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Double-circuit gas boilers are a convenient way to solve the issue of heating and supplying a private home hot water. They are easy to use, have the highest efficiency and reliability, the main thing is to choose a boiler that is suitable for its characteristics.

The functionality of double-circuit boilers is determined by the features of their design. They are equipped with two heat exchange circuits, one of which heats closed system heating, the second - water for household needs.

The coolant in the primary circuit is heated in the gas combustion chamber. The water for the DHW system is heated by the hot coolant from the primary circuit only when you open the tap with warm water. In this case, the valve built into the boiler shuts off the supply of coolant to the heating system.

The longer the tap is open hot water, the more the heating system cools down. Therefore, if the need for hot water is high, purchasing a double-circuit boiler is impractical; in this case, it is better to choose a single-circuit boiler, and to it

Selection by types and parameters

Double-circuit gas boilers are presented on the market with a huge variety of models, and it is sometimes difficult to understand which one is best to choose. Therefore for the right choice You need to clearly understand the characteristics you need.

These include:

  • power, that is, the ability to effectively heat the required area and heat a sufficient amount of water;
  • boiler installation method - mounted (wall-mounted) or floor-mounted;
  • type of combustion chamber, it can be open or closed;
  • operating principle - convection, requiring, or condensation, allowing the use of a coaxial chimney;
  • degree of automation, type of ignition and availability of protective functions;
  • the manufacturer and the degree of trust in him.
Parameters such as power and operating principle depend on the thermal characteristics of the building and its area. Otherwise, the buyer’s choice is usually determined by his stylistic preferences and taste, needs and the price of the equipment.


This parameter determines whether the boiler is truly capable of heating the house for a long time, efficiently and without overload. A complete thermal engineering calculation, which is performed by service specialists, must take into account all the features of the structure:

  • wall material and degree of thermal insulation;
  • number and total area of ​​windows;
  • ceiling height;
  • the presence of complex elements - bay windows, glazed heated terraces, greenhouses.

It is quite difficult to perform such a calculation on your own, so a simpler method is usually used. It is enough to calculate the total area of ​​heated premises, and then apply the formula:

P = S 100 / 1000.

where P is the required power, kW;

S - area in meters.

For a detached house with insufficient insulation, this figure is increased by 15% in temperate latitudes and by 30% in northern regions.

So, for an apartment of 120 square meters The rated power of the boiler is 12 kW, but for a private house built in the Moscow region, it is better to choose a power of at least 15 kW, and for a colder region - 20 kW. This will allow the boiler to operate without overload.

You should also pay attention to the performance of the DHW circuit. To calculate hot water consumption, you need to know the number of water points in a private house and the probability of their simultaneous operation. In this case, a flow rate of 400 liters per hour (6.6 liters per minute) is assumed for each point. If two or more points are turned on simultaneously, this indicator must be increased by the calculated number of times.

The total boiler power, sufficient to heat a private house and provide it with hot water, consists of the power of the heating system and the power of the heat exchanger for hot water supply.

Wall or floor?

The method of installing the boiler depends on its power: models designed to heat a private house with an area of ​​up to 200-250 square meters are usually produced in a wall-mounted version. They are compact and do not exceed in size, they can be placed in any convenient place, for example, in the kitchen or bathroom.

Such boilers are designed for a hot water output of no more than 14 liters per minute and can simultaneously provide two water points. To reduce losses, it is recommended to install them close to hot water consumers.

Boilers with a total power of more than 20 kW are usually floor-standing. Their size and weight are superior to wall-mounted models, and it is better to place them in a boiler room with an equipped supply and exhaust ventilation system. The requirements for a particular model depend not only on the size, but also on the operating principle and type of combustion chamber.

Combustion chamber - which is better?

Gas boilers can be equipped with an open or closed combustion chamber. They differ in the way air is supplied to the combustion zone. In an open chamber, air leaks from the volume of the room in which the boiler is installed.

Therefore, they can only be installed in a boiler room equipped with a window or forced ventilation, otherwise the air in the room will become unbreathable. In addition, to ensure stable draft and complete removal of flue gases, such a boiler requires a height of the vertical part not less than that specified in the passport.

The closed combustion chamber allows you to install the boiler in any room of the house. To supply air and remove exhaust gases, in this case a coaxial chimney is used, consisting of two corrosion-resistant pipes located one inside the other. Flue gases exit through the inner pipe, and through the space between the pipes fresh air, taken from the street.

