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The goal of this program is to increase weight from 60% to 105-120%, depending on genetic predisposition and training intensity. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. You start training with 60% of your working weight. For example, if your bench press weight is 100 kg, then you need to start with 60 kg. Then, each week, add 10% (70, 80, 90, 100 kg). As a result, in just five weeks you will exceed your previous level of 100 kg and will already bench press 105-115, and possibly 120 kg.

If you have good recovery abilities (if you use anabolic steroids), you can reduce this program to three weeks. For example, we start with 60 kg, then 75, 90, 100-105. Thus, we will reduce the recovery period to three weeks.

Why is this happening?

You've probably already noticed that after a long rest, your strength increases and you can do more repetitions with the same working weight or add a few kilograms to the barbell. Or when they took a short break, and then the strength was quickly restored and even increased slightly.

The fact is that the body accumulates “reserves and then uses them.” The same thing happens here. Such strength training allow you to store “energy” without decompensation. Gradually moving towards its working weight, the body gets used to a gradual increase in load, and due to a long absence of work at maximum, it effectively recovers. As a result, when you approach your old working weights, your body has already recovered, become stronger, accumulated enough strength and is ready for the next increase in load. This is the only way to constantly progress and increase strength indicators. If you don’t give your best every workout, your body won’t have time to digest the load and recover. Thus, you will very soon overtrain and your results will only rapidly deteriorate.

This strength training program consists primarily of a small number of heavy compound exercises for large muscle groups and a few isolation exercises to target smaller muscle groups. Otherwise, if you work on squats at 80%, and after that perform another 8 exercises, even with less intensity than before, it will be very difficult for your body to accumulate reserves and the essence of this program will be lost.

For faster recovery and achievement of better results, use sports nutrition, which can be purchased in a specialized online store by simply following the link. Never buy sports nutrition in gyms or suspicious places.



Squat with barbell on shoulders 4x6
Forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders 3x6
Standing calf raises 3x15
Pull-ups 3x6 (with additional weights)
Bent-over barbell row 4x8
Crunches 3x15-25.


Horizontal barbell bench press 4x6
Dips 3x6 (with additional weights)
Lying dumbbell flyes 3x8
French bench press 3x8
Hanging leg raises 3x10-15.


Deadlift 4x5
Deadlift on straight legs 4x5
Seated barbell press 3x8
Arnold Press 3x8
Barbell curls 3x8
Barbell curls on a Scott bench 3x8


Once you reach your new maximum, to avoid overtraining, start the new circuit with 60% of your new working weight. Don't rush things! Train smart!

Whatever you say about technique and its importance (certainly not small, of course), physical strength should not be underestimated either. As they say, technique is good, but strength doesn't hurt either. However, there are a great variety of exercises designed to increase the strength of an athlete... How to choose the most effective ones for yourself? This short list will help you here.

1. Deadlift

Base of all bases. An unshakable classic of powerlifting and almost all strength sports. Perhaps nothing strengthens your back and core as much as this exercise. Works mainly on the back muscles (upper, slightly latissimus, spinal extensors), hamstrings, gluteal muscles and forearms.

2. Squats with a barbell

Whatever one may say, the base cannot be replaced with anything. It's especially important for a wrestler to have strong legs, so eliminating the squat from your training program is probably not a smart idea. No other exercise works the legs as well as regular squats with a barbell on the shoulders. Both the gluteal muscle and the back and front surface of the thigh work here.

3. Barbell or dumbbell press

The main exercise for developing strength pectoral muscles. The wider the grip, the more the chest muscles are involved in the work. The narrower it is, the more the triceps work. Replacing the barbell with dumbbells can significantly increase the range of motion and better stretch the pecs.

4. Turkish get up with kettlebell

5. Push the barbell

A weightlifting classic. Nothing develops your snatch and balance better than barbell jerking exercises. Almost all major muscles work: arms, shoulders, back, legs. Watch the tutorial and implement the exercise into your training.

6. Deadlift

Stiff-legged deadlifts are the best exercise for working and developing the hamstrings and gluteal muscles. We watch the training video and follow the technique so as not to get injured.

7. Kettlebell swings

8. Pull-ups

Pull-ups with additional weight will also help you build a wide, massive back. To work the latissimus dorsi muscles best exercise you won't find it.

Strength differs from the rest primarily in its intensity and huge weights (90-100% of the maximum). The main principle of this approach is the inclusion of fast and explosive muscle fibers in the work. The first thing you need to do is be psychologically prepared for such training. You need to have a clear “attack” strategy in your head, which would combine the most necessary exercises, an acceptable number of repetitions, a short break between approaches, the presence of a partner who will help and back up in difficult times, and so on. By training, he increases his physical indicators of muscle power, which gives him the opportunity to lift increasingly larger working weights.

Basic approach to training

A strength training program should include a small amount of training that targets as many muscle groups as possible. The number of repetitions should not exceed 5; 2-4 repetitions are considered ideal. During strength training, the neurons of the central nervous system also develop. nervous system. Below are the following recommendations, the implementation of which will significantly affect the growth of physical strength:

  • train at least every other day;
  • You need to rest well between workouts;
  • each workout should be performed to failure;
  • 70% of the program should be basic exercises.

