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Dandelion is a unique flower; it is used to make honey, beer, wine and jam; it lowers blood sugar levels and has restorative properties. Dandelion tea is also gaining popularity in folk and official medicine, the benefits and harms of which are still being studied by scientists.

The drink has a special preparation. It is brewed with boiling water or hot water at 80 - 100 degrees, so it retains its beneficial properties. It is used to wipe the face from acne and to lighten freckles, but more often - internally, for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Chemical composition of dandelion as a plant

Tea made from dandelion roots, petals, and leaves retains the beneficial properties of the flower, with the only exception being fiber: it is often not taken into account in the decoction. Nutritionists advise drinking this drink with tea leaves, especially if it consists of fresh parts.

Features of the chemical composition of the plant:

  1. Contains fiber. It improves intestinal function and removes toxins from the body.
  2. It contains almost 50% of the daily requirement of vitamin A. It improves the flow of bile, improves the functioning of the organs of vision, and promotes rapid restoration of the skin in case of injury.
  3. Dandelion tea, the benefits and harms of which depend on the amount of brewing, remains a source of potassium. 100 g of raw material contains 6 daily servings of the vitamin. Normally, the substance supports the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.
  4. The drink is also distinguished by a high level of vegetable fats, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and manganese.

They are necessary for the development of immune processes, normal metabolism, and maintaining the youth of the body. Tea made from dandelion flowers, as well as its other parts, enhances its properties when adding honey or lemon juice.

Healthy additions can cause an allergic reaction, just like the plant itself. It is better to start drinking the drink with a couple of sips a day. If there is no redness of the skin, itching or tearing, begin a course of herbal tea treatment. It is important in maintaining health.

Beneficial properties of dandelion tea

Scientists from a Canadian institute that studied cancer patients experimented on the patients by treating them to herbal tea. The disease was at an early stage. Dandelion root tea has been found to be quite effective against cancer. He helped overcome the disease in half the cases. The benefit was to stimulate self-healing processes, the body got rid of toxins, and accelerated the regeneration of affected tissues.

But any use of vitamins, including the use of herbal teas, immediately after chemotherapy is harmful. It is better to ask your doctor about the possible use of vitamin infusions.

Dandelion, which gardeners consider a perennial weed, reveals beneficial properties in tea. The drink is indispensable in case of common diseases and pathologies:

  1. For stomach diseases such as ulcers or gastritis. But they drink the drink at the stage of remission.
  2. For pathologies of the liver and gall bladder. Tea from a beneficial plant stimulates the production and flow of bile.
  3. The product is useful for joint diseases. Dandelion extracts are included in ointments for inflammation.
  4. Due to the high percentage of potassium content, the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. A drink made from it is a remedy for insomnia and irritability.

It will help with nervous exhaustion and absent-mindedness. Potassium improves communication between neurons, so nervous processes proceed faster.

The drink is also effective in combating colds, bronchitis and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

But herbal medicine has a cumulative effect, this also applies to dandelion tea; it can bring benefits and harm to those who consume it in small portions and are aware of the contraindications. In some cases, such treatment with the plant is refused.

Dandelion tea: possible harm

Therapy with folk remedies, even infusions and decoctions, can harm health. Before preparing dandelion tea, carefully study the contraindications. Excess of nutrients leads to problems.

  1. Dandelion, due to the same vitamin K, can lead to open bleeding. This is especially important for expectant mothers and nursing women to know.
  2. When inflammatory processes in the stomach worsen, tea is also excluded from the diet.
  3. When stone formation occurs, they also try to prevent dandelion from entering the diet.
  4. It is avoided if they take antacid medications that block the production of acid by the stomach.
  5. You should not drink this tea in parallel with the use of aspirin or certain groups of antibiotics - the risk of bleeding or low absorption of drugs increases.
  6. You should not include dandelion and dandelion tea in your diet if you have diabetes, when the patient is taking sugar-lowering medications. Possible development of glycemia.

Nursing mothers also do not drink a decoction of plants because its ingredients get into the baby's food. The child may develop allergies. But most people are not included in groups with contraindications, so they can experience the benefits of this health elixir.

Healthy tea recipes

In summer it is better to prepare a decoction based on fresh parts of the “weed”, in winter – from dried ones. Dandelion tea, the recipe for which is extremely simple, requires a tablespoon of fresh or a teaspoon of dried leaves, yellow flowers or root, and a glass of hot water. Cover the cup with a saucer and leave for 5 - 10 minutes. Drink the drink between meals, not on an empty stomach.

