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Prayers of the Muslim people

IN holy scripture Muslims - The Koran says that if a believer remembers God, then He will remember his creation. And if you turn (pray) to God every day, then in the end it will bring the greatest reward. Muslims believe in this so strongly that they do not hesitate to turn to Allah in both joy and sorrow. They believe that God is able to protect them, help them and become a real weapon in the fight against evil. And the main way to protect yourself from everything bad is Muslim prayers.

The Power of Prayer

According to statistics, a fifth of the entire population of our planet professes Islam, making it the second most popular religion in the world (after Christianity). And if earlier religious wars were often fought, testing their luck, today the right to freedom of religion has made such a fight meaningless.

Many people successfully combine the principles of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and other beliefs in their spiritual self-improvement. This opens up new opportunities for everyone to understand themselves and the world around them. This means that if you believe in the power of Islam, then you can, for example, get rid of damage if you read a special Muslim prayer (dua).

Muslims believe in the power of prayer addressed to God, and therefore there are a large number of different texts for all occasions.

Prayers in everyday situations

It is customary for Muslims to turn to God in almost any situation, including everyday little things that are common to us. For example, there are special prayers that need to be read during the process of dressing or undressing, putting on new clothes, before and after meals.

When a Muslim puts on something new, he always thanks Allah for sending him this robe and asks God to protect it from quick damage. He also does not forget to mention the one who created this product, so that the Lord would send him the highest blessings.

It is imperative to pray before leaving the house and when you have to enter someone’s house. By saying the prayer of greeting, a Muslim shows respect for the one whose home he is visiting.

The path to service in the mosque should also be accompanied by prayers during the road to this holy place, before entering it and immediately upon leaving.

It is believed that personal prayers help pay off debt and allow you to quickly save the necessary amount of money. And at the moment when the money is given, you also need to read the text of praise and gratitude to the one who lent the money.

According to this religion, food cannot be taken without special prayer. However, this rule is consistent with the tradition that exists in Christianity. Blessing food and praising Allah for sending it down is a reminder of the insignificance of man and the power of the Almighty.

Prayers are mandatory immediately after waking up and before going to bed. Here is an example of such a prayer.

After waking up

Al-hamdu lillahi alyazi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilay-hi-n-nushuru.

This text praises Allah, who was able to resurrect people after death (a dream similar to death).

Al-hamdu lillahi alyazi ´afani fi jasadi wa radda alay-ya ruhi wa azina li bi zikri-hi.

This text is a praise to Allah, who was able to heal the body and restore the spirit to man so that He could be mentioned.

Prayers for family

In Muslim countries, family is treated with great respect. This is confirmed by the small number of divorces. It is therefore not surprising that there are examples of prayers that are aimed at bringing good luck, prosperity, prosperity and peace to the family.

Before creating their own family, a man or woman turns to Allah with a request for assistance in uniting their destiny and that of their chosen one. At the same time, it is stipulated that this marriage can take place only if it does not become the basis for damage to life in this and the other world. Otherwise, the prayer asks that God show him a person who can become a spiritual support in both worlds.

After the marriage ceremony has taken place, a special prayer should also be read before intimacy. It is pronounced not with the aim of invoking good luck, but so that the Lord will protect from Satan during sexual intercourse and protect from evil the one who is born as a result of intercourse.

Children are also of great value, and therefore several sacred texts are also dedicated to their health and protection.

So, there is a special prayer of congratulations addressed to the father of a newborn baby. In addition to the blessing, the parent wants to see the moment the child grows up and feel his respect for himself. In response to this, the father thanks the one who congratulates him and calls upon him good luck and all kinds of benefits that the Almighty can bestow.

Subsequently, children are also often addressed with a prayer of protection, which can protect them from Satan, possible dangers, as well as the evil eye (damage). Here is an example of prayer for a young spouse.

For the young

Barakya-Llahu la-kya, wa baraki “alai-kya wa jama” and bayna-kuma fi hai-rin!

The text asks Allah to bless the young man and send him his blessing, as well as to reunite the couple in blessings.

Prayers for the weather while traveling

Since Muslims believe that everything that happens in the world happens according to the will of Allah, they turn to him with both important requests and fairly simple ones. For example, in order to improve the weather.

The climate features of the main part of Muslim countries lead to different beneficial and hazardous phenomena. Trusting in the Lord, people who profess Islam believe that all the worst things come from Shaitan or Satan, and all the best things can happen if it is the will of Allah. So, a strong wind is a manifestation of evil forces that want to influence a believer in this way. But if you appeal to the Lord, he will be able to pacify them and protect his creation. For this purpose, you need to read a special prayer against a strong wind.

Often in these climatic conditions there is a need for rain as life-giving moisture. Therefore, Muslims turn to the Lord with a request to send rainfall. It is believed that they are created by the grace of God. And for greater benefit, it is customary to read a special prayer during and after rain.

If the period of heavy rainfall has dragged on and it is necessary for the earth to dry out and the Sun to appear, then a prayer is made to clear the sky of clouds. At the same time, the prayer asks them to be taken to the mountains, so that the blessed moisture will spill where it is needed: to feed rivers and improve the growth of trees.

Of course, prayer is mandatory when planning and implementing a trip (travel). In this case, a special text is pronounced to receive a blessing before boarding vehicle, before the journey begins and after it has ended. This allows you to call upon yourself good luck and the successful completion of this important matter.

An obligatory blessing accompanies sending someone on a long journey. And if the road ahead is not easy, or any difficulties arise, you can always make a special prayer to the Lord so that he will protect you from possible evil.

Prayer for someone who has gone on the road or is just leaving home:

Astaudi'u-kumu-llaha allazi la tad'u vadai'u-hu.

Translation: “I entrust you to Allah, who will not allow what has been entrusted to Him to be lost.”

Prayers for damage and the evil eye

Muslim prayers against the evil eye are considered an excellent way to get rid of any negative influence from the outside. The most powerful are suras - texts from the Koran. The beneficial influence of this holy book has been proven by many Muslim practitioners who use it to conduct cleansing rituals and ceremonies to attract positive energy.

But for this protection against damage to take effect, some important rules must be followed:

  1. The most best time In order to read such prayers, the time is counted from late night until sunrise. Then you should stop such reading until the luminary reaches its highest point in the sky. Only after this can you return to saying prayers again. Practitioners believe that from dawn to lunch is the time of evil sorcerers.
  2. For the greatest effectiveness of prayers against damage (evil eye), it is better to say them on Friday. It is generally accepted that on this day higher powers show favor to the person asking and will help him in the fulfillment of almost any desire.
  3. The power of the prayers you are about to read will increase if you say them in a state of meditation or trance.
  4. Do not forget to turn to the prophet in the process of reading protective prayers against damage. This will strengthen and speed up their action.

There is an opinion that the Prophet Muhammad himself knew a large number of personal prayers that helped protect against damage. For example, one simple conspiracy is mentioned quite often, the daily reading of which can protect you from danger and negativity. If you translate it into Russian, it will sound like this:

“I ask for protection with the help of the perfect words of Allah from the dashing shaitan, from any animals and poisonous reptiles, from the evil eye.”

If it is necessary to expel any evil spirit or you can get rid of negative energy, damage sent by someone, you can read an excerpt from the sura “Believers”. Its power is so powerful that it is believed that if a very religious person reads it and at the same time turns his gaze to the mountain, it will break into two parts.

