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On the Internet you can find diets with tempting headlines: “Minus seven kilograms in a week” or “How to lose 10 kg in a month.” We are offered to go on an egg, pineapple, chocolate or protein diet, give up dinners, switch to a raw food diet or stop eating after 12:00, 14:00, 15:00 - you can put any numbers. There are so many diets and nutrition systems that you can get confused in them - among them there is even a beer, seed and candy weight loss system. But in fact, it is impossible to lose a kilogram a day - this is what experts say.

It's simple - in the first days on a very strict diet, you can actually lose a kilogram or even more - due to cleansing the intestines, dehydration and loss muscle mass. But then the weight loss process slows down and may even stop due to a slowdown in metabolism. The fact is that when the diet is sharply reduced, the body perceives this as a threat and, thinking that difficult times have come, slows down the metabolism to a minimum and does not want to use up reserves. It turns out that strict restrictions on food do not produce any results, and those kilograms that were lost at the very beginning quickly return, and in excess, as soon as you return to your previous diet. In fact, it is quite realistic and natural to lose weight by 700-1000 g per week, everything else leads to exhaustion and illness.

Why is rapid weight loss dangerous?

Of course, if a woman is going to lose weight by the New Year at any cost, then she doesn’t care much about what happens next, because to achieve her cherished goal, any means are good. However, any strict nutrition system, such as a mono-diet, a liquid diet, an express diet with a meager diet, a detox diet, or fasting, leads to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. A woman who sits on such a diet develops weakness, performance decreases, memory and concentration deteriorate. But this is not the worst thing. Endocrinologist Elena Odintsova does not recommend experimenting on your body and explains why you should not get carried away with radical weight loss systems.

Elena Odintsova


“I perfectly understand a woman’s desire to lose weight for the New Year, transform herself, fit into her cherished dress and arouse the admiration of loved ones, friends and acquaintances. But sometimes you have to pay a high price for this, because radical weight loss weakens the body, as a result, immunity drops, chronic diseases worsen and many new diseases appear. I see girls and women whose menstrual cycle has been disrupted during a diet, and they have to put in a lot of effort to restore normal hormonal levels. In addition, due to a lack of nutrients, the body “eats” itself, as a result of which teeth are destroyed and the condition of the skin, hair and nails worsens. Yes, you can, if you want, lose weight a month before the New Year, but still look tired, sick and exhausted. In such a state it is usually impossible to have fun and enjoy life.”

Side effects of diets include kidney and liver problems, blood pressure disorders, constipation, stone formation in the urinary and gallbladder, gastritis and cardiac dysfunction.

Losing weight before the New Year: fractional meals

Don’t set yourself difficult-to-achieve goals and get ready to lose 4-5 kg ​​of weight - it won’t be muscle, but fat. Believe me, 5 kg is already not bad, and the changes will be noticeable not only at the waist, besides, you will preserve your beauty and avoid pre-New Year hunger depression.

Most best way losing weight without experiencing painful attacks of hunger is eating in fractions. Eat food every 3 hours, and the portion should be placed in a 250 ml cup. But this does not mean that you can eat only chocolate and cakes, carefully compacting them into dishes. Choose only healthy products- vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, cereals, legumes, cottage cheese, yogurt, meat, fish and eggs.

Refrain from baked goods and sweets, dress salads olive oil, and not mayonnaise, limit the consumption of nuts, sour cream, pork, dried fruits, honey and other fatty and. The advantage of this nutritional system is constant satiety and small portions of food, which will help reduce the volume of the stomach, as a result of which you will eat less food in the future.