In this case, fresh air is recovered (heated), which has a positive effect on the combustion process. A coaxial chimney can be routed horizontally through the wall. In this case, the draft is provided by a built-in fan. Wall-mounted models usually have a closed combustion chamber, so they can be used not only for heating a house, but also in apartments.

Operating principle

According to the principle of heat removal, gas boilers can be convection and condensation. The difference is that in a convection coolant the coolant is heated in the combustion chamber, while in a condensing coolant the heat obtained from steam condensation is additionally used.

The advantage of a condensing boiler is its high efficiency- up to 96%. But his minus - strict requirements for the device heating system : the temperature of the return water entering the heat exchanger must not exceed certain values, usually 60ºC, which requires professional calculation and tuning of the system and large, expensive radiators.

The implementation of the convection heating principle is possible in boilers with any combustion chamber. Condensing boilers always have a closed combustion chamber.

Energy dependence, degree of automation and type of ignition

The simplest models of gas boilers do not require connection to an electrical network. Their functionality, as a rule, is low - they have an open combustion chamber, require connection to a vertical full-fledged chimney, and they can only be started manually.

Modern models of gas boilers are connected to the electrical network; they are equipped with automation, allowing them to operate completely autonomously, without human intervention.

Two parameters important for ease of use:

  • number of heating stages;
  • ignition type.
Heating stages are modes in which the boiler can operate to provide the specified heating parameters.

The cheapest models are single-stage. In them, the heating process alternates with a standby mode. When the set temperature is reached, the boiler stops burning; heating will begin again only after the coolant has cooled to the lower permissible value. This may result in uneven heating.

With two- and three-stage heating, the boiler automatically selects the combustion intensity depending on the set temperature, so the coolant does not overheat and the room temperature remains stable. The price for such models is slightly higher.

Ignition type in gas boilers can be manual- using a piezoelectric element, or electronic- in models equipped with a control unit. After shutdown, piezo ignition requires manual start; electronic ignition turns on itself after a break in the power supply or elimination of emergency operation of the boiler.

Other convenient features built into the gas boiler help make its operation completely safe. Almost all modern boiler models are equipped with them. Such functions include control of flame, draft, gas flow and other combustion modes and heating system.

You can find out by the codes that are displayed on the electronic control unit display; some models also allow you to connect a GSM alert system via SMS.

Famous brands and manufacturers

Focusing only on the equipment manufacturer is not entirely correct, since most companies have a wide range of models with a variety of functions. But purchasing gas equipment from an unknown manufacturer, even with high-quality assembly, carries a number of risks. That's why When choosing a manufacturer, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • warranty period and period of use of the equipment;
  • location of service centers where repairs or maintenance can be performed;
  • the ability to buy or order spare parts and consumables;

Choosing a boiler for a heating system is an important and responsible procedure that determines the microclimate of the house for the coming years.

Errors in this matter are unacceptable, but most users do not have sufficient knowledge on this topic.

You need to clearly understand the design features of gas boilers and be able to determine the most successful parameters and set of functions.

Sales consultants often try to sell stale goods and give distorted information, so it is useful to have some information about the most important aspects.

Let's consider one of the most effective and popular groups of heating gas boilers - floor-standing models

The basic function of any boiler is to heat the coolant for the heating circuit. All models have it, regardless of what additional features they have.

There are units designed only for the preparation of coolant. These are single-circuit boilers that perform a single, main task. In addition there is double-circuit boilers, capable of preparing hot water for domestic needs simultaneously with heating the heating agent.

They are equipped with an additional heat exchanger, which uses part of the excess thermal energy of the coolant.

These units are called dual-circuit. They allow you to get the maximum range of functions, but have some limitations in the performance of the DHW circuit.

Heating occurs in a flow mode, so it is not yet possible to achieve a uniform and stable temperature.


Single-circuit boilers can be connected to external storage boilers. This will require some expenses, but as a result it makes it possible to obtain a stable and even hot water supply.

Pros and cons

The advantages of floor-standing boilers include:

  • no restrictions on the power of the unit;
  • strength, reliability of all components and parts;
  • ease of installation;
  • stability of operation, the ability to maintain a given mode regardless of external conditions;
  • no unnecessary additions;
  • powerful models can be connected in a cascade of up to 4 units, forming high-performance thermal units.