The flowers of the plant are picked off when they are yellow and not washed. Young petals or leaves are washed under running water and finely chopped. Dry them in a linen bag in the attic or dry them in the oven - at a temperature of about 50 degrees. With this indicator, ascorbic acid does not die.

The underground part of the “weed” is also considered almost miraculous. Before making tea from dandelion roots, a biennial plant is found. More nutrients are concentrated in it in early to mid-autumn.

The root is washed, cleaned of insects, finely chopped and dried. If you fry, some of the vitamins will die, but you will get raw materials for making “coffee.”

But tea is the best thing dandelion can give. The tradition of tea drinking gives it a special charm. Serve the drink in a transparent glass; you can add 3–4 yellow flowers for beauty. The health drink is ready to drink.

Making herbal tea - video

How to make dandelion tea

Dandelion is one of the most accessible plants. You can collect raw materials for tea from it in your yard, and the drink will help you lose weight and supply the body with vitamins and microelements. But can everyone drink this budget-friendly healing tea, and won’t it harm their health?

Light honey taste of dandelion tea

In spring, dandelions are one of the first to bloom. This unpretentious plant easily survives in different conditions, for which some consider it a weed, and children rejoice at the flowers that look like a small yellow sun. Try making dandelion tea - the drink tastes good and has a number of healing properties.

Dandelion has a diuretic effect: it stimulates the kidneys to excrete water and salts. Thanks to its lecithin content, it supports and cleanses the liver, and helps improve brain activity. Unlike medicinal diuretics, this natural remedy compensates for the loss of potassium.

Infusions from dandelion roots improve appetite and speed up metabolism. For constipation - acts as a mild laxative. They have a choleretic effect and help remove stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

Dandelion infusions are used for weight loss - diuretic and laxative properties help remove excess fluid and toxins that are retained in cells and inhibit metabolic processes. Improving digestion also accelerates weight loss - with the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the body needs less food to be fully satiated.

Fresh leaves of the plant are rich in microelements, vitamins, and organic acids. Preparations made from them reduce cholesterol levels and are used for skin diseases, anemia, kidney failure, and vitamin deficiency.

Dandelion root tea contains inulin, choline, essential oils, saponins, fatty acids, pectin, gum, sugars. A mug of drink will supply the body with vitamins B, A, C, iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, selenium and magnesium.

All parts of the dandelion have their own value and are used for different purposes:

  • flowers are used to make light wine and jam;
  • root infusions are more effective for weight loss;
  • a drink made from the dried, roasted and ground root resembles coffee or chicory.

Read also: Ginger tea during pregnancy

To make tea from the root of the plant, take 1 tbsp. l. chopped roots and pour a cup of boiling water over the raw materials. Heat the mixture for 15 minutes (it is better to do this in a steam bath), wrap it up and leave for 40 minutes. Drain the drink through a fine sieve and drink 1/3 cup twice a day.

The drink made from dandelion roots is not intended for storage - over time it begins to taste bitter. Drink brewed tea throughout the day.

How to make a drink from dandelion flowers? Write down the recipe:

  • Collect fresh flowers - elastic, not wilted, without insects.
  • Place the raw materials in a colander and rinse under running water to remove any small debris.
  • Separate the petals from the base of the green leaves and place in a bowl.
  • For a mug of tea, take one handful of prepared petals and place them in a teapot.
  • Pour in boiling water, leave for 3 minutes. Serve with honey.

For joint diseases, try a dandelion drink: take 5 flowers, throw them whole into a pan (without separating them into petals). Pour 2 glasses of cold water, boil for 20 minutes. Drink with lemon. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

An infusion of dandelion leaves is brewed as follows:

  • Collect small young leaves.
  • Rinse the raw materials and pat dry with a paper towel. Place the leaves on a tray and dry in the oven or air dry.
  • For one serving of tea, take 1 tsp. dried leaves.
  • Pour boiling water over, leave for 5 minutes.
  • Drink with a slice of lemon or orange to soften the taste.

To remove kidney stones, prepare tea from leaves or flowers: put 2 tbsp in a container. l. raw materials and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat and let the drink sit for 20 minutes. You should drink the decoction within 15-20 minutes after infusion.

If you want to collect and dry raw materials for dandelion tea yourself, follow these simple rules:

  • leaves are harvested in April-May, roots - in early spring and late autumn;
  • choose an environmentally friendly area, away from highways and railways;
  • For treatment, take the roots of plants that are 2-3 years old, large and fleshy.

The raw materials are dried and ground into powder. Store in a dry, cool place, in a tightly closed container.