How to quickly lose weight for the New Year by counting calories

Nowadays there are many different mobile applications with calorie calculators, so counting calories has long ceased to be a tedious task. If you stick to a calorie diet of 1200-1500 calories and eat a balanced diet, you will easily lose 5 kg without fainting from hunger. And to increase the amount of food you eat and eat from the heart, prepare meals from low-calorie foods. The lowest calorie meats are beef, veal, turkey, partridge, chickens, brains, liver and kidneys of cattle. For fish, give preference to trout, catfish, bream, cod, carp, pike perch, pike and seafood - their calorie content does not exceed 100 kcal per 100 g. Eat low-fat cottage cheese, season salads with kefir, and eat cheese and eggs in moderation, as well as nuts with honey. They have a lot of calories, but no satiety! During the diet, you can completely abandon butter, sugar and bread, but low-calorie vegetables, fruits and mushrooms must be included in the diet. Remember that avocados, bananas, grapes and dried fruits, despite their benefits, are very high in calories, so it is better to limit them slightly. If you really want something sweet, prepare desserts from low-fat cottage cheese with berries and fruits or healthy meringues from whipped egg whites, sweetening them with natural sugar substitutes from stevia.

Some tips for losing weight

On any diet, be sure to take a tablespoon of unrefined vegetable oil and after that do not eat for 20 minutes. Oil is necessary to maintain hormonal levels, nourish the skin, hair and nails, while calories from oil are not taken into account in the total caloric content of the diet. Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of water so that toxins are actively removed from the blood: this is the key to good health on any diet.

Pay attention to the so-called zero-calorie foods - they spend much more calories digesting them than they contain - these are berries, citrus fruits, greens, cabbage, celery and non-starchy vegetables.

An indispensable product on the diet is Japanese shirataki noodles, 100 g of which contain only 9 calories. It is white and transparent, but do not confuse it with funchose, which is made from bean or rice flour. Shirataki spaghetti, which is made from the tubers of the konjac plant, contains healthy plant fiber, normalizes blood glucose levels and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to trick your body on a diet?

There are many different tricks - drink a glass of water before eating, put food in a small cup to create the illusion of an overflowing plate, eat very slowly, chewing the food thoroughly - in this case, satiety will come much faster. Don't combine breakfast, lunch and dinner with watching a video or reading a book - enjoy your food and enjoy every bite! A sophisticated table setting helps a lot, even if you're only going to eat a small portion of coleslaw. If you eat cabbage not in a hurry in front of a computer monitor, swallowing unchewed pieces, but on expensive porcelain with starchy napkins and cupronickel silver cutlery, you will fill up with less of the dish, because aesthetic pleasure also plays a role in the feeling of fullness.

For almost every person, the New Year is a holiday of miracles and pleasant expectations, so on this day you want to look beautiful and irresistible. Do you want to wear elegant dress or a suit, but are you worried that your figure won’t allow you to look slim? It is better to decide in advance the question of how to lose weight for the New Year, so as not to be disappointed later.

Effective methods

Any of the methods for losing weight can be used at home. It is enough to draw up a simple action plan. Depending on what period you start with, it can be scheduled for a month or two months before the celebration.

2 month plan

Many women or men do not want to exhaust themselves with starvation diets. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your figure in advance and taking measures.

Forget about the evening meal!

Strictly forbid yourself from eating after 18:00 pm. Any snack with fatty foods or tasty morsels will affect your figure. This may seem impossible and many find excuses, saying that work, children - everything interferes with observing this. But think about the goal and pull yourself together.

Important! If you go to bed after 21-22 hours, then the time can be shifted to 19-00. This will allow you not to feel hungry and calmly adhere to the regime.

Every person has had a snack on the go at least once in their life. Especially when in the morning when getting ready for work, there is not enough time to pack lunch and the choice falls on fast food. Any buns, pies, hot dogs, etc. should be eliminated from your diet if you want to lose weight quickly before the new year.

Nutritionists recommend eating small portions and several times a day (usually 5-6 times). Prepare your meals the night before so you can get ready quickly. But if there is no opportunity, and you think that fast food cannot be avoided, then simply replace it with healthy food. Let it be a fermented milk product (fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt) or fruit (apples in this case will only increase the desire to eat; it’s better to buy bananas or dates).