The disadvantages of floor structures are:

  • large weight, size;
  • the need for a separate room;
  • for atmospheric models it is necessary to connect to a common house chimney

In addition to a separate room, for floor-standing boilers it is necessary to ensure the possibility of connecting to a vertical chimney or leading a horizontal pipe through the wall.

Convection or condensation?

The traditional method of heat transfer from a gas boiler is heating the coolant in flow mode. It passes through the heat exchanger, and gas burner heats the liquid according to the specified operating mode.

This type of boiler is called convection boiler. Relatively recently, a new design of units appeared - condensing. It uses preheating of the coolant from the heat released during condensation of the exhaust smoke.

The temperature of the liquid increases by a small amount, but this is enough to reduce the heating mode of the main heat exchanger.

As a result, a positive effect is achieved:

  • fuel consumption is reduced;
  • The service life of the boiler increases.

With properly organized operation of the unit, fuel savings reach 20%. However, there are some specific conditions that sharply limit the scope of application of condensing boilers.

The reason is that the condensation process can only occur when the temperature of the walls of the condensation chamber is higher than the return flow temperature. This is only possible on underfloor heating systems or radiator circuits with a low degree of heating.

It is calculated that the operation of the first stage is possible only if the difference between the outside and inside of the house is no more than 20°. For Russia, such a ratio is simply impossible. If condensation is not possible, the boiler operates as a conventional convection model.

Considering the almost twofold difference in prices, one should weigh the feasibility of such an expensive purchase with its dubious effectiveness.

What is the difference between non-volatile and conventional boilers?

Conventional (volatile) boilers require an electrical supply, without which they cannot operate. Turbofan, circulation pump, the electronic control board needs a high-quality and stable power supply.

Particularly capricious are control boards, which immediately fail when the current parameters change. Manufacturers claim the ability to withstand large voltage fluctuations, but in practice this is not observed.

At the same time, volatile units have a set of additional capabilities - they can be controlled remotely, integrated into a smart home system, and programmed for some time in advance.

Non-volatile boilers do not have all these additions. They work exclusively with the help of mechanical components and parts, like a regular gas stove.

The design of such units is devoid of all unnecessary components, it is functional and therefore very reliable. In addition, owners of non-volatile boilers do not face the risk of being left without heating in the event of a sudden power outage.

Dilapidated and overloaded networks are a typical phenomenon for remote villages, so the use of independent heating systems is very valuable for many users.

Types of heat exchanger materials – what to choose?

The heat exchanger is the main component of a gas boiler. The coolant is heated in it, so the parameters and design of this unit are of great importance.

For production use:

  • stainless steel. This is a budget option, although the parameters of steel heat exchangers allow you to get quite effective results. Typically, such units are installed on inexpensive medium-power boilers;
  • copper tube (coil). This option is used on expensive models of gas boilers. Copper has a high heat transfer coefficient, so the effect of using such heat exchangers is very high;
  • cast iron. It is resistant to mechanical and thermal loads. For the manufacture of heat exchangers, gray ductile metal is used, which is resistant to changes or different values ​​of liquid temperature at individual points. Massive units help equalize the degree of heating and soften sudden temperature changes.

Copper heat exchangers are considered the most preferable, but steel and cast iron units are also quite functional and can provide high-quality heating of the heating agent.

Types of boilers by type of smoke removal and which one is better?

There are two options for removing combustion products:

  • atmospheric. This traditional way removal of flue gases using natural stove draft. The technique is well studied, but is unstable and highly dependent on external conditions. Most often used on non-volatile models;
  • using a turbofan. The combustion chamber of such boilers is isolated from the outside atmosphere, so the combustion process and smoke exhaust are ensured by a turbocharging fan. It supplies fresh air, which supports the flame and displaces smoke into a specially designed chimney (coaxial).

Turbocharged boilers are considered more convenient designs for use in residential premises - there is no smell of smoke, oxygen does not burn out, the unit is completely safe.

However, such boilers need to be connected to the power supply.

Selection of coolant

Usually two options are used:

  • water. Experts recommend using distilled water if the volume of the system allows it. This method avoids the formation of lime deposits, but prevents pipes from freezing in winter time he will not protect;
  • ethylene glycol (antifreeze). This is a liquid that does not freeze when circulation stops. Contains a set of anti-corrosion additives, does not form scale, and does not have a destructive effect on polymers, rubber, and plastic.

For systems that need to be drained frequently, water is the best and most economical choice. The use of antifreeze is recommended for heating circuits that operate under difficult conditions.