Protective amulet

Sabab is an excellent way to protect yourself from damage and other negativity. They are small verses of the Koran (verses) that are written on a piece of paper. This scrap, if stored in a special way, can cleanse negative energy and for a long time protect its owner. But for this you need to fulfill special conditions:

We hope that this knowledge will help you protect yourself from scammers and swindlers who now often offer their help in creating subabs. At the same time, they do not have true faith and are not even interested in the elementary rules that every true believer knows. The amulets created by them can bring you good luck, or they can harm you. Therefore, you should not take the word of a person who claims that he is a great magician who can protect you with the help of the Koran or read your future from it. Know that the latter is generally prohibited in Islam.

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Prayer for cleansing the house

Negative energy always accumulates in a person’s home. It significantly changes the atmosphere in the house and very often can even provoke the development of diseases in the household. Believers periodically cleanse their homes through prayer. This is especially recommended after it was noticed that major troubles and quarrels began to occur in your family.

Muslim prayer for cleansing the house

Muslim prayers are used by the faithful in a wide variety of everyday situations. They are the basis of every Muslim's life. Therefore, it is only natural that Muslim prayers are used to cleanse the home. Before such a ceremony, it is recommended to carry out general cleaning.

According to Muslim tradition, the ritual must be carried out by one person, at a time when no one from the household is in the home. The ritual involves the use of candles, which must be purchased at the church shop. The approximate calculation of their number is one per separate room. You need to provide a few extra candles in case they burn out quickly. It is advisable to carry out all actions aimed at cleaning the home in sunny time. It is important that the vents and windows are open during the cleansing ritual.

Each room, including utility rooms, must be walked clockwise. In one hand you need to hold a container with holy water, and with the other, using a brush, sprinkle holy water in the corners with cross-shaped movements. Afterwards, you need to place one candle in each room in the corner and light it so that they burn at the same time.

How to read Islamic canons correctly

Any Muslim prayer should sound confident. You need to put faith in every word that you understand that all life depends on Allah.

A prayer aimed at cleansing the home should be read according to Islamic canons. Ritual purity must be observed. That is, before prayer you need to perform ablution. In addition, you should dress in clean clothes. You should pray facing the Muslim shrine of the Kaaba, which is located in Mecca.

Islam places great emphasis on external actions during prayer, namely:

  • You need to kneel on a special mat;
  • The feet must be joined together;
  • Arms are crossed over the chest;
  • Bows are performed with the knees not bent and the feet standing straight.

Text of a strong sura from the Koran

The most powerful verse in the Holy Quran is Ayat ul-Kursi. It is believed that a believer who uses this verse for prayer reliably protects himself and his home from the harm of the jinn.

Understanding how this prayer sounds translated from Arabic, you can put more energy into the spoken phrases, and therefore make the prayer more effective.

Orthodox prayer to protect home and family

There are many Orthodox prayers, which allow you to clean the house and provide reliable protection. The most reliable defender of the home is the savior of people, Jesus Christ.

Words of prayer

You can turn to Jesus Christ for help using the following prayer:

The words of the prayer may be different, but it is important that they sound sincere.

There are other important rules:

  • You can read a prayer of protection both to bless a new home and to protect an old home.
  • It is recommended to repeat the prayer text three times in a row with full concentration on the spoken phrases.
  • You need to make sure that no one or nothing interferes while reading the prayer.
  • You can strengthen the effect of protective prayer if you pray in a secluded place in front of the icon of the Lord God, in front of which you should light a church candle.
  • After reading the protective prayer, it is recommended to sprinkle all corners of the home with holy water.

It is very important after the prayer asking for the protection of home and family is read, every day you need to thank God for hearing you.

Listen to prayer for protection for free:

Tatar prayer - a talisman for the home for every day

Amulet prayer can protect a person, his home and his family from many troubles and suffering. Tatar prayer appeals are very strong, their effectiveness has long been tested by many Muslims.

Surahs and verses from the Koran are very common as amulets. This amulet for the home for every day helps only Muslims. That is, the suras and verses of the Koran have a positive effect only on those who are connected to the Egregor of Islam. In order to create a talisman, you need to write 225 verses of 2 surahs of the Koran on a piece of paper. Such a prayer text is of particular importance for the entire Islamic world. It is called “ayatul kursi”. After the prayer text is written, the sheet is folded 3 times. It then needs to be wrapped in thick foil and then covered with natural black fabric. The created amulet, which is a written prayer, must be worn on the belt without taking it off.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 1. Where does a Muslim get his faith? - From the Koran and Sunnah. 2. Where is Allah? - Above the seven heavens, above your Throne. 3. What evidence indicates this? - The Almighty said: “The Merciful has ascended to the Throne.” (20:5). 4. What does the word “ascended” mean? - He has risen. 5. Why did Allah create jinn and humans? - For the purpose that they worship Him alone, without associating partners. 6. What is the proof of this? - The Almighty said: “I created jinn and people only so that they would worship Me.” (51:56). 7. What does “worshipped” mean? - That is, they sincerely professed monotheism. 8. What is the meaning of the testimony “There is no god worthy of worship except Allah - la ilaha illa Allah”? - No one is worthy of worship except Allah. 9. What is the most important worship? - Tawhid (monotheism). 10. What is the greatest sin? - Shirk (polytheism). 11. What does tawhid mean? - Worship of Allah alone, without giving anything as a partner. 12. What does shirk mean? - Worshiping someone or something other than Allah or along with Him. 13. How many types of tawhid? - Three. 14. Which ones? - Monotheism in dominion, in worship and in the possession of names and attributes. 15. What is monotheism in dominion? - The deeds of Allah, such as: creation, provision and sustenance, revival and death. 16. What is the definition of “monotheism in worship”? - This is the worship of people to the Only God, for example, dedicating prayers, sacrifices, prostrations and other such acts to Him. 17. Does Allah have names and attributes? - Yes, definitely. 18. How do we learn about the names and attributes of Allah? - From the Koran and Sunnah. 19. Are the attributes of Allah similar to our qualities? - No. 20. Which verse says that the attributes of Allah are not similar to the qualities of creatures? - “There is no one like Him, and He is the Hearer, the Seeer.” (42:11). 21. Koran - whose speech? - Allah. 22. Sent down or created? - Revealed (is the word of Allah) 23. What does resurrection mean? - Reviving people after their death. 24. Which verse indicates the disbelief of those who deny the resurrection? - “The disbelievers believe that they will not be resurrected...” (64:7). 25. What is the proof from the Quran that Allah will resurrect us? - “Say: “On the contrary, by my Lord, you will certainly be resurrected...” (64:7). 26. How many pillars of Islam are there? - Five. 27. List them. - Certificate of “La ilaha illa Allah”, prayer, payment of zakat, fasting in the month of Ramadan and hajj if possible. 28. How many pillars of faith? - Six. 29. List them. - Belief in Allah, in angels, in the Scriptures, in messengers, in the Last Day and in predestination of both good and bad. 30. How many pillars of sincerity are there in worship? - One. 31. What is its essence? -You worship Allah as if you see Him, because even if you don’t see Him, He still sees you. 32. What does Islam mean in brief? - Submission to Allah through observance of monotheism and obedience to Him through submission, as well as renunciation of shirk and polytheists. 33. What is the meaning of faith? - It is expressed in uttering words of piety, in true conviction in the heart and in performing righteous deeds with the body (prayer, fasting...), increases due to obedience to the Lord and decreases due to sins. 34. For whose sake do we slaughter sacrificial animals and before whom do we bow to the ground? - Only for the sake of Allah and only before Him, without involving partners in this. 35. Is it possible to slaughter an animal not for the sake of Allah and is it possible to worship the creature? - No, it's forbidden. 36. What is the position of such actions? - This is a big shirk. 37. What is the judgment about someone who swears not in the name of Allah, for example, says: “I swear by the prophet” or “I swear by your life”...? - It flows into a small shirk. 38. Which verse indicates that if a polytheist dies and does not repent first, Allah will not forgive him? - “Indeed, Allah does not forgive when partners are associated with Him...” (4:48). 39. Is it permissible to bow to the sun and moon? - No. 40. Which verse indicates the prohibition of worshiping them? - “Do not prostrate yourself before the sun and the moon, but prostrate yourself before Allah, Who created them...” (41:37). 41. Which verse indicates the obligatory nature of worshiping Allah alone and the prohibition of associating partners? - “Worship Allah and do not associate partners with Him.” (4:36). 42. What is the evidence from the Qur'an regarding the obligation to make supplications only to Allah? - “Mosques belong to Allah. Do not appeal to anyone besides Allah." (72:18). 43. Which hadith indicates the prohibition of slaughtering animals not for the sake of Allah? - “Allah cursed the one who slaughtered an animal not for His sake.” 44. When is it permissible to ask for help from any of the people? - When a person is alive, is near you and is able to help. 45. And when can you not ask them for help? - If the person is dead or absent (in another place...), or unable to help. 46. ​​Who is the first messenger? - Well, peace be upon him. 47. Who is the last messenger? - Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. 48. What is the mission of the messengers, peace be upon them? - They called for monotheism and obedience to the Lord, prohibited polytheism and disobedience of His commands and prohibitions. 49. What did Allah ordain in the beginning for the sons of Adam? - He ordered to sincerely believe in Him and reject false deities. 50. Are Jews Muslims? - No. 51. Why? - Because they say that Uzair is the son of God, and did not accept the truth with which the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, came. 52. Are Christians Muslims? - No. 53. Why? - Because they say: “Messiah Isa is the son of God,” and they opposed the truth with which the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, came. 54. Does Allah have a son? - No. 55. What verses prove this? “He neither gave birth nor was he begotten.” (112:3) and many others. 56. Why are Majus non-believers? - Because they worship fire.

