ceratina)

A group of modified North American varieties. They are distinguished by the dullness and smoothness of the skin of their grains. Their outer layer is opaque, looks like wax, but has a rather solid structure. The pulp is mealy, sticky.
This variety of corn is distributed over a fairly narrow range and has a limited number of varieties with almost identical characteristics. Gained the greatest popularity in China

3. Film corn (Zea mays tunicata)

This species is not of industrial value due to the excessive development of glumes. Its cob and grains are covered with individual dense wrappers. There is information that this type of corn was used in the religious rites of the Incas.

4. Popping corn (Zea mays everta)

An ancient variety of corn. The grains of varieties classified as this burst when heated. It was this type that became the basis for such a dish as popcorn.

The surface of this corn grain is shiny and smooth. It is divided into two subgroups - pearl barley (with a beak-shaped top of the grain) and rice (with a rounded top of the grain). They differ not only in the shape of the grains, but also in their taste, reminiscent of pearl barley and rice flour.

In the cross section of the grain, a small powdery area is visible near the embryo, surrounded by glassy endosperm of predominant sizes. Caryopsis with this internal structure under the influence of temperatures it expands significantly, bursts and a loose powdery mass turns out of it.

The grain of popping corn is characterized by increased content protein (more than 16%), due to which it is of industrial value. This subspecies is used as a raw material for the production of flakes, cereals and similar food products.

Plants of popping corn varieties are bushy, with good foliage. They form a large number of small ears, densely filled with small grains. Depending on the color of the grain, the subspecies includes varieties with white, yellow, red, dark blue and speckled grains.

The cultivation of popping corn began in the USA, where it became widespread industrial use. Now its varieties continue to actively spread throughout all countries.

5. Teeth corn (Zea mays indentata)

This subspecies has large, elongated grains. When ripe, a characteristic depression appears at their top. As a result, their shape becomes similar to a tooth, hence the name.

Dental corn plants, as a rule, do not bush, have powerful stems, and form many large ears. The grains contain about 70% starch, 16% fat and 3% fat. Most of the varieties in this group are late-ripening, but productive.

This type is mainly grown in the USA and used as livestock feed. It is also cultivated to obtain grain for processing into flour, alcohol, cereals, etc.

6. Starchy corn (Zea mays amylacea)

Another ancient variety. Widespread in American countries. Most varieties included in this group have late ripening periods. Plants are medium to heavily bushy, leafy, medium tall.

Large round grains with a convex top are formed on the cobs. Their surface is smooth, matte. The inside of the grains has a loose structure, mealy, with a moderate protein content (10%), but a high starch content (80%). The main area of ​​application is the alcohol and starch industry.

7. Flint corn

This subspecies has a wrinkled grain that can be white or yellow. It consists almost entirely of solid starch. In appearance, the grain is round, with a convex apex, without indentations. It contains up to 83% starch, 18% protein, 7% fat.

Compared to other varieties, flint corn has the widest distribution area. Although, its varieties obtained as a result of crossing with dent corn are in greatest demand. Numerous hybrids are mainly cultivated for grain. Among them are many early-ripening, high-yielding varieties.

Flint corn is used to make corn flakes and sticks.

8. Corn or nosed corn (Zea rostrata) -

a less common hybrid of little value.

9. Corn Karagua (Zea Karagua)

Grown in North America as livestock feed. It comes in quite large sizes.

Corn varieties

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Corn (maize): history and distribution, application, varieties, composition, benefits and contraindications. How to select and store corn.

Young ears of corn are juicy, sweet, tender, and many of us associate them with... summer holidays spent in the village with my grandmother. In summer, this aromatic delicacy can be found almost everywhere: on street stalls, in eateries, on beaches. Both adults and children enjoy it with pleasure. But corn is valued not only for its taste qualities. In terms of their benefits, golden grains are not inferior to legumes, tomatoes, carrots and many other vegetable crops.

History and distribution of corn

Corn (or maize) is one of the oldest plants that humans have learned to grow. The history of this culture begins in ancient Mexico, as evidenced by corn cobs and pollen found during excavations in the city of Mexico; their age was several tens of thousands of years! The Indians domesticated wild corn, according to some information, this was 6-7 thousand years ago. Other sources say that the plant began to be cultivated much earlier, 12-15 thousand years ago. At that time, the cobs were miniature, reaching only 4 cm in length.

