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Do you eat right but still can't lose weight? Perhaps it's not what you eat, but amount of food consumed.

Most people don't know what an acceptable serving size should look like. Research has shown that we are poor at judging how much food we should have on our plate, and people often overestimate portion size and underestimate calorie content.

So how do you figure out how much it costs to eat without endlessly counting calories or weighing everything on a scale?

Here's an easy way to determine adequate portion sizes of staple foods and how it looks in relation to the size of your hand.

Meat serving size

Meat: palm of hand

The portion of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand (not including fingers).

The steak in the photo weighs approximately 100 grams and is about the thickness of a deck of cards. A portion of this size of protein can be taken with every meal, and you need to spread your protein intake throughout the day, as we process it better in small portions. However, you should not consume more than 500 grams of red meat per week, and it is better to choose other sources of protein, such as fish and legumes.

Fish portion

White fish: whole hand

White fish such as cod, haddock or pollock are low in fat and calories, so a serving can be as large as your hand (about 150 grams and 100 calories).

White fish contains small amounts of omega-3 and is a good source of selenium, important for the immune system, healthy hair and nails.

Oily fish: palm

Like meat, a portion of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or sardines should be about the size of your palm. Fatty fish fillets weigh about 100 grams and contain about 200 calories. One serving per week will provide you with enough omega-3 fatty acids.

Salad portion

Spinach: two handfuls

This is the amount of raw spinach one person needs for one (80 grams) of the 5 servings of vegetables recommended daily. The same serving size will work for other lettuce leaves.

Vegetables should be eaten with every meal, and not just a few leaves, but almost the whole bag.

Serving of fruit

Berries: two hands

One of your five servings of fruit a day is a handful that fits in the palm of your hand.

This amount of berries contains about 90 calories, but other fruits, such as grapes, contain more sugar and about 161 calories.

Serving of vegetables

Vegetables: clenched fists

One in five servings of vegetables (80 grams) per day should be at least the size of your fist. It is also important to strive for a variety of vegetables in your diet and eat vegetables different colors. Vegetables should take up half of your plate.

A serving of pasta per day

Pasta: clenched fist

This amount of pasta seems quite small, but the pasta will expand in size as it cooks. This serving contains 75 grams and 219 calories. A serving of uncooked rice should also be the size of your fist.

Carbohydrates, which are important for maintaining energy, and fiber should take up a quarter of your plate (proteins the other quarter and vegetables half the plate).

The sauce will add extra calories.

A serving of nuts per day

Nuts: one palm

Nuts and seeds make a good snack, are filling and contain heart-healthy unsaturated fat, although they are high in calories. A good portion is something you can hold in the palm of your hand. Therefore, try to eat nuts and seeds separately, and not several at once.

Portion of potatoes

Potato: fist

A carbohydrate serving should be approximately 200 calories for women and 250 calories for men.

One 180g potato contains about 175 calories, but a baked potato can be twice as much, so you can share it between two people.

If you are not trying to lose weight, you can eat a slightly larger serving.

Food servings per day

Butter: tip of thumb

Any serving of fat, including butter, vegetable oil, the peanut butter should be no more than a teaspoon or the size of the tip of your thumb from the knuckle to the tip of your nail. In total, there should be no more than 2-3 servings of fat per day.

Chocolate: index finger

A piece of chocolate the size of your index finger (20 grams) contains approximately 100 calories and is an adequate treat.

Cheese: two fingers

A 30 gram portion of cheese should be the length and depth of two fingers. It contains about 125 calories and provides you with a third of the recommended amount of calcium. A serving of grated cheese can be the size of your fist.

Cake: two fingers

The cake slice should be the length and width of two fingers (one end may be a little wider if you cut with a wedge). This serving contains about 185 calories and is acceptable as a treat.

Instructions on how to measure 50 grams (g, g) of water - this is how many drops, SEE TABLE 1, we measure dosages in grams, how to calculate the number of drops of water in 50 grams (g, g).

There is an approximate way to measure 50 grams (grams, g) of water in drops, without weighing on a scale. Technically, measuring grams of water in drops is not difficult - you just need to count the required number of drops. To do this we need to know the ratio of grams to drops. More precisely, we need to determine the weight (mass) of 1 drop of water, which is known background information, which we use to determine servings by weight in grams. You do not need to repeat the calculations yourself; just look at our instructions - “how to measure at home”, located below the text of the article. How many drops in 50 g (g, grams) of water are indicated in the table. Do not forget that the method of measuring in drops is not only an approximate option for determining weight in grams, since it depends on the shape of the hole in the vessel, but also works best only when measuring 50 grams (grams, g) of distilled water. The more impurities, salts, and additives in a liquid, the less accurate the measurement method turns out to be. Method for measuring 50 g (g, grams) of water in drops, has its own methodological features for performing measurements. When used by professionals, for example: used in laboratory and pharmaceutical settings. What are the features of the laboratory technique for determining the weight of water in grams without scales? For example, pharmacists measure grams (g, g) in drops using a special tool - a dispenser. In the pharmaceutical reference book, where the ratio of ml, grams and drops is considered in the most detail, accurately and correctly, this does not refer to any drops, but specifically to those obtained when using a dispenser. Your own water droplets will likely vary slightly in size, volume and weight (mass). How many drops of water are in 50 grams (g, g) doesn't count exact value also because the method is based on statistical generalization of the results of experimental studies (measurements). In each specific measurement, the counted number of drops is different, but always close to the average value indicated in Table 1.