Complete collection and description: prayer for cleansing the body for the spiritual life of a believer.

Purification through prayers. Orthodox prayers for cleansing the body, soul and home

Types of Orthodox prayers and features of their practice.

  • The word has extraordinary power to influence a person and the world around him. A word in sound gives impulse, fills with vibrations everything it comes into contact with
  • That’s why in ancient times our ancestors paid increased attention to what they said and how they said it.
  • They knew that speech in verbal form acts both creatively on the living world and destroys its connections at a subtle level
  • Religious traditions, tested by time and events, came to us from the distant past. They have retained a reverent attitude towards the power of words spoken out loud or mentally
  • Therefore, prayer in any religious tradition is the most powerful message to the Higher Powers. It allows a person to communicate with the Spiritual world, make gratitude, requests, and sing songs of praise and glorification.

Let's talk in more detail about the power of prayer as a cleanser for the soul, body and space around us.

Prayer for cleansing on Maundy Thursday

Say the following prayers out loud, whisper or mentally:

  • thanksgiving to the Lord
  • purifying, for example, “cleanse me from all evil.” Her text:

“As confession cleanses, as water removes dirt, so you, Thursday, be clean,

cleanse me from all evil, from offending people, from disobedience, from intemperance,

from devilish blasphemy, from bad rumors, from evil conversations, demonic disputes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Go to church for morning service and confess all your affairs to the priest. Ask him for advice on a cleansing prayer for the soul, so that on the eve of Great Easter you can say goodbye with gratitude to all situations and people who were your teachers in the past.

Prayer for cleansing the family from sins

In the Orthodox tradition, such work should be done by reading the following prayers:

  • Our Father
  • Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice
  • thank you note
  • about forgiveness of the family

The text of the latter is presented below.

“Lord, I apologize to everyone whom I, wittingly or unwittingly, offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who has offended me, willingly or unwillingly, in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I apologize for all my deceased relatives.

Lord, I apologize for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness to all people who, wittingly or unwittingly, in word, deed or thought, were offended by my ancestors. Lord, I ask You, cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill me with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You, cleanse my family. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

In various RuNet sources you will find recommendations for reading only the first three prayers, or all four, but in different sequences and quantities. There is also an opinion that the most effective strategy is a 40-day prayer practice to cleanse the family. So every day, without skipping, you read one or less prayers, solitude and tuning into holiness. You can do the latter by placing an icon in front of your eyes and/or adding the sound of a church choir singing prayers.

Prayer for cleansing with forgiveness

When a person first steps on the spiritual path and tries to practice prayer, he begins:

  • feel the weight of your past actions
  • hear the voice of conscience
  • rethinks his behavior and character traits

In a civilized society, it is considered the norm to ask for forgiveness from someone whom we have offended, intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, cleansing prayers for forgiveness for words, thoughts and actions are effective and have great power.

In addition to visiting the temple and participating in congregational and choir prayers together, you can practice cleansing prayers for forgiveness at home at the altar the night before you go to bed or as often during the day as possible.

Use, for example, the following prayer texts:

  • about forgiveness, intercession and help

In the hand of Your great mercy, O my God, I entrust my soul and body, my feelings and words,

my advice and thoughts,

my affairs and all my body and soul movements.

My entry and exit, my faith and life, the course and end of my life, the day and hour of my breathing, my repose, the repose of my soul and body.

But You, O Most Merciful God, invincible to the sins of the whole world, kindly, kindly Lord, accept me, more than all sinners, in the hand of Your protection and deliver from all evil, cleanse my many iniquities, grant correction to my evil and wretched life and from Always delight me in the coming cruel falls of sin, and in no way will I anger Your love for mankind, with which you cover my weakness from demons, passions and evil people.

Forbid the enemy, visible and invisible, guiding me along the saved path, bring me to You, my refuge and the land of my desires.

Grant me a Christian death, unashamed, peaceful, keep me from the airy spirits of malice, at Your Last Judgment be merciful to Your servant and number me at the right hand of Your blessed sheep, and with them I will glorify You, my Creator, forever. Amen

  • about forgiveness

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me for the sins mentioned and for the sins forgotten.

    Do not allow Orthodox torment to be punished and do not torment my soul with new trials.

    I firmly believe in You and pray for speedy forgiveness. May Your will be done now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

  • about forgiveness, another version

    I beg You, Son of God, for the remission of forgotten sins. Captured by the temptation of the devil, I did unrighteous deeds.

    Forgive me all insults, slander, greed and greed, stinginess and rudeness.

    Let the scabs of sin not infect my mortal body.

    So be it. Amen

  • about forgiveness, third version

    Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I confess to You for my sinful thoughts and unkind deeds.

    Forgive me for forgotten, accidental and intentional sins. Help me cope with the temptation of the devil and guide me on the path of holy Orthodoxy.

    Thy will be done. Amen

  • Prayer for cleansing after childbirth

    Orthodox prayer for the cleansing of soul and body

    Prayer for cleansing the house with a candle

    Buy candles for home cleansing from the church. Choose the longest and thickest ones, so that one is enough for the entire house/apartment and outbuildings in the yard if you live in the private sector.

    Prayer to cleanse negativity

    For duration, be guided by your feelings. You should go through a phase when:

    • limbs become numb
    • thoughts are confused
    • forgetting the words of prayer
    • yawning and sleepiness occur

    These manifestations indicate that a lot of negativity has stuck to you.