Types of boiler ignition methods and which method is the most optimal?

There are three ignition options:

  • electronic. The burner is ignited at the touch of a button using a special unit. This option is present on all models of volatile boilers;
  • piezoelectric. The principle of operation of such a system is similar to all piezo devices - in order for a spark to appear, you need to press on a special crystal. Used on non-volatile boilers. Many users find this type of ignition inconvenient;
  • manual. The flame is ignited with an ordinary lit match (spear). For ignition, you need to have a certain supply of such elongated wooden sticks.

Most users unanimously prefer the electronic type of ignition, but it is not possible on non-volatile units. You have to get used to using a piezoelectric element or ignite the burner with a burning torch.

Types by combustion chamber type

There are two types of combustion chambers:

  • atmospheric (open). They work on the traditional principle - air is taken directly from the surrounding atmosphere, and smoke is removed using natural draft. For the operation of such boilers, appropriate conditions are required, so they are not in great demand. However, atmospheric units are capable of operating in energy-independent mode;
  • turbocharged (closed). The fully sealed design requires air supply, which is done using a turbofan. This method allows you to regulate the combustion mode and the removal of combustion products. It is considered the most convenient and safe.

The choice of combustion chamber is determined by the design of the boiler - all non-volatile models are atmospheric, and dependent units can be either open or closed.

Turbocharged vehicles are preferred.

Rating of TOP 10 floor-standing gas boilers

Let's look at the features of some of the most popular models of floor-standing gas boilers:

Protherm Wolf 16 KSO

The company from Slovakia produces a wide range of gas boilers. Model Wolf 16 KSO is a single-circuit boiler with a capacity of 16 kW. It can successfully heat a house of 160 square meters. m.

The boiler heat exchanger is two-pass, made of stainless steel.

Basic parameters:

  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • coolant temperature - 30-80°;
  • gas consumption - 2.1 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 390x745x460 mm;
  • weight - 46.5 kg.

All series of Protherm boilers are named after various animals. By their appearance, you can determine whether a given model belongs to a specific equipment group.

Lemax Premium-12.5

Floor-standing single-circuit gas boiler made in Russia. With a power of 12.5 kW, it is capable of heating rooms up to 125 sq. m. m.

Main Features:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • gas consumption - 1.5 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 416x744x491 mm;
  • weight - 55 kg.

Non-volatile units make it possible to increase operational reliability and relieve concerns about the safety of heating in the winter.

Lemax Premium-20

Russian floor heating boiler. The power of the unit is 20 kW, making it a good choice for owners of houses up to 200 sq.m.

A non-volatile boiler with a steel heat exchanger has the following parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 2.4 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 556x961x470 mm;
  • weight - 78 kg.

Single-circuit non-volatile models have the simplest design possible, which increases the reliability and stability of their operation.

BAXI SLIM 1.230 iN

Italian engineers have developed a high-quality and productive model of a floor-standing gas boiler with a capacity of 22.1 kW. This allows the unit to heat an area of ​​up to 220 square meters. m.

  • Efficiency - 90.2%;
  • coolant temperature - up to 85°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 2.59 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 350x850x600 mm;
  • weight - 103 kg.

BAXI boilers belong to the group of elite heating equipment and are one of the leaders in European heating technology.

Lemax Premium-25N

Another representative of domestic heating equipment, manufactured in Taganrog. This is a single-circuit, non-volatile gas boiler designed for floor mounting.

Its parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 3 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 470x961x556 mm;
  • weight - 83 kg.

The warranty on Lemax boilers lasts 36 months, which increases the technical support of the manufacturer by one and a half times and allows the user to receive specialized repairs or maintenance of the units.

Siberia 11

Products of the Rostov company "Rostovgazoapparat". The power of this floor-standing energy-independent unit is up to 11.6 kW, allowing you to heat the house up to 120 square meters. m.

All controls are mechanical; a power outage will not affect the heating system in any way.

Boiler parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.18 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 280x850x560 mm;
  • weight - 52 kg.

The company's arsenal includes single- and double-circuit models of boilers of this series.


Czech floor-standing boilers with a cast iron heat exchanger provide high reliability and stability of home heating. The MORA-TOP SA 20 model has a power of 15 kW and is designed for operation in rooms up to 150 sq. m. m.

Boiler characteristics:

  • Efficiency - 92%;
  • coolant temperature - 85°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.6 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 365x845x525 mm;
  • weight - 99 kg.