Read also: How to brew blackberry tea


The benefits of dandelion drinks are undeniable, but not everyone can drink them. The plant can cause allergies, even during processing. If a rash appears on your hands while preparing raw materials, do not drink dandelion infusions! An allergic reaction to iodine preparations is a reason to avoid preparations from this flower.

  • Dandelion root drinks are not recommended for gastritis and ulcers - they can increase acidity and cause heartburn. The biologically active substances of the plant are negatively combined with a number of medications: antacids, anticoagulants (increases the risk of bleeding), antibiotics, lithium (increase side effects). In diabetes, hypoglycemia may develop due to decreased sugar levels.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use dandelion with caution - listen to the body’s reaction, and immediately report any deviations to your doctor.
  • Dandelion tea can be both beneficial and harmful. The advantages of the plant include its availability and low cost, diuretic effect without leaching potassium. The disadvantages are the ability to neutralize medications and enhance their side effects. Use dandelion wisely and be healthy!

Dandelion tea: how it helps and what properties it has. The use of dandelion tea, the benefits and harms of the herbal drink

The humble dandelion has remarkable healing powers. In folk medicine, potions prepared from various parts of this plant are actively used with great benefit to human health. For example, dandelion tea is both a very tasty and incredibly healthy drink.

The healing properties of dandelions

Scientists have discovered a lot of useful substances in dandelion juice. It contains vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances. The complex produces a wonderful cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the digestive, immune, urinary, and nervous systems, and prevents a number of very dangerous diseases.

The most important vitamins for health are vitamins A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), B4 (choline), B2 (riboflafin), B1 (thiamine). They increase the strength of the capillary network, protect the heart from heart attacks and strokes, and protect blood vessels from the formation of sclerotic plaques. In combination with minerals (iron, chromium, calcium, potassium), organic acids, bioflavonoids, they restore the inflamed, damaged liver, normalize hormonal levels, affecting the functioning of the endocrine system, heal the pancreas, stomach, and kidneys.

All these healing properties are fully preserved in dandelion tea. A drink rich in vitamins and nutrients will help you recover faster or feel better: more energetic, calmer, stronger.

Benefits of dandelion tea

Herbal teas are one of the ways to restore health. The benefits of dandelion tea are that it helps effectively fight body diseases and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The drink has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiviral and antioxidant effect. Regularly drinking a cup of a drink with a pleasant herbal aroma can naturally strengthen your immune system.

Dandelion tea can be used in the complex treatment of certain ailments:

  • inflammation of joints, muscles and bones, including gout and rheumatism;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • persistent constipation;
  • fermentation in the intestines, flatulence;
  • alcohol poisoning;
  • swelling;
  • heart and kidney failure.

Healthy dandelion tea removes toxic substances from the body - toxins, salts and bad cholesterol, purifying the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Due to its obvious diuretic effect, it relieves swelling and reduces weight, largely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of anemia, it increases hemoglobin; in case of vitamin deficiency, it eliminates vitamin deficiency.

If you have a cold, you can treat yourself with pleasant dandelion tea from the first hours, and then recovery will come faster and there will be no complications. If bronchitis has developed, then tea will help you recover faster, especially if you simultaneously use dandelion tincture.

The beneficial properties of dandelion tea can be used during increased mental stress. The drink improves memory, attention, and ability to concentrate. It is also useful during increased physical activity, as it gives vigor and relieves fatigue.

How to collect dandelions for tea

All parts of the plant are suitable for brewing healthy tea. Young leaves and flowers are collected in early spring, before they become stiff and turn into downy caps. At the same time, you can also take young roots: they make a very tasty drink.

Raw materials need to be collected in environmentally friendly areas, away from the city or industrial enterprise. You cannot pick dandelions near roads and highways. Flowers and leaves absorb harmful emissions, dirt, dust, becoming not only useless, but also dangerous.

The collected “harvest” must be washed with cold water, all insects must be selected and dried. If the raw material is not used immediately, it must be dried completely, naturally in the shade or in the oven at 50°C. Then store in a glass jar or a breathable bag made of natural fabric.

When collecting the root, pay attention to the age of the plant. Two-year-old dandelions are of great benefit. The root should be thick, powerful, without bifurcations and signs of damage by pests. There are more benefits in autumn dandelion roots. At the end of October - beginning of November, they accumulate a record amount of active substances.

Uses of dandelion tea

The secret of dandelion is that tea can be made from any part of the plant: flowers, leaves, dried roots. Moreover, a secret “coffee” has even been invented from dandelion roots, which has a unique taste that is different from the taste of the traditional drink.