    Don’t expect quick results, that your life will become easier, that all illnesses and disagreements with loved ones will go away. Prayer practice is a journey that sometimes lasts a lifetime.

    Prayer for the purification of every thing

    Shopping is a disease for women and a common daily necessity. We almost never think that very specific people worked on the creation of this or that thing - they created, sorted, packaged, loaded and unloaded.

    Each of them left a piece of themselves on the thing/object in the form of an energy-informational cloud. But it would be better to neutralize it, to reset it to zero, before we put the thing on and bring it into our home.

    Clean the item/item using any of the following methods:

    “To the Creator and Maker of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation,

    Yourself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing, as if it were armed with the power of heavenly intercession for those who want to use it,

    will be helpful for bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen"

    • Sprinkle with sacred water three times and repeat the words

      “This thing is blessed and sanctified by sprinkling this holy water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

    • perform the threefold sign of the cross, which is equivalent to cleansing/sanctification

    Cleansing space with prayers

    To fill a house, apartment, office space or other space with your energy, cleanse it of what is already present there. The most effective way for this is the sacred word, prayer.

    On the eve of energy cleansing, carry out general cleaning:

    • wash all shelves, glass, windows, doors, radiators, floor
    • throw away all unnecessary trash, old newspapers and magazines
    • put clothes you no longer use in bags/boxes and donate them to an orphanage/shelter/charitable organization as soon as possible
    • And from now on, develop the habit of doing similar cleaning every week. So, negativity on a rough plane will stop accumulating in space, and the relationships of all residents will become warmer and more harmonious.
    • Place salt or clean sifted sand in plates in the corners of the room. After a couple of hours, wash the floors everywhere, collecting salt/sand. The latter absorb negative vibrations at a finer level than dust
    • Throw them on the trash heap or bury them in the ground with a request to Mother Earth to accept negative vibrations and transform them into positivity and benefit
    • In each room, hang an icon and a candle in front of it. Read the Lord's Prayer three times in each corner. Move to another room after the candle in the previous one goes out
    • walk around the entire room with one lit candle in a clockwise direction. Perform surrounding signs and read the “Our Father”, prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Life-Giving Cross, the Hymn to the Most Holy Theotokos
    • In addition to walking around with candles, also sprinkle the room with blessed water
    • add smoking incense or other beneficial aromas indoors to protect against the intrusion of negativity and evil spirits
    • often play songs glorifying the Lord, His deeds and Holy Persons. This is how you fill the space with fragrant sounds

    So, we have established ourselves in the faith of the holy word, its power and effect on negative, destructive vibrations and energies. We learned to intelligently and consciously practice prayer to cleanse ourselves, our family, our home, our belongings and any space.

    Prayer of Purification

    The wonderful feeling of cleanliness is so alluring and attractive, but for some reason we are too lazy to evoke this feeling in ourselves from time to time. Your body is weightless, your soul is filled with divine light, you just want to fly...

    This effect can be easily achieved with the help of prayer, because this state is nothing more than the soul after cleansing. Yes, exactly, “cleansing”. We take a shower every day, brush our teeth, wash our clothes - because they are dirty. What about the soul? Does it have automatic cleansing properties? Unfortunately, or fortunately, no. She also needs to be taken care of daily.

    The best prayer for cleansing

    The only prayer created not by man, but by God is the “Our Father.” Jesus bequeathed it to his followers. It is its text that can serve as a universal prayer of cleansing, healing, forgiveness, repentance and everything else your soul desires.

    The purification of the soul with this prayer occurs due to the fact that it contains everything that is in all other prayers:

    • acknowledges God as Father and Savior;
    • glorifies him;
    • asks for justice to be restored (... Thy will be done...);
    • asks for help in earthly affairs;
    • proclaims forgiveness of offenders and entrusts the proceedings with those who hold a grudge against you into the hands of God;
    • this is a prayer for cleansing from sins, because you are asking for protection from temptations and demons;
    • strengthens your faith that the power of God is greater than the power of the devil.

    How to cleanse yourself with prayer?

    There are two ways - the first works as “general cleaning”, the second - like a broom will sweep away what was missed by a vacuum cleaner.

    The first method of cleansing the soul and body with the Lord’s Prayer is to work on each chakra separately. You need to close your eyes, concentrate on your inner vision and say “I”. You should hear an echo of what you said in one of the chakras of the body. When this succeeds, move your energy, thoughts, feelings to the lower chakra - muladhara and begin to read the “Our Father”.

    Read the prayer until you feel that the energy of the chakra has “stirred up” and the process of healing and displacement of negativity has begun.

    With this prayer we cleanse the body and mind, walking through the chakras until characteristic feelings arise in each of them. Having finished working with the upper chakra - Sahasrara, you need to mentally, in the words of one prayer, move the energy down the energy channel to Muladhara, and then through another prayer - up to Sahasrara.

    Now sit in silence and come out of this euphoric state.

    Some particularly damaged chakras may require more work - these you can return to daily and heal individually.

    To do this, simply read the Lord's Prayer without visualization. This is the second way. You are “cleansing yourself further”, since prayer itself will find the point where not everything is in order and will push out all the negativity from there.

    Prayer "Our Father"

    Our Father, who art in heaven!

    Hallowed be Thy name,

    may your kingdom come,

    Thy will be done

    as in heaven and on earth.

    Give us this day our daily bread;

    and forgive us our debts,

    just as we also leave our debtors;

    and do not lead us into temptation,

    but deliver us from evil.

    For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

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    Cleansing and healing prayers

    Prayers for the purification of the soul are a very popular text on the Internet. It calms, gives peace and confidence, saves from despondency, which is called the most terrible and dangerous of sins.

    Orthodox prayer is a unique concept that can mean both a text written by a great ascetic of piety, a true warrior of Christ many years ago, and a completely fresh opus written by our contemporary.

    Often people who have been given the great Gift of the Word by God write prayers for the purification of the soul in poetic form - and the Internet is replete with such creations.

    It is not known for sure how to treat such works; it is necessary to analyze each case separately.

    Just as an icon painter paints an icon with the blessing of a priest, so one should receive approval for verbal creativity. But this is a more difficult to control type of creativity, so you just need to carefully filter the results.

    How to find out a prayer for cleansing?

    Strictly speaking, the prayer of cleansing the soul and body is a broad concept; it can be considered any sincere request for the forgiveness of sins - regardless of how many people know and read it. Often, after writing, it is posted on the Internet - shared with other people.

    At the same time, the purely formal side of Orthodox prayer can be practically flawless - if reading phrases is acceptable for an Orthodox person, any priest will tell you about it. Humility and readiness to change one’s behavior are the main value and main feature unique phenomenon, which is called “prayer for cleansing the soul and body.”

    A person who resorts to the Lord's mercy repents of his sins and asks for help, asks for protection and support in the difficult task of repentance and cleansing of the soul.

    Cleansing prayers are also official - for example, the Great Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Every Orthodox Christian during Great Lent hears his words calling for humility, reconciliation, repentance and forgiveness.

    The prayer book knows prayers that can be considered cleansing - for example, daily confession of sins, which involves repentance and preparation for getting rid of all sins committed during the day.

    How to properly pray for forgiveness of sins?

    The main thing everyone should remember Orthodox man, or someone who wants to join the Holy Church of Christ, which contains the Truth in its fullness: prayer is an important part of living communication with the Lord, but not the only one and not the main one. Prayer cannot replace the sacrament of confession, which alone serves the great goal of completely cleansing the soul from committed sins.