A strength training program should be divided into several working days, each of which should involve two muscle groups. For example, on the first day the emphasis is on the pectoral muscles and triceps, on the second day on the back and shoulders, and on the last day the legs and biceps are pumped. This is just an approximate composition of the program. You yourself can change groups by day, identify problem areas of your body and focus on training them. Strength training with kettlebells can also be included in the program. For example, it can be included as one of the Special attention should be paid to supersets - approaches consisting of two different exercises that are performed one after the other without stopping. This is an excellent way to pump up and intensively train various muscle groups, for example, the arms (pumping A strength training program should be performed with the maximum level of concentration and determination.

Every set, every repetition should be performed as if it were your last. Among other things, such an approach to business obviously takes into account the fact that you have sufficiently strengthened your ligaments and joints to lift heavy weights. Otherwise, injuries and damage will not take long to occur. This is the basic principle of the sport, this is real bodybuilding. Strength training must be performed correctly, that is, there should be no flaws in the technique of performing the exercises. Here we can give a fairly common example - cheating. When pumping up the biceps, many people throw so many weights on the barbell that during the exercise they begin to involve their back in the movement, thereby transferring the precious load to other muscle groups. In other words, such a thing will not bring results, but it will still take time. Don’t chase the scales, work correctly and rationally, and then the strength training program will yield results.

This training program for increasing strength in basic exercises is suitable for those athletes who have been training regularly in the gym for more than 4 years, as well as for all those athletes who cannot overcome stagnation in strength indicators bench press, barbell squats and deadlifts.

It is not very suitable for bodybuilding, although you can easily customize the training program to suit your needs and use it to prepare for bodybuilding competitions.

As you understand, we are talking about a program for increasing strength, that is, in a powerlifting format, following the increase in strength, your muscle mass will also begin to grow, naturally, to a certain value, which is determined genetically.

Our task, at this advanced training stage, is to develop and survive completely all our genetic potential, reach a state in which no amount of training can stimulate the growth of strength and muscle mass. Having reached this state, you will be able to use it with great success in the future to improve your results, if you have the desire to become a real professional bodybuilder/powerlifter/strongman.

Microperiodization, a competent combination of light, medium and heavy training, is the key to success, to the growth of strength and muscle mass, with full recovery and proper nutrition when working out in the gym.

Let's look at one of the outstanding training systems for powerlifting, under the auspices of Surovetsky and his path to power. Please note that the program can be rearranged for bodybuilding by reducing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions, as well as introducing additional auxiliary (isolating) exercises, to your taste. The main thing is to understand the algorithm for correctly composing and planning training.

We can safely say that this program really works; hundreds of athletes have already used it in their strength training, to increase results in basic exercises (, and).

Heavy deadlift

If you haven’t tried training with it yet, be sure to check its effectiveness on yourself, you won’t regret it, because to develop this program, Askold spent more than a dozen years of experiments on his lifting students.

We emphasize once again that this program is suitable for experienced athletes And professionals who want to increase their strength in basic exercises.

Let's go!

Training program to increase bench press

Before each working approach, which is indicated in the table, warm-up: 30x8, 45x6, 60x6, 70x5, 80x4, 84x3, 88x3. The first number is % of the working weight, the second is repetitions.

Part 1 - How to Increase Bench Press Strength

put the squeeze on
No. tren 92% 96% 100% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% 100%
1 2x4 2x2
2 2 2 2x5 2x23x2
3 3 2x6 2x3
4 2 1 1 2x3 2x33x3
5 3 2x4 3x3
6 2 2 2x5 3x3
7 2 2 1 2x3 2x2 3x4
8 3 2 2x4 2x3
9 3 2 1 2x3 3x3
10 3 2 1 2x3 2x2 3x5

11. 30%x10; 45%x8; 60%x6; 70%x3x5

12. 36%x8; 54%x6; 68%x5; 76%x4% 84%x3; 92%x2; 100%x1, penetration

The maximum weight lifted in training or in competitions is taken as 100%, squeezes are performed from a stand of 10-12 cm, the last weight for training is performed with a pause of 2-3 seconds.

Bench press in the gym

Accessory exercises should not be similar to the main ones; never do them to failure. To avoid muscle overtraining, do them for your own pleasure, with a reserve of 2-3 repetitions. The assistance is performed, first of all, to strengthen the ligaments, and then pump up the muscles.

The rest between training of the pectoral muscles is 1-2 days, depending on the individual recovery of the body after strength training in the gym.

Once you've completed the first training system to increase your bench press, move on to the second part.

Part 2 - How to Increase Bench Press Strength

36% 54% 68% 76% 80% 84% 88% 92% 88%
1 8 6 6 5 4 3 3 2x22x3
2 8 6 6 5 4 3 4x3
3 8 6 6 5 4 5x5
4 8 6 6 5 4 3 3 3x33x3
5 8 6 6 5 4 3 3x3
6 8 6 5 4 3 3 penetration

On average, if you have never done this training program, and your bench press ranges from 120-140 kg, then the increase will be about 5-10 kg.