Drink water

Many people know that you need to drink 1 glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach to cleanse the body (it must be purified, not from the tap). If your goal is to lose weight before the new year, my advice is to drink more water (how to drink correctly)!

  • people up to 50 kg – 1.5 l;
  • if the weight is from 50 to 60 kg - at least 2 liters;
  • over 60 kg – from 2.5 liters to 3 liters.

Important! Do not drink sparkling water, especially sweet water! Remember, coffee and tea should not be counted because... they are food.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is always good for the body. Try to at least double the amount of food you eat in two months. Take them to work, on a walk with the kids, or just going to the store. :

  • lemon;
  • pomegranate;
  • kiwi;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • dates;
  • grapefruit;
  • pineapple;
  • pear;
  • apple, etc.

Snacks will help satisfy your hunger and promote weight loss. It is recommended to make fresh juices from fresh berries, fruits and vegetables at home. A glass of fresh juice or natural juice replaces one snack.

Fasting days

Doctors and nutritionists agreed that it will not harm the body, but on the contrary, it will be beneficial. Choose a less busy day or a day off. It is recommended not to eat anything, drink only water.

Important! If there are contraindications to fasting, then drink fresh juice. If you feel weak, dizzy, or nauseous, drink a glass of water with lemon juice.

Women who are breastfeeding and want to lose weight before the new year are strictly contraindicated. The body produces milk and needs nutrients. The salt-free diet of Elena Malasheva is perfect. The bottom line is not to add salt when cooking.

Exercise has always been considered an integral part of weight loss diets. Sign up for a gym and go to workouts 2, preferably 3 times a week.

For those who desperately lack time for exercise, it is recommended to walk for at least an hour a day. Make it a rule to go to work (from work), to kindergarten, to school - on foot.

Accommodation in apartment building It will be beneficial if you walk up the stairs at least 3-4 times a day every day.

1 month plan

What to do if time is lost and there is one month left before the joyful holiday? Don't despair, during this time you can lose 5 kg! Some tips on what to do:

  • completely remove from the menu flour products(any buns, bread, pasta, cookies are prohibited);
  • forget about sweets, candies, chocolate, cakes. Replace them with fruits: dried apricots, dates, banana, apple;
  • potatoes (in any form: fried, boiled, steamed), corn, foods containing sugar should be excluded from the diet;
  • various smoked meats, sausages, pork meat - prohibited;
  • It is not recommended to consume sea salts, pickles, and various preserves, since fluid in the body will be retained due to salt and slow down the process of losing weight;
  • Any alcoholic drinks, sweet wine, beer, carbonated water are contraindicated.

What foods can you eat:

  • : rice, buckwheat, peas, millet, barley;
  • it is recommended to include more fish, kernels of nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds in the menu;
  • any steamed fruits and vegetables;
  • drink more water.

What vitamins can you buy at a pharmacy for weight loss:

  • Vitrum;
  • Duovit;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • fish oil;
  • Alphabet.

2 week weight loss plan

The New Year is just around the corner, there are only a few days left and in the turmoil of the pre-holiday days it’s worth remembering your figure. How to lose weight before the holiday in two weeks and is it even possible? Of course, but you can’t do without diets.

Eating certain foods on the same day. For example, today eat dairy, tomorrow – fish, the third day – chicken. According to Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, founder of the diet, it is worth adhering to strict rules and taking turns.