    Avoid false shame during confession, do not fiddle with yourself, the tactic “I have already repented to myself in prayer” has a detrimental effect on the state of your soul.

    Unrepentant sins in confession remain in the soul, they interfere with worthwhile communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and, ultimately, even interfere with living.

    The priest is the only mediator between God and man, who is given the power to forgive sins - “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

    Prayer to cleanse the soul is a preparation for confession, but not a replacement for it. In addition, you need to remember and apply other usual rules when reading a prayer: be attentive, collected, do not think about extraneous objects, but focus on the internal dialogue with God.

    Forgiveness and reconciliation with all loved ones is a prerequisite and an indispensable element of preparation for a prayerful appeal to the Lord on any occasion or occasion.

    Prayers for cleansing: comments

    One comment

    Prayers for cleansing are true salvation for a lost soul. God always hears us, regardless of whether we are in His temple or at your home. I always read a prayer for cleansing before confession; it gives me the opportunity to prepare for this great sacrament and come to the priest with a pure soul and bright thoughts. I learned cleansing prayers by heart thanks to the Internet. Now every time I mentally turn to the Lord, wanting to be cleansed of sins and false thoughts..

    It is very necessary to cleanse your aura and aura in your personal car. Please tell me the best one effective way, prayer.

    Muslim conspiracies are that hidden part of Islam, the existence of which many are not even aware of. True, unlike Orthodoxy and Slavic conspiracies, Muslim magic is closely connected with religion. Islam does not prohibit some magical rituals, such as spells against damage, since it is believed that the Prophet Muhammad himself performed similar rituals.

    In the article:

    Magic in Islam

    The peculiarity of the magical component in this religion is that in most cases entire chapters of the Koran (suras) are used.

    Sura (Arabic: سورة‎‎‎) is the Arabic word for one of the 114 chapters of the Koran. Wikipedia

    All ruqyas (conspiracies) existing in Islam are divided into two types.

    The first, permitted by Sharia, do not contradict religion and are essentially surahs of the Koran. They are read only in Arabic, as in the original source. Such ruqyas are pronounced over water, which the person seeking magical effects will then drink, or over a sick person, if the ritual takes place to get rid of any illness.

    There is a second type of spell. This type of ruqya is prohibited by Shariah. And they are prohibited because the one who reads them addresses everyone except Allah: saints, prophets, angels, demons, and so on.

    Meanwhile, in Islam, despite the mention of all of the above creatures in the Koran, prayers are addressed only to Allah. Any other variants of spells are considered polytheism. And if any rituals are used in the process, talismans - even more so.

    It is worth mentioning separately about talismans and amulets, which play a big role in the life of Muslims. The fact is that from the evil eye, small children are required to hang themselves on their clothes. different options security amulets. Most often these are sayings from the Koran and prayers. However, there are variants of amulets that contain not canonical texts, but different types decorations They are also prohibited by the official religion.

    However, all these prohibitions do not interfere with the work of numerous sorcerers and witches. Muslim magic has its roots in Arab magic, which, as you know, is considered one of the most ancient, and is also not divided into black and white.

    True, the Muslim rituals that have come down to us and are currently practiced are mostly “white” and are represented by spells and rituals for protection, attracting good luck, love and prosperity, for money, and health. Of course, there are also love spells, evil eyes and damage.

    Love magic stands apart. After all, it is precisely this that women from other religions resort to when they want to attract the attention of a Muslim man. At the same time, if a Muslim decides to bewitch a woman of another religion, he also needs to use Islamic rituals for this.

    However, the question arises: will a woman who is not involved in Islam be able to carry out an effective ritual to attract the desired man? After all, a prerequisite for any strong magical tradition is initiation. In this case, everything depends on the strength of love and sincerity of intention.

    Some ancient sources talk about the rules that the magician had to adhere to in order to perform a successful ritual. Some of them were formed in the Arab world before the advent of Islam. Some are similar to the rules of Western magical traditions, while others are a reflection of religious requirements.

    So, first of all, the magician must perform the ritual while in a state of ritual purity. We are talking about cleanliness of the body, thoughts, clothes and the room where the ritual is performed.

    An important rule that is still relevant for the Arab-Islamic tradition today: women, regardless of religion, should not perform rituals during menstruation.

    Among other prohibitions during the rituals of Muslim magic: refusal of alcohol, tobacco and other “heavier” substances that can change consciousness.

    • You might be interested in: conspiracies against drunkenness

    The best time to perform rituals is Friday. Magical actions are repeated from three to seven times, while the person performing them must turn his face to the east (towards Mecca). All spells, regardless of whether they are suras or just spells, are read aloud.

    Muslim love spells

    For the first spell, you need to pour a glass of water on yourself at dawn, standing in a basin. Then collect this water again in a glass. For the collected water, you need to read the following plot:

    Allah commanded to endure! I'm waiting! Allah commanded to love! I'm burning! Allah turned to (name) and told him to wait and suffer! As soon as he drinks the water, he will fulfill the command!

    After which, a few drops of the enchanted water must be added to the victim’s food or drink, while at the same time the first sura must be read for protection.

    The next love spell is read while standing on a road that goes as far into the distance as possible. Ideally, if the horizon is visible. You need to come there and read the plot every day until the result appears. During the reading process, it is important to imagine that the desired man is walking along this road from afar to the reader.

    Bismillahir Rahmonir Rahim. Man Abdehi Allazi Leil Ila Rabbi Aljdamilu Wa Ante Arhamar Rahemin.

    For this conspiracy you will need the Koran and a photo of the desired man. A new moon conspiracy is read. The photo must be placed in front of you. You need to read the fifth sura sixty-six times without interruption. As you do this, imagine this person in the desired situation. An indicator of a ritual that has worked is the feeling of the victim’s presence in the room. After the ceremony, put the photo in a book, which you wrap in a beautiful scarf.

    Muslim conspiracies for money

    Among the Muslim money spells translated into Russian, one of the simplest and most effective spells is considered to be one that does not directly ask for money, but speaks of happiness in the home:

    In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Greetings, O happiness! Welcome to my home! Appear like a song, O happiness! Be born like the day and the sun in the sky, O happiness! Let it rain, oh happiness! Come like snow in winter, O happiness! Come, like the long-awaited winter after autumn, oh happiness! Bring joy with you, oh happiness! Open the gates of prosperity, O happiness! Let the rays of gratitude illuminate everything around!

    Come, O happiness!

    Muslim spells for good luck

    Muslim spells for good luck are very popular in Islam, like any rituals that bring success in any religions and esoteric movements.

    All good luck spells in Islam are aimed at protecting against the machinations of evil spirits (shaitans and genies) that prevent ordinary people from achieving what they want. The following conspiracy exists in two forms: in Arabic and Russian.

    Innaa lil-lyahi wa innaa ilyaihi raaji'uun, allaahumma 'indakya ahtasibu musyybatii fa'jurnii fiihe, wa abdilnii bihee hairan minhe.

    Translation into Russian:

    Verily, we belong completely to Allah and, verily, we all return to Him. O Lord, before You I will give an account for my understanding and correctness in overcoming this misfortune. Reward me for the patience I have shown and replace the misfortune with something that is better than it.

    In addition, in the Koran itself there is such advice: when a person yawns, he must cover his mouth with his hand, otherwise a genie may fly in there, which will take away all the luck from a devout Muslim.