How to measure 50 grams (g, grams) of water - how many ml (milliliters). In grams we measure the weight (mass) of a liquid, and in milliliters we determine the volume.

How to measure a portion of water in grams, for example, measure or count 50 g (g, grams) using milliliters for calculation? For water, just for it and only, there is a very convenient ratio of the weight (mass) of the liquid in grams (g, g) and volume in milliliters. The number of ml and the number of grams are the same. It is worth clarifying that for other liquids this ratio of weight in grams and volume in milliliters will be different. Moreover, if we are not dealing with a distillate, then number of milliliters (ml) in 50 grams of water will differ from the indicated grams in Table 1. For domestic conditions, when we need approximate calculations of the amount of g of water, dosage in grams or approximate portion in g, a completely correct option is to use reference data on the number of milliliters of water (ml) in 50 g of liquid from table 1.

How to calculate 50 grams (g, grams) of water - this is how many cubic centimeters (cm3, cubic cm).

It is convenient to measure some portions of water in grams with a syringe or dispenser with a scale in cubic centimeters (cm3, cubes, cubes). Questions may arise with Converting cubic centimeters of water to grams or milliliters. Milliliters (ml), like cubic centimeters (cm3), are units of volume measurement, with the difference that the former are used to measure volumes of liquids only, while cubic centimeters are more universal units and are used to determine the volumes of both liquids and solids , bulk materials, gases, vapors and so on. In general, converting milliliters of liquid to cubic centimeters is a relatively simple mathematical problem. However, without constant practice, converting or converting into cubic centimeters (cm3) can cause some difficulties for any normal person. Therefore, we indicated in the table how many cubic centimeters of water are in 50 g (grams, gr) a separate column. By the way, for water, the number of cubic centimeters and the number of milliliters turns out to be the same, which is useful to simply remember and use at home when measuring portions.

How to measure 50 grams (grams, g) of water - this is how many tablespoons and how many teaspoons. The instructions will help you measure weight in grams and determine the mass of a portion of water without weighing it on a scale.

It is quite possible that you will find it convenient way to measure 50 g (g) of liquid with a spoon, based on the use of a tablespoon or teaspoon when measuring weight, calculating quantities, or determining servings. How to measure 50 grams (g) of liquid with a spoon, in our case, is based on measuring the number (how many) milliliters. And there is a mathematical connection between milliliters and units of weight (g, g) that allows you to convert the units. Spoons, both tablespoons and teaspoons, although their capacity is considered standard, cannot be considered precise measuring instruments for measuring volume in milliliters. Still, spoons are primarily cutlery. However, at home, tablespoons and tea spoons are actively used to measure not only volumes, but also weight (mass). At least, the question: how many tablespoons and teaspoons arises quite often. Naturally, we could not “bypass” it by indicating in the table a separate category (column) for tablespoons and teaspoons. The number of teaspoons is given by the first digit, and the number of tablespoons by the second digit, separated by a slash. It should be noted that measuring portions of water with spoons is relatively convenient and the inevitable errors of this method turn out to be relatively small. This means small compared to powders and bulk materials. Water in a spoon, due to its physical properties, does not create a large slide. Although there is a small mound in a spoonful of water, its size is safely neglected when measuring milliliters (ml) with a tablespoon or teaspoon. There is another type of spoons - dessert spoons, they are larger in size than teaspoons, but smaller than tablespoons.

How to calculate 50 g (grams, g) of water - how many liters (l). We count the required amount of liquid, converting grams to liters (l) according to the instructions.

Liquid volume units such as ml are used for small quantities of water. Large volumes are measured in liters and cubes (cubic meters, cubic meters, m3). There is a standard correspondence between milliliters, liters and cubic meters used in volume calculations liquid substances. We do not list the number of cubes (cubic meters, cubic meters, m3) in the table in a separate column. The calculation, if it is necessary to convert liters (l) to cubes (m3), can be easily done independently using the ratio: one cubic meter of any substance always holds 1000 liters (l). For 50 grams (g, grams) of water, we indicated in the table how many liters (l) it is - quantity. That is, it is not necessary to convert or convert milliliters to liters; you can find out the number of liters (l) from the reference data in the instructions (see Table 1).