It is interesting that for the peoples of South and Central America (Mayans, Olmecs, Aztecs), corn for centuries was not only the main agricultural crop, but also an object of worship. For example, one of the main Mayan gods was the patron of the plant. The origin of corn is shrouded in mystery; for example, scientists have never found the wild ancestors of maize.

Corn came to Europe in the Middle Ages, it was brought from the American continent by conquistadors, and in Russia it became popular under Nikita Khrushchev, who proclaimed corn the “queen of fields.” Today the plant is grown everywhere. Largest corn producers: Brazil, China, USA, Mexico, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and South Africa.

Applications and types of corn

Corn is used in many areas: folk medicine, dietetics, cosmetology, cooking, agriculture(for feeding cattle) and even in construction (glue, paper and cardboard are made from it). Corn oil, grits, flour, silk and starch - all these products have become indispensable in human nutrition. In some countries, corn grits are as in demand as rice, wheat and buckwheat. Corn flour is a popular ingredient in cosmetic masks for the skin, and corn oil used for hair care.

There are quite a few varieties of corn, about 100 in total. Of the cultivated varieties, the most famous are: flint, starchy, waxy, sugar, popping, toothed and semi-toothed. The color of the cobs, depending on the variety of corn, can be white, yellow, pink, red, purple, blue and even black.

Composition and calorie content of corn

Corn is a source of valuable amino acids - lysine and tryptophan, which tone muscles and normalize intestinal function. Their importance for health is that the body cannot produce these substances on its own, so it must receive them from food. Corn contains 26 elements of the periodic table, vitamins A, E, C, K, PP and group B, pectins, as well as unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, arachidonic and linolenic), which perform very important functions in the body, in particular, regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood. Small grains are especially rich in magnesium, which is necessary for maintaining health in old age, and vitamin B1: a serving weighing 150 g contains 25% daily value this vitamin. Yellow color Maize grains are given the carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein - natural dyes and valuable antioxidants, which are also preserved in corn flour.

Maize contains a lot of fiber, which is necessary to maintain beneficial microflora and normal intestinal function. And the high content of dietary fiber (its presence is responsible for the fact that even well-boiled grains have to be chewed for a long time) allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time. Both fresh, canned, and pickled corn have approximately the same calorie content - 119-125 kcal per 100 g.

The benefits of corn - beneficial properties

The advantage of corn is that, both boiled and canned, it retains most of their beneficial substances. Even the water in which the cobs were boiled has medicinal properties: helps with stress, pancreatic diseases and metabolic disorders. Maize perfectly nourishes muscles, relieves joint pain, improves intestinal motility, mobilizes the body's immune functions, prevents heart disease and malignancies, has a cleansing effect: it removes accumulated waste, toxins and radionuclides from cells, and protects the body from aging. Corn is good for anemia diabetes mellitus, allergies, liver diseases, gout, nephritis. Carbohydrates and B vitamins, which ripe fruits are rich in, are necessary for hematopoiesis, nutrition of nerve cells and normalization of blood sugar levels. Beta-carotene, which is abundant in yellow corn, is needed for good vision and healthy skin. Vitamin E is essential for a growing body.

Corn silk or “corn hair”, as they are popularly called, are used in the form of decoctions and infusions to treat diseases of the liver and genitourinary tract, and in the form of tea traditional medicine recommends using them to prevent these diseases. Vegetarians are advised to include corn dishes in their diet; in terms of nutritional value, maize is equal to legumes. Corn, as a dietary product, is useful for people who want to lose excess weight.


Corn can be harmful to people who have gastrointestinal problems. Its consumption should also be limited if there is a tendency to thrombosis and increased blood clotting. Even absolutely healthy people should not eat boiled corn in large quantities, as this can cause stomach problems and headaches. It is worth saying that corn chips, cereals and popcorn often contain harmful artificial additives; as a rule, beneficial substances are completely absent in these products.

How to choose corn

The main thing is to choose fresh, not overripe fruits. Good corn has leaves that are evenly distributed green and fit tightly to the cobs, the stigmas are golden in color and the kernels are soft, cream or yellow, tightly packed together, unripe at the end of the cob. Uneven color of grains, mold on the surface of the fruit, black spots, bald spots, dry leaves, brown and dried stigmas indicate poor quality of the product. It is not recommended to buy boiled corn from your hands, because you do not know under what conditions it was prepared and stored.

When purchasing canned corn, first look at the manufacturing date. First, it must be the summer months when corn is in season. Only at this time can fresh and healthy fruits be preserved. If the product was made in spring or winter, it means frozen grains were placed in the jar. It is better to buy canned corn in glass containers.