    Muslim conspiracies for trade

    We all know what an oriental bazaar is and what importance is attached to the art of bargaining there. In the Middle Ages, eastern merchants traveled all over the world. The trader's craft was considered dangerous no matter where he was: at home, trading in the market or traveling to other countries.

    It is not surprising that various Muslim conspiracies for trade are widely used in eastern countries.

    All of them are suras from the Koran that must be read aloud before trading. Below we present a few of them.

    “Allahumma, barik lahum fi Mikalihim. Wa barik lahum fi Sahihim wa muddihim.”

    Option in Russian:

    “Oh Allah! Grant prosperity (grace) to the scales and the things that were weighed on them.”

    Another conspiracy:

    Allahumma, barik li fi Mikaliya. Wa barik li fi Saii wa muddii

    Another conspiracy that is read every morning by the merchant before starting work:


    His translation:

    “Allah is above everything. There is no deity except Allah, the One, who has no partner, power belongs to Him. Praise be to Him alone. He resurrects and takes life. He is Alive and Immortal. Grace is in His hands. He is Almighty."

    Muslim magic, like any other, offers a number of effective rituals. To achieve results, it is important to follow all the rules for conducting rituals, and most importantly, to maintain purity of intention and love in your soul throughout the entire work.


    Muslim prayers for all occasions

    Islam is the second most popular religion in the world and is practiced by approximately one fifth of the world's inhabitants. Muslim prayers are a way of expressing one's devotion to God. Almost every text contains an indication that Allah is the most powerful and the only one.

    Muslim prayers for all occasions

    Throughout his life, a Muslim must pray five times:

    • in the morning during dawn and before sunrise;
    • at noon, when the sun is at its zenith and before the length of the shadows reaches their height;
    • in the evening after the end of the previous stage and before sunset;
    • at sunset before the evening dawn fades;
    • at dusk during the period from evening to dawn.

    There are a large number of requirements that are put forward for the pronunciation of Muslim prayers or conspiracies.

    1. If it is not indicated how many times the spell must be repeated, then this should be done 3-5 times.
    2. A Muslim must maintain cleanliness, so ritual ablution is obligatory. It can be whole or partial, and everything depends on the degree of desecration.
    3. The most powerful Muslim prayers are said in a sober mind, so it is not permissible for a person to pray drunk or under the influence of any drug.
    4. It is important to say prayers only in a clean place that has not been desecrated.
    5. While a person performs namaz and reads prayers, he must certainly stand in the direction of the shrine - the Kaaba.
    6. Prayer texts are said on your knees on a special rug. In Islam, much attention is paid to the visual design of prayer. You should pay attention to every detail: the feet should be placed so that the toes are not pointing in different directions, it is important to cross the arms over the chest. Prostration is done like this: kneel down, bend over, kiss the floor and stay in this position for a few seconds.
    7. Muslim prayers at night or in the morning should be said only with pure and sincere intentions.

    Muslim prayer against the evil eye and damage

    A powerful way to cope with possible negative influences from the outside is prayer. The most powerful are the suras - the texts presented in the Koran. Many Muslim practices confirm the beneficial effects of this holy book.

    1. It is best to read prayers against damage from late at night until sunrise. You can return to repeating sacred texts when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. This is explained by the fact that the time from dawn to lunch is controlled by evil forces.
    2. Muslim prayers against the evil eye and damage are most effective when they are said on Friday. It is believed that on this day of the week the Higher powers are especially favorable to people.
    3. The power of prayer will increase if you say it in a state of meditation or trance. It is imperative to contact the prophet, which will speed up the fulfillment of your desire.

    Muslim prayers for good luck and happiness

    All religions have rituals and prayers aimed at attracting success, and Islam is no exception. Muslim prayers for good luck help protect against the negative influence of evil spirits, such as shaitans and genies, who create obstacles to improving one’s life. It is worth noting that even in the Koran itself there is advice that if a person wants to yawn, then he must cover his mouth with his hand, since a genie can enter him and take all his luck with him.

    Muslim prayer for fulfillment of desires

    People living in eastern countries are not too demanding of life’s blessings and they can be content with little, but at the same time they also have dreams, for the fulfillment of which they turn to Higher powers. Many people are interested in what Muslim prayers help fulfill wishes, so the text below will help in such a situation. You can only ask for good things that are really needed. The Muslim prayer for the fulfillment of a desire is addressed to Allah and it contains a deep meaning about complete obedience to God.

    Muslim prayers for illnesses

    Many people, when health problems arise, turn not only to a doctor, but also to a Higher Power for help and healing. Muslim prayer for health helps to cleanse the body and soul of negative energy, which often becomes the cause of the development of health problems. You can say it at any time, asking, both for yourself and for a loved one.

    Muslim prayer for love

    Single people can attract love to themselves using special prayer texts. It is important to say them from a pure heart and with sincere faith. There are different Muslim prayers for love, and the presented version involves the performance of a certain ritual that will evoke feelings in the heart of a particular person.

    1. At dawn, you need to completely undress and stand in an empty basin.
    2. Take a glass of water and slowly pour the liquid onto the top of your head. Without moving, wait until all the water has drained.
    3. The liquid that ended up in the basin is poured back into the glass and the Muslim morning prayer is said over it.
    4. The charmed water must be added to your lover’s drink. The power of the prayer text is enormous, so a few drops will be enough. It is recommended to read the first sura, which will provide some protection from negative influences. This is a kind of consent of a person that he will accept any decision of the Higher Powers and if the beloved is destined by fate, then the couple will take place.

    Muslim prayer for the return of a loved one

    People have problems in their personal lives no matter what faith they profess. All this is explained by the presence large quantity prayers, rituals and conspiracies that help to cope with conflicts, improve relationships and return a loved one. There is a special Muslim prayer that must be read after performing the ritual ablution and reading the rak'ah of namaz twice.

    Muslim prayers for children

    There is a rule in Islam that parents must teach their child to pray from the age of seven. Adults can turn to Allah with their requests for the health, long and prosperous life of their children. Strong Muslim prayers help protect yourself from bad influences, find your way in life and not deviate from your faith. The presented text must be spoken directly over the child.

    Muslim prayer for money

    In the Koran you cannot find prohibitions and restrictions regarding prayers, but there is one rule - before asking for anything from the Higher Powers, you must read Muslim prayers glorifying Allah, that is, first you must perform namaz, and then you can read others conspiracies called ruqya. It is important to ask for help from a pure heart and for good deeds. The presented prayer contains a certain formula explaining the highest action, which is not considered sinful.

    1. The Muslim prayer to attract money is read only once and after that, during prayer, it is necessary to give a few coins to the poor. This is important in order to return your kindness and generosity through the will of Allah.
    2. The presented text can still be written above front door to your home. The result will be a powerful magnet that will attract financial well-being.

    Muslim prayer against drunkenness

    Alcohol addiction is common not only among the Slavs, but also in eastern countries. Muslim prayer for alcoholism can relieve a person of melancholy and restore happiness to him, which naturally causes a desire to get rid of alcoholism. bad habit. It is worth noting that the text presented will only help if the alcoholic himself wants to cope with the problem. The prayer must be repeated three times.

    Muslim prayers from enemies

    Many people have enemies who arise for various reasons, such as jealousy, conflict and other problems. Muslims with unclean souls resort to black magic to harm other people. There are Muslim prayers aimed at protection and with their help a person seems to create a special invisible shield around himself that will protect him from negativity. There are many sacred texts and the option presented below will help destroy the plans and malice of the enemies. The Muslim prayer for protection must be repeated 500 times every day for three days.