  1. Fish day. Steam the fish, bake it in the oven, you can prepare fish soup (salt, spices, herbs in limited quantities. Drink water and fish soup.
  2. Carbohydrate day. Eat vegetables, prepare salads, stews, potatoes. Drink tea and fresh juices without added sugar.
  3. Protein day. Treat yourself to boiled chicken, or bake it in the oven (you cannot eat the skin from the chicken). Drink chicken broth, with the addition of herbs (salt, seasonings in limited quantities), tea without sugar.
  4. Cereal day. We cook any water-based porridge that we have in the house: rice, millet, oatmeal, buckwheat. Drink tea and water.
  5. Curd day. Today eat cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%) without sugar and one glass of milk. Tea.
  6. Vitamin day. The final day of the diet, it is necessary to replenish the body with vitamins and minerals. Food: various fruits, fresh juices, make fruit mixes - no restrictions on quantity. You can drink herbal tea and juices.

The second week (the last before the new year) eat the same, only gradually increase the quantity and variety of dishes.

Important! On such a diet you are guaranteed to lose 3 to 5 kg in a week!

Children's diet

Unusual diet for fast weight loss before the new year will allow you to lose up to 3 kg. Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston tested it and was pleased with the result. The essence of the diet is to take baby food.

Various purees, baby curds, yogurt, soups - consume two weeks before the holiday if you want to lose weight. Baby food does not contain harmful fatty components, cholesterol, preservatives - success is guaranteed. A low-calorie diet allows you to lose a few kilos without any health problems.

Other diets:

  1. Japanese strict diet. Designed for 7 days: 1 – fish, 2 – vegetables, 3 – rice, 4 – fruits, 5 – legumes, 6 – soups, 7 – includes the menu of the previous days. The use and addition of sugar and salt is prohibited. Drink water, green tea.
  2. , coffee - will help you lose weight, but not for long. The extra pounds will return a few days after the holiday.

How to consolidate the result

December 31 is not the last day of life, so first of all you should think about your health and how to maintain the results achieved. When concluding diets and strict restrictions, adhere to the basic rules of proper exit:

  1. During the last day of the year, have frequent snacks, eat small portions of what is in the refrigerator. The amount of food should not exceed 200 grams.
  2. Drink a glass of purified water before the meal. The stomach won't be able to accommodate large number food.
  3. IN New Year's Eve dance more, have fun, communicate with friends, colleagues, for the sake of this night I had to put in so much effort and lose weight.

Every woman wants to look the most attractive on New Year's Day. Already in November, or even in October, we are in a hurry to choose a stunning outfit. And this is where the problems begin. I really liked the dress, but the lock is barely fastening. It’s generally scary to look at the stomach and thighs - a continuous map of hilly terrain. Everything that had previously been bashfully hidden by wide trousers and the usual spacious casual blouse emerged quite clearly and unambiguously.

Multivariate events follow. Some decide to buy something larger in order to effectively hide figure flaws. And others begin to frantically figure out how to lose weight for the New Year. The next step is tossing around different sites in search of the most effective miracle diet that can quickly and reliably get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms.

If you have made a firm decision to lose weight by the New Year, do not rush headlong into experiments with your own body. Remember that there are many holidays, but you only have one. The introduction of restrictions into the diet should be very careful, carefully weighed and not drastic.

Do you want to be not only beautiful, but also healthy? Then don’t put off losing weight until the last week of December, don’t skip main meals, forget about express diets forever and don’t push yourself to the point of exhaustion in the gym. Give yourself the opportunity to get good sleep. Remember that the body needs at least 7 hours of healthy sleep to recover at night.

Features of the diet

There are a number of rules for organizing a diet that make the weight loss process more gentle on the body. Moreover, the effectiveness of weight loss does not suffer because of this.

Diet correction

It is necessary to make adjustments to the daily menu in advance. The optimal time is 3 months before the New Year. First of all, you should eliminate everything fatty and fried from your diet. In addition, you will need to remove pickles, smoked meats, and sweets - especially those made from refined products. What should you eat then? Instead of all of the above, the menu should be filled with fresh vegetables and fruits, lean types of fish and meat.

In the process of preparing dishes, you will have to refuse vegetable oil. Food should be cooked either steamed or in an air fryer. Choose simple recipes with a minimum number of ingredients, their successful combination and a small amount of calories in the finished dish.