For “coffee,” the dried roots are additionally fried in a dry frying pan. Due to heat treatment, the beneficial properties are reduced, since some vitamins are destroyed by high temperatures. Of course, such dandelion tea will not cause harm, but its healing power is less.

The centuries-old widespread use of dandelion tea in folk medicine has made it possible to create recipes that are designed to solve specific problems. The simplest way to brew a restorative drink is no different from preparing any other herbal tea. Take a cup of boiled water for a tablespoon of raw material, let it stand under the lid for 3-4 minutes and drink.

Tea made from fresh dandelion caps

All you need to prepare the drink is 2-3 handfuls of freshly picked dandelion heads. The flowers need to be freed from stems and stalks and placed in a container for brewing, for example, in a regular teapot. Take a cup of boiling water for one handful of petals. Pour in the raw materials and let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain and drink for colds, bronchitis, weakness, insomnia, and decreased vitality.

Tea from young leaves

Wash 2-3 handfuls of young dandelion leaves with cold water, dry on a towel and place in a teapot. Brew with 1.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew under the lid and a warm towel. Strain and pour into cups. Add lemon or mint leaf to taste and drink as a diuretic, laxative, tonic, anti-inflammatory.

If you use dried leaves, you must first grind them into crumbs. Brew at the rate of one level tablespoon per glass

Healing tea from flowers

For joint pain, prepare a more concentrated drink. For a cup of healing tea, take five large heads along with the cup, pour a glass of cold water. Place over medium heat, and after boiling, simmer at low simmer for about twenty minutes. Strain and squeeze out the flowers. Drink a small cup of decoction 2-3 times a day before meals.

This tea is useful for joint inflammation, hormonal and digestive disorders, gastritis with low acidity, in the treatment of gynecological inflammation, liver and gallbladder diseases, and to increase appetite.

Tea to remove sand from the kidneys

When deciding to use this remedy, be sure to consult a urologist and do an UI. Large stones can block the ureters, this is dangerous.

For two tablespoons of dried heads and stems (or just flowers or leaves), take half a liter of cold water. Pour in and place on the stove. Boil at a low simmer for twenty minutes, strain, cool slightly to an acceptable temperature and drink immediately.

Dandelion root tea

Grind the dried root into powder or finely chop. Brew a tablespoon of raw material with a cup of boiling water and cover with a lid. After five minutes, strain and drink with honey or lemon. Tea is useful for colds, vitamin deficiencies, inflammation of joints and muscles, coughs, and infections of the oral mucosa.

Harm of dandelion tea

Despite the fact that dandelion is very healthy, not everyone can take a drink from this plant. Dandelion tea will be harmful to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers or cholelithiasis. You should not drink the decoction if you are allergic to dandelions. It may manifest itself as watery eyes, skin rash, sudden weakness, nausea or vomiting.

Using dandelion tea is a simple way to strengthen the immune system, restore the functioning of internal organs and body systems, and recover faster.

Instead of freaking out over dandelions taking over your well-kept garden, you can use this versatile weed to your advantage. In fact, all parts of this plant are edible. And among other things, you can prepare an exquisite herbal tea from dandelion flowers and a stronger, more piquant one from its leaves. These teas are very refreshing in the summer and, plus, can help your digestion.

You will need:
- dandelion flowers or leaves - your choice;
- colander;
- bowl;
- kettle;
- honey;
- paper towels or thick paper napkins;
- tray;
- glass jar;
- mint leaves;
- slices of lemon or orange;
- sieve.

Dandelion flower tea:

1. Collect a few handfuls of good dandelion flowers: make sure that they are free of insects, that they are not wilted or even rotten, or too dirty.

2. Place the flowers in a colander and rinse thoroughly under strong running water to remove any debris and small insects. You most likely won’t be able to rinse the petals separately later - they are too light and small, and will spill out of the container along with running water.

3. Remove any green leaves that may have fallen into the sieve along with the flowers or were growing on the stem near the flower. Carefully remove the flower petals from the base and place them in a bowl. Discard the remaining flower parts.

4. Place one handful of dandelion flower petals for each cup of tea you plan to pour later into the teapot's infuser. Pour freshly boiled water on top and let the tea steep for about three minutes. After the first test, determine the optimal brewing time for yourself, according to your taste.

Dandelion leaf tea:

1. Gather a few handfuls of dandelion leaves. Choose young, small leaves - if possible.

2. Thoroughly rinse all the leaves in your hands under running water - preferably one or two at a time. Pat them with a paper towel until they are as dry as possible. Spread the leaves on a tray and let them dry in a warm room or even in an airing cupboard. Turn them over from time to time. Store the leaves in a glass jar out of direct sunlight. Dry leaves can be crushed before use.