The ideal product contains four ingredients: corn kernels, water and, in small quantities, sugar and salt. If you see preservatives or any other additives in the composition (which are completely unnecessary; corn can be perfectly stored without them), it is better to put this jar aside.

How to store corn

Fresh cobs should be stored in the refrigerator without removing the leaves, so they will last for several days. Frozen corn can be stored for up to three to four months, but only cobs of milky ripeness (not overripe) are suitable. They need to be cleaned of hairs and leaves, washed well, dried, put in bags and put in the freezer. Fresh cobs will last in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks if they are processed as follows: remove the husks, cut off the “tassels” and place for 20 minutes in water with added salt and lemon juice. After this, the grains need to be separated from the cobs, placed in a container, tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator.

Corn happens different types: sweet, bursting, multi-colored, flinty, etc. To successfully grow it, you need to accurately determine the variety, because each of them has its own standards of care, collection and use. Corn varieties, their features and disadvantages will be described below in the article.

There are several varieties of corn. Each has its own characteristics, so in this article it is advisable to highlight the main points of each of these subspecies.

  • Den corn has long, flat and large seeds. Used for preparing seeds, animal feed, and silage.
  • Siliceous is the most common in different regions of the planet. It has a horn-shaped shell of grains, powderiness is present only in the center. Used to make cereals, flakes, flour, corn sticks.
  • Starch is grown in the Northern and South America. Stem medium length, the cobs ripen late. The grain is always round, loose and smooth. Grown for the production of alcohol and starch.
  • Waxy corn is a type of dent corn that has a two-layer shell. The upper part is mealy, containing a lot of amylopectin.
  • Hulled corn is the least common because it is not used on the farm. It is characterized by a head of cabbage covered with flat spikelet scales.

There are also sugar, popping and colored varieties, but these will be discussed below.

What are the best varieties of corn?

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The best varieties include the most common hybrids grown in different countries and available for purchase in the form of fresh ears and seeds. Why hybrids? Because they are distinguished by their ease of care and the high quality of the plants and cobs themselves.

  • "Trophy F1" ripens in 75 days from the date of sowing. For successful cultivation, it is important not to thicken the seeds during planting. The stem grows up to 2 meters. The cob is medium in size – 23 cm, weighing up to 220 grams. Sweet grains have a rich yellow color. Can be eaten fresh or canned.
  • "Landmark F1"- a hybrid that ripens in 73-83 days. Sweet, can be stored for a long time. The head is up to 21 cm, the stem grows up to 195 cm. Each has up to 2 ears. Transportable, machine cleaning possible. Resistant to diseases, high-yielding, consumed fresh, canned.
  • "Excelent"– sugar hybrid of Russian selection. The heads of cabbage are long - up to 30 cm. The main condition for care is abundant watering. Requires timely spraying, as it is susceptible to diseases and pests.
  • "Voronezhskaya 80-A"– an early ripening variety of sweet corn. Very popular for planting in Russia. Exported, used for canning and fresh consumption. It has pleasant fruity notes, sugar content – ​​14%. Productivity 45-50 c/ha.

What varieties of corn are the sweetest?

Sugar varieties of corn, also known as sweet, are usually distinguished by early ripening, have large, dense heads of corn, and delicate grains in structure. It is believed that the younger the cob, the sweeter it will be. When dry, the grains of these varieties shrink.

  • "Dobrynya" has large heads of cabbage, very sweet. The plant grows up to 170 cm in height, the early ripening variety takes 70 days from germination. The variety is unpretentious to the planting site, soil, and care. Resistant to rust, mosaic and fading.
  • "Gourmand"- high-yielding variety. Has increased immunity to the most common diseases, early ripening (75 days from germination). Used for fresh consumption and canning.
  • "Early Gold 401"- short, mid-season appearance. The heads of cabbage grow up to 19 cm, they are usually consumed when they are still very young - for milk, later they lose their delicious taste. Resistant to most fungal and bacterial diseases.
  • "SpiritF1" It is grown by seedlings and produces a harvest within 60 days after planting in a permanent place. Heads of cabbage grow up to 20 cm.
  • "Dneprovskaya 925"– gives 75% yield finished products! Productivity 60-70 kg/acre. In terms of care, it is important to water on time, otherwise there are no problems.

Sweet corn varieties also include: “Megaton F1” and “Trophy F1”.