Having adjusted your daily diet in this way, you need to include unloading in it. It is enough to do it once a week. One fasting day can be devoted, for example, to apples, another to cottage cheese, a third to kefir, and so on. The choice of option is yours. To avoid getting tired of them, they are usually alternated.

Unloading helps remove accumulated toxins from the body, as well as excess water from tissues. The result of such a correction will appear exactly in time for the New Year.

It's left until the New Year

30 days

We switch to fractional meals. This means that you will have to eat often (the interval between meals should not exceed 3 hours) and a little at a time (one serving size is 250 g). Within 4 weeks you will have to forget about fast food, canned goods, cakes, pastries, and so on. In general, everything that goes into your mouth must be prepared by you yourself. Increase the volume of liquid you drink - plain water and tea ( daily norm- 30 ml for every kilogram of your weight).

Menu example:

The estimated weight is from 3 to 10 kg.

10 days

Eliminate sweet fruits and all flour products from your diet. Have breakfast with oatmeal steamed in boiling water rather than boiled. For snacks before and after lunch, take some dried apricots and walnuts. Just don’t abuse them, otherwise the result of the diet will be exactly the opposite.

Lunch should consist of only one main course. Dine on a vegetable salad with dressing lemon juice.

The estimated weight is from 5 to 7 kg.


The weekly diet falls into the extreme category. Its principle is very simple. For a week or 10 days you will have to eat one oatmeal porridge every day. You need to prepare it like this: pour boiling water over a glass of flakes and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then pour in 1 percent kefir. You cannot salt, sweeten or flavor it with oil. You will end up with porridge that you will need to eat all day as soon as you feel hungry (4 to 6 times).

The drinking regime during this diet is not regulated. And even more than that, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Any other products are prohibited.

This diet is quite strict. Therefore, you can easily lose from 5 to 7 kg with it. But keep in mind that it is designed for a maximum of 10 days. You can't sit on it any longer. To get out of it painlessly, it is advisable to leave a couple of spare days before the holiday itself. This will make it much easier for your digestive system to cope with the abundance. New Year's table.

5 days

Did you remember about your figure literally 5 days before the holiday and decided to urgently lose at least a couple of extra pounds? You will succeed if you use this quick diet:

  • We have breakfast alone chicken egg and a cup of unsweetened tea.
  • For the 2nd breakfast (must be scheduled before 12:00), eat some low-fat cottage cheese and wash it down with low-fat kefir.
  • We have lunch with a portion of steamed fish (150 g), a vegetable salad sprinkled with lemon juice (you cannot use oil for dressing), and some fruit.
  • We have dinner with a cup of unsweetened tea.

Water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. It will only contribute to weight loss, and at the same time remove the toxins accumulated in the body.

2 days

Set December 20th and 30th as fasting days. The entire diet of the first day will consist of tomatoes (750 g) and cucumbers (750 g). This volume must be divided into 10 equal parts. Vegetables should be eaten alternating.

The second day is meat day. You can enjoy boiled chicken (800 g, divided into 8 servings, 100 g each). And on December 31, you can already return to your usual diet. After all, starving all day and then eating to your heart's content on New Year's Eve is extremely harmful to the digestive system.

Estimated weight - up to 2 kg.

Losing weight is delicious

To make dieting less boring, introduce several foods into your diet that will help you lose weight tastefully and without hunger pangs.

  • Muesli. This product perfectly cleanses the intestines of accumulated toxins, improves digestion and gives energy. Muesli is a source of healthy “slow” carbohydrates. The latter provide better saturation of the body and relieve hunger for a long time.
  • Cheese. Source of protein - one of the most important components healthy eating. When there is not enough of it, the body begins to “recycle” muscles. True, the cheese is quite high in calories, so you can eat no more than 50-60 g of it. It is better to take low-fat varieties - tofu and Adyghe.
  • Fish. An excellent alternative to meat. It is an excellent source of phosphorus and polyunsaturated fatty acids. On the diet, you are allowed to cook low-fat species - these can be pike perch, carp, perch or hake. The main thing is not to fry.
  • White cabbage. This is a versatile vegetable. You can eat it pickled, stewed, baked with meat and put in soups. It also contains fiber and pectin, which help remove toxins and normalize intestinal functions. Potassium helps remove excess fluid from the body. And this speeds up weight loss.