The heat exchanger design is sectional and consists of 3 compartments. The boiler is non-volatile, but is equipped with two types of pipes - for natural and forced circulation.

Lemax Premium-10

Floor-standing non-volatile gas boiler with a power of 10 kW. Capable of heating a house up to 100 sq.m..

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 1 bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.2 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 330x748x499 mm;
  • weight - 48 kg.

The boiler is single-circuit, all controls work on a mechanical principle.

Lemax Premium-16

Floor-standing gas boiler, designed to service the heating system of a private house up to 160 sq. m.

Its power is 16 kW, other parameters:

  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 3 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.9 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 416x744x491 mm;
  • weight - 55 kg.

This model is one of the most popular on the market, since its power is optimal for most private homes.

Lemax Clever 30

Single-circuit floor-standing gas boiler. Its power is 30 kW, which allows you to heat 300 sq. m. usable area. The unit is volatile, has electronic control and a comprehensive protection system.


  • Efficiency - 90%;
  • coolant temperature - 90°;
  • system pressure - up to 2 Bar;
  • gas consumption - 1.75 m3/hour;
  • dimensions - 470x961x556 mm;
  • weight - 85 kg.

The power of the unit is excessive for one residential building, so owners often buy such boilers together and use them to operate in 2 systems.

Customer Reviews

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We will talk about the types and features of operation, but most importantly, a rating of gas boilers for heating a private home will be presented. This information will be useful to all those who are currently puzzled by the choice of heating equipment. Organizing home heating and water heating for domestic use is a challenge for those who live or move to private house. Considered the most effective and inexpensive to use gas equipment. We will talk about him today in today’s article.

Which type of boiler should you prefer?

The first thing you should pay attention to before purchasing is the output power of the system. This parameter is calculated taking into account the climate zone in which the equipment will operate and the area of ​​the premises that will need to be heated. The calculation is not very difficult. Since in private houses the ceiling height rarely exceeds 3 m, you can rely specifically on the area of ​​the rooms. This parameter is multiplied by the coefficient for the installation region, and then divided by 10.

Correction factors have the following meanings:

  1. For southern regions where there are no severe winters, it is 07,-0,9.
  2. For middle zone the coefficient is already growing significantly - 1-1,2.
  3. In moderately cold climates, calculations are based on numbers 1,2-1,5.
  4. It is most difficult to warm up a house in the northern regions, where the coefficient varies from 1.5 can go up to 2.

A simple example. Let’s take two buildings of 100 square meters that are identical in size and energy efficiency. We carry out the calculation for the south: 100*0.7/10 = 7 kW. For the north – 100*2/10 = 20 kW. There is nothing complicated in such calculations, and you can choose your own boiler. However, there are many nuances that even professionals cannot take into account without knowing how your house is built and how energy efficient it is. What this means is that if the building is poorly insulated, carrying out such calculations may be pointless.

The next point that you need to pay attention to is the method of installing the boiler. The organization of space around and the safety of equipment operation will depend on it. There are two types:

  1. Floor standing boilers- This is powerful, bulky equipment that requires a separate room (boiler room) for installation and normal operation. The power of such equipment can be simply enormous, it has a very high efficiency, and it is possible to instantly supply hot water to the water collection point.
  2. Wall boilers- they are used for organization individual heating in apartments and small houses. They are very compact and can even be installed inside cabinets without taking up much space. The size of the equipment imposes some restrictions on it. In particular, all operating parts (pump, burner, electronics and heat exchanger) are located in close proximity to each other, which creates difficult operating conditions with constant elevated temperatures. Of course, the parameters of the devices are carefully calculated, but the overall service life of such systems is still much lower than that of floor-standing systems.

Also, their small size limits the power of such gas boilers, although in the southern regions they can freely heat houses up to 200-300 m².

It is also important to know what type of burner is installed in your boiler. This parameter affects not only the efficiency of the system, but not its appearance. There are:

How gas boilers work and work

Before we begin reviewing different models, let's talk a little about the technical part of such equipment. Knowledge of the issue will allow you to better navigate the functions of the boiler.