3. Add 1 teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves to the teapot for each future cup of tea. Add a few mint leaves to the teapot, if desired.

4. Pour boiling water and let the tea brew for five minutes.

5. Serve tea with a slice of lemon or orange in each mug - the citrus fruits will soften the taste.

Additions and warnings:

It is best to pass the tea leaves through a sieve when pouring tea into mugs;

An allergy to dandelions is a fairly rare thing, but it does occur. Find out this point from your guests in advance, and if while drinking tea you feel a sore throat or a desire to cough, as well as if you have a stuffy nose or feel discomfort in your eyes, immediately stop drinking tea and take an antihistamine. If a rash appears on your hands while processing dandelion, similarly, dandelion tea is not your drink! For more serious reactions, consult a doctor immediately;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, this tea and other herbal tonics should not be consumed without consulting your doctor. Also get advice if you are taking any prescribed medications before trying this tea. Dandelion tea may interfere with the absorption of these medications or worsen side effects;

Before picking dandelions, think carefully about where you should do it and where you shouldn’t: heavy metals near the railroad; other harmful substances near factories, roadways, in areas with not very good ecology, near a river where something can be discharged; fertilizer, which may be great for your garden flowers, but not for those that you are going to eat; etc.

Did you know that ginger tea can invigorate you better than any coffee? With easy recipes on how to brew ginger tea, you can prepare a fragrant and invigorating drink right at home.

Jul 20, 2017

If we assume for a moment that the American writer Ray Bradbury would have written a continuation of his story “Dandelion Wine”, calling it “Dandelion Tea”, there is no doubt: fans of his talent would have put away pu-erhs, oolongs and other elite varieties and brewed them in teapot is an extremely unpretentious, well-known, practically weed plant.

The writer assured that dandelion is “summer caught and bottled.” Who would refuse such a sip?

Even scientists, who would not be suspected of being prone to exaggeration, claim that almost everything in this unpretentious plant is useful.

The leaves are rich in microelements necessary for humans, the flowers are rich in carotene, and the roots are used in weight loss diets.

Here are the components included in the chemical composition of the plant:

In addition to the above, essential oils, resins, tannins, pectin, gum, which also have beneficial properties for humans, were found in dandelion.

Tea helps get rid of swelling, constipation, flatulence, restores health after poisoning (including alcohol).

It is effective as a preventative against osteoporosis and is part of weight loss diets. If dandelion is used to treat bronchitis, then both tea and tincture of this plant can be used for greater effectiveness.

The following video will tell you about the healing properties of dandelion:

Help in treating cancer - true or false

Scientists from many countries are trying to find out whether dandelion helps with cancer, especially since in folk medicine today the ability of this plant to suppress cancer cells is actively promoted.

Among the latest scientific studies is the work of US scientists, whose goal was to find out how dandelion affects the patient’s body with prostate cancer and breast cancer.

Positive aspects have indeed been established, but this data is not enough to use dandelion preparations in official medicine and answer in the affirmative the question of whether dandelion defeats the most terrible disease of the 21st century.

And another important point: the extract prepared from the roots of the plant cannot be used simultaneously with chemotherapy sessions; dandelion can negatively affect their effectiveness.

In such a situation self-medication is a big risk. Those patients who still want to use this remedy should definitely discuss the upcoming treatment with their doctor.


You don’t have to prepare dandelion tea yourself; you can purchase an industrially produced product.

The American company The Art of Tea produces 2 types of such tea: the first is prepared on the basis of green tea, the second variety is a herbal mixture without any classic tea additives.

Both types are produced in bags, which are very convenient to take with you to work or on a trip.

The company is proud that the product is 100 percent natural, not fermented, and does not contain any impurities or flavors.

Both plants belong to the same Asteraceae family and are similar in appearance, so people who are not experienced in botany will find it's easy to confuse them.

This should not be allowed if you plan to use the plant to combat any diseases (both have medicinal properties).

A mistake can be dangerous, especially for women - coltsfoot should never be used by those who are expecting a child or who are feeding their baby with breast milk.

To avoid mistakes, study the description of these plants and their differences:

  • the dandelion root has no branches, while its opponent has a branched, creeping root;
  • the leaves of the first are long, carved, the leaves of the second are rounded and covered with fluff;
  • The hollow stems of dandelion contain milky juice; the stems of coltsfoot do not secrete juice.

When and how to collect, prepare and dry it

Dandelion grows everywhere, it doesn’t matter for it whether the soil is fertile or not - the powerful root will extract nutrients and water from great depths.