To make popcorn, not any type of corn is used, but only certain varieties, the so-called popping ones. They are always low in starch, high in fat, protein and have a strong peel. Thanks to all this, the grains literally burst during heating.

  • "Oerlikon" contains up to 13% sugars, which is very unusual for bursting species. After roasting, it has a pleasant aroma, a very delicate, refined taste that even gourmets will like!
  • "Gobble-gobble"– average ripening period. The plant grows up to 170 cm, heads of cabbage reach 21 cm. Resistant to diseases. The grains are yellow.
  • "Zeya"– red variety, most popular and widespread in Peru. It began to be exported recently, so it is still considered rare in Europe and Asia. It grows up to 180 cm in height, with medium-sized ears of 20 cm. It ripens early only in dry climates.
  • "Volcano"– one of best views for popcorn. It grows up to 2 meters, the heads of cabbage are long – 22 cm or more. Rice-shaped grains, yellow. Resistant to climate change and disease.

This also includes: “Ping-Pong”, “Rice”, “Carousel”, “Granddaughter’s Joy”, “Gift”.

What is special about colored varieties?

Colored varieties of corn are becoming increasingly popular. Their main feature– unpretentiousness (purple varieties are very easy to grow) and high quality indicators (red corn grown in Peru is a record holder for the content of some useful substances).

Colored corn can be black, purple, red, rainbow, etc. Among the most famous varieties are: “Glass Gem”, “Early Pink Glow”, “Strawberry”, “Oaxacan Red”, “Mother of Pearl”, “Mini Striped” , “Miracle Red Cone”, “Bloody Butcher”, “Black Waxy Corn”, etc.

Corn is the queen of the fields, its yellow cobs with grains that look like little suns, reminiscent of summer, the sea coast, where from morning to evening street vendors offer sweet boiled corn of different varieties with honey baklava.

They also grow it in garden plots and not only to enjoy in the summer, but also for freezing and preserving for the winter.

Corn takes third place after grain and rice in the ranking of food and agricultural products. It is rightfully considered a grain crop. After all, she feeds not only people, but also animals. Breeders develop new types of seeds, paying attention to special attention sugar content of cobs and increased yield.

Let's look at the 10 best corn species.


Bonduelle corn varieties doesn't exist. This is the name of a company that produces various canned vegetables and frozen vegetables.

Sweet corn under the Bonduelle brand is especially popular on the Russian market. The main trading facilities of the Bonduelle-Kuban company in Russia are located in the Krasnodar Territory.

Varieties of sweet corn are grown in the southern steppe expanses Spirit and Bonus, used to make the much-loved canned food.

Dobrynya is a vegetable early ripening period, the first harvest is ready for harvesting in 2-2.5 months after seed germination. The medium-sized plant reaches a height of up to 1.7 m; cobs begin to form at a height of 0.7 m.

Dobrynya refers to very sweet sugar varieties of corn. The cobs reach sizes 25*5.5 (diameter and width) and consist of 16-18 rows of grains.

Harvesting for fresh consumption, preservation and freezing is carried out in the milky ripeness phase. For processing grain into cereals, flour, and starch, heads of cabbage are collected after the cobs have yellowed and dried out.

It is unpretentious to growing conditions, quite resistant to diseases such as mosaic, wilting, and rust.

Gourmet variety early the ripening period, from the moment the seeds emerge to the receipt of the first product, only 75-80 days. Plant height is from 1.45 m to 1.8 m.

The fruits grow up to 22 cm long, the number of rows in the cob is 18-20. The weight of sweet juicy fruits reaches 170-250 gr. The grains are bright yellow and have an elongated shape.

It is valued for its excellent taste, which is preserved after processing into canned food and freezing. Gourmand is high-yielding a variety of corn that is highly resistant to downy mildew.

This type of corn is a plant early ripening period – 90 days. The low vigor hybrid is well resistant to fungal diseases.

The cobs are small, reaching a length of 19 cm, juicy with a pleasant melting consistency of cooked grains. Used for preservation and freezing.

Hybrid average ripening period, the period from the moment of emergence of seedlings to the receipt of marketable products is 90-100 days. The plant is up to 2.1 m high, the size of the cobs reaches a length of 22 cm. The grains are large, golden yellow, very sweet and delicate in taste.

Stable high-yielding and productive Spirit is resistant to fungal, viral diseases and rot. The hybrid is used boiled and is suitable for preservation.

To extend the period of obtaining marketable products, seedlings of early varieties can be planted with a shift of 10-15 days.