    Muslim prayer for the dead

    When a person professing Islam dies, four actions are mandatory: ritual ablution, covering the body with a shroud, reading funeral prayers and burial. Muslim funeral prayers can be said either in the home of the deceased person or in a mosque. They are called janaza-namazah and the obligatory actions when reading them include: intention, standing, four takbirs, reading Surah al-Fatiha, blessing the Messenger of Allah, praying for a deceased person and taslim.

    1. If a Muslim funeral prayer is read for a woman, then the Arabic pronouns hu should be replaced with ha.
    2. It is advisable to perform the funeral prayer collectively in three rows, or even more. If this cannot be realized, then this can be done in groups and alone.
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    It is necessary to know how to prepare for confession and communion, since these are important events in the life of believers. This will help you throw off the weight of your own sins and cleanse yourself mentally. There are a number of prohibitions and guidelines established by the church.

    Night prayer - the most powerful prayers read before bed

    Prayer at night has great power and is important, because in this way a person can express gratitude to God for the day he has lived through. There are many prayer texts designed for different situations.

    Saint Nicholas the Pleasant - prayers for all occasions

    Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is known to many, even children, since there is a legend that he brings gifts to obedient children. He is considered one of the main helpers of believers, who can turn to him with various requests.

    Morning prayers- the power of morning Orthodox prayer

    Morning prayers are an appeal to the Lord, in which believers ask for support for the day and help in various situations. It is important to turn to the Higher powers from the heart, taking into account the rules, otherwise the words will remain unanswered.

    Muslim conspiracies, spells and prayers

    Muslim magic

    Muslim magic is special, and for some reason it is rarely remembered. Meanwhile, it is in Muslim magic that there are many effective conspiracies that can help solve a wide variety of problems. The main thing is to believe that Muslim conspiracies are shrouded in a special mysticism that can work real miracles. It is also equally important to learn how to read Muslim conspiracies correctly. After all, spells will be effective only if they are pronounced in the Muslim language.

    Magic intertwined with religion

    The connection between religion and magic

    The Muslim religion and magic are very closely related. It seems to uninitiated people that Islam is a very strict religion. Actually, that's true. But bright magical actions have become part of Islam today. For example, when treating, Muslims use not only herbs and water, but also verses of the Koran, Muslim spells and prayers.

    There are some magical actions that are permitted by Sharia - reading prayers on water, blowing. It is believed that even the Prophet Muhammad once performed these actions.

    There is one more feature Muslim religion: Conspiracies are very similar to incantatory prayers. Also, Muslim conspiracies are similar to the conspiracies used by Christians.

    At the same time, no one cancels the prayers, which Muslims call doga or doha, dua. It is true that as far as prayers are concerned, knowledgeable people emphasize that in Islam there are two types of prayers. Some are canonical, that is, permitted by Sharia. Others are non-canonical, that is, folk, apocryphal.

    Types of prayers and spells

    Types of conspiracies and prayers

    Muslims share several types of prayers. In particular, Muslim conspiracies and prayers are spells: - to remove the evil eye, damage, - for treatment, - to get rid of a curse, fear, - to acquire wealth, - to expel evil spirits (shaitans, genies, peris), - to approach to the authorities - for protection,

    Protective prayers.

    Moreover, Muslims, as a rule, do not limit themselves to just reading prayers. They also perform rituals and ceremonies, make talismans that they use to get rid of problems or protection.

    How to read prayers and conspiracies correctly

    Rules for reading prayers

    Muslims put forward many demands for the use of dogs, that is, spell prayers. So, to get the desired result you should:

    1. Read the prayer the number of times indicated in the spell. If this data is not specified, then the plot must be read 3-5 times.
    2. When reading a conspiracy, you need to look towards the qibla, that is, Masjidul Harama Mecca.
    3. Reciting any incantations is allowed only after ablution.
    4. When reading conspiracies and prayers for water, after each reading of the conspiracy you should gently blow on the water.

    Protection spell

    We apply protection

    Can be carried out magic ritual, which will form a kind of shield around the body that protects from negative impacts physical and etheric body. So, the ritual with reading the plot is carried out for three days - at dusk from Tuesday to Thursday. It is important to learn how to quickly and correctly pronounce the Ibnu Alwan spell. The difficulty lies in the fact that the spell must be pronounced 100 times without interruption - no more, no less. To be effective, you need to cast the cherished spell a thousand times on Thursday, and between midnight and six in the morning.

    It is difficult, but the result will exceed expectations. It remains to add that subsequently Ibnu Alwan’s spell will need to be repeated three times a day in order to maintain the magical effect of invisible protection.

    So, Ibnu Alwan's conspiracy goes like this:

    “Allahumma salliimnaa buumi valmundhiiri valkanuuni valbunduuki wassilaahi vanahvihaa muddata hayaaa tinaa, allahumaial kulla maa askhaabanaa minal-hadidido maaan saailan vamin-ghairihi habaa an mantsuuraa.”

    Conspiracy for sadness, melancholy and anxiety

    Increasing your happiness

    “O Allah, verily, I am Your servant, and the son of Your servant, and the son of Your handmaid. I am subject to You, Your decisions are binding on me, and the sentence You passed on me is fair. I adjure You by each of Your names with which You have called Yourself. or sent it down in Your Book, or revealed it to anyone of Your creation, or left it hidden from everyone except You, make the Quran the spring of my heart, the light of my chest and the reason for the disappearance of my sadness and the cessation of my anxiety!

    The spell must be pronounced like this:

    “Allahumma, inni 'abdu-kya, ibnu 'abdi-kya, ibnu amati-kya, nasyati bi-yadi-kya, madyn fiya hukmu-kya, 'adlyun fiya kadau-kya, as'alyu-kya bi-kulli ismin hua la-kya sammaita bi-hi nafsa-kya, au anzalta-hu fi kitabi-kya, au 'allamta-hu ahadan min khalky-kya au ista'sarta bi-hi fi 'ilm-l-gaibi 'inda-kya an taj 'ala-l-Qur'ana rabi'a kalbi, wa nura sadri, wa jala'a khuzni wa zahaba hami"!

    Conspiracy to protect children

    Child protection

    “U’izu-kuma bi-kyalimati-Llahi-t-tam-mati min kupi shaitanin, va hammatin, wa min kupi ‘ainin lyammatin”!

    Translated this means:

    “I resort to the perfect words of Allah so that they protect you from any devil, and insect, and from every evil eye”!

    Muslims believe that the Messenger of Allah once said these words over al-Husayn and al-Hassan. That’s why they always protect their children with such a conspiracy.

    Muslim prayers against damage and the evil eye: features of execution

    Muslim prayers are an integral part of a Muslim's life. They provide the believer with the Almighty. Before each turn to prayer, a person must perform ablution in order to appear before the Creator in a worthy appearance. Prayers must be performed every day five times in Arabic.

    Reading prayers is decisive for the daily routine of a person professing Islam. Each of them has its own meaning and a specific time. Among others, there are Muslim prayers against damage and the evil eye. They are fundamentally different from Orthodox prayers, since Muslims do not directly address Allah or make requests. The corresponding verses and hadiths from the Koran are simply read.

    Features of Muslim prayers that protect against the evil eye

    Appeal to the shrine

    Muslim prayers against damage and the evil eye are usually understood as certain parts of the Koran. This is a true Muslim shrine; turning to it cleanses one from sins and helps get rid of the evil eye. It is believed that this sacred book has everything to remove even very strong damage, especially the evil eye.

    The reading of Muslim prayers against damage should be carried out according to the following rules.