Undesirable means

New Year is a fabulous holiday with a touch of magic. However, the weight does not decrease with a wave of the magic wand. Not everyone knows this.

Today, various nutritional shakes and energy bars are widely advertised. They are positioned as a means for healthy weight loss. In fact, they can only satisfy hunger minimal calories. If you carefully study the instructions that come with them, the principle of losing weight with their help becomes clear. In a word, to lose weight, you need to replace meals with shakes and bars, not supplement them. For some reason, many people forget about this.

There is another group of remedies that are often used to quickly lose weight. It is represented by diuretics and laxatives. They really give quite good short-term results. But their prolonged use can destroy the body from the inside. Abuse of these medications can lead to disastrous consequences.

If you want to try medications to lose weight quickly, be sure to consult with your doctor. And one more thing: when taking these drugs, be prepared for the fact that they may act suddenly - right in the midst of a New Year's party.


Intense one-hour athletic training should be scheduled three times a week. If you want to get a good result, each such lesson will consist of:

  • warming up (rotational and stretching exercises, jogging, jumping rope) - from 5 to 10 minutes;
  • strength loads necessary to work out each problem area (abdomen, thighs, buttocks and more) - 20 minutes;
  • vigorous cardio exercises, which are needed for active burning of fat accumulation - 30 minutes.

Sport should not only be useful, but also bring pleasure to a person losing weight. If desired, you can additionally engage in swimming in the pool, dancing, aerobics, and tennis.


At home, it is very good to give yourself a contrast shower every day, and in the evenings to take a bath with the addition of sea salt. To increase the effectiveness of sports activities, you should influence problem areas with self-massage. At home, it is best to use natural moisturizing oils.

SPA treatments complete with in a healthy way life is an excellent addition that improves the overall result obtained from.


If you want to tighten your figure using external means, do not buy the advertised heating patches. Instead, do a wrap - a “bath day” for problem areas. The procedure is to get rid of 7 sweats. In this way, swelling reduction and weight loss can be achieved. You will need ordinary cling film and a special warming composition that you prepare yourself. Take any cream and add honey, mustard powder or pepper essential oil to it.

Has a weight loss cream or balm you once purchased been collecting dust on your shelf for a long time? You can use them too. Rub the mixture into the skin of problem areas and wrap them tightly in cling film. This procedure usually lasts at least half an hour.

Of course, the achieved result (a couple of centimeters) will be short-lived. But this method is completely safe.

Let's sum it up

To weight loss for a month or more short term you must approach it very responsibly and strictly adhere to all the rules. However, it is also important that all this is not accompanied by stress.

After all, if diet and exercise are uncomfortable for you, the lost weight will quickly return - immediately after the holidays. Therefore, you need to tune in to a positive result.

If you want to get what you want and say goodbye to extra pounds by the New Year, you will have to not only follow a diet and tighten your skin with cosmetic procedures. You definitely need to move a lot. Moreover, walking tightens muscles well.

Nutrition correction, cosmetology and sports will give you the opportunity to enter into New Year slim and beautiful, satisfied with her achievements.

New Year is just around the corner, but you want to look great before the holiday? Look at the list of permitted and prohibited foods with the menu and dietary features.

Everyone knows perfectly well that the New Year is not only a holiday and a good mood, but a table with a wide variety of products that do not always leave a good imprint on the figure. Many, knowing that they will gain extra pounds after eating, are thinking about how to lose weight for the New Year in order to at least reduce the negative consequences of the New Year's feast.