How to measure 50 grams (grams, g) of water - this is how many standard glasses with a capacity of 250 milliliters and how many standard faceted glasses with a capacity of 200 ml.

We measure water at home not only with drops, tablespoons and teaspoons. When the volume or weight of water we need becomes large enough, it becomes more convenient to measure the amount of liquid with other kitchen tools. For example: measure in cups and glasses. You can use cups to measure liquids if you know their capacity. Manufacturers of tableware, as a rule, do not try to make cups standard in volume. But for glass glasses it is customary to maintain a standard container. Glass glasses are often called that - standard, standard tableware. There are two types of standard glass glasses: thin-walled and faceted glasses. They vary slightly in shape and appearance. However, for measuring portions, it is not the shape that is more important, but the fact that the glasses have different capacities. Not everyone knows that a standard thin-walled glass is 50 ml (milliliters) larger in volume than a faceted glass. To be precise, a standard thin-walled glass has a volume of 250 ml, and the capacity of a standard faceted glass is 200 ml. 50 grams (g, grams) of water in glasses see table 1.

Table 1. How to measure 50 g (g) of water - how many drops, how many tablespoons, teaspoons, cubic centimeters (cm3), how many liters, milliliters (ml) and glasses (with a capacity of 200, 250 ml).

Calculating the weight of products is a favorite topic of debate for all housewives and even experienced chefs. Questions such as “how much is 50 grams of sugar”, “how to measure the mass of this bulk product” will not lose their relevance. Very often certain difficulties arise with calculating the required weight of products. Most recipes already indicate recommended volumes in or cups. But often it is not a specific volume that is offered, but required weight in grams. Measuring the weight of the desired ingredient is not difficult if you have professional scales for such measurements. Well, what if they are not there? It is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced cook to figure out how to measure, for example, how much 50 g of sugar is, if there are no measuring scales at hand.

Possible options for calculating the weight of granulated sugar without scales

How much is 50 grams of sugar? To solve this global problem like measuring weight necessary products, even our great-grandmothers used improvised means (measuring using teaspoons, tablespoons, for example).

So, for basic measurement of a small amount of granulated sugar, there are several options that can easily be used in practice:

  1. Using small measuring containers (cups, spoons) with already marked measuring divisions. Everything here is extremely simple - just add granulated sugar to the desired measurement.
  2. Using a teaspoon. It should be noted that the weight of the spoon itself is not taken into account. Traditionally, the weight of a heaped teaspoon will be 10 grams.
  3. Using a tablespoon. If you take a heaping tablespoon, you get 25 grams of sugar.

These methods are the most popular and effective.

So, 50 grams of sugar - how many spoons?

As you can see, the calculation is not at all complicated and several calculation options can be used.

If you need to determine small volumes (how much is 50 grams of sugar), then, undoubtedly, using cutlery will be the most suitable method.


If the recipe indicates the addition of granulated sugar in the amount of 50 grams, then this means that you need to take 5 heaped teaspoons or 2 heaped tablespoons of granulated sugar.


The use of the considered means will allow any cook to calculate the required weight without scales. It is worth noting that measuring weight using spoons at home, of course, will give approximate dosages and the error is always 10-15%. For a more accurate determination, it is recommended to use measuring containers indicating specific values.

One of the largest and most popular US banknotes is the $50 bill. They are printed by the American Bureau of Engraving and Printing and issued by the Federal Reserve System. The banknote can be used for no more than 4 years and 7 months.

History of the American Banknote

There is not a single country where they do not know about the dollar and its power. These crisp green banknotes are the result of a mixture of different cultures, traditions, designs and tastes. Many argue that the “buck” contains Masonic and even esoteric symbols. Although a person can’t come up with anything to protect a banknote from counterfeiting. Especially if this banknote can bypass globe several thousand times.

In addition to the main images, in 1957, for the first time, the inscription “We Trust in God”, which was previously minted only on coins, was placed on the 50 US dollar bill, as well as on banknotes of other denominations. US paper currency used to feature images of different personalities, but things have changed since 1864. By decision of the US Congress, a law was passed according to which it was not allowed to post an image of a living person.

The prerequisite for this law was a scandalous story in which the head of the Monetary Bureau, Spencer Clark, was involved. He placed his image on a 5-cent bill (there is no such banknote in use today). Everything would not have been so scary if not for his sexual adventures, in which the women of his bureau were involved. And these were the first female employees who were accepted into public office.


50 dollars is a bill whose size is 15.6 x 6.63 cm. The Capitol is depicted on the back of the bill, and Ulysses Simpson Grant, the 18th President of the United States, is depicted on the reverse. His photo is placed in the very center of the dollar. To the left of the image is the seal of the issuing bank: all letters from A to L. The right seal belongs to the Ministry of Finance, and above it there must be the inscription “Fifty”.