For medicinal purposes, plants cannot be collected in a city where there is a lot of harmful emissions, near highways: any grass in such places absorbs dirt, dust, and toxic substances.

Harvesting is usually done in the spring, while the leaves are young, tender, and the flowers have not turned into fluffy white caps.

It is best to prepare dandelion roots for the winter in early November., at this time they contain the most active substances. It’s good if these are two-year-old plants, with thick, non-bifurcating roots.

Tea is prepared from different parts of the plant in different ways. Yes, they have different purposes: the root is effective in weight loss drinks, the leaves are for vitaminizing the body, and dandelion flowers are effective for acute carotene deficiency.

Root tea has such an unusual taste that the drink is sometimes compared to coffee. Before cooking, the roots are fried in a frying pan without oil.

Unfortunately, some of the beneficial substances are lost as a result of heat treatment, but the aroma becomes much more interesting.

To make a drink from flowers, take a couple of handfuls of freshly picked and washed heads and fill the teapot with them (this volume will require two glasses of boiling water). After just 5 minutes you can drink the tea.

Leaves are dealt with in much the same way as flowers., but slightly change the ratio of ingredients: one and a half glasses of water are consumed for 2-3 handfuls of fresh leaves.

To infuse the tea better, cover the teapot with a terry towel. A leaf of fresh mint or a slice of lemon is already placed in the cup to add originality to the taste. We wrote about the benefits and harms of mint tea.

If tea is prepared from dried raw materials, then grind it into crumbs before brewing. One tablespoon is enough for a glass of drink.

We offer you a video on how to make coffee from dandelion root:

Dandelion is included in many medicinal mixtures, so it can be used all year round. The plant is already very useful, but additional components further enhance its effectiveness. Here are some options.

With nettle and oregano. Improves digestion and is used for weight loss. Take a tablespoon of dandelion root, oregano, nettle leaves and parsley. Dill and mint - half a tablespoon each.

All components are mixed. To brew, you will need a tablespoon of the mixture and 250 ml of boiling water. The medicinal drink must be infused for half an hour.

With burdock. A good remedy for furunculosis. To prepare tea, use only the roots of both plants, chop them finely, take them equally (a tablespoon each), and pour three glasses of water.

The drink will be infused overnight, and in the morning a decoction will be prepared from it, boiling over low heat for several minutes.

With chicory and walnuts. This infusion is recommended for diabetics. The collection consists of dandelion and nettle leaves, chicory root, and walnut.

The components are taken in equal quantities. For 450 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is consumed. The beneficial properties of soluble chicory can be found at.

It all depends on the purpose for which the drink is prepared. If it is needed to raise tone, it is prepared from crushed roots, pouring boiling water over them, and keeping them in a water bath for half an hour to “pull out” more useful components from them.

If tea is needed to support liver function, do it differently: pour cold water over the roots overnight, and in the morning put it on the fire, bring to a boil.

To use dandelion tea to cleanse the blood, dry crushed roots are poured into a thermos, boiling water is poured into it and infused for several hours.

This method is also suitable for those with allergies. In addition to dandelion roots, you will also need burdock root. The drink is infused in a thermos overnight. We talked about which thermos holds heat better.

This is usually done with flowers and leaves: pour boiling water and leave for 5 minutes, after which the drink is ready to drink.

Dandelion flowers, leaves and roots have been used as folk remedies to treat many diseases, probably for centuries. However, the first documented mention of dandelion tea dates back to 1830.

Today, at home, from available raw materials, you can make quite effective healing drugs:

If you are interested in what diseases to use the drink to treat, read this article.

You can find out whether there is caffeine in green tea from the publication.

Contraindications and possible harm

Unfortunately, this remedy is not universal for all people. It should not be used by those who have:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer in the acute stage;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • allergy to this plant.

Experts warn against using dandelion tea, infusions and decoctions simultaneously with medications (for example, antibiotics).

Modern studies of this problem still provide conflicting data, which means that it is better to play it safe than to create a health-threatening situation for your body.

The humble dandelion has remarkable healing powers. In folk medicine, potions prepared from various parts of this plant are actively used with great benefit to human health. For example, dandelion tea is both a very tasty and incredibly healthy drink.

The healing properties of dandelions

Scientists have discovered a lot of useful substances in dandelion juice. It contains vitamins, minerals, and biologically active substances. The complex produces a wonderful cocktail that has a beneficial effect on the digestive, immune, urinary, and nervous systems, and prevents a number of very dangerous diseases.