Using the diet suggested below, you can solve 2 problems, not only lose weight, but also improve your body health. The result will be the loss of extra centimeters at the waist and the normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines, which will have a positive effect on.

Features of a proper diet

Nutritionists have long said that in order for the metabolism not to slow down and excess weight not to appear, it is necessary, if not to refuse, then to minimize salt, unnatural seasonings, sausages, stabilizers, dyes, confectionery products, semi-finished products, alcohol, etc. At the same time, include vegetables and fruits that have undergone mandatory heat treatment in your diet. Heat treatment kills pests and removes unnecessary influence on digestive system, which will reduce the effect of bloating and excessive heaving.

Stewing, boiling or baking should be the preferred method of cooking. The products are prepared without oil and salt, in other words, in water. They have proven themselves well for satisfying hunger and in terms of harmlessness to the body. baked apples, pears, broccoli and steamed green beans. Boiled potatoes are allowed in small quantities.

The consumption of dairy products should be reduced because they can disrupt the condition of the stool, cause pain and indigestion. Use only fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt and sourdough in the diet, all of them should be low in fat.

To lose weight at a faster pace, you need to:

♦ upon waking up, drink 1-2 glasses of clean water, eat breakfast only after 15 minutes, otherwise the water will wash out all the gastric juice;

♦ eat 4-6 times throughout the day;

♦ the break between meals should be no more than 3-3.5 hours;

♦ consume no more than 1500-1700 kcal per day.

Remember to lose 0.5 kg. you need to burn about 3500 kcal!

It is allowed to consume sweets only in the morning in small quantities:

⇒ marmalade;

⇒ marshmallow;

Happy New Year everyone and remember, food should not only be tasty, but also healthy!

If you plan to captivate everyone with your outfit and shine brighter than the Christmas tree lights at the New Year's party, you should not only choose a dress that fits your figure. Getting your figure in order won't hurt either. Even if you don't have excess weight, these tips will help you not to acquire “fat for the winter”, which our body so carefully puts aside in case of severe frosts.

How to lose weight quickly for the New Year

Drink enough fluids

Everyone knows that pure natural water speeds up metabolism. Drink 8 glasses of water if you are driving sedentary lifestyle life, and from 12 if you play sports. This is important not only for losing weight, but also for prolonging youthful skin.

Stop dieting

What? How can you lose weight without dieting in such a short time? Nutritionists assure that this is quite possible. When you diet, your body slows down its metabolism. And in winter the metabolism works at half capacity. So, to lose weight, you need to, that is, eat. Eat at least 5 times a day, only the right products and in small portions.

Sweets are prohibited

Nutritionists recommend consuming only sweets seasonal fruits except bananas. You can also have 30 g of dark chocolate or 1 tsp. honey a day. This will help you stay on track until the new year. proper nutrition. But reducing trans fats from cakes will affect not only weight loss - it will relieve you of facial swelling and acne on the forehead and cheeks (digestive problem areas).

Give up alcohol

Nutritionists are perplexed - why do people drink calories? One smoothie contains as many calories as a piece of chocolate cake. Only they are absorbed faster and settle on the hips for a longer time. If you want to lose weight for the New Year, give up all types of alcohol. The only exception is red wine. It contains a special compound that accelerates metabolic processes in the body. True, the dosage should be appropriate - no more than 50 g per day.

Go jogging

In winter, you don’t really want to go outside, much less go to the gym. But physical exercise for losing weight is simply necessary. There is a way out - go jogging. This cardio exercise helps you lose weight quickly. In addition, you can run at any time convenient for you. Turn on your favorite tracks and run into the sunset. Scientists have proven that evening jogging is the most effective for losing weight, and morning jogging is the most effective for combating stress. In a month of jogging (5 km a day), you can get rid of 3-5 kg ​​- depending on nutrition and initial weight.


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