Ice hectare belongs to the varieties late fruiting period( 130-140 days). The plant is up to 1.8 m high and has cobs 20-25 cm long. The grains are white-cream in color, juicy and very sugary.

Ice Hectare is one of the sweetest among all varieties and hybrids. It can even be consumed raw. Hybrid is leader in yield.

To avoid loss of sugar content of the grains, the hybrid must be planted separately from other varieties, eliminating cross-pollination of plants.


Sundance is a variety with early maturation period ( 70-90 days). The low-growing plant reaches a height of no more than 1.5 m. The diameter of the cobs is 5.5 cm, the length is no more than 20 cm. Bright yellow, slightly elongated grains of medium size and good taste.

The hybrid is used for fresh consumption (cooking) and preservation.

Pioneer corn is a variety average ripening period. The period for receiving the first products is 100-110 days. The plant is resistant to unfavorable growing conditions, which do not affect its yield.

Corn of this variety is used for agricultural purposes and is used for livestock feed: grain and silage.

Syngenta hybrid average ripening period ( up to 110 days). The Dutch hybrid is characterized by high productivity and yield. Resistance to diseases is high.

The height of corn reaches 1.8 m. Cobs up to 20 cm in size are filled with pale yellow grains in 16-18 rows. Ears of milk ripeness are juicy and tender. Recommended for fresh consumption.

To obtain products at an earlier date, it is recommended to grow under agrofibre.

Jubilee is a high-yielding hybrid average ripening period ( 80-100 days). The tall plant can reach a height of 2.5-2.8 m; the cobs, densely packed with pearl-yellow grains, are up to 23 cm long. The grains have a thin skin and a delicate sweet taste.

High yielding, a disease-resistant, general-purpose variety. Suitable for both cooking and canning, behaves well after defrosting.

Features of cultivation

  1. They only grow corn in well-lit, sunny areas. To obtain good harvests with high quality cobs, the soil must be fertile, well fertilized and slightly acidic.
  2. Sowing of seeds is carried out at soil temperature not less than +10 degrees. The depth of seed placement in the soil is 6-8 cm. To obtain earlier production, the plant is grown through seedlings, with the seeds sown in March or April.
  3. After 3-4 leaves of the plant appear thin out, leaving up to 0.5-0.7 m between plants.
  4. It is necessary to hill up the plants to prevent them from lodging.
  5. Harvesting occurs when the cobs reach milky or milky-wax ripeness.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of growing these “rays of sunshine” on your site.

In addition to the fact that you will enjoy eating corn, it is also a natural support for climbing plants: cucumbers, climbing beans.

When choosing plants for our garden, we try to choose not only the most productive varieties, but also the most delicious ones, in order to please ourselves and our family. Corn is not only not an exception, but, perhaps, the banner of this rule. In this article we will look at the varieties and best varieties of corn, how to grow grain and care for the crop, and also find out what kind of variety “Bonduelle” is.

Corn is an annual herbaceous plant, often tall with a stem up to 3 m. The main agricultural purpose of growing this crop is cobs and edible grains. The plant has a developed multi-tiered root system. The leaves are large, reach 10 cm in width, and often grow up to 1 m in length. The culture loves warmth, tolerates drought well, and does not grow well in the shade. The growing season takes from 65 to 150 days. Corn blooms approximately on the 60th day (depending on the variety), reaching the stage of milky ripeness on the 70-80th day.

The nutritional value is difficult to underestimate: cobs contain vitamins B, C, E, in addition to potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, boron, iron, that is, all the elements necessary for a healthy human body. There is also a high content of fats and proteins, which are several times higher than the amount of these elements in other grain crops. Calorie content of 100 g of corn grains is 85.7 kcal.

The crop can be grown either using grain, from which seeds are obtained after processing, or by first growing seedlings.

Subspecies of common corn

Types of corn shine with variety: flint, tooth-like, popping, starchy, waxy, sugar, filmy. Hybrids of the crop are numerous, combining the key characteristics of different species.

Den corn has a large, slightly elongated and flat grain. The grain is covered with a hard shell on the sides, but the center and upper part are mealy and loose. Of all the varieties, it is the tooth-like one that is most often planted on personal plots. The seeds are used not only for planting next year, but also to create cereals, alcohol, animal feed, and flour. It is also grown for silage.

Flint corn has a round, smooth grain. The shell of the grains is horn-shaped, powderiness is noted only in the center. This is the most common species in the world. Silica is grown for grain for the production of cereals, flour, flakes, and everyone’s favorite corn sticks.