Table 1.Working parts of the boiler

Detail, photoDescription
We have already talked a little about her. Flames come out of this part. The gas is ignited using a piezoelectric element.
Everything is clear with the case - it is a metal box of the required size with a heat insulator that protects the internal parts from others, and others from the internal parts.
Essentially, it is a radiator, inside of which heated water circulates through tubes. A burner burns under the heat exchanger and heats the water inside it.
This device forces the coolant through the heating system. Everything here is very clear.
Gas combustion products must be removed from the boiler so that they do not enter the room. To do this, a separate chimney route is installed, which is led out into the street through the walls or ceiling - depending on the type of boiler.
IN modern equipment Heating is completely controlled electronically. Depending on the complexity of the heating equipment, the “brains” for it will also differ.

In general, simplified, the system works like this. The gas is supplied through the connections to the boiler, where it goes directly to the burner, which is ignited by a piezoelectric element - previously this had to be done manually. The fuel begins to burn, releasing a lot of thermal energy, which is captured by the heat exchanger and transferred to the water inside it. To prevent the water from boiling and the pressure from breaking the heating lines, it must be moved, constantly changing the heated coolant to an already cooled one - this work is performed by pumping equipment. The gas boiler system is also equipped with other devices to make it possible to quickly control it - pressure relief valves, reducers, combs, pressure gauges and much more. Here everything depends on the specific model.

Interesting to know! A major role in the reliability of the boiler is played by its safety system, which prevents water from boiling, freezing, pump blocking in case of failure or gas leakage. All these functions are implemented by special add-ons and sensors, which cost a lot of money.

If the boiler is double-circuit, it can simultaneously heat the coolant in the heating system and water for hot water supply to the house. The operating diagram of such a boiler is more complex than the one we described above.

What types of gas boilers are there?

Table 2. Types of gas boilers

Gas boiler typeDescription

Atmospheric and other burners are installed in boilers with an open combustion chamber. As we wrote earlier, they require natural air draft - it is taken from the room, and combustion products are removed through the chimney. Such a boiler can only be installed in a separate room, the volume of which will be three times the hourly gas exchange of the equipment.

The advantages of the design include its simplicity - enough easy repair and service. No noise during operation - only pumps do this. Relatively low price and large assortment.

Disadvantages - low efficiency, the need for a chimney and a separate non-residential premises.

There is no need to isolate such a boiler from the living space, since the chamber in it has no contact with the surrounding air. Such boilers use coaxial chimneys, which are simply discharged through the wall to the street. In such a chimney there are two pipes - external and internal. One of them is a supply bottom, and the other is an exhaust one. The length of this pipe is small, which is very convenient to use.

You can use such boilers even in apartments. Most often they are wall-mounted.

The advantages of the equipment include: operational safety, small dimensions, no need for a separate room, ease of operation and quick installation. Among the disadvantages, we note the rather high cost and high noise level.

In principle, everything is clear about the contours, so we won’t go into too much detail. Let us only recall that dual-circuit models simultaneously work with the heating system and hot water supply. There is no way to get confused in the choice here.

There is another division by class of gas boilers. We will not write about it separately, but will mention it as we list the models in our rating.

List of the best boilers for your home

For recent years nothing supernatural or revolutionary has appeared on the boiler market, so you can turn your attention not only to the latest innovations, but also to proven systems.

Gas boilers are the optimal solution if it is possible to install them

Wall models

Let's start with wall-mounted gas boilers. They come in condensation and convection types. The first ones are the most economical and productive, since to heat water they use not only the thermal energy released during the combustion of gas, but also the energy of condensing steam. The efficiency of such devices is very close to the cherished mark of 100%. Naturally, these boilers are more expensive, so we will list the best models on the market in this class separately. In the meantime, all about convection wall-mounted boilers.

Weissman boilers have always been distinguished by their quality and reliability. They are assembled on one modular platform, which greatly simplifies repair and maintenance. The list includes three versions of this model - 34, 30 and 24 kW. Depending on the region of installation, the power of such a boiler may be enough for a house of 250 square meters.

This boiler has a compact body (400*340*725), which allows it to be installed in any room. The most powerful model of these consumes 3.5 cubic meters of gas per hour at its peak - this is considered a very good indicator of efficiency. The hydraulic unit has quick-release connectors, and there is a heating control system, depending on the ambient temperature. The innovative coaxial chimney is protected from freezing, efficiency is around 93%, operates on liquefied gas and has an intelligent equipment diagnostic system. One of the disadvantages is the lack of a remote control panel, but this is not significant. The cost of a boiler in different online stores ranges from 42,000 to 60,000 rubles.