The most important vitamins for health are vitamins A (retinol), C (ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), B4 (choline), B2 (riboflafin), B1 (thiamine). They increase the strength of the capillary network, protect the heart from heart attacks and strokes, and protect blood vessels from the formation of sclerotic plaques. In combination with minerals (iron, chromium, calcium, potassium), organic acids, bioflavonoids, they restore the inflamed, damaged liver, normalize hormonal levels, affecting the functioning of the endocrine system, heal the pancreas, stomach, and kidneys.

All these healing properties are fully preserved in dandelion tea. A drink rich in vitamins and nutrients will help you recover faster or feel better: more energetic, calmer, stronger.

Benefits of dandelion tea

Herbal teas are one of the ways to restore health. The benefits of dandelion tea are that it helps effectively fight body diseases and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The drink has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antiviral and antioxidant effect. Regularly drinking a cup of a drink with a pleasant herbal aroma can naturally strengthen your immune system.

Dandelion tea can be used in the complex treatment of certain ailments:

Inflammation of joints, muscles and bones, including gout and rheumatism;

Gallstone disease;


Persistent constipation;

Fermentation in the intestines, flatulence;

Alcohol poisoning;


Heart and kidney failure.

Healthy dandelion tea removes toxic substances from the body - toxins, salts and bad cholesterol, purifying the blood and preventing the development of atherosclerosis. Due to its obvious diuretic effect, it relieves swelling and reduces weight, largely due to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of anemia, it increases hemoglobin; in case of vitamin deficiency, it eliminates vitamin deficiency.

If you have a cold, you can treat yourself with pleasant dandelion tea from the first hours, and then recovery will come faster and there will be no complications. If bronchitis has developed, then tea will help you recover faster, especially if you simultaneously use dandelion tincture.

The beneficial properties of dandelion tea can be used during increased mental stress. The drink improves memory, attention, and ability to concentrate. It is also useful during increased physical activity, as it gives vigor and relieves fatigue.

How to collect dandelions for tea

All parts of the plant are suitable for brewing healthy tea. Young leaves and flowers are collected in early spring, before they become stiff and turn into downy caps. At the same time, you can also take young roots: they make a very tasty drink.

Raw materials need to be collected in environmentally friendly areas, away from the city or industrial enterprise. You cannot pick dandelions near roads and highways. Flowers and leaves absorb harmful emissions, dirt, dust, becoming not only useless, but also dangerous.

The collected “harvest” must be washed with cold water, all insects must be selected and dried. If the raw material is not used immediately, it must be dried completely, naturally in the shade or in the oven at 50°C. Then store in a glass jar or a breathable bag made of natural fabric.

When collecting the root, pay attention to the age of the plant. Two-year-old dandelions are of great benefit. The root should be thick, powerful, without bifurcations and signs of damage by pests. There are more benefits in autumn dandelion roots. At the end of October - beginning of November, they accumulate a record amount of active substances.

Uses of dandelion tea

The secret of dandelion is that tea can be made from any part of the plant: flowers, leaves, dried roots. Moreover, a secret “coffee” has even been invented from dandelion roots, which has a unique taste that is different from the taste of the traditional drink.

For “coffee,” the dried roots are additionally fried in a dry frying pan. Due to heat treatment, the beneficial properties are reduced, since some vitamins are destroyed by high temperatures. Of course, such dandelion tea will not cause harm, but its healing power is less.

The centuries-old widespread use of dandelion tea in folk medicine has made it possible to create recipes that are designed to solve specific problems. The simplest way to brew a restorative drink is no different from preparing any other herbal tea. Take a cup of boiled water for a tablespoon of raw material, let it stand under the lid for 3-4 minutes and drink.

Tea made from fresh dandelion caps

All you need to prepare the drink is 2-3 handfuls of freshly picked dandelion heads. The flowers need to be freed from stems and stalks and placed in a container for brewing, for example, in a regular teapot. Take a cup of boiling water for one handful of petals. Pour in the raw materials and let the tea brew for 5 minutes. Strain and drink for colds, bronchitis, weakness, insomnia, and decreased vitality.

Tea from young leaves

Wash 2-3 handfuls of young dandelion leaves with cold water, dry on a towel and place in a teapot. Brew with 1.5 cups of boiling water, let it brew under the lid and a warm towel. Strain and pour into cups. Add lemon or mint leaf to taste and drink as a diuretic, laxative, tonic, anti-inflammatory.