The higher your bench press, the more difficult it is to increase strength, especially without the use of steroids.

Training program for deadlift and squat

8 microcycles, 14 days each, resulting in 4 workouts per week, or 3, then the last two are combined. Three or four workouts a week is a convention, if you feel that your muscles are sore and recovery has not fully completed, then it is better to rest for 1-2 days, this is especially true when you get to heavy working approaches.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 74 52 88 74 52 88
2 76 54 100 76 54 100
3 78 56 90 78 56 90
4 80 58 M 80 58 M
5 82 60 92 82 60 92
6 84 62 102 84 62 102
7 86 64 94 86 64 94
8 88 66 M 88 66 M

Using the system is very simple:

  • Pm, Tm – 3x5
  • Ps, Ts – 3x3
  • Pb, Tb – 3x1
  • 100, 102% – 2x1
  • M – penetration

The first number is approaches, the second is repetitions.

The above two training programs are made for strength athletes, but you can easily adapt it to bodybuilding, knowing the features of pumping up the body.

Squatting with a barbell on your shoulders in the gym

Sports nutrition to increase strength

There are no specialized, magical supplements to increase strength. Except, of course, anabolic steroids (for example), which, if used incorrectly, can simply destroy health and the athlete will end his career.

Therefore, if you are not a professional athlete who is not threatened by the sport of the highest achievements, where people earn huge money and find sponsors, forget about it, focus your attention on sports nutrition, while correct use which can significantly increase the strength of an athlete.

It is important to understand that the supplement itself is useless; it must be combined with strength exercises apply it, then the muscles will respond to the load, increasing strength.


The most important supplement for increasing strength is creatine(nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid), it plays a huge role in energy metabolism when it comes to anaerobic form of training.

Accumulating mainly in the muscles, creatine accumulates energy, firing high levels of explosive power in competitions or training.

If there is a lack of creatine in the body, the athlete's strength will inevitably decline. Therefore, if you regularly work out in the gym and are looking to increase strength, creatine supplements should be #1 in your bag. sports nutrition.

Taking creatine monohydrate

Other supplements for strength gains

As already mentioned, creatine is an essential supplement that an athlete should take when engaging in strength training. However, if there is a lack of microelements, protein, fatty acids in the body, there will be under-recovery, despite the abundance of creatine. As you can see, everything is interconnected; you cannot remove one thing and hope for a good result in strength exercises.

Include in your diet also such important supplements as:

  • fatty acids
  • quality protein
  • BCAA amino acids

This is the minimum set strength athlete, which should always be on a shelf at home or in a locker in the locker room.

Also don't forget to eat more fruit And vegetables, which contain natural and so necessary for the body during increased physical activity.

Success, both in powerlifting and in bodybuilding, depends not only on the person, but also on the genetic predisposition to a particular sport. It’s no secret that in order to achieve great success, an athlete needs to train hard for a long time and believe in yourself, don’t forget these simple things, and then you will achieve a lot, not only in sports, but also in life.

Aimed at increasing strength in one movement. This means that the athlete is training his ability to lift more weight in one approach. Of course, other strength indicators will also increase, but first of all, the weight on the bar will increase in one repetition.

What is this for? The fact is that there is a golden rule of bodybuilding - two muscles are always stronger than one. Muscle fibers are divided into fast and slow. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are trained with volumetric mass training, but fast-twitch muscle fibers are best trained in strength training programs. Accordingly, if you pump up all muscle qualities, then, in the end, the result will be higher than if you pump up only one muscle fiber.

The strength training program does not pump well the slow muscle fibers, which provide the bulk of the muscle mass, but you will still gain weight. It is impossible to increase strength without increasing mass, but you will not only increase your potential by developing fast-twitch muscle fibers, but also by increasing your strength, you will be able to progress more easily by training with a training program for bulking.

When training for strength, you will often have to work with submaximal weights, so you will need to microperiodize the load. The essence of this process is that you do not constantly move forward, but do it in waves. Those. You should alternate between light, medium and hard workouts. If you neglect this, you will become overtrained and either stop progressing, or your strength indicators will begin to slide down.

The need for microperiodization arises because the body simply does not have time to recover. But, if you squat with a weight less than twice your own weight, then you can do without microperiodization, constantly giving yourself hard training. True, only if you get enough sleep and are not very tired in everyday life. A strength training program requires dedication, forget about alcohol! An excellent solution would be to take a course of creatine, this sports supplement will be very effective for this program.

Before you begin your training program, you must complete a walkthrough. The idea is that you warm up, then put some weight on the barbell that you can roughly do 2-3 reps with, but only do 1, and then begin to increase the weight of the barbell with each set until you can complete a set. The maximum weight with which you were able to do the exercise is your maximum weight, from which you will calculate percentages.

Day I– legs and chest
Barbell squats 90% - 7 sets: 5; 5; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1
Bench press 70% - 5 sets of 5 reps


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