This boiler can immediately be considered a leader in our rating. Here is a product from a famous German manufacturer. Average cost for this one it costs 60,000 rubles. It also has a closed combustion chamber and a good coaxial chimney. What is convenient, power forced ventilation can be adjusted exactly to the length of the chimney.

The model has the highest efficiency indicators in its class. Its walls are reliably protected from heat, which allows you to mount the boiler without indentation from the side wall. Can operate on liquefied natural gas. It heats up the water in the DHW circuit very quickly - there is no need to drain it for several minutes. The system is compatible with the proprietary WRS control module, which can be mounted either on the boiler or as a remote module remote control. The boiler starts softly.

You can mark all model range– power varies from 9.4 to 24 kW. The system has 2 heat exchangers - one for each circuit. The expansion tank has a volume of 8 liters, which allows for a productivity of 11.5 liters per minute of hot water.

We fall into a more affordable price niche. The boiler from Italy Baxi is doing well here. This brand, in fact, is considered one of the most prestigious, but this particular model is inexpensive and performs well in practice.

It belongs to the fourth generation, which was developed specifically for Russia, and specifically, it is designed to operate at a reduced gas inlet pressure of 5 mBar. It is very convenient that the boiler has a separate temperature control system for the radiators and the heated floor system. The maximum boiler power is 24 kW. It has very modest dimensions - 299*400*730 mm.

Among the advantages we note:

  • water consumption accounting system;
  • post-circulation mode;
  • using a pump with an air vent;
  • compatibility with solar collectors;
  • separate temperature control;
  • low pressure protection system;
  • nice price around 38,000 rubles;
  • remote thermostat and remote control.

The disadvantages include a small display on which information is displayed as if the cat was crying.

Boiler Baxi Eco Four 1.24 F

Among inexpensive solutions, we also note a product from the Korean manufacturer Navien. These are boilers with a closed chamber, which are also adapted for our conditions. At a cost of around 28,000 rubles. they give excellent results. The boiler power can be 24 kW.

Pleased with the presence of the following functions:

  • frost protection - if the coolant temperature drops below 10 degrees, the heating and pump will automatically start;
  • remote control panel;
  • stable job.

The boiler contains a stainless steel heat exchanger. On the one hand, it’s a minus, but on the other, it’s a plus – the part is very strong and durable, and the efficiency of copper heat exchangers is increased due to turbocharging. Among the disadvantages, we note a little noise and unstable heating of hot water.

Let's move on to condensing wall-mounted boilers.

Boiler Navien Deluxe 24K

The German manufacturer Valiant offers its customers the highest quality heating equipment. The thermal power of this model is 24 kW - you already know how to convert it to the area of ​​the room. The cost of such a model is on average 55,000-60,000 rubles.

Of course, a condensing boiler will have much lower gas consumption with high heat transfer. The model has the option of enhanced water heating for domestic hot water – it produces up to 24 kW. The boiler is equipped with a DIA system for collecting and analyzing information about the operation of the boiler. The equipment can operate either from a coaxial chimney or from a conventional one. Suitable for heating systems with low temperatures.

The burner has a chamber for pre-mixing gas and air, which increases the efficiency of the boiler. There is automatic control of combustion and ignition by monitoring the air consumed. The pump can automatically switch from hot water to heating. Volume expansion tank is 10 l.

With such high quality, this boiler does not have the highest price. In addition to high quality, we can also note beautiful design. The only disadvantage is vulnerability to voltage surges, so a stabilizer will be required.

Boiler Vaillant ecoTec plus VUW INT IV 246

This boiler is the most economical in its class. The price for it is already around 100,000 rubles, but the quality, especially high quality, is always expensive. Main feature This model has a Matrix cylindrical burner. It is high-tech and has many micro-nozzles. This structure minimizes heat loss. The ring-type steel heat exchanger is also highly efficient.

The efficiency of the device is 98%, two ways to heat hot water, small body, remote control, work with liquefied gas, high-quality and smart electronics, easy repairs. And these are not all the advantages of the model. There is only one drawback - the high price.

Boiler Viessmann Vitodens 100-W

Video - Rating of wall-mounted gas boilers

Floor models

Let's move on now to floor-standing boilers. Also, first we will name the leaders of the convection type, and then the condensation type.

Here is a single-circuit heating boiler from Weissman. It is low-temperature and has an open combustion chamber, which means it will have to be installed in the boiler room. Its power is 29 kW. They will ask you for one in the store for about 110,000-120,000 rubles. A very productive system of small size, which is traditionally distinguished by high quality workmanship.