    1. Prayers must be recited by Muslims. Christians or Buddhists cannot use them.
    2. To cleanse yourself of negativity, the evil eye, you need to read prayers at night before the sun rises. This is due to the idea that Allah is extremely busy during the day, listening to a huge number of prayers, but in the evenings and at night prayer will reach him faster.
    3. The ideal day for Muslims to pray against the evil eye is Friday. On Friday you can get all your desires fulfilled, however, only if they do not contain negative messages. If it was possible to determine that there is damage and the Muslim decided to use the ritual against damage and remove it, it can be strengthened by reading prayers.
    4. Staying in a trance will enhance the effect.

    Removing Muslim damage

    To overcome Muslim corruption, you need to read on your own and listen online to the ending of the “Believers” sura. According to many, this is the most powerful sura. There is a legend that if you read it, filling the words with sincere faith, a spring can break right out of the rock. For Muslim removal of damage, the consequences of the action of the evil dark eye, it is also good to read Al-Fatiha, Al-Falyak, the Throne Ayat, An-Nas. The Muslim prayer Ya-Sin is also considered valid.

    The time of sunrise in Islam is the time of Shaitan. Therefore, you can turn to prayer only until 3 am. You can try to eliminate damage yourself only in a simple situation. If you begin to hear alien sounds in the house, you need to rush to the professionals for help. According to the testimony of many, every Muslim prayer read by Mishari Rashid al-Afasi helps tremendously. His prayers are a cure for the evil eye, protection from witchcraft, envy, and the evil eye. Using the help of this Quran Sheikh, you can protect both the house and its inhabitants from simple evil eye, and achieve the removal of life-destroying corruption among Muslims. The posted videos will help with this.

    how to find out if you have damage or the evil eye? remove damage

    Using cleansing with water and herbs (hyssop, burdock)

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    Remove the evil eye yourself Remove

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    Ritual to remove Muslim damage

    Removing any damage from Muslims is not an easy process. Some recommend using the following ritual.

    It is necessary to prepare a piece of lead; it is taken in the right hand. Next, they move it over the top of the head and pronounce Al-Fatih in the same tone as a spell. Then this piece is moved over the arms, over the legs, in front of the forehead, under the navel and near the solar plexus. Then they spit on the lead. Next, this piece of lead is wrapped in the worn linen of a person suffering from damage, and the bundle is placed under the mattress for 7 days.

    When time will pass, the lead must be melted, then poured into a container of water, which is first placed on the sufferer’s underwear. In the case where there is no pore, the lead stain on the water will be smooth. If it is present, then the ritual should be repeated throughout the week. when it is gone, the stain will become even. Lead congealed in water is immediately thrown out of the yard. Use a new one every time. This way you can treat your child yourself.

    Amulet - protection from the evil eye and a guarantee of peace

    To consolidate the result, you can make a Muslim amulet against damage and the evil eye and carry it with you. This amulet is called sabab. To do this, write down the text of the verse on paper and wear it around the neck.

    You can write verses or hadiths on white paper; you should write down only those words whose meaning you know. They will do the same. like conspiracies among the Orthodox. But you cannot blindly believe in the power of sabab, because it is not a piece of paper that helps, but Allah.

    The basis of Islam is the Holy Book of the Koran. It contains all the prayers that a true believer should read in everyday life. Muslim prayers should become the basis of life; only in this case can a person have hope that he will go to heaven after death.

    The most important and obligatory religious ritual in Islam is prayer. It is he who allows a Muslim to maintain a connection with Allah. Namaz must be read by the faithful five times a day. This allows you to strengthen your faith and cleanse yourself of past sins.

    Namaz determines the daily rhythm of a believer. Prayers are offered:

    • At dawn.
    • In the middle of the day.
    • In the afternoon.
    • In the evening hour
    • At dusk.

    To perform namaz, you need to perform ablution, wear clean clothes and choose a clean place. Whenever possible, every Muslim strives to perform the obligatory prayer in a mosque.

    Namaz is a very complex ritual, which involves not only reading a large number of prayers, but also performing precise ritual movements. For those who have recently converted to Islam, there is a simplified ritual that can also be used when there is a lack of time.


    In addition to the prayers that are used in namaz, there are a number of special prayer requests - duas, which can be used in a wide variety of life situations.

    Read any islamic prayer you need to be sincere. This is the main condition for her to be heard by Allah. The dua should be pronounced confidently, this emphasizes that help from above is very important for you in this period of life.

    Read the Tatar prayer for good luck

    The desire to attract luck into life is natural for every person. In the Muslim world, luck and material well-being are interconnected. This is precisely why it is necessary to give alms to the poor before reading this type of prayer. Dua to attract good luck and money can be read only once a day. You can offer prayer at any time.

    Sounds strong prayer So:

    “In the name of the Merciful and Almighty Allah. I conjure you with prayerful words, oh great happiness! Become the master of my home. Become a strong patron over my head, humbly bowed. Become a protection for me and my family from sorrows and poverty. Become a bright Sun for me and sprinkle my life with blessed rain of abundance. Fill my home with prosperity and prosperity. I call on you, come, I am waiting for you obediently and humbly.”

    Tatar prayer for health

    Tatar prayer for health allows you to find peace of mind. This means that a person will have the strength to successfully fight any diseases, the causes of which, as a rule, are unfavorable nervous condition person. In addition, such prayer successfully helps to cope with damage and the evil eye. Such negative foreign influences also often provoke the development of serious diseases.

    A prayer in Russian can sound like this:

    “True praise can only be directed to Allah, the Lord of all worlds. I offer my request to You, O Allah, that You bring Your mercy closer to me. I believe in the effectiveness of Your forgiveness, which will become a reliable protection from sins. May all righteous things benefit me. I ask you, O Allah, for salvation from all the mistakes you have made. Forgive me all my sins. Let no anxiety remain in my soul. May all my requests be satisfied by you. I ask you for health and mental strength. For You are the Most Merciful."

    Prayers for cleansing the house

    In the Muslim world, a ritual is considered obligatory to cleanse the house of negative energies. There are many such prayers in the Koran. The clergy believe that such prayers should be said in Arabic, reading them directly from the Koran. Of course, not everyone can do this. Therefore, Islam offers a very simple ceremony with candles. With its help, you can cleanse the space of your own home from negative energy. All you need to do is walk around all the living rooms around the perimeter with a lit candle in your hand.

    During this process, a short prayer is spoken, which in Russian sounds like this:

    “I ask Allah for protection from evil looks and words, from the evil shaitan, from all kinds of poisonous animals.”

    After this, you must definitely read the following prayer, kneeling in one of the rooms, turning your face to the east:

    “Allah is great, besides him there is no other deity in the world. We worship Him alone. Allah protects the faithful people on earth and rewards them according to their deserts. Allah sees everything, He never sleeps. There is no equal to Allah. Glory to Allah! Only he knows everything that will happen in the world around him. No one living can comprehend his wisdom. We can only know what he allows. He is the Most High, the One and the Great!”

    In order to have a restful sleep and be able to fully relax before going to bed, you should read special duas: Ikhlas, Falyak, Nas.

    Surah Ikhlas in Russian sounds like this:

    “I say: “He is Allah, the One, the Great, the All-Powerful and the Self-Sufficient. He was not born and did not give birth. There is no one in the whole world who can compare with Allah.”

    Surah Falyak is protective and sounds as follows:

    “I say: “I seek from Allah the Almighty dawn for my soul, I make a petition for salvation from all evil. Do not allow, O Allah, anyone to harm me.”


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