Previously, signatures on banknotes were placed manually, and for this they hired special people who labored day and night over this simple task. And only after the advent of facsimiles this process was simplified and brought to automaticity. The $50 bill bears the signature of the Secretary of the Treasury and Treasurer of the United States. They are under seals.

The corner inscription will not let you forget about the denomination of the bill, as well as what the green “bucks” look like. It is from this that you can determine its value at first glance. On this banknote this is the number 50. In addition to the identification marks listed above, the following inscriptions can be seen on the dollar:

  • “Fifty Dollars” – lower guilloche stripe;
  • “Federal Reserve Note” – the top part of the banknote;
  • "The United States of America" ​​and "GRANT" under the portrait of the president.

The banknote itself is considered paper only because it consists of 75% cotton and 25% linen. Therefore, she is not afraid of 4000 bends. This banknote is characterized by the following color scheme: green for the reverse and gray for the obverse.

Types of banknotes

There are 3 types of fifty dollar banknotes: 1929, 1996 and 2006. The 1996 banknote has a slightly modified appearance due to the portrait of the president shifting to the left. The image of the Capitol, which was previously filmed from above, has also changed. Thus, the roofs of nearby buildings fell into the frame, and the scale was small. In the new edition, the image that was removed from the facade was enlarged, so part of the picture was moved outside the oval frame.

In the last edition of this banknote, some changes were made. For example, a peach background was made on the reverse and obverse. New images added. Thus, at the top of the dollar there is a shield that symbolizes justice. Below are: a key, scales and a belt with 13 stars (number of states).

Main Differences

In any country there is a person who wants to simplify their life and counterfeit a banknote. How not to get caught by such a banknote? To do this, you must be attentive and vigilant. For example, if you look closely at the number 50 in the lower right corner of the reverse, you will notice that at certain angles the ink color changes from copper to green.

Without using additional tools, a person will be able to distinguish a fake dollar from a real one even in the market or on the street. To do this, just pay attention to the watermarks that are visible in the light. They usually consist of an image of the President of the United States. The buyer can carefully examine the vertical security thread that is embedded in the paper. Along the entire length of the thread there will be very small images of the flag, the number 50 and the words “USA”. Under ultraviolet light the thread will turn yellow.

Throughout the entire area of ​​the “buck” there are various microtexts that are almost impossible to notice with the naked eye. The $50 bill may vary as the date of issue of the bill varies. Knowing these differences, the basic security parameters of the dollar, everyone will be able to accurately distinguish an original bill from a counterfeit one.

| | Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an important part of a balanced diet. They are the main source of energy for the body. Carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates, such as sweets or starchy foods, are digested very quickly, so they cause an immediate increase in blood sugar and a significant release of insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar, sending it to fat folds.

Complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal or buckwheat, take longer to digest, gradually raise blood sugar levels, and often contain more fiber.

Most bulking diets muscle mass It is recommended to consume 50 g of carbohydrates per meal. If you stick to eating complex carbohydrates, instead of cakes and donuts, your energy level will be stable throughout the day. However, if you don't want to completely eliminate sugar-containing carbohydrates from your diet, consume them in small quantities immediately after a hard workout.

Sweet potato

Serving: 2 medium baked tubers

Proteins - 4.5 g

Fats - 0.3 g

Carbohydrates - 46 g

In addition to healthy carbohydrates, it contains calcium, potassium, thiamine, niacin and vitamin A.


Serving: 1 medium baked potato

Proteins - 6.5 g

Fats - 0.3 g

Carbohydrates - 54.9 g

Energy value - 241 kcal

Regular potatoes contain more calories and are digested a little faster than sweet potatoes, but the differences are fairly minor. They are both great sources of carbohydrates.


Serving: ¾ cup

Proteins - 10.4 g

Fat - 6.2 g

Carbohydrates - 49.1 g

Energy value - 291 kcal

Oats have always been an indispensable element in human nutrition. This is a low cholesterol food that will provide you with fiber, iron, calcium, riboflavin and folic acid.

Whole grain bread

Serving: 2 slices

Proteins - 6 g

Fat - 0 g

Carbohydrates - 44 g

Energy value - 200 kcal

When purchasing, be sure to make sure that the bread is made from whole grains and not from sifted flour.

Long grain brown rice

Serving: 1 cup cooked rice

Proteins - 5 g

Fat - 1.8 g

Carbohydrates - 44.8 g

Energy value - 216 kcal

Brown rice is known to be low in fat, cholesterol and salt. Rich in fiber and includes many essential micronutrients such as selenium and manganese.


Serving – ½ cup

Proteins - 10.4 g

Fat - 2.4 g

Carbohydrates – 50 g

Energy value - 264 kcal

It is a unique source of not only carbohydrates, but also proteins, vitamins and minerals.


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