The heat exchange parts of the boiler are made of gray cast iron and flake graphite. The burner has a fuel pre-mixing chamber. Weather-compensated automation is very energy efficient. The ignition system is implemented in such a way that the boiler starts silently and efficiently. Such a boiler can be easily combined with storage tanks to provide the home with hot water. I don’t want to consider the high price for such reliability and coherence of all components as a disadvantage, but this is precisely what stops many users from making such a purchase.

Yes, and also, such a boiler, when connected to a hot water supply system, cannot provide long-term heating of water in flow mode - you quickly fill the bath, and its temperature drops sharply. To prevent this from happening, you need to use water at a low pressure.

Boiler Viessmann Vitogas 100-F GS1D870

From the budget line of boilers of this type, we highlight a model from the Slovak company Proterm. It costs about 60,000 rubles. The boiler is also single-circuit and has an open combustion chamber. Net power is 26 kW, so it is enough for a small house.

Let's name the advantages:

  • summer-winter mode;
  • smooth power control;
  • informative display;
  • heat exchanger protected from condensation and the possibility of replacing its middle section;
  • small size and cooling circuit.

The remote control for such a boiler can only be purchased separately, which somewhat blurs the good impression.

Boiler Prothrem Bear 30 KLOM

Among condensing single-circuit boilers, we again note the model from Valiant. Power 34 kW for just 180,000 rubles. It is very efficient and reliable, like all real German technology. DHW is realized by connecting an external storage boiler, as in previous cases. As an option, you can take a double-circuit boiler from the ECO series.

  • The efficiency of the device is around 99%;
  • modulating burner;
  • economical gas consumption;
  • touch control panel;
  • DIA system;
  • flame and ignition control.

The boiler has the same drawback - it needs a voltage stabilizer, but at this price this is a minor issue.

Boiler Vaillant ecoVIT VKK INT 366

So, we went through the most common models in our country from different price segments. We hope you find the material useful in your work.

Video - Which boiler to choose: floor or wall mounted

Advantages of installing a gas boiler for heating in Russia are obvious: gas supplies are more stable, it will not be turned off unexpectedly, and gas is cheaper than electricity. What do we need from a good gas boiler? So that the house is warm, so that the device is safe and lasts a long time.

Temperature readings for all models are approximately the same. All heating boilers meet safety standards, but more expensive models have a complex multi-stage self-diagnosis system and effective automatic protection. Reliability and service life are determined by the quality of parts and assembly (and, of course, you must follow the rules of use!). We studied expert opinions and customer reviews and selected best models gas boilers that combine reliability, safety and efficiency.

First, let's figure out which manufacturers of gas boilers deserve our attention first.

Which brand of gas boiler is better?

The vast majority of gas boilers in our stores are imported. Mostly European. In our opinion, the rating of the best foreign manufacturers of gas boilers looks like this:

  1. Wolf (Germany)
  2. Vaillant (Germany)
  3. BAXI (Italy)
  4. Protherm (Slovakia)
  5. Bosch (Germany)
  6. Buderus (Germany)
  7. Navien (Korea)

and some others.

Among our domestic manufacturers of gas boilers, we highlight two factories:

  1. Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant (ZhMZ). Manufactures boilers of brands AOGV(single-circuit, heating) and AKGV(double-circuit, heating and hot water supply).
  2. LLC "Plant Conord" Located in the city of Rostov-on-Don. It produces gas boilers and heaters CONORD, solid fuel boilers DON, industrial boilers and other equipment.

How to calculate the optimal value of the thermal power of a gas boiler?

Why buy a boiler more powerful than required if this will certainly lead to unnecessary costs not only at the time of purchase, but also during operation. On the other hand, giving away a lot of money and freezing in the winter, washing your face with cold or lukewarm water is, to put it in TV serial language, a loss of losses!

The simplest method choosing the golden mean: 1 kW per 10 m² of serviced area. However, this is very approximate and some important parameters are not taken into account. For example, such as: the climatic coefficient of a particular region, the degree of thermal insulation of the walls, the level of probable heat loss, the volume (and not just the area) of the room, etc.

This means that a more accurate calculation is needed. There are two ways: use publicly available formulas that take into account the above criteria (you have the opportunity to remember your school years) or act more rationally and use a special calculator, which are a dime a dozen on the Internet.


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