If you use dried leaves, you must first grind them into crumbs. Brew at the rate of one level tablespoon per glass

Healing tea from flowers

For joint pain, prepare a more concentrated drink. For a cup of healing tea, take five large heads along with the cup, pour a glass of cold water. Place over medium heat, and after boiling, simmer at low simmer for about twenty minutes. Strain and squeeze out the flowers. Drink a small cup of decoction 2-3 times a day before meals.

This tea is useful for joint inflammation, hormonal and digestive disorders, gastritis with low acidity, in the treatment of gynecological inflammation, liver and gallbladder diseases, and to increase appetite.

Tea to remove sand from the kidneys

When deciding to use this remedy, be sure to consult a urologist and do an UI. Large stones can block the ureters, this is dangerous.

For two tablespoons of dried heads and stems (or just flowers or leaves), take half a liter of cold water. Pour in and place on the stove. Boil at a low simmer for twenty minutes, strain, cool slightly to an acceptable temperature and drink immediately.

Dandelion root tea

Grind the dried root into powder or finely chop. Brew a tablespoon of raw material with a cup of boiling water and cover with a lid. After five minutes, strain and drink with honey or lemon. Tea is useful for colds, vitamin deficiencies, inflammation of joints and muscles, coughs, and infections of the oral mucosa.

Harm of dandelion tea

Despite the fact that dandelion is very healthy, not everyone can take a drink from this plant. Dandelion tea will be harmful to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers or cholelithiasis. You should not drink the decoction if you are allergic to dandelions. It may manifest itself as watery eyes, skin rash, sudden weakness, nausea or vomiting.

Using dandelion tea is a simple way to strengthen the immune system, restore the functioning of internal organs and body systems, and recover faster.

Dandelion tea promotes weight loss due to its diuretic properties. It helps remove excess fluid from the body, which when overweight is often retained in cells, interfering with healthy metabolic processes.

The drink can also be used as a liver detoxifier. By removing toxins from the body, herbal agents strengthen liver cells. The normal functioning of this organ makes it possible to more effectively break down fats from food and prevent the increase in cholesterol.

Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is another positive aspect of drinking dandelion tea for weight loss. With good digestion, the body requires significantly less food to reproduce the necessary energy.

Dandelion tea contains essential oils, inulin, levulin and choline, taraxacin and mucin, saponins, resins, fatty acids, sugars and pectin, gum and protein.

Vitamin and mineral profile of the drink: A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium and manganese, phosphorus, potassium and sodium, selenium, silicon and zinc.


Tea made from various parts of the plant promotes the elimination of salt and water through the kidneys. Drinking such a drink leads to short-term weight loss, and therefore serves only as an additional means in the fight against excess weight.

The thing to understand here is that dandelion does not increase fat loss or thermogenesis, affecting solely the body's water balance.

A delicious herbal tea can be made from the root, leaves or flowers of the plant.

  • The flowers are most often used to make dandelion wine or jam.
  • The root drink is considered the most effective for weight loss, which is why it is used most often.
  • Some health food stores sell pre-roasted dandelion root tea. Such a drink will be less healthy than one made from fresh raw materials, but still healthier than, for example, coffee.

Rules for collecting raw materials

When independently collecting and storing dandelion roots, you should be guided by the following principles:

  1. Plant materials should be collected in spring or autumn in environmentally friendly areas (ideally, in your own summer cottage).
  2. For medicinal purposes, use the roots of plants that are at least 2 years old.
  3. The best specimens should be large and thick, not thin or forked.
  4. Dandelion root should be stored in a dry, pest-free place.
  5. Before preparing your tea, grind your supplies into a powder to get the most out of your herbal drink.

How to drink

  1. Tea from dried leaves should be drunk 1-2 tsp. 3 times a day. Pour hot water over the leaves and let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. The root decoction should be taken ½-2 tsp. 3 times a day. Let the dried roots boil in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, filter and take between meals.
  3. Take powdered extract of dandelion leaves or root in a dosage of 500 mg 1-3 times a day.
  4. Drink a 30% alcohol tincture of the roots/leaves of a medicinal weed, 30-60 drops three times a day, after diluting it with water.

Homemade dandelion tea is not intended for long-term storage, as it acquires a bitter taste over time.


Any medicine with dandelions, including tea, should be avoided by people who are allergic to iodine and plants containing it, such as ragweed, yarrow, marigold, chrysanthemums and daisies.

Biologically active substances in weight loss nutritional supplements and dandelion tea are not combined with diuretics, antacids (increases the production of stomach acid), lithium (increases side effects), anticoagulants (increases the risk of bleeding), antidiabetic drugs (decreases blood sugar levels, as a result – hypoglycemia is possible) and ciprofloxacin (drug absorption decreases).


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