Starchy is most common in the South and North America. Plants of this variety are usually medium-sized, late-ripening. Their grain is round, smooth, and loose. This species is mainly grown to create alcohol and starch.

Waxy corn is a modification of the dent varieties and is characterized by a two-layer shell. It was the external resemblance to a drop of wax that served as the name of the species, but in terms of strength this shell is close to the bursting variety. The inside is mealy and contains a large amount of amylopectin, which is sticky.

One of the most popular varieties is bursting. This is what makes crispy, flavorful popcorn. The grain comes in rice and pearl barley forms, has a high specific gravity, and powderiness is observed only near the germ.

Sweet corn has a high content of saccharides and is highly valued throughout the world for its tenderness. Their shell is thin and contains a minimal amount of starch, which is why the grain shrinks when dried. By the way, everyone’s favorite “Bonduelle” mainly consists of various varieties of sweet corn.

And finally, the rarest variety due to its uselessness is filmy corn. It is characterized by the abundant growth of spikelet scales, which cover the grain with a shell. It is not used on the farm.

Red corn (also known as “black corn” in some regions) is a type of maize that came to us from the depths of Peru. Its grain, which is used both as food and as seeds, is dark burgundy, almost black, due to anthocyanins. Black corn cultivated in Peru has many beneficial properties, thanks to a large number antioxidants. Black corn is often included in the diet menu to improve metabolism in the human body.

Sweet corn varieties

Varieties of sweet corn are very diverse, characterized by high yields and often a short growing season. It is from them, as noted earlier, that the products are made, which many mistakenly consider to be the “Bonduelle” variety.

Dobrynya corn has an incredibly sweet taste and large cobs. Early dates ripening, help to be among the first to receive juicy cobs and either eat them on the spot or send them for processing. The bush grows up to 170 cm in height, is unpretentious to the type of soil, and has increased resistance to mosaic, rust and wilting.

Another variety distinguished by its sweet grain structure is Lakomka 121. The variety has a high yield, increased immunity to most diseases, as well as a short growing season. Having reached the stage of milky ripeness, the cobs of this variety are very tasty both boiled and canned.

Early Golden 401 is a low-growing variety with an average growing season. The cobs grow up to 19 cm long and are consumed at the stage of milk ripeness. Moreover, the variety as a whole is resistant to most fungal and bacterial diseases.

When describing corn varieties, one cannot ignore Spirit F1. This variety is one of those that is convenient to grow through seedlings - it gives a harvest within 2 months after planting in open ground. Spirit grain has a high sugar content, which makes it one of the sweetest varieties. The cobs reach 20 cm in length.

But numerous brands of canned corn “Bonduelle”, “Vernet”, “Eco” actually use in their production not a specific variety of corn, but a mixture of different varieties.

popping corn

A favorite treat for movie theatergoers, popcorn is made from popping corn kernels. The low starch content, but at the same time the high content of fats, proteins and a strong but thin shell make it possible for each grain to explode slightly when heated. The fact is that the shell does not crack immediately, but allows moisture to be pumped inside, fluffing the pulp outward when critical pressure is reached.

The Vulcan variety is one of the best, whose grain is suitable for making popcorn. The bush grows up to 2 m, and the cobs up to 22 cm. The grains are yellow, rice. The variety exhibits high resistance to diseases and weather conditions.

The Lopai-Lopai variety is mid-early with yellow grains and cobs up to 21 cm long, grows up to 1.7 m in height, and has good disease resistance.

The Zeya variety is the same red corn that is so loved in Peru. The bush grows up to 1.8 m, the cobs up to 20 cm. In dry weather, the early-ripening variety becomes similar to a species very close in its area of ​​origin called black corn.

Features of care

It doesn’t matter how you planted the crop - through seeds or seedlings, caring for it is the same. After rain or watering, you need to loosen the soil so that the roots receive enough oxygen. It is imperative to remove weeds from the garden bed. These two points of care clearly show why the wild variety of corn does not grow large, sweet, and is rarely suitable for food.

After the phase of 5-8 leaves, stepsons will appear on the stem, which must be removed so as not to slow down the growing season of the plant. It is imperative to thin out the seedlings in the first weeks of corn's life in the garden in order to grow only the strongest seedlings, which will produce a larger harvest.

Also, corn hybrids respond well to organic and mineral fertilizers, so do not skimp on manure, potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen for the beds. And then you will grow corn that will taste as good as the Bonduelle product.

Video “The best variety of corn for the middle zone”


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